Test Report - FCC powerline plots


Test Report

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                                 Annex 1: Measurement diagrams to
                                       TEST REPORT
                                      No.: 17-1-0180901T18a

                                                            According to:

                                                        FCC Regulations
                                                          Part 15.207s
                                                          Part 15.247
                                                          Part 15.407


                                                   Datalogic S.r.l.

                                       FALCON X4
                                 Type E00ANM4HS0GF0A4
                                                FCC ID: U4GFX4WB

                                            Laboratory Accreditation and Listings

                                                                                                    Voluntary Controls for
                                                                             Industry Canada     Electromagnetic Emissions
                                                                            Reg. No.: 3462D-1            Reg. No.:
                                                      MRA US-EU 0003        Reg. No.: 3462D-2         R-2666 C-2914,
                                                                            Reg. No.: 3462D-3         T-1967, G-301

                                      accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
                                                    CETECOM GmbH
                               Laboratory Radio Communications & Electromagnetic Compatibility
                                           Im Teelbruch 116 • 45219 Essen • Germany
                                  Registered in Essen, Germany, Reg. No.: HRB Essen 8984
                                Tel.: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-954 • Fax: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-964
                                    E-mail: info@cetecom.com • Internet: www.cetecom.com

                                                                                                                       Page 1 of 10
The test results relate only to the individual items that have been tested. This report shall not be reproduced in parts without the
written approval of the testing laboratory                                         © Copyright: All rights reserved by CETECOM

Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 2 of 10

1. AC POWER LINES CONDUCTED EMISSIONS MEASUREMENTS ..................................................... 3
  1.1. Battery Charging via Docking Station + WLAN 2.4 GHz Intentional Radiators ......................................... 3
  1.2. Battery Charging via Docking Station + WLAN 5 GHz Intentional Radiators ............................................ 5
  1.3. Battery Charging via Docking Station + BT-LE Intentional Radiators ........................................................ 7
  1.4. Battery Charging via Docking Station + BT-BR-EDR Intentional Radiators .............................................. 9


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 3 of 10

1. AC Power Lines Conducted Emissions Measurements
1.1. Battery Charging via Docking Station + WLAN 2.4 GHz Intentional Radiators

    Diagram No.: 1.03- Terminal & Spare Battery Charging + WLAN 2.4 GHz Mode

Common Information
 Test Description:                                 Conducted Voltage Measurement Class B
 Test Site & Location:                             Conducted Emission, CETECOM GmbH Essen
 Test Software:                                    R&S EMC32 v9.15
 Test Specification:                               FCC 15.207 & FCC15.247 Intentional Radiator
 WLAN Operating Mode:                              Continuous TX – WLAN 2.4 GHz g Mode-SISO-B.W. 20 MHz- 12 Mbit –
                                                   Ch 6 (2437 MHz)- PWR+20dBm
 Measured on line:                                 N/L1
 Diagram details:                                  Shows the peak values as a sum of measured ports in maxhold mode
 Environmental Conditions:                         Humidity: 42%rH; Temperature: 20°C
 Operator:                                         TFr
 Comments:                                         FALCON X4 internal & Spare Battery Charging + WLAN2.4 GHz Operating Mode

EUT Information
 Manufacturer:                                     Datalogic S.r.l.
 EUT MODEL:                                        FALCON X4
 EuT Type:                                         E00ANM4HS0GF0A4
 P/N:                                              945550001
 S/N:                                              Z17P02008
 HW Version:                                       BETA
 SW Version:                                       Android 4.4.4
 Firmware Version:                       
 Input:                                            Internal Battery charging
 Battery Type:                                     BT-26 | Li-ion|3.7V DC 5200mAh (2 Cylindrical Cells)

                                                              F u ll S p e c tru m




                                                                                                          Cla s s B V o lta g e Q P
         Level in dBµV

                                                                                                          Cla s s B V o lta g e A V





                         150k   3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M           2M      3M 4M 5M 6         8 10M             20M 30M
                                                                F re q u e n c y in H z


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 4 of 10


               Frequency                   QuasiPeak    CAverage    Limit
                 (MHz)                      (dBµV)       (dBµV)    (dBµV)

               0.181563                        ---       37.19     54.41
               0.181563                      42.75         ---     64.41
               0.283125                        ---       29.18     50.72
               0.283125                      35.35         ---     60.72
               0.318906                        ---       31.76     49.74
               0.318906                      35.64         ---     59.74
               0.404688                        ---       28.41     47.76
               0.404688                      34.35         ---     57.76
               0.473438                        ---       25.93     46.45
               0.473438                      34.88         ---     56.45
               1.489063                        ---       27.46     46.00
               1.489063                      32.88         ---     56.00
               1.765313                      31.34         ---     56.00
               1.765313                        ---       26.45     46.00
               2.016875                      32.20         ---     56.00
               2.016875                        ---       26.73     46.00
               2.314375                      32.85         ---     56.00
               2.314375                        ---       27.83     46.00
               3.077656                      36.89         ---     56.00
               3.077656                        ---       32.26     46.00
               5.411406                        ---       26.70     50.00
               5.411406                      32.85         ---     60.00
               5.884688                      32.06         ---     60.00
               5.884688                        ---       26.53     50.00
               8.523594                      27.21         ---     60.00
               8.523594                        ---       21.32     50.00
               13.160781                       ---       15.48     50.00
               13.160781                     21.32         ---     60.00
               14.891875                       ---       16.52     50.00
               14.891875                     22.30         ---     60.00
               16.598438                       ---       17.82     50.00
               16.598438                     23.40         ---     60.00
               18.968281                       ---       18.99     50.00
               18.968281                     24.51         ---     60.00


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 5 of 10

1.2. Battery Charging via Docking Station + WLAN 5 GHz Intentional Radiators

      Diagram No.: 1.04- Terminal & Spare Battery Charging + WLAN 5 GHz Mode

Common Information
 Test Description:                                 Conducted Voltage Measurement Class B
 Test Site & Location:                             Conducted Emission, CETECOM GmbH Essen
 Test Software:                                    R&S EMC32 v9.15
 Test Specification:                               FCC 15.207 & FCC15.247 Intentional Radiator
 WLAN Operating Mode:                              Continuous TX –WLAN 5GHz n Mode-SISO-B.W. 20 MHz- MCS0 –
                                                   Ch 36 (5180 MHz)- PWR+20dBm
 Measured on line:                                 N/L1
 Diagram details:                                  Shows the peak values as a sum of measured ports in maxhold mode
 Environmental Conditions:                         Humidity: 42%rH; Temperature: 20°C
 Operator:                                         TFr
 Comments:                                         FALCON X4 internal & Spare Battery Charging + WLAN 5 GHz Operating Mode

EUT Information
 Manufacturer:                                     Datalogic S.r.l.
 EUT MODEL:                                        FALCON X4
 EuT Type:                                         E00ANM4HS0GF0A4
 P/N:                                              945550001
 S/N:                                              Z17P02008
 HW Version:                                       BETA
 SW Version:                                       Android 4.4.4
 Firmware Version:                       
 Input:                                            Internal Battery charging
 Battery Type:                                     BT-26 | Li-ion|3.7V DC 5200mAh (2 Cylindrical Cells)

                                                              F u ll S p e c tru m




                                                                                                          Cla s s B V o lta g e Q P
         Level in dBµV

                                                                                                          Cla s s B V o lta g e A V





                         150k   3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M           2M      3M 4M 5M 6         8 10M             20M 30M
                                                                F re q u e n c y in H z


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 6 of 10


               Frequency                     QuasiPeak   CAverage    Limit
                 (MHz)                        (dBµV)      (dBµV)    (dBµV)

               0.155000                          ---      37.22     55.73
               0.155000                         43.11       ---     65.73
               0.257969                         34.40       ---     61.50
               0.257969                          ---      28.71     51.50
               0.362344                          ---      28.69     48.67
               0.362344                         34.06       ---     58.67
               0.451094                         33.20       ---     56.85
               0.451094                          ---      27.80     46.85
               0.536406                         33.35       ---     56.00
               0.536406                          ---      27.98     46.00
               0.738438                          ---      28.45     46.00
               0.738438                         33.61       ---     56.00
               1.140781                          ---      27.89     46.00
               1.140781                         32.97       ---     56.00
               1.535938                          ---      28.15     46.00
               1.535938                         33.20       ---     56.00
               3.376875                          ---      30.70     46.00
               3.376875                         36.06       ---     56.00
               4.050469                         32.24       ---     56.00
               4.050469                          ---      26.77     46.00
               4.640313                         29.11       ---     56.00
               4.640313                          ---      23.97     46.00
               5.594375                         33.29       ---     60.00
               5.594375                          ---      27.67     50.00
               7.680469                         24.94       ---     60.00
               7.680469                          ---      19.21     50.00
               8.673125                          ---      21.73     50.00
               8.673125                         27.14       ---     60.00
               10.693906                         ---      17.93     50.00
               10.693906                        23.68       ---     60.00
               13.020781                        20.35       ---     60.00
               13.020781                         ---      14.88     50.00
               18.122344                         ---      21.96     50.00
               18.122344                        27.68       ---     60.00


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 7 of 10

1.3. Battery Charging via Docking Station + BT-LE Intentional Radiators

                   Diagram No.: 1.05- Terminal & Spare Battery Charging + BT-LE Mode

Common Information
 Test Description:                                 Conducted Voltage Measurement Class B
 Test Site & Location:                             Conducted Emission, CETECOM GmbH Essen
 Test Software:                                    R&S EMC32 v9.15
 Test Specification:                               FCC 15.207 & FCC15.247 Intentional Radiator
 BT-LE Operating Mode:                             Continuous TX – BT-LE Mode-SISO-B.W. 1 MHz- GFSK-1Mbps –
                                                   Ch 19 (2440 MHz)- PWR+7dBm
 Measured on line:                                 N/L1
 Diagram details:                                  Shows the peak values as a sum of measured ports in maxhold mode
 Environmental Conditions:                         Humidity: 42%rH; Temperature: 20°C
 Operator:                                         TFr
 Comments:                                         FALCON X4 internal & Spare Battery Charging + BT-LE Operating Mode

EUT Information
 Manufacturer:                                     Datalogic S.r.l.
 EUT MODEL:                                        FALCON X4
 EuT Type:                                         E00ANM4HS0GF0A4
 P/N:                                              945550001
 S/N:                                              Z17P02008
 HW Version:                                       BETA
 SW Version:                                       Android 4.4.4
 Firmware Version:                       
 Input:                                            Internal Battery charging
 Battery Type:                                     BT-26 | Li-ion|3.7V DC 5200mAh (2 Cylindrical Cells)

                                                              F u ll S p e c tru m




                                                                                                      Cla s s B V o lta g e Q P
         Level in dBµV

                                                                                                          Cla s s B V o lta g e A V





                         150k   3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M           2M      3M 4M 5M 6        8 10M              20M 30M
                                                                F re q u e n c y in H z


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 8 of 10


               Frequency                   QuasiPeak    CAverage    Limit
                 (MHz)                      (dBµV)       (dBµV)    (dBµV)

               0.155000                       ---        41.76     55.73
               0.155000                      49.78         ---     65.73
               0.208906                       ---        32.95     53.25
               0.208906                      41.24         ---     63.25
               0.267500                       ---        30.31     51.20
               0.267500                      40.01         ---     61.20
               0.307656                       ---        31.29     50.03
               0.307656                      40.17         ---     60.03
               0.365156                      40.34         ---     58.61
               0.365156                       ---        35.99     48.61
               0.469375                       ---        36.19     46.52
               0.469375                      41.74         ---     56.52
               0.474531                      42.23         ---     56.43
               0.474531                       ---        37.61     46.43
               0.544219                      34.22         ---     56.00
               0.544219                       ---        14.45     46.00
               0.761406                      35.45         ---     56.00
               0.761406                       ---        26.37     46.00
               0.952188                       ---        25.11     46.00
               0.952188                      35.15         ---     56.00
               1.130781                       ---        24.78     46.00
               1.130781                      34.52         ---     56.00
               3.407031                      36.54         ---     56.00
               3.407031                       ---        31.43     46.00
               6.034219                      34.97         ---     60.00
               6.034219                       ---        28.63     50.00


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 9 of 10

1.4. Battery Charging via Docking Station + BT-BR-EDR Intentional Radiators

       Diagram No.: 1.06- Terminal & Spare Battery Charging + BT-BR-EDR Mode

Common Information
 Test Description:                                 Conducted Voltage Measurement Class B
 Test Site & Location:                             Conducted Emission, CETECOM GmbH Essen
 Test Software:                                    R&S EMC32 v9.15
 Test Specification:                               FCC 15.207 & FCC15.247 Intentional Radiator
 BT-BR-EDR Operating Mode:                         Continuous TX – BT-BR Mode-SISO-B.W. 1 MHz- GFSK-1Mbps –
                                                   Ch 39 (2441 MHz)- PWR+7dBm
 Measured on line:                                 N/L1
 Diagram details:                                  Shows the peak values as a sum of measured ports in maxhold mode
 Environmental Conditions:                         Humidity: 42%rH; Temperature: 20°C
 Operator:                                         TFr
 Comments:                                         FALCON X4 internal & Spare Battery Charging + BT-BR-EDR Operating Mode

EUT Information
 Manufacturer:                                     Datalogic S.r.l.
 EUT MODEL:                                        FALCON X4
 EuT Type:                                         E00ANM4HS0GF0A4
 P/N:                                              945550001
 S/N:                                              Z17P02008
 HW Version:                                       BETA
 SW Version:                                       Android 4.4.4
 Firmware Version:                       
 Input:                                            Internal Battery charging
 Battery Type:                                     BT-26 | Li-ion|3.7V DC 5200mAh (2 Cylindrical Cells)

                                                              F u ll S p e c tru m




                                                                                                      Cla s s B V o lta g e Q P
         Level in dBµV

                                                                                                          Cla s s B V o lta g e A V





                         150k   3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M           2M      3M 4M 5M 6        8 10M              20M 30M
                                                                F re q u e n c y in H z


Annex 1 to Test Report 17-1-0180901T18a, Page 10 of 10


               Frequency                    QuasiPeak    CAverage    Limit
                 (MHz)                       (dBµV)       (dBµV)    (dBµV)

               0.150000                        ---        39.02     56.00
               0.150000                       45.26         ---     66.00
               0.203281                        ---        20.32     53.48
               0.203281                       32.24         ---     63.48
               0.285938                        ---        35.74     50.64
               0.285938                       41.36         ---     60.64
               0.288594                        ---        38.52     50.56
               0.288594                       41.53         ---     60.56
               0.380156                        ---        29.20     48.28
               0.380156                       38.63         ---     58.28
               0.476719                       40.85         ---     56.40
               0.476719                        ---        30.45     46.40
               0.543125                        ---        31.17     46.00
               0.543125                       38.39         ---     56.00
               0.660781                        ---        14.88     46.00
               0.660781                       27.98         ---     56.00
               0.723281                        ---        29.00     46.00
               0.723281                       35.66         ---     56.00
               0.786406                        ---        25.62     46.00
               0.786406                       34.52         ---     56.00
               0.965469                        ---        25.93     46.00
               0.965469                       34.79         ---     56.00
               1.160781                        ---        26.87     46.00
               1.160781                       34.40         ---     56.00
               1.355625                       34.54         ---     56.00
               1.355625                        ---        27.59     46.00
               2.339375                        ---        29.35     46.00
               2.339375                       35.45         ---     56.00
               3.387500                       35.49         ---     56.00
               3.387500                        ---        30.32     46.00
               5.824375                       35.66         ---     60.00
               5.824375                        ---        30.51     50.00
               19.074844                       ---        20.25     50.00
               19.074844                      25.49         ---     60.00


Document Created: 2018-01-24 11:34:19
Document Modified: 2018-01-24 11:34:19

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