RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                             CMC Centro Misure Compatibilità S.r.l.
                                                       Via della Fisica, 20
                                                   36016 Thiene (VI) – ITALY
                                                   Tel./Fax +39 0445 367702
                                                www.cmclab.it - info@cmclab.it

                                                    Independent Testing Laboratory

                               MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE

Products:           RBAND GATE EDGE RECEIVER
Model:              RB-G-RX10
FCC ID:             U5Z-RB-G-RX10

Nominal frequencies .................................................... : 902,30 MHz
                                                                     915,65 MHz
                                                                     927,70 MHz

Acceptance limits                                 F/1500 mW/cm2 on range 300 – 1500 MHz
                                                  1 mW/cm2 on range 1500 – 10000 MHz

                      Maximum permissible exposure for maximum measured power level
     Frequency                 Maximum                     Maximum                  Power Density at    Power Density
        (MHz)                measured power              measured power             20 cm (mW/cm2)     Limit (mW/cm2)
                               (dBµV/m)                      (dBm)
        902,30                       73,20                      -22,03                  1,25E-06            0,602
        915,65                       72,90                      -22,33                  1,16E-06            0,610
        927,70                       72,10                      -23,13                  9,68E-07            0,618
Remarks: Power Density = (P x G) / (4πR2)

                   Maximum permissible exposure for declared maximum specified power
  Operating frequency                Maximum specified                Power Density at 20 cm       Power Density Limit
     range (MHz)                       power (dBm)                          (mW/cm2)                  (mW/cm2)
          902 – 928                             5,00                            6,29E-04                 0,601
Remarks: Power Density = (P x G) /              (4πR2)

Thiene, May 24th, 2017

Ing. Renzo Beghetto
(Laboratory Manager)

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Document Created: 2017-05-24 15:02:53
Document Modified: 2017-05-24 15:02:53

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