EMF Report 2


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                                              EMF Evaluation Report

       Date of Report       3/04/2019                            Client’s Contact
       Number of            9                                    person:                Joaquin Gomez Serrano
                                                                 Responsible Test
                                                                                        Juho Tuohino

       Testing              Verkotan Oy                          Client:                Datalogic S.r.l.
                            Elektroniikkatie 17                                         Via San Vitalino, 13
                            90590 Oulu                                                  40012 Lippo di Calderara di Reno
                            Finland                                                     Italy

       Tested device        WLC4090 (BK-BT)

       Related reports:     -

       Testing has been     680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging App v03
       carried out in       Rf exposure considerations for low power consumer
       accordance with:     wireless power transfer applications

       Documentation:       The test report must always be reproduced in full; reproduction of an excerpt only is subject
                            to written approval of the testing laboratory

       Test Results:        The EUT complies with the requirements in respect of all parameters subject to the
                            The test results relate only to devices specified in this document

       Date and                                                          03.04.2019
                                                                              Digitally signed
                                                                              by Miia Nurkkala
                                                          Miia Nurkkala       Date: 2019.04.03
                                                                              10:17:54 +03'00'

                                                                     Laboratory Manager

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                      Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx


      1.       SUMMARY OF EMF TEST REPORT ............................................................................................................... 3
           1.1     TEST DETAILS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
           1.2     MAXIMUM RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
              1.2.1 KDB 680106 D01................................................................................................................................................................ 3
      2.       DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVICE UNDER TEST (DUT) ................................................................................... 4
           2.1           TECHNICAL DATA OF THE DUT ........................................................................................................................................ 4
      3.       TEST EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 5
           3.1     TEST SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
              3.1.1 KDB 680106 D01................................................................................................................................................................ 5
           3.2     LIMITS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
           3.3     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................... 7
      4.       TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................. 8
           4.1           ELECTRIC FIELD RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................... 8
           4.2           MAGNETIC FIELD RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................. 9

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                                                                      Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx


      1.1 Test Details

      Equipment under Test (EUT):

                       Product:                         WLC4090
                       Manufacturer:                    Datalogic
                       Serial Number:                   Z18P01595
                       FCC ID                            U4FWRLCHR
                       Type:                            BK-BT
                       DUT Number:                      22821
                       State of the Sample              Production sample

      Testing information:
                       Testing performed:               12.10.2018
                       Document ID:                     FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx
                       Measurement performed by:        Juho Tuohino

      1.2 Maximum Results

      1.2.1 KDB 680106 D01

      The maximum reported electric field and magnetic field strength values are shown in tables below. The
      device conforms to the requirements of the standards when the maximum measurement value is less than
      the MPE limit.

                    Test                    to EUT*    MPE Limits           Measured value          Result
          Electric field strength         15            614 V/m                0.93 V/m             PASS
         Magnetic field strength          15            1.63 A/m               0.48 A/m             PASS
      *measured from the center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device

                                                       Distance      MPE Limits-     Measured
                Test                                   to EUT*                                        Result
                                        location                        50%               value
          Magnetic field               sides               15        0.815 A/m        0.34 A/m        PASS
          Magnetic field           surrounding
                                        top                20        0.815 A/m        0.20 A/m        PASS
             strengthfrom the center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device
      *FCC measured

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                    Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx


      The DUT is a cradle for a bar code reader with a wireless charging capability. It can be powered via host
      communication port or aux power port.

                  Device Category                                        Mobile
                  Exposure Environment                                   Uncontrolled

      2.1 Technical data of the DUT

                            Operating Frequency                      120-200 kHz

                               Antenna Type                Inductive loop coil antenna

                               Power Supply                   AC 230 V / DC 5V usb

                      Maximum Nominal Power                              5W

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                      Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx


         Test Equipment            Model            Serial Number        Calibration Date

       E and H field meter    Narda EHP-200AC        170WX80310              19.3.2018

      3.1 Test setup

      3.1.1 KDB 680106 D01

      E- and H-field was measured from all sides and top of the DUT. The separation distance reported is
      measured from the center of the probe to the edge of the device. Photos of the test setup are shown in
      appendix A.

      Figure 1 The top view of the test setup.

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                    Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx

      3.2 Limits

      Limints for MPE

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018     Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx

        3.3 Measurement uncertainty

Magnetic field                         30kHz-30MHz
Quantity                                Relative standard    Probability    Sensitivity   Degrees of    Relative uncertainty
                                        uncertainty in (%)   distribution   coefficient    freedom          contribution
Uncertainty of the calibration of              3.9             normal           1          infinite            0.039
the sensor
Uncertainty of the frequency                   2.7           rectangular        1          infinite            0.027
response of the sensor
Uncertainty of the non-linearity               3.4           rectangular        1          infinite            0.034
Uncertainty of the anisotropy                  4.5           rectangular        1          infinite            0.045
Uncertainty of the resolution of the            1            rectangular        1          infinite            0.01
measurement system
Uncertainty of the temperature                 2.3           rectangular        1          infinite            0.023
Uncertainty of the repeatability of             2              normal           1             4                0.02
the measurements
Combined standard uncertainty                                  normal                      infinite            0.08
Expanded uncertainty (k=2)                                                                                     16 %

Electric field                            9kHz-27MHz
Quantity                                Relative standard    Probability    Sensitivity   Degrees of    Relative uncertainty
                                        uncertainty in (%)   distribution   coefficient    freedom          contribution
Uncertainty of the calibration of              3.9             normal           1          infinite            0.039
the sensor
Uncertainty of the frequency                   1.7           rectangular        1          infinite            0.017
response of the sensor
Uncertainty of the non-linearity               2.7           rectangular        1          infinite            0.027
Uncertainty of the anisotropy                  4.1           rectangular        1          infinite            0.041
Uncertainty of the resolution of the           1.9           rectangular        1          infinite            0.019
measurement system
Uncertainty of the temperature                 2.3           rectangular        1          infinite            0.023
Uncertainty of the repeatability of             2              normal           1             4                0.02
the measurements
Combined standard uncertainty                                  normal                      infinite            0.074
Expanded uncertainty (k=2)                                                                                    14.8 %

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                        Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx


                            Test description                                         Findings

       A frequency span from 3 kHz to 30 MHz was               No spurious above -20 dBc was identified.
       scanned to check for spurious.
       Occupied Band Width check.                              OBW was measured and found to be less than

                                                               RBW set to 1 kHz, Span 20 kHz.

       All sides and top of DUT were scanned.                  Maximum emissions from top side of loop
                                                               (Appendix A: Photos of DUT)

       E- and H-field measurement was performed with           Results in the table below.
       increased monitoring period.

      4.1 Electric Field Results

                                               Separation                                 Battery
                            Measurement                      Measured E-        Power     charge
                             direction                       Field [V/m]        supply    status
                                 Top               15           Peak 0.75       AC 230V      ~90%
                                 Top               15           Peak 0.77       AC 230V      ~50%
                                                            Peak 0.93 / 6 min
                                 Top               15                           AC 230V
                                                                Avg 0.56
                                 Top               15           Peak 0.82       DC 5V
                                Side 1             15           Peak 0.69       AC 230V      ~1%
                                Side 2             15           Peak 0.79       AC 230V
                                Side 3             15           Peak 0.66       AC 230V
                                Side 4             15           Peak 0.64       AC 230V
                     *measured from the center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                      Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx

      4.2 Magnetic Field Results

                                           Separation                         Power     Charge
                            Measurement                    Measured H-        supply
                                            distance*                                   status
                             direction                     Field [A/m]
                                Top            15             Peak 0.42       AC 230V      ~90%
                                Top            15             Peak 0.46       AC 230V      ~50%
                                                          Peak 0.48 / 6 min   AC 230V
                                Top            15
                                                             Avg 0.41
                                                           Peak 0.20/6 min    AC 230V
                                Top            20
                                                              Avg 0.19
                                Top            15             Peak 0.40       DC 5V        ~1%
                               Side 1          15             Peak 0.34       AC 230V
                               Side 2          15             Peak 0.13       AC 230V
                               Side 3          15             Peak 0.09       AC 230V
                               Side 4          15             Peak 0.12       AC 230V
                     *measured from the center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device

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Copyright © Verkotan 2018                                    Document ID: FCC_EMF_Report_BK-BT_ID3121_03042019.docx

Document Created: 2019-04-03 10:17:54
Document Modified: 2019-04-03 10:17:54

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