Users Manual


Users Manual

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             What’s inside
             Welcome! ................................................................ 2
             Getting started ...................................................... 3
             Tour of the system ............................................... 7
             Everyday use.........................................................13
                 Cameras ............................................................14
                 Motion/Alerts ..................................................18
                 Recording ......................................................... 21

User Guide       Playing Back Pictures and Videos .......22
                 Sleep Mode .....................................................23
                 Lullabies ...........................................................24
                 Settings ............................................................26
             Troubleshooting / FAQs ..................................28

Getting Started

                  This baby monitoring system                    Step 1: Unpack
                  makes it simple to keep your
                  eyes and ears on your little
                  one! This guide takes you
                  through the steps to get

                                                                   Wireless camera        Parent monitor

                  See our setup videos
                  Go to
                  Electronics or scan the QR code

                                                                 The accessories:

                  Before you start...                            (2) 10-foot charging cables
                                                                 (2) power adapters
                  Make sure you read the Important Information
                  sheet included in this package.



                                                                                               Getting Started
Step 2: Charge the monitor                   Step 3: Position the camera(s)
           Find one of the charging          Find a location for the
           cables included in this           camera that gives you the
           package.                          best view of your baby in his
                                             or her crib.
           Plug one end of this cable into
           the USB CHARGING jack on
           the side of the parent monitor.

           Plug the other end of the
           charging cable into one of the    Place the camera on a flat surface, like a
           included charging adapters.       dresser or shelf, or mount the camera to a wall
           Then plug the adapter into an     using the keyhole slots on its bottom.
           outlet or surge protector.        IMPORTANT: NEVER place the camera or cords
                                             of any kind inside the crib. NEVER place the
                                             camera or cords within reach of the baby.

 Strangulation Hazard: Children have STRANGLED in
 cords. Keep this cord out of the reach of children (more
 than 3ft (0.9m) away). Never use extension cords with
 AC Adapters. Only use the AC Adapters provided.


Getting Started

                  Step 4: Plug in the camera(s)                     Step 5: Turn on the monitor
                  Find the other charging cable(s) included in                    Press and hold the POWER
                  this package.                                                   button on the parent monitor to
                                                                                  turn it on.
                                       Plug one end into the
                                       CHARGING jack on the
                                       back of the camera(s).
                                                                    Your system is ready to use! The camera(s)
                                                                    comes pre-paired with your parent monitor.
                                                                    However, it’s a good idea to go ahead and set
                                                                    the time on your parent monitor now, before
                                                                    you start using it.

                                       Plug the other end into      For information on how to use your new
                                       a charging adapter. Then     system, see the next chapter of this owner’s
                                       plug the adapter into an     manual.
                                       outlet or surge protector.

                                       The camera turns on
                                       automatically when it’s
                                       plugged in (the indicator
                                       light on the base below
                                       the camera lens turns


                                                                                                            Getting Started
Step 6: Set the time on the monitor
1   Press the MENU button on the parent           4   Use the up/down arrow buttons to set the
    monitor. The menu appears on screen.              hours, minutes, and AM/PM. Press OK/
                                                      ZOOM when you’re finished.

                                                               72º                            12:00AM

                                                                     Time Set          Time: 12:00 AM
                                                                     Factory Reset
                                                                     Product Information

2   Use the arrows to highlight SETTINGS. Press
    OK/ZOOM to select it. The Settings menu
    appears on screen.

         72º                         12:00AM

3   Press the down arrow to highlight Time Set.
    Press OK/ZOOM to select it.

         72º                         12:00AM

               Time Set
               Factory Reset
               Product Information


                     TOUR OF THE SYSTEM
                     Parent Monitor                                         accesses the system’s menu screens.
Tour of the system

                                                                             turns the monitor on and off (press and

                                                                          and      turn the volume down/up. In menu
                                                                       screens, these navigate left/right.

                                                                            zooms the camera in/out.

                                                                         and     navigate up/down in menu screens.

                                                                       SOUND LEVEL indicators show you the level of
                                                                       sound from your baby’s room.

                     Watching baby                                          lets you talk through the camera’s
                                                                       speaker. Press and hold while talking.
                     You can turn the display on and off without
                     turning the monitor off. You’ll still hear your
                     baby, but the display will be asleep until you          turns the screen on and off. Press and
                     awaken it.                                        hold to switch cameras.
                     To turn the display on or off: Press the
                     VIDEO ON/OFF button on the parent


                             Parent monitor side and back panels
                             USB CHARGING jack plugs into your charging cable to recharge
                             or power the parent monitor.
                             Built-in easel stand lets you stand the unit on a flat surface.

                                                                                                  Tour of the system
  Built-in easel

Zoom                         Talking to baby                    Listening to baby
To zoom the active camera:   To talk through the speaker        The SOUND LEVEL
Press the OK/ZOOM button     on the active camera: Press        indicators on the parent
on the parent monitor.       and hold the TALK button on        monitor show you at a
                             the parent monitor.                glance the sound level in
                                                                your baby’s room, regardless
                             Talk normally to the parent
                                                                of how loud the audio is on
                             monitor while you’re
                                                                the parent monitor.
                             pressing the TALK button—
                             your voice will come out on        To increase or decrease
                             the camera’s speaker.              the volume of the audio
                                                                monitor: Press the VOL+ or
                             Release the TALK button
                                                                VOL– buttons on the parent
                             when you’re done talking.


                     Status Bar Indicators
                                Parent monitor               shows the strength of the current camera’s signal.

                                                           Temperature reading shows the temperature in Fahrenheit
Tour of the system

                          72º                    2:35 PM
                                                           at the active camera. If you want to change this to Celsius,
                                                           see page 27 for instructions.

                         Temperature                                     shows the camera that the monitor is currently

                                                             indicates that the Low Battery Noise alert is on. This
                                                           means the monitor gives an audio signal when it needs to
                                                           be recharged. See page 18 for instructions on turning this
                                                           on and off.

                                                                indicates that Motion Activated Video Alert is on. This
                                                           means the monitor automatically switches on whenever
                                                           the camera detects motion. See page 18 for instructions on
                                                           turning this on and off.

                                                              indicates that Sound Activated Video Alert is on. This
                                                           means the monitor automatically switches on whenever
                                                           the camera detects sound. See page 18 for instructions on
                                                           turning this on and off.

                                                             indicates that Temperature Alert is on. This means
                                                           the monitor shows an alert message if the temperature
                                                           at a camera gets too high or too low. See page 19 for
                                                           instructions on setting temperature alerts.


  indicates the Lullabies are playing through one of the cameras. See page 24 for instructions on
playing lullabies.

  indicates that the camera is using night vision. The cameras automatically switch to night vision
when they detect that the room has gotten dark.

                                                                                                      Tour of the system
               indicate that the monitor is scanning through the available cameras. The number
indicates how quickly the monitor switches cameras. See page 17 for information on turning
camera scanning on and off.

       indicates the level of the monitor’s rechargeable battery. If you see   or    in this space,
it’s time to recharge. See page 3 for more information.

On-Screen Indicators
      appears when you’ve pressed the TALK button and are talking through the camera’s
      speaker. See page 8 for more information.

      appears when the monitor cannot get the signal from the active camera or when another
      monitor is in use. See page 27 for more information.

      appears when a Temperature Alert has been triggered because your baby’s room is too hot
      or cold.

      appears when the monitor’s rechargeable battery has less than 10% charge.


                     Camera (front, back, and side)
                                   Microphone   Nighttime sensor
Tour of the system


                                                                   Mounting keyholes

                     POWER (back) turns the camera on and off (press and hold).

                     PAIR (back) links the camera securely with the monitor (press and hold).

                     CHARGING (back) plugs into your charging cable to recharge or power the camera.

                     Mounting keyholes (bottom) let you mount the camera on a wall (mounting hardware not
                     Thermal sensor detects the temperature around the camera.


This system’s menus let you set         72º                         12:00AM

up more cameras, set motion
and temperature alerts, and
much more. This section takes
you through each menu.                        Parent Monitor Menu

                                                                                   Everyday use

      Press MENU to access the menus.

                    Use the arrows to
                    highlight items.

                    Press OK/ZOOM to


                                                      The Cameras menu lets you pair additional cameras or remove
                                                      them from your list of cameras. If you have multiple cameras,
                                                      this menu also lets you scan through them one by one.

                                                      ACCESSING THE CAMERAS MENU
                           Parent Monitor
                               Front                  1    Press MENU on the parent monitor.

                                                      2    Use the arrow buttons to highlight the Cameras icon, and
                                                           press OK/ZOOM to select it.
Everyday use

                    72º                     12:00AM   PAIRING AN ADDITIONAL CAMERA
                          View Camera
                          Scan Cameras
                                                      1   Before you start pairing the monitor with your new camera,
                          Pair Camera                     bring the camera into the same room so that you have it
                          Delete Camera
                                                          handy. You can put it back in the baby’s room once you’ve
                                                          finished pairing. Make sure the camera is plugged in and
                                                          turned on before you start.

                                                      2   In the Cameras menu, press the down arrow to highlight Pair
                                                          Camera. Press OK/ZOOM to select it.


72º                            12:00AM
                                                  3   Press the Pair button on the bottom of the new camera.
       View Camera
       Scan Cameras
       Pair Camera     Pair:   Camera     1
                                                  4   Use the up/down arrows to select Pair: Camera 2, Pair:
       Delete Camera   Pair:   Camera     2           Camera 3, or Pair: Camera 4. Press OK/ZOOM to select it.
                       Pair:   Camera     3
                       Pair:   Camera     4
                                                  5   If the monitor screen shows a green checkmark next to Pair:
                                                      Camera, you’re all set to use the monitor and the camera! (If
                                                      it shows a red X, put the camera closer to the monitor and
                                                      try again.)

72º                            12:00AM            VIEWING AND SCANNING CAMERAS
      View Camera                                 You can customize how you view your cameras on screen.

                                                                                                                            Everyday use
      Scan Cameras
      Pair Camera
      Delete Camera
                                                  To view a different camera:
                                                  1   In the Cameras menu, highlight View Camera. Press OK/
                                                      ZOOM to select it.
72º                             12:00AM
                                                  2   Use the up/down arrows to select the camera you want to
      View Camera      View:    Camera        1       view. Press OK/ZOOM to select it. The screen switches to
      Scan Cameras     View:    Camera        2
      Pair Camera      View:    Camera        3
                                                      that camera, and the status bar at the top of the screen
      Delete Camera    View:    Camera        4       indicates the camera you’re viewing: , , , or         .

                                                        TIP: You can also switch cameras by pressing and holding the
                                                        VIDEO ON/OFF button on the parent monitor.


                    72º                         12:00AM
                                                             To scan through the cameras automatically:
                          View Camera
                          Scan Cameras     Scan: Off
                                                             1   In the Cameras menu, highlight Scan Cameras. Press OK/
                          Pair Camera      Scan: 5 Secs          ZOOM to select it.
                          Delete Camera    Scan: 10 Secs
                                           Scan: 15 Secs
                                                             2   Use the up/down arrows to select how quickly you want
                                                                 to switch cameras: every 5, 10, or 15 seconds. Press OK/
                                                                 ZOOM to select that option. The screen switches to the first
                                                                 camera, and the status bar at the top of the screen shows an
                                                                 indicator for scanning:     ,     , or    . It also shows the
               NOTE: You must have more
               than one camera paired with
                                                                 camera you’re viewing.
               a monitor in order to scan                        To stop scanning cameras: select Scan Cameras in the
               cameras.                                          Cameras menu. Then select Scan: Off.
Everyday use

                    72º                         12:00AM      REMOVING A CAMERA FROM THE LIST
                          View Camera
                          Scan Cameras
                                                             1   In the Cameras menu, highlight Delete Camera. Press OK/
                          Pair Camera                            ZOOM to select it.
                          Delete Camera   Delete: Camera 1
                                          Delete: Camera 2
                                          Delete: Camera 3
                                                             2   Use the up/down arrows to select the camera you want to
                                          Delete: Camera 4       remove from the list. Press OK/ZOOM to select it. The screen
                                                                 confirms that the camera has been deleted.
                                                                 IMPORTANT: In order to use this camera with the system,
                                                                 you’ll need to pair it with this monitor again.


                                          The Motion/Alerts menu lets you set up alerts that are activated
                                          by motion, sound, or temperature in your baby’s room. It also
                                          lets you set up an alert for when the monitor’s rechargeable
                                          battery needs to be recharged.

          Parent Monitor
                                          ACCESSING THE MOTION/ALERTS MENU
                                          1    Press MENU on the parent monitor.

                                          2    Use the arrow buttons highlight the Motion/Alerts icon,
                                               and press OK/ZOOM to select it.

                                                                                                              Everyday use
72º                             12:00AM   SETTING UP MOTION ACTIVATION
      Motion Activated Video: OFF         You can set up the monitor so that it automatically shows video
      Sound Activated Video: OFF
      Temperature Alert: OFF              when the camera detects that your baby is moving.
      Low Battery Noise Alert: OFF
      Out of Range Alert: OFF
                                          1   In the Motion/Alerts menu, press OK/ZOOM to select
                                              Motion Activated Video.


                    72º                                  12:00AM
                                                                      2   Use the up/down arrows to select the amount of sensitivity
                                                                          you want for the motion sensor: ON: Low, ON: Medium, or
                          Motion Activated Video         OFF
                          Sound Activated Video: OFF     ON: LOW          ON: High. The status bar at the top of the screen shows an
                          Temperature Alert: OFF         ON: Medium
                          Low Battery Noise Alert: OFF   ON: High         indicator for motion activation:    .
                          Out of Range Alert: OFF
                                                                          Note: You might want to test different levels of sensitivity
                                                                          for this alert, to find the best fit for your environment and

                                                                      SETTING UP SOUND ACTIVATION
Everyday use

                                                                      You can set up the monitor so that it automatically shows video
                                                                      when the camera detects sound from your baby.
                    72º                                   12:00AM
                                                                      1   In the Motion/Alerts menu, press OK/ZOOM to select Sound
                          Motion Activated Video: OFF                     Activated Video.
                          Sound Activated Video          OFF
                          Temperature Alert: OFF
                          Low Battery Noise Alert: OFF
                          Out of Range Alert: OFF
                                                         ON: LOW
                                                         ON: Medium
                                                         ON: High
                                                                      2   Use the up/down arrows to select the amount of sensitivity
                                                                          you want for the sound sensor: ON: Low, ON: Medium, or
                                                                          ON: High. The status bar at the top of the screen shows an
                                                                          indicator for sound activation:   .
                                                                          Note: You might want to test different levels of sensitivity
                                                                          for this alert, to find the best fit for your environment and


72º                                  12:00AM
                                                  SETTING TEMPERATURE ALERTS
      Motion Activated Video: OFF                 These alerts tell you when your baby’s room is too hot or too
      Sound Activated Video: ON
      Temperature Alert              High Temp:   cold.
      Low Battery Noise Alert: OFF      ON: 81
      Out of Range Alert: OFF           OFF
                                     Low Temp:
                                        ON: 63
                                                  1 In the Motion/Alerts menu, select Temperature Alert.
                                                  2 	 Activate the temperature alert you want to use, then set it.

                                                      The status bar at the top of the screen will show an indicator
                                                      for temperature alerts: .
                                                      To set a high temperature alert: Highlight High Temp: ON
                                                      and press OK/ZOOM. Use the up/down arrows to set the
                                                      temperature you want to set for the high temperature alert.
72º                                   12:00AM
                                                      Press OK/ZOOM to set it.
                                                      To set a low temperature alert: Highlight Low Temp: ON

                                                                                                                          Everyday use
          High Temperature level                      and press OK/ZOOM. Use the up/down arrows to set the
          has been detected                           temperature you want to set for the high temperature alert.
          Camera 1: 81º F
                  OK                                  Press OK/ZOOM to set it.
                                                  If the temperature in your baby’s room goes beyond the limit(s)
                                                  you set, the parent monitor displays an alert.

                                                  SETTING A LOW-BATTERY ALERT
                                                  This alert tells you when the monitor needs to be recharged.

                                                  1   In the Motion/Alerts menu, highlight Low Battery Noise and
                                                      press OK/ZOOM to select it.

                                                  2 	 Use the up/down arrows to turn the low-battery alert on
                                                      or off. The status bar at the top of the screen shows an
                                                      indicator for the low-battery alert: .


                    72º                           12:00AM   SETTING AN OUT-OF-RANGE ALERT
                          Motion Activated Video: OFF
                                                            This alert tells you when the monitor is out of range of the
                          Sound Activated Video: OFF        camera.
                          Temperature Alert: OFF

                          Low Battery Noise Alert: ON
                          Out of Range Alert OFF                In the Motion/Alerts menu, highlight Out of Range Alert and
                                                                press OK/ZOOM to select it.

                                                            2 	 Use the up/down arrows to turn the out-of-range alert on
                                                                or off. The status bar at the top of the screen shows an
                                                                indicator for the out-of-range alert: .
Everyday use


                                         Sleep Mode
                                         You can set up your monitor to turn off the display
                                         automatically after a set amount of time.

          Parent Monitor                 ACCESSING THE SLEEP MODE MENU
                                         1 	    Press MENU on the parent monitor.

                                         2 	    Use the arrow buttons to highlight the Sleep Mode icon,
                                                and press OK/ZOOM to select it.

                                                                                                               Everyday use
72º                          12:00AM     SETTING SLEEP MODE
      Sleep Mode (video off, sound on)
                                         1     In the Sleep Mode menu, press OK/ZOOM to turn sleep
            ON: 5 mins                         mode on.
            ON: 30 mins
            ON: 60 mins
                                         2 	 Use the up and down arrows to select the delay before the
                                               display turns off automatically: 5, 30, or 60 minutes. (The
                                               audio from your camera will stay on even when the display is


                                                        This Project Nursery system comes with 3 lullabies, a nature
                                                        sound, and white noise ready to play—simply choose the one
                                                        you want, and the camera you’re on will play it back.

                      Parent Monitor
                                                        PLAYING LULLABIES OR WHITE NOISE
                          Front                         1   Make sure the monitor is displaying the camera you want to
                                                            play the lullaby on. If you want to play on a different camera,
                                                            press the MENU button and select CAMERAS. Then press
                                                            OK/ZOOM to select View Camera and choose the camera
                                                            you want.

                                                        2 	 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
Everyday use

                                                        3 	 Highlight LULLABIES and press OK/ZOOM to choose it.
                72º                           12:00AM   4 	 Highlight the option you want to play and press OK/ZOOM
                                                            to start playing it. The status bar at the top of the screen
                      “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”        shows an indicator for lullabies: .
                      “Brahms’ Lullaby”
                      White Noise
                      Play All
                                                         NOTE: If there’s a lullaby currently playing on a camera, a green arrow
                                                         icon appears next to it.


                                    You can adjust the brightness of the display, and set it to
                                    automatically dim after a set amount of time.

                                    ADJUSTING BRIGHTNESS
      Parent Monitor
          Front                     1 	   Press MENU on the parent monitor.

                                    2 	   Use the arrow buttons to highlight the Display icon, and
                                          press OK/ZOOM to select it.

                                    3     In the Display menu, highlight Adjust Brightness, and press

                                                                                                          Everyday use
                                          OK/ZOOM to select it.

                                    4 	   Use the up and down arrows to adjust the brightness. Press
                                          OK/ZOOM when you’ve finished.

                                    SETTING AUTO DIMMING
72º                       12:00AM

                                    1     In the Display menu, highlight Auto Dimming. Press OK/
      Adjust Brightness
      Auto Dimming
                                          ZOOM to select it.

                                    2 	   Use the up and down arrows to choose the delay for auto
                                          dimming the display: 5, 10, or 30 minutes. Press OK/ZOOM
                                          to select.


                                                      The Settings menu lets you customize the monitor to match
                                                      your preferences. It also gives you technical information about
                                                      the monitor and support.

                                                      ACCESSING THE SETTINGS MENU
                      Parent Monitor
                          Front                       1 	    Press MENU on the parent monitor.

                                                      2 	    Use the arrow buttons to highlight the Settings icon, and
                                                             press OK/ZOOM to select it.
Everyday use

                72º                         12:00AM   SETTING YOUR TEMPERATURE PREFERENCE
                      Time Set
                                                      1     In the Settings menu, press OK/ZOOM to select
                      Factory Reset                         Temperature.
                      Product Information
                                                      2 	 Use the up and down arrows to select how you’d like
                                                            temperature to be displayed: in degrees Fahrenheit or
                                                            Celsius. Press OK/ZOOM when you’ve finished.


72º                                     12:00AM         SETTING THE TIME
       Time Set          Time: 12:00 AM
                                                        1   In the Settings menu, press the down arrow to highlight
       Factory Reset                                        Time Set. Press OK/ZOOM to select it.
       Product Information
                                                        2 	 Use the up/down arrows to set the time. Press OK/ZOOM
                                                            when you’re finished.

72º                                    12:00AM          RESETTING TO FACTORY SETTINGS
      Temperature                                       If you’ve tried all of the troubleshooting solutions to solve
      Time Set
      Factory Reset         Reset to Factory Default?   a problem, and nothing seems to work, you might need to
      Product Information
                            Cancel                      reset the monitor to its factory settings and start setup again.
                                                        WARNING: Resetting to factory settings erases all of your
                                                        custom settings. You will have to set up the monitor from

                                                                                                                            Everyday use

                                                        GETTING SUPPORT AND TECHNICAL
                                                        1   In the Settings menu, press the down arrow to highlight one
                                                            of the support or technical information options: Support or
                                                            Product Information. Press OK/ZOOM to select it.

                                                        2 	 Press OK/ZOOM to exit.


                  4. TROUBLESHOOTING / FAQS
                  Most issues with the Project Nursery baby monitoring system can be solved by following one of
                  the troubleshooting tips below. For additional assistance, please call 1-844-393-7338.
                  I don’t see video from the camera on my monitor.
                  + Make sure your monitor is turned on (press the Power button). If it is, press the VIDEO ON/
                    OFF button to make sure the monitor’s display is awake. Make sure the camera is plugged in to
                    a working outlet and turned on.

                  I see the     icon on the screen.
                  + Make sure the camera you’re trying to view is plugged in to a working outlet and turned on.
                  + Make sure the monitor is within range (maximum 800 ft) of the camera you’re trying to display
                    (certain kinds of signal obstacles, like large metal objects, might shorten the range somewhat).
                  + The monitor you’re using might have become un-paired with the camera. See page 15 for
                    instructions on pairing a monitor and camera.
                  I can’t hear sounds from baby’s room.
                  + Make sure the monitor is turned up. Press the VOL+ button until you hear sounds from your
                    baby’s room.
                  + Make sure the microphone on the camera is not blocked. The microphone is just above the

                  The lullabies aren’t playing.
                  + If you have multiple cameras, make sure you’ve chosen the one you want the lullabies to play
                    on before you start the lullaby. Go to Cameras > Select Camera and choose the camera you
                    want. Then go to Lullabies and select an option to play.


The temperature alerts don’t work.
+ Make sure you’ve set the temperature preference to the system you use, Fahrenheit (standard
  in the US) or Celsius (standard outside the US). To switch your temperature preference, go to
  Settings > Temperature.
+ Make sure you’ve set the right kind of temperature alert—for example, if you want to make sure
  your baby’s room does not get below 68 degrees Fahrenheit, set the Low Temp Temperature
  Alert to 68. If you want to make sure your baby’s room doesn’t get above a certain
  temperature, set the High Temp Temperature Alert to that temperature.

Motion alerts don’t work.
+ You might need to adjust the sensitivity of the alerts—for example, if Motion Activated Video
  is set to ON: Low, the monitor will not come on as often as when Motion Activated Video is
  set to ON: Medium or ON: High. To adjust this setting, go to Motion/Alerts > Motion Activated
+ If you have multiple cameras, you might need to change the active camera—motion alerts work
  for the active camera only. Press VIDEO ON/OFF to make sure the camera you want to use for
  motion alerts—the one with the clearest view of your baby, for example—is the one displayed.

Sound alerts don’t work.
+ You might need to adjust the sensitivity of the alerts—for example, if Sound Activated Video is
  set to ON: Low, the monitor will not come on as often as when Sound Activated Video is set to
  ON: Medium or ON: High. To adjust this setting, go to Motion/Alerts > Sound Activated Video.
+ If you have multiple cameras, you might need to change the active camera—sound alerts work

  for the active camera only. Press VIDEO ON/OFF to make sure the camera you want to use for
  sound alerts—the one closest to your baby, for example—is the one displayed.


©2017 Voxx Accessories Corp..
3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 220.
Indianapolis, IN 46268            PNM4N11 UG 00

IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                                                                               • Only use the chargers and power adapters provided. Do not use other chargers or power adapters as this
                                                                                                                    may damage the device and battery pack.
for Project Nursery PNM4N11                                                                                         • Only insert a battery pack of the same type.
                                                                                                                    • Do not touch the plug contacts with sharp or metal objects.

      CAUTION                 Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back).         CAUTION
RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK.       No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.     The Unit shall be installed and used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands are maintained at
     DO NOT OPEN.                                                                                                   a distance of approximately 8 inches (20 cm) or more.
                                                                                                                    The camera should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and
                                                                                                                    your body.

      WARNING:                                                                                                      The USB Port is for charging only.

Strangulation Hazard: Children have                                                                                 At the end of the product lifecycle, you should not dispose of this product with normal household waste. Take
                                                                                                                    this product to a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. The symbol on the
STRANGLED in cords. Keep this cord                                                                                  product, user’s guide and/or box indicates this.
                                                                                                                    Some of the product materials can be reused if you take them to a recycling point. By reusing some parts or
out of the reach of children (more                                                                                  raw materials from used products you make an important contribution to the protection of the environment.
                                                                                                                    Please contact your local authorities in case you need more information on the collection points in your area.
than 3ft (1m) away). Never use                                                                                      Dispose of the battery pack in an environmentally-friendly manner according to your local regulations.
extension cords with AC Adapters.                                                                                   Cleaning
Only use the AC Adapters provided.                                                                                  Clean the Baby Monitor with a slightly damp cloth or with an anti-static cloth. Never use cleaning agents or
                                                                                                                    abrasive solvents.

Baby Unit SET UP & USE:                                                                                             Cleaning and care
• Determine a location for the Baby Unit that will provide the best view of your baby in his/her crib.              • Do not clean any part of the product with thinners or other solvents and chemicals –- this may cause
• Place the Baby Unit on a flat surface, such as a dresser, bureau, or shelf or mount the Unit to a wall securely     permanent damage to the product which is not covered by the warranty.
  using the keyhole slots under the stand.                                                                          • Keep the Baby Monitor away from hot, humid areas or strong sunlight, and don’t let it get wet.
• NEVER place the Baby Unit or cords within the crib.                                                               • Every effort has been made to ensure high standards of reliability for your Baby Monitor. However, if
• Do not place the Baby Unit or cords in the crib or within reach of the baby (the unit and cords should be           something does go wrong, please do not try to repair it yourself –- contact Customer Service for assistance.
  more than 3 feet away).
                                                                                                                    FCC and IC regulations
For PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily                FCC Part l5
                                                                                                                    NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
The power unit for this device should be plugged in so that it stays vertical or lies flat.                         pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These limits are designed
This product contains a non-removeable Lithium Ion rechargeable battery.                                            to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
                                                                                                                    generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
                                                                                                                    the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
WARNING                                                                                                             that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference
This digital video Baby Monitor is compliant with all relevant standards regarding electromagnetic fields and
                                                                                                                    to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
is, when handled as described in the User’s Guide, safe to use. Therefore, always read the instructions in this
                                                                                                                    encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
User’s Guide carefully before using the device.
                                                                                                                    • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Adult assembly is required. Keep small parts away from children when assembling.                                  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• This product is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it.                                                 • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• This Baby Monitor is not a substitute for responsible adult supervision.                                          • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
• Keep this User’s Guide for future reference.
• Do not place the Baby Unit or cords in the crib or within reach of the baby (the unit and cords should be         Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
more than 3 feet away)                                                                                              could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
• Keep the cords out of reach of children.                                                                          This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
• Do not cover the Baby Monitor with a towel or blanket.                                                            this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
• Never use extension cords with power adapters. Only use the power adapters provided.                              including interference that may cause undesired operation.
• Test this monitor and all its functions so that you are familiar with it prior to actual use.                     Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this device.
• Do not use the Baby Monitor near water.
• Do not install the Baby Monitor near a heat source.                                                               To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy that can
                                                                                                                    be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. This product has
                                                                                                                    been tested and found to comply with the FCC criteria.

FCC Caution: To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the            12 Month Limited Warranty
party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. (Example - use
only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices).                                 Voxx Accessories Corporation (the “Company”) warrants to the original retail purchaser of this product that
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement                                                                                   should this product or any part thereof, under normal use and conditions, be proven defective in material or
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This      workmanship within 12 months from the date of original purchase, such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced
equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator          with new or reconditioned product (at the Company’s option) without charge for parts and repair labor.
and your body.                                                                                                     To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of the warranty, the product is to be delivered with proof of
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.         warranty coverage (e.g. dated bill of sale), specification of defect(s), transportation prepaid, to an approved
                                                                                                                   warranty station. For the location of the nearest warranty station to you, call toll-free to our control office:
The antennas used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20           1-844-393-7338.
cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
transmitter.                                                                                                       This Warranty is not transferable and does not cover product purchased, serviced or used outside the United
                                                                                                                   States or Canada. The warranty does not extend to the elimination of externally generated static, noise, or
IC Radiation Exposure Statement                                                                                    loss of range or audio/video quality due to external factors, to costs incurred for the installation, removal or
This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.       reinstallation of the product, or to damage to digital media devices or memory.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and               The warranty does not apply to any product or part thereof which, in the opinion of the company, has
your body.                                                                                                         suffered or been damaged through alteration, improper installation, mishandling, misuse, neglect, accident or
Déclaration d’exposition à la radiation                                                                            exposure to moisture. This warranty does not apply to damage caused by an AC adapter not provided with
Cet équipement respecte les limites d’exposition aux rayonnements IC RSS-102 définies pour un                      the product or by removal or defacement of factory serial number/barcode labels.
environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et mis en marche à une distance minimale de          THE EXTENT OF THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR
20 cm qui sépare l’élément rayonnant de votre corps.                                                               REPLACEMENT PROVIDED ABOVE AND, IN NO EVENT, SHALL THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY EXCEED THE
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.                                                    PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY PURCHASER FOR THE PRODUCT.
CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B)                                                                                             This Warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties or liabilities. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING
                                                                                                                   ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL
                                                                                                                   BE LIMITED TO DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. ANY ACTION FOR BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY
Changes or modifications, to this equipment not expressively approved by the party responsible for                 HEREUNDER, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY, MUST BE BROUGHT WITHIN A PERIOD OF 24
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.                                               MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. IN NO CASE SHALL THE COMPANY BE LIABLE
The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.                            FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER. No person or representative is
Industry Canada                                                                                                    authorized to assume for the Company any liability other than expressed herein in connection with the sale of
                                                                                                                   this product.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s): Operation is subject to the
following Two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any           Some states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.                             limitation of incidental or consequential damage so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to
                                                                                                                   you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state/
The term “IC: “ before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical
                                                                                                                   province to state/province.
specifications were met. This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications.
                                                                                                                   ©2017 Voxx Accessories Corp. 		              3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 220             Indianapolis, IN 46268
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts
de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire       For customer service, call 1-844-393-7338
de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

           Product Information
           Keep your sales receipt to obtain warranty parts and service and for proof of purchase. Attach it
           here and record the serial and model numbers in case you need them. These numbers are located
           on the product.
           Model No.:______________________________________________________________________
           Purchase Date:_ _________________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                                                                                                        PNM4N11 Safety/Warranty 01

Document Created: 2017-04-29 16:30:41
Document Modified: 2017-04-29 16:30:41

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