Bluetooth report


Test Report

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                                    HYPER Taiwan Technology Inc.

        Bluetooth Qualification Test Report

                                         Customer: Motorola Inc.
                                                  Date: 2010/08/19

                                                       Bluetooth is a Trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and licensed to
CNLA/TAF Accredited Laboratory to ISO/IEC 17025
                                                       HYPER Taiwan Technology Inc.
                                                       HYPER Taiwan Technology Inc. is a BLUETOOTH Qualification Test
- for   the scope of Bluetooth Testing
                                                       Facility (BQTF)
Certificate Number 0916

QCD0004      Rev. 02 09/20/01

              Job Number: 0021-2010Jul16

                  The below listed HYPER Taiwan Technology Inc.
          Personnel take responsibility for the contents of this Test Report.

Date :       2010/08/19              Reviewed/Approved by          :

 This document may not be reproduced without written consent from HYPER Taiwan
  Technology Inc. Extract is not permitted. After written consent from HYPER Taiwan
          Technology Inc., the document must be reproduced in its entirety

                                                        Table of Content
1. List of Revisions .......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Disclaimer Notice ........................................................................................................................ 1
3. Company Information ................................................................................................................ 2
   3.1.    Test Lab information ...................................................................................................... 2
   3.2.    Customer information .................................................................................................... 2
4. Implementation Under Test ....................................................................................................... 3
   4.1.    IUT Information.............................................................................................................. 3
   4.2.    List of Bluetooth Core Protocols supported ................................................................. 3
   4.3.    List of Bluetooth External to Core Protocols and Profiles supported........................ 4
   4.4.    List of Applicable Qualified Pre-tested Components .................................................. 5
   4.5.    IUT Photographs............................................................................................................. 5
5. List of Test Equipment Used ...................................................................................................... 5
   5.1.    Test Equipment for Profile ............................................................................................. 5
6. Reference Test Requirement Document.................................................................................... 6
7. Test Summary.............................................................................................................................. 6
Appendix Part A: RF Conformance Test Report
Appendix Part B: Profile Interoperability Test Report

Bluetooth Qualification Test Report                        Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                    Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

1. List of Revisions
  Version                Date            Author(s)                     Description

    001             2010/08/19        Min-Hsun Chiang                 Initial Version

2. Disclaimer Notice
This test report applies only to the IUT (Implementation Under Test) and the results of the
specifications called out in this report.

This document may not be reproduced without written consent from HYPER Taiwan
Technology Inc. Extract is not permitted. After written consent from HYPER Taiwan
Technology Inc., the document must be reproduced in its entirety

                                             Page.1 of 6

Bluetooth Qualification Test Report                        Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                    Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

3. Company Information
    3.1. Test Lab information

                                          Company Detail
Company Name              HYPER Taiwan Technology Inc., LTD

Address                   4F, no.21, Ln.221, Ganggign Rd. Taipei114, Taiwan

TEL                       +886-2-26573369

FAX                       +886-2-26577584


    3.2. Customer information

                                          Company Detail

Company Name              Motorola Inc.

                          MOTOROLA INC.
                          One Motorola Plaza HOLTSVILLE, N.Y. 11742

Contact Person            Zhang XinJian

TEL                       +86 10 84735117

E-mail Address  

                                             Page.2 of 6

Bluetooth Qualification Test Report                            Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                        Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

4. Implementation Under Test

   4.1. IUT Information
                                                IUT Detail
Product Name                            Bluetooth Cradle
                                        This device is a Bluetooth cradle for a hand held bar code
                                        reader using a Bluetooth radio to communicate to the
                                        charging cradle.The device uses a Broadcom Bluetooth
                                        radio capable of EDR transfer rates. The Bluetooth
Product General Description             profiles will include Cradle, SPP, HID, profiles. The
                                        scanner supports Multi-Interface on Base (Incorporate
                                        TTL RS232, USB, Keyboard, IBM 468X/9X and
                                        Synapse.).7 scanners to 1 cradle multipoint capability,
                                        Support fast image transfer etc.
Product ID                              CR0078
Date received                           2010/07/21
Date(s) tested                          2010/08/19
Condition of IUT                        The IUT was received in good condition.
Hardware Version                        Rev A
Software Version                        Rev A
Specification Version                   2.0+EDR
Product Type                            End Product

   4.2. List of Bluetooth Core Protocols supported
                                      Bluetooth Core Protocols
           RF                 Radio Frequency
           BB                 BaseBand
           LMP                Link Manager
           L2CAP              Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol
           SDP                Service Discovery Protocol
           GAP                Generic Access Profile
           HCI                Host Controller Interface

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Bluetooth Qualification Test Report                            Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                        Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

   4.3. List of Bluetooth External to Core Protocols and Profiles
                 Bluetooth External to Core Protocols and Profiles
           A2DP 1.0           Advanced Audio Distribution Profile 1.0
           AVCTP 1.0          Audio / Video Control Transport Protocol 1.0
           AVDTP 1.0          Audio / Video Distribution Transport Protocol 1.0
           AVRCP 1.0          Audio / Video Remote Control Profile 1.0
           BIP                Basic Imaging Profile
           BNEP               Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
           BPP                Basic Printing Profile
           BPP1.2             Basic Printing Profile 1.2
           CTP                Cordless Telephony Profile
           DUN                Dial Up Networking Profile
           DID                Device ID
           FAX                FAX Profile
           FTP                File Transfer Profile
           GAVDP 1.0          Generic Audio/Video Distribution Profile 1.0
           HCRP               Hard Copy Cable Replacement Profile
           HCRP1.2            Hard Copy Cable Replacement Profile 1.2
           HFP1.5             Hands-Free Profile 1.5
           HDP                Health Device Profile
           HID                Human Interface Device Profile
           HSP                Headset Profile
           ICP                Intercom Profile
           IOPT               Interoperability Test Specification
           OPP                Object Push Profile
           MCAP               Multi-Channel Adaptation Protocol
           PAN                Personal Area Networking Profile
           PBAP               Phone Book Access Profile
           RFCOMM             RF COMM Protocol
           SAP                SIM Access Profile
           SDAP               Service Discovery Application Profile
           SPP                Serial Port Profile
           SYNC               Synchronization Profile
           VDP                Video Distribution Profile

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Bluetooth Qualification Test Report                                 Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                             Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

   4.4. List of Applicable Qualified Pre-tested Components

Bluetooth QDID          Product ID                              Manufacturer
B012982                 BCM2046                                 Broadcom Corporation

B015085                 Bluetopia 2.1 Core                      Stonestreet One, LLC

   4.5. IUT Photographs

5. List of Test Equipment Used

   5.1. Test Equipment for Profile
Description                           Manufacturer                    Operating             Cal. Date/Due
PTS                                   Bluetooth SIG                   N/A                   N/A

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Bluetooth Qualification Test Report                  Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                              Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

6. Reference Test Requirement Document

Description                                  Document Version
TCRL                                         TCRL_Profile_2009-1

Test Specification for IOPT Profile          IOPT.TS/2.1.E.0

7. Test Summary

            Test Item                 Test Verdict                           Note
               IOPT                      PASS                    See detail test result in Part A

                                       Page.6 of 6

Part A: Profile Interoperability Test Report

              Part A

Profile Interoperability Test Report

        Product Name:Bluetooth Cradle

                 The below listed HYPER Taiwan Technology Inc.

Tested by:                              Reviewed/Approved by :

Date :       2010/08/19

This document may not be reproduced without written consent from HYPER Taiwan
Technology Inc. Extract is not permitted. After written consent from HYPER Taiwan
        Technology Inc., the document must be reproduced in its entirety

                                                        Table of Content
1. Implementation Conformance Statement................................................................................. 1
   1.1.    Interoperability Test Specification (IOP)...................................................................... 1
2. Test Summary.............................................................................................................................. 2
   2.1.    IOPT................................................................................................................................. 2
        2.1.1.    Test Platform for IOPT ...................................................................................... 2
        2.1.2.    Test Case Result for IOPT.................................................................................. 2
Appendix A: Test Case Description ................................................................................................... 3
Appendix B: Test Data........................................................................................................................ 4

Bluetooth Interoperability Test Report                   Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                  Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

1. Implementation Conformance Statement
    1.1. Interoperability Test Specification (IOP)

 Interoperability Test Specification
  Item     Capability                                                              Status      Support
    1      Interoperability                                                          M           Yes

                                         Part A-1 of 4

Bluetooth Interoperability Test Report                          Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                         Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

2.     Test Summary
     2.1. IOPT

          2.1.1. Test Platform for IOPT

          2.1.2. Test Case Result for IOPT

TC identifier                     Verdict   Execution Date      Platform             Software Version
TP/COD/BV-01-I                    N/A
TP/SDAS/BV-03-I                   Pass           2010/08/19     PTS                  v.
TP/SDSS/BV-02-I                   Pass           2010/08/19     PTS                  v.

                                                Part A-2 of 4

Bluetooth Interoperability Test Report                              Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                             Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

    Appendix A: Test Case Description


TC identifier                     Description                                                             Cat.
TP/COD/BV-01-I                    Class-of-Device                                                         B
TP/COD/BV-02-I                    Class-of-Device                                                         B
TP/SDSS/BV-02-I                   Service Discovery – Service Search                                      B
TP/SDAS/BV-03-I                   Service Search – Attribute Search                                       C
TP/SDR/BV-04-I                    Service Search – Response                                               B

                                                    Part A-3 of 4

Bluetooth Interoperability Test Report                   Hyper Taiwan Job No. 0021-2010Jul16
                                                                  Rev 001 Date: 2010/08/19

 Appendix B: Test Data

     1. Test Data for Interoperability Testing : Test Evidence for Interoperability

                                         Part A-4 of 4

Document Created: 2010-08-19 16:45:36
Document Modified: 2010-08-19 16:45:36

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