RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                 Center for Quality Engineering

                                                                                                      Evaluation No.: D0QJ0001

                                                                 Order No.: D0QJ                                          Pages: 13                                Munich, Jun 19, 2010

                                                                 Client:                                 Nokia Siemens Networks Oy

                                                                 Equipment Under Test:                   Flexi WCDMA Base Station with antenna types:
                                                                                                             HBX-6516DS-VTM
                                                                                                             CS7278001
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

                                                                 Manufacturer:                           Nokia Siemens Networks Oy
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 Task:                                   Identification of compliance with the requirements
                                                                                                         FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310 on base of

                                                                          Test Specification(s):                 OET Bulletin 65
                                                                                                                  Draft IEC 62232 Ed.1.0

                                                                 Result:                                 The EUT meets the above cited requirements

                                                                 The results relate only to the items tested as described in this test report.

                                                                 edited by:                                                  Date                    Signature

                                                                 Qualification Engineer                                      Jun 19, 2010

                                                                 approved by:                                                Date                    Signature

                                                                 Manager EMC                                                 Jun 19, 2010

                                                                 This document was signed electronically.

                                                                                      The Center for Quality Engineering of SGS Germany GmbH is accredited by DATech for
                                                                                                               TELECOM CONFORMANCE TESTS
                                                                 SGS Germany GmbH, SGS CQE, Hofmannstr. 50, D-81379 München, Phone +49 89-787475-130, Fax +49 89-787475-122, Internet www.sgs-cqe.de

                                                                                                                                                                                Evaluation No.:


                                                                 1 Summary ..................................................................................................................................3
                                                                 2 References ...............................................................................................................................4
                                                                    2.1 Specifications ......................................................................................................................4
                                                                    2.2 Glossary of Terms...............................................................................................................4
                                                                 3 General Information ................................................................................................................5
                                                                    3.1 Identification of Client..........................................................................................................5
                                                                    3.2 Test Laboratory ...................................................................................................................5
                                                                    3.3 Participants .........................................................................................................................5
                                                                 4 Equipment Under Test ............................................................................................................6
                                                                    4.1 TYPICAL CONFIGURATION ..............................................................................................6
                                                                    4.2 WHEN USING DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS ..............................................................7
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

                                                                 5 Evaluation of the EUT .............................................................................................................8
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                    5.1 Definition of compliance boundary ......................................................................................8
                                                                    5.2 Assessment of compliance boundary .................................................................................8
                                                                 ANNEX A: Exposure limits .......................................................................................................11
                                                                 ANNEX B: Far-Field Calculation Method.................................................................................11
                                                                 Annex C: Safety for Public and Workers ................................................................................12

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                                       WCDMA Base Station                                                  page 2 / 13

                                                                                                                                             Evaluation No.:

                                                                 1 Summary
                                                                 This evaluation is based on numerical calculations to demonstrate the compliance of “Flexi
                                                                 WCDMA BTS” with the maximum permissible exposure limits for general population and
                                                                 occupation to radio frequency electromagnetic fields with respect to FCC 47 CFR §1.1310 [1]
                                                                 (see Annex A). The compliance is shown via the concept of compliance boundary of the
                                                                 antenna as described in section 4.2. The detailed results are shown in Table 4 of section 4.

                                                                 The “Flexi WCDMA BTS” is compliant with the exposure limits of FCC 47 CFR §1.1310 for
                                                                 general population and occupation to radio frequency electromagnetic fields at every
                                                                 point outside the compliance boundary.

                                                                 Provisions have to be taken to guarantee that no public access is possible to regions within the
                                                                 compliance boundaries for general population. For workers adequate warnings and information
                                                                 have to be provided for entering the exclusion area (see Annex C).

                                                                 The results of this evaluation report refer exclusively to the item described in section 4 of this
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                     WCDMA Base Station                             page 3 / 13

                                                                                                                                            Evaluation No.:

                                                                 2 References

                                                                 2.1 Specifications

                                                                 [1]   FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
                                                                       Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits
                                                                 [2]   OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
                                                                       Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
                                                                       Electromagnetic Fields
                                                                 [3]   Draft IEC 62232 Ed.1.0 (IEC 106/165/CD);
                                                                       Determination of RF fields and SAR in the vicinity of radio communication base stations
                                                                       for the purpose of evaluating human exposure
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

                                                                 2.2 Glossary of Terms
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 EUT: Equipment under Test
                                                                 GP: General Population
                                                                 Oc: Occupation
                                                                 MPE: Maximum permissible exposure limits

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                    WCDMA Base Station                             page 4 / 13

                                                                                                                                        Evaluation No.:

                                                                 3 General Information

                                                                 3.1 Identification of Client

                                                                 Nokia Siemens Networks Oy
                                                                 Karaportti 3
                                                                 FI-02610 Espoo

                                                                 3.2 Test Laboratory

                                                                 Center for Quality Engineering
                                                                 SGS Germany GmbH
                                                                 Hofmannstraße 50
                                                                 81379 München
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 3.3 Participants

                                                                 Name                  Function           Phone               E-Mail

                                                                 Anton Rieb            Editor, EMF-       +49 89 787475-447   anton.rieb@sgs.com

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                   WCDMA Base Station                           page 5 / 13

                                                                                                                                          Evaluation No.:

                                                                 4 Equipment Under Test
                                                                    Flexi WCDMA Base Station with antenna type:
                                                                     HBX-6516DS-VTM
                                                                     CS7278001

                                                                 4.1 TYPICAL CONFIGURATION

                                                                 The antenna is connected through a connector and cable(s) to the base station as shown in
                                                                 Figure 1.

The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                                      Antenna connector

                                                                 To the base station

                                                                 Figure 1

                                                                 A detail description of the components is given below:

                                                                  Power (Pout)                                                20/40 W

                                                                  Total connector loss                                        0.0 dB

                                                                  Total cable loss                                            0 dB

                                                                  Total Loss (L) = Total connector loss + Total cable loss    0 dB

                                                                  Number of transmitter unit (N)                              1

                                                                                                        L                    20/40 W
                                                                  Power at antenna input =   Pout N10
                                                                 Table 1

                                                                 The worst-case power level configuration is when the power at antenna input is 40 W.

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                      WCDMA Base Station                         page 6 / 13

                                                                                                                                            Evaluation No.:

                                                                 A typical antenna specification is given below:

                                                                                        HBX-6516DS-         CS7278001

                                                                                       1710 – 2170        1710 – 2200
                                                                                       MHz                MHz

                                                                        Gain           17.7 – 18 dBi      17.3 – 17.6 dBi

                                                                                       H-plane:66 – 64    H-plane:68 – 62
                                                                                       deg.               deg.
                                                                 Half-power beam
                                                                       width           E-plane: 7.5 –     E-plane: 7.9 –
                                                                                       6.5 deg.           7.0 deg.

                                                                 Electrical downtilt   0 – 10 deg         0 – 15 deg
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

                                                                                       1306 / 168 / 84    1374 / 155 / 69
                                                                                       mm                 mm
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 Table 2

                                                                 4.2 WHEN USING DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS

                                                                 In Table 4, the compliance boundaries are given for different power levels, including the typical
                                                                 and worst case levels. If an antenna and/or configuration is used which does not correspond to
                                                                 the levels given in Table 4, the compliance boundary must be re-calculated.
                                                                 A formula for calculating the compliance boundary using the far-field model is given in ANNEX
                                                                 B: Far-Field Calculation Method. This model is applicable for calculating the compliance
                                                                 boundary for the far-field region and over estimates the compliance boundary for the radiating
                                                                 near-field region, but is not applicable for calculating the compliance boundary for the reactive
                                                                 near-field region where the distance from the antenna is less than or equal to .

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                      WCDMA Base Station                           page 7 / 13

                                                                                                                                            Evaluation No.:

                                                                 5 Evaluation of the EUT

                                                                 5.1 Definition of compliance boundary

                                                                 The compliance boundary defines the volume outside which any point of investigation is
                                                                 deemed to be compliant. Outside the compliance boundary the exposure levels do not exceed
                                                                 the permissible exposure limits irrespective of the time of exposure.

                                                                 5.2 Assessment of compliance boundary

                                                                 When assessing the applicable compliance boundaries the permissible exposure limits for
                                                                 general population and occupation to radio frequency electromagnetic fields of FCC 47 CFR
                                                                 §1.1310 - see Annex A - have been applied.

                                                                 The compliance boundary is determined as the area around the antenna, shown in Figure 2.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

                                                                 The antenna is located at the origo. Distances from the antenna are shown. The top and side
                                                                 views are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 Since the compliance boundaries are within the radiating near field of the antenna the
                                                                 calculations have been carried out with a full wave field simulation program. This program has
                                                                 been verified by applying the validation guideline of Draft IEC 62232 [3] for full wave analyses.
                                                                 The maximum deviation from the reference results from IEC 62232 is less than 10 %.

                                                                 The calculations of the Flexi LTE Base Station antennas have been carried out based on the
                                                                 relevant antenna specifications.

                                                                 The models of the antennas have been designed for far field distributions matching the
                                                                 measured far field distributions of the real antenna provided by the Antenna manufacturer.

                                                                 The compliance boundary has bee calculated using the designed antennas and the exposure
                                                                 limit (Annex A) with a margin of 10 % (uncertainty of the calculation).

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                     WCDMA Base Station                            page 8 / 13

                                                                                                                                                                           Evaluation No.:

                                                                                                                      Dside. ...                                                                    Dup

                                                                                                  0                                                                                                  Dside..,,


                                                                                               Figure 2
The test report shall not be reproduced excrot iful without

                                                                                                                                                      Dup    _4
                                                 the witen approval ofthe testing laboratary

                                                                                                                                                                         DEFONb        uy
                                                                                                   Drear                                             Drear                        a=                     —»
                                                                                               Figure 3 Top view                                    Figure 4 Side view

                                                                                               The compliance boundaries are given in Table 4 for different power levels at the antenna input.
                                                                                               The Results of typical and worst case power level configurations for general public (GP) and
                                                                                               occupational (Oc) exposure limits are included. The boundaries of the compliance region are
                                                                                               displayed in Figure 2, 3 and 4.

                                                                                               Date: Jun 19, 2010                    WCDMA Base Station                                     page 9/ 13

                                                                                                                                                       Evaluation No.:

                                                                                                            Antenna type: HBX-6516DS-VTM
                                                                          Power at     Dfront       Dfronttriangle    Drear      Dsideback      Dsidefront         Dup       Ddown
                                                                  Freq.    input      GP    Oc       GP      Oc     GP     Oc    GP      Oc    GP      Oc    GP       Oc    GP     Oc

                                                                 2000     40 W       3.75   0.6    1.1      0.1    0.1    0.1    0.35   0.1    1.0    0.2    1.0     0.7    0.75   0.7
                                                                 2000     20 W       1.6    0.3    0.45     0.1    0.1    0.1    0.25   0.1    0.5    0.2    0.85    0.7    0.7    0.7

                                                                                                                 Antenna type: CS7278001
                                                                                       Dfront       Dfronttriangle     Drear       Dsideback    Dsidefront         Dup       Ddown
                                                                          Power at


                                                                                      GP    Oc       GP      Oc     GP     Oc    GP      Oc    GP      Oc    GP       Oc    GP     Oc

                                                                 2000     40 W       3.7    0.6    1.0      0.1    0.1    0.1    0.35   0.15   1.05   0.25   1.35    0.75   1.1    0.7
                                                                 2000     20 W       1.6    0.35   0.45     0.1    0.1    0.1    0.25   0.1    0.5    0.15   0.95    0.7    0.75   0.7
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

                                                                 Table 4 Dimensions of compliance boundary in meter
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                          WCDMA Base Station                                    page 10 / 13

                                                                                                                                                      Evaluation No.:

                                                                 ANNEX A: Exposure limits
                                                                 Electromagnetic exposure limits according FCC 47 CFR §1.1310 for occupational and general

                                                                 Limits for maximum permissible exposure (MPE)
                                                                 Exposure Characteristics        Frequency range   Electric field   Magnetic field   Equivalent plane wave
                                                                                                 (MHz)             strength         strength (A/m)   power density S
                                                                                                                   (V/m)                             (mW/cm2)
                                                                 Occupational /
                                                                                                 0.3 – 3.0         614              1.63             100
                                                                 Controlled exposure
                                                                                                 3.0 – 30          1842/f           4.89/f           900/f²
                                                                                                 30 – 300          61.4             0.163            1
                                                                                                 300 – 1500                                          f/300
                                                                                                 1500 – 100,000                                      5
                                                                 General Population /
                                                                                                 0.3 – 3.0         614              1.63             100
                                                                 Uncontrolled Exposure
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

                                                                                                 3.0 – 30          824/f            2.19/f           180/f²
                                                                                                 30 – 300          27.5             0.073            0.2
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                                                 300 – 1500        --               --               f/1500
                                                                                                 1500 – 100,000    --               --               1.0

                                                                 ANNEX B: Far-Field Calculation Method
                                                                 This model is applicable for calculating the compliance boundary for the far-field region and
                                                                 over estimates the compliance boundary for the radiating near-field region, but is not applicable
                                                                 for the calculating the compliance boundary for the reactive near-field region where the distance
                                                                 from the antenna is less than or equal to which is 9 cm at 3500 MHz. Therefore all the
                                                                 calculations are valid when the compliance boundary is greater or equal to the antenna
                                                                 dimensions plus.

                                                                 The compliance boundary in meters, or rmin, is calculated according to the following equation:

                                                                                 (G  L) / 10
                                                                          N 10                  Pout
                                                                 rmin                                                                Equation 1
                                                                                   4 S

                                                                 where N is the number of transmitter units per one antenna, G is the antenna gain (dBi), L is the
                                                                 minimum cable losses (dB), Pout is the maximum power of one transmitter unit (W), and S is the
                                                                 power density limit (W/m2).

                                                                 In the far-field, the field calculation does not take into account the antenna size, which is
                                                                 assumed to be a point source. Therefore when calculating the compliance boundary, the far-
                                                                 field data, antenna size and reactive field criteria have to be taken into account.

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                           WCDMA Base Station                               page 11 / 13

                                                                                                                                           Evaluation No.:

                                                                 Annex C: Safety for Public and Workers

                                                                 1. INSTALLING BASE STATIONS TO ENSURE PUBLIC SAFETY

                                                                 The equipment generates radio frequency energy, which has a thermal effect when absorbed
                                                                 by the human body. For this reason compliance boundaries specific to this equipment have
                                                                 been established. The thermal effects of radio frequency energy can exceed safety levels when
                                                                 a person is inside the established compliance boundaries. Observe the compliance boundary,
                                                                 and make sure the general public has no access to areas inside the established boundaries.
                                                                 The information shown in section 3 of this document is taken from the relevant section of
                                                                 Nokia’s user manual containing warnings and cautions specific to the equipment.

                                                                 2. INSTALLING BASE STATIONS TO ENSURE INSTALLER SAFETY

                                                                 Installation engineers need to be aware of the potential risk of the thermal effects of radio
                                                                 frequency energy and how to protect him/herself against undue risk. The information shown in
                                                                 section 3 of this Annex has to be included into the adequate section of the user manual
                                                                 containing warnings and cautions specific to the equipment.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without
        the written approval of the testing laboratory

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                    WCDMA Base Station                           page 12 / 13

                                                                                                                                             Evaluation No.:

                                                                 3. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS PROVIDED

                                                                 The statements shown below have to be included into the adequate section of the user manual
                                                                 containing warning and cautions specific to the equipment.

                                                                 Reference safety distances

                                                                 When working close to transmitter antennas, the proper safety distances must be observed. The
                                                                 minimum safe distance from an antenna is measured in meters.

                                                                    !    WARNING

                                                                          Do not go any closer to a live antenna than the compliance boundary. The radio
                                                                          frequency energy generated by the antenna poses a serious health risk.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without

        the written approval of the testing laboratory


                                                                          If performing installation or maintenance procedures on cables or antennas of the BTS
                                                                          in an area closer than the compliance boundary, make sure that all transmitters in this
                                                                          area are switched off.

                                                                 Date: Jun 19, 2010                     WCDMA Base Station                            page 13 / 13

Document Created: 2019-07-02 20:24:09
Document Modified: 2019-07-02 20:24:09

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