FCC Report


Test Report

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                                                            TEST REPORT
Report No.:                           EM201200218-1                                      Application No.:                      ZJ00016126

Applicant:                            EverFlourish Electrical Co.,Ltd

Applicant Address:                    Renjiu Village, Wuxiang Town, Yinzhou, Ningbo 315111 P.R. China

Sample                                Transmitter
Model:                                EMW200TK1

FCC ID                                VBA-EF200TK

Test Location:                        EMC Laboratory of Guangzhou GRG Metrology and Test Co., Ltd.

Test Specification:                   FCC PART 15 Subpart C: 2010 section 15.231

Test Date:                            2012-06-28
Test Result:                          Pass
Tested By:                                              Reviewed By:                                              Approved By:
Jane Cao / Test Engineer                                Angel Liu / Reviewer                                      Gavin Wu / Director

Date:2012-06-28                                         Date:2012-06-28                                           Date:2012-06-28
Other Aspects:
Abbreviations: ok / P = passed; fail / F = failed; n.a. / N = not applicable

The test result in this test report refers exclusively to the presented test sample. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the

written approval of GRGT.

GRG Metrology and Test Co., Ltd.                                               Address: 163, Pingyun Road, West of Huangpu Avenue, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R. China

Tel:+86-20-38699960        Fax:+86-20-38695185                Email: cert-center@grg.net.cn         http://www.grgtest.com                    Ver.:1.0 / 09.Sep.2008

Report No.: EM201200218-1            Application No.: ZJ00016126            Page 2 of 21

                            DIRECTIONS OF TEST

     1. This station carries out test task according to the national regulation of
       verifications which can be traced to National Primary Standards and BIPM.

     2. The test report merely corresponds to the test sample. It is not permitted to
       copy extracts of these test result without the written permission of the test

    3. If there is any objection concerning the test, the client should inform the
       laboratory within 15 days from the date of receiving the test report.

 Report No.: EM201200218-1             Application No.: ZJ00016126       Page 3 of 21

Test                         Test Requirement       Standard Paragraph    Result
                               FCC PART
Radiated Emission                                     Section 15.231      PASS
                               15C :2010
                               FCC PART
Occupied Bandwidth                                    Section 15.231      PASS
                               15C :2010
                               FCC PART
Dwell Time                                            Section 15.231      PASS
                               15C :2010

Report No.: EM201200218-1                                                Application No.: ZJ00016126                                                 Page 4 of 21

1       TEST SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................... 3
2       GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................................................................................................. 5
    2.1 CLIENT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 5
    2.2 MANUFACTURER INFORMATION...................................................................................................................... 5
    2.3 STANDARDS APPLICABLE FOR TESTING......................................................................................................... 5
    2.4 TEST LOCATION..................................................................................................................................................... 5
    2.5 OTHER INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER ............................................................................ 5
    2.6 TEST FACILITY....................................................................................................................................................... 5
3       EQUIPMENTS USED DURING TEST ................................................................................................................. 6
4       TEST RESULTS....................................................................................................................................................... 7
    3.1 RADIATED EMISSIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 7
    3.2 OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH .................................................................................................................................... 15
    3.3 DWELL TIME......................................................................................................................................................... 16
5. TEST SETUP PHOTO ................................................................................................................................................ 17
6. PHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Report No.: EM201200218-1               Application No.: ZJ00016126             Page 5 of 21

     Applicant:               EverFlourish Electrical Co.,Ltd
     Address:                 Renjiu Village, Wuxiang Town, Yinzhou, Ningbo 315111 P.R.
     Manufacturer:            EverFlourish Electrical Co.,Ltd
     Address:                Renjiu Village, Wuxiang Town, Yinzhou, Ningbo 315111 P.R.
     General Description of E.U.T.
     Product Name:           Transmitter
     Model:                  EMW200TK1
     Trade Name:

     Frequency                433.92MHz
     Power supply             DC 12V
     Antenna requirement      integrated
     The standard used was FCC PART 15 Subpart C: 2010.Section 15.231

     All tests were performed at:
     EMC Laboratory of Guangzhou GRG Metrology and Test Co., Ltd.
     No tests were sub-contracted.
    Our laboratories are accredited and approved by the following approval agencies according to
ISO/IEC 17025.
                     USA               FCC Listed Lab No. 688188
                     China             CNAS No.L0446
                     China             DILAC No.DL175
                     Canada            8355A-1

Report No.: EM201200218-1               Application No.: ZJ00016126            Page 6 of 21

    Name of Equipment       Manufacturer          Model                    Calibration Due

    Dwell Time/Occupied bandwidth
        Receiver              R&S                  ESU40          100106      2012-09-26
    Radiated Emissions

    Biconical        Log-
                          ETS.LINDGREN            3142C      00075971         2012-09-26
    periodic Antenna

        Pre-amplifier         HP              8447DOPT010 2944A06252          2013-03-11

        Pre-amplifier         Agilent             8449B      3008A01649       2013-03-11

        Receiver              R&S                 ESU40          100106       2012-07-19

        Horn antenna     SCHWARZBECK BBHA9120D                   D752         2013-10-14

        Cable                 GRGT                GRGT2          GRGT2        2012-07-12

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    3.1 Radiated emissions
        Test Requirement:       FCC Part 15 C section 15.231(b)
        Test Method:            ANSI C63.4 SECTION 8&13
        Test Date:              2012-05-31
        Test Status:            Test in fixing operating frequency
        Power supply:           DC 12V

        Requirements :          All emission from a digital device, including any network of
                                conductors and apparatus shall not exceed the level of field
                                strength specified

Test Configuration:

                      Figure 1. 30MHz to 1GHz radiated emissions test configuration

Report No.: EM201200218-1                    Application No.: ZJ00016126                 Page 8 of 21

                            Figure 2. Above 1GHz radiated emissions test configuration

Duty cycle:
Average=peak(dBuV/m)-duty cycle (dB)
Ton= Ton1+ Ton2=18.49

Refer to attached plots for detail

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Report No.: EM201200218-1                   Application No.: ZJ00016126                  Page 10 of 21

1) Fundamental Radiated Emission

  FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.231 Limit

   Fundamental          Field Strength of    Fundamental          Field Strength of Spurious Emission
   (MHz)                uV/m                 dBuV/m               uV/m                 dBuV/m

   40.66-40.70          2250                 67.04                225                  47.04

   70-130               1250                 61.94                125                  41.94

   130-174              1250-3370            61.94-70.55          125-375              41.94-51.48

   174-260              3750                 71.48                375                  51.48

   260-470              3750-12500           71.48-81.94          375-1250             51.48-61.94

   Above 470            12500                81.94                1250                 61.94

  Note: 1. RF Field Strength (dBuV) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV)
  2.Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna and the closed
  point of any part of the device or system.
  3. The emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an
  average detector.
  4.Linear interpolations for frequency ranges 130-174MHz and 260-470MHz
  5.the above field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3-meters and the tighter limits apply at
  the band edges
  (a) On any frequency or frequencies below or equal to 1000 MHz, the limits shown are based on
  measuring equipment employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector function and related measurement
  bandwidths, unless otherwise specified. The specifications for the measuring instrument using the
  quasi-peak detector can be found in Publication 16 of the International Special Committee on Radio
  Interference (CISPR) of the International Electro technical Commission. As an alternative to CISPR
  quasi-peak measurements, the responsible party, at its option, may demonstrate compliance with the
  emission limits using measuring equipment employing a peak detector function, properly adjusted
  for such factors as pulse desensitization, as long as the same bandwidths as indicated for CISPR
  quasi-peak measurements are employed.
  Note: For pulse modulated devices with a pulse-repetition frequency of 20 Hz or less and for which
  CISPR quasi-peak measurements are specified, compliance with the regulations shall be
  using measuring equipment employing a peak detector function, properly adjusted for such factors
  as pulse desensitization, using the same measurement bandwidths that are indicated for CISPR
  quasi-peak measurements.
  (b) Unless otherwise specified, on any frequency or frequencies above 1000 MHz, the radiated
  emission limits are based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing an average detector
  function . Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 1000 MHz shall be performed using a
  minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. When average radiated emission measurements are

Report No.: EM201200218-1                      Application No.: ZJ00016126                    Page 11 of 21

   specified in this part, including average emission measurements below 1000 MHz, there also is a
   limit on the peak level of the radio frequency emissions. Unless otherwise specified, e.g., see §§
   15.250, 15.252, 15.255, and 15.509-15.519 of this part, the limit on peak radio frequency emissions
   is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the equipment under
   test. This peak limit applies to the total peak emission level radiated by the device, e.g., the total
   peak power level. Note that the use of a pulse desensitization correction factor may be needed to
   determine the total peak emission level. The instruction manual or application note for the
   measurement instrument should be consulted for determining pulse desensitization factors, as

Project No.:                 ZJ00016126                              Polarization:    Vertical
Test mode                    Keeping Tx transmitting                 Power Source:    DC 12V
Test item:                   Radiation Test                          Date:            2012-6-1
Temp./Hum.(%RH):             20/50%RH                                Time:            8:20:52
EUT:                         Transmitter                             Distance:        3m
Model:                       EMW200TK1                               Test Result:     Pass

                                              Horizontal /   Limits (dBuV/m)         Margin
Frequency (MHz)      Emission (PK/AV)                                                              remark
                     (dBuV/m)                 Vertical

433.92               67.80                    Horizontal     100.82                  33.02         PEAK
433.92               57.29                    Horizontal     80.82                   23.53         AVG
433.92               80.12                    Vertical       100.82                  20.7          PEAK
433.92               69.61                    Vertical       80.82                   11.21         AVG

NOTE: average=peak (dBuV/m)-duty cycle (dB)

2).General Radiated Emission and Harmonics Radiated Emission
    Test Procedure :The procedure used was ANSI Standard C63.4-2003.The receive was
scanned from 30MHz to 5000MHz/when an emission was found. the table was rotated to
produce the maximum signal strength. An initial pre-scan was performed for peak detection
mode using the receiver .The EUT was measured for both the horizontal and vertical polarities
and performed a pre-test three orthogonal planes .The worst case emissions were reported.
An initial pre-san was performed in the 3m chamber using the spectrum analyzer in peak
detection mode. Quasi-peak measurements were conducted based on the peak sweep graph.
The EUT was measure by Bilog antenna with a orthogonal polarities.
The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Factor &
Preamplifier .The basic equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
Final Test Level=Receiver Reading+ Antenna Factor + Cable Factor – Preamplifier Factor

Report No.: EM201200218-1              Application No.: ZJ00016126              Page 12 of 21

The following test result were performed on the EUT

Frequencies in restricted band are complied to limit on Paragraph 15.209.
Frequency Range (MHz)           Distance (m)                    Field strength (dBµV/m)
30-88                          3                               40.0
88-216                         3                               43.5
216-960                        3                               43.5
Above 960                      3                               54.0

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Project No.:                ZJ00016126                          Polarization:         Vertical
Standard:                   (RE)FCC PART 15 class B 3m          Power Source:         DC 12V
Test item:                  Radiation Test                      Date:                 2012-6-1
Temp./Hum.(%RH):            20/50%RH                            Time:                 8:20:52
EUT:                        Transmitter                         Distance:             3m
Model:                      EMW200TK1                           Test Result:          Pass

  No.          Frequency   Reading        Correct     Result      Limit         Over Limit        Remark

                (MHz)      (dBuV/m)   Factor(dB/m)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)           (dB)

   1           868.9349      9.22         25.48       34.70       46.00           -11.30           QP
Above 1GHz
  No.          Frequency   Reading        Correct     Result      Limit         Over Limit        Remark

                (MHz)      (dBuV/m)   Factor(dB/m)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)           (dB)

   1           2913.915     28.28         22.62       50.90       74.00           -23.10           peak
   2           2913.915     16.38         22.62       39.00       54.00           -15.00          AVG
   3           3534.101     28.67         24.24       52.91       74.00           -21.09           peak
   4           3534.101     15.76         24.24       40.00       54.00           -14.00          AVG

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Project No.:                 ZJ00016126                           Polarization:        Horizontal
Standard:                    (RE)FCC PART 15 class B 3m           Power Source:        DC 12V
Test item:                   Radiation Test                       Date:                2012-6-1
Temp./Hum.(%RH):             20/50%RH                             Time:                8:25:23
EUT:                         Transmitter                          Distance:            3m
Model:                       EMW200TK1                            Test Result:         Pass

  No.          Frequency   Reading         Correct      Result      Limit         Over Limit        Remark

                (MHz)      (dBuV/m)    Factor(dB/m)    (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)           (dB)

   1           868.9349     16.72          25.48        42.20       46.00           -3.80             QP
Above 1GHz
  No.          Frequency   Reading         Correct      Result       Limit        Over Limit        Remark

                (MHz)      (dBuV/m)    Factor(dB/m)    (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)          (dB)

   1           2913.915     26.28           22.62       48.90       74.00           -25.10           peak
   2           2913.915     16.38           22.62       39.00       54.00           -15.00          AVG
   3           3534.101     26.67           24.24       50.91       74.00           -23.09           peak
   4           3534.101     15.76           24.24       40.00       54.00           -14.00          AVG

Report No.: EM201200218-1              Application No.: ZJ00016126            Page 15 of 21

         Test Requirement:      FCC Part 15 C Section 15.231(C)
         Test Method:           FCC PART 2.1049&ANSI C63.4 section 13
         Test Date:             2012-05-31
         Test Status:           Test in fixing operating frequency
         Power supply:          DC 12V
         Test requirements:     Per 15.231(c), The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider
                                than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices operating above
                                70 MHz and below 900 MHz. Bandwidth is determined at the
                                points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

         Test Procedure:
         1. Set the spectrum analyzer: Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20dB bandwidth,
             centred on a hopping channel;
         2. Set the spectrum analyzer: RBW >= 1% of the 20dB bandwidth (set 10kHz). VBW
             >= RBW. Sweep = auto; Detector Function = Peak. Trace = Max Hold.
         3.Mark the peak frequency and -20dB points
         4. bandwidth value is OBW value.

test result
Frequency (MHz)         20dB Bandwidth         Limit (MHz)            Limit (MHz)
                        Emission (kHz)
433.92                  330.12                 1.08                   Pass

Limit=Frequency x 0.25%=433.92 x 0.25%=1.08MHz
Refer to attached plots:

  The EUT meets the requirements of the 15.231(c).

Report No.: EM201200218-1              Application No.: ZJ00016126             Page 16 of 21

        Test Requirement:                FCC Part 15 C section 15.231(a)
        Test Method:                     FCC Part 15 C section 15.231(a)
        Test Date:                       2012-06-04
        Test requirements:               Per 15.231(a) (1), a manually operated transmitter
                                         shall employ a switch that will automatically
                                         deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5
                                         seconds of being released.
        Test Status:                     Test in fixing frequncy
        Power supply:                       DC 12V
        Test Procedure:
        1.Set spectrum analyzer span = 0. centered on a hopping channel;
        2.Set RBW = 100KHz and VBW = 100KHz.Sweep = as necessary to capture the entire
        dwell time per hopping channel. Detector Function = Peak. Trace = Max hold;
        3. Use the marker-delta function to determine the dwell time.

        Test Results:

The EUT meets the requirements of the emissions.

                  Below 1G

                 Above 1G

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            --------------------This is the last page of the report. -----------------------

Document Created: 2012-07-03 11:31:19
Document Modified: 2012-07-03 11:31:19

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