Test Report


Test Report

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FCC and IC Test Report for Parts 15.207, 15.225
            and RSS 210, RSS-Gen

         Product name        : WRDBK
         Applicant           : Salto Systems S.L
         FCC ID              : UKCWRDBK
         IC ID               : 10088A-WRDBK

                 Test report No. : 20153970302 Ver 2.00

Report number: 20153970302 Ver 2.00

Laboratory information
Telefication is designated by the FCC as an Accredited Test Firm for compliance testing of equipment subject to
Certification under Parts 15 & 18. The Designation number is: NL0001

The Industry Canada registration number for the 3 meter test chamber of Telefication is: 4173A-1.


Telefication complies with the accreditation criteria for test laboratories as laid down in ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
The accreditation covers the quality system of the laboratory as well as the specific activities as described in
the authorized annex bearing the accreditation number L021 and is granted on 30 November 1990 by the
Dutch Council For Accreditation (RvA: Raad voor Accreditatie).

The test report must always be reproduced in full; reproduction of an excerpt only is subject to written
approval of the testing laboratory. The documentation of the testing performed on the tested devices is
archived for 10 years at Telefication Netherlands

Testing Location

Test Site                                        Telefication BV
Test Site location                               Edisonstraat 12a
                                                 6902 PK Zevenaar
                                                 The Netherlands

                                                 Tel. +31316583180
                                                 Fax. +31316583189
Test Site FCC                                    NL0001

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Report number: 20153970302 Ver 2.00

Revision History

  Version        Date                           Remarks              By
   v0.50      12-04-2016                       First draft           RvB
   V1.00      17-05-2016                     Release version         RvB
   V2.00      20-06-2016              AC conducted emissions added   PS

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Report number: 20153970302 Ver 2.00

Table of Contents
Revision History .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Summary of Test results .................................................................................................................................. 5
1      General Description ................................................................................................................................. 6
    1.1        Applicant................................................................................................................................................6
    1.2        Manufacturer ........................................................................................................................................6
    1.3        Tested Equipment Under Test (EUT) .....................................................................................................6
    1.4        Product specifications of Equipment under test ...................................................................................7
    1.5        Modification of the Equipment Under Test (EUT) .................................................................................7
    1.6        Observations and remarks.....................................................................................................................7
    1.7        Environmental conditions......................................................................................................................7
    1.8        Measurement standards .......................................................................................................................7
    1.9        Applicable standards .............................................................................................................................7
    1.10       Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................8
2      Test configuration of the Equipment Under Test ..................................................................................... 9
    2.1        Test mode ..............................................................................................................................................9
    2.2        Radiated Test setup .............................................................................................................................10
    AC Conducted Mains Test setup .......................................................................................................................11
    2.3        Equipment used in the test configuration ...........................................................................................11
    2.4        Sample calculations .............................................................................................................................12
3      Test results ............................................................................................................................................ 13
    3.1        Field strength of emissions ..................................................................................................................13
       3.1.1       Limit.................................................................................................................................................13
       3.1.2       Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................13
       3.1.3       Test setup ........................................................................................................................................13
       3.1.4       Test procedure ................................................................................................................................13
       3.1.5       Test results of Field strength of emissions ......................................................................................13
       3.1.6       Plots of Field strength of emissions Measurement .........................................................................14
    3.2        99% Occupied Bandwidth ....................................................................................................................15
       3.2.1       Limit.................................................................................................................................................15
       3.2.2       Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................15
       3.2.3       Test setup ........................................................................................................................................15
       3.2.4       Test procedure ................................................................................................................................15
       3.2.5       Test results of the 99% Occupied Bandwidth Measurement ..........................................................15
       3.2.6       Plots of the 99% Occupied Bandwidth Measurement ....................................................................16
    3.3        Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions ................................................................................................17
       3.3.1       Limit.................................................................................................................................................17
       3.3.2       Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................17

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    3.3.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................17
    3.3.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................17
    3.3.5      Plots of the Field strength of Unwanted Emissions Measurement .................................................18
    3.3.6      Measurement Uncertainty ..............................................................................................................19
  3.4       Frequency Tolerance ...........................................................................................................................20
    3.4.1      Limit.................................................................................................................................................20
    3.4.2      Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................20
    3.4.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................20
    3.4.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................20
    3.4.5      Test results of Frequency Tolerance Measurements ......................................................................20
    3.4.6      Measurement Uncertainty ..............................................................................................................20
  3.5       AC conducted mains ............................................................................................................................21
    3.5.1      Limit.................................................................................................................................................21
    3.5.2      Measurement instruments .............................................................................................................21
    3.5.3      Test setup ........................................................................................................................................21
    3.5.4      Test procedure ................................................................................................................................21
    3.5.5      Measurement uncertainty ..............................................................................................................21
    3.5.6      Test results of AC conducted Mains Measurement ........................................................................22

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Report number: 20153970302 Ver 2.00

Summary of Test results
      FCC           IC                                     Description               Paragraph      Verdict
15.225(a),(b),(c)   RSS-210 A2.6(a),(b),(c)   Field strength of emissions               3.1          Pass
--                  RSS-GEN 4.6.1             99% Bandwidth                             3.2          Pass
15.225(d)           RSS-210 A2.6(d)           Field strength of unwanted emissions      3.3          Pass
15.225(e)           RSS-210 A2.6(e)           Frequency Tolerance                       3.4          Pass
15.207(c)           RSS-Gen § 8.8             AC conducted emissions                    3.5          Pass

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1     General Description
1.1    Applicant
Client name:                               Salto systems, S.L.
Address                                    C/Arkotz 9 Pol. Lanbarre, Oiartzun
Zip code:                                  20180
Telephone:                                 +34 943344550
E-mail:                                    j.gutierrez@saltosystems.com
Contact name:                              J. Gutierrez

1.2    Manufacturer
Manufacturer name:                         Salto systems, S.L.
Address:                                   C/Arkotz 9 Pol. Lanbarre, Oiartzun
Zip code:                                  20180
Telephone:                                 +34 943344550
E-mail:                                    j.gutierrez@saltosystems.com
Contact name:                              J. Gutierrez

1.3    Tested Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Product name:                              WRDBK
Brand name:                                SALTO
Product type:                              BLE capable wall RFID card reader
FCC ID:                                    UKCWRDBK
IC ID                                      10088A-WRDBK
Model(s):                                  WRDB,WRDBK
Software version:                          Special firmware for testing
Hardware version:                          224824 - 221298
Date of receipt                            01-12-2015
Tests started:                             09-12-2015
Testing ended:                             20-06-2016

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Report number: 20153970302 Ver 2.00

1.4       Product specifications of Equipment under test
Tx Frequency:                                       13.56 MHz
Rx frequency:                                       13.56 MHz
Antenna type and gain:                              PCB loop Antenna
Type of modulation:                                 ASK
Emission designator:                                unknown

1.5       Modification of the Equipment Under Test (EUT)

1.6       Observations and remarks
The EUT has two versions: one with a keypad (WRDBK) and one without keypad (WRDB). All the test have been
performed on the worst case off the 2 the WRDBK.

1.7       Environmental conditions
Test date                         17-03-2016                   06-04-2016                 20-06-2016
Ambient temperature                  24°C                        20.7°C                      23°C
Humidity                            42.1%                        38.1%                      50.2%

1.8       Measurement standards
      •    ANSI C63.4:2014
      •    ANSI C63.10:2013

1.9       Applicable standards
According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
following standards:
     • FCC part 15 Subpart C §15.207
     • FCC Part 15 Subpart C §15.225.
     • RSS-210, issue 8, RSS-GEN Issue 4.

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Report number: 20153970302 Ver 2.00

1.10 Conclusions
The sample of the product showed NO NON-COMPLIANCES to the specifications stated in paragraph 1.9 of
this report.

The results of the test as stated in this report, are exclusively applicable to the product items as identified in
this report. Telefication accepts no responsibility for any properties of product items in this test report, which
are not supported by the tests as specified in paragraph 1.9 “Applicable standards”.

All conducted tests are performed by:

Name          : ing R. van Barneveld

Review of test methods and report by:

Name          : ing. P.A. Suringa

The above conclusions have been verified by the following signatory:

Date          : 20-06-2016

Name          : ing M.T.P.M Wouters v/d Oudenweijer

Function      : Director Certification

Signature     :

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Report number: 20153970302 Ver 2.00

2     Test configuration of the Equipment Under Test

2.1    Test mode
The applicant provided test mode firmware for the EUT, in which it was possible to configure the EUT to
transmit continuously.

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2.2   Radiated Test setup
                             Radiated emissions test setup below 30 MHz

                            Radiated emissions test setup 30 MHz – 1 GHz

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AC Conducted Mains Test setup

2.3     Equipment used in the test configuration

      Description        Manufacturer         Model       ID      Used at Par.
Spectrum Analyzer      Rohde & Schwarz         ESR7     TE01220    3.1 to 3.4
Climate Chamber           TE 00741              CTS     -40/350       3.4
Biconilog Antenna           Chase            CBL6112a   TE00967       3.3
SAC Chamber           Comtest Engineering        -      TE00861       3.3
Triple loop antenna      Schwarzbeck        HXYZ 9170   TE01311   3.1 and 3.2
EMI receiver           Rohde & Schwarz        ESR 7     TE01220       3.5
Artificial Mains       Rohde & Schwarz       ESH3-Z5    TE00208       3.5
network (AMN)
Pulse limiter          Rohde & Schwarz       ESH3-Z2    TE00756       3.5

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2.4    Sample calculations

Field Strength Measurement example:

Frequency (MHz)              Polarization    Height(m)   Peak (dBµV/m)
67,8                         Horizontal      2           23,7

The following realtion applies:

E (dBµV/m) = U(dBµV) + AF (dB/m) + CL (dB)


E = Electric field strength
U = Measuring reveiver voltage
AF = Antenna factor
CL = Cable loss

(23.7 = 15.8 + 1.1 + 6.8)

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3     Test results
3.1    Field strength of emissions
3.1.1 Limit
For The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553-13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15,848
microvolts/meter at 30 meters.

Within the band 13.410 – 13.553 MHz and 13.567 – 13.710 MHz, the field strength of ant emissions shall not
exceed 334 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.

Within the band 13.110 – 13.410 MHz and 13.710 – 14.010 MHz, the field strength of ant emissions shall not
exceed 106 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.

Frequency (MHz)                   µV/m at 30 meter          dBµV/m at 30 meter       dBµV/m at 3 meter
13.553 – 13.567                           15,848                        84                     124
13.410 – 13.553 and 13.567 –                334                         50.5                  90.5
13.110 – 13.410 and 13.710 -                106                         40.5                  80.5

3.1.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.1.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.2 of this report.

3.1.4 Test procedure
According to ANSI C63.4-2014, section 5.3 and 8.2.1

3.1.5 Test results of Field strength of emissions
       Technology Std.                    Frequency (MHz)              Max Field strength at 3m (dBµV/m)
            RFID                               13.56                                  68.42
         Uncertainty                                             +3.0 / -2.5 dB

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3.1.6 Plots of Field strength of emissions Measurement

                              RFID Field strength of emission (10 kHz to 10 MHz)

                              RFID Field strength of emission (10 MHz to 30 MHz)
                                                           RBW    9 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                           MT     100 µs             68.42 dBµV
                                          Att 25 dB AUTO   PREAMP ON           13.560000000 MHz
           dBµV   130


           1 PK
           MAXH   110

                  100                                                                               TDF



                  FCC15225            1





                  10 MHz                                                                   30 MHz

Remark: in the plot the limit is modified for an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor of 40 dB/decade.

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3.2       99% Occupied Bandwidth
3.2.1 Limit
According to RSS-Gen 4.6.1.

3.2.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.2.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.2 of this report.

3.2.4 Test procedure
      1    Set the centre frequency to the nominal EUT channel centre frequency.
      2    Set span = 1.5 times to 0.5 times the Occupied Bandwidth.
      3    Set VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
      4    Video averaging is not permitted. Where practical detection and single sweep mode shall be used.
           Otherwise, peak detection and max hold mode(until the trace stabilizes) shall be used.

3.2.5 Test results of the 99% Occupied Bandwidth Measurement
          Technology Std.             Frequency (MHz)                 99% Occupied Bandwidth (MHz)
               RFID                        13.56                                 1.070
            Uncertainty                                               ±1 kHz

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3.2.6 Plots of the 99% Occupied Bandwidth Measurement
                                      RFID 99% Occupied Bandwidth

                                                      * RBW 10 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 CNT]
                                                       VBW 30 kHz              -37.88 dBm
           Ref -20 dBm          * Att    15 dB         SWT 50 ms              13.5600 MHz
           -20                                                       OBW 1.070000000    MHz
                                                                     Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                               -65.63   dBm    A
                                                                         13.020000000   MHz
    1 PK                                          1
                                                                     Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
           -40                                                                 -62.09   dBm
                                                                         14.090000000   MHz

           -60                                              T2


           -80                                                                                DC





           Center 13.56 MHz                    500 kHz/                        Span 5 MHz

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3.3    Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions
3.3.1 Limit
The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110 -14.010 MHz band shall not exceed the
general radiated emission limits in part 15.209.

  Frequency (MHz)          Field strength (µV/m)       Field strength (dBµV/m)   Measurement distance(m)
     1.705 - 30                       30                          69.5                     3
       30 -88                        100                           40                      3
      88 - 216                       150                          43,5                     3
      216-960                        200                           46                      3
     Above 960                       500                           54                      3

3.3.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.3.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.2 of this report.

3.3.4 Test procedure
According to ANSI C63.4-2014, section 5.4.2 and 8.2.3

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3.3.5 Plots of the Field strength of Unwanted Emissions Measurement
30 MHz to 140 MHz

                                                                                     Vertical polarization
                                                 15.209/15.109 and ICES-003   RBW: 120 kHz, Vertical Max Peak




           Electrical Field (dBµV/m)








                                        30 M                    40 M                          60 M                   80 M             100 M           120 M     140 M

                                                                                               Frequency (Hz)

                                                                          Measured peaks Vertical 30 – 140 MHz
 Frequency                                     Polarization               Height(m)         Quasi-Peak           Quasi-Peak                                       Margin (dB)
   (MHz)                                                                                     (dBµV/m)          Limit (dBµV/m)
   40,68                                         Vertical                    1,5                37,5                  40                                                -2,5

                                                                                  Horizontal polarization
                                                 15.209/15.109 and ICES-003   RBW: 120 kHz, Horizontal, 1 Max Peak     RBW: 120 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak



           Electrical Field (dBµV/m)






                                        30 M                    40 M                          60 M                   80 M             100 M           120 M     140 M

                                                                                               Frequency (Hz)

                                                                        Measured peaks Horizontal 30 – 140 MHz
    Frequency (MHz)                                                      Polarization                 Height (m)                                              Peak (dBµV/m)
          67,8                                                            Horizontal                      2                                                        23,7

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3.3.6 Measurement Uncertainty
               Horizontal polarization
30 – 200 MHz                         4.5 dB
200 – 1000 MHz                       3.6 dB
                Vertical polarization
30 – 200 MHz                         5.4 dB
200 – 1000 MHz                       4.6 dB

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3.4    Frequency Tolerance
3.4.1 Limit
The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ±0.01% of the operating frequency
over a temperature variation of −20 degrees to 50 degrees C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in
the primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20 degrees C.

3.4.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.4.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.2 of this report.

3.4.4 Test procedure
According to ANSI C63.10-2013, section 6.8

3.4.5 Test results of Frequency Tolerance Measurements
Temperature variation:

Temp. (ºC)           -20        -10           0             10         20          30       40              50
                   13.5601    13.5601      13.5601    13.5601        13.5601   13.5601    13.5600        13.5600
     )             0.0007     0.0007        0.0007     0.0007        0.0007    0.0007       0               0
Limit (%)            0.01        0.01        0.01       0.01          0.01         0.01    0.01            0.01
* w.r.t. nominal frequency of 13.560 MHz

Voltage variation:

        Voltage                Frequency (MHz)*)                 Deviation (%)*)            Limit (%)
         93.5 V                         13.5600                         0                        0.01
          110 V                         13.5600                         0                        0.01
         126.5 V                        13.5600                         0                        0.01

3.4.6 Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty = + /- 16 Hz

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3.5    AC conducted mains
3.5.1 Limit
§ 15.207 (c)

      Frequency range (MHz)
                                               Quasi-Peak (dBµV)                 Average (dBµV)
               0.15 – 0.50                         66 to 56                         56 to 46
                 0.50 - 5                             56                               46
                  5 – 30                              60                               50

3.5.2 Measurement instruments
The measurement instruments are listed in chapter 2.3 of this report.

3.5.3 Test setup
The test setup is as shown in chapter 2.2 of this report.

3.5.4 Test procedure
According to According to ANSI C63.4-2014, section 13.3

3.5.5 Measurement uncertainty
+/- 3.6 dB.

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3.5.6 Test results of AC conducted Mains Measurement

Note: the average value at 13.56 MHz is 39.84 dBµV/m (margin -10.16 dB)


Note: the average value at 13.56 MHz is 49.42 dBµV/m (margin -0.58 dB) whereas the quasi-peak value is
       55.14 dBµV/m (margin -4.86 dB)

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Document Created: 2019-09-13 19:33:45
Document Modified: 2019-09-13 19:33:45

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