RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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Test Number: 220-13R1                                                           Issue Date: 7/18/2013
7. Measurement Data (continued)
  7.11. Public Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy Levels (15.247(i) (1.1307 (b)(1))
        RSS-GEN 5.5, RSS 102
        Requirement: (15.247(i))
                     Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated
                     in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio
                     frequency energy levels in excess of the Commission’s guidelines.
                     Devices are subject to the radio frequency radiation exposure
                     requirements specified in 47CFR 1.1307(b), FCC 47 CFR 2.1091 and
                     47 CFR 2.1093, as appropriate. All equipment shall be considered to
                     operate in a ‘‘general population/uncontrolled’’ environment.
       Conclusion:    The device under test is meets radio frequency radiation exposure
                      requirements specified in 47CFR 1.1307(b), § 2.1091 and § 2.1093.
       Measurement Results – 2.4 GHz
                                                 DUT      DUT
                         802.11b      MPE                              Power Density
                                                Output   Antenna                           Limit
                          Mode      Distance
                                                Power     Gain                           (mW/cm2)    Result
                         Channel      (cm)
                                                (dBm)     (dBi)    (mW/cm2)     (W/m2)
                                       (1)        (2)       (3)             (4)            (5)
                          2412        20.0       22.16      3.0    0.0652386 0.6523856      1       Compliant
                          2437        20.0       22.02      3.0    0.0632658 0.6326585      1       Compliant
                          2462        20.0       21.59      3.0    0.0572370 0.5723697      1       Compliant

                                                 DUT      DUT
                         802.11g      MPE                              Power Density
                                                Output   Antenna                           Limit
                          Mode      Distance
                                                Power     Gain                           (mW/cm2)    Result
                         Channel      (cm)
                                                (dBm)     (dBi)    (mW/cm2)     (W/m2)
                                       (1)        (2)       (3)             (4)            (5)
                          2412        20.0       18.66      3.0    0.0291805 0.2918054      1       Compliant
                          2437        20.0       18.70      3.0    0.0294240 0.2942398      1       Compliant
                          2462        20.0       18.29      3.0    0.0268034 0.2680342      1       Compliant

                                                 DUT      DUT
                           HT20       MPE                              Power Density
                                                Output   Antenna                           Limit
                          Mode      Distance
                                                Power     Gain                           (mW/cm2)    Result
                         Channel      (cm)
                                                (dBm)     (dBi)    (mW/cm2)     (W/m2)
                                       (1)        (2)       (3)             (4)            (5)
                          2412        20.0       18.90      3.0    0.0308039 0.3080388      1       Compliant
                          2437        20.0       18.52      3.0    0.0282287 0.2822870      1       Compliant
                          2462        20.0       18.11      3.0    0.0256978 0.2569778      1       Compliant

                                                 DUT      DUT
                           HT40       MPE                              Power Density
                                                Output   Antenna                           Limit
                          Mode      Distance
                                                Power     Gain                           (mW/cm2)    Result
                         Channel      (cm)
                                                (dBm)     (dBi)    (mW/cm2)     (W/m2)
                                       (1)        (2)       (3)             (4)            (5)
                          2422        20.0       17.85      3.0    0.0241969 0.2419689      1       Compliant
                          2437        20.0       18.12      3.0    0.0257338 0.2573382      1       Compliant
                          2452        20.0       17.79      3.0    0.0238382 0.2383816      1       Compliant

                                             Page 314 of 325
                  Compliance Worldwide, Inc. - 357 Main Street - Sandown, NH 03873
                                     (603) 887 3903 Fax 887 6445

Test Number: 220-13R1                                                               Issue Date: 7/18/2013
7. Measurement Data (continued)
  7.11. Public Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy Levels (15.247(i) (1.1307 (b)(1))
        RSS-GEN 5.5, RSS 102
        Measurement Results – 5 GHz
                                                       DUT      DUT
                           802.11a       MPE                                Power Density
                                                      Output   Antenna                           Limit
                            Mode       Distance
                                                      Power     Gain                           (mW/cm2)    Result
                           Channel       (cm)
                                                      (dBm)     (dBi)    (mW/cm2)   (W/m2)
                                             (1)        (2)      (3)              (4)            (5)
                             5745           20.0       19.68     3.0     0.0368992 0.3689924      1       Compliant
                             5785           20.0       19.42     3.0     0.0347669 0.3476687      1       Compliant
                             5825           20.0       18.76     3.0     0.0298394 0.2983936      1       Compliant

                                                       DUT      DUT
                                      MPE                                   Power Density
                          HT20 Mode Distance          Output   Antenna                           Limit
                           Channel                    Power     Gain                           (mW/cm2)    Result
                          Frequency                   (dBm)     (dBi)    (mW/cm2)   (W/m2)
                                       (1)              (2)      (3)              (4)            (5)
                             5745     20.0             19.76     3.0     0.0375661 0.3756609      1       Compliant
                             5785     20.0             19.44     3.0     0.0349130 0.3491304      1       Compliant
                             5825     20.0             18.95     3.0     0.0311949 0.3119487      1       Compliant

                                                       DUT      DUT
                                      MPE                                   Power Density
                          HT40 Mode Distance          Output   Antenna                           Limit
                           Channel                    Power     Gain                           (mW/cm2)    Result
                          Frequency                   (dBm)     (dBi)    (mW/cm2)   (W/m2)
                                       (1)              (2)      (3)              (4)            (5)
                             5745     20.0             19.55     3.0     0.0358165 0.3581655      1       Compliant
                             5785     20.0             19.36     3.0     0.0342696 0.3426959      1       Compliant

                                                       OP + AG
                                            PD =
                                                      (4 x π x d²)
                                            PD     = Power Density
                                            OP     = DUT Output Power (dBm)
                                            AG     = Antenna Gain (dBi)
                                            D      = MPE Distance

        1.   Reference CFR 2.1093(b): For purposes of this section, a portable device is defined as a transmitting
             device designed to be used so that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20
             centimeters of the body of the installer. All other mobile and unlicensed transmitting devices are
             categorically excluded from routine environmental evaluation for RF exposure prior to equipment
             authorization or use, except as specified in §§ 1.1307(c) and 1.1307(d) of this chapter.
        2.   Section 7.4 of this test report.
        3.   Data supplied by the client.
        4.   Power density is calculated from field strength measurement and antenna gain.
        5.   Reference CFR 1.1310, Table 1: Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE), Section (B):
             Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.

                                                   Page 315 of 325
                    Compliance Worldwide, Inc. - 357 Main Street - Sandown, NH 03873
                                       (603) 887 3903 Fax 887 6445

Test Number: 220-13R1                                                                           Issue Date: 7/18/2013
7. Measurement Data (continued)
    7.11. Public Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy Levels (15.247(i), (1.1307 (b)(1))
          RSS-GEN 5.5, RSS 102 (cont.)

       Simultaneous Transmission of 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz WiFi Radios. The highest levels for
each of the modes of operation are summed in the following table.

                                                DUT         DUT
                                    MPE                                    Power Density
     Worse Case Mode of                        Output      Antenna                                        Limit
         Operation                             Power        Gain                                        (mW/cm2)      Result
                                               (dBm)        (dBi)       (mW/cm2)            (W/m2)
      Mode             MHz           (1)         (2)          (3)                   (4)                   (5)
     802.11b           2412         20.0        22.16         3.0       0.0652386         0.6523856        1         Compliant
   802.11a HT20        5745         20.0        19.76         3.0       0.0375661         0.3756609        1         Compliant
               SUM                  20.0        N/A          N/A        0.1028047         1.0280465        1         Compliant

       Using Directional Gain = Gant + 10 * Log10 (Nant / Nss) dBi where Nant is the number of
MIMO Antennas, and Nss is the number of spatial streams (1). A consideration for Antenna
Array Gain is also calculated in the following table.

                                                DUT         DUT Array
                                  MPE                                        Power Density
  Worse Case Mode of                           Output        Antenna                                       Limit
      Operation                                Power          Gain                                       (mW/cm2)       Result
                                               (dBm)          (dBi)      (mW/cm2)            (W/m2)
   Mode              MHz           (1)           (2)           (3)                    (4)                      (5)
  802.11b            2412         20.0         22.16           7.8       0.1957157          1.9571569           1      Compliant
802.11a HT20         5745         20.0         19.76           7.8       0.1126983          1.1269827           1      Compliant
            SUM                   20.0          N/A           N/A        0.3084140          3.0841396           1     Compliant

       However, based upon a recent study by the FCC and KDB 662911 D01 published 5-28-
2013, Array Gain for IEEE 802.11 device with antenna arrays less than 4 or channel widths
greater then 40 MHz, the value for Array Gain is 0 dB.

                                                       Page 316 of 325
                            Compliance Worldwide, Inc. - 357 Main Street - Sandown, NH 03873
                                               (603) 887 3903 Fax 887 6445

Document Created: 2013-07-18 12:26:40
Document Modified: 2013-07-18 12:26:40

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