Test Report_433 MHz


Test Report

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                      TEST REPORT

                    FCC Part 15 Subpart C
             New Application;          Class I PC;            Class II PC

Product :           TPMS

Brand:              MOBILETRON

Model:              TX-C001; TX-C002

Model Difference:   Variant in exterior looks.

FCC ID:             ULZ-TXC001

FCC Rule Part:      §15.231 (e)

Applicant:          Mobiletron Electronics Co., Ltd.
Address:            85, Sec.4, Chung-Ching Rd., Ta-Ya District, Taichung
                    428, Taiwan

Test Performed by:
International Standards Laboratory
<LT Lab.>
*Site Registration No.
BSMI: SL2-IN-E-0013; MRA TW1036; TAF: 0997; IC: IC4067B-4;
No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd.
Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan
*Tel : 886-3-407-1718; Fax: 886-3-407-1738
Report No.: ISL-18LR305FC433
Issue Date : 2018/10/22
                                  Test results given in this report apply only to the
                                  specific sample(s) tested and are traceable to
                                  national or international standard through
                                  calibration of the equipment and evaluating
                                  measurement uncertainty herein.
                                  This report MUST not be used to claim product
                                  endorsement by TAF, NVLAP or any agency of
                                  the Government.
                                  This test report shall not be reproduced except in
                                  full, without the written approval of International
                                  Standards Laboratory.

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                                              -2 of 40-             FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

                          VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE
Applicant:                    Mobiletron Electronics Co., Ltd.

Product Description:          TPMS

Brand Name:                   MOBILETRON

FCC ID:                       ULZ-TXC001

FCC Rule Part:                §15.231 (e)

Model No.:                    TX-C001; TX-C002

Model Difference:             Variant in exterior looks.

Date of test:                 2018/10/03 ~ 2018/10/19

Date of EUT Received:         2018/10/03

We hereby certify that:
All the tests in this report have been performed and recorded in accordance with the standards
described above and performed by an independent electromagnetic compatibility consultant,
International Standards Laboratory.
The test results contained in this report accurately represent the measurements of the characteristics
and the energy generated by sample equipment under test at the time of the test. The sample
equipment tested as described in this report is in compliance with the limits of above standards.

    Test By:                                              Date:           2018/10/22

                       Barry Lee / Sr. Engineer

 Prepared By:                                             Date:           2018/10/22

                       Gigi Yeh / Sr. Engineer

 Approved By:                                             Date:           2018/10/22

                      Dino Chen / Sr. Engineer

International Standards Laboratory                            Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                            -3 of 40-             FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001


  Version No.       Date                     Description
   00                2018/10/22              Initial creation of document

                            Uncertainty of Measurement

            Description Of Test                                Uncertainty
            Conducted Emission
                                                                 2.586 dB
             (AC power line)
                                                             <=30MHz: 2.96dB
     Field Strength of Spurious Radiation                    30-1GHz: 4.22 dB
                                                             1-40 GHz: 4.08 dB
                                                            2.412 GHz: 1.30 dB
                Conducted Power
                                                            5.805 GHz: 1.55 dB
                                                            2.412 GHz:1.30 dB
                 Power Density
                                                            5.805 GHz: 1.67 dB
                   Frequency                                     0.0032%
                     Time                                         0.01%
                  DC Voltage                                       1%

International Standards Laboratory                         Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                                                          -4 of 40-                           FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

                                                               Table of Contents
1.              GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 6
     1.1        PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 6
     1.2        RELATED SUBMITTAL(S) / GRANT (S) .............................................................................................. 7
     1.3        TEST METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................... 7
     1.4        TEST FACILITY ................................................................................................................................. 7
     1.5        SPECIAL ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................... 7
     1.6        EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 7
2.              SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 8
     2.1        EUT CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 8
     2.2        EUT EXERCISE ................................................................................................................................. 8
     2.3        TEST PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 8
     2.4        LIMITATION ...................................................................................................................................... 9
     2.5        CONFIGURATION OF TESTED SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 11
3.              SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .................................................................................. 12

4.              DESCRIPTION OF TEST MODES .............................................................................. 12

5.              AC CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST .......................................................................... 13
     5.1        MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE: ........................................................................................................ 13
     5.2        TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 13
     5.3        MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 13
     5.4        MEASUREMENT RESULT: ............................................................................................................... 13
6.              RADIATED EMISSION TEST ....................................................................................... 14
     6.1        MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 14
     6.2        TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 15
     6.3        MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 16
     6.4        FIELD STRENGTH CALCULATION ................................................................................................... 16
     6.5        MEASUREMENT RESULT ................................................................................................................ 17
7.              20DB OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH .................................................................................. 24
     7.1    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 24
     7.2    TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 24
     7.3    MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 24
     7.4    MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 24
     7.5 MEASUREMENT RESULT: ....................................................................................................................... 24
     8.1        MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 26
     8.2        TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 26
     8.3        MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 26
     8.4        MEASUREMENT RESULTS: N/A ...................................................................................................... 26

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     DUTY CYCLE CORRECTION FACTOR IS NOT USED FOR AVERAGE VALUE. ................................................... 26
9.           SILENT PERIOD TIME MEASUREMENT: ................................................................ 27
     9.1     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 27
     9.2     TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 27
     9.3     MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 27
     9.4     MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 28
PHOTOGRPHS OF SET UP .......................................................................................................... 31

PHOTOGRPHS OF EUT................................................................................................................ 34

International Standards Laboratory                                                    Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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1.1 Product Description
 Product Name                    TPMS

 Brand Name                      MOBILETRON

 Model Name                      TX-C001; TX-C002

 Model Difference               Variant in exterior looks.

 Power Supply                   3Vdc from coin battery

 Device type                    safety applications

 Operating Frequency            433.92 MHz
                                PK: 58.74 dBuV/m at 3 m (ASK)
 Transmit Power
                                PK: 57.57 dBuV/m at 3 m (FSK)
 Modulation Technique           ASK, FSK

 Number of Channels             1
                                Transmission period : every 0.038s,
                                Ton: 60.082
 Periodic Transmission Time
                                Transmission period : every 0.036s,
                                Ton: 61.882
 Antenna Type                   Loop Antenna

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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1.2   Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s)
          This submittal(s) (test report) is intended for FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001 filing to comply
          with Section 15.231 (e) of the FCC Part 15, Subpart C., Subpart C Rules filing to

1.3   Test Methodology
          Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures in
          C63.10: 2013. Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT distance 3 meters.

1.4   Test Facility
          The measurement facilities used to collect the 3m Radiated Emission and AC power line
          conducted data are located on the address of International Standards
          Laboratory <LT Lab.> No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City
          325, Taiwan which are constructed and calibrated to meet the FCC requirements in
          documents ANSI C63.10: 2013. FCC Registration Number is: 487532; Designation
          Number is: TW0997.

1.5   Special Accessories
          Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

1.6   Equipment Modifications
          Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

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2.1   EUT Configuration
         The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to meet
         the Commissions requirement and operating in a manner which intends to maximize its
         emission characteristics in a continuous normal application.

2.2   EUT Exercise
         The EUT (Transmitter) was tested with a test program to fix the Tx frequency that was
         for the purpose of the measurements. For more information please see test data and
         APPENDIX 1 for set-up photographs.

2.3   Test Procedure

          2.3.1 Conducted Emissions     (Not apply in the report)
               The EUT is a placed on as turn table which is 0.8 m above ground plane.
               According to the requirements in Section 6.2 of ANSI C63.10: 2013.Conducted
               emissions from the EUT measured in the frequency range between 0.15 MHz and
               30MHz using CISPR 16-1-1 Quasi-Peak and Average detector mode.

          2.3.2 Radiated Emissions
                The EUT is a placed on as turn table which is 0.8 m/1.5m(Frequency above 1GHz)
                above ground plane. The turn table shall rotate 360 degrees to determine the
                position of maximum emission level. EUT is set 3m away from the receiving
                antenna which varied from 1m to 4m to find out the highest emission. And also,
                each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving
                antenna both horizontal and vertical. In order to find out the max. emission, the
                relative positions of this hand-held transmitter(EUT) was rotated through three
                orthogonal axes according to the requirements in Section 6 and 11 of ANSI
                C63.10: 2013.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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2.4     Limitation

  (1) Conducted Emission

        Frequency range                                           dB (uV)
                MHz                        Quasi-peak                               Average
             0.15 to 0.50                   66 to 56                                56 to 46
              0.50 to 5                         56                                     46
               5 to 30                          60                                     50
      1.The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies
      2.The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 MHz to 0.50 MHz.

International Standards Laboratory                                  Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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 (2)   Radiated Emission
       According to (e) Intentional radiators may operate at a periodic rate exceeding that
       specified in paragraph (a) of this section and may be employed for any type of operation,
       including operation prohibited in paragraph (a) of this section, provided the intentional
       radiator complies with the provisions of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, except
       the field strength table in paragraph (b) of this section is replaced by the following:

                                   Field strength of
          Fundamental                fundamental                 Field strength of spurious
        frequency (MHz)           (microvolts/meter)            emission (microvolts/meter)
           40.66-40.70                    1,000                               100
               70-130                      500                                50
               130-174               500 to 1,5001                         50 to 1501
               174-260                    1,500                               150
               260-470              1,500 to 5,0001                       150 to 5001
           Above 470                      5,000                               500
                                             Linear interpolations.

 Remark: 1.     Emission level in dBuV/m=20 log (uV/m)
         2.     Measurement was performed at an antenna to the closed point of EUT distance of
          3.    Only spurious frequency is permitted to locate within the Restricted Bands
                specified in provision of  15.205
          4.    Emission spurious frequency which appearing within the Restricted Bands
                specified in provision of 15.205, then the general radiated emission limits in 
                15.209 apply.
          5.    For the band 130-174MHz, uV/m at 3meters = 22.72727 * F(MHz) – 2454.545;
                For the band 260-470MHz uV/m at 3meters = 16.6667 * F(MHz) – 2833.333;
                Where F is the frequency in MHz.
          6.    433.92MHz AV limit = 16.6667 * 433.92(MHz) – 2833.333= 4398.68 uV/m
                = 72.86dBuV/m
          7.    433.92MHz Peak limit = AV Limit + 20dB = 92.86MHz

International Standards Laboratory                         Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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2.5   Configuration of Tested System

                           Fig. 1 Configuration of Tested System



                          Table 2-1 Equipment Used in Tested System

      Item Equipment Mfr/Brand                    Series No.   Data Cable Power Cord
                                     Type No.
      1.      N/A

International Standards Laboratory                     Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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           FCC /IC Rules              Description Of Test               Result
             §15.207                  Conducted Emission                 N/A
              §15.231(e)               Radiated Emission              Compliant
              §15.231(c)               20dB Bandwidth                  Compliant
                                     Duty Cycle Test (Pulse              N/A
              §15.231(e)       transmission time, silent period       Compliant
               §15.203              Antenna Requirement               Compliant

4.    Description of test modes
       The EUT has been tested under engineering test mode condition and the EUT staying in
       continuous transmitting mode. The Frequency 433.92 MHz is chosen for testing.

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5.1     Measurement Procedure:
        1. The EUT was placed on a table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
        2. Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT
        3. Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

5.2     Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)



                                                                               80cm       A : PC
                          LISN                     LISN                                   B : Monitor
                                                  (EUT)          40cm                     C : Printer
                                                                                          D : Modem
                                                                                          E : Keyboard
                                                                                          F : Mouse
                                                                     to Test Receiver
                                          Fig. 2

5.3     Measurement Equipment Used:
                                      Conducted Emission Test Site
 Equipment Type         MFR                     Model                       Searial             Last      Cal Due.
                                               Number                       Number              Cal.
     Conduction 04-3   WOKEN                 CFD 300-NL                 Conduction 04 -3 09/11/2018       09/10/2019
     EMI Receiver 17    Rohde &                    ESCI 7                    100887          10/23/2017   10/22/2018
        LISN 18        ROHDE &                    ENV216                     101424          02/04/2018   02/03/2019
        LISN 19        ROHDE &                    ENV216                     101425          03/06/2018   03/05/2019
      Test Software      Farad                                                 N/A              N/A          N/A

5.4     Measurement Result:

International Standards Laboratory                                          Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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15.231 (e) Intentional radiators may operate at a periodic rate exceeding that specified in paragraph
(a) of this section and may be employed for any type of operation, including operation prohibited in
paragraph (a) of this section, provided the intentional radiator complies with the provisions of
paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, except the field strength table in paragraph (b) of this
section is replaced by the following:

6.1   Measurement Procedure
      1. The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8/1.5m above ground plane.
      2. Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT
      3. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving
         antenna both horizontal and vertical.
      4. Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

International Standards Laboratory                         Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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6.2   Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)

       (A) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency Below 1000MHz


                Turntable                                                         1m to 4m

               Ground Plane                                       Coaxial Cable

       (B) Radiated Emission Test Set-UP Frequency Over 1 GHz

           Turntable                     3m

                                      1.5 m 1m to 4m

           Ground Plane                Absorber          Coaxial Cable

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6.3     Measurement Equipment Used:
                                          Chamber 1166
      Equipment Type           MFR              Model          Searial         Last       Cal Due.
                                               Number          Number          Cal.
      Spectrum Analyzer
                               Agilent          N9010A       MY52100117 11/20/2017        11/19/2018
        Dipole antenna     SCHWARZBECK VHAP,30-300               919        12/28/2017    12/27/2019
       Dipole antenna      SCHWARZBECK                           1195       12/28/2017    12/27/2019
        Loop Antenna           EM        EM-6879                 271        06/06/2018    06/05/2020
        Loop Antenna        A.H.SYSTEM          SAS-564          294        06/16/2018    06/15/2020
        Bilog Antenna         Schaffner           9168         9168-495     10/26/2017    10/25/2018
  Horn antenna1-18G             EM           EM-AH-10180 2011090207         11/27/2017    11/26/2018
  Horn antenna18-26G         Com-power          AH-826          081001      11/21/2017    11/20/2019
Horn antenna26-40G(05)       Com-power          AH-640           100A       02/22/2017    02/21/2019
      Preamplifier9-1.3G         HP              8447F            NA        12/08/2017    12/07/2018
      Preamplifier1-26G         EM            EM01M26G            NA        11/24/2017    11/23/2018
  Preamplifier26-40G           MITEQ                            818471      11/20/2017    11/19/2019

6.4     Field Strength Calculation

The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain and Duty Cycle Correction Factor (if any) from the measured reading. The basic equation
with a sample calculation is as follows:
              FS = RA + AF + CL - AG
Average Value = Peak Value + 20 Log (Ton/Tp) ……Pulse Modulation Duty Cycle Correction Factor

Where        FS = Field Strength                   CL = Cable Attenuation Factor (Cable Loss)
             RA = Reading Amplitude                AG = Amplifier Gain
             AF = Antenna Factor

International Standards Laboratory                           Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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6.5   Measurement Result

Fundamental Measurement Result
Operation Mode:            Transmitting Mode                  Test Date:      2018/10/09
Fundamental Frequency:     433.92MHz                          Test By:        Barry
Temp:                      25 ℃                               Hum.:           60%

  Freq     Reading       Factor    Level        Limit   Margin       Remark        Pol
  MHz       dBuV          dB      dBuV/m       dBuV/m    dB                        V/H
 433.96     59.40        -2.36     57.04        92.86    -35.82       Peak      VERTICAL

 433.96     61.10        -2.36     58.74        92.86    -34.12       Peak    HORIZONTAL

  Freq     Reading       Factor    Level        Limit   Margin       Remark        Pol
  MHz       dBuV          dB      dBuV/m       dBuV/m    dB                        V/H
 433.96     57.86        -2.36     55.50        92.86    -37.36       Peak      VERTICAL

 433.89     59.93        -2.36     57.57        92.86    -35.29       Peak    HORIZONTAL

    1 Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000MHz were made
        with an instrument using Peak / QP detector mode.
    2 The IF bandwidth of SPA between 30MHz to 1GHz was 100kHz, VBW=300kHz.
      3 Average Value = Peak Value + 20 Log (Ton/Tp) ……Pulse Modulation Duty Cycle
        Correction Factor

International Standards Laboratory                      Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                            -18 of 40-           FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz)
Operation Mode:        Transmitting Mode                  Test Date: 2018/10/09
Fundamental Frequency: 433.92MHz                          Test By:   Barry
Temperature :          25 ℃                               Humidity : 60 %
 No      Freq     Reading    Factor    Level  Limit         Margin    Remark         Pol
         MHz       dBuV      dB/m     dBuV/m dBuV/m          dB                      V/H
  1     355.92     26.25      -3.90     22.35     46.00     -23.65     Peak       VERTICAL
  2     433.52     27.65      -2.36     25.29     46.00     -20.71     Peak       VERTICAL
  3     514.03     36.21      -1.42     34.79     46.00     -11.21     Peak       VERTICAL
  4     641.10     28.11      0.91      29.02     46.00     -16.98     Peak       VERTICAL
  5     781.75     27.59      3.41      31.00     46.00     -15.00     Peak       VERTICAL
  6     881.66     27.34      4.96      32.30     46.00     -13.70     Peak       VERTICAL

  1     328.76     26.92      -4.36     22.56     46.00     -23.44     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  2     426.73     27.82      -2.49     25.33     46.00     -20.67     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  3     499.48     30.25      -1.66     28.59     46.00     -17.41     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  4     516.94     34.06      -1.37     32.69     46.00     -13.31     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  5     716.76     27.72      2.29      30.01     46.00     -15.99     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  6     781.75     27.75      3.41      31.16     46.00     -14.84     Peak      HORIZONTAL

    1 No further spurious emissions detected from the lowest internal frequency and 30MHz.
       2 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 1GHz.
       3 Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000MHz were made
         with an instrument using Peak / QP detector mode.
       4 Measurement result within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
         reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the
         field strength is too small to be measured.
       5 The IF bandwidth of SPA between 30MHz to 1GHz was 100kHz, VBW=300kHz.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode:        Transmitting Mode                Test Date: 2018/10/09
Fundamental Frequency: 433.92MHz                        Test By:   Barry
Temperature :          25 ℃                             Humidity : 60 %

 No    Freq     Reading    Factor     Level  Limit         Margin   Remark          Pol
       MHz       dBuV      dB/m      dBuV/m dBuV/m          dB                      V/H
 1    1736.00    52.74      -6.80     45.94      80.00     -34.06     Peak      VERTICAL
 2    2168.00    54.79      -3.27     51.52      74.00     -22.48     Peak      VERTICAL
 3    2604.00    54.14      -2.64     51.50      80.00     -28.50     Peak      VERTICAL
 4    3036.00    51.69      -1.66     50.03      74.00     -23.97     Peak      VERTICAL
 5    3472.00    40.13      -1.01     39.12      54.00     -14.88   Average     VERTICAL
 6    3472.00    63.77      -1.01     62.76      74.00     -11.24     Peak      VERTICAL
 7    3904.00    52.37      0.54      52.91      74.00     -21.09     Peak      VERTICAL
 8    1736.00    52.74      -6.80     45.94      80.00     -34.06     Peak      VERTICAL
 9    2168.00    54.79      -3.27     51.52      74.00     -22.48     Peak      VERTICAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.
 3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes spurious
 4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
 6 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz, Sweep
   time= 200 ms.

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode:        Transmitting Mode                Test Date: 2018/10/09
Fundamental Frequency: 433.92MHz                        Test By:   Barry
Temperature :          25 ℃                             Humidity : 60 %

 No    Freq     Reading    Factor     Level  Limit         Margin   Remark          Pol
       MHz       dBuV      dB/m      dBuV/m dBuV/m          dB                      V/H
 1    1300.00    51.24      -7.65     43.59      54.00     -10.41   Average HORIZONTAL
 2    1300.00    71.05      -7.65     63.40      74.00     -10.60     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 3    1736.00    56.51      -6.80     49.71      80.00     -30.29     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 4    2168.00    52.97      -3.27     49.70      74.00     -24.30     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 5    2604.00    55.45      -2.64     52.81      80.00     -27.19     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 6    3036.00    61.90      -1.66     60.24      74.00     -13.76     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 7    3472.00    42.41      -1.01     41.40      54.00     -12.60   Average HORIZONTAL
 8    3472.00    61.03      -1.01     60.02      74.00     -13.98     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 9    3904.00    43.67      0.54      44.21      54.00     -9.79    Average HORIZONTAL
 10   3904.00    54.93      0.54      55.47      74.00     -18.53     Peak    HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.
 3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes spurious
 4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
 6 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz, Sweep
   time= 200 ms.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                            -21 of 40-           FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz)
Operation Mode:        Transmitting Mode                  Test Date: 2018/10/09
Fundamental Frequency: 433.92MHz                          Test By:   Barry
Temperature :          25 ℃                               Humidity : 60 %
 No      Freq     Reading    Factor    Level  Limit         Margin    Remark         Pol
         MHz       dBuV      dB/m     dBuV/m dBuV/m          dB                      V/H
  1     343.31     27.18      -4.12     23.06     46.00     -22.94     Peak       VERTICAL
  2     446.13     27.28      -2.14     25.14     46.00     -20.86     Peak       VERTICAL
  3     497.54     39.94      -1.68     38.26     46.00      -7.74     Peak       VERTICAL
  4     515.00     36.70      -1.40     35.30     46.00     -10.70     Peak       VERTICAL
  5     743.92     28.02      2.94      30.96     46.00     -15.04     Peak       VERTICAL
  6     831.22     27.03      4.07      31.10     46.00     -14.90     Peak       VERTICAL

  1     373.38     27.35      -3.52     23.83     46.00     -22.17     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  2     419.94     27.94      -2.62     25.32     46.00     -20.68     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  3     497.54     38.52      -1.68     36.84     46.00      -9.16     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  4     514.03     38.99      -1.42     37.57     46.00      -8.43     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  5     670.20     27.55      1.35      28.90     46.00     -17.10     Peak      HORIZONTAL
  6     765.26     28.09      3.24      31.33     46.00     -14.67     Peak      HORIZONTAL

    1 No further spurious emissions detected from the lowest internal frequency and 30MHz.
       2 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 1GHz.
       3 Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000MHz were made
         with an instrument using Peak / QP detector mode.
       4 Measurement result within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
         reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the
         field strength is too small to be measured.
       5 The IF bandwidth of SPA between 30MHz to 1GHz was 100kHz, VBW=300kHz.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                          -22 of 40-            FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode:        Transmitting Mode                Test Date: 2018/10/09
Fundamental Frequency: 433.92MHz                        Test By:   Barry
Temperature :          25 ℃                             Humidity : 60 %

 No    Freq     Reading    Factor     Level  Limit         Margin   Remark          Pol
       MHz       dBuV      dB/m      dBuV/m dBuV/m          dB                      V/H
 1    1300.00    57.37      -7.65     49.72      74.00     -24.28     Peak      VERTICAL
 2    1736.00    54.25      -6.80     47.45      80.00     -32.55     Peak      VERTICAL
 3    2168.00    55.88      -3.27     52.61      74.00     -21.39     Peak      VERTICAL
 4    2604.00    57.74      -2.64     55.10      80.00     -24.90     Peak      VERTICAL
 5    3036.00    54.78      -1.66     53.12      74.00     -20.88     Peak      VERTICAL
 6    3472.00    42.13      -1.01     41.12      54.00     -12.88   Average     VERTICAL
 7    3472.00    67.16      -1.01     66.15      74.00     -7.85      Peak      VERTICAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.
 3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes spurious
 4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
 6 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz, Sweep
   time= 200 ms.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                          -23 of 40-            FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode:        Transmitting Mode                Test Date: 2018/10/09
Fundamental Frequency: 433.92MHz                        Test By:   Barry
Temperature :          25 ℃                             Humidity : 60 %

 No    Freq     Reading    Factor     Level  Limit         Margin   Remark          Pol
       MHz       dBuV      dB/m      dBuV/m dBuV/m          dB                      V/H
 1    1300.00    51.23      -7.65     43.58      54.00     -10.42   Average HORIZONTAL
 2    1300.00    70.61      -7.65     62.96      74.00     -11.04     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 3    1736.00    58.98      -6.80     52.18      80.00     -27.82     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 4    2168.00    54.41      -3.27     51.14      74.00     -22.86     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 5    2604.00    57.49      -2.64     54.85      80.00     -25.15     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 6    3036.00    55.62      -1.66     53.96      74.00     -20.04     Peak    HORIZONTAL
 7    3472.00    49.15      -1.01     48.14      54.00     -5.86    Average HORIZONTAL
 8    3472.00    67.41      -1.01     66.40      74.00     -7.60      Peak    HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.
 3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes spurious
 4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
 6 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz, Sweep
   time= 200 ms.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                            -24 of 40-               FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001


7.1 Measurement Procedure
1. The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
2. Set EUT as normal operation
3. Set SPA Center Frequency = fundamental frequency, RBW= 10kHz, VBW= 30kHz, Span
4. Set SPA Max hold. Mark peak, -20dB.

7.2   Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)
Same as 6.2 Radiated Emission Measurement.

7.3   Measurement Equipment Used:
Same as 6.3 Radiated Emission Measurement.

7.4   Measurement Results

Refer to attached data chart.
The center frequency fc is 433.92MHz, according to the Rules, section 15.231(C), the Bandwidth of
Center Frequency at-20dB should be calculated as following:

               433.92 X 0.0025 = 1.0848(MHz)

So, the Uper/Lower frequencies limit should be specified as:

               f(U) = fc +  f/2 = 433.92 + 0.5424 = 434.46(MHz)
               f(L) = fc -  f/2 = 433.92 – 0.5424 = 433.377 (MHz)

7.5 Measurement Result:
49.4 kHz < limit 1.0848MHz
117 kHz < limit 1.0848MHz

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                                           -25 of 40-                  FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

20dB Band Width Test Data
                MARKER 1                                       * RBW10 kHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
              433.9588 MHz                                     * VBW30 kHz                -41.42 dBm
            Ref -10 dBm                  * Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         433.958800000 MHz
                -10 Offset   1 dB                                               ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                                                BW  49.400000000   kHz
                                                                                Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                          -61.34   dBm
     1 PK
                                                                                   433.933600000   MHz
                -30                                                             Temp 2 [T1 ndB]          LVL
                                                                                          -61.54   dBm
                                                           1                       433.983000000   MHz


                                    T1                                           T2






            Center 433.959 MHz                           10 kHz/                        Span 100 kHz

     Date: 8.JAN.2003           10:05:27

20dB Band Width Test Data
                                                               * RBW10 kHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                               * VBW30 kHz                -34.60 dBm
            Ref -10 dBm                  * Att   10 dB          SWT 5 ms           433.960000000 MHz
                -10 Offset   1 dB                                               ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                                                BW 117.000000000   kHz
                                                                                Delta 1 [T1 ]            A
                                                                                          -40.40   dB
     1 PK
                                                                                  -290.000000000   kHz
                -30                                                             Temp 1 [T1 ndB]
                                                                       1                                 LVL
                                                                                          -54.96   dBm
                                                                                   433.866000000   MHz
                                                                                Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                          -54.77   dBm
                -50                                                                433.983000000   MHz
                                                 T1                        T2







            Center 433.92 MHz                            50 kHz/                        Span 500 kHz

     Date: 8.JAN.2003           10:04:04

International Standards Laboratory                                              Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                             -26 of 40-             FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001


8.1 Measurement Procedure
1. The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
2. Set ETU normal operating mode.
3. Set SPA Center Frequency = fundamental frequency, RBW, VBW= 1.0MHz, Span =0 Hz.
   Adjacent sweep.
4. Set SPA View. Mark delta.

8.2   Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)
Same as 6.2 Radiated Emission Measurement.

8.3   Measurement Equipment Used:
Same as 6.3 Radiated Emission Measurement.

8.4   Measurement Results: N/A

Duty cycle correction factor is not used for average value.

International Standards Laboratory                            Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                             -27 of 40-             FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001


15.231 (e)

devices operated under the provisions of this paragraph shall be provided with a means for
automatically limiting operation so that the duration of each transmission shall not be greater than
one second and the silent period between transmissions shall be at least 30 times the duration of the
transmission but in no case less than 10 seconds.

9.1   Measurement Procedure
      1. The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
      2. Set SPA Center Frequency = fundamental frequency, RBW, VBW= 1MHz, Span =0Hz
      3. Set EUT Power on as normal operation
      4.     Set SPA Max hold. Delta Mark.

9.2   Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)
Same as 6.2 Radiated Emission Measurement.

9.3   Measurement Equipment Used:
Same as 6.3 Radiated Emission Measurement.

International Standards Laboratory                          Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                             -28 of 40-         FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

9.4 Measurement Results
Total transmission time of transmissions calculation:

Ton: 0.038s, < 1s
Tp: 60.12s
silent period limit: 10s or 0.038s *30 = 1.14s
T silent period = 60.12s – 0.038s = 60.082 s > 10s
The result : PASS.

Ton: 0.036s, < 1s
Tp: 61.92s
silent period limit: 10s or 0.036s *30 = 1.08s
T silent period = 61.92s – 0.038s = 61.882 s > 10s
The result : PASS.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                                    -29 of 40-                  FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

                                                             RBW 1 MHz      Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                           * VBW 1 MHz                 -0.07 dB
              Ref    1 dBm              * Att   10 dB        SWT 1 s               38.000000 ms
              0     Offset   1 dB                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                      -35.79 dBm
                                                                                  264.000000 ms     A
              -10                                                                                  SGL
       1 PK
              -20                                                                                  LVL

                                    1   1








              Center 433.92 MHz                         100 ms/

       Date: 8.JAN.2003         11:09:07


International Standards Laboratory                                       Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

                                                 -30 of 40-                  FCC ID: ULZ-TXC001

                                                          RBW 1 MHz      Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                        * VBW 1 MHz                 -0.00 dB
              Ref    1 dBm           * Att   10 dB        SWT 1 s               36.000000 ms
              0     Offset   1 dB                                        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                   -35.81 dBm
                                                                                88.000000 ms     A
              -10                                                                               SGL
       1 PK
              -20                                                                               LVL

                     1   1








              Center 433.92 MHz                      100 ms/

       Date: 8.JAN.2003         11:16:23


International Standards Laboratory                                    Report Number: ISL-18LR305FC433

Document Created: 2018-11-09 16:04:03
Document Modified: 2018-11-09 16:04:03

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