test report colocation


Test Report

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    Wireless test report – 350995-5TRFWL

     Eurotech SpA
     Product name:
     ReliaGATE 10-12
     DynaGATE 10-12
     Model:                                                                     Model variant:
     REGATE-10-12-GS02                                                          DYGATE-10-12-GS02
     FCC ID:                                                                    IC Registration number:
     UKMMRG1012                                                                 21442-MRG1012
      FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C, §15.209
                Radiated emission limits; general requirements.

      RSS-GEN, Issue 5, Apr. 2018, section 8.9
                Transmitter Emission Limits

     Date of issue: September 14, 2018

     Test engineer(s):     Yong Huang, Wireless/EMC Specialist                         Signature:

     Reviewed by:          Kevin Rose, Wireless/EMC Specialist                         Signature:


                                                                  FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN.docx; Date: Nov 2017

Test location(s)

Company name                    Nemko Canada Inc.
Address                         303 River Road                                     292 Labrosse Avenue
City                            Ottawa                                             Pointe-Claire
Province                        Ontario                                            Quebec
Postal code                     K1V 1H2                                            H9R 5L8
Country                         Canada                                             Canada
Telephone                       +1 613 737 9680                                    +1 514 694 2684
Facsimile                       +1 613 737 9691                                    +1 514 694 3528
Toll free                       +1 800 563 6336
Website                         www.nemko.com                                      www.nemko.com
Site number                     FCC: CA2040; IC: 2040A-4 (3 m SAC)                 FCC: CA2041; IC: 2040G-5 (3 m SAC)

Limits of responsibility

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of
samples and the date of issue of the report.
This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. All results contain in this report are within Nemko Canada’s
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
Copyright notification

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the co mpany’s employees
only. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties.
Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.
© Nemko Canada Inc.

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                         Page 2 of 20

Table of contents
Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Section 1.        Report summary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.1      Applicant and manufacturer ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
  1.2      Test specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.3      Test methods ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.4      Statement of compliance ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.5      Exclusions .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.6      Test report revision history .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Section 2.        Summary of test results ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1      FCC Part 15 Subpart C, general requirements test results................................................................................................................................................. 5
  2.2      ISED RSS-GEN, Issue 5, test results ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 3.        Equipment under test (EUT) details ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.1      Sample information .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.2      EUT information .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.3      Technical information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.4      EUT setup diagram ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
  3.5      EUT sub assemblies ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 4.        Engineering considerations .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
  4.1      Modifications incorporated in the EUT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  4.2      Technical judgment ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  4.3      Deviations from laboratory tests procedures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Section 5.        Test conditions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
  5.1      Atmospheric conditions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
  5.2      Power supply range .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Section 6.        Measurement uncertainty ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
  6.1      Uncertainty of measurement ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Section 7.        Test equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
  7.1      Test equipment list ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Section 8.        Testing data ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
  8.1      FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements ................................................................................................ 12
Section 9.        Block diagrams of test set-ups ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
  9.1      Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies below 1 GHz ................................................................................................................................................. 20
  9.2      Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies above 1 GHz ................................................................................................................................................. 20

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 3 of 20

Section 1                  Report summary

Section 1.             Report summary

1.1       Applicant and manufacturer

Company name                                      Eurotech SpA
Address                                           Via Fratelli Solari 3/a 33020 Amaro, UD, Italy

1.2       Test specifications

FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C, §15.209             Radiated emission limits; general requirements.
RSS-GEN, Issue 5, Apr. 2018, section 8.9          Transmitter Emission Limits for Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus

1.3       Test methods

ANSI C63.10 v2013                                 American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

1.4       Statement of compliance

In the configuration tested, the EUT was found compliant.

Testing was performed against all relevant requirements of the test standard except as noted in section 1.5 below. Results obtained indicate that the
product under test complies in full with the requirements tested. The test results relate only to the items tested.

See “Summary of test results” for full details.

1.5       Exclusions

As per quote, the purpose of this report is verification of transmitters colocation. Only inter-modulation products within restricted bands were assessed,
other requirements were excluded from the scope of this report.

1.6       Test report revision history

      Revision #       Date of issue                     Details of changes made to test report
         TRF           September 14, 2018                Original report issued

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                        Page 4 of 20

Section 2:              Summary of test results

Section 2.          Summary of test results

2.1      FCC Part 15 Subpart C, general requirements test results

        Part       Test description                                                 Verdict
      §15.209      Radiated emission limits; general requirements.                   Pass

2.2      ISED RSS-GEN, Issue 5, test results

       Part        Test description                                                 Verdict
       8.9         Transmitter Emission Limits for Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus    Pass

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                  Page 5 of 20

Section 3:                Equipment under test (EUT) details

Section 3.            Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.1     Sample information

Receipt date                                  August 18, 2018
Nemko sample ID number                        Item #2

3.2     EUT information

                                              ReliaGATE 10-12
Product name
                                              DynaGATE 10-12
Model                                         REGATE-10-12-GS02
Model variant                                 DYGATE-10-12-GS02
Serial number                                 Y117LQA0010

3.3     Technical information

All used IC test site(s) Reg. number          2040G-5
RSS number and Issue number                   RSS-GEN, Issue 5, Apr. 2018, section 8.9
Frequency band                                WIFI/ BT/BLE:2400–2483.5 MHz band
                                              WIFI:5150–5250 MHz, 5725–5850 MHz bands
                                              LTE North America Bands
Type of modulation                            GFSK, 802.11a/n, OFDM
Emission classification (F1D, G1D, D1D)       F1D, W7D
EUT power requirements                        24 VDC, via 120 VAC adapter or battery
Antenna information                           The EUT uses a unique antenna coupling.
                                              EUT has 2 antenna configurations. The max antenna peak gain is 5.47 dBi at 2.4 GHz band and 7.07 dBi at 5
                                              GHz WIFI bands.

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                     Page 6 of 20

Section 3:             Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.4     EUT setup diagram

                                       AC                             EUT

                                                             Figure 3.4-1: Setup diagram

3.5     EUT sub assemblies

                                                            Table 3.5-1: EUT sub assemblies

Description                                    Brand name                        Model/Part number   Serial number
REGATE-10-12                                   Eurotech                          REGATE-10-12-GS02   Y117LQA0010
AC adapter                                     Sunny                             SYS15412424         None

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                   Page 7 of 20

Section 4:               Engineering consideration

Section 4.           Engineering considerations

4.1     Modifications incorporated in the EUT

There were no modifications performed to the EUT during this assessment.

4.2     Technical judgment

Differences between the variants are as below. REGATE-10-12 was chosen as representative worst-case.

The EUT has WIFI and Bluetooth in 2.4 GHz band, WIFI is chosen to be the representative worst-case due to higher output power.

4.3     Deviations from laboratory tests procedures

No deviations were made from laboratory procedures.

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                               Page 8 of 20

Section 5:                Test conditions

Section 5.            Test conditions

5.1     Atmospheric conditions

Temperature               15–30 °C
Relative humidity         20–75 %
Air pressure              860–1060 mbar

When it is impracticable to carry out tests under these conditions, a note to this effect stating the ambient temperature and relative humidity during the
tests shall be recorded and stated.

5.2     Power supply range

The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage. For the purpose of the present document, the
nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage, or any of the declared voltages ±5 %, for which the equipment was designed.

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                        Page 9 of 20

Section 6:               Measurement uncertainty

Section 6.           Measurement uncertainty

6.1     Uncertainty of measurement

UKAS Lab 34 and TIA-603-B have been used as guidance for measurement uncertainty reasonable estimations with regards to previous experience and
validation of data. Nemko Canada, Inc. follows these test methods in order to satisfy ISO/IEC 17025 requirements for estimation of uncertainty of
measurement for wireless products.

Measurement uncertainty budgets for the tests are detailed below. Measurement uncertainty calculations assume a coverage factor of K = 2 with 95%

 Test name                                                                                         Measurement uncertainty, dB
 All antenna port measurements                                                                               0.55
 Conducted spurious emissions                                                                                1.13
 Radiated spurious emissions                                                                                 3.78
 AC power line conducted emissions                                                                           3.55

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                  Page 10 of 20

Section 7:               Test equipment

Section 7.           Test equipment

7.1     Test equipment list

                                                                Table 7.1-1: Equipment list

Equipment                                             Manufacturer               Model no.    Asset no.   Cal cycle       Next cal.
3 m EMI test chamber                                  TDK                        SAC-3        FA002532    2 year          June 5/19
Flush mount turntable                                 Sunol                      FM2022       FA002550    —               NCR
Controller                                            Sunol                      SC104V       FA002551    —               NCR
Antenna mast                                          Sunol                      TLT2         FA002552    —               NCR
3 Phase AC Power Source                               apc AC Power               45 kVA       FA002677    —               VOU
Receiver/spectrum analyzer                            Rohde & Schwarz            ESU 40       FA002071    1 year          Sept. 18/18
Bilog antenna (20–2000 MHz)                           Sunol                      JB1          FA002517    1 year          Dec. 6/18
Horn antenna (1–18 GHz)                               EMCO                       3115         FA001452    1 year          Nov. 20/18
Pre-amplifier (0.5–18 GHz)                            COM-POWER                  PAM-118A     FA002561    1 year          Sept. 21/18
Horn antenna (18–40 GHz)                              EMCO                       3116         FA002487    2 year          Aug. 16/19
Pre-amplifier (18–40 GHz)                             COM-POWER                  PAM-840      FA002508    1 year          July 8/19
50 Ω coax cable                                       C.C.A.                     None         FA002603    —               VOU
50 Ω coax cable                                       C.C.A.                     None         FA002605    —               VOU
50 Ω coax cable                                       C.C.A.                     None         FA002831    —               VOU
5150-5350 MHz Notch Filter                            Microwave Circuits         N0452501     FA002690    —               VOU
2300-2583.5 MHz Notch Filter                          Microwave Circuits         N0324413     FA002693    —               VOU
Note: NCR - no calibration required, VOU - verify on use

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                    Page 11 of 20

Section 8                 Testing data
Test name                 FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification             FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

Section 8.            Testing data

8.1      FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements

 8.1.1      Definitions and limits

(f) In accordance with §15.33(a), in some cases the emissions from an intentional radiator must be measured to beyond the tenth harmonic of the highest
fundamental frequency designed to be emitted by the intentional radiator because of the incorporation of a digital device. If measurements above the tenth
harmonic are so required, the radiated emissions above the tenth harmonic shall comply with the general radiated emission limits applicable to the
incorporated digital device, as shown in §15.109 and as based on the frequency of the emission being measured, or, except for emissions contained in the
restricted frequency bands shown in §15.205, the limit on spurious emissions specified for the intentional radiator, whichever is the higher limit. Emissions
which must be measured above the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency designed to be emitted by the intentional radiator and which fall
within the restricted bands shall comply with the general radiated emission limits in §15.109 that are applicable to the incorporated digital device.

Except when the requirements applicable to a given device state otherwise, emissions from licence‑exempt transmitters shall comply with the field strength
limits shown in Table below. Additionally, the level of any transmitter emission shall not exceed the level of the transmitter’s fundamental emission.

                                              Table 8.1-1: FCC §15.209 and RSS-Gen – Radiated emission limits

               Frequency,                                   Field strength of emissions                        Measurement distance, m
                   MHz                                 µV/m                         dBµV/m
              0.009–0.490                              2400/F                  67.6 – 20 × log10(F)                        300
              0.490–1.705                             24000/F                  87.6 – 20 × log10(F)                         30
               1.705–30.0                                30                           29.5                                  30
                  30–88                                 100                           40.0                                  3
                 88–216                                 150                           43.5                                  3
                216–960                                 200                           46.0                                  3
               above 960                                500                           54.0                                  3
Notes: In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
       For frequencies above 1 GHz the limit on peak RF emissions is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the
       equipment under test

                                                         Table 8.1-2: ISED restricted frequency bands

                MHz                                     MHz                                     MHz                                  GHz
           0.090–0.110                          12.57675–12.57725                            399.9–410                            7.25–7.75
           0.495–0.505                             13.36–13.41                                608–614                             8.025–8.5
          2.1735–2.1905                            16.42–16.423                               960–1427                             9.0–9.2
           3.020–3.026                          16.69475–16.69525                           1435–1626.5                            9.3–9.5
           4.125–4.128                          16.80425–16.80475                          1645.5–1646.5                          10.6–12.7
         4.17725–4.17775                            25.5–25.67                               1660–1710                           13.25–13.4
         4.20725–4.20775                            37.5–38.25                             1718.8–1722.2                         14.47–14.5
           5.677–5.683                                73–74.6                                2200–2300                           15.35–16.2
           6.215–6.218                               74.8–75.2                               2310–2390                            17.7–21.4
         6.26775–6.26825                              108–138                               2483.5–2500                          22.01–23.12
         6.31175–6.31225                           149.9–150.05                              2655–2900                            23.6–24.0
           8.291–8.294                        156.52475–156.52525                            3260–3267                            31.2–31.8
           8.362–8.366                             156.7–156.9                               3332–3339                           36.43–36.5
         8.37625–8.38675                         162.0125–167.17                            3345.8–3358
         8.41425–8.41475                           167.72–173.2                              3500–4400
                                                                                                                                 Above 38.6
           12.29–12.293                               240–285                                4500–5150
        12.51975–12.52025                           322–335.4                                5350–5460
 Note: Certain frequency bands listed in Table 8.1-2 and above 38.6 GHz are designated for licence-exempt applications. These frequency bands and the
 requirements that apply to related devices are set out in the 200 and 300 series of RSSs.

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                       Page 12 of 20

Section 8                 Testing data
Test name                 FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification             FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

                                                         Table 8.1-3: FCC restricted frequency bands

                 MHz                                    MHz                                      MHz                                      GHz
             0.090–0.110                           16.42–16.423                               399.9–410                                4.5–5.15
             0.495–0.505                        16.69475–16.69525                              608–614                                 5.35–5.46
           2.1735–2.1905                        16.80425–16.80475                              960–1240                                7.25–7.75
             4.125–4.128                            25.5–25.67                                1300–1427                                8.025–8.5
          4.17725–4.17775                           37.5–38.25                               1435–1626.5                                9.0–9.2
          4.20725–4.20775                             73–74.6                               1645.5–1646.5                               9.3–9.5
             6.215–6.218                             74.8–75.2                                1660–1710                                10.6–12.7
          6.26775–6.26825                           108–121.94                              1718.8–1722.2                             13.25–13.4
          6.31175–6.31225                             123–138                                 2200–2300                               14.47–14.5
             8.291–8.294                           149.9–150.05                               2310–2390                               15.35–16.2
             8.362–8.366                       156.52475–156.52525                           2483.5–2500                               17.7–21.4
          8.37625–8.38675                           156.7–156.9                               2690–2900                               22.01–23.12
          8.41425–8.41475                        162.0125–167.17                              3260–3267                                23.6–24.0
            12.29–12.293                           167.72–173.2                               3332–3339                                31.2–31.8
         12.51975–12.52025                            240–285                                3345.8–3358                              36.43–36.5
         12.57675–12.57725                           322–335.4                                3600–4400                               Above 38.6

 8.1.2      Test summary

Test start date         July 16, 2018
Test engineer           Yong Huang

 8.1.3      Observations, settings and special notes

The spectrum was searched from 30 MHz to 40 GHz.
EUT’s LTE and WIFI transmitters were set to transmit continuously, different channel setting has been investigated as per provided by client’s setup, only the
worst-case is presented.
Radiated measurements were performed at a distance of 3 m for frequency rand below 18 GHz, and 1 m for frequency range above 18 GHz. No inter-
modulation products emissions were detected above 18 GHz within 6 dB below the limit.

Spectrum analyzer settings for frequencies below 30 MHz:

Detector mode                  Quasi-Peak
Resolution bandwidth           9 kHz
Video bandwidth                30 kHz
Trace mode                     Max Hold
Measurement time               100 ms

Spectrum analyser settings for radiated measurements within restricted bands 30 MHz to 1 GHz:

Resolution bandwidth:          1 MHz
Video bandwidth:               3 MHz
Detector mode:                 Peak
Trace mode:                    Max Hold

Spectrum analyser settings for average radiated measurements within restricted bands above 1 GHz:

Resolution bandwidth:          1 MHz
Video bandwidth:               10 Hz
Detector mode:                 Peak
Trace mode:                    Max Hold

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                        Page 13 of 20

Section 8                                Testing data
Test name                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification                            FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

 8.1.4                      Test data




         Level in dBµV/m





                             30M                50      60        80      100M                           200       300        400        500   800      1G

                                                                                         F re q ue n cy in H z

                                                     Figure 8.1-1: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 782 MHz, WIFI Tx at 2412 MHz




         Level in dBµV/m





                             30M                50      60        80      100M                           200       300        400        500   800      1G

                                                                                         F re q ue n cy in H z

                                                     Figure 8.1-2: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 782 MHz, WIFI Tx at 5200 MHz
Note:                      Emissions above the limit were from intentional emissions. no intermodulation emissions were detected

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                             Page 14 of 20

Section 8                             Testing data
Test name                             FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification                         FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

 8.1.4                     Test data, continued






         Level in dBµV/m









                            30M             50      60         80     100M                            200      300        400     500   800      1G

                                                                                      F re q ue n cy in H z

                                                 Figure 8.1-3: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 1883 MHz, WIFI Tx at 2412 MHz




         Level in dBµV/m





                            30M             50      60         80     100M                            200      300        400     500   800      1G

                                                                                      F re q ue n cy in H z

                                                 Figure 8.1-4: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 1883 MHz, WIFI Tx at 5200 MHz

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                      Page 15 of 20

Section 8                                  Testing data
Test name                                  FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification                              FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

 8.1.4                     Test data, continued


                                                                   1.563500000 G H z
                           75                                       71.585 dB µV /m


         Level in dBµV/m






                            1000             1200           1400            1600       1800           2000              2200   2400    2600   2800          3000

                                                                                              F re q ue n cy in M H z

                 A VG _MAX H
                 PK+_MA X H
                 FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line
                 FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line RB pk

                                                        Figure 8.1-5: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 782 MHz, WIFI Tx at 2412 MHz


                                                                   1.563500000 G H z
                                                                    73.245 dB µV /m


         Level in dBµV/m






                           1000              1200           1400            1600       1800           2000              2200   2400    2600   2800          3000

                                                                                              F re q ue n cy in M H z

                                A VG _MAX H
                                PK+_MA X H
                                FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line
                                FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line RB pk

                                                        Figure 8.1-6: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 782 MHz, WIFI Tx at 5200 MHz

Note:             Emissions above the limit were from intentional emissions or their harmonic, no intermodulation emissions were detected

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                                   Page 16 of 20

Section 8                                    Testing data
Test name                                    FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification                                FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

 8.1.4                      Test data, continued




          Level in dBµV/m






                             1000             1200            1400            1600    1800           2000              2200   2400      2600   2800         3000

                                                                                             F re q ue n cy in M H z

                                 A VG _MAX H
                                 PK+_MA X H
                                 FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line
                                 FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line R B pk

                                                         Figure 8.1-7: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 1883 MHz, WIFI Tx at 2412 MHz




          Level in dBµV/m






                            1000              1200            1400            1600    1800           2000              2200   2400      2600   2800         3000

                                                                                             F re q ue n cy in M H z

                  A VG _MAX H
                  PK+_MA X H
                  FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line
                  FCC 15.209 and RS S -210 limit line R B pk

                                                         Figure 8.1-8: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 1883 MHz, WIFI Tx at 5200 MHz

Note:              Emissions above the limit were from intentional emissions.

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                                    Page 17 of 20

Section 8                                       Testing data
Test name                                       FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification                                   FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

 8.1.4                     Test data, continued





                           60     3.127500000 GHz
                                   48.571 dBµV/m
         Level in dBµV/m

                           55                                             4.824500000 GHz
                                                                           48.902 dBµV/m






                            3G                                                    5G        6        7         8       9     10G                          18G

                                                                                                  Frequency in Hz

                                Preview Result 2-AVG
                                Preview Result 1-PK+
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line RB pk
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line

                                                              Figure 8.1-9: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 782 MHz, WIFI Tx at 2412 MHz





                           60     3.127500000 GHz
                                   48.571 dBµV/m
         Level in dBµV/m








                            3G                                                    5G        6        7         8       9     10G                          18G

                                                                                                  Frequency in Hz

                                Preview Result 2-AVG
                                Preview Result 1-PK+
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line RB pk
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line

                                                             Figure 8.1-10: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 782 MHz, WIFI Tx at 5200 MHz

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                                Page 18 of 20

Section 8                                       Testing data
Test name                                       FCC 15.209 and RSS-GEN section 8.9 Radiated emission limits; general requirements
Specification                                   FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-GEN, Issue 5

 8.1.4                     Test data, continued




                           65                                             4.824500000 GHz    5.640500000 GHz
                                                                                                                      7.520400000 GHz
                                             3.760000000 GHz               49.535 dBµV/m      49.046 dBµV/m
                                                                                                                       51.904 dBµV/m
                           60                 45.778 dBµV/m

         Level in dBµV/m








                            3G                                                    5G              6               7               8     9   10G           18G

                                                                                                               F re q ue n cy in H z

                                Preview Result 2-AVG
                                Preview Result 1-PK+
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line RB pk
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line

                                                            Figure 8.1-11: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 1883 MHz, WIFI Tx at 2412 MHz





                                                                                                                  7.520400000 GHz
         Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                                   52.315 dBµV/m
                           55                 3.759500000 GHz                   5.201500000 GHz
                                               48.165 dBµV/m                     47.755 dBµV/m






                            3G                                                    5G              6               7               8     9   10G           18G

                                                                                                               Frequency in Hz

                                Preview Result 2-AVG
                                Preview Result 1-PK+
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line RB pk
                                FCC 15.209 and RSS-210 limit line

                                                            Figure 8.1-12: Radiated spurious emissions, LTE Tx at 1883 MHz, WIFI Tx at 5200 MHz

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                                Page 19 of 20

Section 9:             Block diagrams of test set-ups

Section 9.          Block diagrams of test set-ups

9.1     Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies below 1 GHz

                                                            Radio absorbing material




                                                 EUT                         antenna

                                                table                                                               1m
                                 0.8 m

                                                                           Metal ground
                                             Turn table


9.2     Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies above 1 GHz

                                                           Radio absorbing material




                             1.5 m

                                                                                                                          Metal ground plane

                                         Turn table


                                                                                                            RF pre-amp

                                                                         (End of report)

Report reference ID: 350995-5TRFWL                                                                                                             Page 20 of 20

Document Created: 2019-03-28 07:26:45
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 07:26:45

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