

Users Manual

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             Your Controller and Consumables
                the CPC IdentiQuik™ RFID
                   Interrogator and Tags

              Version: 4.3
              Date: September 12, 2018

              Colder Products Company
              1001 Westgate Drive
              Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114
              Phone: 651-645-0091
              Fax: 651-645-5404
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CPC’s IdentiQuik Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) products provide your consumable with data, tracking and
brand integrity within your system. By following a straight forward plan, application of Colder’s RFID technology
realizes these goals

Your system’s controller, via a USB or serial cable, communicates with a CPC IdentiQuik RFID Interrogator. The
Interrogator in turn communicates through the air with your nearby consumable which has an attached RFID tag
housed in a CPC Smart coupling, cap, insert or label. Thus your system’s controller (a PC, PLC, etc.) may send
and receive information with your consumable.

The system architect tasks are:
       1) Define the RFID tag data content and use to meet your application goals.
       2) Decide tracking information.
       3) Decide level of additional Brand Integrity to employ.

The programming tasks are:
       4) Design the RFID tag data layout.
       5) Controller / Consumable communication.
              a. Program your factory controller to communicate with the IdentiQuik Interrogator to initialize the
              b. Program your fielded system controller to communicate with the IdentiQuik Interrogator per the
                  data content selected and acting on that data.
       6) Implement IdentiQuik Interrogator commands to update the tag in the field.
       7) Implement Brand Integrity (security) programming as needed.

The electronic tasks are:
       8) Interface selection and connection.
       9) Power supply.

CPC is available to assist you with every step.

Sample Interrogators (aka RFID Readers) with Various Interfaces

Sample Tags (CPC Smart Couplings with RFID: Cap and Insert)

1 Initializing of RFID tags with custom data may be done at Colder. See Jeff Anderson
for details.
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System Architect: Define the RFID Tag Data
Your consumable has unique data needs. Sample types of data include: date/time, part ID, text, volume, price and
color. Aside from the tag’s unique serial number, what is written and updated in an RFID tag is entirely up to you.
Any type of data is recordable.

RFID tags have 3 main functional features: a supplied unique serial number, re-writable memory and the ability to
make irrevocably read-only select portions of memory. Use this RFID memory to store product data, current
status/history and authentication codes.

           Your Colder Interrogator is attached to your system’s controller using a USB or serial interface. Your
           product (let’s call it the “Elixir of Life”) has an attached Colder Smart Cap containing the RFID tag. You
           want to record in the RFID tag various fixed product information.
                1) Part Identification
                2) Date of Manufacture
                3) Use by Date
                4) Lot Identification
                5) Product Size
           Additionally your system wants to keep track of the amount of remaining product.
                6) Product Remaining.
           At your factory, as the consumable is made, the initial set of data is written to the consumable’s RFID
                1) Part Identification:           Elixir101
                2) Date of Manufacture            Jan. 6, 2020
                3) Use by Date                    July 6, 2020
                4) Lot Identification             123456789AB
                5) Product Size                   1000 mL
                6) Product Remaining.             1000 mL
           Customer Site:
           On your deployed system, with the customer’s first use of this consumable, the system’s controller
           checks the consumable’s fixed data to assess the correctness (“Part ID”, “Product Size”) and
           freshness (“Use by Date”).

           As your customer uses the product, your system checks the “Product Remaining”. Your system notes
           the usage of product and updates the tag’s “Product Remaining” as needed. Even if the product was
           removed and brought back later to the same or another system, the amount remaining would be
           remembered. Eventually the “Elixir” is used up and the “Product Remaining” field is set to 0 mLs. Thus
           your system knows to no longer operate with this container of your consumable.
               5) Product Size            1000 mL
               6) Product Remaining.            0 mL

                                                  Figure 1: Elixir of Life Example

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System Architect: Decide Tracking Information
RFID tags provide the ability to be updated in the field. The consumable’s usage and history may be recorded on
its RFID tag. Re-use is detectable. Important process steps are recordable - all this without a connection back to a
central database as with barcodes. These updates and others, after your product has been created, are called
tracking. Two popular aspects of tracking of your consumable include single use and event logging.
Single Use
Consumables may use RFID to insure a single use. Your system, in the field, has the ability to irrevocably mark
RFID data as read-only. Thus once a product is used up, data describing the amount remaining may be marked
permanently as zero. Note: mid-level thresholds may also be irreversible flagged. Contact CPC for details.

           At your factory, your product is filled. Shaded values are read-only.
               1) Product Type                Probe T1
               2) Uses Remaining              1
           Customer Site:
           Your customer begins to use the consumable.
               1) Product Type                Probe T1
               2) Uses Remaining              0

                                               Figure 2: Single Use Example

Event Logging
Your product may need to record its stages of life like: Production, Qualification, and Use. At each stage, your
system controller writes data on the RFID tag indicating the event. Should a stage be prohibited from occurring
twice, the data could be made read-only, preventing re-use.

            At your factory, 3 date stamps are set-up as part of your RFID data. Shaded dates are read-
                1) Production:              Jan 6, 2020
                2) Qualification            None
                3) Use                      None
            Later the product is qualified.
                1) Production:              Jan 6, 2020
                2) Qualification            Jan 7, 2020
                3) Use                      None
            Customer Site:
            Next month, the product is used by the customer.
                1) Production:              Jan 6, 2020
                2) Qualification            Jan 7, 2020
                3) Use                      Feb 14, 2020

                                            Figure 3: Event Logging Example

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System Architect: Decide the Level of Additional Brand Integrity
Brand integrity uses RFID tags to insure products’ genuineness. Simply using an RFID tag provides the first level
of Brand Integrity. To provide higher levels of integrity, additional methods are employed.

Brand Integrity:
   1) Simple           Detect the presence of an RFID tag.
   2) Good             Detect duplicates (and above).
   3) Better           Encrypting the consumable’s data (and above).
   4) Best             Validate the consumable’s with a message authentication code (and above).

Detect the presence of an RFID tag.
The presence of your consumable’s tag is the simple first step. Counterfeiters would need to procure a tag. The
CPC IdentiQuik Interrogator provides this basic functionality.

Detect duplicates.
Although serial numbers on RFID tags are not duplicable, an adversary may create a circuit to emulate an RFID
tag. The sure way to detect duplicates is for your controller to record a history, disallowing re-use based on serial

Data Encryption
The encrypting of data uses well-known and provably secure encryption techniques. Your controller “knows” the
secret number used to encrypt/decrypt some or all of the data. Some additional data space is needed on the tag.
Typically fixed data and updatable data are encrypted separately. Well encrypted data on your RFID tag appears
random – thus also providing data obfuscation.

Message Authentication Code (MAC)
A MAC is information that provides integrity and authenticity assurance of the data. A good MAC generation
function prevents an attacker from making data of their choosing and generating a valid MAC. It is computationally
infeasible to do so without know a secret key. This key exists at the factory and within the system’s controller.

The longer the MAC, the more secure it is. A separate MAC may be used for fixed and dynamic data.

                   Using the first example’s data: the tag serial number and constant data of “Part identification”,
                   …, “Product size” and a factory secret number; a MAC is added. All this is made read-only.
                   The “Product Remaining” is written after being encrypted with a 2 nd secret number.

                   Customer Site:
                   Only authenticated consumables are usable. As they are used, the “Product Remaining” is
                   updated. Each write of the “Product Remaining” is encrypted. Eventually when consumption is
                   complete, the ““Product Remaining” is made read-only.

                                                  Figure 4: Brand Integrity Example

2Alternative methods exist. Contact Colder for details.
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Programmer: Design the RFID Tag Data Layout
The standard CPC RFID tag contains a unique 8-byte serial number; 28 blocks of 4-byte memory and each block
having a write protection flag (WPF). Other sizes are available ranging up to 8,192 bytes of data.

                                           Byte 0     Byte 1    Byte 2     Byte 3     WPF3
                              Block 0       ‘H’         ‘e’        ‘l’        ‘l’      0
                              Block 1        ‘o’         ‘‘      ‘W’         ‘o’       0
                              Block 2        ‘r’        ‘l ‘      ‘d’         0        0
                                 …           …          …         …          …         …
                              Block 27        0          0         0          0        0

                                  Serial Number          16142028064219747960

                                    Figure 5: 28x4 RFID Tag “Hello World” Example

The initial programming task is to layout the location, size and encoding of the desired data. Various concerns
include clarity of representation, space efficiency, obfuscation, relationship to the write protect flag, endian4 and
future growth. Below, Figure 1 data is used as an illustrative example.

                 Data              Byte Address      Size      Encoding5         Sample Value            WPF
          Part Identification            0            12         UTF8               Elixir101            1,1,1
         Date of Manufacture            12             4         time_t      Jan. 6, 2020 12:34:56         1
             Use by Date                16             4         time_t      July 6, 2020 12:34:56         1
           Lot identification           20            12         UTF8            123456789AB             1,1,1
             Product size               32             4        integer             1000 mL                1
          Product remaining             36             4        integer             1000 mL                0
                unused                  40            72                                                0,0,…,0
                                         Figure 6: Programming Data Layout Example

                                           Byte 0     Byte 1    Byte 2     Byte 3     WPF
                              Block 0        ‘E’         ‘l’       ‘i’       ‘x’       1
                              Block 1         ‘i’        ‘r’      ‘1’        ‘0’       1
                              Block 2        ‘1’         0         0          0        1
                              Block 3       240          9       141        86         1
                              Block 4       240        250       124        87         1
                              Block 5        ‘1’        ‘2’       ‘3’        ‘4’       1
                              Block 6        ‘5’        ‘6’       ‘7’        ‘8’       1
                              Block 7        ‘9’        ‘A’       ‘B’         0        1
                              Block 8       232          3         0          0        1
                              Block 9       232          3         0          0        0
                                 …           …          …         …          …         …
                              Block 27        0          0         0          0        0

                                  Serial Number          16142028064219747960

                                     Figure 7: 28x4 RFID Tag Elixir of Life Example

3 Write Protect Flag. When the write protect flag is set, the corresponding block is no longer write-able. It is read-
only. The WPF may not be cleared – it is only settable.
4 The byte order of data may be either big or little endian. The tag serial number itself is in little endian order.
5 As needed, contact Colder for recommended encoding formats.

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Programmer: Controller / Consumable Communication
The CPC IdentiQuik RFID Interrogator and Tags provide a remote non-volatile memory associated with your
system’s consumable. Simple commands allow read and write access to the RFID tag’s unique serial number, data
and data write protection.

The CPC IdentiQuik RFID Interrogator accepts and replies with ASCII commands across a serial or USB (using a
virtual serial interface) cable. Various communication rates are available. Your controller (PLC, PC, etc.) opens a
stream to a serial interface and transmits commands like “SN” to query the RFID tag’s serial number. See
IdentiQuik Smart Coupling Communication Protocol for details.

At your factory, writes to the RFID tag, via the stream you opened, contain commands and the desired data in byte
form. This initializes the consumable’s RFID tag. Contact CPC for sample code.

Your system’s controller at the customer site also sends various commands to read the RFID data. Thus your
controller knows the consumable’s product information and serial number. It records the tag’s serial number to
prevent serial number spoofing. Authentication of the product then occurs as needed – see Brand Integrity section.
Your system updates the tag’s data, potential irrevocably setting the write protection flags.

Programmer: Updating the Consumable’s Data
With your consumable, at the customer’s site, updating the consumable’s RFID tag is straight forward. Simple re-
write the portion of the RFID tag that as needed. Typically, the remaining unset write protect flags are selectively
set as your consumable goes through various stages. Contact CPC for sample code.

Programmer: Implement Brand Integrity Programming.
CPC supports and recommends effective Brand Integrity. This needs special attention as it directly affects the
authenticity of your consumable. Two optional methods, Digital Signature and Encryption offer strong, yet not
difficult to program, solutions. Note: Using a “cycle redundancy check”, CRC, as an authentication code is not
recommended for it if far too easy to compromise.

Message authentication code6
In an RFID tag, the message authentication code is a large integer that is written on the tag in addition to your data.
This integer is derived from a secret integer (private key), your data and the tag’s unique serial number. Even tags
with the same data, but unique serial numbers, will have very different MAC. Your controller uses the same secret
integer, your data, the tag’s unique serial number and the MAC to determine if the data is authentic. The strength
of a MAC depends on its size. A minimum of 32 bytes is recommended. The size need not be a power-of-2.
Contact CPC for details.

Encryption takes a set of data and scrambles it in a manner that unless one has the secret code (key), it is
infeasible to determine how to unscramble it. In addition to the data (plain text) to encrypt, the tag’s serial number
and a random number are added to the encryption. The resultant encrypted data (cyphered text) looks random.
Even a simple change of 1 bit in the plain text will result in about ½ of all bits of the cyphered text changing.
Including the RFID tag serial number in the encryption insures that a copy of ciphered text on another tag will fail.
Including random integers (~8 bytes) with the encryption insures that even if the same plain text occurs, the
ciphered data written to the tag will be different. Contact CPC for sample code.

7Recommend XXTEA. See
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Electronics: Interface Connection
CPC provides various options for the system controller to communicate with the CPC IdentiQuik RFID Interrogator.
Two popular interfaces available include USB and RS-232.

The USB IdentiQuik comes with a cable terminated with a standard USB A plug.

The RS-232 IdentiQuik comes with a cable terminated with a 9-pin female D-sub organized as a DTE. This
interface additionally needs power on pin 4 (DTR). A systems controller’s DTR is not expected to sufficiently power
the IdentiQuik. An alternate feed of power on pin 4 is recommended.

                                       Pin     Name           Usage
                                        2       TD        Outgoing data
                                        3       RD        Incoming data
                                        4       Pwr        Power input
                                        5       Gnd   Communication and
                                                          power ground
                                      1,6-9                  Not used
                                      Shell     FG             Shell
                                                RS-232 Interface

Electronics: Power
The USB CPC IdentiQuik RFID Interrogator derives its power entirely from the USB interface. Current consumption
< 150 mA. When enabled, the IdentiQuik will automatically enter into lower power mode during non-use.

The RS-232 IdentiQuik employs a switching power supply. Power needs are 60mA nominal and 250mA maximum
at 8 - 24 Volts DC. When directed, the IdentiQuik will enter into a lower power mode.

FCC Interference
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
        Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
        Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
        Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
        Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC Part 15 Clause 15.21

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment

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FCC Part 15.19(a)
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

ISED RSS-Gen Notice
This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause interference; and
(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
2) l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en
compromettre le fonctionnement.

ISED RF Exposure Guidance
In order to comply with FCC/ISED RF Exposure requirements, this device must be installed to provide at least 20
cm separation from the human body at all times.

Afin de se conformer aux exigences d'exposition RF FCC / ISED, cet appareil doit être installé pour fournir au
moins 20 cm de séparation du corps humain en tout temps.

Module integration Notes
When incorporating the FCC certified IdentiQuik coupler into your device, the following labeling should be
considered for inclusion:
     ▪ Device trade name (IdentiQuik)
     ▪ Unique device identifier (Model or part number)
     ▪ A statement indicating
                 “Contains Transmitter Module with FCC ID: U9C-IDENTIQUIK and IC ID: 7038A-IDENTIQUIK”
Assuming that your FR-generating device has been tested and certified to FCC standards, the following labeling
should be considered for inclusion:
     ▪ An FCC logo is allowed, but not required
     ▪ The following text should be included, unless the device is too small or if it is impractical to include
         language on the device “This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
         following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
         accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.”
If any of the above labeling is not able to be included on the device due to size constraints, it should be included in
the manual. Other labeling considerations for the manual include: specific disclosures and warnings about
modifications, RF radiation exposure, operation in conjunction with other antennas or transmitters, and limitations
or warnings about special accessories.

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Document Created: 2018-09-12 14:50:45
Document Modified: 2018-09-12 14:50:45

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