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2                         Symbal CROO78—S Series/CRO008—$ Series Cradles

©2010 MOTOROLA, INC. All rights reserved.

Motorola reservesthe right to make changes to any product to improve rellability,
function, or design.

Motorola does not assume any product lfability arising outof, or in connection
with, the application or use of any product, circuit, or application described herein.

No license is granted, either expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise
under any patent right or patent, covering or relating to any combination, system,
apparatus, machine, material, method, or process in which Motorola products
might be used. An implied license exists only for equipment, circuits, and
subsystems contained in Motorola products.

This Motorola product may include Motorola Software, Commercial Third Party
Software, and Publicly Available Software. Refer to the Product Reference Guide
for complete copyright, conditions and disclaimer information.

For the complete Motorola hardware product warranty statement, go to:

Quick Reference Guide                                                              3

The CROOO8—S Series cradle acts as a stand and charger for the LS4278 and
DS6878 cordless scanners.

The CROO78—S Series cordless scanner cradle acts as a stand, charger and host
communication interface for LS4278 and DS6878 cordless scanners. The
CROO78—S Series cradle receives data from the scanner via a Bluetooth radio,
and sends that data to the host through an attached cable. The cradle also
charges the scanner‘s internal battery pack when the scanneris inserted. The
scanner can be charged through the cradle from an external power supply or
using a powered host cable.
The cradles can sit on a desktop or mount on a wall, computer work station or
medical cart.
This document provides basic instructions on setting up and using the cradie.
Unless otherwise noted, "cradle" refers to all configurations of the cradle. Any
discussion of transmission of information refers specifically to the CROD78—S
Series cradle.

The following equipment may be needed:
*   Power supply (p/n 50—14000—253R; 50—14000—058R Korean).
*   Mounting bracket for vertical cradle mounting (p/n 21—135001—01).
Save the shipping containerfor storing or shipping. Inspect all equipment for
damage. If anything is damaged or missing, call an authorized Customer Support
Representative immediately.

4                             Symbal CROOT8—S Series/CROIO8—S Series Cradies

Cradle Parts
                        Front                                  Back

 Pairing Bar
      Code                                Rubber                          Rubber
                                            Foot                ©         Foot

Convertible                                                               Host
vount Hook                                                                Port

                                            Host                          Power
                                           Cabl                           Cable
                                          Groove                          Groove

                                                             [ Oe
                                          Rubber               .          Rubber
                                            Foor         e                Foot


                 Charging/Communication       DeskWall Mount
                        Contacts              Converter Knob

Cradle Connections
Important: Connect the Interface cable and power supply {if necessary) in the
following order to ensure proper operation of the scanner and cradle:
1. Insert the interface cable into the cradle‘s host port.
2. Connect the other end of the interface cable to the host, if needed.
3. If necessary, connect the power supply to the cradle‘s power port (if required
   by the interface, or to allow fast charging of the scanner).
4. Connect the appropriate cable to the power supply and an AC power source, if

Quick Reference Guide                                                               §

5. If applicable, thread the interface cable over the cable support hook and run
   the host and power cables into their respective cable grooves.
6. If necessary, scan the appropriate host bar code (for non—autodetected
   interfaces). Refer to the Symbol LS4278 Product Reference Guide, p/n
   72—69834—xx orSymbol DS6878 Product Reference Guide, p/n 72—131700—xx.
       Power Port                     Host Port                  Power

                                   Power Port                    Connect to
                                                              appropriate host

      IMPORTANT For healthcare environments, use cradle p/n
&                   CROO78—SC1009BWR and place the ferrite core(included in
                    box with cradle) on the power supply (see Power Supply
                    Ferrite Installation instructions included in the box}.

Changing the Host Interface
To connect to a different host, or to the same host through a different cable:
1. Unplug the power supply from the cradle.
2. Unplug the interface cable from the host.
3. Connect the interface cable to the new host, or the new interface cable to the
   existing host.
4. Reconnect the power supply, if required.
5. If necessary, scan the appropriate host bar code (for non—autodetected
   interfaces). Refer to the Symbol LS4278 Product Reference Guide, p/n
   72—69834—xx or Symbol DS6878 Product Reference Guide, p/n 72—131700—xx.

  @     If the scanner does not recognize the host, disconnect the powersupply,
        then reconnect after connecting the host cable.

6                          Symbol CROO78—S Series/CRO008—S Series Cradies

Mounting the Cradle
Horizontal Mount
1. Ensure the desk/wall mount
   converter knob is in the correct
    position, shown at right.

2. If mounting the cradle horizontaily
    where no fastening is necessary,
    ensure the rubber feet are
    attached to the cradle. These feet
    providetraction and prevent
    surface damage.                                Converter Knob:
                                          Horizontal Mount Position

Vertical Mount
To mount the cradle on a vertical surface using
the Motorola accessory mounting bracket:
1. Use a Philips screwdriver to turn the
   desk/wall mount converter knob to the
   position shown at right. The front latches
   protract to engage the depressions at the
   base of the scanner‘s handle.
2. Ensure the convertible mount hook on the
   front of the cradle is inserted with the hook
   facing up. If not, remove and reverse the
   hook so that it is in position to secure the
   scanner in place.
3. Attach the interface and power cables to
   the appropriate ports (see Cradle
   Connections on page 4).
4. Position the mounting bracket on the
    mounting surface.                                   — Converer Riok: @
                                                    Vertical Mount Position
5. Using the mounting holes on the mounting
   bracket, mark the surface to determine the
   location of the screw holes to drill (for a wall mount bracket template, refer to
   the Symbo! DS6878 Product Reference Guide, p/n 72—131700—xx). It is
   recommended to use 4 screws to mount the bracket securely to the mounting

Quick Reference Guide                                                                7

6. Press the cables into the cradle cable grooves.
7. Align the mounting holes on the cradle with the screws on the mounting
   bracket and snap the cradle securely into place on the surface.
8. Place the scannerin the cradie.

Inserting the Scanner in the Cradle
To insert the scanner in the cradle:
1. Insert the scanner top first. When the cradle is mounted in a vertical position,
   ensure the convertible mount haok on the frontof the cradle is inserted with the
   hook facing up. If not, remove and reverse the hook so that it is in position to
   secure the scannerin place.
2. Push the handle until it clicks into place, engaging the contacts in the cradle
   and scanner,

Sending Data to the Host Computer
The cradle receives data from the scanner via a wireless radio connection and
transmits it to the host computer via the host cable. The scanner and cradle must
be paired for successful wireless communication.

Pairing registers a scanner to the cradle and the scanner and cradle can
exchange information. The CROO78—S Series operates in two modes:
scanner—to—cradle and multi scanner—to—cradle. In scanner—to—cradle mode, the
scanner is paired to the cradle either by insertion into the cradle (if pairing on
insertion is enabled), or by scanning the pairing bar code. In multi
scanner—to—cradle mode, up to three scanners can be paired to one cradle. A
multipoint bar code must be scanned to activate this feature.
The pairing bar code is located on the front of the cradle. To pair the scanner with
the cradle, scan the pairing bar code. A high—low—high—low beep sequence

8                         Symbol CROO78—S Series/CROOO8—S Series Cradles

followed by a low—high beep sequence indicates successful pairing and
connection to the remote device. A long low, long high beep sequenceindicates
unsuccessful pairing. Refer to the Symbol LS4278 Product Reference Guide, p/n
72—69834—xx or Symbol DS6878 Product Reference Guide, p/n 72—131700—xx tor
more information.

Lost Connection to Host
If scanned data does not transmit to the cradle‘s host, ensure that all cables are
firmly inserted and the power supply is connected to an appropriate AC outlet. If
scanned data still does not transmit to the host, reestablish a connection with the
1. Disconnect the power supply from the cradle.
2. Disconnect the host interface cable from the cradle.
3. Wait three seconds.
4. Reconnect the host interface cable to the cradle.
5. Reconnect the power supply to the cradle, if required.
6. Reestablish pairing with the cradle by scanning the pairing bar code.
 \/    NOTE The CROO78—S Series does not always require a power
            supply whereas the CROOO8—S Series always requires a
            power supply.

Charging the Scanner Battery in the Cradle
To charge the scanner battery, place the scanner in the cradle (see Inserting the
Scanner in the Cradle on page 7). The battery begins charging when the scanner
LED indicator starts flashing green. A complete charge of a fully discharged
battery can take up to three hours using external power and up to five hours using
non—external cable power.

LED Charging Indications
When powered up, the cradle LED is always green. Refer to the Symbo! LS4278
Product Reference Guide, p/n 72—69834—xx or Symbol DS6878 Product
Reference Guide, p/n 72—131700—xx tor scanner LED indications.

Using a Host Interface to Supply Power
Some hosts can provide power to the cradle via the host interface, instead of an
external power supply.

Quick Reference Guide

If the cradle does not work after following the previous procedures:
*   Check the system power.
*   Check for loose cable connections.
*   Check that the scanner is inserted properly in the cradle.
*   Check that the host settings are correct and the cradle is connected to the
    appropriate port on the host.
    a      CAUTION    Do not pour, spray, or spill any liquid on the cradle. Refer
    A                 to the Symbo! LS4278 Product Reference Guide, p/n
                      72—69834—xx or Symbol DS6878 Product Reference
                      Guide, p/n 72—131700—xx tor maintenance guidelines
                      and list of approved cleansers.

Related Documentation
*   Symbol LS4278 Product Reference Guide, pn 72—69834—xx
*   Symbol LS4278 Quick Reference Guide, p/n 72—69835—xx
*   Symbol DS6878 Product Reference Guide, pn 72—131700—xx
*   Symbol DS6878 Quick Start Guide, pin 72—132659—xx

These documents are available at thefollowing web site:

 10                              Symbo! CROO78—S Series/CRO008—S Series Cradles

Regulatory Information
This device is approved under the Symbol Technologles brand; Symbol Technologies, Inc., is the
Enterprise Mobility Sofutionsof Motorola, Inc. (‘Motorola").
This guide applies to model numbers STB4278 and STB4208.
All Motorola/Symbal devices are designed to be compliant with rules and regulations in locations they
are sold and will be fabeled as required.
Local language translations are available at the following web site:
Any changes or modifications to Motorola/Symbol Technologles equipment, not expressly approved
by Symbol Technologles, could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
Only use Motorola/Symbol approved and UL listed accessories, battery packs and battery chargers.

Radio Modules
The STB4278 contains an approved radio modute. This module is identifed below.
Symbol Bluetooth?* Radio, Type: LMX6452

Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
This is an approved Bluetooth® product, For more information or to view end product listing, visit the
following web site:!ipg!tstings.cim.
Ergonomic Recommendations
Caution: In order to avold or minimize the potential risk of ergonamic injury followthe
recommendations below. Consult with your local Health & Safety Manager to ensure that you are
adhering to your company‘s safety programs to prevent emplayee injury.
«Reduceor eliminate repetiive motion
«Maintain a natural position:
«Reduceor eliminate excessive force
«Keep objects that are used frequently within easy reach
«Perform tasks at correct heights
«Reduce or eliminate vibration
«Reduceor eliminate direct pressure
«Provide adjustable workstations
«Provide adequate clearance
«Provide a sultable working environment
«Improve work procedures.

AWarnings for Use of Wireless Devices
Please observe all waring notices with regard to the usage of wireless devices.
Potentially Hazardous Atmospheres — Vehicles Use
You are reminded of the need to observe restrictions on the use of radio devices in fuel depots,
chemical plants, etc. and areas where the alr contains chemicals or particles (such as grain, dust, or
metal powders) and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle
Potentially Hazardous Atmospheres — Fixed Installations
You are reminded of the need to observe restrictions on the use of radio devices in fuel depots,
chemical plants, etc. and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles (such as grain, dust, or
metal powders).

Quick Reference Guide                                                                             11

Safetyin Aircraft
Switch off your wreless device whenever you are Instructed to do so by alport or aine staft, If your
device offers a "flight mode" or shniar feature, consult altine staff as to its use in fight
 ((‘i) Safety in Hospitals

Wireless devices transmit rado frequency energy and may affect medical electrical equipment.
Wireless devices should be switched off wherever you are requested to do so In hospitals, clinics or
healthcare faciifies. These request are designed to prevent possible Interference with sensitive
medical equipment,
Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that minimum of 1&em (6 inches} be maintained betweena
handheld wireless device and a pacemaker to avoid polential Interference with the pacamaker. These
recommendations are consistent with independentresearch and recommendations by Wireloss
Technology Research.
Persons with Pacomakers:
* Should ALWAYS keep the device more than t5om (8 Inches) from their pacemaker when tumed
* Should not carry the daviee in a breast pocket.
* Shouki use the ear furthost from the pacemaker to minimize the potentlal for interference.
+ If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, turm OFF your device.
Other Medical Devices
Please consult your physiclan or the manutacturer of the medical device, to determine if the
operation of your wirelass product may Interfere with the medical device.

 AFCC RF Exposure Guidelines
Safety Information
Reducing RF Exposure — Uso Properly
Only operate the davice in accordance with the instructions suppiled.
The device complies wilh Internationaly recognized standards covering human exposure to
electromagnatie fields from radlo devices, For information on "Intenational" human exposure to
electromagnalie fields refer to the Motorola/Symbol Declaration of Contormity (DoC) at the fotowing
web site: hip:/
Remote and StandaloneAnterna Contiyurations

To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements, a mobile fransmiffing device must operata with a
miaimum separaton dstance of 20 cm or more from a person‘s body.

Power Supply
Use ONLY a LISTED Molorela, Type no. 5014000 (BVde/250mA min.), or PWRS—14000
{BVde/B50mA min.), Direct Plig—in power supply, marked Class 2 or LPS (1EC30950—1, SELV]. Use
of alternalive power supply witl Invalldate any approvals given to this device and may be dangerous.

    12                               Symbol CROO78—S Series/CR0008—S Series Cradles

Taiwan — Recycling


EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) requires dry battery producing ar importing firms in
accordancewith Article 15 of the Waste Disposal Act are required to indicate the recycling marks on
the batteries used in sales, giveaway or promotion. Contact a qualified Tatwanese recycler for proper
battery disposal.
To charge the mobile device battery, the battery andcharger temperatures must be between +82 °F
and +104 °F (0 °C and +40 °C).
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements—FCC
                           Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
          rssnergy         Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules, These limits are
         vesroosudes       designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interterence in a
    reamuecncercese        residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
                     frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However there is no
guarantee that interlerence will not occur in a partioutar installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
*        Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
*        Increase the separation between the equipment and recelver
+        Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circult different from that to which the receiver is
*        Consult the dealer or an experienced redio/TV techniclan for help.
Radio Transmitters (Part 15)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rulss. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interlerence received, including Interference that may cause undesired operation.
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements—Canada
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES—008.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme & la norme NMB—003 du Canada.
Badio Transmitters
This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry & Science Canada. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must
accept any interference recelved, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Label Marking: The Term "1C:" before the radlo certiication only signifies that Industry Canada
technical specifications were met.

CEIMarking and European Economic Area (EEA}
Bluetooth        Wireless Technology for use through the EEA has the following restrictions:

 Quick Reference Guide                                                                                13

*    Maximum radiated transmit power of 100mW EIRP in the frequency range 2.400—2.4835 GHz.
*    France, outside usage is restricted to 10mW EIRP.
*    Italy requires a user license for oulside usage.
Statement of Compliance
Motorola/Symbel Technologies, Inc., hereby, dectares that this device is in compifancewith the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directives 1999/5/EC, A Declaration of
Conformities may be obtained from the following web site: hitpy/
Country Approval
Regulatory markings, subject to certfication, are applled to the device signifying the redio(s) are
approved for use in the following countries: United States, Canada, Australia, China, 8. Korea, Japan
& Europe.
Please refer to the Symbol Dectaration of Conformity (DoC) for details af other country markings.
This is available at the following web site: hitp:/iwww.motarala.comfenterprisemobilty/doc.

    \/    NOTE For 2.4GHz Products, Europe includes: Austria, Belgium, Buigaria, Gzech
                  Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
                  Hungary, Icoland, frefand, ftaly, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
                  Malte, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic,
                  Stoventa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

    i    Operation of the device without regulatory approval is ilegal.

Japan (VCCI) — Voluntary Control Council for Interference
Class B NNE
 2 O HLE 1hMlosm5 mmb A t alidi4 ( VCO 1 ) ORRELETI<OPAS
This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference
from Information Technology Equipment (VCCI), If this is used near a radto or telavision receiver in a
domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to
the instruction manual,
Korean Warning Statement for Class B ITE
         7155                            At B At 9 UE
        8 2 2121              0 JDlE 8E BJJ CS ami=@s=s
    (Jas HeseID7)             o PDI2M #8 E0A Ascic 2B 24
                              925 a0 . 9e XOMIA AB® + USUC .
Other Countries
Brasi: Decaragdes Regulamentares para STB4278
Nota: A marca de certificagho se aplica ao Transceptor, modelo STR4278. Este equipamento opera
em cardter secundétto, isto 6, nao tem direito a proteg&o contra Interferéncia prejudicial, mesmo de
estagoes do mesmo tipo, e n&o pode causar Interferencia a sistemas operando em cardter primgrio.
Para malores informagées sobre ANATEL consulte 0 site:
CHILE: Este equipo cumple con la Resalucién No 403 de 2008, de la Subsecretaria de
telecomunicaciones, relativa a radiaciones electromagnélicas.,
Mexico: Restrict Frequency Range to: 2.450 — 2.4885 GHz,

 14                           Symbol CROO78—S Series/CR0008—S Series Cradies

 dol feaile c# a mitkal rleao o8

 #al FAQul baing ¢ meiol sioor cloternia} sidid MWMAE # 4 diAUC

Batstoreoeioretinst shaimnl — o— etriemorene snn —
droppseecB2dmmeneorobieBTeAtt | sinthFiestinns > esrhltyre >
imlers(c—BROIERIETEN —
iheofls —fhfouesuerceneruntd —
()PROARLEELES0Honimecc — h9oRevihibddenttheRie c

E Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Bulgarish: 3a knxeltn or EC: Cnea kpan Ha noneaHa um xusor schuk» npopykt4 Tprbsa na
ce aprtjar Ha Motorola sa pelnenipane. 3a uhcopmauia othocHo apulijazieto Ha npoAyKTH,
monna oragete Ha anpec:
http:fwww.motorola, comfrecycling/weee.
  estina: Pro zdkazniky 2 EU; V$echny produkty fe nutné po skondent fefich Zivotnost! vrétit
spolednosti Motorola k recyKlaci. Informace 0 zpusobu vrécent produktu nafdete na webové
strance: htip:/www.motorola.comvrecycling/weee.
Dansk: Til kunder i EU: Alle produkter skal returneres til Motorola til recirkulering, nar de or
udtjent. Less oplysningerne om returnering af produkler pa:
Deutsch: Fir Kunden innethalb der EU: Alle Produkte missen am Endeihrer Lebensdauer
zum Recycling an Motorola zuriickgesand! werden. Informationen zur Riicksendung von
Produkten finden Ste unter hitp:/‘weee.
EAAnvikd: Fa tekdrec orny E.E.: Oha ra mpolovra, ato 1éAag tng S1dpxeiag Eunc roug, tpérrer
va emotpégovial ainy Motorola yia avakuxAwar. Fa tepioudrepeg thnpogoplec axeniKd ps
nv ematpogi} evdg tpolovroe, emaxegcite in Gie00uvan ato 1abiktuo.
Eestl: EL kWientidels: koik tooted tuleb nende eluea lGppedes tagastada taaskasutamise
eesmérgil Motorofa‘ife. Lisainformatsiooni saamiseks taote tagastamise kohta kalastage palun
English: For EU Customers: All products at the end of their life must be returned to Motorola
for recycling. For information on how to return product, please go to:
Espafiol: Para clientes en la Union Europea: todos los productos deberdn entregarse a
Motorola al final de su ciclo de vida para que sean reci¢lados. Si desea mds informacion sobre
cdmo devolver un producto, visite: hilp//
Frangals: Clients de ‘Union Européenne : Tous les produits en fin de cycle de vie doivent étre
retournés & Motorola pour recyclage. Pour de plus amples informations sur ie retour de
produits, consultez : hitp:/www.motorola.comfrecycle/wese.

Quick Reference Guide                                                                                  15

ftaltano: per i client! dell‘UE: tutti i prodotti che sono glunti al termine del rispettivo ciclo di vita
devono essere restituiti a Motorola al fine di consentime i riciclaggio. Per informazioni sulle
modalita di restituzione, visitare i seguente sito Web:
Latvledu: ES klientiem: visi produktip c to kalpoSanas m Za beig mirj nog d alpaka
Motorola otrreiz Jaip rstr del. Lai ieg tu inform cifu par produktu nog d Sanu Motorola,
1 dzu, skatlet: htip/www.motorola.comfrecycling/wees.
Lietuvi : ES vartotojams: visi gaminial, pasibaigus ) eksploataciios lalkul, turi b t gr Zinti
ulllzuoti kompant] . Motorola®. Dauglau informacijos, kaip gr Zinti gamin , rasite:
Magyar        EU—ban visdri6knak: Mindon tonkrement terméket a Motorola villalathoz kell
eljuttatni djrahasznosftés céljébdl. A termék visszajuttatdednak modjaval kaposolatos
tudnivaldkért I@togasson el a
hitp:/ webotdalra.
Malti: Ghal kijenti f—UE: i—prodotti kottha i fkunu wasfu f—affiar tal—haifa ta‘fu u taghhom, fridu
figu ritomati ghand Motorola ghar—ritiklagg. Ghalaktar taghrif dwar kif ghandok tirritona
Eprodolt, jekk foghgbok ur: hitpil/www.motorola.comrecycling‘weee.
Nederlands: Voor klanten in de EU: alle producten dienen aan het einde van hun levensduur
naar Motorola to worden teruggezonten voor recycling, Raadpleeg
hitp:/werw.motorala.comrecycling/weee voor meer informatie over het terugzenden van
Polski; Klienci z obszaru Unii Europefskie]: Produkty wycofane z eksploatacii nalegy zwrdciae
do firmy Motorola w celu ich utylizac}, Informacle na temat zwrotu produktdw znaidu}! s1 na
strone internetowe] hitp:/fwww.motorola.comrecyclingiweee.
Portugués: Para clientes da UE: todos os produtos no fim de vida devem ser devolvidos a
Motorola para reciclagem. Para obter informagSes sobre como devolver o produto, visite:
Romanesc: Pentru clien if din UE: Toate produsele, ta sfar itul duratel for de func ionare,
trebule returnate la Motorola pentru reciclare, Pontru informa ti despre returnarea produsulul,
accesa i; hilpil/
Slovenski; Za kupce v EU: vsl izdelki se morafo po poteku 2ivijenjske dobe vrniti podjetju
Motorola 2a reciklao. Za informacije o va ilu izdelka obi§ ite:
Sloven ina: Pre zdkaznikov z krajin EU: VSetky vyrobky musia by po uplynut! doby ich
Zivotnosti vrétené spolo nosti Motorota na recykldciu. BlizSie informacie o vrétent vyrobkov
ndfdete na: hitpU//
Suoml: Asiakkaat Euroopan unionin alueella: Kaiki tuottest on palautettava kierratettavake!
Motorola—yhtiddn, kun tuotetta ei end4 kAytetd. Lisafietoja tuotteen palauttamisesta on
Svenska: For kunder inom EU: Alla produkter som uppndtt sin livelangd maste returneras till
Motorala for &tervinning. Information om hur du returnerar produkten tinns p&
Tirkgo: AB Mistentert igin: Kullanim sorest dotan tim Girdnter geri dnigtorma igin Motorola‘ya fade
editmelidir, Ornterin nasit lade editecedi hakkinda bigg igin Kitfen 5u adrest zlyaret edin:

Service Information
If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Motorola Enterprise
Mobility support for your region. For contact information, go to:

When contacting Enterprise Mobility support, please have the following
information available:
— Serial number of the unit
— Model number or product name
— Software type and version number

Motorola respondsto calls by e—mail, telephone orfax within the time limits set
forth in service agreements. If your problem cannot be solved by Motorola
Enterprise Mobility Support, you may need to return your equipment for
servicing and will be given specific directions. Motorala is not responsible for
any damages incurred during shipment if the approved shipping container is
not used. Shipping the units improperly can possibly void the warranty.

If you purchased your Enterprise Mobility business product from a Motorola
business partner, please contact that business partnerfor support.

For the latest version of this guide, go to:

        Motorals, Inc.
        One Motorola Plaza
        Holtsvilte, New York 11742, USA
        MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo and Symbol and the Symbo logo are registered in
        the U.5. Patant and Trademark Office. All otherproduct or service namesare the
        property of their registered owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2010

        72—¥35874—01 Revision C — August 2010

Document Created: 2019-09-05 02:44:21
Document Modified: 2019-09-05 02:44:21

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC