Test Report

FCC ID: VA5JA580-2A433

Test Report

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                                                                                   Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                      Page 1 of 16 Pages

                              TEST REPORT
   1. Applicant

      Name                                  : SEGI LIMITED
      Address                               : Room 1808, 18/F, Tower 2, Admiralty Center, 18
                                             Harcourt road, Hongkong City, 186, CHINA

   2. Products

      Name                                  : Security/Remote Control transceiver (Car Alarm System)
      Model/Type                            : ANT-2WSH
      Manufacturer                          : SEGI LIMITED

   3. Test Standard                         : FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Subpart C section 15.231
                                             IC RSS 210 Annex I - 2007

   4. Test Method                           : ANSI C63.4-2003

   5. Test Result                           : Positive

   6. Date of Application                   : June. 26, 2010

   7. Date of Issue                         : August. 4, 2010

  Tested by                                                              Approved by

  Jong-gon Ban                                                           Jeong-min Kim
  Telecommunication Center                                               Telecommunication Center
  Engineer                                                               Manager
 The test results contained apply only to the test sample(s) supplied by the applicant, and this test report
shall not be reproduced in full or in part without approval of the KTL in advance.

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                 Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                      Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                                                                   Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                                                                      Page 2 of 16 Pages

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. GENERAL INFORMATIONS ..................................................................................................3

1.1.     Applicant (Client) .............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2.     Equipment (EUT) ............................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3.     Testing Laboratory ............................................................................................................................................ 4

2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................5

3. TEST RESULTS ....................................................................................................................6

3.1.     Transmission Requirements [FCC Part 15.231(a) & RSS-210 A1.1.1] ......................................................... 6

       3.1.1.      Requirements of Transmission Time........................................................................................................ 6

       3.1.2.      Test Results .............................................................................................................................................. 6

3.2.     Bandwidth of Momentary Signals [FCC Part 15.231(c) & RSS-210 A1.1.3] ................................................. 7

       3.2.1.      Requirements of Bandwidth ..................................................................................................................... 7

       3.2.2.      Test Results (20 dB Bandwidth) ............................................................................................................... 7

       3.2.3.      Test Results (99% Bandwidth) ................................................................................................................. 8

3.3.     Duty Cycle Correction Factor .......................................................................................................................... 9

3.4.     Radiated Spurious Emissions : Session 15.205 & 15.209 .......................................................................... 11

       3.4.1.      Test Procedure ....................................................................................................................................... 11

       3.4.2.      Limits ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

       3.4.3.      Test configuration ................................................................................................................................... 12

       3.4.4.      Test Results ............................................................................................................................................ 13

4. TEST EQUIPMENT ..............................................................................................................15

APPENDIX.1 TEST SETUP PHOTO ........................................................................................16

 1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                                                                     Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                                                                          Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                  Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                     Page 3 of 16 Pages

1.1. Applicant (Client)
  Name                                SEGI LIMITED
                                      Room 1808, 18/F, Tower 2, Admiralty Center, 18 Harcourt road, Hongkong
                                      City,186, CHINA
  Contact Person                      Hyun-suk, Kim

  Telephone No.                       82-32-623-5550 (#278)

  Facsimile No.                       82-32-623-6667

  E-mail address                      hyunsuk@magicar.com

  Manufacturer Name                   SEGI LIMITED

                                      Chenjiapucun, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City,
  Manufacturer Address
                                      Guangdong Province, P.R.China(523-408)

1.2. Equipment (EUT)
  Type of equipment                  Security/Remote Control transceiver (Car Alarm System)

  Model Name                         ANT-2WSH

  FCC ID                             VA5JA580-2A433

  IC Number                          7087A-A580A433

  Frequency Band                     433.92 MHz

  EUT Modes of Operation             Transceiver

  Type of Modulation                 ASK

  Number of Channels                 1 channel

  Input power supply                 DC 12 V

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                     Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                  Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                     Page 4 of 16 Pages

1.3. Testing Laboratory
                                      Korea Testing Labortory (KTL)
  Testing Place
                                      1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea

  FCC registration number             408324

  Industry Canada filing number       6298A-1

  Test Engineer                       Jong-gon Ban

  Telephone number                    +82 31 5000 133

  Facsimile number                    +82 31 5000 149

  E-mail address                      banjg@ktl.re.kr

  Other Comments                      -

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                     Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                     Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                        Page 5 of 16 Pages


Testing performed for : SEGI LIMITED

Equipment Under Test : ANT-2WSH

Receipt of Test Sample : 2010. 07. 12

Test Start Date : 2010. 07. 14

Test End Date : 2010. 08. 03

The following table represents the list of measurements required under the FCC CFR 47 Part 15.231 and
RSS 210 Annex I.

      FCC            IC
                                             Test Requirements                     Result        Comments
      Rules         Rules

   15.231 (a)(1)    A1.1.1                 Transmission Requirements                Pass       See Data sheets

                                 Transmitter Radiated Emissions – Fundamental,
   15.231 (b)(1)    A1.1.2                                                          Pass       See Data sheets
                                             Harmonic and Spurious

    15.231(c)       A1.1.3                  20 dB & 99% Bandwidth                   Pass       See Data sheets

Note1 : Test results reported in this document relate only to the items tested
Note2 : The required tests demonstrated compliance as per client declaration of test configuration, monitoring
        methodology and associated pass/fail criteria
Note3 : Test results apply only to the item(s) tested

* Modifications required for compliance
 No modifications were implemented by KTL.
  All results in this report pertain to the un-modified sample provided to KTL.

 1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                  Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                       Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                    Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                       Page 6 of 16 Pages

3.1. Transmission Requirements [FCC Part 15.231(a) & RSS-210 A1.1.1]

3.1.1. Requirements of Transmission Time

   □ According to 15.231(a)(1), a manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically
    deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being release.

   ■ According to 15.231(a)(2), a transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5
    seconds after activation.

3.1.2. Test Results

    After 7.5 ms, the transmitter was automatically deactivated.

                                              - Transmission Time -

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                  Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                       Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                   Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                      Page 7 of 16 Pages

3.2. Bandwidth of Momentary Signals [FCC Part 15.231(c) & RSS-210 A1.1.3]

3.2.1. Requirements of Bandwidth

  The bandwidth of emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the centre frequency for devices operating between
  70~900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the centre

  1. Carrier Frequency = 433.92 MHz
  2. The bandwidth of emission shall be no wider than 0.5 % of center frequency.
  3. Limit : less than 1.0848 MHz (433.92 x 0.0025)

3.2.2. Test Results (20 dB Bandwidth)

    Frequency (MHz)                 Result (kHz)                Limit (MHz)                 Verdict

          433.92                         585                        1.0848                   Pass

                                               - 20dB Bandwidth –

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                               Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                    Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                              Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                 Page 8 of 16 Pages

3.2.3. Test Results (99% Bandwidth)

    Frequency (MHz)                 Result (kHz)                Limit (MHz)            Verdict

          433.92                        884.1                       1.0848              Pass

                                                - 99% Bandwidth -

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                          Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                               Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                   Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                      Page 9 of 16 Pages

3.3. Duty Cycle Correction Factor

The period of the pulse train is determined by observing it on a spectrum analyzer with zero frequency span. A
plot is then made of the pulse train with a sweep time of 100 milliseconds. This sweep determines the duration
of the pulse train, which in this case is millisecond.

 Total ON Time during 100 ms = 64.35 us x 12 + 51.15 us x 60 = 3.84 ms
 Duty cycle correction factor = 20 log (3.84 ms/100ms) = -28.3

 Duty Cycle correction factor = -28.3 dB

                                                – Duty cycle plot 1 -

 1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                 Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                      Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                       Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                         Page 10 of 16 Pages

                                               – Duty cycle plot 2 –

                                               – Duty cycle plot 3 –

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                   Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                        Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                  Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                    Page 11 of 16 Pages

3.4. Radiated Spurious Emissions : Session 15.205 & 15.209

3.4.1. Test Procedure Preliminary Testing for Reference

     Preliminary testing was performed in a KTL absorber-lined room to determine the emission characteristics of
     the EUT. The EUT was placed on the wooden table which has dimensions of 0.8 meters in height, 1 meter in
     length and 1.5 meters in width. Receiving antenna (Biconi-Log antenna : 30 to 1000 MHz or Horn Antenna : 1
     to 40 GHz) was placed at the distance of 3 meter from the EUT.

     An attempt was made to maximize the emission level with the various configurations of the EUT. Emission
     levels from the EUT with various configurations were examined on a spectrum analyzer connected with a RF
     amplifier and graphed.
     The emission was within the illumination area of the 3 dB beam width of the antenna so that the maximum
     emission from the EUT is measured. Final Radiated Emission Test at an Absorber-Lined Room

     The final measurement of radiated field strength was carried out in a KTL Absorber-Lined Room that was
     listed up at FCC according to the "Radiated Emissions Testing" procedure specified by ANSI C63.4.

     Based on the test results in preliminary test, measurement was made in same test set up and configuration
     which produced maximum emission level. Receiving antenna was installed at 3-meter distance from the EUT,
     and was connected to an EMI receiver.

     Turntable was rotated through 360 degrees and receiving antenna height was varied from 1 to 4 meters
     above the ground plane to read maximum emission level. Receiving antenna polarization was changed
     vertical and horizontal. The worst value was recorded.

     If necessary, the radiated emission measurements could be performed at a closer distance than specified
     distance to ensure higher accuracy and their results were extrapolated to the specified distance using an
     inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (20 dB/decade) as per Section 15.31(f).

     The maximum emission level from the EUT occurred in such configuration as shown in the following

     The maximum frequency range measuring with the spectrum from 30 MHz to 10th harmonic was investigated
     with the transmitter.

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                     Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                                             Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                                               Page 12 of 16 Pages

3.4.2. Limits

    In addition to the provisions of Section 15.205, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators
    operated under this Section shall not exceed the following:

                 Fundamental                            Field Strength of                          Field Strength of
                  Frequency                              Fundamental                               Spurious Emission
                     (MHz)                              (microvolts/meter)                          (microvolts/meter)
               40.66–40.70                                   2,250                                          225
                   70-130                                    1,250                                         125
                  130-174                               1,250 to 3,750**                               125 to 375**
                  174-260                                    3,750                                         375
                  260-470                               3,750 to 12,500**                               375 to 1,250**
                 Above 470                                   12,500                                       1,250

     ** linear interpolations

3.4.3. Test configuration

                       <Anechoic chamber>

                                  EUT                               3m


                                                                  Ground plane

                                                                                                Test       Test    Monito
                                                                                              Receiver Instruments
                                                                                       Measuring room

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                                              Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                                                   Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                               Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                                 Page 13 of 16 Pages

3.4.4. Test Results Spurious Radiated Emission

       Model No.       : ANT-2WSH
       Test distance   : 3m
       Test mode       : Continuous TX
       Date             : July 13, 2010

           Antenna Bandwidth        Reading Correction              Level   Limit                                    EUT
Frequncy                                               Duty Cycle                                Margin
             Pol.    (kHz)           Level    factor              Corrected                             Remark       Plane
 (MHz)                                                  Factor                                    +/-
            H/V     Detector         dBµV       dB                dBµV/m dBµV/m                                     (X/Y/Z)

 433.92        H       100, Peak     77.09       20.35         0         97.44       100.8        3.36     Peak       Y
 433.92        H       100, Peak     77.09      20.35        28.3        69.14       80.8        11.66    Average     Y
 433.92        V       100, Peak     78.59      20.35          0         98.94       100.8        1.86     Peak       Y
 433.92        V       100, Peak     78.59      20.35        28.3        70.64       80.8        10.16    Average     Y
 867.84        H       100, Peak     42.24       28.1          0         70.34       80.8        10.46     Peak       Y
 867.84        H       100, Peak     42.24       28.1        28.3        42.04       60.8        18.76    Average     Y
 867.84        V       100, Peak     43.58       28.1          0         71.68       80.8         9.12     Peak       Y
 867.84        V       100, Peak     43.58       28.1        28.3        43.38       60.8        17.42    Average     Y
1301.76        V       1000, Peak    74.15       -3.73         0         70.42       74.0         3.58     Peak       Y
1301.76        V       1000, Peak    74.15       -3.73       28.3        42.12       54.0        11.88    Average     Y
2603.52        H       1000, Peak    66.98        4.3          0         71.28       80.8         9.52     Peak       Y
2603.52        H       1000, Peak    66.98        4.3        28.3        42.98       60.8        17.82    Average     Y

Level Corrected = Reading level + Correction factor (dB/m)
Correction factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss – Pre-amplifier (when using a pre-amplifier)

Note     1. Measurement was done over the frequency range from 30 MHz to 10th hramonic. The EUT was rotated and
            the antenna was changed to a range of height of from 1 m to 4 m above the ground plane for maximum
         2. Pre-amplifier was used in the range between 1 ~ 5 GHz.
         3. Tesing is include the rotation of the EUT through three orthogonal axes to determine the maximum emission.

Remark 1. Noise floor of 30 ~ 1000 MHz : <20 dBuV at 3m distance
       2. Noise floor of 1000 ~ 5000 MHz : <40 dBuV at 3m distance
       3. Noise floor of 5000 ~ 10000 MHz : <45 dBuV at 3m distance

 1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                           Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                                Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                                               Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                                                 Page 14 of 16 Pages Receiver Spurious Radiated Emission

       Model No.       : ANT-2WSH
       Test distance   : 3m
       Test mode       : Continuous RX
       Date             : July 13, 2010

           Antenna Bandwidth        Reading Correction              Level   Limit                                   EUT
Frequncy                                               Duty Cycle                                Margin
             Pol.    (kHz)           Level    factor              Corrected                             Remark      Plane
 (MHz)                                                  Factor                                    +/-
            H/V     Detector         dBµV       dB                dBµV/m dBµV/m                                    (X/Y/Z)

                                There was no emission detected above noise floor.

Level Corrected = Reading level + Correction factor (dB/m)
Correction factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss – Pre-amplifier (when using a pre-amplifier)

Note     1. Measurement was done over the frequency range from 30 MHz to 5th hramonic. The EUT was rotated and the
            antenna was changed to a range of height of from 1 m to 4 m above the ground plane for maximum response.
         2. Pre-amplifier was used in the range between 1 ~ 5 GHz.
         3. Tesing is include the rotation of the EUT through three orthogonal axes to determine the maximum emission.

Remark 1. Noise floor of 30 ~ 1000 MHz : <20 dBuV at 3m distance
       2. Noise floor of 1000 ~ 5000 MHz : <40 dBuV at 3m distance
       3. Noise floor of 5000 ~ 10000 MHz : <45 dBuV at 3m distance

 1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                                          Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                               Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                                           Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                                             Page 15 of 16 Pages

4. Test Equipment

  No.           Equipment                Manufacturer        Model        S/N

   1           EMI Receiver                  R&S             ESIB26      100280           08/17//2010

   2           Pre-Amplifier                Agilent          83017A    MY39500982          04/02/2011

              Biconi-Log Ant.
   3                                     Schwarzbeck        VULB9168    9168-180           08/24/2010
           (30 MHz ~ 1000 MHz)
                 Horn Ant.
   4                                        EMCO              3115     9012-3595           03/26/2011
             (1 GHz ~ 18 GHz)

   5           Antenna Mast                Frankonia         FAM4      1101F4006               --

   6         Spectrum Analyzer              Agilent          E4407B    US41443316          12/01/2010

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.                           Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

                                                            Report No.: 10-341-027
                                                              Page 16 of 16 Pages

Appendix.1 Test setup photo

1271-12, Sa-Dong Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-si Gyunggi-Do , Korea.        Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                             Fax. : +82-31-5000-147

Document Created: 2010-08-27 14:17:29
Document Modified: 2010-08-27 14:17:29

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