RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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APPLICANT: Nokia                                 EXHIBIT 13                       FCC ID: VBNAAHC-01
                                                                                  FCC ID: VBNAAHE-01

                                               EXHIBIT 13

                                    RF EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT

Section 27.52 RF Exposure Requirement
Licensees and manufacturers are subject to the radio frequency radiation exposure requirements specified
in sections 1.1307(b), 2.1091, and 2.1093 of this chapter, as appropriate. Technical information showing
the basis for this statement must be submitted to the Commission upon request.

Section 1.1307 (b) Environmental Assessment Requirement for Equipment Authorization

Commission actions granting construction permits, licenses to transmit or renewals thereof, equipment
authorizations or modifications in existing facilities, require the preparation of an Environmental
Assessment (EA) if the particular facility, operation or transmitter would cause human exposure to levels of
radiofrequency radiation in excess of the limits in §§ 1.1310 and 2.1093 of this chapter.


The RF exposure assessment report is attached.

                                                 Page 1 of 1

RF exposure compliance assessment
LTE massive MIMO Adaptive Antenna Products – AAHC & AAHE

Author                                          Christophe Grangeat

Owner                                           Christophe Grangeat

Organization                                    MN ATF

Approver                                        Ni Xiaonan

Document Type                                   Test report

Document ID                                     D565761411

Document location                               https://sharenet-ims.int.net.nokia.com/Overview/D565761411

Change History

Version   Status     Date         Author          Owner          Reviewed by    Reviewed     Approver     Approval     Description of changes
                                                                                date                      date

0.1       Draft      29-06-2018   C. Grangeat     C. Grangeat                                                          Initial draft

0.2       Draft      04-07-2018   C. Grangeat     C. Grangeat                                                          Update document ID

0.3       Draft      04-07-2018   C. Grangeat     C. Grangeat    Wang Hao       02-07-2018                             Modify based on comment

1.0       Approved   05-07-2018   C. Grangeat     C. Grangeat                                Ni Xiaonan   06-07-2018

This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, is protected by
copyright controlled by Nokia. All rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing,
adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of Nokia. This
material also contains confidential information, which may not be disclosed to others without the
prior written consent of Nokia.

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1        General content .................................................................................................................... 4

2        References............................................................................................................................. 4

         Applicable RF exposure standards and regulations ........................................................ 4

         Product and assessment method ...................................................................................... 4

3        RF exposure limits ................................................................................................................ 5

4        Description of the equipment under test (EUT) .............................................................. 5

5        RF exposure assessment method...................................................................................... 7

6        RF exposure computation results ...................................................................................... 8

7        Conclusion and installation recommendations................................................................ 11

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List of Tables
Table 1 – Applicable Maximum Permissible Exposure levels in B41 band (from [1]) ......................... 5
Table 2 – AAHC product general technical characteristics .................................................................... 5
Table 3 – AAHE product general technical characteristics ..................................................................... 6
Table 4 – Measured antenna gain characteristics for various beam steering directions (from [5])
........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Table 5 – Validation of the antenna model .............................................................................................. 8
Table 6 – RF exposure compliance distances based on the time-averaged maximum theoretical
transmitted power of 127 W (corresponding to 120 W nominal max transmitted power) ............ 11
Table 7 – RF exposure compliance distances based on the time-averaged actual maximum
transmitted power of 32 W (for information) ........................................................................................ 11

List of Figures
Figure 1 – Shape of the compliance boundary used for the RF exposure compliance assessment
(from [3])....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged maximum theoretical
transmitted power of 127 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 0° & elevation = - 3° ................ 8
Figure 3 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged actual maximum transmitted
power of 32 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 0° & elevation = - 3°......................................... 9
Figure 4 – Side view of the power density for the time-averaged maximum theoretical
transmitted power of 127 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 10° & elevation = - 23° ........... 9
Figure 5 – Side view of the power density for the time-averaged actual maximum transmitted
power of 32 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 10° & elevation = - 23° .................................... 9
Figure 6 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged maximum theoretical
transmitted power of 127 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 60° & elevation = - 3° ............ 10
Figure 7 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged actual maximum transmitted
power of 32 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 60° & elevation = - 3° .................................... 10

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1              General content
This test report is addressing human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-
EMF) transmitted by the following LTE massive MIMO Adaptive Antenna (MAA) Products
(see §2.2):

          Nokia AirScale MAA 64T64R 128 AE B41 120 W AAHC
          Nokia AirScale MAA 64T64R 128 AE B41 120 W AAHE

It provides the RF exposure compliance boundaries for these products regarding both general
population and occupational exposure. Outside of these compliance boundaries, human
exposure to RF-EMF is below the limits defined by the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) (see §2.1).

2              References
               Applicable RF exposure standards and regulations

[1] US FCC 47CFR 1.1310 “Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits”.

[2] US FCC OET Bulletin 65, “Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to
         Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields and its supplements”, edition 97-01, August 1997.

[3] IEC 62232:2017, “Determination of RF field strength, power density and SAR in the vicinity
         of radiocommunication base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure”.

               Product and assessment method

[4] Nokia, “Massive MIMO Adaptive Antenna Product Description” DN207523773, Issue 02, 16-

[5] Nokia, “AAHC – Antenna Test Report”, D562226014, 28-06-2018.
         [Note: this report is also applicable to AAHE]

[6] Microwave Vision Group (MVG), “EMF Visual Version 3.03 User Manual”, EMF/11 - 01.135/A –

[7] Z. Altman, B. Begasse, C. Dale, A. Karwowski, J. Wiart, M. Wong and L. Gattoufi, “Efficient
         models for base station antennas for human exposure assessment”, IEEE Trans.
         Electromagnetic Compatibility, Nov 2002, vol.44, pp. 588-592.

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[8] P. Baracca, A. Weber, T. Wild and C. Grangeat, “A Statistical Approach for RF Exposure
         Compliance Boundary Assessment in Massive MIMO Systems”, WSA 2018,

[9] IEC TR62669, “Case studies supporting the implementation of IEC 62232” (under
         development by IEC TC106 MT3).

3           RF exposure limits
The applicable RF exposure limits are derived from [1]. The RF compliance assessment is
performed using the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) levels recalled in Table 1.

           Table 1 – Applicable Maximum Permissible Exposure levels in B41 band (from [1])

                          General Population/Uncontrolled            Occupational/Controlled
                                     Exposures                                Exposures

  Power density                       10 W/m²                                 50 W/m²

4           Description of the equipment under test (EUT)
The main technical characteristics of AAHC and AAHE products are reproduced in Table 2 and
Table 3.

                        Table 2 – AAHC product general technical characteristics
 Product name                       AirScale MAA 64T64R 128AE B41 120W

 Model number                       474155A

 Rated max Tx power                 120 W

 Number of TXRX                     64TX64RX

 Beamforming                        Yes

 SW supported techno.               TD-LTE

 Frequency range                    2496 – 2690 MHz (3GPP Band 41)

 Nb of antenna elements             8 (horizontal) x 8 (vertical)

 Distance between AE                57.5 mm (horizontal) x 80 mm (vertical)

 Gain                               24 dBi

 EIRP                               74.8 dBm

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 Beam steering range                ± 60° (horizontal) and ± 20° (vertical)

 Dimensions                         Height: 651 mm (25.6 in.)

                                    Depth: 245 mm (9.6 in.)

                                    Width: 501 mm (19.7 in.)

                                    Note: includes front covers.

 Technology duty cycle factor       75 %

 Transmitted power tolerance        1.5 dB

                        Table 3 – AAHE product general technical characteristics

 Product name                       AirScale MAA 64T64R 128 AE B41 120 W AAHE

 Model number                       474658A

 Frequency range                    2630 – 2690 MHz

 The other characteristics are the same as AAHC (see Table 2).

Antenna pattern characteristics provided in Table 4 have been derived from the antenna test
report [5].

         Table 4 – Measured antenna gain characteristics for various beam steering directions
                                                (from [5])
  Azimuth           Elevation                                     Gain (dBi)

                                           2496 MHz               2605 MHz         2690 MHz

         0°             -3°                  23.1                   23.4             23.4

         0°             -17°                 20.7                   21.4             21.1

         0°             -23°                 20.0                   20.6             20.4

     10°                -17°                 20.8                   21.6             21.6

     10°                -23°                 20.0                   20.9             21.0

     60°                -3°                  20.5                  20.48             20.7

     60°                -13°                 19.3                   19.3             19.3

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In order to provide a conservative assessment on the frequency range, we performed the
calculation at the central frequency (i.e. 2605 MHz) scaled to the maximum gain over the whole
frequency band (indicated in bold letters in Table 4). The compliance boundary is defined by the
box shape perimeter shown in Figure 4 of IEC 62232:2017 [3] and displayed in Figure 1. The
distances Df, Ds, Da,u and Da,d are taken from the nearest point of the antenna. For
convenience, the distances Dsc, Duc and Ddc (respectively) taken from antenna center are also

         Figure 1 – Shape of the compliance boundary used for the RF exposure compliance
                                      assessment (from [3]).

5          RF exposure assessment method
RF exposure assessment is performed using the synthetic model computation method defined
in B.4.4.1 of IEC 62232:2017 [3]. Calculations are performed with the “EMF Visual” software
release 3.03 (see [6] and [7]).

The validation of the model is performed in the configuration with the beam in front
(azimuth = 0° and elevation = 0°). The validation results are provided in Table 5.

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                          Table 5 – Validation of the antenna model at 2605 MHz

                                                   Product                  Model                 Deviation
                                                  (from [5])

                   Gain                            23.4 dBi               23.4 dBi                     0

 Horizontal half-power beamwidth                     12.7°                   15°                     2.3°

    Vertical half-power beamwidth                     9.2°                   10°                     0.8°

For each configuration, the directivity pattern is derived from the simulation model and the
antenna gain is adjusted to match exactly the measured values for accurate scaling.

The RF compliance distances are provided for the time-averaged maximum transmitted power
of 127 W and, for information, the time-averaged actual maximum transmitted power of 32 W
taking a 95th percentile approach as defined in [8] and [9]. These values include a technology
duty cycle factor of 75 % (see Table 2) for time averaging and a power tolerance of 1.5 dB due
to electronic component dispersion and operational environmental conditions (temperature).

6           RF exposure computation results
The computed power density distributions are displayed in Figure 2 to Figure 7.

                                  10 W/m²                                          50 W/m²
                 General Population/Uncontrolled Exposures             Occupational/Controlled Exposures

              Figure 2 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged maximum
         transmitted power of 127 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 0° & elevation = - 3°

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                                 10 W/m²                                          50 W/m²
                General Population/Uncontrolled Exposures             Occupational/Controlled Exposures

          Figure 3 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged actual maximum
         transmitted power of 32 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 0° & elevation = - 3°

                                 10 W/m²                                          50 W/m²
                General Population/Uncontrolled Exposures             Occupational/Controlled Exposures

             Figure 4 – Side view of the power density for the time-averaged maximum
     transmitted power of 127 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 10° & elevation = - 23°

                                 10 W/m²                                          50 W/m²
                General Population/Uncontrolled Exposures             Occupational/Controlled Exposures

          Figure 5 – Side view of the power density for the time-averaged actual maximum
     transmitted power of 32 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 10° & elevation = - 23°

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                                10 W/m²                                          50 W/m²
               General Population/Uncontrolled Exposures             Occupational/Controlled Exposures

             Figure 6 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged maximum
     transmitted power of 127 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 60° & elevation = - 3°

                                10 W/m²                                          50 W/m²
               General Population/Uncontrolled Exposures             Occupational/Controlled Exposures

          Figure 7 – Top view of the power density for the time-averaged actual maximum
      transmitted power of 32 W and the beam oriented in azimuth = 60° & elevation = - 3°

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7           Conclusion and installation recommendations
The RF exposure compliance distances for the Nokia AirScale MAA 64T64R 128 AE B41 120 W
AAHC and AAHE products according to FCC requirements [1] are summarized in Table 6.

          Table 6 – RF exposure compliance distances based on the time-averaged maximum
          transmitted power of 127 W (corresponding to 120 W rated max transmitted power)
                                                                General        Occupational/Controlled
                                                     Population/Uncontrolled         Exposures

                                                               10 W/m²                50 W/m²

                Distance in front (Df)                              15 m               6.6 m

              Distance to the side (Ds)                             9.1 m              3.9 m

    Distance below and above (Da,d and Da,u)                        3.4 m              1.3 m

              Distance to the side (Dsc)                            9.3 m              4.1 m

    Distance below and above (Ddc and Duc)                          3.7 m              1.6 m

The RF exposure compliance distances based on the actual maximum transmitted power
considering a 95th percentile approach are summarized in Table 7. These values are provided for
information about the RF exposure levels that may be reached in operational conditions
considering a time-averaging window of 6 minutes according to [8] and [3].

    Table 7 – RF exposure compliance distances based on the time-averaged actual maximum
          transmitted power of 32 W (corresponding to 120 W rated max transmitted power)
                                                                General        Occupational/Controlled
                                                     Population/Uncontrolled         Exposures

                                                               10 W/m²                50 W/m²

                Distance in front (Df)                              7.5 m              3.2 m

              Distance to the side (Ds)                             4.5 m              1.8 m

    Distance below and above (Da,d and Da,u)                        1.6 m              0.5 m

              Distance to the side (Dsc)                            4.7 m              2.0 m

    Distance below and above (Ddc and Duc)                          1.9 m              0.8 m

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Installation of the Nokia AirScale MAA 64T64R 128 AE B41 120 W AAHC and AAHE products shall
be performed in accordance with all applicable manufacturer's recommendations and national
laws and regulations related to human exposure to radiofrequency fields. In particular:

         The operator or entity putting the equipment into service shall take the necessary
          measures to ensure that the general population cannot access the area within the
          general population/uncontrolled compliance boundary in the vicinity of the transmitting
          antennas (see Table 6).
         Depending on the site installation configuration, the operator or the entity putting the
          equipment into service determines the most suitable place to display the appropriate
          warning signs and any other necessary information or precautionary measures.
         Workers that are required to operate in the close proximity of the transmitting antennas
          connected to the equipment, for example installation and maintenance personnel, need
          to be informed about the potential risks of human exposure to RF fields and how to
          protect against them. They should strictly follow instructions provided by their employer.
          They should stand-off the occupational/controlled exposure compliance boundary
          defined in the vicinity of transmitting antennas (see Table 6). If it is necessary to operate
          within this compliance boundary, workers shall make sure that the transmitters
          contributing to exposure in this area are all switched off, or they must contact the
          relevant operator(s) to switch off emissions during operation period.

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Document Created: 2018-07-05 16:33:28
Document Modified: 2018-07-05 16:33:28

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