Test Report


Test Report

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FCC Measurement/Technical Report on
GSM/UMTS module
Siemens Cellular Engine HC25

Report Reference: MDE_Siem_0605_hc25_FCC_h.doc

Test Laboratory:

7 layers AG
Borsigstrasse 11
40880 Ratingen
email: info@7Layers.de

The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be
reproduced in parts without the written approval of the testing laboratory.

7 layers AG                                  Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenderh              Registergerichth registered in:
Borsigstrasse 11                             Chairman of the Supervisory Board:      Düsseldorf, HRB 44096
40880 Ratingen, Germany                      Markus Becker                           USt-IdNr h VAT Nr:
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 749 0                    Vorstandh Board:                        DE 203159652
Fax: +49 (0) 2102 749 350                    Dr. Hans-Jürgen Meckelburg              TAX No. 147/5869/0385
www.7Layers.com                              René Schildknecht

InterLab is a registered trademark of 7 layers AG

Table of Contents

0 Summary                                               3
  0.1      Technical Report Summary                      3
  0.2      Measurement Summary                           4

1 Administrative Data                                   5
  1.1      Testing Laboratory                            5
  1.2      Project Data                                  5
  1.3      Applicant Data                                5
  1.4      Manufacturer Data                             5

2 Testobject Data                                       6
  2.1      General EUT Description                       6
  2.2      EUT Main components                           7
  2.3      Ancillary Equipment                           7
  2.4      EUT Setups                                    7
  2.5      Operating Modes                               8

3 Test Results                                          9
  3.1      Field strength of spurious radiation          9

4 Test Equipment                                        12

5 Photo Report                                          15

6 Setup Drawings                                        18

7 Annex                                                 20
Measurement Plots

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0     Summary

0.1 Technical Report Summary

Type of Authorization
Certification for a GSM cellular radiotelephone device

Applicable FCC Rules

Prepared in accordance with the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations as listed in
47 CFR Ch.1 Parts 0 to 19 and Parts 20 to 69 (10-1-06 Edition). The following subparts
are applicable to the results in this test report.

Part 2
Subpart J - Equipment Authorization Procedures, Certification

        § 2.1046 Measurement required: RF power output

        § 2.1049 Measurement required: Occupied bandwidth

        § 2.1051 Measurement required: Spurious emissions at antenna terminals

        § 2.1053 Measurement required: Field strength of spurious radiation

        § 2.1055 Measurement required: Frequency stability

        § 2.1057 Frequency spectrum to be investigated

Part 24
Subpart E - Broadband PCS

        § 24.232 Power and antenna height limits

        § 24.235 Frequency stability

        § 24.236 Field strength limits

        § 24.238 Emission limitations for Broadband PCS equipment

Summary Test Results:

The EUT complied with all performed tests as listed in chapter 0.2 Measurement

In order to demonstrate that the maximum output power of the new variant is
within ±0.5 dB of the original module, a delta measurement between the two
modules was performed. The results are listed in the annex of this report.

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 0.2   Measurement Summary

 Field strength of spurious radiation
 The measurement was performed according to FCC §2.1053            10—1—06
 OP—Mode            Setup             Port                         Final Result
 op—mode 1           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P
 op—mode 2           Setup_a02        enclosure                    passed
 op—mode 3           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P
 op—mode 4           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P
 op—mode 5           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P
 op—mode 6           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P
 op—mode 7           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P
 op—mode 8           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P
 op—mode 9           Setup_a02        enclosure                    N/P

 N/P: Not Performed.
 — The test was performed in the operating mode with the highest output power based on
 the output power comparison measurement.

                                 7 layers
                                        _ AGI Borc‘
                                40880             S!Qstr. 11
                                        Ratingen, c
                                Phone +49 (972) oze':/i"fins/

 Responsible for
 Accreditation Scope:   e cAake5
                                                for Test Report:   4 [I¢"*
 Test report Reference: MDE_Siem_0605_hc25_FCC_h.doc                              Page 4 of 20

1     Administrative Data

1.1 Testing Laboratory

Company Name:                              7 Layers AG

Address                                    Borsigstr. 11
                                           40880 Ratingen

This facility has been fully described in a report submitted to the FCC and accepted under
the registration number 96716 .

The test facility is also accredited by the following accreditation organisation:
- Deutscher Akkreditierungs Rat              DAR-Registration no. DAT-P-192/99-01

Responsible for Accreditation Scope:       Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Retka
                                           Dipl.-Ing. Robert Machulec
                                           Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hoell

Report Template Version:                   2007-08-29

1.2 Project Data

Responsible for testing and report:        Dipl.-Ing. Arndt Stoecker
Receipt of EUT:                            2007-11-27
Date of Test(s):                           2007-12-04 to 2007-12-05
Date of Report:                            2007-12-13

1.3 Applicant Data

Company Name:                              Siemens AG

Address:                                   Siemensdamm 50
                                           13629 Berlin
Contact Person:                            Mr. Halawi

1.4 Manufacturer Data
Company Name:                              please see applicant data


Contact Person:

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2     Testobject Data

2.1 General EUT Description

Equipment under Test:                 GSM/UMTS module
Type Designation:                     Siemens Cellular Engine HC25
Kind of Device:                       GSM 850/900/1800/1900/FDDII/FDDV
Voltage Type:                         DC
Nominal Voltage:                      4.2 V
Maximum Voltage:                      4.2 V
Minimum Voltage:                      3.5 V

General product description:

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a GSM 850/900/1800/1900 module and supports
EDGE, and FDD II with HSDPA.
The manufacturer declared that nominal voltage is equal to high voltage.

In PCS1900 mode the EUT operates in blocks A through F from 1850.2 MHz (lowest
channel = 512) to 1909.8 MHz (highest channel = 810).

In FDD II mode the EUT operates in channel blocks A through F from 1852.4 MHz (lowest
channel = 9262) to 1907.6 MHz (highest channel = 9538).

The EUT provides the following ports:

antenna connector
System connector

The main components of the EUT are listed and described in Chapter 2.2

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2.2 EUT Main components
Type, S/N, Short Descriptions etc. used in this Test Report

   Short       Equipment         Type          Serial No.    HW Status       SW Status       Date of
Description    under Test    Designation                                                     Receipt
EUT A         GSM/UMTS       Siemens          010009         rev. 01.760    B2.11          2007-11-27
(Code:        module         Cellular                        (SV 07)
10900EF27)                   Engine
Remark: EUT A is equipped with a permanent   antenna connector.
EUT B         GSM/UMTS       Siemens          015077        rev. 01.760     B2.11          -
(Code:        module         Cellular                       (SV 07)
10900ED27)                   Engine
Remark: EUT B is equipped with a permanent   antenna connector.

NOTE: The short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this test

2.3 Ancillary Equipment
For the purposes of this test report, ancillary equipment is defined as equipment which is
used in conjunction with the EUT to provide operational and control features to the EUT.
It is necessary to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally
use it. But nevertheless Ancillary Equipment can influence the test results.

   Short       Equipment          Type        HW Status       SW Status       Serial no.        FCC ID
Description    under Test     Designation
AE_1           External       Dualband        -              -              -              –
               antenna        antenna
               Algon          Ordering
               MiniMag        number
Remark: the antenna gain is declared by the applicant as: 1.65 dBi = -0.49dBD
AE_2          Develop-        DSB75           DSB75_B1.      -              DBI_ ICM-      -
              ment board                      1                             100012-03
AE_3          Adapter         Quinn                                         Q_DSB75_A      -
              board           DSB75                                         1_334
                              Adapter A1
AE_4          Housing for     -               -              -              DSB75_B1       -
              DSB75                                                         0009
AE_5          Flexcable 1     -               -              -              -              --

2.4 EUT Setups

This chapter describes the combination of EUT's and ancillary equipment used
for testing.

 Setup No.      Combination of EUTs                                Description
setup_a01      EUT A + AE_1 + AE_2 +      setup for conducted tests
               AE_3 + AE_5
setup_a02      EUT B + AE_1 + AE_2 +      setup for radiated spurious emissions tests
               AE_3 + AE_4 + AE_5

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2.5 Operating Modes

This chapter describes the operating modes of the EUT's.

Op. Mode     Description of Operating Modes                Remarks
             PCS voice call
op-mode 1    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     512 is the lowest channel
             512, Carrier Frequency 1850.2 MHz             PCS data call
op-mode 2    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     661 is a mid channel
             661, Carrier Frequency 1880 MHz               PCS data call
             Additionally the GPS receiver is active.
op-mode 3    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     810 is the highest channel
             810, Carrier Frequency 1909.8 MHz             PCS data call
             EDGE data call
op-mode 4    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     512 is the lowest channel
             512, Carrier Frequency 1850.2 MHz             EDGE data call
op-mode 5    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     661 is a mid channel
             661, Carrier Frequency 1880 MHz               EDGE data call
op-mode 6    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     810 is the highest channel
             810, Carrier Frequency 1909.8 MHz             EDGE data call
             FDD II data call
op-mode 7    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     9262 is the lowest channel
             9262, Carrier Frequency 1852.4 MHz            FDD II data call
op-mode 8    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     9400 is a mid channel
             9400, Carrier Frequency 1880 MHz              FDD II data call
op-mode 9    Call established on Traffic Channel (TCH)     9538 is the highest channel
             9538, Carrier Frequency 1907.6 MHz            FDD II data call

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3     Test Results

3.1 Field strength of spurious radiation
Standard         FCC Part 24, 10-1-06
                 Subpart E

The test was performed according to: FCC §2.1053, 10-1-06

3.1.1 Test Description
1) The EUT was placed inside an anechoic chamber. Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings".
The EUT was coupled to the R&S CMD55 / CMU200 Digital Communication Tester which
was located outside the chamber via coaxial cable.

2) A call was established on a Traffic Channel (TCH) between the EUT and the base
station simulator (R&S CMD55 / CMU200 Digital Communication Tester).
Important Settings:
- Discontinuous Transmission: OFF
- Modulation Signal: PSR16-1 (Pseudo Random Sequence)
- Output Power: Maximum
- Channel : Varied during measurements

3) A pre-calibration procedure is used so that the readings from the spectrum analyser
are corrected and represent directly the equivalent radiated power (related to a lamda/2

4) All spurious radiation measurements were made with spectrum analyser and the
appropriate calibrated antennas for the frequency range of 30 MHz to 20 GHz (up to the
10th harmonic of the transmit frequency).

5) Important Analyser Settings
- [Resolution Bandwidth / Video Bandwidth]:
a) [3 kHz / 10 kHz] in the Span of 1 MHz directly below and above the
b) [10 kHz / 30 kHz] in case the curve of the analyser IF-Filter leads to an exceeding of
the limit, in this case a worst case correction factor of 20 dB (1 MHz -> 10 kHz) was used
c) [1 MHz / 3 MHz] otherwise
- Sweep Time: Calculated by using a formula given in the Product Standard "GSM 11.10-
1 edition 4" for spurious emissions measurements (depending on the transmitting signal,
the span and the resolution bandwidth)

6) The spurious emissions (peak) were measured in both vertical and horizontal antenna
polarisation during the call is established on the lowest channel, mid channel and on the
highest channel.

3.1.2 Test Requirements / Limits
§ 2.1053 Measurements required: Field strength of spurious radiation.

Measurements shall be made to detect spurious emissions that may be radiated directly
from the cabinet, control circuits, power leads, or intermediate circuit elements under
normal conditions of installation and operation. Curves or equivalent data shall be
supplied showing the magnitude of each harmonic and other spurious emission. For this

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test, single sideband, independent sideband, and controlled carrier transmitters shall be
modulated under the conditions specified in paragraph (c) of Sec. 2.1049, as appropriate.
For equipment operating on frequencies below 890 MHz, an open field test is normally
required, with the measuring instrument antenna located in the far-field at all test
frequencies. In the event it is either impractical or impossible to make open field
measurements (e.g. a broadcast transmitter installed in a building) measurements will be
accepted of the equipment as installed. Such measurements must be accompanied by a
description of the site where the measurements were made showing the location of any
possible source of reflections which might distort the field strength measurements.
Information submitted shall include the relative radiated power of each spurious emission
with reference to the rated power output of the transmitter, assuming all emissions are
radiated from halfwave dipole antennas.
(b) The measurements specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be made for the
following equipment:
(2) All equipment operating on frequencies higher than 25 MHz.

§ 2.1057 Frequency spectrum to be investigated.

(a) In all of the measurements set forth in Secs. 2.1051 and 2.1053, the spectrum shall
be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the equipment,
without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency shown below:
(1) If the equipment operates below 10 GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest
fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz, whichever is lower.
(b) Particular attention should be paid to harmonics and subharmonics of the carrier
frequency as well as to those frequencies removed from the carrier by multiples of the
oscillator frequency. Radiation at the frequencies of multiplier stages should also be
(c) The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated more than 20 dB below the
permissible value need not be reported.
(d) Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 40 GHz shall be performed using a
minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz.

§ 24.238 Emission limitations for Broadband PCS equipment

(a) The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges
must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10
log(P) dB.
This is calculated to be -13 dBm (effective radiated power) which corresponds to 84.6
dBµV/m (field strength) in a distance of 3 m.

(b) Compliance with these rules is based on the use of measurement instrumentation
employing a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater. However, in the 1 MHz bands
immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency block a resolution bandwidth of at
least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the
transmitter may be employed. A narrower resolution bandwidth is permitted in all cases
to improve measurement accuracy provided the measured power is integrated over the
full required measurement bandwidth (i.e. 1 MHz or 1 percent of emission bandwidth, as
specified). The emission bandwidth is defined as the width of the signal between two
points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the carrier center
frequency, outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the
transmitter power.
(c) Licensees in this service may establish an alternative out of band emission limit to be
used at specified band edge(s) in specified geographical areas [...].
(d) If any emission from a transmitter operating in this service results in interference to
users of another radio service, the FCC may require a greater attenuation of that
emission than specified in this section.

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3.1.3 Test Protocol

Temperature:        24 °C
Air Pressure:       1022 hPa
Humidity:           38 %

Op. Mode            Setup                      Port
op-mode 2           setup_a02                  Enclosure

   Frequency              Antenna            Bandwidth          Measured Level           Limit
      MHz                Polarisation           kHz                 dBm                  dBm
       -                       -                 -                    -                  -13.0

Remark: No (further) spurious emissions were found in the range 20 dB below the limit.

3.1.4 Test result: Field strength of spurious radiation
                FCC Part 24, Subpart E      Op. Mode                   Result
                                            op-mode 2                  Passed

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4       Test Equipment

EUT Digital Signalling System

Equipment                  Type                   Serial No.            Manufacturer
Digital Radio              CMD 55                 831050/020            Rohde & Schwarz
Communication Tester
Signalling Unit for        PTW60                  100004                Rohde & Schwarz
Bluetooth Spurious
Universal Radio            CMU 200                102366                Rohde & Schwarz
Communication Tester

EMI Test System

Equipment                  Type                   Serial No.            Manufacturer
Comparison Noise           CNE III                99/016                York
EMI Analyzer               ESIB 26                845986/006            Rohde & Schwarz
Signal Generator           SMR 20                 846834/008            Rohde & Schwarz

EMI Radiated Auxiliary Equipment

Equipment                  Type                   Serial No.            Manufacturer
Antenna mast 4m            MA 240                 240/492               HD GmbH H. Deisel
Biconical dipole           VUBA 9117              9117108               Schwarzbeck
Broadband Amplifier        JS4-18002600-32        849785                Miteq
Broadband Amplifier        JS4-00101800-35        896037                Miteq
Broadband Amplifier        JS4-00102600-42        619368                Miteq
Cable "ESI to EMI          EcoFlex10              W18.01-2 + W38.01-2   Kabel Kusch
Cable "ESI to Horn         UFB311A + UFB293C      W18.02-2 + W38.02-2   Rosenberger-Microcoax
Double-ridged horn         HF 906                 357357/002            Rohde &     Schwarz
Double-ridged horn         HF 906                 357357/001            Rohde &     Schwarz
High Pass Filter           5HC3500/12750-1.2-KK   200035008             Trilithic
High Pass Filter           5HC2700/12750-1.5-KK   9942012               Trilithic
High Pass Filter           4HC1600/12750-1.5-KK   9942011               Trilithic
KUEP pre amplifier         Kuep 00304000          001                   7layers
Log.-per. Antenna          HL 562 Ultralog        830547/003            Rohde &     Schwarz
Loop Antenna               HFH2-Z2                829324/006            Rohde &     Schwarz
Pyramidal Horn Antenna     Model 3160-09          9910-1184             EMCO
26.5 GHz

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EMI Conducted Auxiliary Equipment

Equipment                    Type                   Serial No.            Manufacturer
Cable "LISN to ESI"          RG214                  W18.03+W48.03         Huber+Suhner
Two-Line V-Network           ESH 3-Z5               828304/029            Rohde & Schwarz
Two-Line V-Network           ESH 3-Z5               829996/002            Rohde & Schwarz

Auxiliary Test Equipment

Equipment                    Type                   Serial No.            Manufacturer
Broadband Resist.            1506A / 93459          LM390                 Weinschel
Power Divider N
Broadband Resist.            1515 / 93459           LN673                 Weinschel
Power Divider SMA
Digital Multimeter 01        Voltcraft M-3860M      IJ096055              Conrad
Digital Multimeter 02        Voltcraft M-3860M      IJ095955              Conrad
Digital Oscilloscope         TDS 784C               B021311               Tektronix
Fibre optic link Satellite   FO RS232 Link          181-018               Pontis
Fibre optic link             FO RS232 Link          182-018               Pontis
I/Q Modulation               AMIQ-B1                832085/018            Rohde & Schwarz
Notch Filter ultra stable    WRCA800/960-6E         24                    Wainwright
Spectrum Analyzer 9          FSP3                   838164/004            Rohde & Schwarz
kHz to 3 GHz
Temperature Chamber          VT 4002                58566002150010        Vötsch
Temperature Chamber          KWP 120/70             59226012190010        Weiss
ThermoHygro                  Opus10 THI (8152.00)   7482                  Lufft Mess- und
Datalogger 03                                                             Regeltechnik GmbH

Anechoic Chamber

Equipment                    Type                   Serial No.            Manufacturer
Air Compressor                                                            Atlas Copco
Controller                   CO 2000                CO2000/328/12470406   Innco innovative
                                                    /L                    constructions GmbH
EMC Camera                   CE-CAM/1                                     CE-SYS
EMC Camera for               CCD-400E               0005033               Mitsubishi
observation of EUT
Filter ISDN                  B84312-C110-E1                               Siemens&Matsushita
Filter telephone systems     B84312-C40-B1                                Siemens&Matsushita
/ modem
Filter Universal 1A          B84312-C30-H3                                Siemens&Matsushita
Fully/Semi AE Chamber        10.58x6.38x6                                 Frankonia
Turntable                    DS 420S                420/573/99            HD GmbH, H. Deisel
Valve Control Unit           VE 615P                615/348/99            HD GmbH, H. Deisel

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7 layers Bluetooth™ Full RF Test                    Bluetooth RF Conformance
Solution                                            Test System TS8960

Equipment                  Type               Serial No.        Manufacturer
10 MHz Reference           MFS                5489/001          Efratom
Power Meter                NRVD               832025/059        Rohde & Schwarz
Power Sensor A             NRV-Z1             832279/013        Rohde & Schwarz
Power Sensor B             NRV-Z1             832279/015        Rohde & Schwarz
Power Supply               E3632A             MY40003776        Agilent
Power Supply               PS-2403D           -                 Conrad
RF Step Attenuator         RSP                833695/001        Rohde & Schwarz
Rubidium Frequency         MFS                002               Efratom
Signal Analyzer FSIQ26     FSIQ26             832695/007        Rohde & Schwarz
Signal Generator           SMP 03             833680/003        Rohde & Schwarz
Signal Generator A         SMIQ03B            834344/002        Rohde & Schwarz
Signal Generator B         SMIQ03B            832870/017        Rohde & Schwarz
Signal Switching and       SSCU               338826/005        Rohde & Schwarz
Conditioning Unit
Signalling Unit PTW60      PTW60 for TS8960   838312/014        Rohde & Schwarz
System Controller          PSM12              829323/008        Rohde & Schwarz

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5     Photo Report

Photo 1: EUT (front side)

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Photo 2: EUT (rear side)

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Photo 3: Setup for radiated tests

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6     Setup Drawings

Drawing 1:       Principle setup for radiated measurements.

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Drawing 2:       Principle setup for conducted measurements under nominal conditions

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7     Annex

 Output power comparison HC25 rel1 and HC25rel2

            AO12: HC25 rel1 Modul, S/N 008933 => Reference
            EF27: HC25 rel2 Modul, S/N 013310

                                               delta power/dB
                Band         TCH    Freq/MHz    AO12 - EF27
                              128     824.2           0.1
             GSM 850          190     836.6          0.1
                              251     848.8          0.0
                              128     824.2          0.1
             EDGE 850         190     836.6          0.0
                              251     848.8          0.1
                             4132     826.4          0.5
            UTRA FDD
               V             4183     836.6          0.2
                             4233     846.6          0.3
                              512    1850.2          0.2
             GSM 1900         661    1880.0          0.2
                              810    1909.8          0.1
                              512    1850.2          0.2
            EDGE 1900         661    1880.0          0.1
                              810    1909.8          0.1
                             9262    1852.4          -0.2
            UTRA FDD
               II            9400    1880.0          0.0
                             9538    1907.6          0.3

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Document Created: 2007-12-14 17:06:50
Document Modified: 2007-12-14 17:06:50

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