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Report No.: FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
Supersede Report No.: FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 2.0

   Applicant                    :
                             IDS GeoRadar s.r.l.
   Product Name                 :
                             Radar sensor in W band
   Model No.                    :
                             FCC 90
   Test Standard        :
                             RSS-210 Issue 9: 2016
                             FCC 15.209
                             ANSI C63.10 2013
   Test Method          :
                             RSS Gen Issue 5 2018
   FCC ID               : UFW-HYDRA
   Dates of test        : 03/11/2019-03/26/2019
   Issue Date           : 04/26/2019
   Test Result          : ☒ Pass              ☐ Fail
   Equipment complied with the specification                                [X ]
   Equipment did not comply with the specification                           [ ]

 This Test Report is Issued Under the Authority of:

                        Gary Chou                                                           Chen Ge
                     RF Test Engineer                                                   Engineer Reviewer
                                          This test report may be reproduced in full only
                          Test result presented in this test report is applicable to the tested sample only

                                                Issued By:
                                           SIEMIC Laboratories
                                775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035

    775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                          Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
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                                         Laboratory Introduction
SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one of the leading independent testing
and certification facilities providing customers with one-stop shop services for Compliance Testing and Global Certifications.

In addition to testing and certification, SIEMIC provides initial design reviews and compliance management throughout a project. Our
extensive experience with China, Asia Pacific, North America, European, and International compliance requirements, assures the
fastest, most cost effective way to attain regulatory compliance for the global markets.

                                   Accreditations for Conformity Assessment
           Country/Region                  Accreditation Body                                   Scope
                 USA                            FCC, A2LA                             EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
              Canada                         IC, A2LA, NIST                           EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
               Taiwan                       BSMI, NCC, NIST                            EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
             Hong Kong                         OFTA, NIST                                RF/Wireless, Telecom
              Australia                        NATA, NIST                              EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
               Korea                         KCC/RRA, NIST                           EMI, EMS, RF, Telecom, Safety
               Japan                     VCCI, JATE, TELEC, RFT                        EMI, RF/Wireless, Telecom
               Mexico                    NOM, COFETEL, Caniety                      EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom, Safety
               Europe                           A2LA, NIST                             EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
                Israel                          MOC, NIST                              EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety

                                    Accreditations for Product Certifications
               Country                      Accreditation Body                                    Scope
                 USA                          FCC TCB, NIST                                  EMC, RF, Telecom
               Canada                          IC FCB, NIST                                  EMC, RF, Telecom
              Singapore                          iDA, NIST                                   EMC, RF, Telecom
                 EU                                 NB                                      EMC & RED Directive
                Japan                         MIC (RCB 208)                                    RF, Telecom
              Hong Kong                       OFTA (US002)                                     RF, Telecom

          775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                                                  Test report No.        FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
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1      REPORT REVISION HISTORY .......................................................................................................................................4
2      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................5
3      CUSTOMER INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................5
4      TEST SITE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................5
5      MODIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................................5
6      EUT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................................6
     6.1    EUT Description ........................................................................................................................................................6
     6.2    Radio Description ......................................................................................................................................................6
     6.3    EUT test modes/configuration Description....................................................................................................................6
7      SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT/SOFTWARE AND CABLING DESCRIPTION .........................................................................7
     7.1    Supporting Equipment ...............................................................................................................................................7
     7.2    Cabling Description ...................................................................................................................................................7
     7.3    Test Software Description ..........................................................................................................................................7
8      TEST SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................................................8
9      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ...................................................................................................................................9
10          MEASUREMENTS, EXAMINATION AND DERIVED RESULTS .................................................................................. 10
     10.1       Spectrum Emission Mask .................................................................................................................................... 10
     10.2       Power and E.I.R.P .............................................................................................................................................. 13
     10.3       99% Bandwidth................................................................................................................................................... 17
     10.4       Frequency Stability.............................................................................................................................................. 20
     10.5       Radiated Spurious Emissions ............................................................................................................................... 22
ANNEX A. TEST INSTRUMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 30
ANNEX A. SIEMIC ACCREDITATION ................................................................................................................................... 31

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                   Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
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1     Report Revision History
                Report No.                           Report Version              Description               Issue Date
       FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001                      None                      Original                03/27/2019
    FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 1.0                Rev 1.0               Updated per client           04/01/2019
    FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 2.0                Rev 2.0               Updated per client           04/09/2019
    FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0                Rev 3.0              Updated per reviewer          04/26/2019

        775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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  2      Executive Summary

The purpose of this test program was to demonstrate compliance of following product
   Company:            IDS GeoRadar s.r.l.
   Product:            Radar sensor in W band
   Model:              HYDRA

against the current Stipulated Standards. The specified model product stated above has demonstrated compliance with the
Stipulated Standard listed on 1st page.

  3      Customer information

Applicant Name                           :    IDS GeoRadar s.r.l.
Applicant Address                        :    Via A. Righi, 1-2, 56121 PISA (PI)- Italy
Manufacturer Name                        :    IDS GeoRadar, s.r.l.
Manufacturer Address                     :    Via A. Righi, 1-2, 56121 PISA (PI)- Italy

  4      Test site information

Lab performing tests                     :   SIEMIC Laboratories
Lab Address                              :   775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035
FCC Test Site No.                        :   540430
IC Test Site No.                         :   4842D-2
VCCI Test Site No.                       :   A0133

  5      Modification

      Index                       Item                                           Description                              Note
        -                           -                                                 -                                    -
        -                           -                                                 -                                    -

              775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                    Test report No.     FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
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 6    EUT Information

6.1    EUT Description

 Product Name                                 :    Radar sensor in W band
 Model No.                                    :    HYDRA
 Trade Name                                   :    IDS GEORADAR
 Serial No.                                   :    010-19-000050
 Input Power                                  :    120VAC, 60HZ, 12-24VDC
 Product Hardware version                     :    N/A
 Product Software version                          N/A
 Date of EUT received                         :    03/11/2019
 Working Frequencies                          :    76000-77000MHz

6.2    Radio Description

Specifications for Radio:
               Radio Type                                                         RFID
          Operating Frequency                                                76000-7700MHz
               Modulation                                                        FMCW
              Antenna Type                                                    Horn Antenna
              Antenna Gain                                                       21dBi
         Antenna Connector Type                                                Waveguide

6.3    EUT test modes/configuration Description

                 Mode                                                                 Note
                 RF test                  EUT is set to continuously transmit at 76GHz

 Note: None

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 7         Supporting Equipment/Software and cabling Description

7.1         Supporting Equipment

 Index             Supporting Equipment                Model             Serial No                     Manu                Note
      1                      Laptop                                  CZC04956YR                         HP                   -
                                                      8440 p

7.2         Cabling Description

                          Connection Start                 Connection Stop                   Length / shielding Info
 Name                                                                                                                       Note
                       From          I/O Port             To           I/O Port            Length (m)      Shielding
      -                  -                 -               -                   -               -               -             -

7.3         Test Software Description

          Test Item                   Software                                         Description
          RF Testing                    N/A                          Set the EUT to transmit continuously in test mode
              -                           -                                                  -

             775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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8   Test Summary

           Test Item                                Test standard                         Test Method/Procedure                        Pass / Fail
                                         FCC                 90.210             FCC                ANSI C63.10 2013                   ☒ Pass
     Spectrum Emission Mask                                                                                                           ☐ N/A
                                          IC               RSS 210               IC                     RSS Gen
                                         FCC                 2.1046             FCC                ANSI C63.10 2013                   ☒ Pass
        RF Output Power                                                                                                               ☐ N/A
                                          IC               RSS 210               IC                     RSS Gen
                                         FCC                 2.1055             FCC                ANSI C63.10 2013                   ☒ Pass
       Frequency Stability                                                                                                            ☐ N/A
                                          IC                RSS210               IC                     RSS Gen
                                         FCC                2.1049              FCC                ANSI C63.10 2013                   ☒ Pass
       Occupied Bandwidth                                                                                                             ☐ N/A
                                          IC               RSS Gen               IC                     RSS Gen
                                         FCC                2.1051              FCC                 TIA-603-E: 2016                   ☒ Pass
        Spurious Emission
                                          IC               RSS Gen               IC                     RSS Gen                       ☐ N/A
                                               1.     All measurement uncertainties are not taken into consideration for all presented test result.
            Remark                             2.     The applicant shall ensure frequency stability by showing that an emission is maintained
                                                      within the band of operation under all normal operating conditions as specified in the user’s

     775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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9   Measurement Uncertainty

                  Test Item                                    Description                        Uncertainty

                                                  Confidence level of approximately 95%
       AC Conducted Emissions Voltage              (in the case where distributions are              ±3.5dB
                                                   normal), with a coverage factor of 2

                                                  Confidence level of approximately 95%
                                                   (in the case where distributions are          +5.6dB/-4.5dB
         Radiated Spurious Emissions
                                                   normal), with a coverage factor of 2
                                                    (for EUTs < 0.5m X 0.5m X 0.5m)

     775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 10 Measurements, examination and derived results

10.1 Spectrum Emission Mask

 Spec                Requirement                                                                                    Applicable
                     For transmitters that are not equipped with an audio low-pass filter, the power of any
                     emission must be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier output power (P) as follows:
                     Antenna requirement must meet at least one of the following:

                     (1) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a
                     displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 5 kHz, but not more than 10 kHz: At least 83
                     log (fd/5) dB;
   FCC 90.210
    RSS 210
                     (2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a
                     displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 10 kHz, but not more than 250 percent of the
                     authorized bandwidth: At least 29 log (fd2/11) dB or 50 dB, whichever is the lesser

                     (3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by more than 250
                     percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

   Test Setup

     Remark          N/A

     Result          ☒ PASS            ☐ FAIL

Test Data      ☐ Yes           ☒ N/A

Test Plot      ☒ Yes           ☐ N/A
Test was done by Cipher at RF test site.

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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Emission Mask Test Plots

                                                       Low Channel

                                                     Middle Channel

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                                              High Channel

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10.2 Power and E.I.R.P

 Spec                 Requirement                                                                                Applicable
  90.205/2.1046       The maximum peak power (EIRP) shall not exceed 48 dBm.                                           ☒
    RSS 210

   Test Setup

                      Power measurement procedure
                           -     Set RBW = 1 MHz.
                           -     Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 x RBW.
                           -     Detector = Peak.
 Test Procedure
                           -     Span = 10MHz
                           -     Trace mode = max hold.
                           -     Sweep = auto couple.
                      Allow the trace to stabilize.
     Remark           N/A

     Result           ☒ PASS           ☐ FAIL

Test Data      ☒Yes            ☐N/A

Test Plot      ☒ Yes           ☐ N/A
Test was done by Cipher at RF test site.

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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EIRP measurement result

               Frequency       Output          Antenna Gain                          EIRP Limit
                                                                   EIRP (dBm)                        Result
              Range (GHz)    Power (dBm)           (dBi)                               (dBm)

                  76             26.03              21                   47.03          48            Pass
                 76.5            25.45              21                   46.45          48            Pass
                  77             25.54              21                   46.54          48            Pass

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Output Power Test Plots

                                                       Low Channel

                                                     Middle Channel

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                                              High Channel

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10.3 99% Bandwidth

 Spec                    Requirement                                                                                       Applicable
                         The transmitter shall be operated at its maximum carrier power measured under normal test
                         conditions. The span of the analyzer shall be set to capture all products of the modulation
                         process, including the emission skirts. The resolution bandwidth shall be set to as close to 1%
                         of the selected span as is possible without being below 1%. The video bandwidth shall be set
                         to 3 times the resolution bandwidth. Video averaging is not permitted. Where practical, a
                         sampling detector shall be used given that a peak or peak hold may produce a wider                     ☒
  RSS Gen 4.6.1
                         bandwidth than actual. The trace data points are recovered and directly summed in linear
                         terms. The recovered amplitude data points, beginning at the lowest frequency, are placed in a
                         running sum until 0.5% of the total is reached and that frequency recorded. The process is
                         repeated for the highest frequency data points. This frequency is recorded. The span between
                         the two recorded frequencies is the occupied bandwidth

    Test Setup

                         99% bandwidth measurement procedure
                             -   Set RBW = 1 MHz.
                             -   Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 x RBW.
                             -   Detector = Peak.
  Test Procedure
                             -   Span = 500MHz
                             -   Trace mode = max hold.
                             -   Sweep = auto couple.
                             -   Allow the trace to stabilize.
                                                                                               Temperature                 23ºC
    Test Date            03/11/2019                                                            Relative Humidity           42%
                                                                                               Atmospheric Pressure        1021mbar

     Remark              N/A

        Result           ☒ Pass             ☐ Fail

Test Data        ☒ Yes            ☐ N/A

Test Plot        ☒ Yes            ☐ N/A
Test was done by Cipher at RF test site.

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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99% OBW measurement result

                                             Type                 Result (MHz)

                                           99% OBW                      981.0

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99% Bandwidth Test Plots

                                                     99% Bandwidth

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10.4 Frequency Stability

 Spec                 Item         Requirement                                                                        Applicable
                                   Frequency measurements shall be made at the extremes of the specified
                                   temperature range and at intervals of not more than 10° centigrade through the
                                   range. A period of time sufficient to stabilize all of the components of the
                                   oscillator circuit at each temperature level shall be allowed prior to frequency
                                   measurement. The short term transient effects on the frequency of the
   FCC 2.1055                      transmitter due to keying (except for broadcast transmitters) and any heating
                         1                                                                                                 ☒
    RSS GEN                        element cycling normally occurring at each ambient temperature level also shall
                                   be shown. Only the portion or portions of the transmitter containing the
                                   frequency determining and stabilizing circuitry need be subjected to the
                                   temperature variation test.
                                   Vary primary supply voltage from 85 to 115 percent of the nominal value for
                                   other than hand carried battery equipment.

 Test Setup

                      Frequency measurement procedure
                          -   CW Tx
 Test Procedure           -   Allow the trace to stabilize.
                          -   Use the frequency counter to measure the Frequency.
                          -   Repeat above steps for different test channel
                                                                                            Temperature                22 ℃
 Test Date            03/11/2019                     Environmental condition                Relative Humidity          45%
                                                                                            Atmospheric Pressure       1018mbar

 Remark               NONE

 Result               ☒ Pass              ☐ Fail

Test Data     ☒ Yes             ☐ N/A
Test Plot     ☐ Yes             ☒ N/A
Test was done by Cipher at RF Test Site.

          775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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Frequency Stability

                                                                         Measured          Error
               Temparature(C)     Voltage(V)    Center Freq (GHz)        Freq (GHz)                     ppm
                      -40             24                76.5             76.500321          321         4.20
                      -30             24                76.5             76.500315          315         4.12
                      -20             24                76.5             76.500303          303         3.96
                      -10             24                76.5             76.500300          300         3.92
                       0              24                76.5             76.500318          318         4.16
                      10              24                76.5             76.500327          327         4.27
                      20              24                76.5             76.500345          345         4.51
                      20             10.2               76.5             76.500336          336         4.39
                      20             27.6               76.5             76.500339          339         4.43
                      30              24                76.5             76.500345          345         4.51
                      40              24                76.5             76.500342          342         4.47
                      50              24                76.5             76.500342          342         4.47
                      55              24                76.5             76.500342          342         4.47

        775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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10.5 Radiated Spurious Emissions

 Spec         Requirement                                                                                        Applicable
 FCC 90.210   On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by more than 250 percent of
              the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.                                                 ☒
  RSS 210

 Test Setup

 Test Setup

  Procedure   Refer to TIA-603-E: 2016

                                                                                        Temperature              22°C
  Test Date   03/11/2019 – 03/18/2019                    Environmental conditions       Relative Humidity        40%
                                                                                        Atmospheric Pressure     1026mbar
              Emission test on low, middle and high channels, results show worst case only.
              43 + 10 log (P) dB. = -13dBm

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    Result        ☒ Pass           ☐ Fail

Test Data      ☒ Yes (See below)            ☐ N/A

Test Plot      ☒ Yes (See below)            ☐ N/A

Test was done by Cipher at 10m chamber.

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 Test specification:                    Radiated Spurious Emissions
 Mains Power:                           120 VAC,60 Hz
 Tested by:                             Gary Chou                                                                    ☒ Pass
                                                                                                                     ☐ Fail
 Test Date:                             03/13/2019
 Remarks:                               Middle channel, 30MHz – 1GHz

  Frequency      Raw      Cable      AF        Level     Measurement             Hgt        Azt        Limit    Margin     Pass
     MHz         dBuV     Loss       dB       dBuV/m        Type                 cm         Deg       dBuV/m     dB        /Fail

    35.59       33.44     11.21    -17.87      26.79      Quasi Max       V      325        225         40      -13.21     Pass
    88.86        44.7     11.78    -27.85      28.62      Quasi Max       H      247        127        43.5     -14.88     Pass
    91.87       40.36     11.81    -27.34      24.83      Quasi Max       V      254        280        43.5     -18.67     Pass
    99.54       42.64     11.88    -25.57      28.94      Quasi Max       H      146        248        43.5     -14.56     Pass
   500.01       42.73     14.17    -18.55      38.35      Quasi Max       H      167        112         46       -7.65     Pass
   1000.00      40.31     16.28    -12.92      43.67      Quasi Max       H      106        143         54      -10.33     Pass

Note: Both horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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 Test specification:                    Radiated Spurious Emissions
 Mains Power:                           120 VAC,60 Hz
 Tested by:                             Gary Chou                                                                       ☒ Pass
                                                                                                                        ☐ Fail
 Test Date:                             03/13/2019
 Remarks:                               Middle channel, 1GHz – 18GHz

  Frequency      Raw        Cable       AF       Level      Measurement             Hgt     Azt     Limit      Margin   Pass
     MHz        dBuV/m      Loss        dB      dBuV/m         Type                 cm     Deg     dBuV/m       dB      /Fail

   1692.03       61.28      2.53       -4.95     58.86       Peak Max         H    157     253       74        -15.14   Pass
  17892.96       43.45      7.98       8.62      60.05       Peak Max         H    108     245       74        -13.95   Pass
   1586.08       57.22      2.43       -6.07     53.58       Peak Max         V    151     329       74        -20.42   Pass
   1692.03       44.09      2.53       -4.95     41.66      Average Max       H    157     253       54        -12.34   Pass
  17892.96       27.37      7.98       8.62      43.97      Average Max       H    108     245       54        -10.03   Pass
   1586.08       40.43      2.43       -6.07     36.78      Average Max       V    151     329       54        -17.22   Pass

Note: Both horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                         Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
                                                                         Page              26 of 32

 Test specification:                    Radiated Spurious Emissions
 Mains Power:                           120 VAC, 60Hz
 Tested by:                             Gary Chou                                                                       ☒ Pass
                                                                                                                        ☐ Fail
 Test Date:                             03/13/2019
 Remarks:                               Middle channel, 18GHz – 40GHz

  Frequency      Raw        Cable       AF       Level      Measurement              Hgt    Azt      Limit     Margin   Pass
     MHz        dBuV/m      Loss        dB      dBuV/m         Type                  cm     Deg     dBuV/m      dB      /Fail

  18094.875       42.65      8.11       6.78     57.54        Peak Max         V     145     5        74       -16.46   Pass
  18924.825       40.04      7.94       8.67     56.66        Peak Max         V     190     5        74       -17.34   Pass
  19000.248       39.17      8.45       0.83     48.45        Peak Max         V     160    205       74       -25.55   Pass
  18094.875       29.82      8.11       6.78     44.71      Average Max        V     145     5        54       -9.29    Pass
  18924.825       27.22      7.94       8.67     43.84      Average Max        V     190     5        54       -10.16   Pass
  19000.248       28.6       8.45       0.83     37.88      Average Max        V     160    205       54       -16.12   Pass

Note: Both horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                               Visit us at: www.siemic.com; Follow us at:

                                                           Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
                                                           Page              27 of 32

                                   Spurious Emissions 40GHz - 60GHz

                                   Spurious Emissions 60GHz - 90GHz

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                                                           Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
                                                           Page              28 of 32

                                  Spurious Emissions 90GHz - 110GHz

                                  Spurious Emissions 110GHz - 140GHz

775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                    Visit us at: www.siemic.com; Follow us at:

                                                           Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
                                                           Page              29 of 32

                                  Spurious Emissions 140GHz - 170GHz

                                  Spurious Emissions 170GHz - 231GHz

775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                   Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
                                                                   Page              30 of 32


           Instrument                      Model             Serial #          Cal Date     Cal Cycle     Cal Due     In use

        Spectrum Analyzer                 N9030B            10SL0289          09/06/2018     1 Year     09/06/2019
    ETS-Lingren Loop Antenna                6512            00049120          07/14/2018     1 Year     07/14/2019
  Bi-Log antenna (30MHz~2GHz)                JB6             A111717          10/05/2018     1 Year     10/05/2019
    Horn Antenna (1-26.5GHz)                3115            10SL0059          11/09/2018     1 Year     11/09/2019
  40GHz to 60GHz Harmonic Mixer           M19HWA            170811-1          05/09/2018     1 Year     05/09/2019
  60GHz to 90GHz Harmonic Mixer           M12HWA            170811-2          05/09/2018     1 Year     05/09/2019
 90GHz to 140GHz Harmonic Mixer           M08HWA            170811-3          05/09/2018     1 Year     05/09/2019
 140GHz to 220GHz Harmonic Mixer          M05HWA            170811-4          05/09/2018     1 Year     05/09/2019
 170GHz to 260GHz Harmonic Mixer          M04HWA            170911-1          05/09/2018     1 Year     05/09/2019

      775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                     Test report No.     FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
                                                                     Page                31 of 32

Annex A. SIEMIC Accreditation

        Accreditations         Document                                        Scope / Remark

ISO 17025 (A2LA)                           Please see the documents for the detailed scope

ISO Guide 65 (A2LA)                        Please see the documents for the detailed scope

TCB Designation                            A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C

FCC DoC Accreditation                      FCC Declaration of Conformity Accreditation

FCC Site Registration                      3 meter site

FCC Site Registration                      10 meter site

IC Site Registration                       3 meter site

IC Site Registration                       10 meter site

                                           Radio Equipment: EN45011:
                                           EN ISO/IEC 17065
                                           Electromagnetic Compatibility:
                                           EN45011 – EN ISO/IEC 17065

Singapore iDA
                                           Phase I, Phase II
CB(Certification Body)

Vietnam MIC
                                           Please see the document for the detailed scope
CAB Accreditation

                                           (Phase II) OFCA Foreign Certification Body for Radio and Telecom
Hong Kong OFCA
                                           (Phase I) Conformity Assessment Body for Radio and Telecom

                                           Radio: Scope A – All Radio Standard Specification in Category I
Industry Canada CAB
                                           Telecom: CS-03 Part I, II, V, VI, VII, VIII

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                             Visit us at: www.siemic.com; Follow us at:

                                                                     Test report No.   FCC_IC_RF_SL19021101-IDS-001 Rev 3.0
                                                                     Page              32 of 32

                                            Radio: A1. Terminal equipment for purpose of calling
Japan Recognized Certification
                                            Telecom: B1. Specified radio equipment specified in Article 38-2, Paragraph 1, Item
Body Designation
                                            1 of the Radio Law

                                            EMI: KCC Notice 2008-39, RRL Notice 2008-3: CA Procedures for EMI
                                            KN22: Test Method for EMI
                                            EMS: KCC Notice 2008-38, RRL Notice 2008-4: CA Procedures for EMS
                                            KN24, KN61000-4-2, -4-3, -4-4, -4-5, -4-6, -4-8, -4-11: Test Method for EMS

Korea CAB Accreditation                     Radio: RRL Notice 2008-26, RRL Notice 2008-2, RRL Notice 2008-10,
                                            RRL Notice 2007-49, RRL Notice 2007-20, RRL Notice 2007-21, RRL Notice 2007-
                                            80, RRL Notice 2004-68

                                            Telecom: President Notice 20664, RRL Notice 2007-30, RRL Notice 2008-7 with
                                            attachments 1, 3, 5, 6; President Notice 20664, RRL Notice 2008-7 with attachment 4

                                            LP0002, PSTN01, ADSL01, ID0002, IS6100, CNS14336, PLMN07, PLMN01,
Taiwan NCC CAB Recognition

Taiwan BSMI CAB Recognition                 CNS 13438

                                            R-3083: Radiation 3 meter site
Japan VCCI                                  C-3421: Main Ports Conducted Interference Measurement
                                            T-1597: Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurement

                                            EMC: AS/NZS CISPR 11, AS/NZS CISPR 14.1, AS/NZS CISPR22, AS/NZS
                                            61000.6.3, AS/NZS 61000.6.4

                                            Radiocommunications: AS/NZS 4281, AS/NZS 4268, AS/NZS 4280.1,
                                            AS/NZS 4280.2, AS/NZS 4295, AS/NZS 4582, AS/NZS 4583, AS/NZS 4769.1,
Australia CAB Recognition
                                            AS/NZS 4769.2, AS/NZS 4770, AS/NZS 4771

                                            Telecommunications: AS/ACIF S002:05, AS/ACIF S003:06, AS/ACIF S004:06
                                            AS/ACIF S006:01, AS/ACIF S016:01, AS/ACIF S031:01, AS/ACIF S038:01,
                                            AS/ACIF S040:01, AS/ACIF S041:05, AS/ACIF S043.2:06, AS/ACIF S60950.1

                                            AS/ACIF S002, AS/ACIF S003, AS/ACIF S004, AS/ACIF S006, AS/ACIF
Australia NATA Recognition                  S016,AS/ACIF S031, AS/ACIF S038, AS/ACIF S040, AS/ACIF S041, AS/ACIF

       775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                             Visit us at: www.siemic.com; Follow us at:

Document Created: 2019-05-16 11:12:23
Document Modified: 2019-05-16 11:12:23

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