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FCC ID: VA5JR260A433

Users Manual

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__|   M861 A MANUALO324 FINAL 2005.4.4 10:1 6 AM 4°J 41 11

                                                                                                         © User‘ s femilarity with operating manual
                                                                                                           <lnstailer should thoroughty explain system operatfion to the user.
             1—1,. Please be careful not to lock yourself out.
                                                                                                       1—5. Vehicle checi—up prior to and after the installation.
             Please lower the glass windows before you start the Installation in case the door locks
                                                                                                       For your protection, check the vehicle inside and out including all ofthe
             with the key inside. Also, learn the remofte to the brain module after the Installation
                                                                                                       vehicle operating condifions and various fectory systems to make sure they
             has been completed.
                                                                                                       work property after installation in the same manner as prior to the installation.
             1—2, Use Digital Multimeter for testing
             Use a Digital Multimeter for all testing of wires in the vehicle. This should be done
             on all wires even If you feel that you know exacily what they are and how they            MS861A Wiring Digram
             should test. Use of lamp tester may damage the electrical ciroult of the vehicle.
                                                                                                                             1          RED           (+)12V Constant Input
             1—3. Find Good Ground                                                                                           2        Violet          (+)Parking Light Output
             One of the most important wire connections is the ground connection.                                CON1        13       Brown           (+)Siren Output
             Please find a spot that does not have any resistance to the baftery ground.                                     4         Gray           {+)Trunk Output
                                                                                                                             5        Black           Ground
             Improper ground will result in maifunction of the system.
                                                                                                                             1|   Yellow/Black        N.C
             1—4. Make sure your installation does not become a driving hazard later                                         #         Yellow         Com.          Unlock
             to the driver.                                                                                                  3|   Yellow/White        N.O
             During installation process, please try to foresee there are any potentfial problems                cOon2       41   Green/Black         N.C
                                                                                                                             5        Green           COM.           Lock
             to the driver later.
                                                                                                                             6|   Green/White|        N.O
              @Poteriial Driving Harards
                                                                                                                             1         Green          (+)ignition Sensing
                   —&There should be no wiring around the brake.                                                             2         Blue           (—)250mA Output to Starter Kill
               6 Connection problem or Insulation problem                                                                    3      Red/Black         (—)Door Pin Sensing
                   c©)Please make sure all the connections are done by soidering and are property                CON3! 4                Red           (+)Door Pin Sensing
                                                                                                                             5     Violet/Black       (—)Trunk Pin Sensing
                     insulated by slectrical fape.
                                                                                                                             6    Light Blue/White    (+)Brake Sensing
               ©Wl any of your installation be affected by the vibration and engine heat                                     7     Black/White        (—)Optional Sensor Input
                 during driving?
                                                                                                                        1             Black           Ground
                  <)Te securely every components ofyour installation by use of bolts or cable fie.               cOoNn4 2|         Black/White        (+)LED
                    Be sure that engine heat wil not damage any wiring inside ofthe engine                                   1         Black          Ground
                   compartment                                                                                               2         White          (—)2nd Stage Shock Input
              @ Organizing witing after the installation                                                         CcOoN5 3               Red           (+)12V Output
                                                                                                                             4        Yellow          (—)1st Stage Shock Input
                eimproperwiring organtzation will result in electrical noise, connection
                 problems, sefety hazards.                                                                      ~Antenna_Biack

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            No 1 (Red) : (+YUZY Input

                                                                                                              NCc                     /Black
                                                                                                                                      Yellow /Black
                                                                                                                                                                          [NG.—o—                Yellow /Black

            Solder this wire to the vehicle‘s 12Y constant. This wire must be supplied power all    Unlock com.          zfifli’.‘i‘w                         Uniockd? com.                        Yellow
            of the time and must be able to withstand high current draw.                                      No             c        Yellow / White
                                                                                                                                                                          | no_a77 {Yelow/Whie
                                                                                                              NC                       Green / Black                      NC                     Green /Black

                                                                                                      Losk com.         :z |Green_                               Locok? con.        :i: |Green_
                                                                                                              m «___________sGreen/White_                                 mc_o__gGreen/White_

            Ne 3 (Brown) : (ZY Siten Quiput                                                               roveonconccncceccecceccot                                 ccomecsesececcecceccent

            The Black wire at the siren is to be chassis grounded.                                               «< Circuit diagram >                  < Circuit diagram during unlock output >

            The siren volume can be reduced by cutting the volume wire aftached to the siren.                  NS se_5 /Black

                                                                                                     Unm[ COM.LW'\\O#_.C,
                                                                                                          XO              Yellow      m
                                                                                                                          felori / White                  > installers are able to Install as per
            Ne 4 (Gray) : (t}yLZY Trunok QOutput                                                                                                             the following methods when you install
            if the vehicle is equipped with electrical trunk release, the trunk out is                         Kc                     Green / Black
                                                                                                                                                             please find a sulitable method as per
            connected to trigger the trunk solenold.                                                  Look com. _                                            the door system of your vehicle
                                                                                                           méji White

                    *A             ___55——o                          trunk
                                                                                                       < Circuit diagram during lock output>
                                                                                                    x The Wires of CNZ are not connected with any part of inside
                            frunk Release Switch
                                                                                                      Connect +12Y to the wire placed between the Connector and the Fuse (204)
                                                                                                   > Method 1 :                                                    NC
                                                                                                    Negative Trigger Door LOCK SY¥SI@M                    iniock { coM                      Yellow
            Ne 5 (Black} : Chassis Ground
                                                                                                    (WIO Actuator)                                                 NO
            This will be the one of the most important connections. Connect this wire to bare
                                                                                                                                                                  NC                                  Black
            metal of the vehicle. We do not recommend using the steering column for a ground—
                                                                                                                                                           Lock { COM.
            ing point. Make sure you strip back the paint of use a factory grounding point.                                                                         KQ                       Green / White
            Bad grounding on this wire will be the beginning of fulure troubles.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  +12V(CON1—1 Red)
                                                                                                   DMfith@d 2 :                                              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\P‘Y l ow     /Black
                                                                                                      h          +                                                   a                     ellow     ac       i
                                                                                                   Positive Trigger Door Lock System                               ”"T:’ Yellow                               l
                                                                                                   (WIO Actuator)                                                  o
                                                                                                                                                         Unlock COM.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Yellow/white                   e

                                                                                                                                                                   N.(‘                  Green /Black
                                                                                                                                                          Lock [ COM. : p                Green                          Lock
                                                                                                                                                                   K0                    Green / White

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              > Method 3 : External Actuator
                                                                                                                            No 3      {Red/Black) : Negative Trigeger Door              Open Sense
                                                                                  +12V (CON1—1 Red)
                         nessesvessensensencenenong                                 &                                       No 4      {Red) : Positive Trigger Door          Open Sense
                             NC                          Yellow /Black
                                                         Yellow                                                                        Dome Light                               Dome Light
                   Uniock CC)MT\\C
                              No             ..          ___§Yellow / White             L                                               /C                                       /C\
                                                                                           External                                                 Door                                           Door
                              |                                                         [— Actuator LL
                             N.C                         Green / Black                                                                              Trigger SW                                     Trigger SW
                     Lock COM_\\\C                       Green
                              NO                         Green / White
                                                                                 7?7'       <   E     ma; A        amr>
                                                                                                                                                                                        CON3—4(+) Door Trigger

                                                                                                                            Please make sure you have found a correct door sensing wire that monitors all doors.

                                                                                                                           No 5 (Vigiet / Black : (—)Trunk Trigger Input.
             No 1 (Green) : (+12V Mgnition Input
                                                                                                                           connect this to wire to the trunk lamp wire as shown below
             This wire will test {using your digital multl—meter) OV with the key off, and 12V with
             the key in the ‘ON or RUN‘ position

                    lne) : Negative Starter—Kill Qutput                                                                                       J_
                                                                                                                                                                    +L        1 T
                                                                                                                                                                           Trunk Lamp
            Please use the pre—wired starter kill relay.
                                                                                                                                                                                CON 3—5
               ... Starterkilf Mode ...                                                         .. Antl Jacking Mode ...                                                  (~)trunk Trigger Input

                                                                                                                            Connect this wire to the foot Brake Wire as shown below.


                                                                                                                                                                 Foot Brake SW

                                                                                                      [   Engine                                             CON3—6(+)Brake Tnigger

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MS861 A MANUALO324 FINAL 2005.4.4 10:17 AM °J 4] 17

     When instaling addifonal sensors, use this wire as the input wire for those sensors.     Press buttons «x and 4 Simultaneously for 2 seconds in order to enter
     Abways remember, when alfeching more then one sensor to any input, you must diode iso—
                                                                                              Option Mode.
     fate them so that they don‘t bacidsed into each other.
                                                                                                                  Features                      & (Fortory Doteut)            ®
                                                                                               i   Door Look/Unlock Pulse Duration                 0.8 See                  4 Sec
      No 1 (Black) : GND                                                                       2   Application of Pre—wired Kill Relay            Starter Kill       Anti—facking {IG—kiff}
      No 2 (Black/White) : COLED } LEDAss y                                                    3   Flashing Parking Light During Deor Open        Disabled                 Activated

     Ne 1 (Black) : GCND
     No 2 (White} ; (Gand         stage shock Toput
                                                                                              Note :
                                                                                              1. Door LockfUantock Pulse Duration :
                                                                                              if you set this mode, Door Lock/Uniock Pulse Duration wil be changed 0.8 secand
                                                                                              to 4 seconds.

                                                                                              2. Start Kilf Mode
                                                                                              Anti—lJacking{ignition—KH1} :
                                                                                              The #2 wire of CON3 can be programmed to send a signal to a relay to disconnect
     When Magicar systems are installed, please pay aftention to streich out the wire of      the ignition wire of the vehicle anytime the vehicle is armed so that the vehicle cannot
     antenna. If the wire is bended or twisted seriously, it will be one of the reasons,      start or run by remote or key. The vehicle can also be shut off with remote by use of
                                                                                              the panic command, even if it is running with a key in the ignition.
     which will reduce the receiving range.
                                                                                              Srarter—Kill :
                                                                                              The #2 wirs of CON3 can be programmed to send a signal to a relay to disconnect
                                                                                              the srarter wire of the vehicle upon arming.

                                                                                              3. Parking Light Flashing :
                                                                                              With this option, the parking fights will flash if any door remains open while the vehi—
                                                                                              cle is disarmed.

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             You can only program one option at a time. You will have to repeat the procedure for        Stepi : Press buttons(«x + @) ) for 2 seconds (The siren and signal lights will
             svery option you would like to change.                                                               chirp and flash one time each}.
              Step1: Press buttons ce« — #¢) for 2 seconds. The siren and signal lights                           — If you fall to program, the siren and lights will chirp and flash three
                           will chirp and flash one ftime each.                                                     times each.
                           — If you fall to program, the siren and signal lights will chirp and flash    Step2: Press button «s three times. (The siren and signal lights will chirp and
                             three times each.                                                                    fiash once time the button is pressed.)
              StepZ2: Press button $ the number of times to go to the option number you                  Step3s: All options will be reset to factory defaults after the confirming 3 chirps
                      want io change.                                                                             and flashes.
                       ~ The siren and signal lights will chirp and flash one time whenever
                         you press button # .                                                            Confirmation of Wrong Programming
              Stepa3: Wait a few seconds. You will hear a number of chirps and see a number             When you press the buttons incorrectly, Option Mode will not be programmed
                       of parking light flashes corresponding to the option number you want             and the siren will activate for 1 second.
                       to change. If the number of chirps or flashes does not match the option
                       number you want, walt 10 seconds, then start over at step 1.
              Step4: Press button & or @gas you want to program the option.
                      — if you press button & , the option will be set to the default setting.
                        The siren and signal lights will chirp and flash one time each.
                      — if you press button $ , the option will be set to the optional setting.
                        The siren and signal lights will chirp and flash two fimes sach.

                EX ) When you would like to program Option 3 which is for Flashing parking
                     Light during door open
                 1 . Press button «& + @) for 2 seconds (The siren and signal lights will chirp
                     one time each)
                 2. Press button ggthree times (The siren and signal lights will chirp and fiash
                     one time whenever press button @g ) and wait for 5 seconds.
                 3. The siren and signal fights will chirp and flash three times after 5 seconds
                 4. Press button gg after confirmation of the siren and signal lights as no. 3
                    {The siren and signal lights will chirp and flash two fimes each.}

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Document Created: 2008-08-13 10:11:15
Document Modified: 2008-08-13 10:11:15

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