Test report LTE part 2

FCC ID: V5PA920-2019

Test Report

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 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                        Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                LTE Band 2

                   Lowest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                         Lowest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM

  |o ohetovet    osmin—ofmer
                  w on Pn mavn
      ht coumsoorme              lzoie oo y
                                          msns1 im. mode muorer                                          |o ohthetovet s osmin—ofmer mavn msns
                                                                                                                 coumsoorme5m B oeme o VW 1iee more moorey
   excee                                                mne                                  aram         excee                                     mne                                uaram
   ..                                              ns                                     restoieon
                                                                                               Amocul     ..                                                                       reamord
    L»                         7
                                   _       ofraol  esfi       on
                                                       "hrewr \
                                                                                     «:          o
                                                                                                  wl       1»                            onl xvalacaiopam
   ce                       [|                                                                            ce                                               \\
   noome                                                                                                  rooen
                         7                                        F                                                                                         i
                         r’                                                                                                                                   \
      20 c                                                                \                                  20 c
    ego—h—~ J                                                                 iworn—ilaa.                          Jms in                                                       rmaienne
     pik                                                                                                   sn
     so n                                                                                                  so n
    (so m                                                                                                 |co on
    crmmson                                rom pi                                         memcm           crmmmon                            rom pi                                spmrommme
   Focier                                                                                                Focier
     Tupe | ut | t
        Ho—1rdmnes      tireal 1
                                        i2   es ie
                                        tvalue  |_tunction .|
                                                                              Function tosut
                                                                                                           Tupe | ut | t
                                                                                                                           bewan e(as
                                                                                                                                             52:      |—Wosiitne
                                                                                                                                                  |_runetion .|
                                                                                                                                                            s                          same
                                                                                                                                                                          Function tosut
        B         in biemisen           Ginenlanle                                           t                 ioeaenemence                  Senl anle                                   25
  C            X                                       ‘                                   w             C           X                                      ‘                        w

                   Middle Channel / 10MHz / QPSK

      t tovel sc in olmaom ofi sns                                                                                         oun ommmae s m mave
  Lo Ae         29w Sn lasie o viw 1 ie mode murorr?                                                                       woe sun     vaw 10e mode motoret
      . cou oorice                                                                                            six coomsoorge
   ocms                                                                                                      ocms
                                           o                                               uaram                                                  o                                    tavam
   a                                                                                   rrionion              mss                                                                   remmo oo
                                  7        has                                              2oo                                          x        has                                    o0 o
    w                                    wate                                        ssino00000 mef          w                            ha lanainrn                            s»rovonocemid
    ®                  7                   uhm                                                   im          ®                                    Whoctor   \                               1.
    o ce              /                              \                                                       o ce
      ance             Yy[                                            {                                      oo                                                      \¢
    ue             —H
                                                                          \                                 oi
                                                                                                          fars      {—                                                t                     —
     sn                                                                                                     sn
     so on                                                                                                  so on
    (soome                                                                                                 |co on
    acrmoc                                   on pi                                      smmowe             cramone                                 on pi                            Spm rommme
   Focer                                                                                                  Focer
    To nat [ e [  scvalin [             —tvalue [ Finsion|                    rurction rosu      1          ‘Tpe| net[ tre|   xcvaiie _ |    —t—vaiie _|                     ctionnesut
        in    i——\inies                   en it on                                          same               in         i——\isaes            Waies                                    some
        "     i    iatsee                ——1imes        is                                  wan                "          i    iatsee         ——dialma                                   wan
        5     i0   imewas                cie e      ande                                     me                5          i    bdandd             sn       ande                           es
  C         T                                         7                                  e               C            T                                     7                         e

                   Highest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                      Highest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM
         um                                                                                        y       Spectrum                                                                           y
     ht tovel 2000 n olfi esn se o sn sns                                                                    ht tovel 20 0 n olfi esn se o sn sns
  le ws          so i sut tz pe e vew 1160 mode musorr?                                                  le ws          w . ut azepe o vaw 1 w0e mode muorer
    sor cout 10000                                                                                         sor cout 10000
   xi                                                                                                     xi
                                              o                                              maram                                                  o                                   masam
   &                                                                                      rsomne on       ms                                                                        asomzz0oo
                                      ;       we                                              20.00 ol                                   w          we                                   20.00 l
      w                             l   LA ies                                       somontos w              w                           _ Eol             tfi                    sssomcins mc
      "                                               atocior"   \                               weal        "                     /                       afocsdr                          waal
      on                        /
                                                                     \t                                      on
                        J                                                 .                                                       |
      ance                 7‘                                             ¢                                  oo               3
      zon              —                                                                                      zon      —
      2s                                                                           =—olrany                  fcomec=—~
       aocen                                                                                                  aocen
       so                                                                                                     so
      Lco on                                                                                                 soome
    eromsor                                on ps                                        Sm rname           cramon                            on ps                                  Spm moame
   Rarr                                                                                                   Rarr
    Tupol not [ tre]   xvalun     _ | ¥—value [ runction|                     runction tosut        \      Tupol mot [ tre]   xvalue___| ¥value [ runction|               runction rosut
      n            :    Toust ow        —ieer mm woo                                         semme            n           :    teeeree     ie mm w en                                    prags
       m           :    1amors on      in ie on        ies                                   aen on           m           :    1awonson   n 1 on         ies                             de n on
       :           :    eiocrammem ammeres                                                     se             :           :    Feomerammemceammeres                                         mz
  C            J                                     J                                    w              C            J                                J                              w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                       Page Number              : A47 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                        Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                     Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                  Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.             FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                                     Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                           LTE Band 2

                         Lowest Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                                                    Lowest Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM

       attovel 2000 en—Offer mm sc o sw sns                                                                                attovel 2000 en—Offer mm sc sw sns
   fe ae          so on sur 126 u0 0 ow 1 0e mode muorer                                                               fe ae          so i sut tz pe e vew 1160 mode musorr?
      5se cou so0rte                                                                                                      5se cou so0rte
    ism                                                                                                                 ism
                                                o                                                    rram                                                          o                                                    aram
    m                                                                                            nussnie0 oo            m                                                                                           1 ass0si0 oo
                                      m         ns                                                     20.00 oo                                           T        ns                                                     26.00 oo
     1                          s      x        8k ..                                         11:zrso00000 m             1                                         Bhicww                                        11susoonoc0 m
       ®                                                         Watar y                                    us             ®                              7                            wiomen~                                   n
       o se                                                                                                                o se                          }
       anome                                                                                                               aocen                     :
                                 |                                                           /purel,..      2 2s           ofi apAm
        on                                                                                                                  a0
        so o                                                                                                                so o
       soome                                                                                                               (co omm
     ercoms on                                         on ps                                      Sm mowe                er css one                                     on ps                                        Sm soamie
    mocr                                                                                                                mocr
     Iupel net| trel         xvalin      _|       tcvatue [ rimsion _|                  runction rosun      I            Iupel net| trel     xvalie    _|          tcvatue [ runstion_|                    rurction rosut
       in          :          recrzce               tore ce net conn                                 mnmeme                 in         :      reseree                1e t net conn                                      wmeme
        1          :          resmisr on           1220 on        «e                                   zsn                  1          :      rammr on                  is ma       «e                                    zoo
        r          :          smm ae[              cnzmn      ce                                        :                   r          :      rmamse                   sn       aficw                                      e
   C           J                                                )                                   w                  C           J                                              )                                    w

                         Middle Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                                                    Middle Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM

      e tovel 2000 n —Offer mm sc o sw sonve                                                                                             on —omer mm e o n se
   l we           w . ut azepe o vaw 1 w0e mode muorer                                                                                    zow aut        vaw 1 0i mode wtoret
      e cout sonico                                                                                                          sor cout 10000
   xi                                                                                                                      xi
                                              o                                                     uara                                                             o                                                  maram
    &                                                                                           ruresowore                 &                                                                                        smmz ono
                                   x          we                                                     20.00 ol                                            y           we                                                  ‘20.00 ol
    .                            P            Broya                                           1c0s000000 w                 .                                         Bc                                          11azso00000 m
    ®                                         esdb*                                                     120al              ®                      /                  antar                                                   125.

       aocmn                         :                                         v                                           anome                 i                                                     t
        on on                                                                       \                                       on on                j
                                                                                                                                                     J                                                   \I
                             J                                                       |                   mz                |ae
                                                                                                                                          Aw/h                                                                 en
        aocen                                                                                                               aocen
        so                                                                                                                  so
       Lco on                                                                                                              soome
     errmor                                           on ps                                       Sm corme               errmoc                                        on ps                                          Spmsoamne
    Rarr                                                                                                                Rarr
     Tupol not [ tre]        xvalun    _|         ¥value [ runction|                    runction tosun        \          Tupol hot [ trel    xvatue      |         ¥vatue _|                                   crionnesut
       n            :         racoren               Harem nit con                                    nears                  n           :     temass                 Horem                                               wesme
        m           :         rarmr on             120 on         ies                                  zen on               m           :     rariunr on            1e 0 0n                                               zen in
        :           :         remirge               eer n     giice                                      e                  :           :     remaree                Cnm in           giier                                 es
   C            J                                               J                                   w                  C           J                                                    J                               w

                         Highest Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                                               Highest Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM
              trum                                                                                            t            Spectrum                                                                                                t
      arcoonl o0wTin—ue B1
   Lo As                TETlzege oo BW
                                    TN TiTe
                                        ns mode mrorer                                                                    arcoonl o0se
                                                                                                                       Lo As         Tin— BM
                                                                                                                                          TETBeie oo ie
                                                                                                                                                     TN TiTe
                                                                                                                                                         Sm moge mworer
                                                                 mm                                      maram                                                                         mm                                   mm
                                                                 we                                       Weol ul                                                   J                  we                                   :mocas
       :®                                     —                  Pm
                                                                 n?r:cm                                     w9z
                                                                                                                           :®                                                i
                                                                                                                                                                                       afserdd /V\\                              wmiol
       o se                                                                                                                o se                                                                    \
       nc                                +                                     \Y                                          ocm                   w
       a se                  7                                                                                              a se
       207               —                                                              i                 CA                m                                                                              —    —            v      7
       oc                                                                                                                   o ie
       sosen                                                                                                                sosen

   Foter                                                                                                               Foter
       Tupe | ut | t         xovalue         1    tvalue   |   tunction   .|            Function tosut             I       Tupe | ut | t     xvalue                ¥—value       _|_tunction   _|          Function tosut

   L                 V                                             ‘                               w                   L              V                                                 ‘                             w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                             Page Number                          : A48 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                              Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                                            Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                                         Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.           FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                Report No .: FGBD1822B

                                                                                   LTE Band 2

                   Lowest Channel / 20MHz / QPSK                                                          Lowest Channel / 20MHz / 16QAM

      attovel 2000 n —ofer m sns o sw r e
                                                                                     @]        attovel 2000 n —ofer m sns sw r e
   e ane         so on sur 5ie a vaw 3 in. mode mutoret                                     e ane         so on sur 5ie a vaw 3 in. mode mutoret
    sox cou soorge                                                                            sox cou soorge
   im m                                                                                     im m
                                               mne                             Tavam                                                    mng                              Taram
    m                        y                                              raszzim oi       m                                              m                        a neseio ooo
                                               ns                                20.00 oo                                               1                                  20.00 oo
    w                       2A      Nx tmm                              20.a0o000000 m       i                       Ap~m~mroorafise                              z0.x0o000000 m
    ®                     7                    atactor                               seal    ®                     7                    atactor                                seal
    oc                                                                                       oc                   f
                          rJ                                                                                     t
    ocm                   I                                                                  ancn                ]7
    2o n                  7                                                 =fa~              2o n       ~~i#                                                           — —|—
   fease<==~                                                                                 oi
    a0                                                                                        a0
    so on                                                                                     so on
   soome                                                                                     (co un
     errasone                                 on ps                        Sm mowe            errasone                                 on ps                          Spmsomme
    Macer                                                                                    Macer
     Iupel net| trel      xvalin    _|   tcvatie [ runstion _|    runctin rosut         |     Typel het| re|     xvalin    _|     tcvalie [ tmction |       runction rosut
       in          :       remess          trov in ret conn                     aume             in        :      ressres           iree on nes conn                       aume
        n          :        remm oc        —20s in        «e                    zeco in          n         :       rens oo          350 m         «e                        zooo in
        m          :        remsce         to9% m     ic                           sz            m         :       serce            ces e     oi                               is
   C           J                                        )                    w              C           J                                       )                       w

                   Middle Channel / 20MHz / QPSK                                                           Middle Channel / 20MHz / 16QAM

      fat tovel 2000 n —affr sn se o nTe
                                                                                     @                  on —omer mare o m ns
   l we             w on wut Srie o vaw si0e mede wutoret                                                w on wut Srie vaw si0e mede wutoret
      . cout sonico                                                                         sor cout 10000
   xi                                                                                       xi
                                                 o                             mavam                                                o                                    mara
    &                                                                       rureson ore     &                                     .                                  a avzeomore
                                  —        ~[~~—me                               20.00 ol                        7                   «n                                    ‘20.00
    i                         n—            n                           20.an0000000 ind    i                           hoA Ni                                    20.aso000000 wl
    ®                       7                    afoctor                             s2al   ®                                       afoctor  \                                 s2al
    oo                    o                                                                 oo                                                 \

     on o      }                                                   —[        m                on t                                                      \       En —
    ie  uela~]                                                            ~<LA~              To          ~~
     aocen                                                                                    aocen
     so                                                                                       so
    Lco on                                                                                   soome
     errmor                                 on ps                           Sm ow             errmor                           on ps                                  Spm sommr
    Rarr                                                                                     Rarr
     Tupol not [ tre]     xvalue    _ | ¥value [ runction|        runction tosut        \     Tupo| not [ trel   xvalue  | ¥vatue _|                           crionnesut
       n            :      Thom ow        ismm won                               same            n           :    teawes     io an                                        meame
        m           :       1smm on       4 2 on        ies                      zen is          1           :     1manon140 n                                             zen is
        :           :       Feucrammeceammeres                                     2s            :           :     Fesmcrmmeieammercs                                        is
   C            J                                     J                       w             C            J                           J                                  w

            um                                                         y                      Spectrum                                                                           y
        fat tovel 2000 n —affr sn se o nTe                                                       fat tovel 20 0 n —affr sn se o nTe
   le ws             s s ut Srye a vew 2 6e mode musor?                                     le ws             w on wut Srie o vaw si0e mede wutoret
      sor cout 10000                                                                           sor cout 10000
    xi                                                                                       xi
                                                mne               Tavam                                                                    o                              Tzeam
     i®                       ALa—ces
                                Nce —~v]RARRACA          m          f
                                                              mamnbiome    seused            |e
                                                                                              a®                         a—~
                                                                                                                          w           [~_ge~
                                                                                                                                        CA      m .\                 seol  ;
                            7                   afacier               saal                                                                 afacier                              saa
     oo                                                 \7                                    oo                                                     \(7
     aocmn                                               f                                    anome
       zon                                                                                      20 on—!—                                               X            —
               J__A                                        \Js~                              L__—_] ~ 5                                                                 AJ__—
     hersmne                                                        ——                        io
       aocen                                                                                    aocen
       so                                                                                       so
     Lco on                                                                                   soome
     erizone                                 on ps                          Sm ow             erizone                                  on ps                          Spm sommr
    Rarr                                                                                     Rarr
     Tupol hot| re|       xvalue         tvalie __|_tunstion _|   runction tosut        \     Tupol not [ tre]   xvalue     _|    ¥value [ runction|        runction rosut
       n          :        ow es           wovan won                             same            n           :    Tmemew            —_irecm won                            meame
        m         :         ism on         1 on           ies                    zen is          1           :     1ames on         0 on          ies                       2s o
        :         :         inoree         se en      gike                         zs            :           :     inonge           Sa en     gike                             2s
   C           J                                        J                     w             C            J                                      J                       w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                            Page Number        : A49 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                             Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                      Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                   Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.           FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                                        Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                                  LTE Band 4

                      Lowest Channel / 1.4MHz / QPSK                                                                                         Lowest Channel / 1.4MHz / 16QAM
    Spectum                                                                                                                   Spectum
      attovel soo0 en —orer mavss o rw ome                                                                                     attovel o0 n —ofrer mapms o raw o
   .              29w Sn doaie o vew 00e. mode murorr?                                                                       l ie          50 o0 S daaye o vaw 10000 mode muorer
     six coomsoovge                                                                                                           six coomsoovge
   im                                                                                                                        im
                                             mne                                                             trram                                                      mne                                                    masam
        .                                                                                                 imusnooo                                                                                                          1romimm en
                                             on enfiA              nas      18                                    26.00 o
                                                                                                                                                                 .   I
                                                                                                                                                                             nelamaiins  nas                                       26.00 o
       "                                                          Afoctor       .\                                wazia          "                                                       factor                                     wmieal
    o ce                h                                                                                                     o ce
    nc               ry                                                                                                       ocm                 »/
                    B                                                                         %                                                                                                                 \.
     2o on—|—
           J                                                                                                                   20c        w7
    Sroear                                                                                                       w   —       Li   n                                                                                      nw
     sn                                                                                                                        sn
     so on                                                                                                                     so on
    (soome                                                                                                                    (co un
    cromnar                                              on pi                                               mgame            cromnar                                         on pi                                            mgame
   Focer                                                                                                                     Focer
     To nat [ e |  svalus [                         —tvalue [ Fingion|                            runction nosun      |        ‘wpe nat| e [   svalin [                   tvalun _| Fnction |                        Foriton resar
        in     \——ifuires                             es —wt on                                                imsrme             in       i——iftses                        iWatee Wt dn                                         isseme
        "      i   ihiwree                           11e            is                                           in               "        i   iigws e                     ie es          is                                       on
        5      i   (iBeree                            GHIAT     ons                                              us               5        10  HiBaiad                      GIRAT     ande                                         ue
   C              J                                                ]        o                               wa           4   L               N                                             ]      o                         s wa          4

                      Middle Channel / 1.4MHz / QPSK                                                                                             Middle Channel / 1.4MHz / 16QAM
       Spectrum                                                                                                                  Spectrum
     ht tovel 2000 n —offr meao se o rr ove                                                                                    ht tovel 2000 n —offr meao se rr ove
   l we          w n ut cxape o vaw 1000. mode murorer                                                                       l we          w n ut cxape o vaw 1000. mode murorer
    sar cout roovie                                                                                                           sar cout roovie
   Coaze                                                                                                                     Coaze
                                             e                                                                maram                                                    e                                                         masam
    mc                                                                                                    rroesiomon          &                                                                                             1craz0nie0 ore
                                      xz     we                                                                 20.00 ol                                  x            we                                                         20.00 ol
       i                                         unlenRontient wervcrmunan                              1202000000 wl            i                                   @                   Aitcwonl                          1202000000 m
       ®                                                          afacsor                                         istol          ®                                                       afecer ~                                   istoal
       oo                                7                                           .C                                          oo                                                                     y
       aocmn                        —7                                                    %                                      aocmn                   x                                                  z

       2c               i                                                                     —                                  2c
       e ww                  _|"                                                                     han
                                                                                                          n                      |some    Aw~                                                                          \~
        ho on                                                                                                                     ho on
        so                                                                                                                        so
       Lco on                                                                                                                    Lco on
     erirson                                             on ps                                              Smarmme            erirson                                         on ps                                           Smarmme
    Rarr                                                                                                                      Rarr
     Tupol mot [ tre]   xwalun   _|                 ¥—value [ runction|                           runctiorosut         \       Tupo not [ ro|   xvalue   |                ¥cvatue _|                                   ction nesut
       n            i——imaigog                        Rermnl— mt on                                          imame               n          \——imansos                      warem                                                imame
        m           1   rmuas e                      ns mm           ies                                       ze n is            m         1   rmume on                                                                           zen is
        :           1   brove ie                     Civer en    giicer                                         Bs                :         :    iouses                                  aice                                       es
   C            T                                                  Toun                           m        ie          7     C           T                                                To                                  iea         7

                      Highest Channel / 1.4MHz / QPSK                                                                                        Highest Channel / 1.4MHz / 16QAM
       Spectrum                                                                                                                  Spectrum
        t tevel       so00 n oifi mss o ym ome                                                                                     nat tove       omm —ofrer man e m rone
   fe as          2o i sut                   62ape a vew 1000 mode muro T                                                    fe as          2o i sut         62ape a vew 1000 mode muro T
     sor cout 10000                                                                                                            sor cout 10000
    xi                                                                                                                        xi
                                                                  o                                           razvam                                                                     o                                     ravam
    m                                                                                                     rsasineoo           m                                                                                             rasszue ooo
                                                        nas                                                    26.00 oo                                                      xz           nas                                    20.00 oo
       w                                      n naflhetrieen                                            nommsoctontinl           a                                                     rnndfooay                           nnemontad e
   ®                                                              afeaer                                          13004          ®                           y                           afade                                      saoval
   oc                                    4                                                                                       oc                                                                 .
   anome                            w                                                \p¢                                         anome                  7/                                                  :
    2o n                <J         e‘                                                                                             2o n
                L/V                                                                               ho                                                                                                                  ~an
   ns                                                                                                                            o                                                                                                  wv
    a0                                                                                                                            a0
    so on                                                                                                                         so on
   soome                                                                                                                         soome
     cromnar                                            on ps                                                mmnzame           cromnar                                         on ps                                           mmnzame
    mocr                                                                                                                      mocr
     Iupel net| trel               walin   _|       tvatie [ rinstion_|                           runction tosun       \       Tupol hot [ trel       xalun      |        ¥vatue _|                                    crionnesut
       in          1               imussos            Her in net conn                                          smneme             in          1       imemres               beren                                                enc
        1          1               iss ae            uoo e          «e                                           zsn c            1           :        ireses on           is 10 en                                               zs o c
        m          i0              inaege[           ce e(      giine                                             wea             m           10      inin e                 2aigme      atice                                     Bs
   C           T                                                  T —=~                            tnmum    we         7     C            T                                                Toz                                Fea        7

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                                    Page Number                            : A5O of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                                     Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                                           Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                                        Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.            FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                               Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                    LTE Band 4

                      Lowest Channel / 3MHz / QPSK                                                                             Lowest Channel / 3MHz / 16QAM
       Spectrum                                                                                                 Spectrum

                                                       mm                                          marm                                                         mm                                         mavim
       w                      _bemyvneyamene mA                                          a sez000000 wl         i                            ant~         azrein _A                              a sesa00000 se
       ®                                               atactor                \                     seoo        ®                   7                           afease            \                          sooal

       20 tn—i——~                                                                 i     =_~—                |==——=
                                                                                                            20 t —                                                                            sA_—

       Tupe | not| tee     xvalue    I__tvalue    |_runetion     .|               runction tosut        I       Tupe | not| tee   xvalue      |__tvalue    |_runetion    .|               runction tosut

   C              J                                      ]            nealy                  wa         4   L              N                                      ]       nealy                    s wa          4

                         Middle Channel / 3MHz / QPSK                                                                          Middle Channel /3MHz / 16QAM

      t tovel sc in —afrer measm o y orme                                                                                cun ommman o mmve
   l ie          5o on S anpe o vaw 200 e mode mutoer                                                                     5o on S anpe vaw 200 e mode mutoer
      s cout sorice                                                                                          six coomsoovge
   im                                                                                                       im
                                             mne                                              xssm                                                  mne                                              mgram
    m                                                                                      rmisimoo         m                                                                                     nsc oo
                                                                                               ‘1.00                                                                                                  .00 s
    w                     plana/nny]                                                              mal       w                           unc              mw                                      ao2moco id
    ®                   7                    afacier  \                                             sns     ®                         y             afectse                                                  sret
    ocen                                                .                                                   o ce                    1                                                 T
    ocm                                                   \                                                 ocm                 $./                                                    t‘X
      mmz                                                                                                    onion—|—o—)—
                                                                                                                 "yw                                                                         .Oz
       Ees                                                                                                      Atdn

     ocm                                                                                                      ocm
     so                                                                                                       so
    (co un                                                                                                   (co un
    Canmacm                                   on pe                                          mmaomee         Canmacm                                  on pe                                          mmaomee
   Racter                                                                                                   Racter
     Tupo| mot [ re|       xvalue _ |    ¥value _| Funcion |                      runction nosut       |      ‘wpe net| e |       xvalie [       t—vaiie —_|                                 ctionnesut
        n          i       ies             Wiemnl— idmen                                         somme           n       i        ——imatces        ies                                                  sorme
        m          1       briowmss oa    loee e         m                                        zen            m       1        iowss ae        m se w                                                 zon
        i2         1       i mdns we      ces n      aiicer                                        ois           i2      10       idns ae         hi en         aiicer                                    ois
   L              V                                      ‘                                   w              L              V                                      ‘                                  w

   [Srectrum                                                                                                    Spectum
      t tovel sc in —afrer measm o y orme                                                                                   canoman o uy mve
   l ie          5o on S anpe o vaw 200 e mode mutoer                                                                        5o on S anpe o vaw 200 e mode mutoer
    six coomsoovge                                                                                              six coomsoovge
   im                                                                                                           im
                                             mne                                                mvvam                                                    e                                              masam
    m                                                                                      rsisznoo             m                                              w                                   rsimn o
                                          Ks                                                     ‘1.00 s                                                 wo                                              20.00
    i                    p{meeAbamae                w                                    s o1s000000 m          i                       rohooad oiA                                              a ozs000000 m
    ®                                        atactor                                                sercl       ®                                        atoctor                                            seo.l
       o ce                                                                                                     o ce                                                                  —

     2o on        _1                                                              C hn                        2oLaA~f
      sez                                                                                                    kx                                                                                moaals
     ocm                                                                                                      ocm
     so                                                                                                       so
    (co un                                                                                                   (co un
    eriysse on                                on pe                                          mmaomee         eriysse on                               on pe                                         mmaomee
   Racter                                                                                                   Racter
     Tupo| mot [ re| xvalue |            ¥cvalue _| Funcion |                     runction nosut       |      ‘wpe nat| e [ svalun [             tevalun _| Fnction |                     Foriton resar
        n          i ——mestrex             Whanl— mm                                             somme           n       i  ——imeairew             inss n nmn                                           some
        m          1 bveaos e(            lo5s w          m                                       ron            m       1  lisms e               lore e          m                                      zon
        i2         1 irisois we           ons n       aiicer                                       iz            i2      10 iroms ae              choe n      aiicer                                      se
   L              V                                      ‘                                   w              L              V                                      ‘                                  w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                          Page Number                            : A51 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                           Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                         Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                      Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                             Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                    LTE Band 4

                    Lowest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                              Lowest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
      pectrum                                                                                     ecrum
     ht tovel 2000 n olfimss se o n ons                                                           ht tovel 2000 n olfimss se n ons
  l we           w n ut   anpe o vaw aoolie made murorer                                     fe as           so i sut inye a vew 200. mode muto T
    sar cout roovie                                                                             sar cout roovie
  xi                                                                                          Coaze
                                               o                              maram                                                      o                                      uaram
   &                                                                      rnmision on          &                                                                           1:ratas00 ovef
                                7              we                              20.00 ol                                                  maoig                                   20.00 ol
   i                          \     rompnhoncnnfsinns                   a sesoo0000 m          i                              a          tmNe                             a ansoonoon m
   ®                                           ajocer "\                          ane.         ®                                        Néigas?                                     asoal
   oo                                                                                          oo
   aocmn              ‘77                                Y{                                    aocmn
    20g0                                                                                        zon                 M
       Nn o                                                       P      ul          us                   oovete                                                    ha_ls
      Noce                                                                          /            uin                                                                   A                  —
       aocen                                                                                      aocen
       so                                                                                         so
      Lco on                                                                                     Lco on
   Cammim                                  on ps                           Sm ow             Cammim                                    on ps                                Spmroamne
   Farr                                                                                      Farr
    Tupol mot [ tre]   xvalun    _|   ¥—vatue [ runction|        runction rosut         \     Tupol not [ tre]     xvalue___|     ¥—value [ runction _|           Funition Resut
      n            :    tmares          tm nit con                              mame             n           :      mawes           e e|— nit con                                peans
       m           :    1mooe on       12e on          ies                       zo0 on          m           :      imowe o«                       ies                            zen on
       :           :    inam es        Cig en      giie                           2iz            :           :      inoe ce                    aice                                wee
  L             V                                    ‘                      w                C            X                                      ‘                               w

    ht tovel 2000 n olfimss se o n ons                                                                      on —ofer mm o n rove
  l we           w n ut  anpe o vaw aoolie made murorer                                                    so i sut  inye vew 200. mode muto T
    es cout soice                                                                             sar cout roovie
  xi                                                                                         Coaze
                                              o                              maeam                                                    o                                         maram
   &                                                                     nrssessmore         &                                                                             ncroiesi00 oref
                                              ho                               20.00 ol                                   i           we                                          20.00 ol
   i                     w         senuhoan 8\ nove                     ansoo0000 m          w                            x          Pinnmen                              aszsonnoc0id
                                                   atacor                            assal                               7                      o rmiar                              asi
      bsim                                                                                       bsim                   t
      nooen                7                                 z                                   aoce               +
      on on                                                  R                                   on on              ]
              h pam                                                                                       n                                                                  ~
      chare                                                                  —                   wa                                                                   —
       aocen                                                                                      aocen
       so                                                                                         so
      Lco on                                                                                     Lco on
   erirson                                 on ps                           Sm ow             erirson                                  on ps                                 Spmroamne
   Rarr                                                                                      Rarr
    Tupol mot [ tre]   xvalue___|     ¥value [ runction|         runction rosut         \     Tupol hot [ trel     xvatun  |      ¥vatue _|                          ction nesut
      n            :    thames          toees nit con                           zemme            n           :      mawen           darem                                        reans
       m           :                   "tear on       ies                        zoo on          m           :      10w on         sc cn                                          zen on
       :           :    imomee          Gnnen     gfke                            wz             :           :      imom e         Cnaen        gie                                wie
  L             V                                    ‘                      w                C            X                                      ‘                               w

                    Highest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                             Highest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
       ecnm )                                                                                [Srecum )
      attovel 00 en Oe manss o ns roome                                                         attovel 00 en Oe manss o ns roome
  Lo Ae           29w Sn Toe o vew 20e. made murorr?                                         |e me          S on s anpe o vaw ce mode musoer
     six coomsoorge                                                                            six coomsoorge
   ocms                                                                                       ocms
                                           o                                  maram                                                 o                                           mavam
    a                                                                    snn on                a                                                                           imormmend
                                          Te                                   20.00                                       x        ns                                           20.00
    w                      Cl           nlinenann,                      asiso000o0 mef         w                           3        dnc on                                +sesoonnca id
                                           afactor                                   seal                                           aticlor                                          asza
    o ce                                                                                      o ce
      oo                   4                                                                     dn                                                       t

      man———                                                                                     2o                                                           \
         36*           J                                         wl               ——A        fadlscr      aml                                                  Wns                 t
     sn                                                                                        sn
     so on                                                                                     so on
    (soome                                                                                    |co on
    crommer                               on pi                           Sm mowne            erizsme on                              on pi                                Spmromame
   Focer                                                                                     Focer
    Tupe | ut | t      xvalue
        in       i     iises 1        tvalue
                                       Batee |_tunction
                                                 it on .|        Function tosut
                                                                                  rasme I      Tupe | ut | t
                                                                                                  in        i      xvalue
                                                                                                                   irtres I__tvalue
                                                                                                                               eaten |_runetion
                                                                                                                                         Wt dn .|                 Function tosut
        5"       ii    inosoe
                       Hamae                      anseis                           So
                                                                                    En            5"        ii0    inbnee
                                                                                                                   inenas     ——baaa
                                                                                                                              oman            is
                                                                                                                                          —anle                                     Sn
  L             V                                    ‘                      w                L            V                                      ‘                               w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                            Page Number              : A5Z of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                             Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                           Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                        Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.          FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                                  Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                       LTE Band 4

                    Lowest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                                      Lowest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM

       ht uevel oo n —ofrer meavm o nsorne                                                                                ht uevel s oo n —ofrer meavm nsorne
   Lo Ae          w ue Sn 1oege o vaw ies mode morey                                                                  Lo Ae           w ue B1 lzege o BW im mode mrorer
      in cout soonee                                                                                                     in cout soonee
    ie                                                                                                                 ie
                                             e                                                    mavam                                                         e                                                    maram
    L                                           W                                               aniionon               L                                      _                                                  amatmend
                                             mcX                                                   mc                                                           wae                                                    :ocas
     i©                                  an/safecter hn n\                                  B         wl
                                                                                                     us                 i©                      7 pernteaa          m
                                                                                                                                                                alscrer                                        s:rzo0000c0us
     s                                                    |                                                             s                     /
       ocm                  7                                                 f:\c                                        aocmn                 7
       20 n             —                                                                                                 20 n                 a
       ho           ~                                                                         mlana                                      ~lV                                                                  wik~         L
       S                                                                                                     —            Sdimm                                                                                           =~~

    docn                                                                                                               docn
    so n                                                                                                               so n
   Lco on                                                                                                             (some
   ermnsor                                      rompe                                           Smcnrme               consor                                      rompe                                          sim ame
   Farr                                                                                                               Farr
    Tupe | ut | t   xvalue     1            tvalue    |_tunction     .|              Function tosut               I    Tupe | ut | t           xvalue      I__tvalue       |_runetion     .|            Function tosut
       i          i  iires                   —hier        Witee                                       smme                i          i         itres           —Waer           ie                                        smme
       "5        11(Eifiont on              eMRi w
                                                 AT        nsim                                       warm
                                                                                                       me                 "5        i1         ihontoe
                                                                                                                                               [RSE              omm
                                                                                                                                                               HRAT              im
                                                                                                                                                                               gnee                                      warm
   L            V                                            ‘                                   w                    L            V                                              ‘                                w

                    Middle Channel / 10MHz / QPSK

   L atuovel
     ht scSm men—afrer
                  BM mssn
                       oi ofi
                           s PM sns
                                 Tok more murorry                                                                               oan—ome
                                                                                                                                 se sn mae » Tow
                                                                                                                                              m mone
                                                                                                                                                  Te mode moworrt
     m oone                                                                                                           o coumsoonme
   C                                                                                                                  C
    .                      1            o                                                         masam
                                                                                                weneved               .                                 o                                                            maram
                       Jn NhA APAaimma—~
                                        w                                                   s7
                                                                                                     wl               i
                                                                                                                                        hoanncbvesa bacam\l—
                                                                                                                                                                                                               s sso000000 mid
       —                         /                         atactor        \                                wral           "                                                     afoctor        \                           vsal
       o ce                 74                                            t                                               o ce                                                                     t—
       10e                   f                                                                                            nooen
          Aa o              /                                                    \ C O_—                                   ow             7                                                         \T
           m                                                                                     >     —                  ts                                                                                   =
    aocen                                                                                                              aocen
    s0 ce                                                                                                              s0 ce
   (so e                                                                                                              |co on
   arancs                                       rom pi                                          sazaus                Canmacm                          rom pi                                                    spmrommme
   P                                                                                                                  P
    Tupe | ut | t
                               §        e esc
                                             |_runetion .|
                                                                                     Function tosut
                                                                                                                       Tupe | ut | t
                                                                                                                                          i92        is
                                                                                                                                                I__tvalue   |                                               ctionnesut
        HO_O                (omkst      GSen ande                                                      +                   B             S cfi o                                                                           ME
   L            V                                            ‘                                   w                    L            V                                              ‘                                w

                    Highest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                                 Highest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM
         inm |                                                                                                         Spectrum
      t tovel sc in —afrer messm o ysorme                                                                                t tovel sc in —afrer messm o ysorme
   l we          w . ut azepe o vaw 1 w0e mode muorer                                                                 l we           5o0 S 126pn o voWr 1 ie mode muorer
    sar cout roovie                                                                                                     sar cout roovie
   Coaze                                                                                                              Coaze
                                             e                                                     mzsam                                                        e                                                     avam
    m                                                                                          wmmew on                m                                                                                          armamorg
                             ~x>          ep                                                        20.00 s                                             y       mas                                                    20.00
    i                         uen         PArmAnmim                                         s as0o00000 wl             i                       mt            aaiimas                                           s sso000000 se
    ®                                        afacier  \                                                ue              ®                     7                  afeder   ~\                                               usal
    ocen                                                                                                               o se                /                               .
                            |                                                   \                                                               ,                                                   \
       2o on   j                                                                                                          2o on
       wnge"A~                                                                           hana                             ocAdLoal                                                                      C       _~
        ocm                                                                                                                ocm
        so                                                                                                                 so
       (co un                                                                                                             (co un
    crimone                                     on pe                                           Sm mmome               eromonr                                    on pe                                          Spm rommme
   Racter                                                                                                             Racter
    Tupe | ut | t        xvalue         1   tvalue    |_tunction     .|              Function tosut               I    Tupe | ut | t           xvalue      I__tvalue       |_runetion     .|            Function tosut
       in        :          mesow.           i en         me ce                                       smmz                n         :          ihemrew.         ic mm          me en                                     peags
       m         i          immos on        100 on            m                                       zecon               m         i          imsses on       |—ines on           m                                     zon
       i         :          irtoms on       liew an        afcer                                        uez               i2        :          ies on          iess an          afcer                                      in.
   L            V                                            ‘                                   w                    L            V                                              ‘                                w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                       Page Number        : A53 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                        Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                                      Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : VSPAY 20—2019                                                                                                                                  Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.          FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                    Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                     LTE Band 4

                  Lowest Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                             Lowest Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM

     e tovel 2000 n —Offer mm sc o sw sonve                                                     e tovel 2000 n —Offer mm sc sw sonve
   e ane        so on sur 12630 0 oW 1 0e mode mutorer                                        e ane        2o i sut 12y o vew 1 16e mode murorT
    sox cou soorge                                                                             sox cou soorge
   im m                                                                                       im m
                                             mne                                 Tw e                                                    mne                               waram
    m                                                                        rrens o           m                                                                       1 riea000 oo
                                 n           nas                                   20.00 oo                                          M . ho                                  20.00 oo
    w                                        mea/ Aw                      11:20s000000 m —|    w                              a.     Jaireacnu                      11sesoucndonm X
                                             pos                                      mal                                                 wase                                  un
    oc                                                                                         oc
                                                                 \                                                      J                                  \
    2o n                                                             \p                        2o n                 h                                          ty
      u.A                                                             evsl                     _                   w                                            Whuosal.
   fls                                                                    Crnks            J    eiaiee Ne
     a0                                                                                         a0
     so on                                                                                      so on
    soome                                                                                      (co un
     cromnor                                 on ps                            Sm mowe           Cammact                                   on ps                          Spm somame
    mocr                                                                                       mocr
     Iupel net| trel     xvalie    _|   tcvatie [ runstion _|        runctin rosut      |       Typel het| re|      valin     _|     tcvalue [ tmction |       runction rosut
       in          :      imauzos         ism n res conn                         wmeme             in        :       nesres            B ar t net conn                      wmsme
        1          :      imowr oo       in some         «e                        zse             1         :       imour o«             12 ma      «e                       zs ons
        e          :      irsmae         inneal      ohce                           ime            m         :       ipuscs              smm     atice                           meo
   C           J                                       )                        w             C           J                                        )                       w

                  Middle Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                              Middle Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM

       e tovel 2000 n —Offer mm sc o sw sonve                                                               on Omm m es e ww smm
   fe as           2o i sut 12y o vew 1 16e mode murorT                                                      zow aut      vaw 1 me mode wtoret
       e cout sonico                                                                            sor cout 10000
    xi                                                                                        xi
                                                o                               reavam                                                o                                     mavam
                                                                             1zzes00 oo
    ®                         ;                 nas                              20.00 oo     ®                         ®             nas
     1                               w        rare~                                  wl       1                         J    olsc nsfi lcla                          112sen00000 se
    ®                                                  Qroetsr                        ui       ®                            (                     Whacir                        rmal

                          :                                                                                             1
     LA—                                                                                       oo        _ w}
   oib                                                                                                                                                                        ~—
     a0                                                                                         a0
     so on                                                                                      so on
    soome                                                                                      soome
     erommer                                 on ps                             Sm mowe          erommer                                  on ps                           Spmsoamne
    mocr                                                                                       mocr
     Iupel net| trel     xvalie    _|   tcvatue [ runstion_|         runction tosun      \      Tupol hot [ trel    xvatun   |       ¥vatue _|                    crionnesut
       in          :      imeses          Hea n nes conn                          wseme            in          :     tmames                                                 wmeme
        1          :      inenr oe       n S on          «e                         zoo            1           :     inserce                                                 zse
        :          :      iposes         in sal       ohce                           nee           m           :     smcs                        aticw                         e
   C           J                                       )                         w            C            J                                       )                       w

                 Highest Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                             Highest Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM
          um                                                                                   Spectrum
       e tovel 2000 n —Offer mm sc o sw sonve                                                    e tovel 20 0 n —Offer mm sc o sw sonve
   fe as          so on sur 12630 0 oW 1 0e mode mutorer                                      e ane          2o i sut 12y o vew 1 16e mode murorT
     sor cout 10000                                                                             sor cout 10000
    im m                                                                                      xi
                                               mne                       rarram                                                            mne                             wavam
    m                                                                rssnisoo                  m                                                                       armsinn oo
                                               has 08                     20.00 oo                                                      M has                                20.00 oo
     i                         apacels        snn                 11sosoo0000 m                i                           m            Bs                          11.azeon0o00 m
     ®                                         aisesr                        120al             ®                                         * areder                               weal
    o se                    £                                                                  o se
    anome                 1f                             ¥\z                                   anome                3
      2o n                                                   C                                  2o n
    anls  hoA y                                                ~lL. —                            mgoupmmmncled
                                                                                               Wns                                                                  A
      a0                                                                                        a0
      so on                                                                                     so on
    soome                                                                                      soome
     crommer                                 on ps                             Sm mowe          crommer                                   on ps                          Spmsoamne
    mocr                                                                                       mocr
     Tupel net| tre|     xvaiie         v—value _| runction _|       runction tosun      \      Typel het| re|      valin     _|     tcvatie [ tmction |       runction tosut
       in          :      teures          Herm net conn                           wmeme            in        :       iressos                    re conn                     meme
        1          :      irowr oe       1 ocm            «e                        zons           1         :       imowt oo                        «e                       zsc
        e          :      irmemae        ingma        ofi                             e             m         :       irmem ce                    aticw                         i.
   C           J                                        )                        w            C           J                                        )                       w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                               Page Number        : A54 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                              Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : VSPAY 20—2019                                                                                                          Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.           FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                            Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                             LTE Band 4

                    Lowest Channel / 20MHz / QPSK                                                                          Lowest Channel / 20MHz / 16QAM

      t tevel so00 n ofi m ism o ym i ie                                                                     t tevel so00 n ofi m ism ym i ie
   l we           o n wut 57e a vaw 20e mode mutoret                                                     l we           so on sur    5ie a vaw 3 in . mode mutoret
     sar cout 10000                                                                                        sar cout 10000
   xm                                                                                                    xm
                                            mng                                        Tavam                                                              mng                          Tear
    m                                                in7                            azerim oo             m .                                                 in                    arzsson on
                                        isA                                              20.00 oo                                       pra pogs        ~ae & _                         20.00 oo
    i                                       m            ~                      20.a0o000000 mid          i                         Anm       y           wokey                20. so000000 m
    ®                                       afactor                                          se           ®                       7                       afactor  \                        aso
    o se                                                                                                  o se                 '[                                   \

        zon   —                                                               —==~
       (So oi
        ocm                                                                                                   ocm
        so n                                                                                                  so n
       (co un                                                                                                (coon
     crimone                                 on pe                                 Sm mame                 crimone                               on pe                            Spm somame
    Macer                                                                                                 Macer
     Tupol mat [ tre|     xvalun___|     ¥cvalue _| runction _|           runction tosut             \     Tpol mot [ re|     xvalun   |     ¥cvalue _| runction |       runction fosut
       in           :      emsce           ire dim   nit down                              um                in         :      imssee          10 or on  rit down                    smm
        n           :      inmoe           coarcam         «ie                             zeco in           n          :       inmron         Eors            «ie                    zooo in
        x           :      inoee           Crse n      ic                                     wo             x          :       iromee         S az on     ofi                            «>
   C           X                                         )                           w                   C          X                                        )                      w

                    Middle Channel / 20MHz / QPSK                                                                          Middle Channel / 20MHz / 16QAM

      ht tovel sc in —afrer meism o wTe                                                                                   canome man o uy ns
   l ie          5o on SR arye o vaW 5ic mode mutoret                                                                      5o on SR arye vaW 5ic mode mutoret
      s cout sorice                                                                                           six coomsoovge
   Coaze                                                                                                     Coaze
                                             e                                        varam                                                           o                              masa
    m                                    i                                          wmitncoo                 m                                      w                              ansumen
                                 (~—~    *A                                            20.00 l                                                       fuse     _                       ‘1.00 s
    1                         7|  ~   ~—                                        20.an0000000 se              1                     /|m~          y    Bk m                     20.1 «0000000 m
    ®                       7                afacier                                       asal              ®                                        afacser   \                         se
    ocen                r‘j                                                                                  ocen                                                \¢
    ocm                                                                                                      aocmn
   20 o
   ez   ~.<               )                                                   oo                              mas
       coo                                                                                                   0d                                                                                —

        ocm                                                                                                   ocm
        so                                                                                                    so
       (co un                                                                                                Lco on
    Canmacm                                  on pe                                 Ememnm                 Canmacm                                on pe                            Spm somame
   Racter                                                                                                Racter
    Tupe | ut | t         xvalue     1   tvalue       |   tunction   .|   Function tosut             I    Tupe | ut | t       xvalue      I__tvaue    |                     ctionnesut
       in        :        Tousew      frermm|— me en                                       seme              n         :       teares          iaes                                       wume
       m         i         imo on     200 m0       m                                       Roon              m         i        imon           4s on                                       zon
       i2        :         ieepcrammmeceammerss                                                              i2        :        inaies         —sbanl—aer                                   ie
   L            V                                             ‘                      w                   L             V                                     ‘                      w

                    Highest Channel / 20MHz / QPSK                                                                     Highest Channel / 20MHz / 16QAM
          inm |                                                                                           Spectum
      ht tovel sc in —afrer meism o wTe                                                                     ht tovel sc in —afrer meism o wTe
   l we           w on wut Srie o vaw si0e mede wutoret                                                  l we           5o on SR arye o vaW 5ic mode mutoret
     six coomsoovge                                                                                        six coomsoovge
   Coaze                                                                                                 Coaze
                                               e                                        Trvam                                                       e                                 Tssam
    mc                                     4 L                                      1 nesimord            &                                          ..                           anmzomn oo
                             —               Tide                                        20.00 ol                                               ~we _                                   .00 s
    1                          n     ——]       i      V/\\                      z0.          wl           1                         J}A             w on                       20.x00000000 wl
    ®                      7                   afacier     \                                 se           ®                       7                 afacier                                 se

                          7                                               f                                                    f
    o ce                 J'                                               —                               o ce                  J
                        p                                                                                                      P

       z0 tn—!—                                                               i                              |=>zoan          —                                          =>=—i——
       coo                                                                                                   0d                                                                     —

        ocm                                                                                                   ocm
        so                                                                                                    so
       (co un                                                                                                Lco on
    Canmacm                                  on pe                                 Ememnm                 Canmacm                                on pe                            Spm somame
   Rater                                                                                                 Rater
    Tupe | ut | t         xvalue     1   tvalue       |_tunction     .|   Function tosut             I    Tupe | ut | t       xvalue      I__tvalue   |_runetion   .|    Function tosut
      n          :        Thems on        —_inve mm        me en                           wams             n          :       ihews on        iss mm ns w                                wume
       m         i         imresee        .sn                  m                            zesn             m         i        imuson         20 mn      m                                dson
       i2        :         inmige         s en              ie                                wa             i2        :        insaee         Sirenl—anler                                  «>
   L            V                                             ‘                      w                   L             V                                     ‘                      w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                      Page Number                  : A55 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                       Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                     Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                  Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.        FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                           Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                        LTE Band 5
                 Lowest Channel / 1.4MHz / QPSK                                                            Lowest Channel / 1.4MHz / 16QAM
          um                                                                              ig                                                                                                       ig
       aftovel 2000 en—Offer mnse a sw sove                                                        attovel 2000 en—Oer mc o sw on
   9               s on sur enz ue a vaw 0000 mode mutoer                                       le w           s on sur enz ue a vaw 0000 mode mutoer
      it cou soovce                                                                               it cou soovce
   ferr m                                                                                        ferr m
                                                 mm                                mavam                                                     mm                                              ias w
    Cw                        ana            oA_                                    2.0dof        ®                                       ~nes _                                              2.0dn
                              Ant               Pmuaeon                     1 z67100000 sw                                w       nAnlorieniieian,                                    1 29re00000 m
     ®                                           afector                               esost                            f                    afoctor                                             exsal
    ce                        /
                              )                                                                 ance
                      ;                                                    zx                    20 ce       6                                                                x
                on                                                          wA                        Annedr                                                                      NWYs a
     se                                                                                          se
     so on                                                                                       so on
    «o                                                                                          (so
    cremigmie                                  on pi                           Spnzame           cremigmie                                    on pi                                      Smz
   Macer                                                                                        Macer
    npe| fat| ol          xvalue     _|    tvalue | tunction _|     runction rosun         |     ypel tat| ol          xcvalue     _|    Yvalue |_tunction _|                 runction rosut
      m        i           sneusme           10 dim  rit doun                    iroume            m        i           ensvesme           1500 i   it doun                                imomme
      n        i           seroces m         300 dn        «ie                     z600 in         n        i           serasee m|        1031 sn        «ie                                 ze oo in
      m        i           ces sev e         30 mn     aficer                        is            x        i           se aeas e         cioss n    dfi                                        onz

         trum                                                                             7     Spectrum                                                                                           7
       aftovel 2000 en—Offer mnse a sw sove                                                         t tevel 2000 n Oe ms ram ome
   le w            s on sur enz ue a vaw 0000 mode mutoer                                       le w            s on sur enz ue a vaw 0000 mode mutoer
     it cou soovce                                                                                 it cou soovce
    ferr m                                                                                       ferr m
                                                 mm                                Test w                                                     mm                       mrram
     ® .                        >
                              aNwe]PApomrhi  $                                      2.0dn
                                                                            1 2ssso0000 se        ®                                        X nan
                                                                                                                          nereAlaasetralkinieaen                        2.0dof
                                                                                                                                                                1 2s7e00000 m
                                                 afoctor                               eenl                                                   afector \                    eroa
    oc                                                                                            oo                                                    .
    ance                                                                                          ance                                                    %
      20 ce                                                                                        20 ce                                                    +
    own                                                               APenrthes. s                rmalinei...                                                 hr—whos a
      oc«                                                                                          oc«
      so on                                                                                        so on
     «o                                                                                           (so
    cressmie                                     on pi                         Spnzame           cressmie                                     on pi                                      Smz
   Marer                                                                                        Marer
    typel rat| mel        x            I   _tvalue |_tunction _|    runction rosun         |     1ype| na| t[                            vvalus __|_tunction _|                  ctionnesut
      im         \                me         16 0+ i   rit doun                  irnsme            m        i                              o ve im   res coun                              isveme
       n         i           s es m           530 w         «ie                    zec0 in          n       i                              341 dn           «ie                             zec0 in
       m         i        o7 azee m          22 me      oficer                       e              m       a                              Soree       atice                                  se

                Highest Channel / 1.4MHz / QPSK                                                            Highest Channel / 1.4MHz / 16QAM
                                                                                         @                                                                                                        @
       aftovel 2000 en—Offer mnse a sw sove                                                         t tevel 2000 n Oe ms o ram ome
   le w              s on sur enz ue a vaw 0000 mode mutoer                                     le w           s on sur enz ue a vaw 0000 mode mutoer
        s count sso/ico                                                                            it cou soovce
    ferr m                                                                                       ferr m
                                                   mm                              Tess w                                                    mm                                              Tew
                                         x                                    en azoon mid                                                                                              #0.00i80mof
    ®                          ioh              >n l                                2.0dn         ®                                          nan                                              2.0dof
     s                        prnvendent bnorlet \ it ren»                  1 z9r900000 sw        s                     p         anentnetntesNA                                      1 zea000000 m
     *                                             afector                             esnt       ®                                          afector "\                                          scol
    us                            /                                                             us                                                                \
    ance                                                                                                                                                                  —
     nge—                                                              A           zm                           ——.~                                                          Haprany:
     se                                                                                          se
     so on                                                                                       so on
    «o                                                                                          (so
    cromsme                                     on pi                          Spnzame           cromsme                                      on pi                                       Smz
   Marer                                                                                        Marer
    npe| fat| ol          value     _|     tvalue _| _tunction _|   runction rosun          |    1ype| na| o           xcvalue    _|     Yvalue _|                                ctionnesut
      m        i          searsrme           iose on   res coun                  imomme            m        i           en seisme          15e an                                           im
      n        i          sireaes m                         «ie                    ze o0 in         n       i           sarseee m          —20¢ dn                                           zec0 is
      m        a          c vice e                      aficw                                       e       a           c vice e           Some        aficer                                  sos

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                   Page Number                       : A56 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                    Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                            Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                         Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                    Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                           LTE Band 5
               Lowest Channel / 3MHz / QPSK                                                                     Lowest Channel / 3MHz / 16QAM
    t tevel 2000 in —offier mss o ram torme

                                                          m                               maram                                                         en
   ®                                                                                      2.00 0o   ®                          hesiA.s                 xn                                      2.0 0o
   yie                                                                          s eosnno000 miel    we                     LI          WR   mm         d                              2 suz000000 m
   ®                       7                              afoctor                           arsal   ®                                                  afoctor       \                           asa

     s      A                                                            % nA                        S . <m
                                                                                                                       L                                                  \
   3epinn=~                                                                                                                                                                          s

   typel ta| m      xvalue          1   ¥—value     _|_tunction     _|   runction tosut         I    typel ta| m                        ¥—value   _|_tunction   _|        runction tosut

               Middle Channel / 3MHz / QPSK                                                                      Middle Channel /3MHz / 16QAM
                                                                                             @      [mam                                                                                          )
   atcoonl s o0wdnon OeC
  LA                 BT Bd
                         toie os vew
                                     olmade murorer                                                   atcoonl so0T2
                                                                                                    b Ae           dnBd  sR in muace:
                                                                                                                    M" BRSMIRNE
   m count sonte                                                                                     oi coum soovne
  ce                                                                                                ce
                                           mm                                             naram                                  mm                                                            mnen
   *yie                            en       s                                             z.0ao|    ®we                        To    ow                                                        ms.0 on
   6                      7    7        C
                                                          +m                                iea
                                                                                s ezre00000 wl
                                                                                                    8                      7   w  ym n
                                                                                                                                                        +m                            2 zz00000m
   o se              +#                                                                             o se
                 /                                                                                                   7                                                    T
    Jt                                                                   mrges                         2e«
                                                                                                      PE                                                                                       s es
    es                                                                                                oc
    ass                                                                                                ass
    sosen                                                                                              sosen
    x                                                                                                 (so
    cmmnee                                    ns                                   mdane              cmmnee                        ns                                                   mmcanmer
   Bs                                                                                                Bs
      *4       3
    typel ta| m|
               i—s Wnn‘ 1
                                            —2       —it
                                                  | tunction .|
                                                                                                          *4      yi—RR
                                                                                                       typel ta| m|
                                                                                                                     xvalue  I__tvalue
       7:      1   Biinelee                  han es                                    s                   7:      o              a s                                                        e
  C          T                                           )                          e               C           T                        )                                                e

               Highest Channel /3MHz / QPSK                                                                     Highest Channel /3MHz / 16QAM
    Spectrum                                                                                  7       Spectrum                                                                                     5
      M tovel 20 00 in oifi n se w sw o ne                                                               M tovel 20 00 in oifi n se w sw o ne
  le we           o us ut   inye a vew 200 . mode mutoFFT                                           fe as           o us ut    inye a vew 200 . mode mutoFFT
     se cout so0u00                                                                                    se cout so0u00
   qed                                                                                               qed
                                                song                                  T.9d                                                         uo                                        mt d
                                                                                         omm             .                   i                                                          asecarzzemel
    f                                                                                    .00 a        f                          ARIAT nc .                                                   26.00 dn
    we                                                                          2227000000 m          w                     AIP2        C    Nnar            m                        2 son000000 m
    ®                     7                     afactor                                   anol        *                                            afactor     \                                 amal
    us                                                                                                us

           haotnl                                                                    s              [on         w                                                                  Sn
   (ance                                                                                            (cn
    acs                                                                                              acs
    0sn                                                                                              0sn
   («o                                                                                              «o
    craimswns                                 sovi ps                              Speovr             craimswns                             sovi ps                                      mnsome
   morir                                                                                             morir
    tupe ta| m |    xyalue___|          vwalue _| tunction _|            runction tosut         I     tupe ta| m |     xyalue      |    ¥walue _| tunction|               runctiotasut
      in      i     secorme               100 d|—  wit down                          peags              in      i       suancme           151 ain  mt cown                                 scmme
      n       1     sas seasin            aar m          «n                           2s 0 in           n       1       s seusin          < 50 on        «n                                 asco in
      x       6     c o0 ns               sore       aficw                              :               x       6       ce vice in        cos        aticw                                    >
  C         X                                          )                            w               C         X                                        )                                  w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                  Page Number                       : A57 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                   Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                             Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                          Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                                   Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                      LTE Band 5
                 Lowest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                                  Lowest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
      aftovet 2000 en —Offer mc » sw toove
                                                                                                                      aftovet 2000 en —Offer mc sw toove
  le ws           so on sur     inys e vew 2ooo mode mutoer                                                       le w            so on sur      inys e vew 2ooo mode mutoer
     it cou soovce                                                                                                   it cou soovce
   ferr m                                                                                                          ferr m
                                                   mm                                             mazam                                                             mm                                   raram
    ®                                  c       fme. ..                                              2s.00 oo        ®                                                                                     2s.00 oo
    we                       pefnomntofrtesnle owNanhan                                     s orsoo0000 m           s                         —4         cemicln                                  3 sosoo0000 med
    *                                              afector                                             s            ®                       4                       afecter                                  ssu}
   oo                      /                                                                                        oo                      —
   ance                                                                                                           ance                 }
                         [                                                       \                                                    ,'
   zo                m                                                               tgty                         2o n            /                                                         —
     fln                                                                                     Anferts,              =
                                                                                                                     y adexteinfe                                                           +          TPicac.
    ae                                                                                                             ae
    so on                                                                                                          so on
   «o                                                                                                             (so
    cromsme                              on pi                                             Sm mamne                cromsme                                   on pi                                    Spm romame
   mocer                                                                                                          mocer
    typel rat| ol     xcvalue    | Yvalue |_runation _|                          runction rosut        |           ypel tat| ol      xcvalie      _|    Yvalue |_tunction _|                runction rosut
      im        \        en reme     is on on  res coun                                         smeme                im       \        s                  Heor t   ret coun                                ameme
       1        6       seons m11000 on             «e                                           2s                  1        6                                         «e                                  zso
       m        a       s ou me      seree      atice                                             iess               m        a                                     aficw                                     es

                    Middle Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                               Middle Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM

    t tevel 2000 en Oe mearse o n toome                                                                              t tovel 2000 en—oifer meansea sw rorve
  l me          2 on s. anye o veW 200. mode musoer                                                               |e me          59 on S. ane veW 20oe mode musoer
    s cousoorice                                                                                                    six coomsoorce
  ocms                                                                                                             ocms
                                           mm                                                     Tearam                                                    mm                                             mzsam
   wl                            icz                      rin                                       20.00 aof     wl                                                 wan       *                            2.0dof
   wre                           pupnendverntartcmnn daretaran                              a           wl        we                       pewnnmefrucenvenlenAAine/                              a.27s000000 wl
   ®                                                      afactor        |                             1074       "                                                  afactor       \|                         1
   o ce                                                                  .\                                       o ce                                                             4
   ancs                                                                      &
     M—arrai~                                                                    . ez                                                                                                            oo
    Sy —/>                                                                            relmive.                                                                                                    oAhuen
     se                                                                                                             se
     so con                                                                                                         so con
    (so                                                                                                            «o
    cramamie                                  on pi                                             Sm mowne           cramamie                                 on pi                                   Spm rommme
   Macter                                                                                                         Macter
     typel ta| m|                     1   tvalue    |   tunction    .|           Functiotosut                 I     typel ta| m|     xvalue       I_    tvalue   |                            ctionnesut
        n       —                          tm            mt on                                    rome                 n        —      Eoaremmecer>                                                        somme
        5n      ii                         53t im
                                           soenl             m
                                                          anle                                     zoo
                                                                                                     in                i2n     ii       on ma
                                                                                                                                        mema   <loso
                                                                                                                                               iose am
                                                                                                                                                     n                                                      zon

                 Highest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                                Highest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
    Spectrum                                                                                             y         Spectrum                                                                                    ¢
      ht tovel 2000 n —alfr mse o nons                                                                                ht tovel 2000 n —alfr mse o nons
  l we             w n ut      anie o vew aoolie made murorer                                                     l we             w n ut    anie o vew aoolie made murorer
    sar cour soovie                                                                                                 sar cour soovie
  xi                                                                                                              xi
                                                    rng                                           mavam                                                           mm                                    maram
                                   5                                                          essarioo m                .                                                                           o. i7000 wl
   fh                               I              Lan
                            t canMevinctronrhifenasnn                                       «      20.00wl
                                                                                                         dn        wlwre                          T               wan
                                                                                                                                             onMilPrmncdyentMimmens                                      2.0dof
                                                                                                                                                                                                  a sosooo0o m
    *                     7                         afacier                                           wnal         ®                                              afecsr                                    wa
   o ce                      4                                                                                    o ce
   ance                                                                                                           ance
                       /                                                                                                              )                                                 \
    20 tn—
       tm                                                                     Svvfen ko                            20 ce                                                                     7
   (aoc                                                                                                           eeter i
    sns                                                                                                            sns
     o sn                                                                                                           o sn
   («o                                                                                                            («o
   cromsu                                     on ps                                        Sm ow                  cromsu                                     on ps                                    Spm rommz
   Rarr                                                                                                           Rarr
    typel tat| mel    ___xvalue  _|       tvalue | runction |                    Function fosut        \           typel tat| mel    xvalue     _|      tvalue | runction |                 runction fosut
      tin        —      s                   esm|—   mt con                                      eans                 tin        —     soamme              deevem   n con                                   ume
       n         1      ene                 —0m           ies                                    ze is                n         1     etrooem|—          10e oan        ies                                2eon
       :         1      ce vre e            Geree      giie                                         ns                :         1     es e               Cao e can   aiice                                  hew

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                  Page Number                      : A58 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                   Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                             Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                          Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.       FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                           Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                     LTE Band 5
                 Lowest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                              Lowest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM
       t tevel 2000 in oifi ms o ran sns ne
                                                                                                       (€)         Specin
                                                                                                                     t tovel 2000 in ofer mare o mt mive
   le we           s ut ane us a veWw 1 0e mode murorer                                                          le we           s ut ane us a veWw 1 0e mode murorer
      sar cour 10000                                                                                                sar cour 10000
    xm                                                                                                            xm
         .                                    o                                                    Tsd                                                      o                                                Te w
                                                                                                                       .                                                                                  sn sooo med
     ®                                                                                                             ®                                         «i x                                             2.0 0o
                          [                                                                                                                            rvenvk                                         s asoon00c0 sw
                                              afoctor                                                  sa—)                                                 afoctor                                               seal
     o se                                                                                                          o se              —

                           /                                                                                                           J
    20 ce             —                                                                  oc                       20 ce           —
                                                                                          bpr                           Ian—                                                                                     .
     se                                                                                                           se
     s en                                                                                                         s en
    (co                                                                                                          («o
    cromamie                                         on pe                                   Sm rname             cromamie                                  on pe                                       Spm rommir
   Rarer                                                                                                         Rarer
    mpe| fat| ol          xvalue     _|         tvalue | tunction _|              runction rosut             \    mpe| rat| mel       xvalue      _|    tvalue | tunction _|                   runction fosut
      m        i           seccesme               i7 im   rit doun                                 rans             m         i                           is 10 in rit doun                                     sesme
      n        i           saeass m               —oas dn       «is                                z600 is          n         i                           20 dn         «is                                     zec0 is
      x        i               sc me              asime     aficw                                     sar           x         i        smereme           cioov n    aficw                                          s

                 Middle Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                              Middle Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM

        t tevel 2000 in oifi ms o ran sns ne                                                                       t tovel 2000 in ofer mare o mt mive
                 2oo Bit                 lasie o VW ts mode musorrr                                                           2oo Bit          lasie o VW ts mode musorrr
                                                               mm                                                                                                     o
    hi#                              7          *—                                                               hi                              oA
    #                            f                             afoctor                   s
                                                                                                       asal                                                           aToctor                         ssveou0on0 m
    oo                          }                                                                                                                                                    4
        m                      +

    ns                                                                                                            ns
    so on                                                                                                         so on
   (so                                                                                                           «o
   crmmsme                                           on pi                                   smmame              crmmsme                                    on pi                                       sim amee
   Focr                                                                                                          Focr
    Yype| ta| t|          xvalue         1      tvalue__|_runetion_|              Functiotosut          I         Yype| ta| t|        xvalue      1     tvalue  | tunction .|                  Functiotosut
       tmm     —i                  Atrma
                                      ma         Haren)
                                                 4n  ma mt onis                                    same
                                                                                                   wow               tmm     —i                          fes‘an
                                                                                                                                                         Soen      e on  is                                     sns
       3        i                     e          GRenanle                                            ie              3        i                          GReranle                                                fe
             X                                             )                                  e                            X                                           )                                  e

                Highest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                             Highest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM

     t uevel 2000 en Oe meavse nsorme                                                                              t uevel 2000 en Oe meavse nsorme
   | Ae          59w Sn lasin a iWw 1 in mode murorr?                                                            | Ae          59w Sn lasin a iWw 1 in mode murorr?
     t count 10                                                                                                    t count 10
   e                                                                                                             e
                                            mm                                                     revam                                                  o                                                     waram
    F                                    rewenmarer>                                               20.00 aof     wl                                                                                             2.0dof
    #                                2C "            —                                   s             wl                                  7                                                          s.swonu0n0 m
    #                                                          Whate                                   aso                                                            afecter                                       is
    o stn                                                                                                                                                                                \7

    moas                    /                                                                                                                                                             ¢
    2 ce                   /                                                  L                                                                                                            \
     o ce                                                                                                          0 in
   (so                                                                                                           (so
   cromone                                           on pi                                   memim               cromone                                    on pi                                       sim ommz
   x                                                                                                             x
    typel ta| m|          xvalue            1   tvalue   |   tunction    .|       Functiotosut               I    typel ta| m|        xvalue      I__tvalue      |_runetion     .|             Function tosut
       in      %           dnteme                eren         We ons                               same              in      %         dotieme Wt en                 e on                                       same
       "       i           Esmm                  Tnma              is                              waw               "       i         Enime   —Suas                    is                                      whw
       5       i           seveme                T en          anle                                  s               5       i         seo en                        arede                                        t
             T                                                   )                            e

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                  Page Number        : A5$ of A205
TEL : +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                 Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                             Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                          Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                                                       Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                              LTE Band 7

                       Lowest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                                             Lowest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
        pectrum                                                                                                           [Spectrum
                   «an on more o mmne                                                                                        t tovel sc in —afrer taorm o PT9
                    5 on s anpe o vaw ce mode musoer                                                                      |e we           w on ut anie o vew ooo made murorer
      sar cour soovime                                                                                                      sar cour soovime
      cce                                                                                                                  cce
                                               e                       maram                                                                                        e                                                           tavam
      m                                                            asoisine oo                                              m                                                                                              asomason onl
                                 o             wo                       20.00                                                                                     Fus                                                            ‘20.00
      w                       ~—       Advawer
                                       Adamonkiinoswre4          «          m —|                                            w                         1Buclen on Afrernenon                                               +susonnoca in —|
                            /                  afactor \                  sor                                                                    /                  afoctor   \                                                        stza
      oc                   f                             \\                                                                 oc
      aocen              x                                 ic:                                                              aoce                i                               ks¢
                        _                                     C_                                                                                                                   \
                                                                                                              ——              20 n      —           7z                                                           Wwms fenetie
    (coose                                                                                                                 mb   2     El                                                                                   =
     l0                                                                                                                    l0
     so n                                                                                                                  so n
    |co on                                                                                                                 come
    erasom on                                     on pe                                               Sm ow                erasomor                                               on pe                                    Sim romme
   Rorer                                                                                                                  Rorer
        n mot [ re]i xvalue
                      ——CSines _ |            vvalue
                                                in | runction
                                                        nemen |                             runction rosut peane 1         Tpo|
                                                                                                                              n mot [ re]i xvalue___|
                                                                                                                                            ——CSmes                          vvalue
                                                                                                                                                                               itmanl— | runetion
                                                                                                                                                                                          me on |                runction rosut cesme
        u          1b oe                       lose n       m                                               zon               u          idsae                                loecma            m                                zeovn
        1          i  inangs                   lonan     ids                                                 Em               1          i  ispeas                            n en           ande                                  se
  C               X                                               ‘                                    w                  C                 X                                                 ‘                               w

       pectum                                                                                                             [Srectrum
      t tovel sc in         —arer taorm ofi Torme                                                                             t tovel sc in —arer taorm ofi Torme
  |e me             5 on    s anpe o vaw ce mode musoer                                                                   |e we           w on ut anie o vew ooo made murorer
     sar cour soovime                                                                                                       sar cour soovime
   cce                                                                                                                     cce
                                                                e                                          maram                                                    e                                                              naram
        .                                                                                            2. saseioun orcl                                                                                                       asosmomol
    ®                                                           sad?                                         20.00 oo         ®                                                      T      hn                                      20.00 oo
    w                                Lsw        o~wl         io
                                                              a/A~s                                «             wX           w                                       — al     aa         2Anudasis                       + — susonnoca in "|
                                 f                              afactor                                        s                                                                            "Wracior                                   soncl
    oc                                                                                 \                                      oc
    aocen                    Y                                                         y&                                     aoce                                                                         io©

   7(GoMn                                                                                             ym—                           =~y—~                                                                              mm
     20c                                                                                   ~                               zoc                                                                               ~
        ow                                                                                                                  uw
     on                                                                                                                    on
     so n                                                                                                                  so n
    |co on                                                                                                                 come
    cramsor                                        on pe                                              Sm ow                cramsor                                               on pe                                       Sim romme
   Rorer                                                                                                                  Rorer
     Tpo| mot [ re]         xvalue___|        vvalue | runetion |                           runction rosut        1        Tpo| not [ re|  xvalue |                          ¥vaiue _|                                ction nosut
        n          i         ——Toee             No mm non                                                  poane              n         —    fmlnes                            Dwan                                               peane
        u          i         gain              slote n        m                                             zeoon             u         i   ggomae                                                                                 tean n
        1          i0        iinage            Gommd      gide                                                iss             1         i0  ons es                                                                                   s
  C               X                                               ‘                                    w                  C                 X                                                 ‘                               w

                      Highest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                                             Highest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM

    ht uevel          oo n —ofrer mares o n ons                                                                              ht uevel           oo n —ofrer mares o n ons
  L As                 w ue. B1‘ tope o vew mole made murorer                                                             Lo Ae                  29w Bt tope o vew 20e. made murorr?
                                                                mne                                          wavam                                                                          mne                                    uaram
                                                       F        nas                                          26.00 o                                                 M"                     nas                                    26.00 o
                                     namuhananiovs                             .                                                                                                            Bmw\
                                                                afactor            \                           szza                                            /                            arotier    \                               sisa
      s                                                                                                                       s                            ;                                           .

                                                                                               SE\ ~                          20 n
                                                                                                         1    w                      aeawntm                                                                      >      MeMhawen
      [so ow                                                                                                              |sots‘                                                                                                    wev
      docn                                                                                                                    docn
      so n                                                                                                                    so n

   Rarr                                                                                                                   Rarr
      Tupe | ut | t         xvalue         I__tvalue       |_runetion     .|                Function tosut            I       Tupe | ut | t              xvalue       I__tvalue       |                               ctionnesut

  L               V                                               ‘                                    w                  L                 V                                                 ‘                               w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                                     Page Number                      : A60 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                                      Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                                                 Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                                              Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.            FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                     Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                               LTE Band 7

                        Lowest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                         Lowest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM
          um                                                                                                     um
      ht tovel 2000 n —affr ts ons o sn sns                                                                  ht tovel 2000 n —affr ts ons sn sns
   l we            s . ut aze in o vew 1 w0. mode morer                                                   l we            w . ut azepe o vaw 1 w0e mode muorer
     sar cour soovime                                                                                       sar cour soovime
   xi                                                                                                     xi
                                                  e                    masam                                                                          mng                                            masam
    m                                                  ig /        2 somonon                               m                                              m                                      2 soreim on
                                      —           eA                    20.00 ol                                                                      we 7A                                           20.00 ol
    i                        j          imeenlerii¢~ m           B          wl                             i                         memafrombancnied ban                                      sssoonnoca mid
    ®                      7                      afacter                  assal                           ®                     7                    dfocr \                                             assol
    oo                  47                                  t                                              oo                  77                              c
    aocmn                4                                                                                 aocrn
     zon                /                                    \ —/—                                          zon                                                \                           — —
        "*—                                                        77—                                     hi                                                                              TWM
    3R                                                                                                     Tok
     aocen                                                                                                  aocen
     so                                                                                                     so
    Lco on                                                                                                 Lco on
     cramsor                                         on ps                             Sm rname             cramsor                                          on ps                               Spm rommz
    Rarer                                                                                                  Rarer
     Tupol mot [ tre]        xvalue        _|   ¥value [ runction|           runction rosut        \        Tupo| mot [ re|          xvalue       _|    ¥cvalue _| Funcion |           runction rosut
       n            :         edmem o—            iese n on con                             same               n          :           edrmmen             inav en n on                                same
        m           :         a soanss ons        se on         ies                         zen on             m          :           asoones on|         20 mm          ies                          zeon
        :           :         Lomm oe               Guen     gike                            :                 :          :           Loamoe               Garan     gike                              iss
   C            J                                             J                          w                C           J                                                J                           w

          um                                                                                                         um
      t tovel s o0 in —oeer is im o sn snrne                                                                                on —omer mc o ow se
   l we            w . ut azepe o vaw 1 w0e mode muorer                                                                      w . ut azepe vaw 1 w0e mode muorer
      es count soice                                                                                           sar cour soovime
   xi                                                                                                         xi
                                               e                                            masam                                                      e                                             zsam
    m                             .                                                     a sommemon            &                                                                                  a seszim on
                               ~5            Ts                                               20.00 l                                                  w       _                                      20.00 ol
    i                         ANPNALATimamm                                           s:z9z000000 w           i                       n             maBean/h                                   sssoon00c0 mid
    ®                      7                   afactor                                           ase.         ®                     7                  afecer                                            assal
    oo                   f                              e                                                     oo                   /
                        y                                v                                                                        y
    aocmn                                                                                                     aocrn
    |epma—]—           J                                                          _             —                                                                                      \
                                                                                                               »emiz~                                                                               imz
    ooo                                                                                                       (sodin
     aocen                                                                                                     aocen
     so                                                                                                        so
    Lco on                                                                                                    Lco on
     cramsor                                         on ps                             Sm rname             cramsor                                          on ps                                Spm rommz
    Rarer                                                                                                  Rarer
     Tupol mot [ tre]        xvalue___|         ¥value [ runction|           runction rosut         \       Tupo| not [ tre|         xvalue    |        ¥cvaiue _|                         ction nosut
       n            :         edatrow             iner en un on                             smme               n           :          fdamow              ircem                                        semme
        m           :         asions ow           53 m          ies                         fo m on            m           :          asm0w ow            50 n                                         se is
        :           :         Loomn oe|           Garen     gike                              mss              :           :          Lomaoe              Gaen       gike                                ae
   C           J                                              J                          w                C           J                                               J                             w

                        Highest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                    Highest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM
      attovel 00 n —orer enc o nsorme                                                                        attovel 00 n —orer enc o nsorme
   |e me          S on s 12e pa o voWe 1 we mode muorer                                                   |e me          29w Sn ineie o VW in mode murorr?
     six coomsoorge                                                                                         six coomsoorge
    ocms                                                                                                   ocms
                                               o                                            Teavam                                               o                                                   maram
    a                                                                                   3 sevtint on        a                                                                                    a seitim en
                                      —       Taas                                            ooo                               |~%        —     has                                                  o0 o
           8                        poiiaar n               Mikemay                   s sreon000 m            i                                    io Abraaiamyy                               s soononosn m
       "                        /                             afactor                           zes al        "                                                      afoctor   \                          zesal
       o ce                    7{                                                                             o ce                    —4                                       ;—
       anome                   +                                                                              ocm                                                                  4
       ==                =                                                      s _—                          nE                 V                                                         P
               «n                                                                                             Fondin                                                                                    ——
     sn                                                                                                     sn
     so on                                                                                                  so on
    (soome                                                                                                 |co on
    cromsom                                         on pi                              smmowe              cramsom                        on pi                                                 Spm rommme
   Focer                                                                                                  Focer
    Tupe | ut | t    xvalue   1                 tvalue   |_tunction     .|   Function tosut           I     Tupe | ut | t  xvalue  I__tvalue   |_runetion .|                           Function tosut
        in       i——taoves                      Waree        t on                             serme            in        i  times       Waiee Wt on                                                     same
        "        i    idtec                     —Saas           is                            wuw              "         i  iShaee     ——donas          is                                              whn
        5        1    fikn 6t                   m en         ande                               :              5         10fi ae          GHAT       anle                                                 s
   L                V                                           ‘                        w                L               V                                            ‘                          w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                  Page Number                 : A61 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                   Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                           Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                        Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.        FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                               Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                       LTE Band 7

                    Lowest Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                                                Lowest Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM
      ectrum _                                                                                                  [Spectrum _
      ht tovel sc in —afrer hm o ysorme                                                                            ht tovel sc in —afrer hm ysorme
   l ie          w . ut azepe o vaw 1 w0e mode muorer                                                           l we          5o0 S 126pn o voW 1 ie mode muorer
    six coomsoovge                                                                                               six coomsoovge
   Coaze                                                                                                        Coaze
                                             e                                                      maram                                               e                                                 mavam
    m                                                                                            aso0zmon        m                                                                                    2 sonionoo
                                             m                                                       .00 a                                              mas                                                 20.00 s
    w                        anelarnd Asu xn                                                1.200000000 wl       i                         wan        mWMAz                                       11 szeo00000 ied
    ®                                        afacter                                                   us        ®                                      nds                                                    wao
    ocen                                                                                                         ocen
       nocn                                                               t                                         aoome                                                               *
           &                                                                                                            o
                                                                                                                         aoachs                                                                 Faucha
        ocm                                                                                                          ocm
        so                                                                                                           so
       (co un                                                                                                       (co un
    CGermacm                                  on pe                                              Sm corme        CGermacm                                   on pe                                    Sm sommr
   Racter                                                                                                       Racter
    Tupe | ut | t       xovalue       1   tvalue      |   tunction   .|               Function tosut        I    Tupe | ut | t      xovalue          I__tvalue        |_runetion   .|       Function tosut
       n         .      eSear on           inssam|—        ie on                                   immome           n         .         peomeremminccrommx0                                              mnsme
       m         i      asoorer on|        sez on              m                                    zeoon           m         i         a sooser on| 1 or on   m                                          2ooo n
       i2        :      Esvem on|         cnoasan—          ahne                                      :             i2        :         Eevem on\    covrn   ahne                                           in>
   L            V                                             ‘                                   w             L            V                                               ‘                         w

                    Middle Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                                                Middle Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM
       earm                                                                                                                      \
      ht tovel sc in —afrer hm o ysorme                                                                                          cun omaeo mo mane
   l ie          5o0 S 126pn o voW 1 ie mode muorer                                                                               5o0 S 126pn voW 1 ie mode muorer
      s cout sorice                                                                                                  six coomsoovge
   Coaze                                                                                                            Coaze
                                           e                                                        mavam                                                 e                                              mavam
    m                                                                                            amarod oo          m                                                                                2 smm oo
                                           was                                                       20.00                                                                                                 ‘1.00 s
    11                        en ce l Arvien., mm                                           is          wl          L1                    a                  lanl                                 11.szso00000 m
                                           afactor                                                     vaal                             {                 Gtoctor                                                wz
    ocen                                                                          —
                                                                                                                    ocen               )
       ance                                                                                                                             YY‘
       on i                                                                       \                                                     7                                               *
       ht                                                                                        TA                              a—Am                                                         JYfrmam
        ocm                                                                                                          ocm
        so                                                                                                           so
       (co un                                                                                                       (co un
    crommon                                   on pe                                              Sm corme        crommon                                    on pe                                    Sm sommr
   Racter                                                                                                       Racter
    Tupe | ut | t       xvalue        1   tvalue      |_tunction     .|               Function tosut        I    Tupe | ut | t      xvalue              ¥ovatue__|                             ctionnesut
       n         .                         Te m            mt coon                                 mss              n         :         nSmtrox           nwan                                           imssme
       m         i                        "iise on             m                                    feoon           m         i         asermt on|       Bsce m                                           zooo n
       i2        :      Enam on\          aiwan—            ande                                      in            i2        :         Ens on             Paren           ande                             e
   L            V                                             ‘                                   w             L            V                                               ‘                         w

                    Highest Channel / 15MHz / QPSK                                                                           Highest Channel / 15MHz / 16QAM
      earm                                                                                                      [Spectrum
     ht tovel sc in —afrer hm o ysorme                                                                            ht tovel sc in —afrer hm o ysorme
   l ie          w . ut azepe o vaw 1 w0e mode muorer                                                           l we          5o0 S 126pn o voW 1 ie mode muorer
    six coomsoovge                                                                                               six coomsoovge
   Coaze                                                                                                        Coaze
                                             e                                                     mazam                                                e                                                mavam
    m                                                                                          assi00non         m                                                                                   2 ssmoo
                             *               nas                                                    26.00 d                              w              nas                                                26.00 do
    i                             wen        pren                                           11:29s00000 m        i                       Anahaue           o                                      11.aze00000o id
       6                                                    Shas ~                                                  6                                            4*        es
       [ss                                                                5                                         [ss
       ocm               :                                                e¢                                        ocm
       20 c         >                                                         °        y                            20 c            f
       onbett=~‘                                                                                                    RagparheANee                                                                             ~
        ocm                                                                                                          ocm
        so                                                                                                           so
       (co un                                                                                                       (co un
    CGermacm                                  on pe                                              Sm corme        CGermacm                                   on pe                                    Sm sommr
   Racter                                                                                                       Racter
    Tupe | ut | t       xvalue        1   tvalue      |   tunction   .|               Function tosut        I    Tupe | ut | t      xvalue           I__tvalue        |_runetion   .|       Function tosut
       n         .      esbrom             nnaram|         ieon                                    immsme           n         .         eumbron                           omm                            mssme
       m         i      assssut on|       nssm                m                                     zon             m         i         assoust on                           m                            zon
       i2        :      Esovm on          oiz on            ahne                                      imo           i2        :         permes                            ahige                            is
   L            V                                             ‘                                   w             L            V                                               ‘                         w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                                 Page Number                       : A62 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                                  Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                            Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                         Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.          FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                      Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                        LTE Band 7

                   Lowest Channel / 20MHz / QPSK                                                                 Lowest Channel / 20MHz / 16QAM

       attovel 2000 n —orer ts o sw r e                                                              attovel 2000 n —orer ts sw r e
   fe as           s s ut srye a vew 2 6e mode muso F7                                           fe as           s s ut srye a vew 2 6e mode muso F7
      sor cout 10000                                                                                sor cout 10000
    xi                                                                                            xi
                                              o                                      wavem                                                  o                                           vavam
     m                                 m                                         2 somm00 ore      m                                                                                a seserno ooo
                             ——~          1e                                          26.00 oo                                          ~—mie ~                                           20.00 oo
     w                                        in                           m0.            wl       i                     ~               nmhwn                                  20.1 so000000 wl
     ®                                        afoctor                                    rmal      ®                                        afoctor                                          rma
     oc                                                              c                             oc
     anome                                                           C                             anome
      &                                                                      l                      smm
                                                                                                  |ases——      jA    A—                                                     ~f — w
     cooe                                                                                          coone
      a0                                                                                            a0
      so on                                                                                         so on
     soome                                                                                         soome
     cromon                                 on ps                              Sm mowe             cromon                                  on ps                                     Spmsomme
    mocr                                                                                          mocr
     Iupel net| trel     xvalie   _|   tcvatue [ runstion_|          runction tosut       \        Tupol not [ tre]   xvalun     |    ¥—value [ runction _|                runction tosut
       in          :      asmarce        1w0 i( ret conn                            name              in          :    ammase           tra n nes conn                                    aume
        1          :       zomow         200 mm         «e                           zs 0             1           :     2 uim on        200 m          «e                                  2s oc
        m          :       Asmsee        cssn       aticw                               s             m           :     peemes          ce[        atice                                      s
   C           J                                      )                          w               C            J                                      )                                 w

                   Middle Channel / 20MHz / QPSK                                                                 Middle Channel / 20MHz / 16QAM

   htfotcoo m omm   —ame im
               520 Sn     5on os lons
                                 mm rr mede ts                                                            far
                                                                                                          W BMomrmmesmrrer
                                                                                                                   SR M2HG. mere wom
                                           m                                          nama                                      m                                                          weram
                           —          en.                                              uow                         ————                                                                     Wack
                        —                  Wrocr f\
                                           on                              za             wl
                                                                                                                7 P    —
                                                                                                                               ’:‘i’ e                                          20.x00000000 wl

   bsim               7                                                                              bsim     —
     nes       |._———                                                                                nsl                                                                       _
       mm                                                                                            mm
       si im                                                                                         si im

   Tupe | ut | t         xvalue    1   tvalue   |   tunction    .|   Function tosut          I
                                                                                                 Tupe | ut | t        xvalue          ¥ovatue__|                              ctionnesut

   L           V                                        ‘                         w              L           V                                        ‘                               w

   htitiom sofam—ome
            520 Sn more
                     5on oe lons
                            mar mm mede ts                                                       htitiom sofam—ome
                                                                                                          520 Sn more
                                                                                                                   5on oe lons
                                                                                                                          mar mm mede ts
                                       m                                     warim                                                   m                                                werm
   w               /  o)us             n  _                                s "ouca
                                                                                wl               a                Al<
                                                                                                                    oA Ni _—  uce                                                      aca
       "                                              afoctor                  12e                   "                    7                         afactor        \                         1200
       s                                                                                             oo               —                                                ¢

       Leogem                                                                     —    B                                                                                \         —   —!——
       mm                                                                                            mm
       si im                                                                                         si im

   Tupe | ut | t         xovalue   1   tvalue   |   tunction    .|   Function tosut          I
                                                                                                 Tupe | ut | t        xvalue      I__tvalue    |_runetion     .|        Function tosut

   L           V                                        ‘                         w              L           V                                        ‘                               w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                Page Number                       : A63 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                 Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                             Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                          Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                            Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                   LTE Band 12
                  Lowest Channel / 1.4MHz / QPSK                                                                             Lowest Channel / 1.4MHz / 16QAM
      rectum                                                                                                       ecrum
     attovel o0 en —ofrer mpss e rw some                                                                          attovel soc0 n —ofrer mapes o row o
  .              29w Sn doaie o vew 00e. mode murorr?                                                          l ie           50 o0 S doaye o vaw 10000 mode muorer
    six coomsoovge                                                                                               six coomsoovge
  im                                                                                                           im
                                            mne                                                Teasam                                                       o                          mavam
   m                                                w                                       mocenio ol          m                                                                  on aitimid
                           ces           NiA                                              1
                                                                                                z.00mas         i                           J
                                                                                                                                               3            was
                                                                                                                                                                                        200 o
                                                                                                                                                                                1207000000 m
   ®                                        afactor                                                ser          ®                                           atactor                       sans
   o ce                                               —e                                                        o ce                                                .
      oo                                                                                                        dn
                                                                                                                                          /                           c
                                                                              —                                  2o c
                                                                                                                                       —                               \
      on          Lbae m                                                                      ~                 lacewt wl *                                                      *       o
     sn                                                                                                          sn
     so on                                                                                                       so on
    (soome                                                                                                      (co un
    crommme                                      rompi                                       mmarame            crommme                              on pi                          mgame
   Focer                                                                                                       Focer
    To nat [ e |       scvalus [            —tvalue [ Finsion|                    runction nosun     |           ‘wpe nat| e [      scvalin [ tevalun _| Fnction |       Foriton resar
        in    i         etiinme               ieetee Wt dn                                     imsme                in        i      eainms       ifeiee Wt tae                      immme
        "     i         doame                 —Saan         is                                   Sn                 "         i      dpegeme     is aa          is                      Siw
        5     i         (oseme                 SEAT     anle                                      ts                5         1      dsarne        GIRAT    ons                          os
  L           V                                             ‘                                 w                L           V                                    ‘                          w

      pectrum                                                                                                     ecrum
     attovel o0 en —ofrer mpss e rw some                                                                         attovel o0 en —ofrer mpss rw some
  Lo Ae          29w Sn doaie o vew 00e. mode murorr?                                                          l ie          50 o0 S doaye o vaw 10000 mode muorer
    six coomsoovge                                                                                              six coomsoovge
   im                                                                                                          im
                                            mne                                               vwaram                                                      mne                               maram
   m                                    is                                                  m .s000 m           mss                                                                     roo—ataso id
                                         ~         J nds                                         26.00                                                      ~nss                            26.00
      w                                 Mealimeret~ anriians.m                            1asaz00000 m             i                                      artagien.,                  128000000 m
      ®                                                   atocior                                  seocl           ©                                           atoctor ~\                      senl
      o ce                          A                                    —                                         o ce
                                   7¥                                        °\                                                        y
      2o                                                                                                         2o             7
                                                                                     ha                        nsc                                                                    _—
     on                                                                                                          on
     so on                                                                                                       so on
    (soome                                                                                                      (co un
    comrsme                                      rompi                                       mmarame            comrsme                                on pi                              mgame
   Focer                                                                                                       Focer
    Tpel nat [ te|     scvalie [            —tvalun [ Finsion|                    runction nosun     |           ‘wpe net[ tre|  icvalue =_|      tvaiie —_|                      ctionnesut
        in       i      efsines               —eren We the                                     imume                in        i   efuinms           —Wites                                  imeme
        "        i      Resume                Te as         is                                   Sn                 "         i   Resueme             5t mm                                  Sn
        5        i                            Enemmeras                                           se                5         i    meleme            om en     anle                           s
  L           V                                             ‘                                 w                L           V                                    ‘                          w

                  Highest Channel / 1.4MHz / QPSK                                                                           Highest Channel / 1.4MHz / 16QAM

      ®                                 ooo rowrc>                                        seditt                   *                          S ts
      "                                                   atactor                                  sesal           ®                                           afector   \                     sooo

                                   7                                     %                                                             —7
                               /                                              \
      20 n                                                                                                         20 n            a
      Gbdnedna~                                                                           L        —.2             mc                                                                      —

      Tupe | ut | t    xcvalue           I__tvalue   |_runetion     .|            runction tosut           I       Tupe | ut | t   xvalue      I__tvaue    |                      ctionnesut

  L           V                                             ‘                                 w                L           V                                    ‘                          w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                           Page Number                   : A64 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                            Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                          Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                       Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.              FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                                    LTE Band 12
                          Lowest Channel / 3MHz / QPSK                                                                        Lowest Channel / 3MHz / 16QAM

           t tevel       so00 n —offier ms o y orme                                                                 t tevel so00 n —offier ms      y orme
   Lo Ae          29w Sn‘             tope o vew 20e. made murorr?                                          l ie          50 on S.            anpe o vaw 00e mode mutoer
     six coomsoovge                                                                                          six coomsoovge
    im                                                                                                      im
                                                          mne                                   vavam                                                             mne                     vavam
     m                                                               is                     moi.otommo       m                                                           w            Ioi.suio0 mal
                                        —                  umX                                26.00 o                                                          hn *                        26.00 o
       w®                          7
                                     Aazaoa               8
                                                                                                                w®                      7
                                                                                                                                          Afaf m              oi
                                                                                                                                                               atactor                           zoo
    o ce                                                                                                     o ce
    nc             7                                                                                         ocm               7
     2o                                                                                                       2o n         — /                                                   ——
    srac ~A~]A                                                                      C                        Ra{[
                                                                                                             (Sodee         T                                                               —~
     sn                                                                                                       sn
     so on                                                                                                    so on
    (soome                                                                                                   (co un
    comsme                                        rompi                                       mmsowe         comsme                                     on pi                           mmaomee
   Focer                                                                                                    Focer
     To nat [ e [ scvalie [                  —tvalun [ Finsion|                    runction nosut       |     ‘wpe nat| e [   svalin [              tvalun _| Fnction |       Foriton resar
        in     i   Setatems                    atee Wt tae                                        summe          in      —      Mmms                  —aren We tee                          somme
        "      i                               Sor en        is                                    Sn            m       i     sesnime                —Sorma        is                       zon
        5      i                               Gien      anke                                       —            5       1     fesime                  GHAT     anle                          e
   L                 V                                     ‘                                    w           L             V                                        ‘                   w

      attovel so 00 en —orer mavcs o ns roome                                                                               oun—ome mue o mmove
   Lo Ae          29w Sn‘ tope o vew 20e. made murorr?                                                                       50 on S. anpe vaw 00e mode mutoer
      s cout sorice                                                                                             six coomsoovge
    im                                                                                                          im
                                               mne                                              vavam                                                 o                                 masam
     mss                                    in                                              mor.azom mio        mss                    i                                              e suiso id
       i                           c AnAJ—
                                        —            AZogth_ ie
                                                         &       \                             se m
                                                                                         acoson000 w            w                           5 A—*—]~a
                                                                                                                                                  MAimj~.~~                                20 00 o
       ®                                                 afactor                                    musol       ®                       7                         afactor                        aal
       [ss                                                                \                                     [ss
                                                                          t                                                        Fi
       ocm                                                                    V\                                ance
       n                      //                                                                                n
                     on                                                            K        _                   __        _Ja _A                                                  ~_~
    efi                                                                               Whaaa                   Fra                                                                              —
     sn                                                                                                       sn
     so on                                                                                                    so on
    (soome                                                                                                   (co un
    comrsme                                       rompi                                       mmsowe         comrsme                                     on pi                          mmaomee
   Focer                                                                                                    Focer
    To nat [ e [               scvalie [     —tvalue [ Finsion|                    runction nosut       |     ‘wpe net| tre|       xcvaiie [        t—vaiie —_|                 ctionnesut
        in    i                 Sefeieme       en Wt dn                                           sosme          in        i        beesiems          WWe                                  soeme
        "     i                 Ressme         —Taas         is                                    Sn            "         i        Reseme            —Suae                                 So‘s
        5     1                 Toosees me     |o%e n    ds                                         2:           5         i        flms               SW en       anle                       aas
   L                 V                                     ‘                                    w           L             V                                        ‘                   w

        pectrum                                                                                                 Spectum
       attovel 00 en —orer mavcs o ns roome                                                                               oun omue s mmave
   Lo Ae           29w Sn‘ tope o vew 20e. made murorr?                                                                    50 on S. anpe o vaw 00e mode mutoer
      six coomsoovge                                                                                          six coomsoovge
    im                                                                                                      im
                                              mne                           vavam                                                                       mne
    m .                     ooo_
                                                        m              nssvon mol
                                                                             .00 a                           m .                              i
                                                                                                                                              X—J—as. _                                    zo.
     ®                                        atactor                          aera                          ®                      7                   atactor                                  Pe
    o ce                                                                                                     o ce
    nc                                                    \v                                                 ocm                  J
      2o                                                      .                                               2o n
     20 aA~[]
    Es                                                          Vhalanl                                     ho
                                                                                                             oy» —~~                                                                              —|
      sn                                                                                                      sn
      so on                                                                                                   so on
    (soome                                                                                                   (co un
    comsme                             rompi                            mmsowe                               comsme                             on pi                                   mmaomee
   Focer                                                                                                    Focer
      To nat [ e [     svalie [ —tvalue [ Finsion|           runction nosut         |                         ‘wpe nat| e [      scvalin [ tevalun [ Finction |               Foriton resar
         in        i    Hevirms     atee We dn                              susme                                in        i      Hiiiems    in Wt on                                       smame
         "         i    Hesme       42m.          is                         Sos                                 "         i      Miaweme    —Taes          is                               Ew
         5         11e wes me       Cocs n    aiicer                          as                                 5         i      hests      GHAT       ande                                  mz
   L                 V                                     ‘                                    w           L             V                                        ‘                   w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                            Page Number                 : A65 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                             Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                           Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                        Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                       LTE Band 12
                   Lowest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                 Lowest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM

     ht tovel 2000 n olfi mss o nons                                                               ht tovel 2000 n olfi mss nons
  l we           w n ut    anpe o vaw aoolie made murorer                                      l we           w n ut   anpe o vaw aoolie made murorer
    sar cout roovie                                                                              sar cout roovie
  Coaze                                                                                        Coaze
                                                 mm                                T am                                                     e                                      masam
   &                                             2                             yor.azon w       ms                                              w                              7oa.70000 id
                                            rope 73                                 20.00 ol                                                mas                                      20.00 ol
   w                      htvns       wl Mn onnial                         a siso00000 m        w                           _foocrodtronentenNn                              «s isou0oc0 m
   ®                                             afacter                               u2       ®                                           afecssr                                     1e
   o ce               p
                        /                                                                          o ce
      nocn                    7                                                                    aoome            y                                        ¥c
      zon                 /                                     f                                  zon              7                                            f
      meuterke= 024                                                  nSabak                         Biatc
                                                                                                   cbeeche=~ —                                                       in es
       a0                                                                                           aocen
       so                                                                                           so
      Lco on                                                                                       Lco on
   crmrsues                                  on ps                            Sm ow            crmrsues                                   on ps                                Spm rommr
   Rarr                                                                                        Rarr
    ‘upe nat| t|                         ¥vatue [ runction |        runction rosut        \     Tupo| mot [ re|    xvalue      _|    ¥cvalue _| Function |           Funition Resut
      n        :                           iees nit coon                           ons             n          :     Rerame             Wirmn|— mt on                                ons
       m       :                           20 m          ies                       zen on          m          :     sa5 oee is        1105 on          ies                          zen on
       :       :                           Goee       gice                           res           :          :     overe e            Cavmi n     giice                              ho
  C            J                                        )                          w           C            )                                                                    wa

                       Middle Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                             Middle Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM

     ht tovel 2000 n olfi mss o nons                                                                         on —ofer mares o n rove
  l we            w n ut     anpe o vaw aoolie made murorer                                                  so i ut   inpe vew 200. mode muto T
     e cout sonico                                                                              sor cout 10000
  xi                                                                                           xi
                                                  o                               mavam                                                    o                                          maram
   &                                                                           7e arion wl     ms                                                                                 es aszon m
                                 7                we                                20.00 ol                            x                  wn                                          20.00 ol
   w                        aeAhoanant                                     «            m —|   i                      x
                                                                                                                      ~           nluwr on inoys
                                                                                                                                cAla                                         + . sisoo00v0 in —|
                          ]                       afoctor                              vual                                                afector                                        mau
   oo                                                                                          oo
   aocmn               7/                                                                      anome                                                         t
    on on                                                                                       on on
                                                                            reAads             fasde
       aocen                                                                                    aocen
       so                                                                                       so
      Lco on                                                                                   soome
    crmrsis                             on ps                                 Sm mowe           crmrsis                                   on ps                                 Spmroamne
   Rarer                                                                                       Rarer
    Tupol mot [ tre]     xvalue   [ ¥value [ runction|              runction tosut         \    Tupol hot [ trel   xvatue    |       ¥vatue _|                           crionnesut
      n            :      meamme      ieeres nit coon                              eans            n           :    mesems             e                                            ons
       m           :      To asem    1000 on        ies                             zen as         m           :    fos is n           Eons                                          zen on
       :           :      feoe rommevencammeics                                       i            :           :    Torvie e          cloar on‘    giice                               res
  C            J                                        )                          w           C            )                                                                    wa

                   Highest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                Highest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
     ectum                                                                                      Spectum
    ht tovel sc in —afrer mearas o y orme                                                        ht tovel sc in —afrer mearas o y orme
  l ie           50 on S. anpe o vaw 00e mode mutoer                                           l we           w n ut in ie o vaw acolne mode murorer
   sar cour soovime                                                                             sar cour soovime
  xi                                                                                           xi
                                            e                                    l                                                         e                                       asam
   m                                                                           ns io m          m                                                                              mio.rao0n id
                                            m                                     20.00                                                T n                                           20.00
      i                               whal       Mrevaiman                 1            m          w                           ropbrenpal AnverimarAnea                      +sssonno00 m
      "                           f                   afactor                          wral        "                     /                         afactor   \                            weral
      ocen                                                                                         ocen
                              jm                                                                                    —[                                           %z
    ahab             ols
                     m                                                         1                   ranclamts
                                                                                                rane                                                                  Whoranl. —
     ocm                                                                                         ocm
     so                                                                                          so
    (co un                                                                                      Lco on
    comsame                                   on pe                           Sm ow             comsame                                   on pe                                 Spm rommz
   Racter                                                                                      Racter
     Tupo| mot [ re|    xvalue |         ¥cvalue _| Funcion |       runction rosut         \     Tupo| mot [ re| xvalue |            ¥cvalue _| Function |            runction rosut
        n          .     Hesema            in id men                               resme            n          .   Tomme               Wome— mm                                      rosme
        m          i     rixoee me         30 ma          m                         zooo n          m          i  rixoreme            toa1 e           m                              zooo n
        i2         :     revieme           on mn       aiide                          t             i2         :  Fiswe ime           ow n         aiice:                               wio
  C            J                                        )                          w           C            )                                                                    wa

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                               Page Number                  : A66 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                           Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                        Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                       Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                             LTE Band 12
                  Lowest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                       Lowest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM

      attovel o0 en —orer mvss o nsorme                                                                     attovel soo0 en —orer mvss nsorme
  |e me          S on s inepe o voWe 1 we mode muorer                                                   |e me           29w Sn lasie o viw 1 ie mode murorr?
    six coomsoorge                                                                                        six coomsoorge
   ocms                                                                                                  ocms
   L                           m             o                                              mm
                                                                                        moiioecnmol      mss                                       o                               avam
                                                                                                                                                                                 ractin mol
                            _A/u—                                                            200 o                                        ~~]~~>me                                  20.00 o
    i                     Lex‘               im                                 B                wl       i                        aAeimm       eA                            ssoononocn m
    ®                                        afoctor                                             nal      ®                      7                 atoctor                              m2al
   o ce                [                              y                                                  o ce                  h                                    ;
   nc                                                  ~                                                 aocen
                 _7                                                                        LoA                    TL~                                                   hmz
   arneg~<=                                                                                               oase
     sn                                                                                                    sn
     so on                                                                                                 so on
    (soome                                                                                                |co on
    comume                                    on pi                                Sm mmame               comume                                  on pi                          Spm rommme
   Focer                                                                                                 Focer
    To nat [ e [        scvalie [        —tvalie [ Finsion|              rurction rosu       1             To nat [ e |     scvalie__|       —tvalue [ Finsion|         Foriton rusar
        in    :           Rttems           —erten We ons                               seeme                  in     :       timms             Witen We ons                           same
        "     i           Snieme           To es         is                            wos                    u      i       Srcme             Sna!          is                       zon
        5     i           iess             Calan     anle                                ns                   5      i       ied              n en       anle                           Te
  C        T                                           7                            e                   C         T                                        7                       e

                  Middle Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                       Middle Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM

    t tevel so00 n —offier ms o ysnn ne                                                                                dn —ofser mm o nsn
  l ae          so on sur 12630 0 oW 1 e mode mutorer                                                                  so on sur 12630 oW 1 e mode mutorer
     s cout sorice                                                                                       sox cou soorge
   im m                                                                                                 im m
                                                  mne                                      Tss m                                                       mne                         Tz w
   m                                 i                                                  roo.svoo m      mss                             i                                       roocrioo m
                                    ~A            n                                          20.00 oo                                   X              ns                            20.00 oo
   i                            C        rnueerentiine\—                         s               wl     i                           t        M       aDizom~                  s soou00c0 mid
   ®                        7                     atactor                                        meal   ®                       7                      atactor                           nal
   o ce                     4                                     ,\‘:                                   o ce                Y‘;‘
   ocm       f                                                      t                                    ocm
   on      —                                                                                             on           a<
     aal—~                                                                   A                           anee                                                               hn
   [3swe                                                                            ~                    (Sh d                                                                        =
    ocm                                                                                                   ocm
    so n                                                                                                  so n
   (co un                                                                                                (co un
    crmersie                                   on ps                              Symroame                crmersie                                on ps                          Spm romame
   Macer                                                                                                 Macer
    Tupol mat [ tre|    xvalue     |     ¥cvalue _| runction _|          runctin rosut         |          upel het| re|     xcvalie     |    tcvatie _|                   ctionnesut
      in           :     ousesme           i7 se dim rit down                          seame                in        :       Torresme         i7an                                  serme
       n           :     7os ces m         <730 dn         «ie                         zeco in              n         :       7os ces e        Eors                                   zeco in
       m           :     rieois me         Crze m      ofi                                                   x         :       rieurs e         Coue       aticw                          me
  C            J                                         )                              w               C          X                                        )                      w

                 Highest Channel / 10MHz / QPSK                                                                      Highest Channel / 10MHz / 16QAM
         um                                                                                               Spectrum
      attovel 2000 n —Ofer mss o sw sonve                                                                   attovel 20 0 n —Ofer mss o sw sonve
  le ws          so i sut in pe e vew 1160 mode musorr?                                                 fe ae           so i sut in pe e vew 1160 mode musorr?
    sor cout 10000                                                                                         sor cout 10000
   xi                                                                                                    xi
                                              wing                                  waram                                                            o                              mavam
   m                                               is4                            nowrmol                m .                             a                                       700 2000 mo
                             SA ns                                                   20.00 oo                                                       ie         _~                     20.00 oo
    w                       —        M""~in                                     6        wl               i                       mav        ~~      Cabinge                  sasonncocn m
    ®                     7                   afoctor                                    mo               ®                     7                    afoctor                              mmal
   oc                  >                                                                                 oc
   anome                }                                                                                anome
   sge—                iz                                                \\ m                            xsn                                                               o_
   cooe                                                                                                  (coone
    a0                                                                                                    a0
    so on                                                                                                 so on
   soome                                                                                                 soome
    crmrome                                   on ps                                Sm mowe                crmrome                                 on ps                           Spm moame
   mocr                                                                                                  mocr
    Iupel net| trel     xvalie___|       tcvatie [ runstion_|            runction tosut       \           Iupel net| trel   valie___|        tcvalue [ runstion_|       runction rosut
      in          :      mesrme            Hosr on net conn                             seeme                in         :    m seeme           iess n ret conn                         seame
       1          :      os ces m          722 m          «e                            zs                   1          :    rosaes m          227 in         «e                       2ss
       m          :      Tieossme          ce1        atice                               zs                 m          :    mssisie           ce1        oi                             z.
  C           J                                         )                            w                  C           J                                       )                       w

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                       Page Number             : A67 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                        Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                  Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                               Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seonton cas.          FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                Report No. : FG8D1822B

                                                                                         LTE Band 13

                   Lowest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                      Lowest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
       pectrum                                                                               y            ecrum                                                                                     y
      ht tovel 2000 n —affr raan se o n torne                                                            ht tovel 20 0 n —affr raan se o nin
   B              w n ut orspeo vaw aoo ie mode murorer                                              le ws          so i sut sroye a vew 2000 mode mutorT
     sor cout 10000                                                                                    sor cout 10000
   xi                                                                                                 xi
                                               o                                    mazam                                                          o                                          maram
    &                                                                            en aron w            &                                                                                   7oo.s0a00 id
                                              2gs                                    26.00 o                                                       nas ‘2                                       26.00 o
    i                         connnbeaaAbMcminenhn                             «         wl            i                           noih   o  traleenectna h                             +»zsoo0000 m
    ®                                          afector  \                               aseal          ®                     7                     afector                                         w70
    oo                                                    4                                           oo
    aocmn                                                 tt                                          anome               i
     zon                                                                                                zon
                                                                        \J\PM,‘      dn                        .          ]                                                                w
    i foay                                                                                           9
     docen                                                                                            aocen
     so                                                                                               so
    Lco on                                                                                           soome
    errmsme                                     on ps                             Sm mowe              errmsme                                       on ps                            Spmramne
   Farer                                                                                              Farer
    Tupol mot [ tre]     xvalue__|         ¥vatue [ runction|           Function tosut         \       Tupol not [ tre]   xvalue__|             ¥value [ runction|          runction tosut
      n            :      Resome             Warme we on                               eans               n           :    Reseme                 iWeemn|— mt on                           rears
       m           :      rrroi we          ce on          ies                          zen is            m           :    rrrees s              1t on          ies                         zen on
       :           :      Torme e           Canri en   aiice                              i.              :           :    Torve ie               Covs en   aiice                             io
               J                                         J                 mm       we               C            J                                           )                       Nee
   on recon zeisss                                                                                   on wcon mise

                       Middle Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                  Middle Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM

        attovel 2000 n —ofer manse o sw toove
                                                                                            @             attovel 2000 n —ofer manse sw toove
   fe as           so i sut oroye a vew 2000 mode mutoFrT                                            fe as           so i sut oroye a vew 2000 mode mutoFrT
     sor cout 10000                                                                                    sor cout 10000
    xi                                                                                                xi
                                                o                                    waram                                                        o                                           razam
    m                                                                            70 ovio0 m           m                                                                                   e acoon m
                                                ns                                    26.00 oo                                                T has                                            26.00 oo
       D                     plniensl nmntintesm                               asosoo0000 m              8                       pevenclnen            wawn                             asusoonocn m
     ®                     f                    afecter   \                              io            ®                     f                    ateae     \                                     io.
    oo                       }                                                                        oo                           }
    anome                    F                                     t                                  anome                   77                                           Ct
     2o n                                                           4                                  2o n                                                                     4
                LaaAd                                                   Wha               —               Pusbib
                                                                                                             o S Anteree"                                                       \M          an       _
     on                                                                                                on
     so on                                                                                             so on
    soome                                                                                             soome
   crmzome                                      on ps                             Sm mowe            crmzome                                        on ps                                   Spmroamne
   mocr                                                                                              mocr
    Iupel net| rel       xvalie     _|     tcvatue [ runstion_|         runction tosut       \        Tupol hot [ tre]    xvalue    [           ¥vatue _|                            crionnesut
      in         \        rerorme            ies n res conn                            ameme             in          \      Tesewe                Horam                                         ameme
       1         :        zm sie wa         1093 w          «e                          zse              1           :     zmss me                  11 ma                                        zs oo
       :         :        Tormeme           carmore     giice                            ie              m           :     rerserme              ce          giicie                                 ie
   C       X                                              )                        w                 C       X                                                )                           Nee
   on rewcon mae                                                                                     on teucor mease

                  Highest Channel / 5MHz / QPSK                                                                     Highest Channel / 5MHz / 16QAM
                                                                                            @                                                                                                       @
     ht tovel    2000 en omer mo e e raw mone                                                          t tevel       so00 n ofi ms o yaw torme

    i                             rowhea     e sn en                           1            wl        i                                 noalankas            Junaos                       susonnoco mid
                                                         Gfoctor                           asral                                    /                        atacior   \                          1e0

                                                                   ¥—                                                         —J,                                      &
    20 c                 4                                          \
                                                                         an                          BE
                                                                                                      20 c                7                                                 \'\

    Tupe | net|tec       xvalue            ¥walue   |_runction_|        Function tosut           I    Tupe | net|tec      xvalue           1    tvalue   |                           ctionnesut

   on e wcon mzvie                                                                                   on wcon mz

Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                          Page Number        : A68 of A205
TEL +86—512—57900158                                                                                                                           Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                                      Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                                   Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

 seommni«s. FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                Report No. : FG8D1822B

     attovel soo0 en —orer mavcs o nsorme                                                       attovel soo0 en —orer mavcs o nsorme
  Lo Ae          5o0 S ioope o BW 1 ie mode muorer                                            l ie          s . ut rno ie o vew 1 0e mode morer
    six coomsoovge                                                                             six coomsoovge
   im                                                                                         im
                                          mne                                   mssam                                                   mne                                      macam
   me                                       ~AL—    w          .                   25.00 oo       me                                          Xtas                                  25.00 oo
   l                              plaresa          x "tiaaa               s s10000000 m           l                                          V w\                           s:7ze000000 sw
   "                          l                      afactor                           m          —                                                atactor   \\                         soal
   o ce                  T,
                                                                                                  o ce               7{
   Lrooe                 7                                                                        [sce                   7                                        £
   2o                   J/                                         \—                              2o               //
           —   C
                   n                                                \elrowie          <—          rarden
                                                                                                         wl — e‘                                                                        —

    sn                                                                                             sn
    so on                                                                                          so on
   (soome                                                                                         (co un
   ccmzome                                  on pi                             Sm mmome            ccmzome                                  on pi                               Spm rommme
   maner                                                                                          maner
    Tpal net [ ol       scvalie [      —tvalue [ Finstion|          runction nosut      |          ‘wpe nat [ e [   scvalin [         tevalun _| Fnction |            Foriton resar
       in       :             us         —"iier e ae                               same               in       :        eems            ie We dn                                    smme
       "        i         rmoeme         onl o          is                         www                 "       i      mesme             Saas           is                           ww
       5        i         femime          GHAL      ande                             io                5       i      Reseme             SHAL      ande                               ao
                                                                              c3              C                                                                                c3
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Sporton International (Shenzhen) Inc.                                                                                                Page Number                  : A69 of A205
TEL : +86—512—57900158                                                                                                               Report Issued Date : Feb. 27, 2019
FAX : +86—512—57900958                                                                                                               Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID : V5PA920—2019                                                                                                            Report Template No.: BUS—FGLTE Version 2.0

Document Created: 2019-03-15 09:45:58
Document Modified: 2019-03-15 09:45:58

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