03 FCC Test Report_DXX


Test Report

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                                                                                 Test report No.        : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                 Page                   : 1 of 30
                                                                                 Issued date            : April 8, 2019
                                                                                 FCC ID                 : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                   EMI TEST REPORT
                                 Test Report No. : 12651957M-A-R1
          Applicant                            :     MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.

          Type of Equipment                    :     Contactless Smart Card Reader

          Model No.                            :     RDFL-B03H

          Test regulation                      :     FCC Part 15 Subpart C: 2018

          FCC ID                               :     VBU-RDFLB03H

          Test Result                          :     Complied (Refer to Section 3.2)
           1.    This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.
           2.    The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
           3.    This sample tested is in compliance with the above regulation.
           4.    The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
           5.    This test report covers Radio technical requirements. It does not cover administrative issues
                 such as Manual or non-Radio test related Requirements. (if applicable)
           6.    The all test items in this test report are conducted by UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab.
           7.    The opinions and the interpretations to the result of the description in this report are outside
                 scopes where UL Japan has been accredited.
           8.    The information provided from the customer for this report is identified in Section 1.
           9.    This report is a revised version of 12651957M-A. 12651957M-A is replaced with this

           Date of test:                 December 19 – 21, 2018

           test operator:

                                           Kazuhiro Ando
                                     Consumer Technology Division

           Approved by :

                                         Tomoyuki Yamashita
                                      Consumer Technology Division                                          RTL02610

                The testing in which "Non-accreditation" is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in UL Japan.
                There is no testing item of "Non-accreditation"

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81-478-88-6500
Facsimile : +81-478-82-3373                                                Report Cover Page - 13-EM-F0429       Issue # 14.0

                                                                        Test report No.     : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                        Page                : 2 of 30
                                                                        Issued date         : April 8, 2019
                                                                        FCC ID              : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                    REVISION HISTORY
                              Original Test Report No.: 12651957M-A

 Revision        Test report No.         Date                Page revised     Contents
 -               12651957M-A             February 27, 2019   -                -
 1               12651957M-A-R1          April 08, 2019      P.9              Add a connector to the configuration
 1               12651957M-A-R1          April 08, 2019      P.9              Modification of the Manufacturer
                                                                              from MIWA ROCK CO., LTD. to
                                                                              MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.
 1               12651957M-A-R1          April 08, 2019      P.24             Modification of the test temperature
                                                                              from -30 deg. C to -20 deg. C.

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                             Test report No.            : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                             Page                       : 3 of 30
                                                                                             Issued date                : April 8, 2019
                                                                                             FCC ID                     : VBU-RDFLB03H

CONTENTS                                                                                                                             PAGE

SECTION 1: Customer information.......................................................................................................4
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) .........................................................................................4
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results..........................................................................5
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing ..................................................................................8
SECTION 5: Conducted Emission ........................................................................................................10
SECTION 6: Radiated emission (Fundamental , Spurious Emission and Spectrum Mask) ...........11
SECTION 7: Other test..........................................................................................................................13
APPENDIX 1: Test data ........................................................................................................................14
    Conducted Emission ......................................................................................................................... 14
    Fundamental emission and Spectrum Mask ...................................................................................... 17
    Spurious emission (Below 30 MHz) ................................................................................................. 19
    Spurious emission (Above 30 MHz) ................................................................................................. 21
    20dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth .............................................................................. 23
    Frequency Tolerance ......................................................................................................................... 24
APPENDIX 2: Test instruments ...........................................................................................................25
APPENDIX 3: Photographs of test setup .............................................................................................26
    Conducted Emission ......................................................................................................................... 26
    Radiated Emission............................................................................................................................. 27
    Worst Case Position .......................................................................................................................... 29

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                             Test report No.     : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                             Page                : 4 of 30
                                                                             Issued date         : April 8, 2019
                                                                             FCC ID              : VBU-RDFLB03H

SECTION 1:          Customer information
 Company Name                                 :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.
 Address                                      :   3-1-12, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8510     JAPAN
 Telephone Number                             :   +81-3-4330-3069
 Facsimile Number                             :   +81-3-3445-2437
 Contact Person                               :   Keiji Iwata

The information provided from the customer is as follows:
- Applicant, Type of Equipment, Model No. on the cover page and other relevant pages
- Section 1: Customer information
- Section 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
- Section 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing
* The laboratory is exempted from liability of any test results affected from the information in Section 2 and 4.

SECTION 2:          Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1        Identification of E.U.T.

 Type of Equipment                            :   Contactless Smart Card Reader
 Model No.                                    :   RDFL-B03H
 Serial No.                                   :   Refer to Section 4, Clause 4.2
 Rating                                       :   DC 12.0 V - DC 24.0 V
 Receipt Date of Sample                       :   December 19, 2018
 (Information from test lab.)
 Country of Mass-production                   :   JAPAN
 Condition of EUT                             :   Production prototype
                                                  (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
 Modification of EUT                          :   No Modification by the test lab

2.2        Product Description

 Model: RDFL-B03H (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a Contactless Smart Card Reader.

 Clock frequency: 12.5 MHz (Crystal), 100 MHz (System), 27.12 MHz (RFID)

The EUT has following similar models:
 Model No.               Specifications
 RDFL-B03H (EUT)         Available for Mifare Card only
 RDFL-B03BLE             Available for Mifare Card and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
 RDFL-B03BLES            Available for Mifare Card, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Infrared Sensor

Information of the BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) module
  FCC ID                 Manufacturer
  VPYLBZY                Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Radio Specification
  Radio Type                              :       Transceiver
  Frequency of Operation                  :       13.56 MHz
  Modulation                              :       ASK
  Antenna type                            :       Printed Loop Coil
  Operating Temperature                   :       -10 deg. C to +50 deg. C

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                               Test report No.       : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                               Page                  : 5 of 30
                                                                               Issued date           : April 8, 2019
                                                                               FCC ID                : VBU-RDFLB03H

SECTION 3:             Test specification, procedures & results

3.1           Test Specification

     Test Specification               :    FCC Part 15 Subpart C
                                           FCC Part 15 final revised on March 12, 2018 and effective April 11, 2018

     Title                            :    FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device Subpart C Intentional Radiators
                                           Section 15.207 Conducted limits
                                           Section 15.225 Operation within the band 13.110-14.010 MHz.

3.2           Procedures and results

             Item        Test Procedure                      Specification         Worst margin        Results     Remarks
                    ANSI C63.10:2013                                               [QP] 13.9 dB,
 Conducted emission 6 Standard test methods             Section 15.207            27.1200 MHz, N      Complied
                                                                                   [AV] 5.0 dB,          a)
                        <IC>RSS-Gen 8.8                 <IC>RSS-Gen 8.8           27.1200 MHz, N
                        ANSI C63.10:2013
Electric Field Strength                                                               64.3 dB,
                        6 Standard test methods         Section 15.225(a)                             Complied
   of Fundamental                                                                  13.56000 MHz,                   Radiated
       Emission                                                                       QP, 0 deg.
                        <IC> RSS-Gen 6.4, 6.12          <IC>RSS-210 B.6
                        ANSI C63.10:2013
                                                                                      35.7 dB,
                        6 Standard test methods         Section 15.225(b)(c)                          Complied
   Spectrum Mask                                                                   13.77127 MHz,                   Radiated
                                                                                      QP, 0 deg.
                             <IC>RSS-Gen 6.4, 6.13      <IC> RSS-210 B.6
                             ANSI C63.10:2013
                             6 Standard test methods    Section15.215(c)                              Complied
      20dB Bandwidth                                                                  See data                     Radiated
                        <IC> -                          <IC> -
                        ANSI C63.10:2013
                                                        Section 15.209,               13.6 dB
Electric Field Strength 6 Standard test methods                                                       Complied
                                                        Section 15.225 (d)          40.68 MHz,                     Radiated
of Spurious Emission                                                                                     e)
                                                                                    Vertical, QP
                        <IC>RSS-Gen 6.4, 6.13           <IC>RSS-210 B.6
                        ANSI C63.10:2013
                        6 Standard test methods         Section 15.225(e)                             Complied
Frequency Tolerance                                                                   See data                     Radiated
                        <IC>RSS-Gen 6.11, 8.11 <IC> RSS-210 B.6
Note: UL Japan, Inc.’s EMI Work Procedures No. 13-EM-W0420 and 13-EM-W0422

a)     Refer to Appendix 1 (data of Conducted emission)
b)     Refer to Appendix 1 (data of Fundamental emission and Spectrum Mask)
c)     Refer to Appendix 1 (data of Fundamental emission and Spectrum Mask)
d)     Refer to Appendix 1 (data of 20 dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth)
e)     Refer to Appendix 1 (data of Spurious emission(Below 30 MHz), Spurious emission (Above 30 MHz))
f)     Refer to Appendix 1 (data of Frequency Tolerance)
 Complied                 The data of this test item has enough margin, more than the measurement uncertainty.
 Complied#                The data of this test item meets the limits unless the measurement uncertainty is taken into

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                Test report No.        : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                Page                   : 6 of 30
                                                                                Issued date            : April 8, 2019
                                                                                FCC ID                 : VBU-RDFLB03H

FCC Part 15.31 (e)
This EUT provides stable voltage constantly to RF part regardless of input voltage. Therefore, this EUT complies with
the requirement.

FCC Part 15.203 Antenna requirement
It is impossible for end users to replace the antenna, because the antenna is mounted inside of the EUT. Therefore, the
equipment complies with the antenna requirement of Section 15.203.

3.3            Addition to standard

No. Item                   Test Procedure Specification      Remarks Deviation Worst margin                           Results
1   99 % Occupied          RSS-Gen 6.7       -               Radiated N/A      N/A                                        Complied
    Band Width                                                                                                              g)
Note: UL Japan, Inc.’s EMI Work Procedures No. 13-EM-W0420 and 13-EM-W0422

g)     Refer to Appendix 1 (data of 20 dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth)
 Complied           The data of this test item has enough margin, more than the measurement uncertainty.
 Complied#          The data of this test item meets the limits unless the measurement uncertainty is taken into
Other than above, no addition, exclusion nor deviation has been made from the standard.

3.4            Uncertainty

There is no applicable rule of uncertainty in this applied standard. Therefore, the following results are derived depending on
whether or not laboratory uncertainty is applied.

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95% using a coverage factor k = 2.
Conducted emission
               Frequency range               Uncertainty    Uncertainty (+/-)
              0.15 MHz to 30 MHz               3.4 dB            3.2dB

Radiated emission
                        Frequency range      Uncertainty    Uncertainty (+/-)
         3m             9 kHz to 30 MHz      Not Defined         3.0 dB
                       30 MHz to 200 MHz                         5.2 dB
                                               6.3 dB
                      200 MHz to 1000 MHz                        6.2 dB
                         1 GHz to 6 GHz        5.2 dB            4.7 dB
                        6 GHz to 18 GHz        5.5 dB            5.1 dB
                        18 GHz to 40 GHz     Not Defined         5.4 dB
         1m             1 GHz to 18 GHz                          5.2 dB
                                             Not Defined
                        18 GHz to 40 GHz                         5.5 dB

Antenna Terminal test
                                 Test Item                    Uncertainty          Uncertainty (+/-)
Frequency Tolerance                                            1.0 x 10^-7            7.9 x 10^-8
20 dB Bandwidth / 99 % Occupied Bandwidth                     Not Defined               1.6 %

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                             Test report No.         : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                             Page                    : 7 of 30
                                                                             Issued date             : April 8, 2019
                                                                             FCC ID                  : VBU-RDFLB03H

3.5         Test Location

UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EM C Lab.
1614 M ushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 478 88 6500, Facsimile: +81 478 82 3373
JAB Accreditation No.:RTL02610 / FCC Test Firm Registration Number: 910230
                                                                                                               M aximum
                                  ISED Assigned     Width x Depth x    Size of reference ground plane (m) /
Test site                                                                                                      measurement
                                  Code              Height (m)         horizontal conducting plane
No.1 Open site                    4659A-1           6.0 x 5.5 x 2.5    20 x 40                                 10 m
No.5 Open site                    4659A-5           8.6 x 7.1 x 2.4    18 x 23                                 10 m
No.1 Shielded room                4659A-1           5.4 x 4.5 x 2.3    -                                       -
No.3 Shielded room                -                 5.4 x 3.6 x 2.3    -                                       -
No.4 Shielded Room                -                 6.1 x 6.1 x 3.1    -                                       -
No.5 Shielded Room                4659A-5           4.2 x 3.1 x 2.5    -                                       -
No.3 Fully Anechoic Chamber       -                 7.0 x 3.5 x 3.5    -                                       -
No.6 Semi-anechoic Chamber        4659A-6           8.5 x 5.5 x 5.2    -                                       3m
No.10 Semi-anechoic Chamber       4659A-10          18.4 x 9.9 x 7.7   -                                       10 m
No.11 Semi-anechoic Chamber       4659A-7           9.0 x 6.5 x 5.2    -                                       3m
No.1 M easurement room            -                 5.0 x 3.7 x 2.6    -                                       -
No.2 M easurement room            -                 4.3 x 4.4 x 2.7    -                                       -
No.3 M easurement room            -                 4.5 x 5.3 x 2.7    -                                       -

3.6         Test data, Test instruments, and Test set up

Refer to APPENDIX.

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                            Test report No.      : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                            Page                 : 8 of 30
                                                                            Issued date          : April 8, 2019
                                                                            FCC ID               : VBU-RDFLB03H

SECTION 4:           Operation of E.U.T. during testing

4.1        Operating Mode(s)

The mode is used :
        Mode                                                       Remarks
        Transmitting mode (Tx 13.56MHz)                            With Tag
        - Mifare                                                   Without Tag
                                                                   Antenna Terminated
        The EUT was operated in a manner similar to typical use during the tests.
        The EUT has the power settings by the software as follows;
        Power settings:   Fixed
        Software: Ver.A004-A109-A221

        Test Item                                                 Operating mode*
        Conducted emission                                        Tx Mod on,with Tag / without Tag
        Electric Field Strength of Fundamental Emission           Tx Mod on,with Tag / without Tag
        Spectrum Mask                                             Tx Mod on,with Tag / without Tag
        20 dB Bandwidth / 99 % Occupied Bandwidth                 Tx Mod on,with Tag / without Tag
        Electric Field Strength of Spurious Emission              Tx Mod on,with Tag / without Tag
        Frequency Tolerance                                       Tx Mod on, without Tag

 Justification: The system was configured in typical fashion (as a user would normally use it) for testing.

 Frequency Tolerance:
             Temperature         :  -20 deg. C to +50 deg. C Step 10 deg. C
             Voltage             :  Normal Voltage AC 120 V
                                    Maximum Voltage AC 138 V,
                                    Minimum Voltage AC 102 V (AC 120 V ±15 %)
                *This EUT provides stable voltage constantly to RF Part regardless of input voltage
                The EUT is provided a power supply connected to a controller.
                Therefore the test was performed by AC power supply of a controller.

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                            Test report No.       : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                            Page                  : 9 of 30
                                                                            Issued date           : April 8, 2019
                                                                            FCC ID                : VBU-RDFLB03H

4.2        Configuration and peripherals

                                                    1    Connector
                                        A: EUT                       2
                    C                                                              B
                                                   DC 24 V


                                                                            AC 120 V / 60 Hz

* Cabling and setup were taken into consideration and test data was taken under worse case conditions.

Description of EUT and Support equipment
  No. Item                    Model number               Serial number            Manufacturer               Remarks
        Contactless Smart     RDFL-B03H                  No.4 *2)                 COWBELL                    EUT
  A     Card Reader                                      No.6 *1)                 ENGINEERING CO.,
         Entrance/ Elevator/        CMHL-404             T1214                    MIWA LOCK CO.,             -
         Access Controller                                                        LTD.
         Tag (Type A)               -                    MICSHG001                MIWA LOCK CO.,             -
*1) For Conducted Emission test (Antenna Terminated)
*2) For all tests except for *1)

List of cables used
  No. Name                              Length (m)                             Shield                        Remarks
                                                                 Cable                     Connector
  1      DC & Signal                         0.1               Unshielded                  Unshielded        -
  2      DC & Signal                         4.8               Unshielded                  Unshielded        -
  3      AC                                  1.7               Unshielded                  Unshielded        -

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                         Test report No.      : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                         Page                 : 10 of 30
                                                                         Issued date          : April 8, 2019
                                                                         FCC ID               : VBU-RDFLB03H

SECTION 5: Conducted Emission
Test Procedure and conditions

EUT was placed on a urethane platform of nominal size, 1.0 m by 1.5 m, raised 0.8 m above the conducting ground
The rear of tabletop was located 40 cm to the vertical conducting plane. The rear of EUT, including peripherals
aligned and flushed with rear of tabletop. All other surfaces of tabletop were at least 80 cm from any other grounded
conducting surface. EUT was located 80 cm from a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)/ Artificial mains
Network (AMN) and excess AC cable was bundled in center.

I/O cables that were connected to the peripherals were bundled in center. They were folded back and forth forming a
bundle 30 cm to 40 cm long and were hanged at a 40 cm height to the ground plane.

The AC Mains Terminal Continuous disturbance Voltage has been measured with the EUT in a Semi Anechoic
The EUT was connected to a LISN (AMN).
An overview sweep with peak detection has been performed.

The test results and limit are rounded off to one decimal place, so some differences might be observed.

Detector                         : QP and CISPR AV
Measurement range                : 0.15 MHz - 30 MHz
Test data                        : APPENDIX 1
Test result                      : Pass

Figure 1. Connection and configuration of test equipment

  receiver                          LISN

                                                    Ground plane

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                              Test report No.   : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                              Page              : 11 of 30
                                                                              Issued date       : April 8, 2019
                                                                              FCC ID            : VBU-RDFLB03H

SECTION 6:           Radiated emission (Fundamental , Spurious Emission and Spectrum Mask)

Test Procedure

EUT was placed on a urethane platform of nominal size, 0.5 m by 0.5 m, raised 0.8 m above the conducting ground
plane. The Radiated Electric Field Strength has been measured in a Semi Anechoic Chamber with a ground plane.

  Frequency: From 9 kHz to 30 MHz
    The EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
    The measurements were performed for vertical polarization (antenna angle: 0 deg., 45 deg., 90 deg., and 135 deg.)
    and horizontal polarization.
    *Refer to Figure 2 about Direction of the Loop Antenna.

  Frequency: From 30 MHz to 1 GHz
    The measuring antenna height varied between 1 and 4 m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain
    the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
    The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization.

The test was made with the detector (RBW/VBW) in the following table.
When using Spectrum analyzer, the test was made with adjusting span to zero by using peak hold.

Test Antennas are used as below;
 Frequency           Below 30 MHz                             30 MHz to 1 GHz
 Antenna Type        Loop                                     Hybrid

 Frequency                From 9 kHz to      From 90 kHz to   From 150 kHz       From 490 kHz   From 30 MHz
                             90 kHz             110 kHz        to 490 kHz          to 30 MHz      to 1 GHz
                         From 110 kHz to
                             150 kHz
 Instrument used                                              Test Receiver
 Detector                    PK / AV               QP           PK / AV                QP            QP
 IF Bandwidth                 200 Hz             200 Hz           9 kHz               9 kHz        120 kHz
 Test Distance               3 m *1)             3 m *1)         3 m *1)             3 m *2)         3m

*1) Distance Factor: 40 x log (3 m / 300 m) = -80 dB
*2) Distance Factor: 40 x log (3 m / 30 m) = -40 dB

Although these tests were performed other than open field test site, adequate comparison measurements were
confirmed against 30 m open field test site. Therefore sufficient tests were made to demonstrate that the alternative site
produces results that correlate with the ones of tests made in an open field based on KDB 414788.

These tests were performed in semi anechoic chamber. Therefore the measured level of emissions may be higher than
if measurements were made without a ground plane.
However test results were confirmed to pass against standard limit.

- The carrier level and noise levels were confirmed at each position of X, Y and Z axes of EUT to see the position of
maximum noise, and the test was made at the position that has the maximum noise.

The test results and limit are rounded off to one decimal place, so some differences might be observed.

Measurement range                 : 9 kHz - 1 GHz
Test data                         : APPENDIX 1
Test result                       : Pass

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                              Test report No.      : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                              Page                 : 12 of 30
                                                                              Issued date          : April 8, 2019
                                                                              FCC ID               : VBU-RDFLB03H

Figure 2. Direction of the Loop Antenna

   Side View (Vertical)                                                                Top View (Vertical)

         EUT                                                                                         135 deg.

                                                                                                   90 deg.
                                                                                                    45 deg.
                                                                                                              0 deg.

                                                                                                 Front side: 0 deg.
                                                                                                 Forward direction: clockwise
                                               Front side: 0 deg.
                                               Forward direction: clockwise

   Top View (Horizontal)


                                               Antenna was not rotated.

Figure 3. Antenna angle

Figure 4. Connection and configuration of test equipment

                           Measuring Antenna
                           (Loop / Logbicon)

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                            Test report No.    : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                            Page               : 13 of 30
                                                                                            Issued date        : April 8, 2019
                                                                                            FCC ID             : VBU-RDFLB03H

SECTION 7: Other test

 Test                Span                         RBW           VBW             Sweep              Detector   Trace      Instrument used
 20 dB Bandwidth 2 MHz                             3 kHz         10 kHz          Auto              Peak       Max Hold   Spectrum Analyzer
 99 % Occupied       Enough width to display 1 to 5 %            Three times Auto                  Peak *1)   Max Hold   Spectrum Analyzer
 Bandwidth           emission skirts               of OBW        of RBW                                       *1)
 Frequency           -                             -             -               -                 -          -          Spectrum Analyzer
 Tolerance *2)                                                                                                           *3)
 *1) The measurement was performed with Max Hold since the duty cycle was not 100 %.
 Peak hold was applied as Worst-case measurement.
 *2) The temperature test was started after the temperature stabilization time of 30 minutes.
 The test was begun from 50 deg.C and the temperature was lowered each 10 deg.C.
 *3) The measurement was performed with Marker Frequency Counter Function.

Test data                              : APPENDIX 1
Test result                            : Pass

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                         Test report No.                     : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                         Page                                : 14 of 30
                                                                                                                                         Issued date                         : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID                              : VBU-RDFLB03H

APPENDIX 1: Test data

                                                                                     Conducted Emission

                                                                  DATA OF CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                                                 UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                          Date : 2018/12/20

                   Company                               :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                                  Mode                       :    Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                   Kind of EUT                           :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                        Order No.                  :    12651957M
                   Model No.                             :   RDFL-B03                                             Power                      :    AC 120V / 60Hz
                   Serial No.                            :   No.4                                                 Temp./Humi.                :    20deg.C. / 40%RH
                   Remarks                               :   Without Tag

                   Limit1 : FCC 15C(15.207) QP
                   Limit2 : FCC 15C(15.207) AV                                                                    Tested by                  : Kazuhiro Ando


                                        70                                                                                                                                   Limit2(AV)

                                        60                                                                                                                                   N(PK)
                   RFI Voltage [dBuV]





                                                 .2          .3      .5       .7       1          2     3                   5       7        10                    20
                                         .15                                                Frequency [MHz]                                                             30

                                                          Reading                      Results             Limit              Margin
                                         Freq.                            C.Fac
                        No.                            <QP>     <AV>                <QP>     <AV>      <QP>      <AV>     <QP>     <AV>          Phase   Comment
                                         [MHz]        [dBuV]   [dBuV]     [dB]     [dBuV] [dBuV]      [dBuV] [dBuV]       [dB]      [dB]
                             1            0.24369        29.6     25.2      10.5      40.1     35.7      62.0      52.0     21.9      16.3        N
                             2            0.31704        19.0     17.5      10.5      29.5     28.0      59.8      49.8     30.3      21.8        N
                             3            0.36566        19.3     15.2      10.5      29.8     25.7      58.6      48.6     28.8      22.9        N
                             4            0.48689        10.3      7.3      10.5      20.8     17.8      56.2      46.2     35.4      28.4        N
                             5            0.97503        13.0     11.9      10.6      23.6     22.5      56.0      46.0     32.4      23.5        N
                             6           13.56000        54.2     53.7      11.5      65.7     65.2      60.0      50.0     -5.7     -15.2        N      Carrier
                             7           27.12000        31.2     30.6      12.0      43.2     42.6      60.0      50.0     16.8       7.4        N
                             8            0.24369        30.2     25.9      10.5      40.7     36.4      62.0      52.0     21.3      15.6        L
                             9            0.31704        19.5     18.0      10.5      30.0     28.5      59.8      49.8     29.8      21.3        L
                            10            0.36566        19.7     15.6      10.5      30.2     26.1      58.6      48.6     28.4      22.5        L
                            11            0.48689        10.9      8.0      10.5      21.4     18.5      56.2      46.2     34.8      27.7        L
                            12            0.97503        13.7     12.6      10.6      24.3     23.2      56.0      46.0     31.7      22.8        L
                            13           13.56000        54.8     54.2      11.5      66.3     65.7      60.0      50.0     -6.3     -15.7        L      Carrier
                            14           27.12000        30.4     29.8      12.0      42.4     41.8      60.0      50.0     17.6       8.2        L


UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                           Test report No.                     : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                           Page                                : 15 of 30
                                                                                                                                           Issued date                         : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                           FCC ID                              : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                                       Conducted Emission

                                                                  DATA OF CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                                                   UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                            Date : 2018/12/20

                   Company                               :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                                    Mode                       :    Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                   Kind of EUT                           :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                          Order No.                  :    12651957M
                   Model No.                             :   RDFL-B03                                               Power                      :    AC 120V / 60Hz
                   Serial No.                            :   No.4                                                   Temp./Humi.                :    20deg.C. / 40%RH
                   Remarks                               :   With Tag

                   Limit1 : FCC 15C(15.207) QP
                   Limit2 : FCC 15C(15.207) AV                                                                      Tested by                  : Kazuhiro Ando


                                        70                                                                                                                                     Limit2(AV)

                                        60                                                                                                                                     N(PK)
                   RFI Voltage [dBuV]





                                                 .2          .3       .5       .7       1           2     3                   5       7        10                    20
                                         .15                                                  Frequency [MHz]                                                             30

                                                           Reading                       Results             Limit              Margin
                                         Freq.                             C.Fac
                        No.                            <QP>      <AV>                <QP>      <AV>      <QP>      <AV>     <QP>     <AV>          Phase   Comment
                                         [MHz]        [dBuV]    [dBuV]     [dB]     [dBuV] [dBuV]       [dBuV] [dBuV]       [dB]      [dB]
                             1            0.24304        29.6      25.3      10.5      40.1      35.8      62.0      52.0     21.9      16.2        N
                             2            0.31850        18.5      17.1      10.5      29.0      27.6      59.7      49.7     30.7      22.1        N
                             3            0.36566        19.2      15.0      10.5      29.7      25.5      58.6      48.6     28.9      23.1        N
                             4            0.97248        11.3      10.0      10.6      21.9      20.6      56.0      46.0     34.1      25.4        N
                             5           13.56000        40.4      39.8      11.5      51.9      51.3      60.0      50.0      8.1      -1.3        N      Carrier
                             6           27.12000        34.1      33.0      12.0      46.1      45.0      60.0      50.0     13.9       5.0        N
                             7            0.24304        30.5      26.2      10.5      41.0      36.7      62.0      52.0     21.0      15.3        L
                             8            0.31850        19.0      17.6      10.5      29.5      28.1      59.7      49.7     30.2      21.6        L
                             9            0.36566        19.8      15.6      10.5      30.3      26.1      58.6      48.6     28.3      22.5        L
                            10            0.97248        12.8      11.7      10.6      23.4      22.3      56.0      46.0     32.6      23.7        L
                            11           13.56000        41.5      40.9      11.5      53.0      52.4      60.0      50.0      7.0      -2.4        L      Carrier
                            12           27.12000        31.5      30.9      12.0      43.5      42.9      60.0      50.0     16.5       7.1        L


UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                           Test report No.                   : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                           Page                              : 16 of 30
                                                                                                                                           Issued date                       : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                           FCC ID                            : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                                       Conducted Emission

                                                                  DATA OF CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                                                   UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                            Date : 2018/12/20

                   Company                               :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                                    Mode                       :    Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                   Kind of EUT                           :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                          Order No.                  :    12651957M
                   Model No.                             :   RDFL-B03                                               Power                      :    AC 120V / 60Hz
                   Serial No.                            :   No.6                                                   Temp./Humi.                :    20deg.C. / 40%RH
                   Remarks                               :   Antenna Terminated

                   Limit1 : FCC 15C(15.207) QP
                   Limit2 : FCC 15C(15.207) AV                                                                      Tested by                  : Kazuhiro Ando


                                        70                                                                                                                                   Limit2(AV)

                                        60                                                                                                                                   N(PK)
                   RFI Voltage [dBuV]





                                                 .2          .3       .5       .7       1           2     3                   5       7        10                20
                                         .15                                                  Frequency [MHz]                                                         30

                                                           Reading                       Results             Limit              Margin
                                         Freq.                             C.Fac
                        No.                            <QP>      <AV>                <QP>      <AV>      <QP>      <AV>     <QP>     <AV>          Phase   Comment
                                         [MHz]        [dBuV]    [dBuV]     [dB]     [dBuV] [dBuV]       [dBuV] [dBuV]       [dB]      [dB]
                                  1      13.56000        -1.5      -7.9      11.5      10.0       3.6      60.0      50.0     50.0      46.4        N
                                  2      13.56000        -1.4      -8.0      11.5      10.1       3.5      60.0      50.0     49.9      46.5        L


UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                                          Test report No.                       : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                                          Page                                  : 17 of 30
                                                                                                                                                          Issued date                           : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                                          FCC ID                                : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                        Fundamental emission and Spectrum Mask

                                                                   DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION(below 30MHz) TEST
                                                                                                                               UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                                        Date : 2018/12/20

                             Company                                        :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                              Mode                 :   Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                             Kind of EUT                                    :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                    Order No.            :   12651957M
                             Model No.                                      :   RDFL-B03                                         Power                :   AC 120V / 60Hz
                             Serial No.                                     :   No.4                                             Temp./Humi.          :   20deg.C. / 40%RH
                             Remarks                                        :   Without Tag, EUT:Y-axis

                             Limit1 : FCC15_225_PKQP, 9-90kHz:PK, 110-490kHz:PK
                                                                                    Tested byby
                             Limit2 : FCC15_225_AVQP, 9-90kHz:AV, 110-490kHz:AV, other:QP                                                             : Kazuhiro Ando

                             Field Strength [dBuV/m]

                                                        60                                                                                                                               0°(QP/AV)
                                                        50                                                                                                                               Hor(PK)
                                                        40                                                                                                                               Hor(QP/AV)
                                                            12.56                                            Frequency [MHz]                                              14.56

                                                                               Reading                                         Result             Limit             Margin
                                                                Freq.                         Ant.Fac      Loss    Gain                                                              Table
                                            No.                             <QP>     <AV>                                 <QP>        <AV>   <QP>       <AV>     <QP> <AV> Antenna           Comment
                                                                [MHz]      [dBuV] [dBuV]      [dB/m]       [dB]    [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]    [dB]        [deg]
                                                        1       13.03162      27.0      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2    -11.2        ---   29.5       29.5    40.7     --- 0°        0
                                                        2       13.11000      23.3      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2    -14.9        ---   29.5       29.5    44.4     --- 0°        0
                                                        3       13.34782      38.9      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      0.7        ---   40.5       40.5    39.8     --- 0°        0
                                                        4       13.41000      34.5      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -3.7        ---   40.5       40.5    44.2     --- 0°        0
                                                        5       13.45461      43.1      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      4.9        ---   50.4       50.4    45.5     --- 0°        0
                                                        6       13.55300      43.2      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      5.0        ---   50.4       50.4    45.4     --- 0°        0
                                                        7       13.56000      57.8      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     19.6        ---   83.9       83.9    64.3     --- 0°        0
                                                        8       13.56700      43.7      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      5.5        ---   50.4       50.4    44.9     --- 0°        0
                                                        9       13.66615      45.6      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      7.4        ---   50.4       50.4    43.0     --- 0°        0
                                                       10       13.71000      37.7      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -0.5        ---   40.5       40.5    41.0     --- 0°        0
                                                       11       13.77127      43.0      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      4.8        ---   40.5       40.5    35.7     --- 0°        0
                                                       12       14.01000      23.6      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2    -14.6        ---   29.5       29.5    44.1     --- 0°        0
                                                       13       14.09001      29.9      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -8.3        ---   29.5       29.5    37.8     --- 0°        0
                                                       14       13.56000      47.0      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      8.8        ---   83.9       83.9    75.1     --- Hor       0

                             Ant.Type=LOOP:Loop Antenna

Result of the fundamental emission at 3 m without Distance factor
      Ant Deg [deg]     Frequency Detector Reading       Ant       Loss     Gain       Duty                                                        Result            Limit             Margin                 Remark
                         消すな                           Factor                         Factor
                          [MHz]               [dBuV] [dB/m]        [dB]     [dB]       [dB]                                                      [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]                       [dB]
                    0     13.56000 QP            57.8     19.0         7.0    24.2           -                                                         59.6      -                                     - Fundamental
     Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter) - Gain(Amprifier)

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                                          Test report No.                       : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                                          Page                                  : 18 of 30
                                                                                                                                                          Issued date                           : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                                          FCC ID                                : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                        Fundamental emission and Spectrum Mask

                                                                   DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION(below 30MHz) TEST
                                                                                                                               UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                                        Date : 2018/12/20

                             Company                                        :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                              Mode                 :   Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                             Kind of EUT                                    :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                    Order No.            :   12651957M
                             Model No.                                      :   RDFL-B03                                         Power                :   AC 120V / 60Hz
                             Serial No.                                     :   No.4                                             Temp./Humi.          :   20deg.C. / 40%RH
                             Remarks                                        :   With Tag, EUT:Y-axis

                             Limit1 : FCC15_225_PKQP, 9-90kHz:PK, 110-490kHz:PK
                             Limit2 : FCC15_225_AVQP, 9-90kHz:AV, 110-490kHz:AV, other:QP
                                                                                    Tested byby
                                                                                    Tested                                                            : Kazuhiro Ando

                             Field Strength [dBuV/m]

                                                        60                                                                                                                               0°(QP/AV)
                                                        50                                                                                                                               Hor(PK)
                                                        40                                                                                                                               Hor(QP/AV)
                                                            12.56                                            Frequency [MHz]                                              14.56

                                                                               Reading                                         Result             Limit             Margin
                                                                Freq.                         Ant.Fac      Loss    Gain                                                              Table
                                            No.                             <QP>     <AV>                                 <QP>        <AV>   <QP>       <AV>     <QP> <AV> Antenna           Comment
                                                                [MHz]      [dBuV] [dBuV]      [dB/m]       [dB]    [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]    [dB]        [deg]
                                                        1       13.11000      23.4      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2    -14.8        ---   29.5       29.5    44.3     --- 0°      171
                                                        2       13.34843      31.7      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -6.5        ---   40.5       40.5    47.0     --- 0°      171
                                                        3       13.41000      26.8      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2    -11.4        ---   40.5       40.5    51.9     --- 0°      171
                                                        4       13.45244      32.7      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -5.5        ---   50.4       50.4    55.9     --- 0°      171
                                                        5       13.55300      32.4      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -5.8        ---   50.4       50.4    56.2     --- 0°      171
                                                        6       13.56000      45.5      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2      7.3        ---   83.9       83.9    76.6     --- 0°      171
                                                        7       13.56700      32.6      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -5.6        ---   50.4       50.4    56.0     --- 0°      171
                                                        8       13.66467      33.0      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -5.2        ---   50.4       50.4    55.6     --- 0°      171
                                                        9       13.71000      27.1      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2    -11.1        ---   40.5       40.5    51.6     --- 0°      171
                                                       10       13.77238      31.6      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -6.6        ---   40.5       40.5    47.1     --- 0°      171
                                                       11       14.01000      23.3      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2    -14.9        ---   29.5       29.5    44.4     --- 0°      171
                                                       12       13.56000      35.8      ---         19.0   -33.0    24.2     -2.4        ---   83.9       83.9    86.3     --- Hor       0

                             Ant.Type=LOOP:Loop Antenna

Result of the fundamental emission at 3 m without Distance factor
      Ant Deg [deg]     Frequency Detector Reading       Ant       Loss     Gain       Duty                                                        Result            Limit             Margin                 Remark
                         消すな                           Factor                         Factor
                          [MHz]               [dBuV] [dB/m]        [dB]     [dB]       [dB]                                                      [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]                       [dB]
                    0     13.56000 QP            45.5     19.0         7.0    24.2           -                                                         47.3      -                                     - Fundamental
     Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter) - Gain(Amprifier)

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                    Test report No.                   : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                    Page                              : 19 of 30
                                                                                                                                    Issued date                       : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                    FCC ID                            : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                        Spurious emission (Below 30 MHz)

                                                    DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION(below 30MHz) TEST
                                                                                                               UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                        Date : 2018/12/20

                 Company                                     :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                             Mode                 :   Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                 Kind of EUT                                 :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                   Order No.            :   12651957M
                 Model No.                                   :   RDFL-B03                                        Power                :   AC 120V / 60Hz
                 Serial No.                                  :   No.4                                            Temp./Humi.          :   20deg.C. / 40%RH
                 Remarks                                     :   Without Tag, EUT:Y-axis

                 Limit1 : FCC15_225_PKQP, 9-90kHz:PK, 110-490kHz:PK
                 Limit2 : FCC15_225_AVQP, 9-90kHz:AV, 110-490kHz:AV, other:QP
                                                                        Tested by                                                     : Kazuhiro Ando

                                            80                                                                                                                           Limit2(AV)
                 Field Strength [dBuV/m]

                                            60                                                                                                                           0°(QP/AV)
                                                 .01        .02 .03 .05.07 .1              .2 .3 .5 .7 1                  2    3      5 7 10            20
                                                                                             Frequency [MHz]                                                 30

                                                                Reading                                        Result             Limit             Margin
                                                 Freq.                        Ant.Fac      Loss    Gain                                                              Table
                                No.                          <QP>     <AV>                                <QP>        <AV>   <QP>       <AV>     <QP> <AV> Antenna           Comment
                                                 [MHz]      [dBuV] [dBuV]     [dB/m]       [dB]    [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]    [dB]        [deg]
                                           1     27.12000      24.5     ---         19.8   -32.5    24.4    -12.6        ---   29.5       29.5    42.1     --- 0°      263

                 Ant.Type=LOOP:Loop Antenna

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                    Test report No.                   : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                    Page                              : 20 of 30
                                                                                                                                    Issued date                       : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                    FCC ID                            : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                        Spurious emission (Below 30 MHz)

                                                    DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION(below 30MHz) TEST
                                                                                                               UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                        Date : 2018/12/20

                 Company                                     :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                             Mode                 :   Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                 Kind of EUT                                 :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                   Order No.            :   12651957M
                 Model No.                                   :   RDFL-B03                                        Power                :   AC 120V / 60Hz
                 Serial No.                                  :   No.4                                            Temp./Humi.          :   20deg.C. / 40%RH
                 Remarks                                     :   With Tag, EUT:Y-axis

                 Limit1 : FCC15_225_PKQP, 9-90kHz:PK, 110-490kHz:PK
                 Limit2 : FCC15_225_AVQP, 9-90kHz:AV, 110-490kHz:AV, other:QP
                                                                        Tested by                                                     : Kazuhiro Ando

                                            80                                                                                                                           Limit2(AV)
                 Field Strength [dBuV/m]

                                            60                                                                                                                           0°(QP/AV)
                                                 .01        .02 .03 .05.07 .1              .2 .3 .5 .7 1                  2    3      5 7 10            20
                                                                                             Frequency [MHz]                                                 30

                                                                Reading                                        Result             Limit             Margin
                                                 Freq.                        Ant.Fac      Loss    Gain                                                              Table
                                No.                          <QP>     <AV>                                <QP>        <AV>   <QP>       <AV>     <QP> <AV> Antenna           Comment
                                                 [MHz]      [dBuV] [dBuV]     [dB/m]       [dB]    [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]    [dB]        [deg]
                                           1     27.12000      24.8     ---         19.8   -32.5    24.4    -12.3        ---   29.5       29.5    41.8     --- 0°      239

                 Ant.Type=LOOP:Loop Antenna

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                    Test report No.               : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                    Page                          : 21 of 30
                                                                                                                                    Issued date                   : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                    FCC ID                        : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                     Spurious emission (Above 30 MHz)

                                                                    DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                                            UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                     Date : 2018/12/19

                 Company                                 :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                             Mode                    :   Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                 Kind of EUT                             :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                   Order No.               :   12651957M
                 Model No.                               :   RDFL-B03                                        Power                   :   AC 120V / 60Hz
                 Serial No.                              :   No.4                                            Temp./Humi.             :   23deg.C. / 40%RH
                 Remarks                                 :   Without Tag, EUT:Y-axis

                 Limit1 : FCC15.209 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:AV
                                                                                                             Tested by               : Kazuhiro Ando


                                           50                                                                                                                      Hori.(QP)
                 Field Strength [dBuV/m]





                                                             50        70        100               200    300                        500       700
                                            30                                            Frequency [MHz]                                              1000

                                                      Reading                   Result   Limit   Margin
                                             Freq.            Ant.Fac Loss Gain                         Pola. Height Angle   Ant.
                      No.                              <QP>                     <QP>     <QP>    <QP>                        Type   Comment
                                            [MHz]     [dBuV] [dB/m] [dB] [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dB] [H/V] [c m] [deg]
                            1                  81.360   24.3       8.7 5.0 26.8   11.2      40.0   28.8 Hori.   269 232      HB
                            2                 189.840   23.0    10.7   6.3 26.3   13.7      43.5   29.8 Hori.   200 246      HB
                            3                 216.960   27.3       9.8 6.6 26.2   17.5      46.0   28.5 Hori.   165 210      HB
                            4                  81.360   36.2       8.7 5.0 26.8   23.1      40.0   16.9 Vert.   100 332      HB
                            5                  93.463   34.6       8.2 5.2 26.7   21.3      43.5   22.2 Vert.   108 350      HB
                            6                 122.040   26.4    11.6   5.6 26.6   17.0      43.5   26.5 Vert.   100 341      HB
                            7                 189.840   25.7    10.7   6.3 26.3   16.4      43.5   27.1 Vert.   100 209      HB
                            8                 216.960   28.3       9.8 6.6 26.2   18.5      46.0   27.5 Vert.   100 188      HB
                            9                 250.000   30.6    11.8   7.0 26.1   23.3      46.0   22.7 Vert.   100 176      HB
                           10                 625.000   25.3    20.4   9.7 27.6   27.8      46.0   18.2 Vert.   100     64   HB

                 Ant.Type=HB: Hybrid Antenna

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                                                                    Test report No.               : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                                                                    Page                          : 22 of 30
                                                                                                                                    Issued date                   : April 8, 2019
                                                                                                                                    FCC ID                        : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                                     Spurious emission (Above 30 MHz)

                                                                    DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                                            UL Japan, Inc. Kashima EMC Lab. No.10 Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                                                     Date : 2018/12/20

                 Company                                 :   MIWA LOCK CO., LTD.                             Mode                    :   Transmitting 13.56 MHz
                 Kind of EUT                             :   Contactless Smart Card Reader                   Order No.               :   12651957M
                 Model No.                               :   RDFL-B03                                        Power                   :   AC 120V / 60Hz
                 Serial No.                              :   No.4                                            Temp./Humi.             :   23deg.C. / 40%RH
                 Remarks                                 :   With Tag, EUT:Y-axis

                 Limit1 : FCC15.209 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:AV
                                                                                                             Tested by               : Kazuhiro Ando


                                           50                                                                                                                      Hori.(QP)
                 Field Strength [dBuV/m]





                                                             50        70        100               200    300                        500       700
                                            30                                            Frequency [MHz]                                              1000

                                                      Reading                   Result   Limit   Margin
                                             Freq.            Ant.Fac Loss Gain                         Pola. Height Angle   Ant.
                      No.                              <QP>                     <QP>     <QP>    <QP>                        Type   Comment
                                            [MHz]     [dBuV] [dB/m] [dB] [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m] [dB] [H/V] [c m] [deg]
                            1                  40.680   30.6    13.3   4.4 26.9   21.4      40.0   18.6 Hori.   267 172      HB
                            2                 176.280   22.8    12.4   6.2 26.4   15.0      43.5   28.5 Hori.   271      0   HB
                            3                  40.680   35.6    13.3   4.4 26.9   26.4      40.0   13.6 Vert.   100     95   HB
                            4                  81.360   34.5       8.7 5.0 26.8   21.4      40.0   18.6 Vert.   100 348      HB
                            5                  94.202   32.2       8.2 5.2 26.7   18.9      43.5   24.6 Vert.   132 299      HB
                            6                 149.160   26.5    13.4   5.9 26.5   19.3      43.5   24.2 Vert.   100 272      HB
                            7                 176.280   32.8    12.4   6.2 26.4   25.0      43.5   18.5 Vert.   100 270      HB
                            8                 216.960   29.2       9.8 6.6 26.2   19.4      46.0   26.6 Vert.   100 201      HB
                            9                 250.000   30.5    11.8   7.0 26.1   23.2      46.0   22.8 Vert.   100 169      HB
                           10                 625.000   24.9    20.4   9.7 27.6   27.4      46.0   18.6 Vert.   100     63   HB

                 Ant.Type=HB: Hybrid Antenna

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                          Test report No.    : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                          Page               : 23 of 30
                                                                          Issued date        : April 8, 2019
                                                                          FCC ID             : VBU-RDFLB03H

                              20dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth

             Report No.                   12651957M-A-R1
             Test place                   Kashima EMC Lab. No.2 Measurement room
             Date                         December 21, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity       21 deg. C / 38 % RH
             Engineer                     Kazuhiro Ando
             Mode                         Transmitting 13.56MHz

                            FREQ              Mode       20dB Bandwidth       99% Occupied Bandwidth
                            [MHz]                             [kHz]                    [kHz]
                                          Without Tag        434.15                   643.48
                                           With Tag          439.10                  1211.00

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                                        Test report No.            : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                                        Page                       : 24 of 30
                                                                                        Issued date                : April 8, 2019
                                                                                        FCC ID                     : VBU-RDFLB03H

                                                        Frequency Tolerance
             Report No.                       12651957M-A-R1
             Test place                       Kashima EMC Lab. No.2 Measurement room
             Date                             December 21, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity           21 deg. C / 38 % RH
             Engineer                         Kazuhiro Ando
             Mode                             Transmitting 13.56MHz

                       Test condition          Tested      Measured      Frequency              Result              Limit
                    Temp.        Voltage       timing      frequency        error
                   [deg. C]         [V]                      [MHz]         [MHz]          [%]          [ppm]       [+/- %]
                      50            120       Power on       13.560055      0.000055       0.00041           4.1         0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560055      0.000055       0.00041           4.1         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560055      0.000055       0.00041           4.1         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560056      0.000056       0.00041           4.1         0.01
                      40            120       Power on       13.560067      0.000067       0.00049           4.9         0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560063      0.000063       0.00046           4.6         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560061      0.000061       0.00045           4.5         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560059      0.000059       0.00044           4.4         0.01
                      30            120       Power on       13.560090      0.000090       0.00066           6.6         0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560083      0.000083       0.00061           6.1         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560079      0.000079       0.00058           5.8         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560076      0.000076       0.00056           5.6         0.01
                      20            120       Power on       13.560114      0.000114       0.00084           8.4         0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560108      0.000108       0.00080           8.0         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560104      0.000104       0.00077           7.7         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560100      0.000100       0.00074           7.4         0.01
                      20            102       Power on       13.560116      0.000116       0.00086           8.6         0.01
                                (120V -15%)   + 2 min.       13.560108      0.000108       0.00080           8.0         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560104      0.000104       0.00077           7.7         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560100      0.000100       0.00074           7.4         0.01
                      20            138       Power on       13.560115      0.000115       0.00085           8.5         0.01
                                (120V +15%) + 2 min.         13.560107      0.000107       0.00079           7.9         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560103      0.000103       0.00076           7.6         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560099      0.000099       0.00073           7.3         0.01
                      10            120       Power on       13.560133      0.000133       0.00098           9.8         0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560129      0.000129       0.00095           9.5         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560126      0.000126       0.00093           9.3         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560123      0.000123       0.00091           9.1         0.01
                       0            120       Power on       13.560138      0.000138       0.00102         10.2          0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560138      0.000138       0.00102         10.2          0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560138      0.000138       0.00102         10.2          0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560137      0.000137       0.00101         10.1          0.01
                      -10           120       Power on       13.560138      0.000138       0.00102         10.2          0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560138      0.000138       0.00102         10.2          0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560138      0.000138       0.00102         10.2          0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560137      0.000137       0.00101         10.1          0.01
                      -20           120       Power on       13.560121      0.000121       0.00089           8.9         0.01
                                              + 2 min.       13.560128      0.000128       0.00094           9.4         0.01
                                              + 5 min.       13.560132      0.000132       0.00097           9.7         0.01
                                              + 10 min.      13.560134      0.000134       0.00099           9.9         0.01
                 Calculation formula:       Frequency error = Measured frequency - Tested frequency
                                            Result [%] = Frequency error / Tested frequency * 100

                 Tested frequency:                  13.56 MHz
                 Limit (+/-):                        0.01 %            (+/- 100ppm)

                 *The test was begun from 50 deg.C and the temperature was lowered each 10 deg.C.

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

                                                                               Test report No.          : 12651957M-A-R1
                                                                               Page                     : 25 of 30
                                                                               Issued date              : April 8, 2019
                                                                               FCC ID                   : VBU-RDFLB03H

APPENDIX 2: Test instruments
Test Instruments
Test Name LIMS ID Description            Manufacturer          Model                Serial              Last          Calibration Cal Int
                                                                                                        Calibration   Due Date
CE         143501   A.M.N.               Rohde & Schwarz            ESH3-Z5         844982/034          2018/07/19    2019/07/31 12
CE/RE      144199   Test Receiver        AGILENT                    N9038A          MY53290016          2018/07/10    2019/07/31 12
CE/RE      143157   Coaxial Cable        FUJIKURA,FUJIKURA, 5D-2W,5D-2W,5D-         -                   2018/08/30    2019/08/31 12
                                         FUJIKURA,FUJIKURA, 2W,5D-2W,5D-2W,
RE         171927   Pre Amplifier        UL Japan Inc.              CALI-84+        1                   2018/07/25    2019/07/31   12
RE         143121   LOGBICON             Schwarzbeck                VULB 9168       343                 2018/04/05    2019/04/30   12
RE         143050   3dB Fixed Atten.     TAMAGAWA                   UFA-01          none                2018/09/12    2019/09/30   12
RE         143165   Coaxial Cable        Fujikura,Fujikura,Agilent, 5D-2W,5D-       MY41110200(Step     2018/08/29    2019/08/30   12
                                         Fujikura,Fujikura,Fujikur 2W,8494A,5D-     Att)
                                         a,Fuhjikura,Fujikura,Fujik 2W,5D-2W,5D-2
RE         142930   Pre-Amplifier        HEWLETT PACKARD 8447D                      2944A09041          2018/08/30 2019/08/31 12
EMI        143654   Ruler                TAJIMA                     L19-55          -                   -          -          -
EMI        143542   Temperature &        HIOKI                      3641/9680-50    090999895/0909054   2018/05/30 2019/05/31 12
                    Humidity Indicator                                              06
EMI        144216   Digital Multimeter   Fluke Corporation     115                  994460954           2018/10/09 2019/10/31 12
EMI        142901   EMI Software         TSJ                   TEPTO-               Ver.3.3             -          -          -
RE         143833   Loop Antenna         Rohde & Schwarz       HFH2-Z2              827779/008          2018/10/10    2019/10/31   12
RE         143161   Coaxial Cable        FUJIKURA              3D2W                 None                2018/05/25    2019/05/31   12
RE         144245   6dB Fixed Atten.     Suhner                6906.01.A            None                2018/07/04    2019/07/31   12
FT         143181   Temperature and      ESPEC                 PL-1J                15004059            2018/07/09    2019/07/31   12
                    Humidity Chamber
FT         143643   Spectrum Analyzer    AGILENT               E4448A               MY52490024          2018/05/23 2019/05/31 12
FT         144220   Digital Multimeter   Fluke Corporation     87-3                 85220051            2018/10/01 2019/10/31 12
FT         143537   Temperature &        A&D                   AD-5681              6975761             2018/07/18 2019/07/31 12
                    Humidity Indicator
FT         143942   Near Field Probe     Langer                LF-R400              02-0815             -             -            -

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month.
All equipment is calibrated with valid calibrations. Each measurement data is traceable to the national or
international standards.

As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates, those test equipment have been controlled by means of
an unbroken chains of calibrations.

Test item:
          CE: Conducted Emission
          RE: Radiated Emission
          FT: Frequency Tolerance

UL Japan, Inc.
Kashima EMC Lab.
1614, Mushihata, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-0341 Japan
Telephone : +81 478 88 6500
Facsimile : +81 478 82 3373

Document Created: 2019-04-11 06:12:16
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 06:12:16

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