Test Report

FCC ID: U4F0015

Test Report

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                                 TEST REPORT
                           RFI GLOBAL SERVICES LTD
                 Test of: PowerScan M8500 Family Bar Code Reader and Base Station

                          To: FCC Part 15.107 and 15.109: 2008 Subpart C,
                     RSS-210 Issue 7 June 2007 and RSS-GEN Issue 2 June 2007

                                         Test Report Serial No:
                                  Supersedes Test Report Serial No:

This Test Report Is Issued Under The Authority
Of Brian Watson, Operations Director:


Checked By:                                             Nigel Davison


Date of Issue:                                          12 June 2009

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TEST REPORT                                    SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                       ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

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TEST REPORT                                                                                 SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

Table of Contents
1. Customer Information ..................................................................................................................4
2. Summary of Testing .....................................................................................................................5
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) .......................................................................................................6
4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing ...............................................................7
5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results ..................................................................8
6. Measurement Uncertainty ..........................................................................................................15
Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used................................................................................................16

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TEST REPORT                                        SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                           ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

1. Customer Information
Company Name:     Datalogic Scanning Group S.r.l
Address:          13 Via San Vitalino
                  Calderara di Reno

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TEST REPORT                                                                   SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                                       ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

2. Summary of Testing
2.1. General Information
Specification Reference:           47CFR15.107 and 47CFR15.109
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2008:
                                   Part 15 Subpart B (Radio Frequency Devices) - Sections 15.107 and 15.109
Specification Reference:           RSS-210 Issue 7 June 2007
Specification Title:               Low-power Licence-exempt Radio communication Devices
                                   (All Frequency Bands): Category I Equipment.
Specification Reference:           RSS-GEN Issue 2 June 2007
Specification Title:               General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio
                                   communication Equipment
Site Registration:                 FCC: 209735
                                   Industry Canada: 3245B-2
Location of Testing:               RFI Global Services Ltd, Wade Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH.
Test Dates:                        05-06-2009

2.2. Summary of Test Results
FCC Reference              IC Reference         Measurement                          Port Type             Result
(47CFR)                    RSS-Gen
                                                Idle Mode
15.107(a)                  7.2.2                                                     AC Mains
                                                AC Conducted Emissions
                                                Receiver/Idle Mode
15.109                     4.10, 6.0                                                 Antenna
                                                Radiated Spurious Emissions
Key to Results

   = Complied             = Did not comply

2.3. Methods and Procedures
Reference:                         ANSI C63.4 (2003)
Title:                             American National Standard Methods of Measurement of Electromagnetic
                                   Emissions from Low Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range
                                   of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification

For the measurements contained within this test report, there were no deviations from, additions to,
or exclusions from the test specification identified above.

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                           ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Description:                           Bar Code Reader
Brand Name:                            Datalogic Scanning Inc.
Product Name:                          PowerScan M8500
Model Name or Number:                  PowerScan M8500 910 RB
Serial Number:                         E09P00005
FCC ID Number:                         U4F0015
Industry Canada:                       3862D-003

Description:                           Base Station
Brand Name:                            Datalogic Scanning Inc.
Model Name or Number:                  BC-8030-910
Serial Number:                         E09A55006
FCC ID Number:                         U4F0015
Industry Canada:                       3862D-003

Description:                           AC Adaptor
Brand Name:                            DVE
Model Name or Number:                  DV-1212A
Serial Number:                         None Stated

3.2. Description of EUT

The equipment under test was a handheld bar code scanner and base station operating at 910 MHz.

3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT

No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing
Tested Technology:                    Short Range Device
Power Supply Requirement:             Nominal     120 VAC 60 Hz
Type of Unit:                         Base station and Portable Unit
Mode:                                 Idle Mode Only

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TEST REPORT                                                      SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing
4.1. Operating Modes

The EUT was tested in the following operating mode(s):
    •    Idle Mode

4.2. Configuration and Peripherals

The EUT was tested in the following configuration(s):
    •    The handheld scanner was connected to the base station and was charging the internal
         battery. The base station was connected to the 120 VAC 60 Hz mains supply.

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TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                           ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results
5.1. General Comments
Measurement uncertainties are evaluated in accordance with current best practice. Our reported
expanded uncertainties are based on standard uncertainties, which are multiplied by an
appropriate coverage factor to provide a statistical confidence level of approximately 95%. Please
refer to Section 6. Measurement Uncertainty for details.

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                               ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

5.2. Test Results

5.3. Idle Mode AC Conducted Spurious Emissions
Test Summary:

FCC Part:                                     15.107(a)
Test Method Used:                             As detailed in ANSI C63.4 Section 7 and relevant annexes

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature Range (°C):                       22
Relative Humidity Range (%):                  34

Results: Quasi Peak Detector Measurements

  Frequency                Line     Quasi Peak             Limit           Margin            Result
    (MHz)                             Level               (dBµV)            (dB)
    0.181500              Live1        50.1                64.4              14.3           Complied
    0.186000              Neutral      50.2                64.2              14.0           Complied
    0.591000              Live1        31.0                56.0              25.0           Complied
    0.631500              Live1        28.4                56.0              27.6           Complied
    0.762000              Live1        28.7                56.0              27.3           Complied
    0.784500              Live1        28.6                56.0              27.4           Complied
    0.906000              Neutral      29.9                56.0              26.1           Complied
    0.924000              Neutral      29.5                56.0              26.5           Complied

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                                                                                      SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                                                                                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

Idle Mode AC Conducted Spurious Emissions (continued)

                                                                               FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage with 2-Line-LISN scans





                                                                                                                                    FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains QP


                                                                                                                                     FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains AV

                                         Level in dBµV









                                                          150k   300   400   500        800   1M                2M        3M        4M   5M    6      8   10M              20M   30M
                                                                                                        Frequency in Hz

Note: This plot is a pre-scan and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying table.

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TEST REPORT                                                             SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

5.4. Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions
Test Summary:

FCC Part:                                       15.109
Test Method Used:                               As detailed in ANSI C63.4 Section 8 and relevant annexes
Frequency Range:                                30 MHz to 1000 MHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature Range (°C):                         25
Relative Humidity Range (%):                    30


  Frequency               Antenna       Level               Limit            Margin            Result
    (MHz)                 Polarity    (dBµV/m)            (dBµV/m)            (dB)
    968.092               Vertical       29.8                54.0              24.2           Complied


1. All emissions on the pre-scan plots were investigated and found to be ambient. A background scan of
   the site was performed to verify this. The highest level of the noise floor was recorded.
2. Measurements were made with the test system antenna in the horizontal and vertical polarisations and
   the highest level recorded in the above table.

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                  SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                                                                               ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)
                                                        Marker 1 [T1]             RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      0 dB
                                         Ref Lvl                  33.62 dBÌ V     VBW   300 kHz
                                          70 dBÌ V           51.38276553 MHz      SWT   300 ms      Unit         dBÌ V
                                                                                           1 [T1]          33.62 dBÌ V
                                                                                                     51.38276553 MHz
                                                                                           2 [T1]          36.79 dBÌ V
                                                                                                    459.59919840 MHz
                                    50                                                     3 [T1]         39.48 dBÌ V
                                                                                                    832.82565130 MHz
                                                                                           4 [T1]      3 46.70 dBÌ V
                                    40 FCC                              2                           887.25450902 MHz IN1
                                         1VIEW                                                                           1MA


                                    20                                                                                   P20





                                         Start 30 MHz                       97 MHz/                        Stop 1 GHz

                                  Title:     74639JD01
                                  Comment A: RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS STANDBY/IDLE MODE
                                  Date:      5.JUN.2009 11:48:55

Note: This plot is a pre-scan and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying table.

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TEST REPORT                                                              SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)
Test Summary:

FCC Part:                                        15.109
Test Method Used:                                As detailed in ANSI C63.4 Section 8 and relevant annexes

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature Range (°C):                          26
Relative Humidity Range (%):                     26


  Frequency               Antenna        Level               Limit            Margin            Result
    (MHz)                 Polarity     (dBµV/m)            (dBµV/m)            (dB)
    3855.711              Vertical        47.7                54.0              6.3            Complied


1. No emissions were observed during the pre-scans, therefore the highest level of the noise floor was
2. Measurements were made with the test system antenna in the horizontal and vertical polarisations and
   the highest level recorded in the above table.

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

Receiver/Idle Mode Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)
                          Marker 1 [T1]          RBW     1 MHz   RF Att      0 dB                                 Marker 1 [T1]          RBW    1 MHz   RF Att      0 dB
           Ref Lvl                 47.70 dBÌ V   VBW     3 MHz                                     Ref Lvl                 40.27 dBÌ V   VBW    3 MHz
            77 dBÌ V            3.85571142 GHz   SWT   7.5 ms    Unit         dBÌ V                 77 dBÌ V            4.81963928 GHz   SWT    5 ms    Unit         dBÌ V
      77                                                                                      77

                                                                                       A                                                                                      A
      70                                                                                      70

      60                                                                                      60

            D1 54 dBÌ V                                                                             D1 54 dBÌ V
      50                                                                      1               50
                                                                                      IN1                                                                                    IN1
           1VIEW                                                                      1MA          1MAX                                                   1                  1MA
      40                                                                                      40

      30                                                                                      30

      20                                                                              TDF     20                                                                             TDF

      10                                                                                      10

       0                                                                                       0

     -10                                                                                     -10

     -20                                                                                     -20
     -23                                                                                     -23
           Start 1 GHz                    300 MHz/                      Stop 4 GHz                 Start 4 GHz                    100 MHz/                     Stop 5 GHz

    Title:     74639JD01                                                                    Title:     74639JD01
    Date:      5.JUN.2009 14:05:29                                                          Date:      5.JUN.2009 14:16:20

Note: These plots are pre-scans and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying table.

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                            ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

6. Measurement Uncertainty
No measurement or test can ever be perfect and the imperfections give rise to error of
measurement in the results. Consequently the result of a measurement is only an approximation
to the value of the measurand (the specific quantity subject to measurement) and is only complete
when accompanied by a statement of the uncertainty of the approximation.
The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with
reference values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the
measurement results.
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an
appropriate coverage factor such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For
the purposes of this document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most
practical purposes”.

                                                                          Confidence    Calculated
              Measurement Type                       Range
                                                                           Level (%)    Uncertainty
AC Conducted Spurious Emissions                0.15 MHz to 30 MHz            95%          ±3.72 dB
Radiated Spurious Emissions                    30 MHz to 1000 MHz            95%          ±4.64 dB
Radiated Spurious Emissions                      1 GHz to 5 GHz              95%         ±2.94 dB

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within
the various measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include
guidelines for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty the published guidance of the appropriate
accreditation body is followed.

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: RFI/RPT2/RP74639JD01A

                                                                             ISSUE DATE: 12 JUNE 2009

Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used
RFI                                                                          Date Last
           Instrument            Manufacturer      Type No.   Serial No.                       Interval
No.                                                                          Calibrated
A1299      Antenna               Schaffner         CBL6143    5094           28 Jul 2008       12
                                                   8449B                     Calibrated
A1534      Pre Amplifier         Hewlett Packard              3008A00405                       12
                                                   OPT H02                   before use
A1818      Antenna               EMCO              3115       00075692       25 Oct 2008       12
K0002      Site Reference 4421   Rainford EMC      N/A        N/A            26 Aug 2009       12
M1124      Spectrum Analyser     Rohde & Schwarz   ESIB26     100046K        09 Mar 2009       12
M166       Barometer/            EuroCom           None       None           30 Apr 2009       12

NB In accordance with UKAS requirements all the measurement equipment is on a calibration

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Document Created: 2009-06-12 16:04:10
Document Modified: 2009-06-12 16:04:10

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