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Test Report

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@l                                                                                 Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                    Rev. 01

                                          RF Test Report

Applicant                        Grand Mate Co., Ltd

Product Type                     Remote controller

Trade Name                       GRAND MATE

Model Number                     TX141, TX140, TX120

Applicable Standard              FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART C
                                 ANSI €63.10:2013

Receive Date                     Apr. 11, 2019

Test Period                      Apr. 30 ~ May 03, 2019

Issue Date                       Jul. 02, 2019

                                                 Issue by
A Test Lab Techno Corp.
No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District,
Taoyuan City 33465, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190

Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330
Test Firm MRA designation number: TWOO010

Note: This report shall—not be reproduced except in full, without the ‘written approval of A Test Lab
Techno Corp. This document may be altered or revised by A Test Lab Techno.Corp. personnel only,
and shall be noted in the revision section of the— document. The: client should not use it to claim
product endorsement by TAF, or any government agencies.. The test results in the report only apply
to the tested sample.

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                                                          Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                           Rev. 01

                                  Revision History
Rev.    Issue Date                         Revisions               Revised By
00     May 10, 2019    Initial Issue                               Shelly Chen
01     Jul. 02, 2019   Page 10 Revised Frequency range.            Shelly Chen

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@l                                                                                     Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                        Rev. 01

                            Verification of Compliance
                                                                                    Issued Date: Jul. 02, 2019

 Applicant                         Grand Mate Co., Ltd

 Product Type                      Remote controller

 Trade Name                        GRAND MATE

 Model Number                      TX141, TX140, TX120

 FCC ID                            UMPTX141

 EUT Rated Voltage                 DC 4.5 V, 100 mA (AAA Battery *3 PCS)

 Test Voltage                      DC 4.5 V

 Applicable Standard               FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART C
                                   ANSI C63.10:2013

 Test Result                       Complied
                                                                                          w 1t

 Performing Lab.                   A Test Lab Techno Corp.                              i%é‘;fl (\TA_D
                                   No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District, YRSF                      m
                                   Taoyuan City 33465, Taiwan (R.O.C.)      toktbt         tuals

                                   Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190
                                   Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number:

A Test Lab Techno Corp. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by A Test Lab Techno Corp. based on
interpretations and/or observations of test results. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

                                       1        _/
 Approved By            :          Eiy t/U\                    Reviewed By           : Erro Oc,\ w

 (Manager)                           (Fly Lu)                  (Testing Engineer)          (Eric Ou Yang)

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                                                                                                      Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                                       Rev. 01

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
1 General Information ........................................................................................................... 5
  1.1. Summary of Test Result .......................................................................................... 5
  1.2. Measurement Uncertainty ....................................................................................... 5
2 EUT Description ................................................................................................................ 6
3 Test Methodology .............................................................................................................. 7
  3.1. Mode of Operation .................................................................................................. 7
  3.2. EUT Test Step ......................................................................................................... 7
  3.3. Configuration of Test System Details ...................................................................... 8
  3.4. Test Instruments ..................................................................................................... 9
  3.5. Test Site Environment ............................................................................................. 9
4 Measurement Procedure ................................................................................................. 10
  4.1. Radiated Emissions Measurement ....................................................................... 10
  4.2. 20 dB Bandwidth Measurement ............................................................................ 14
5 Test Results .................................................................................................................... 15
  Annex A. Conducted Test Results ................................................................................... 15
  Annex B. Radiated Emissions Measurement .................................................................. 16

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                                                                                                    Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                                     Rev. 01

1      General Information
1.1.   Summary of Test Result

                                                                    Item                        Results             Remark
                                                                                                              This device use DC
                      15.207                  Ac Power Conducted Emission                           N/A
                                                                                                              power source.
                     15.231(a)                Transmitter Deactivation Time                      PASS                  ----
                     15.231(b)                Transmitter Radiated Emissions                     PASS                  ----
                     15.231(c)                20 dB Bandwidth                                    PASS                  ----

         CFR 47 Part 15.231(2010) / ANSI C63.10:2013

       The test results of this report relate only to the tested sample(s) identified in this report.

                          Standard                                                    Description

               CFR47, Part 15, Subpart C              Intentional Radiators

                                                      American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
                   ANSI C63. 10: 2013
                                                      Unlicensed Wireless Devices

1.2.   Measurement Uncertainty

                    Test Item                           Frequency Range                                 Uncertainty (dB)

                                                         9 kHz ~ 150 kHz                                      2.7
        Conducted Emission
                                                        150 kHz ~ 30 MHz                                      2.8

                                                       30 MHz ~ 1000 MHz                                      5.7

                                                     1000 MHz ~ 18000 MHz                                     5.5
        Radiated Emission
                                                    18000 MHz ~ 26500 MHz                                     4.8

                                                    26500 MHz ~ 40000 MHz                                     4.8

        RF Bandwidth                                                                4.96 %

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@l                                                                                 Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                    Rev. 01
2   EUT Description
    Appleant              Grand Mate Co . Ltd
                          No.30 Lugong 5. 2nd Road, Lukang Township, Chenghue County, 505 Taiwen
    Menufecturer          Grand Mate Co Ltd
                          No30, Lugang 5. 2nd Rd., Lukang Township, Chenghue County 50544, Tawan
    Product Type          Remote contraller
    Trade Name            GRAND MATE
    Mode! Number          TXi41, TXi40, TX120
    Models ciffrent       Due to market demand, several series models are added. The button design is different,
    description           but rest of the spare parts such as cirouit design and printed ercuit boards remain the
    reeip                 uveDas
    Frequency Renge       434 MHz
    Modulation Type       ASK
    Number of Channels    1 Channel
    Antenna Type          PCB Antenns
    Antenna Mex. Gain     05 B
    Operate Temp. Range   a= «50 ‘c
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                                                                                               Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                                Rev. 01

3      Test Methodology
3.1.   Mode of Operation

        Test Mode
        Mode 1: Transmitter Mode
        Mode 2: Continuous TX Mode
       Then, the above highest fundamental level mode of the configuration of the EUT and antenna was chosen for all
       final test items.
       By preliminary testing and verifying three axis (X, Y and Z) position of EUT transmitted status, it was found that “X
       axis” position was the worst, then the final test was executed the worst condition and test data were recorded in this
       Note: Model Number: TX141 is the worst case.




                                       Front side
                                                                                Front side

          X axis mode                                  Y axis mode                                 Z axis mode

3.2.   EUT Test Step

        1.       Setup the EUT shown on “Configuration of Test System Details”.

        2.       Turn on the power of all equipment.

        3.       The EUT will start to operate function.

        Measurement Software
        No.      Description                                         Software                      Version
         1       Radiated Emission                                   EZ EMC              

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                                                                           Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                            Rev. 01

3.3.   Configuration of Test System Details


                                         Devices Description

             Product      Manufacturer   Model Number          Serial Number        Power Cord

       ---       ---          ---              ---                  ---                 ---

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:&thl                                                                                       Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                             Rev. 01

 3.4.   Test Instruments

        For Rediated Emissions
        Test Period: May 03. 2019
              Equipment             Manufacturer       ModelNumber          Serial Number      Cal. Date   Cal. Period
           110 becasAnalyzer
                      Gtie)          Keysight             Neor oA           myszonrar2        orne/2010      1 year
             Pre Ampliier
            (1—255   Gie)             Aglent
                                        C                  suse             s008a02237        107162018      1 y yeer
                      a Gnz)          Aglent               s«7o              reaaAntit0       Ou/4/2010|     1 year
         Broadband Antenns   Schwerzbeck                 vuragres               «16           10192018       1 yeer
                   ora      sohmarzeeck
                           mEss—eEironim                2884220              81200—580        082372018      1 yeer
            Loop Antenns     com—rower
                            corponation                    AL—130              121014         03282018       1 year
              RF Cable                 Eol           EMC10#—N—N—s000           Teor           02202010       _1 year
          Microwave Cable              EMCI           EMCWWD:D'%WSM'           rrou14         10072018       1 yeer

          Microwave Cable              EMCI           EMC10—KM—KM—             151001         canonors       1 yeer

        For Conducted
        Test Period: Apr. 20, 201
              Equipment           Manufacturer         Model Number         Serial Number      Cal. Date   Cal. Period
           ta his — 50Analyzer
                        Ghe)         Agient               NecaoA            mysarzosen        ov232010       1 year

 3.5.   Test Site Environment

                       tems                        Required (IEC 60068—1)
         Temperature (°C)                                   1535
         Humidity (Q6RH)                                    25—75
         Barometrc pressure (mbar}                        aso—1060

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                                                                                               Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                                Rev. 01

4      Measurement Procedure
4.1.   Radiated Emissions Measurement

           Limit
       According to FCC Part 15.231(b) requirement:
       In addition to the provisions of §15.205, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiator operated under this
       section shall not exceed the following:

       Fundamental and harmonics emission limits

           Frequency range         Average Field Strength of Fundamental            Peak Field Strength of Fundamental

               (MHz)                             (dBμV/m@3 m)                                  (dBμV/m@3 m)

                434                                 80.83                                          100.83

       General Radiated emission Limit
                    Frequency range                 Field Strength of Fundamental            Field Strength of Harmonics

                         (MHz)                              (uV/m at 3 m)                           (uV/m at 3 m)

                     40.66 to 40.70                      2250 (67.04 dBuV)                        225 (47.04 dBuV)

                       70 to 130                         1250 (61.94 dBuV)                        125 (41.94 dBuV)

                                                         1250 (61.94 dBuV) to                     125 (41.94 dBuV) to
                      130 to 174
                                                         3750 (71.48 dBuV)                        375 (51.48 dBuV)

                      174 to 260                         3750 (71.48 dBuV)                        375 (51.48 dBuV)

                                                         3750 (71.48 dBuV) to                     375 (51.48 dBuV) to
                      260 to 470
                                                         12500 (81.94 dBuV)                       1250 (61.94 dBuV)

                    470 and above                        12500 (81.94 dBuV)                       1250 (61.94 dBuV)

       Remark: 1. The table above tighter limit applies at the band edges.
                2. The measurement distance in meters, which that between form closest point of EUT to instrument

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                          Report Number: 1905FR15
                                           Rev. 01

    Setup
 Below 1 GHz

Above 1 GHz

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                                                                                         Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                          Rev. 01

   Test Procedure
Final radiation measurements were made on a three-meter, Semi Anechoic Chamber. The EUT system was placed
on a nonconductive turntable which is 0.8 or 1.5 meters height, top surface 1.0 x 1.5 meter. The spectrum was
examined from 250 MHz to 2.5 GHz in order to cover the whole spectrum below 10th harmonic which could
generate from the EUT. During the test, EUT was set to transmit continuously & Measurements spectrum range
from 30 MHz to 26.5 GHz is investigated.
For measurements below 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 100 kHz for peak detection measurements or
120 kHz for quasi-peak detection measurements. Peak detection is used unless otherwise noted as quasi-peak.
For measurements above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz, and then the video bandwidth is set to 3
MHz for peak measurements and 10 Hz for average measurements.
A nonconductive material surrounded the EUT to supporting the EUT for standing on tree orthogonal planes. At
each condition, the EUT was rotated 360 degrees, and the antenna was raised and lowered from one to four meters
to find the maximum emission levels. Measurements were taken using both horizontal and vertical antenna
SCHWARZBECK MESS-ELEKTRONIK Biconilog Antenna at 3 Meter and the SCHWARZBECK Double Ridged
Guide Antenna was used in frequencies 1 – 26.5 GHz at a distance of 1 meter. All test results were extrapolated to
equivalent signal at 3 meters utilizing an inverse linear distance extrapolation Factor (20 dB/decade).

For testing above 1GHz, the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 20 dB lower than average limit (that
means the emission level in peak mode also complies with the limit in average mode), then testing will be stopped
and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions will be measured in average mode again and
Appropriate preamplifiers were used for improving sensitivity and precautions were taken to avoid overloading or
desensitizing the spectrum analyzer. No post – detector video filters were used in the test.

The spectrum analyzer’s 6 dB bandwidth was set to 1 MHz, and the analyzer was operated in the peak detection
mode, for frequencies both below and up 1 GHz. The average levels were obtained by subtracting the duty cycle
correction factor from the peak readings.
The following procedures were used to convert the emission levels measured in decibels referenced to 1 microvolt
(dBuV) into field intensity in micro volts pre meter (uV/m).
The actual field intensity in decibels referenced to 1 microvolt in to field intensity in micro colts per meter (dBuV/m).

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                                                                                        Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                         Rev. 01

The actual field is intensity in referenced to 1 microvolt per meter (dBuV/m) is determined by algebraically adding
the measured reading in dBuV, the antenna factor (dB), and cable loss (dB) and Subtracting the gain of preamplifier
(dB) is auto calculate in spectrum analyzer.

(1) Amplitude (dBuV/m) = FI (dBuV) +AF (dBuV) +CL (dBuV)-Gain (dB)

    FI= Reading of the field intensity.

    AF= Antenna factor.

    CL= Cable loss.

    P.S Amplitude is auto calculate in spectrum analyzer.

(2) Actual Amplitude (dBuV/m) = Amplitude (dBuV)-Dis(dB)

    The FCC specified emission limits were calculated according the EUT operating frequency and by following

    linear interpolation equations:

    (a) For fundamental frequency : Transmitter Output < +30 dBm

    (b) For spurious frequency : Spurious emission limits = fundamental emission limit /10

Data of measurement within this frequency range without mark in the table above means the reading of emissions
are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

   Calculation of Average Factor
The output field strengths of specification in accordance with the FCC rules specify measurements with an average
detector. During the test, a spectrum analyzer incorporating a peak detector was used. Therefore, a reduction factor
can be applied to the resultant peak signal level and compared to the limit for measurement instrumentation
incorporating an average detector.
Please see the diagrams below.

(*) When the field strength (or envelope power) is not constant or when it is in pulses, and an averaging detector is
specified to be used, the value of field strength or power over one complete pulse train, excluding blanking intervals,
shall be averaged as long as the pulse train does not exceed 0.1 seconds. In cases where the pulse train exceeds
0.1 seconds, the average value (of field strength or output power) shall be determined during a 0.1 second interval
during which the field strength or power is at its maximum value.

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                                                                                             Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                              Rev. 01

4.2.   20 dB Bandwidth Measurement

          Limit
       According to FCC Part 15.231(c) requirement:
       The 20 dB bandwidth shall be no wider than 0.25 % of the centre frequency for devices operating between 70-900
       MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5 % of the centre frequency.
       B.W Limit = 0.25 % * f (MHz) = 0.25 % * 434 MHz = 1085 kHz

          Test Setup

                                                                         Spectrum Analyzer

                                                              RF Cable

          Test Procedure
       The RF output port of the Equipment-Under-Test is directly coupled to the input of the analyzer through a
       specialized RF connector and a 10 dB passive attenuator. A fully charged battery was used for the supply voltage.
       The RF function of the EUT was enabled. The spectrum analyzer used the following settings:
       1. Span = 1 MHz
       2. RBW ≥ 1 % of the 20 dB span
       3. VBW ≥ RBW
       4. Sweep = auto
       5. Detector function = peak
       6. Trace = max hold
       The trace was allowed to stabilize. The EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate. The marker-to-peak
       function was used to set the marker to the peak of the emission. The marker-delta function was used to measure 20
       dB down one side of the emission. The marker-delta function and marker was moved to the other side of the
       emission until it was even with the reference marker. The marker-delta reading at this point was the 20 dB
       bandwidth of the emission.

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                                                     Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                      Rev. 01

5   Test Results
Annex A. Conducted Test Results
     20 dB Bandwidth Measurement
         Test Mode      Mode 2
           Frequency               20 dB Bandwidth            Limited
             (MHz)                      (kHz)                  (kHz)
              434                       9.646                  1085

         Test Graphs
         Mode 2

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                                             Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                              Rev. 01

Annex B. Radiated Emissions Measurement

     Duty Cycle Test Diagrams
      Mode 2

               On time

           On+off time

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                                                                                   Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                    Rev. 01

The EUT was complied with the requirement of FCC 15.231 (a) (1), which employed a switch that will automatically
deactivate the transmitter within less than 5 seconds of being released.
  Mode 2

Duty Cycle Results
  Test Mode            Mode 2

                        Item                                      Results                       Note
  Ton                                                                36.25 ms                    -----
  Tp                                                                   100 ms                    -----
  Duty Cycle                                                        0.3625                       -----
  Averaging Factor (20 log * Duty Cycle )                             -8.81                      -----

Please see the diagrams below.
        1. RB=100 kHz, VB=300 kHz, SPAN=0
        2. Duty Cycle= Ton/Tp

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:@I                                                                                    Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                        Rev. 01

  Fundamental Frequency Test Results
   Standerd              FCG Part 1 231                         Test Distance               3m
   Testitem:             Fundamental                            Power                       pno«sv
   Test Mode             Mode 2                                 Temp (C)Hum.(%2H):          2e(Cye0 %rH
   Ant Polar             Horizontal

   No.     Frequency       Reading        Corect Facior       Resut           Limk           Mergin    Remark
             (uite)         (dBuv)           (dB/m)          (dBuvim)       (dBuvim)          (98)
    1       «33 oas          as 20            —13s             a4 82         10083           —1801        poak
    2       assoss           ss               «81              7e.01          so 8            482         avo
  Note:1 Result (dBuV/m) = Corret Factor (dB/m} + Readingt dBuV)
         Example: 84.82 =—1 38 + 8620
       2.Correction factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable loss (dB) — Pre—Amplifer gain (48)
       3 When the peak resuts are less than average Imit, so not need to evaluste the average

   Standerd              FCG Part 1 231                         Test Distance               3m
   Testitem:             Fundamental                            Power                       pno«sv
   Test Mode             Mode 2                                 Temp (C)Hum.(%2H):          2e(Cye0 %rH
   Ant Polar             Vertical

   No.     Frequency       Reading        Corect Facior       Resut           Limk           Mergin    Remark
             (Miz)          (dguy)           (dB/m)          (dBu¥im)       (dBuv/m)          (d8)
    1       «33 035          736              —138             7225          10083           25e          poak
    2       sssoss           7225             «81              sace           so aa          —inse        ave
  Note:1 Result (dBuV/m) = Corret Factor (dB/m} + Readingt dBuV)
         Example: 7225 =—1 38 + 73.63
       2.Correction factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable loss (dB) — Pre—Amplifer gain (48)
       3 When the peak resuts are less than average lmit, so not need to evaluste the average

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:@I                                                                                             Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                                 Rev. 01

  Below 1 GHz
   Standerd         FCo Part 15 231                                    Test Distance                   3m
   Testitem:        Harmonic                                           Power                           pno«sv
   Test Mode        Mode 1                                             Temp (C)Hum.(%2H):              2e(Cye0 %rH
    Frequency Reding       CorectFector                  Resut          Limit        Margin           Remerkc   Ant Polar
      (ia)     (dguy)         (dB/m)                    (dBuv/m}      (dBuvim)        (a8)                        Hrv
     167 7400         2571              —5 00             2072           «3 50         2278             op          H

     200 6000         25 07             4 00              20 80          «5 00         25 02            op          H

     50s 3600         25 01             027               25 54          «5 00         2048             op          H

     a14 0100         25 83              230              2021           «5 00         16 78            op          H

     ses 7200         27 00              328              30 37          «5 00         1563             op          H

     778 se00         2sar               sas              air            as oo         14 28            or          H
     tas 4000         28 14             —8 05             2200           «3 50         2141             op          v

     280 0800         2543              «57               2101           «5 00         —24 0o           op          v

     «5 8000          27 se             051               27 40          «5 00         18 52            op          v

     575 1400         25 80              137              2033           «5 00         —17 67           op          v

     s30 2500         27 30              264              30 02          «5 00         15 08            op          v

     767 5700         27 5o              5 50             33 17          «5 00         1203             op          v

  Note 1 Result (dBu¥/im) = Correct Factor (d®/m) + Reaing(dBu¥‘)
          Example 20 72 =—5 89 + 2071
       2 Correcion factor (08/im) = Antenna Factor (@B/n) + Cable loss (0B) — Pre—Amolfir goin (08)
       3 When the paak resulls are less than average imi, so not need to evaluate the average

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@l                                                                                            Report Number: 1905FR15
                                                                                                               Rev. 01

  Standerd                   FCo Part 15 231                          Test Distance                   3m
  Testitem:                  Band edge                                Power                           pno«sv
  Test Mode                  Mode 2                                   Temp (C)Hum.(%2H):              2e(Cye0 %rH
   Frequency        Reding         CorectFector         Resut           Limit       Margin           Remerkc   Ant Polar
      (ia)           (dguy)            (dB/m)          (dBuv/m}      (dBuvim)        (a8)                        Hrv
   «o7 1702           25 .01            208              2203          «5.00        «23 07             ap          h
   «10.0000           25.25             2.00             2e 25         «5.00        2275               ap          H
    sos 000           2122              220              2251          «5.00        2240               ap          h
    an 4307           2144              233              2377          «5.00        2223               ap          H
   «03 3258          2545              248               2327          «5.00          2273             ap          v
   «10.0000          25. 10            2.00              2310          «5.00          2280             ap          v
   sos 000           21.0              220               2aas          «5.00          267              ap          v
   ara rese          2088              237               2325          «5.00          22.75            ap          v
 Note 1 Result (du¥/im) = Cortect Factor (dB/m) + ReacingldBuV‘)
      2 Cormecion factor (0im) = Antenna Faclor (0B/m) # Cable loss (0B) = Pre—Amolr gain (0B)
      3 When the paak resulls are less than average Imi, so not nee to evaluate the average

 Above 1 GHz
  Standerd          FCG Part 1 231                                    Test Distance                   3m
  Testitem:         Harmonic                                          Power                           pno«sv
  Test Mode         Mode 2                                            Temp (C)Hum.(%2H):              2e(Cye0 %rH
   Frequency Reading      CorrectFector                 Resut          Limit        Margin           Remerk    Ant Polar
     (Miz)    (dguy)         (dB/m)                    (dBuv/m)      (dBuvim)        (a8)                        Hrv
    1a01.7e0   sa.re          s40                       48 a2          74.00        —25.c8             peak        H
    1735 seo   s1.72          ass                       4817           74.00        25e3               peak        h
   2160 so0   «875            —188                      4480           74.00        0n                 peak        H
   2603 520    s0.25          31                        4905           74.00        —24.05             peak        H
   a0a7 as0    as i            1.00                      48 i1         74.00        27 80              peak        H
   2471 a60   4218             178                      o              74.00        —30.00             peak        H
   1a01.70           sa.cs             s40              3428           74.00          30.72           peak         v
   2603 520          «835              31               4s 0t          74.00          2708            peak
 Note 1 Result (dBu¥iim) = Cormect Fector (dB/m) + RestingldBuV‘)
         Examole 483 s an +53 72
      2 Correcion factor (08/im) = Antenna Factor (@B/n) + Cable loss (0B) — Pre—Amolfir goin (08)
      3 When the paak resulls are less than average imi, so not need to evaluate the average

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Document Created: 2019-07-04 08:20:08
Document Modified: 2019-07-04 08:20:08

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