end user license agreement


Users Manual

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  END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT                                       1.4 Portions of the Datalogic Product are protected by the
                                                                       relevant and applicable patent and copyright laws,
                                                                                                                                    4. Limited Warranty
                                                                                                                                       Datalogic warrants that, under normal use and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   7. Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                      End User may request support for Software from
NOTICE TO END USER: BY DOWNLOADING OR INSTALLING THE                   international treaty provisions, and other applicable           operation, the Software will conform substantially to          Datalogic at Datalogic’s standard support fees and under
SOFTWARE, OR BY USING THE DATALOGIC PRODUCT THAT                       laws. Therefore, End User must treat the Datalogic              the applicable Datalogic Product documentation for the         Datalogic’s standard support terms and conditions in
INCLUDES THIS SOFTWARE, THE END USER CONSENTS TO BE                    Product like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book       period specified in the same, provided that the Software       effect at the time the support is requested.
BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT. IF THE END USER DOES NOT AGREE                or musical recording) except that End User may make             is used with the Datalogic Product. Datalogic’s entire      8. Government Restricted Rights; International Use
WITH ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, THEN DATALOGIC                one copy of the Software solely for back-up purposes.           liability and End User’s sole and exclusive remedy for
IS NOT WILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE AND THE END USER                Unauthorized duplication of the Software constitutes            any breach of the foregoing limited warranty will be,       8.1 Use, duplication, or disclosure of the Software by the U.S.
IS NOT ALLOWED TO DOWNLOAD, INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE                copyright infringement.                                         at Datalogic’s option, the provision of a downloadable          Government is subject to the restrictions for computer
OR THE DATALOGIC PRODUCT                                                                                                               patch or replacement software.                                  software developed at private expense as set forth in
                                                                   1.5 Any use of the Software outside of the conditions set
                                                                                                                                       Datalogic does not warrant (i) that Software will               the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulations at FAR 52.227-
This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is between                    forth herein is strictly prohibited and will be deemed
                                                                                                                                       meet End User’s requirements; (ii) that Software will           14(g), or 52.227-19 or in the Rights in Technical Data and
Datalogic IP Tech S.r.l. having its registered office at Via           a breach of this Agreement resulting in immediate
                                                                                                                                       be uninterrupted or defect error free; (iii) any non            Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)
San Vitalino 13, 40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna), Italy              termination of this Agreement. In the event of a breach
                                                                                                                                       conformity derived from unauthorized use, and/or                (ii), whichever is applicable.
(“Datalogic”), and you, either an individual or a single entity,       of this Agreement, Datalogic will be entitled to all
                                                                       available remedies at law or in equity (including but not       improper installation or repair not in compliance with      8.2 If End User is using the Datalogic Product outside
(“End User or “You””) who has purchased one or more Memor
                                                                       limiting to immediate termination of the license without        Datalogic                                                       of the United States, End User must comply with
10 (“Datalogic Product”) subject to the terms and conditions
                                                                       notice, immediate injunctive relief and repossession of         Product documentation. End User agrees that the                 the applicable local laws of the country in which the
provided in any relevant purchase or sale contract. This EULA
                                                                       all Datalogic Products).                                        existence of such non conformities or errors and                Datalogic Product is used and with U.S. export control
applies to the software contained in the Datalogic Product
                                                                                                                                       Datalogic’s inability to remedy such errors shall not           laws,. Without prejudice of the foregoing, the End User
(“Embedded Software”) and to any other software, to the            1.6 Without prejudice of the foregoing, End User grants
                                                                                                                                       constitute a breach of this Agreement.                          agrees to not export or re-export the Software, any
extent applicable, offered as optional application software            to Datalogic and its independent accountants or
                                                                                                                                       EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE                       part thereof, or any process or service that is the direct
(“Application Software” that together with “Embedded                   consultants the right to examine End User’s books,
                                                                                                                                       DATALOGIC PRODUCT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND                       product of the Software to any country, person or entity
Software” is herein referred to as “Software”).                        records and accounts during End User’s normal business
                                                                                                                                       DATALOGIC MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND,                      subject to U.S. export restrictions. End User specifically
1. Grant of License                                                    hours to verify compliance with this Agreement. In the
                                                                                                                                       EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, WITH                       agrees not to export or re-export any of the Software:
                                                                       event such audit discloses non-compliance with this
1.1 Datalogic grants to End User, a personal, non-exclusive,                                                                           RESPECT TO THE DATALOGIC PRODUCT OR SOFTWARE,                   (i) to any country to which the U.S. has embargoed or
                                                                       Agreement, Datalogic shall be entitled to immediately
    non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited                                                                            AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED                          restricted the export of goods or services or to any
                                                                       terminate the Agreement, request End User to promptly
    license to use the Software, solely on the Datalogic                                                                               WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR                   national of any such country, wherever located, who
                                                                       pay all (additional) license fees due and any further
    Product in which it is embedded or for which it is                                                                                 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                           intends to transmit or transport the Software back
                                                                       damages, if any.
    intended for use, in machine-readable form only, solely                                                                                                                                            to such country; (ii) to any person or entity who you
                                                                                                                                    5. Limitation of Liability
    for End User’s internal business purposes.                     2. License Fee                                                                                                                      know or have reason to know will utilize the Software
                                                                                                                                       EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER                   in the design, development or production of nuclear,
1.2 End Users shall not distribute, sublicense, rent, loan,           License fees shall be due by End User to Datalogic
                                                                                                                                       DATALOGIC NOR ITS LICENSORS SHALL BE LIABLE                     chemical or biological weapons; or (iii) to any person or
    lease, assign, export, re-export, resell, ship or divert or       according to the terms provided for in the relevant
                                                                                                                                       FOR ANY CLAIMS AGAINST END USER BY ANY OTHER                    entity who has been prohibited from participating in
    cause to be exported, re-exported, resold, shipped or             contract for the purchase of the Datalogic Product.
                                                                                                                                       PARTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL DATALOGIC’S LIABILITY FOR              U.S. export transactions by any federal agency of the
    diverted, directly or indirectly, the Software under this      3. Termination                                                      DAMAGES, IF ANY, WHETHER BASED UPON CONTRACT,
    Agreement. End User shall not, and shall not permit                                                                                                                                                U.S. government. End User warrants and represents
                                                                      Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies                TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY,                 that neither the U.S. Commerce Department, Bureau of
    others to: (i) modify, translate, decompile, reverse              Datalogic may have, Datalogic may terminate this                 STRICT LIABILITY, WARRANTY, OR ANY OTHER BASIS,
    engineer, disassemble, or extract the inner workings of                                                                                                                                            Export Administration nor any other U.S. federal agency
                                                                      Agreement if End User fails to comply with the terms             EXCEED THE PRICE OR FEE PAID BY END USER FOR                    has suspended, revoked or denied its export privileges.
    the Software, (ii) copy the functionality of the Datalogic        and conditions of this Agreement. Datalogic may                  THE DATALOGIC PRODUCT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES
    Products; (iii) remove any proprietary notices, marks,            terminate this Agreement by offering you a superseding           SHALL DATALOGIC OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE TO END           9. Third Party Software
    labels, or logos from the Datalogic Products; (iv) rent or        Agreement for the Software or any replacement or                 USER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR LOST PROFITS, LOST                 The Datalogic Product may contain one or more items of
    transfer all or some of the Software to any other party           modified version of or upgrade to the Software and               DATA, INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS OR SERVICE, OR FOR              third party software which use is governed by separate
    without Datalogic’s prior written consent.                        conditioning your continued use of the Software or               ANY OTHER SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, CONTINGENT,                  third party license, unless otherwise stated.
1.3 Title to the licensed Software shall be and remain with           such replacement, modified or upgraded version on                INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR               10. Notices
    Datalogic or the third party from whom Datalogic has              your acceptance of such superseding Agreement. In                OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES, EVEN IF DATALOGIC OR ITS
                                                                                                                                                                                                       All notices required or authorized under this Agreement
    obtained a license right. This Agreement does not grant           addition, either party may terminate this Agreement              LICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                       shall be given in writing, and shall be effective when
    to End User any intellectual property rights. As used in          at any time. Subject to the foregoing, termination shall         OF SUCH DAMAGES. END USER MUST BRING ANY
                                                                                                                                                                                                       received, with evidence of receipt. Notices to Datalogic
    this Agreement the term “purchase” or its equivalent              be effective upon notice to the other party. In the event        ACTION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN 12 (TWELVE)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       shall be sent to the attention of Datalogic IP Tech S.r.l.,
    when applied to the Software shall mean “acquire under            that this Agreement terminates for any reason, End               MONTHS AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION ARISES.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Legal & IP Department, Via San Vitalino 13, 40012
    license”.                                                         User’s license to use the Software will immediately           6. Indemnification                                                 Calderara di Reno (Bologna), Italy, or such other address
                                                                      terminate, and End User must immediately stop using
                                                                                                                                       To the maximum extent permitted by law, End User                as may be specified by Datalogic in writing.
                                                                      the Software, destroy all copies of the Software and all
                                                                                                                                       agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless
                                                                      of its component parts, and, upon request, provide an
                                                                                                                                       Datalogic, its affiliates and their respective directors,
                                                                      affidavit certifying your compliance with the foregoing.
                                                                                                                                       officers, employees and agents from and against any and
                                                                      The provisions of Sub-sections 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 4, 5, 6,
                                                                                                                                       all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any
                                                                      8, and 11 shall survive termination of this Agreement.
                                                                                                                                       and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses
                                                                                                                                       (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or
                                                                                                                                       accruing from or related to Licensee’s failure to comply
                                                                                                                                       with the terms of this Agreement, including but not
                                                                                                                                       limited to (1) non compliance with any applicable laws
                                                                                                                                       or regulations with Datalogic product documentation, (2)
                                                                                                                                       unauthorized use or disclosure of Software, and (3) use
                                                                                                                                       of Software in combination with software, hardware,
             852001360 (Rev. A) October 2018                                                                                           systems, or other items not provided by Datalogic.

11. General Provisions.                                                 For Asia- Pacific Countries:
11.1 Entire Agreement; Amendment. This document contains                The validity, interpretation and construction of the
    the entire agreement between the parties relating to                Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
    use of the Datalogic Products and the licensing of the              accordance with Laws of the Republic of Singapore.
    Software and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous                Parties expressly disclaim the application of the United
    agreements, written or oral, between the parties                    Nations Convention for International Sale of Goods.
    concerning the use of the Datalogic Products and licensing          Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this
    of the Software. This Agreement may not be changed,                 contract, including any question regarding its existence,
    amended, or modified except by written document signed              validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally
    by Datalogic.                                                       resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore
                                                                        International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance
11.2 Waiver. A party’s failure to enforce any of the terms and
                                                                        with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International
    conditions of this Agreement shall not prevent the party’s
                                                                        Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in
    later enforcement of such terms and conditions.
                                                                        force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by
11.3 Governing Law; Venue: End User agrees to the                       reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall
    application of the laws of the country in which End User            be Singapore.
    obtained the license to govern, interpret, and enforce all          The number of arbitrators will be three, with each side
    of End User’s and Datalogic’s respective rights, duties,            to the dispute being entitled to appoint one arbitrator.
    and obligations arising from, or relating in any manner to,         The two arbitrators appointed by the parties will appoint
    the subject matter of this Agreement, without regard to             a third arbitrator who will act as chairman of the
    conflict of law principles. The United Nations Convention           proceedings. Vacancies in the post of chairman will be
    on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not           filled by the president of the SIAC. Other vacancies will be
    apply.                                                              filled by the respective nominating party. Proceedings will
    All rights, duties, and obligations are subject to the courts       continue from the stage they were at when the vacancy
    of the country in which End User obtained the license.              occurred.
    For licenses granted by Licensee who operates in the                 If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint
    countries specified below, the following terms applies.             an arbitrator within 30 days of the date the other party
    For Americas:                                                       appoints its, the first appointed arbitrator will be the sole
    This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of              arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly and
    Oregon. This Agreement and the rights of the parties                properly appointed. All proceedings will be conducted,
    hereunder shall be governed by and construed in                     including all documents presented in such proceedings,
    accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon U.S.A,              in the English language. The English language version
    without regard to the rules governing conflicts of law. The         of these terms and conditions prevails over any other
    state or federal courts of the State of Oregon located in           language version.
    either Multnomah or Lane counties shall have exclusive          11.4 Attorneys’ Fees. In the event an action is brought to
    jurisdiction over all matters regarding this Agreement,             enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the
    except that Datalogic shall have the right, at its absolute         prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’
    discretion, to initiate proceedings in the courts of any            fees, both at trial and on appeal.
    other state, country, or territory in which End User
    resides, or in which any of End User’s assets are located.                               - END -
    In the event an action is brought to enforce the terms and
    conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be
    entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, both at trial and on
    For Europe, Middle East and Africa:
    This Agreement is governed by the laws of Italy. This
    Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder
    shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
    the laws of Italy, without regard to the rules governing
    conflicts of law. Italian Court of Bologna shall have
    exclusive jurisdiction over all matters regarding this
    Agreement, except that Datalogic shall have the right,
    at its absolute discretion, to initiate proceedings in the
    courts of any other state, country, or territory in which
    End User resides, or in which any of End User’s assets are
    located. In the event an action is brought to enforce the
    terms and conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing
    party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, both
    at trial and on appeal.

Document Created: 2018-10-16 16:19:29
Document Modified: 2018-10-16 16:19:29

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