Test Report


Test Report

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                                                              Page 1 of 22                 Report Ref. No. 15-01817

 Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

                                                      TEST REPORT
                         Secondo i seguenti Standard / According to following Standards
Test specification                                   FCC Rules: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) no. 47
                                                     Part 15 Subpart B Section 15.107: 2013
                                                     Part 15 Subpart B Section 15.109: 2013

                                                     ANSI C63.4: 2009-09
                                                     Par. 7 AC power-line conducted emission measurements
                                                     Par. 8 Radiated emission measurements

Conducted Emissions, FCC section 15.107; Table (a) limit                                       Conforme/Compliant
Radiated Emissions, FCC section 15.109; Table (a) limit                                        Conforme/Compliant
Richiedente / Applicant’s name .... :                Datalogic ADC Srl

Indirizzo / Address ........................... :    V. San Vitalino 13 40012 Calderara di Reno (BO), Italia
Produttore / Manufacturer ............. :            Datalogic ADC Srl

Indirizzo / Address ........................... :    V. San Vitalino 13 40012 Calderara di Reno (BO), Italia
Dispositivo sottoposto ai test/                      JOYA SINGLE SLOT DOCK (EUT N° 15LA00102/01) +
Device Under Test .......................... :       JOYA X2 PLUS 01 BT C with SE4500 reader (EUT N°
Data di emissione/                                     th
                                                     30 April 2015
Date of issue
Validità/ Validity                                   Vedi sezione 1.1 / See section 1.1
Test report redatto da/
Author of Test report .....................          Loris Fruch
Tecnico/i di prova
Engineer/s .......................................   Loris Fruch
                                                     Test manager: Giovanni Solari
Approvato da (+ firma)                                                                    Firmato digitalmente da
Approved by (+ signature) .............              Silvano Chialina                     SILVANO CHIALINA
                                                                                          O = non presente
                                                                                         C = IT
                                                     Responsabile del laboratorio/     .....................................................
                                                     Head of the Laboratory
Laboratorio / Testing Laboratory . :                 Emilab Srl
Indirizzo / Address ........................... :    Via F.lli Solari 5/A – 33020 Amaro (UD) - Italy

 TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                          Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                   Page 2 of 22              Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed


1.      INFORMAZIONI GENERALI / GENERAL INFORMATION                                                         3

1.0     Laboratorio / Testing Laboratory                                                                    3

1.1     Campionamento e Documentazione / Sampling and Documentation                                         3

1.2     Specifiche del test / Test specifications                                                           3

1.3     Svolgimento dei test e condizioni generali / Test scheduling and general condition                  4

1.4     Espressione dei risultati finali / Test case of final verdicts                                      4

1.5     Incertezza / Uncertainty                                                                            4

1.6     Termini, Definizioni e Acronimi/ Terms, definitions and abbreviations                               5

2.      APPARECCHIATURA SOTTOPOSTA A TEST/ DEVICE UNDER TEST                                                6

3.0     CONDUCTED EMISSION - CONDIZIONI DI PROVA / TEST CONDITIONS                                          7

3.1     Apparecchiature utilizzate / Test Equipment Used – Conducted emission                               7

3.2     Fotografie del setup / Photo of the test setup – Conducted emission                                 8

3.3     Risultati / Results - Conducted emission                                                            8

3.3.1   Grafici dei risultati / Graphical representation data – Conducted emission                          9

4.0     RADIATED EMISSIONS - CONDIZIONI DI PROVA / TEST CONDITIONS                                         13

4.1     Apparecchiature utilizzate / Test Equipment Used – Radiated Emissions                              14

4.2     Fotografie del setup / Photo of the test setup – Radiated Emissions                                15

4.3     Risultati / Results - Radiated Emissions                                                           16

4.3.1   Tabelle e grafici dei risultati / Tables and graphical representation data – Spurious
        Radiated Emissions                                                                                 16

Allegato 1 / Annex 2: Incertezza / Uncertainty                                                             22

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                               Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                           Page 3 of 22                  Report Ref. No. 15-01817

 Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

 1.            Informazioni Generali / General Information

      1.0      Laboratorio / Testing Laboratory
Luogo di Prova e partecipanti/ Testing location and participants:

            Testing Laboratory:
Testing location/ address ....................... :   Emilab Srl
                                                      Via F.lli Solari 5/A – 33020 Amaro (UD) – Italy
                                                      Tel +39 0433 468625
                                                      Fax +39 0433 494739
                                                      Email: info@emilab.it
Partecipanti / Participants:                          Loris Fruch

      1.1      Campionamento e Documentazione / Sampling and Documentation
I campioni sono stati consegnati dal Cliente. I risultati dei test contenuti in questo documento si riferiscono
esclusivamente al modello e numero di serie provato. E’ responsabilità del costruttore assicurare che la produzione dei
modelli in serie rispetti i requisiti del presente documento. Questo documento non può essere riprodotto in parte senza
il consenso scritto del responsabile del laboratorio EMILAB.
EMILAB non si assume nessuna responsabilità per danni derivanti da interpretazioni che esulano dal contesto e
dall’applicazione del presente documento.
The samples was delivered by customer. The results contained in this report reflect the results for this particular model
and serial number. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that all production models meet the intent of the
requirements detailed within this report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of
the Issuing testing Emilab laboratory.
EMILAB takes no responsibility for and will not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of
the reproduced material due to its placement and context.

      1.2      Specifiche del test / Test specifications
Test performed according to:
Test plan                                      /

Test specification                             All compliance measurements have been carried out using the
                                               procedures described in the standards:
                                               - ANSI C63.4-2009, Section 15.31 of CFR47 Part 15 – Subpart A

                                               -FCC Rules: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) no. 47
                                               Part 15 Subpart B Section 15.107: 2015 Radio Frequency Device

                                               -FCC Rules: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) no. 47
                                               Part 15 Subpart B Section 15.109: 2015 Radio Frequency Device
Basic Specifications                           ANSI C63.4: 2009-09 Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
                                               Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in
                                               the Range of 9KHz to 40GHz

 TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                         Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

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 Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

 1.3 Svolgimento dei test e condizioni generali / Test scheduling and general
Svolgimento dei test / Scheduling ............ :
Data ricezione EUT
Date of receipt of EUT ................................... :   27/03/2015
Data esecuzione test
Date (s) of performance of tests .................... :        22/04/2015 – 30/04/2015
Condizioni ambientali                                          Se non diversamente specificato / If not otherwise specified:
/ Environment Conditions                                       Temperature: 18-28°C
                                                               Humidity: 20-90%
                                                               Pressure: 87-108.56 kPa
Intervallo delle tarature/
                                                               Minimum 1 year
Calibration Interval

      1.4 Espressione dei risultati finali / Test case of final verdicts
- test case does not apply to the test object.. :              N/A
- test object does meet the requirement ....... :              Compliant
- test object does not meet the requirement . :                Not Compliant

      1.5 Incertezza / Uncertainty
L'incertezza estesa riportata è espressa come l'incertezza tipo moltiplicata per il fattore di copertura k = 2,
che per una distribuzione normale corrisponde ad una probabilità di copertura di circa il 95 %.
The reported expanded uncertainty of measurements is stated as the standard uncertainty of
measurement, multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponding to a
coverage probability of approximately 95%.

 TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                             Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                   Page 5 of 22       Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

1.6    Termini, Definizioni e Acronimi/ Terms, definitions and abbreviations

With reference to IEC 60050-161

ALSE          absorber-lined shielded enclosure
AM            amplitude modulation
AN            artificial network
AV            Average Detector
BAN           broadband artificial network
BCI           Bulk Current Injection
CBCI          Common Mode BCI
CDN           Coupling Decoupling Network
DBCI          Differential Mode BCI
DUT           Device Under Test
EMC           electromagnetic compatibility
EMI           electromagnetic interference
EUT           Equipment Under test
FSP           Functional Performance Status
HCP           Horizontal Coupling Plate
LISN          Line Impedance Simulation Network
OM            Operating Modes
PM            pulse modulation
PK            Peak Detector
RE            Radiated Emission
RI            Radiated Immunity
QP            Quasi-peak Detector
SWR           standing wave ratio
VSWR          voltage standing wave ratio
TEM cell      transverse electromagnetic cell

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                        Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                                        Page 6 of 22           Report Ref. No. 15-01817

 Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

       2.          Apparecchiatura sottoposta a test/ Device Under Test

Descrizione / Description .......................... :
Marchio commercial / Trade Mark ............... : Datalogic ADC Srl
Produttore / Manufacturer ............................ : /
Modello / Model/Type reference .................. : JOYA SINGLE SLOT DOCK (EUT N° 15LA00102/01) +
                                                               JOYA X2 PLUS 01 BT C with SE4500 reader
                                                               (EUT N° 15LA00101/02)
Voltage/Current ............................................ : 5V DC / 1.2A
Frequency .................................................... : /
Power ........................................................... : /
Numero EUT / EUT Number ....................... : 15LA00102/01 + 15LA00101/02
Numero EUT del produttore
/ Internal customer EUT Number ................. : P/N: 91ACC0034 (EUT N° 15LA00102/01) + P/N: 911300126
                                                   (EUT N° 15LA00101/02)
Serial Number .............................................. : Z14P00323 (EUT N° 15LA00102/01) + E14N07480 (EUT N°
Numero di campioni testati / Number of
                                                              1 +1
samples tested ............................................ :
Hardware stage/level ................................... : MVT
Software stage/level .................................... :
Operating Mode ........................................... : Mode 1: WLAN activation using the
                                                             “SRU_40NBT_3_3_10_CE” test routine, on 2437MHz in
                                                             continuous transmit mode. Bluetooth activation using the “BT
                                                             Cert.exe” test routine, on 2441MHz in continuous transmit
                                                             Barcode reading continuously (every 1s) using the
                                                             “DcdTestNet” test routin.
                                                             The JOYA X2 PLUS 01 BT C is connected via USB to the PC
                                                             and a file is transferred between it and the PC by the test
                                                             routine “PAL500E.bat”. JOYA X2 battery in recharge mode.
Wiring harness ............................................. : 1.8m Power supply cable, 1.9m USB cable
Monitoring .................................................... : /
Info……………………………………………...: Test routines were provided by the applicant.
                          The WLAN and Bluetooth channels were exercised at the
                          max power level, as declared by the applicant.
                                                                    The EUT N° 15LA00102/01 was powered by the Switching
                                                                    Power Supply Model BI20-050300-I Input: AC 100-240V,
                                                                    50/60Hz, 0.5A; Output 5V DC, 3A.
                                                                    During the tests the above cited Switching Power Supply
                                                                    Model BI20-050300-I was powered at 120V/60Hz.

 TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                               Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                        Page 7 of 22             Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

3.0      Conducted emission - Condizioni di prova / Test Conditions

Technician / Tecnico: Loris Fruch
Table No.      TEST: Conducted limits                                                                        \
Method         FCC Rules: 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B: 2015, section 15.107 (a)                                 \
Parameters required prior to the test         Laboratory Ambient Temperature               18 to 28 °C
                                              Relative Humidity                             20 to 90 %
Parameters recorded during the test           Laboratory Ambient Temperature                  22 °C
                                              Relative Humidity                               64 %
Fully configured sample scanned over             150kHz to 30MHz
the following frequency range
Supplementary information:
    - EUT operating mode 1 (see par. 2 of this document);
    - Test executed on 120V 60Hz power supply line;
     - The DUT was placed 80cm above the ground plane and at 40cm from the wall of the chamber.
     - Test Requirement:
        • Test setup: ANSI C63.4: 2009-09;
        • Test facility Shielded room;
        • Frequency range: 150KHz to 30MHz;
        • IF bandwidth: 9KHz;
    - Limits: Sections 15.107 Table (a) of 47 CFR Part 15;
    - Artificial hand not used because the EUT is not a handheld equipment;

3.1      Apparecchiature utilizzate / Test Equipment Used – Conducted emission

    Apparecchiature usate/                                        Costruttore/            Numero di serie/
      Equipment Used                                              Manufacturer             Serial Number
EMI Receiver MXE                    N9038A                   Agilent Technologies     MY51210230
LISN                                NSLK 8128                Schwarzbeck              8128-336
Cable 10m                           MIL C-17 OLWG7           CCI/SAXTON               M17/16.4-00001
Cable RF da 6m                      PE142LL                  Pasternak                EL038210
Shielded Chamber                    RFD-100                  ETS-Lindgren             2012
Shielded Chamber DC Filter          N5004                    ETS-Lindgren (ETSL)      121226
AC Power Supply                     KBT-100-C-109-451        BEHLMAN                  5896

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Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

3.2     Fotografie del setup / Photo of the test setup – Conducted emission

3.3     Risultati / Results - Conducted emission

The result of the test is: PASS. See the details in the charts of the following paragraphs.

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                               Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                                                      Page 9 of 22                               Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

3.3.1 Grafici dei risultati / Graphical representation data – Conducted emission

Conducted emission measured on 120V 60Hz Line1 (from 0.15MHz to 30MHz IF 9KHz): peak detector
(green trace) and average detector (red trace) with quasi-peak limit (blue line) and average limit (red line)

Emission measured in dBµV

         Limite FCC Part. 15.107 Classe B (AV)        Limite FCC Part. 15.107 Classe B (QP)        RBW: 9 kHz, Vertical Max Average
         RBW: 9 kHz, Vertical Max Peak











 150 k           300 k           500 k600 k      1M                 2M          3M            5M            10 M                20 M   30 M

                                                             Frequency (Hz)

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                              Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                                                      Page 10 of 22                      Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

Conducted emission measured on 120V 60Hz Line1 (from 0.15MHz to 0.5MHz IF 9KHz): quasi-peak
detector (blue trace) with quasi-peak limit (blue line)

Emission measured in dBµV

            Limite FCC Part. 15.107 Classe B (QP)   RBW: 9 kHz, Vertical Max Quasi Peak








    150 k                             200 k            250 k                  300 k         350 k     400 k      450 k     500 k

                                                            Frequency (Hz)

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                    Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                                                      Page 11 of 22                                    Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

Conducted emission measured on 120V 60Hz Line2 (from 0.15MHz to 30MHz IF 9KHz): peak detector
(green trace) and average detector (red trace) with quasi-peak limit (blue line) and average limit (red line)

Emission measured in dBµV

         Limite FCC Part. 15.107 Classe B (AV)        Limite FCC Part. 15.107 Classe B (QP)        RBW: 9 kHz, Vertical Max Average
         RBW: 9 kHz, Vertical Max Peak











 150 k           300 k           500 k600 k      1M                 2M          3M            5M            10 M                20 M     30 M

                                                             Frequency (Hz)

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                              Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                                                      Page 12 of 22                      Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

Conducted emission measured on 120V 60Hz Line2 (from 0.15MHz to 0.5MHz IF 9KHz): quasi-peak
detector (blue trace) with quasi-peak limit (blue line)

Emission measured in dBµV

            Limite FCC Part. 15.107 Classe B (QP)   RBW: 9 kHz, Vertical Max Quasi Peak








    150 k                             200 k            250 k                  300 k         350 k     400 k      450 k     500 k

                                                            Frequency (Hz)

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                    Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                   Page 13 of 22             Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

4.0           Radiated Emissions - Condizioni di prova / Test Conditions
Technician / Tecnico: Loris Fruch
Table No.       TEST: Radiated emission limits                                                          \
Method          FCC Rules: 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B: 2015, section 15.109 (a)                           \
Parameters required prior to the test       Laboratory Ambient Temperature            18 to 28 °C
                                            Relative Humidity                          20 to 90 %
Parameters recorded during the test         Laboratory Ambient Temperature               20 °C
                                            Relative Humidity                            66 %
Supplementary information:
    - EUT operating mode 1 (see par. 2 of this document);
    - The DUT was placed on turn-platform on a dielectric table 0.8m above the ground plane. The turn
      table was rotated from 0° to 360° to determine the position of maximum emission level;
    - Test Requirement:
       • Test setup: ANSI C63.4: 2009-09;
       • Test facility: semi-anechoic chamber for f<1GHz and full anechoic chamber for f>1GHz;
       • Test distance: 3 meters;
       • The receiving antenna, from 30MHz to 1GHz varied from 1m to 4m high to find the highest
           emission and was positioned in both horizontal and vertical polarization. For the measures from
           1GHz to 12.75GHz the antenna height is fixed to 1m (corresponding to the vertical centre of
       • Frequency range: in accordance with section 15.33 b (1) of FCC, as declared by the custom the
           highest frequency generated or used in the device is lower than 2.5GHz, thus the upper
           frequency of measurement range is 12.75GHz;
       • IF bandwidth: 120KHz from 30MHz to 1GHz and 1MHz from 1GHz to 12.75GHz;
       • The measure from 30MHz to 1GHz was made with the bi-log antenna, the measure from 1GHz to
           12.75GHz was made with the wide band horn antenna;
       • Max-hold pre-scan detector: Peak for f<1GHz, Peak and Average for f>1GHz;
       • Limits: Sections 15.109 Table (a) of 47 CFR Part 15;
       • Remarks: as specified at Section 15.35 of 47 CFR Part 15, for frequencies above 1GHz the limit
           on peak radio frequency emissions is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission
           limit applicable to the equipment under test;
    - The measurements with Quasi-Peak detector were performed only for frequencies for which the Peak
       values was ≥ (limit – 4dB);

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                            Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                   Page 14 of 22                 Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

4.1     Apparecchiature utilizzate / Test Equipment Used – Radiated Emissions
 Apparecchiature usate/                                           Costruttore/            Numero di serie/
   Equipment Used                                                 Manufacturer             Serial Number
EMI Receiver MXE            N9038A                            Agilent Technologies    MY51210230
Antenna Bilog               Bilog CBL6111C                    Chase                   2415
Antenna Horn                VT10180DRHA10NK                   Vector Telecom          140763010001
PreAmplificatore RF         HP8447F, OPT H64                  Hewlett/Packard         3113A07568
Band Reject Filter          JXWBLB-T-BR-2400-2483             A-INFOMW                J1084090807001
RF Cable                    S5LL-400                          Spin electronics        01-053-12
RF Cable                    S5LL-900                          Spin electronics        02-053-12
RF Cable                    41.275.000-L03                    CPE Italia Spa          F4538
RF Cable                    41.275.000-L04                    CPE Italia Spa          F4539
Multi-Device Controller     2090                              ETS LINDGREN            81311
Palo d'antenna elettrico    2175                              ETS LINDGREN            136028
SAC3 – DC Filter            N6006                             ETS-Lindgren (ETSL)     202031
Chamber                     -                                 ETS-Lindgren (ETSL)     5207
AC Power Supply             KBT-100-C-109-451                 BEHLMAN                 5896

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Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

4.2     Fotografie del setup / Photo of the test setup – Radiated Emissions

Note: for frequencies from 30MHz to 1GHz the height of receiving antenna was changed from 1m to 4m,
          for frequencies from 1GHz to 12.75GHz the height of receiving antenna was fixed to 1m;

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   Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

   4.3                              Risultati / Results - Radiated Emissions

   The result of the test is: PASS. See the details in the charts/tables of the following paragraphs.

   4.3.1 Tabelle e grafici dei risultati / Tables and graphical representation data –
         Spurious Radiated Emissions

                                                                                         Measures from 30MHz to 1GHz

   Radiated emissions measured from 30MHz to 1GHz: peak detector (green trace) with Q-Peak limit (blue
   line). Vertical polarization.

                                    Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)           RBW: 120 kHz, Vertical Max Peak



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)





                            30 M               50 M                         100 M                        200 M         300 M      500 M               1G

                                                                                             Frequency (Hz)
   Signal list

                                                                                                                       EUT     Antenna
                 Frequency                         Quasi-Peak                 Quasi-Peak Limit
                                                                                                                      Angle     Height       Result
                   [MHz]                            [dBµV/m]                     [dBµV/m]
                                                                                                                        [°]      [mt]
                                138.958                   27.73                            43.50                       268       1.11         Pass
                                519.952                   30.37                            46.00                       216       1.19         Pass
                                779.978                   34.77                            46.00                       360       1.00         Pass

   TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                                             Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

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   Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

   Radiated emissions measured from 30MHz to 1GHz: peak detector (green trace) with Q-Peak limit (blue
   line). Horizontal polarization.

                                    Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)           RBW: 120 kHz, Horizontal Max Peak



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)





                            30 M               50 M                         100 M                        200 M           300 M     500 M               1G

                                                                                             Frequency (Hz)

   Signal list

                                                                                                                         EUT     Antenna
                 Frequency                         Quasi-Peak                 Quasi-Peak Limit
                                                                                                                        Angle     Height      Result
                   [MHz]                            [dBµV/m]                     [dBµV/m]
                                                                                                                          [°]      [mt]
                                374.202                   36.60                            46.00                         324       1.00        Pass
                                377.115                   35.13                            46.00                         340       1.00        Pass
                                779.988                   39.92                            46.00                         298       1.20        Pass

   TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                                              Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

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   Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

                                                                                     Measures from 1GHz to 12.75GHz

   Radiated emissions measured from 1GHz to 12.75GHz: Peak detector (green trace) with Peak limit
   (green line). Vertical polarization.
   Occupied bandwidth 2.4GHz - 2.484GHz it is excluded from the measure.

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Peak



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                            1G                        1.2 G               1.4 G                 1.6 G       1.8 G         2G          2.2 G      2.4 G

                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Peak




Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                 2.484 G                                             4G                          6G                 8G         10 G            12.75 G

                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)

   Signal list

                                                                                                            EUT          Antenna
                  Frequency                          Peak                     Peak Limit
                                                                                                           Angle          Height        Result
                    [GHz]                          [dBµV/m]                   [dBµV/m]
                                                                                                             [°]           [mt]
                              3.062                     65.21                      74.00                    180            1.00           Pass
                             12.594                     69.96                      74.00                    288            1.00           Pass

   TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                                                 Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

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   Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

   Radiated emissions measured from 1GHz to 12.75GHz: Average detector (brown trace) with Average
   limit (red line). Vertical polarization.
   Occupied bandwidth 2.4GHz - 2.484GHz it is excluded from the measure.

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Average



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                            1G                        1.2 G               1.4 G                 1.6 G         1.8 G        2G          2.2 G     2.4 G

                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Vertical Max Average



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                 2.484 G                                             4G                          6G                   8G        10 G            12.75 G

                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)

   TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                                                  Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                                                                              Page 20 of 22                                Report Ref. No. 15-01817

   Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

   Radiated emissions measured from 1GHz to 12.75GHz: Peak detector (green trace) with Peak limit
   (green line). Horizontal polarization.
   Occupied bandwidth 2.4GHz - 2.484GHz it is excluded from the measure.

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Peak



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                            1G                        1.2 G               1.4 G                 1.6 G         1.8 G         2G          2.2 G      2.4 G

                                                                                   Frequency (Hz)

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Peak




Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                 2.484 G                                             4G                          6G                   8G         10 G            12.75 G

                                                                                   Frequency (Hz)

   Signal list

                                                                                                              EUT          Antenna
                  Frequency                          Peak                     Peak Limit
                                                                                                             Angle          Height        Result
                    [GHz]                          [dBµV/m]                   [dBµV/m]
                                                                                                               [°]           [mt]
                              3.062                     64.83                      74.00                       72            1.00           Pass
                             12.654                     70.45                      74.00                      180            1.00           Pass

   TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                                                   Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                                                                                Page 21 of 22                               Report Ref. No. 15-01817

   Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

   Radiated emissions measured from 1GHz to 12.75GHz: Average detector (brown trace) with Average
   limit (red line). Horizontal polarization.
   Occupied bandwidth 2.4GHz - 2.484GHz it is excluded from the measure.

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Average



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                            1G                        1.2 G               1.4 G                 1.6 G           1.8 G        2G          2.2 G     2.4 G

                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)

                                 Limite FCC Part 15 Section 15.109 (a)     RBW: 1 MHz, Horizontal Max Average



Electrical Field (dBµV/m)







                 2.484 G                                             4G                          6G                     8G        10 G            12.75 G

                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)

   TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                                                                                                    Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

                                                   Page 22 of 22          Report Ref. No. 15-01817

Emilab Srl – FCC Reg.N. 933459 Test Firm Type: 2.948 Listed

Allegato 1 / Annex 1: Incertezza / Uncertainty

A.1.1 Radiated Emissions CISPR 16
        From 30MHz to 200MHz using Bi-log antenna
               Field intensity               : +/- 5.5 dB

        From 200MHz to 1000MHz using Bi-log antenna
               Field intensity               : +/- 4.4 dB

        Above 1GHz using Horn antenna
               Field intensity                     : +/- 5.4 dB

A.1.2 Conducted Emissions CISPR 16

        Voltage Method                             : +/- 2.6 dB

TRF No. Emilab MD-23 rev.2                                         Emilab Srl – Amaro (UD) - Italy

Document Created: 2019-10-05 06:59:54
Document Modified: 2019-10-05 06:59:54

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