Users Manual

FCC ID: U3O-G2M5477

Users Manual

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Preliminary Data Sheet

Document Version 0.14a

      G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008

Disclaimer                                                     About this Data Sheet
While the information provided in this document is             This document is intended for:
believed to be accurate, it is under development and G2          z   Icon developers planning to use a host processor
Microsystems reserves the right to make changes without              to communicate with the G2M5477 Icon software
further notice to the product described herein to improve            over a serial interface.
reliability, function, or design, and makes no guarantee or
warranty concerning the accuracy of said information, nor        z   G2M5477 developers planning to develop custom
shall it be responsible for any loss or damage of whatever           applications for the module.
nature resulting from the use of, or reliance upon, such       This document provides preliminary information on the
information. G2 Microsystems makes no warranties of any        G2M5477 Module from G2 Microsystems. Separate
kind, whether express, implied or arising by custom or         documents should be read in conjunction with this data
course of trade or performance, and specifically disclaims     sheet.
the implied warranties of title, non infringement, merchant-
                                                               Icon developers should read the Icon Programmer's
ability, or of fitness for a particular purpose.
                                                               Reference Manual [1] and the Icon API Reference, [2].
No part of this document may be copied, reproduced,            G2M5477 developers should read the G2C547
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or   Programmer's Reference Manual [3], and G2C547 Appli-
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, or         cation Programming Interface Reference [4] documents.
otherwise, or used as the basis for manufacture or sale of     See Chapter 13, References, for details of reference
any items without the prior written consent of G2 Micro-       documents.
                                                               This data sheet is organized into the following chapters:
G2 Microsystems and the G2 logo are trademarks of G2
                                                                 z   Chapter 1, General Description – overview
Microsystems. Wi-Fi, WMM and Wi-Fi Alliance are regis-
tered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. G2 Microsystems          z   Chapter 2, Features – features and benefits
is a member of the Wi-Fi alliance. Other trademarks in this      z   Chapter 3, Block Diagram
document belong to their respective companies.                       system-level description
Copyright © 2008 G2 Microsystems, Inc.
                                                                 z   Chapter 4, Functional Description
All rights reserved.
                                                                 z   Chapter 5, Interface, Connections and Mechanical
Document Number: DS-0008
                                                                 z   Chapter 6, Electrical Specifications – absolute
Icon Version: 0.1.0                                                  maximum ratings, operating conditions, power con-
Release Date: February 2009.                                         sumption, and package thermal data
                                                                 z   Chapter 7, RF Performance
                                                                 z   Chapter 8, Firmware Features
                                                                 z   Chapter 9, Application Information
                                                                 z   Chapter 10, Qualification
                                                                 z   Chapter 11, Design Guidelines
Contacting us                                                    z   Chapter 12, Development Kit
Via email:                               z   Chapter 13, References
Via the web:                              z   Chapter 15, Revision History and Glossary
                                                                     document history, and acronyms, abbreviations,
                                                                     and units of measure used in this data sheet

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                    2                                  Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                   G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

                           Contents                                                                     5.4
                                                                                                                 Physical Dimensions ......................................... 17
                                                                                                                 Electrical Specifications .....................18
1       General Description ............................. 4                                             6.1      Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................. 18
2       Features ................................................ 5                                     6.2      Recommended Operating Conditions ............... 18
                                                                                                        6.3      Package Thermal Specifications ....................... 18
2.1     Benefits ................................................................5
                                                                                                        6.4      Digital Pin Parameters ...................................... 19
3       Block Diagram ...................................... 6                                          6.5      Control Signal Parameters ................................ 19
3.1     Power ..................................................................7                       6.6      Power Consumption .......................................... 19
3.2     System Power States ..........................................7                                 6.6.1      Asleep ............................................................................... 19
                                                                                                        6.6.2      Awake ............................................................................... 20
3.2.1      Asleep (low-power) ............................................................. 7
                                                                                                        6.6.3      Wakeup Timing and Energy Considerations ..................... 20
3.2.2      Awake ................................................................................. 7
3.2.3      Dozing ................................................................................. 7   6.7      Sensor Interface ................................................ 20
3.2.4      Waking Up ........................................................................... 7      6.8      External Power Supplies ................................... 20
3.2.5      Force Awake ....................................................................... 7
3.3     Module Resets .....................................................7                            7        RF Performance ..................................21
3.3.1      Brownout Detection ............................................................. 8           7.1      2.4 GHz Radio ................................................... 21
3.3.2      EMC Resilience (IEC 61000-4-2) ........................................ 8                    7.1.1      2.4 GHz Synthesizer .......................................................... 21
                                                                                                        7.1.2      Wi-Fi Receiver ................................................................... 21
4       Functional Description ........................ 9                                               7.1.3      Wi-Fi Transmitter ............................................................... 21
4.1     PMU and NVM .....................................................9
                                                                                                        8        Firmware Features ..............................22
4.2     The CPU ..............................................................9
4.2.1      General Purpose I/O ........................................................... 9            9        Application Information ......................23
4.3     Wi-Fi Network Interface .......................................9
4.3.1      Wi-Fi MAC/PHY ................................................................ 10
                                                                                                        10 Qualification ........................................24
4.3.2      Cryptographic Accelerator ................................................. 10               11 Design Guidelines ...............................25
4.3.3      2.4 GHz Radio ................................................................... 10
4.4     Sensor Interface ................................................10                             12 Development Kit ..................................26
4.5     Magnetic Receiver .............................................10
                                                                                                        13 References ...........................................27
4.6     RFID (EPC) Transceiver ....................................10
4.7     Serial Interfaces .................................................11                           13.1     Icon Developers ................................................ 27
4.7.1      User UART ........................................................................ 11        13.2     G2M5477 Developers ....................................... 27
4.7.2      DMA UART ....................................................................... 11          13.3     MDK Users ........................................................ 27
4.7.3      SPI Master ........................................................................ 11       13.4     Standards and Excellence ................................ 27
4.7.4      SDIO Client ....................................................................... 11
4.8     Power Supplies ..................................................11                             14 Compliance ..........................................29
4.8.1      3.3V Voltage Regulation ................................................... 11
                                                                                                        14.1 FCC Compliance ............................................... 29
4.8.2      Use with Supercapacitors ................................................. 12
                                                                                                        14.1.1     Troubleshooting ................................................................ 29
5  Interface, Connections and Mechanical                                                                14.1.2     Conditions ......................................................................... 29
                                                                                                        14.1.3     Markings ............................................................................ 29
                                                                                                        14.1.4     FCC Warning .................................................................... 29
5.1     Pin Types ...........................................................13
                                                                                                        15 Revision History and Glossary ..........30
5.2     G2M5477 Module Pins ......................................13
5.3     Pin Grouping ......................................................15

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                                                            3                                               Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                                                                        G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

General Description

1        General Description
The G2M5477 is a complete Wi-Fi and networking                   At the core of the module is the G2C547 SoC, which
solution incorporating an RF power amplifier and antenna,        includes a SPARC V8 processor, and on-board ROM
a 32-bit CPU, operating system, TCP/IP network stack,            containing the eCos operating system, LWIP TCP/IP
crypto accelerator, power management subsystem, real-            protocol suite, security software and hardware drivers.
time clock and versatile sensor interface. The module            The module includes 8Mbits of flash memory. On reset,
enables designers to rapidly embed Wi-Fi and networking          the G2C547 loads an application from flash memory into
functionality into virtually any device. It is compatible with   on-board RAM and executes the program. G2M5477
standard pick-and-place equipment.                               developers are provided with at least 64Kbytes of RAM for
Ultra-low power usage and flexible power management              application code and supporting data structures.
maximize lifetime in battery-operated devices. A wide            The host to module UART interface runs at 115200 bps by
operating temperature range allows use in indoor and             default. Ten GPIO ports provide general purpose digital
outdoor environments.                                            input and output. The GPIO ports can be driven by the
G2M5477 developers have access to feature-rich analog            CPU or mapped for other purposes. Eight sensor pins
and digital interfaces that allow for straightforward            provide analog input and output, allowing the connection
connection of environmental sensors and external control.        of external sensors and outputs from internal sources
The G2M5477 is suitable for applications in areas such as:       such as the auxiliary DAC.

    z   Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS)                        The module provides an internal Wi-Fi antenna and
                                                                 provides a U.FL connection for an external antenna.
    z   Wireless Audio
                                                                 When in low-power sleep mode the module minimizes
    z   Industrial and Home Automation                           battery usage, but is still able to respond to certain events,
    z   Health and Fitness Monitoring                            including internal timers and events on the sensor and
                                                                 RFID interfaces. Applications that make efficient use of
    z   Telemetry                                                the sleep state can extend battery life to multiple years.
    z   Security                                                 When awake, the module can run multi-threaded eCos
As the module is capable of independently maintaining a          applications and exchange data via the Wi-Fi interface.
low-power wireless network connection, the G2M5477 is            The G2M5477 can interface to an inexpensive 8- or 16-bit
suitable for Wi-Fi enabled remote controls, headphones,          microprocessor, reducing the system cost of applications
portable Internet radios, toys and other battery-operated        with moderate processing requirements.
devices. Even in mains-powered devices, the G2M5477
                                                                 The G2M5477 is ideal for the vast range of applications
provides cost and time-to-market benefits as a self-
                                                                 that require long battery life, moderate processing power,
contained Internet-enabling solution. It can communicate
                                                                 moderate data throughput and occasional Wi-Fi connec-
data over any existing Wi-Fi infrastructure using industry
standard protocols. The G2M5477 has an operating
temperature range from -30°C to +85°C.                           The G2M5477 is certifiable for FCC modular approval for
                                                                 use in the Unites States, and CE approval for use in
The G2M5477 comes pre-programmed with Icon, a full-
                                                                 Europe and other countries (certification expected by
featured application that provides a host microcontroller
                                                                 February 2009).
with access to Wi-Fi and networking functionality via a
serial communication interface. G2 provides the complete         The G2M5477 module has been designed to provide
source for a host driver. With a few simple API calls to the     designers with a simple Wi-Fi solution: ease of integration
driver, a host microcontroller can use the module to             and programming, vastly reduced development time,
connect to a Wi-Fi network and communicate data via              minimum system cost, long battery life and maximum
standard internet protocols.                                     value in a range of applications.
Alternatively, G2M5477 developers can build applications
using the G2C547 API, which provides lower level access
to the RFID and sensor capabilities of the module.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                      4                                   Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                      G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet


2       Features
Wi-Fi                                                             • Auxiliary 8-bit DAC
                                                                  • Low-power interface for monitoring push-buttons, accelerom-
• Complete 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g Wi-Fi transceiver
                                                                    eters, security seals and motion sensors
• 802.11i security suite with WEP-40, WEP-104, WPAv1-PSK,
  WPA2-PSK, and WPA transitional modes
                                                                  Power Usage and Management
• High throughput - 4 Mbit/s sustained TCP/IP with WPA2
• Wi-Fi certifiable with support for WPA2 Enterprise, WMM QoS     • Ultra-low-power sleep state, in which a range of wake reasons
  and WMM Power Save                                                can be detected
                                                                  • Keep alive doze state with instant transition to wake state
                                                                  • On-board power regulators operate from alkaline, lithium
                                                                    manganese, lithium iron disulphide and other battery types
                                                                  • Transitions from asleep to CPU-active in 1.7ms; CPU active to
                                                                    network connection in less than 35ms (typ)
                                                                  • Consumes 4uA current when asleep, 90mW power with Wi-Fi
• User-programmable 32-bit SPARC V8 clocked at 44 MHz             Physical
• On-board ROM contains eCos operating system, LWIP               • Operates from -30°C to +85°C
  TCP/IP suite, security software and drivers
                                                                  • Available in trays suitable for standard pick-and-place
Interfaces                                                        • Physical dimensions: 20mm x 37mm x 3.7 mm
• Up to 10 general-purpose I/Os (GPIOs)
• SPI master, SDIO client (with SD-SPI slave mode), and UART      Software
                                                                  • Includes Icon software providing a serial-API UART interface
                                                                    to a wide range of functions, including secure Wi-Fi authenti-
EMC Resilient                                                       cation and network operations such as DHCP, DNS, UDP and
• IEC-61000-4-2: unattended recovery from EMC shocks in
  hostile electromagnetic environments
                                                                  2.1        Benefits
                                                                  • Multi-year battery life
• EPCglobal Class 1 Generation-2 transceiver, with both read
  and write capability                                            • Industry-leading Wi-Fi power consumption

• ISO 24730-2 compliant 2.4GHz DSSS transmitter and FSK           • Design is complete, avoiding RF design and layout issues
  magnetic receiver                                               • Ships pre-calibrated and pre-tested, avoiding expensive NRE
                                                                    for calibration and production test procedures
Protocols                                                         • Uses existing Wi-Fi and EPC RFID infrastructure for low TCO
                                                                  • Hosted architecture - For G2M5477 developers, a full network
• Supports Cisco CCX-tag protocols                                  stack on-board enables development of a low system-cost
• Supports Internet protocols including UDP, TCP and HTTP via       wireless internet product
  the included LWIP stack                                         • Supports a client architecture with an external 8- or 16-bit host
                                                                    microcontroller for shortest development time and lowest
Sensor Interface                                                    system cost
                                                                  • Pre-loaded with Icon software offering simple Wi-Fi connec-
• 14-bit ADC offering 35us conversion time with 0.01% linearity
  for analog transducers such as temperature and humidity

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                        5                                     Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                          G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Block Diagram

3          Block Diagram
Figure 3-1: G2M5477 Architecture

                                                                                                   Optional external antenna
                                                                      On-board                      through U.FL connector

                                                                                                         2.4GHz Tx
                                                                    2.4GHz Rx (802.11)                    (802.11)

                         AO Domain             1.3V Domain                                             3.3V Domain                      SPI-
                                                    ADC                                                                               master
                                PMU                                                                                                  interface
                                                                                                         2.4 GHz
                               Timers               CPU                     2.4 GHz Radio                   PA
                              2KB NVM                                                                                      memory

    Sensors: optional
         external                                   RAM               ISO 24730-2
     components for                                                                         GPIO
    motion detection,
                               Sensor                                                                                                 User
                              Interface                                                                                               UART
                                                                                            SDIO           I/O
    magnetic receiver,                              ROM                 802.11b/g
           etc.                                                         MAC/PHY                                                     DMA_
                             EPC/RFID              Crypto                                   SPI
            Sensor                               accelerator
                               Mag Rx                                                                                               DMA_
            power                                                                                                                   UART_RX
                                                                                                       3.3V Power
                          Crystal Oscillator    40 MHz Oscillator           1.3V Power Supply            Supply

                                                                           1V3 Buck                   3V3 Boost
                                                                           Regulator                  Regulator
                          32.768 kHz Xtal        40 MHz Xtal

                                                                                       Battery             3V3 Boost

The core of the G2M5477 module is the G2C547 chip,                       3. The 3.3V domain is powered as required, from a boost
designed with three separate power domains to provide                        regulator or directly from the battery, and supplies the
lower power consumption and flexible power                                   I/O pins, supply outputs and the 2.4GHz power
management. A single battery, via on-board voltage                           amplifier.
regulation, supplies power to the three parts of the chip as             When only the AO is powered, the module is asleep.
shown in Figure 3-1:                                                     When the 1.3V domain is also powered, the module is
1. The Always On (“AO”) domain is continuously                           awake. The 3.3V domain is enabled only when the module
   powered, and provides a small number of essential                     is awake.
   functions which are always available.                                 For more details of the chip architecture, see the G2C547
2. The 1.3V domain is powered as required from a buck                    Datasheet, [5].
   regulator, and provides the core functionality of the

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                           6                                            Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                                    G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Block Diagram

3.1        Power                                             from Flash memory. At this point all functionality of the
                                                             module is available, in addition to that available when
The G2M5477 can be powered by an external regulator or       asleep. The module can:
a range of batteries. The module includes a 3.3V Boost         z     Load and execute programs from flash memory
Regulator, for use with batteries that supply a voltage
lower than 3.0V.                                               z     Use the Wi-Fi radio
                                                               z     Read and write flash memory
3.2        System Power States                                 z     Read and write NVM
                                                               z     Encrypt and decrypt data
The G2M5477 operates in one of two main power states:
asleep, in which the module has limited functionality          z     Go to sleep
(enough to detect wake events) but very low battery drain,     z     Transmit ISO 24730-2 data (DSSS and FSK/OOK)
and awake, in which all of the functionality of the module
is available (in particular the operating system, eCos, is     z     Take measurements using the sensor interface
running) and battery drain is higher. Additionally, while      z     Use the GPIO, SPI, SDIO, and UART interfaces
awake the CPU can put itself into a doze state, where the
                                                               z     Configure PMU: RFID, mag receiver, sensors, etc.
1.3V domain stays up, but the CPU clock is suspended
(until a wake event happens).
                                                             3.2.3       Dozing
3.2.1       Asleep (low-power)                               When awake, the module may doze - in which the 1.3V
                                                             domain remains powered but the CPU is not clocked. The
When asleep, only the AO domain is powered, and the          module uses less power in this state than when awake,
PMU controls operation. This is the low-power state of the   and can respond very quickly to interrupt sources (the
G2M5477, in which it draws only microwatts of power. The     module wakes from doze in 45ns, compared to milli-
CPU and all other components of the 1.3V domain are
                                                             seconds to wake from sleep). All memory and register
unavailable (and do not maintain their internal state).
                                                             contents are preserved while the module is dozing.
Within the AO domain, the RFID and Magnetic receivers
can be enabled as required, at the expense of increased      Section 6.6, Power Consumption shows the power used
power consumption.                                           by the module in each of these states.
The functions available when asleep are simple - mostly
detecting reasons to wake the CPU:                           3.2.4       Waking Up
  z     decrement timers and detect expiry                   A wake event received when the module is asleep wakes
  z     detect state change of the switch sensors            the module. When a wake event occurs, the CPU boots
                                                             the eCos operating system from ROM, loads an appli-
  z     monitor the sampled comparator and detect when       cation from flash memory and executes it.
        external parameters pass preset thresholds
  z     detect motion via the motion sensor                  3.2.5       Force Awake
  z     receive and act on magnetic receiver data
                                                             For debugging and development, the G2M5477 may be
  z     receive and act on RFID reader commands              ‘forced awake’ by asserting the FORCE_AWAKE pin for at
                                                             least 245us. This generates a non-maskable wake-event.
  z     respond to assertion of the FORCE_AWAKE pin
                                                             While the FORCE_AWAKE pin remains asserted the
  z     respond to battery brownout (low voltage)            module is prevented from sleeping or dozing.
  z     respond to IEC-61000-4-2 EMC events
                                                             3.3        Module Resets
3.2.2       Awake
                                                             The G2M5477 is reset by any of the following events:
When awake, the 1.3V domain is powered (as well as the
                                                             • An internal power-on reset, generated automatically when
AO domain), and the 40 MHz oscillator runs. On waking,
                                                               power is supplied. This is intended for initializing the module
the module boots the eCos operating system from ROM,
                                                               when a new battery is connected;
after which the CPU loads and executes a user application
                                                             • An external power-on reset, generated by pulling the
                                                               RESET_L pin low;

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                  7                                     Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                    G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Block Diagram

• A software power-on reset, generated from software; or         When the G2M5477 wakes from a brownout-induced
• A reset triggered by a critical event, which can be:           shutdown, the cause of the shutdown is indicated to the
 — a brownout, generated if the supply voltage drops below the   CPU. The application can then select the appropriate
   minimum operating voltage; or                                 response.
 — an IEC-61000 EMC consistency failure.
                                                                 3.3.2     EMC Resilience (IEC 61000-4-2)
3.3.1       Brownout Detection                                   The G2M5477 protects a number of critical internal config-
The G2M5477 includes a brownout detector to hold the             uration registers with logic to detect corruption from an
module in reset if the battery voltage falls below the           EMC event. If such an internal inconsistency is detected,
minimum operating voltage.                                       a non-maskable critical event resets the module.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                       8                                 Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                     G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Functional Description

4       Functional Description
The subsystems of the G2M5477 are:                                 Developers writing applications for the module are
• The Power Management Unit (PMU), which controls the              provided with the ability to debug applications, program
  module when asleep and aggregates all interrupts and wake        the flash, and control the module with the DMA UART. The
  reasons to the CPU whether awake or asleep. The NVM              DMA UART connects to the G2C547 Debug UART. See
  provides always-on memory that is accessible by both the         the G2C547 PRM, [3], for further details on the G2C547
  PMU and (when awake) the CPU.                                    Debug UART.
• The CPU, which executes the operating system and user
  applications, from which the rest of the module is configured
                                                                   4.2.1       General Purpose I/O
  and controlled, including the PMU.
• The Wi-Fi interface, including the ISO 24730-2 transmitter       The module has ten GPIO pins, each of which can be
• The cryptographic accelerator                                    driven by the CPU, or from a secondary function such as
                                                                   the SDIO client or User UART. Pins GPIO_10 and
• The ISO 24730-2 magnetic receiver
                                                                   GPIO_11 are used for the User UART, as indicated in
• The RFID transceiver
                                                                   Table 5-2. Up to four GPIO pins can be configured as
• The sensor interface                                             edge or level-sensitive interrupt sources. These are active
• The digital interfaces - SPI, SDIO client, User and DMA UART     only when the CPU is awake.
• Oscillators and power supplies                                   As of release 0.0.1 of the Icon software, only GPIO_10
• IEC-61000-4-2 EMC recovery, and brownout detector                and GPIO_11 are available for use as a User UART
                                                                   interface. Future versions of Icon will provide general read
                                                                   and write access to GPIO pins.
4.1        PMU and NVM
                                                                   G2M5477 developers have unlimited access to GPIO
The PMU manages the oscillators and power supplies,                functionality.
controls the G2M5477 when asleep, and aggregates all
interrupts to the CPU whether awake or asleep. When
asleep, the interrupts collected by the PMU also act as
                                                                   4.3        Wi-Fi Network Interface
potential wake events - waking the module from sleep.
                                                                   The Wi-Fi Network Interface provides all functions
The PMU monitors wake events from the AO timers, the               necessary to connect to, and communicate with, a
sensor interface, RFID and the ISO 24730-2 magnetic                standard 802.11b/g Wi-Fi network. The Wi-Fi interface
receiver. Current loop sensors can be used to wake on              consists of:
voltage changes on SDIO or User UART lines. Although               • A firmware API in ROM that includes functions for channel
the PMU controls the G2M5477 while asleep, and                       scan, connection, communications, and PHY layer
manages the power state transitions between asleep,                  management.
awake, and doze, its configuration comes from the CPU.             • An 802.11b/g MAC and baseband PHY.
The term NVM is used in this context to refer to memory in         • A 2.4GHz radio transceiver.
the Always On domain. Memory contents are lost when                • A cryptographic accelerator to assist with Wi-Fi security.
power is disconnected.
                                                                   • An ISO-24730-2 2.4GHz transmitter. Although not part of Wi-
An NVM backup is maintained in flash memory and loaded               Fi, the ISO-24730-2 transmitter shares the Wi-Fi 2.4GHz
automatically on power-up.                                           Transmit radio path.
                                                                   Icon developers have access to the Wi-Fi Network
                                                                   Interface via a high-level API that issues commands over
4.2        The CPU                                                 the serial interface. Example API functions include
The CPU is a SPARC V8 32-bit design, clocked at 44 MHz.            g2_start_scan,        g2_set_ssid,       g2_conn_connect,
                                                                   g2_conn_send, g2_conn_receive, etc. Refer to the Icon
On waking, the CPU boots the eCos operating system                 Programmer's Reference Manual, [1], for further infor-
from ROM. The boot code then loads an application from             mation.
external flash memory into RAM and executes it.
                                                                   G2M5477 developers have access to lower level functions
                                                                   in the G2C547 ROM via a firmware API. Refer to the
                                                                   G2C547 PRM, [3], for further details.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                           9                                 Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                         G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Functional Description

4.3.1       Wi-Fi MAC/PHY                                     As of release 0.0.1, Icon support for the sensor interface
                                                              is limited to using SENSOR_0 to generate a wake-on-
The G2M5477 Wi-Fi MAC/PHY plus API provides a                 serial event to wake the module from low-power sleep
complete solution for Wi-Fi compliant 802.11b/g               mode. To enable this functionality, a resistive-divider
operation. It supports DCF and peer-to-peer operation,        should be externally connected as shown below.
with a wide range of security suites - including WEP, TKIP,
WPA1, and WPA2-PSK. See the G2C547 Programmer’s               Figure 4-1: SENSOR_0 resistive divider
Reference Manual, [3], for details of the Wi-Fi API.

4.3.2       Cryptographic Accelerator                                 USER_UART_RX

The cryptographic subsystem provides hardware acceler-                                               22k
ation for AES-128, RC4, MD5, SHA-1, CRC-32, and TKIP                      SENSOR_0
The AES-128 block provides 128-bit AES encryption in
Electronic Code Book (ECB), Counter, and Cipher-Block
Chaining (CBC) modes. All other common AES modes
can be created using ECB mode.
For further information on the use of the cryptographic
accelerator, see the G2C547 Programmer’s Reference            G2M5477 developers are provided with access via API
Manual, [3].                                                  calls to the entire sensor interface functionality.

4.3.3       2.4 GHz Radio                                     4.5       Magnetic Receiver
A 2.4 GHz radio transceiver that includes a 2.4 GHz           The magnetic receiver receives and decodes ISO-24730-
synthesizer is used for Wi-Fi and ISO 24730-2 operation.      2-encoded data. It supports up to three axes, automati-
The reference for the synthesizer is the on-board 40 MHz      cally searching for an axis that provides valid data.
                                                              The receiver can be configured to wake the module in a
                                                              variety of different ways. These options simplify software
4.4        Sensor Interface                                   design and reduce power consumption to extend battery
The sensor interface provides:                                To use the magnetic receiver, G2M5477 developers must
  z     four switch sensors                                   purchase a software development kit from G2 Micro-
  z     a motion sensor for use with external ball-in-tube    systems.

  z     a pulsed comparator
  z     an auxiliary DAC
                                                              4.6       RFID (EPC) Transceiver
  z     an ADC - the Sampled Measurement Unit (SMU)           The AO domain contains an EPCglobal Generation-2
                                                              Class-1 RFID transceiver. This transceiver can receive
  z     a current generator, for measurement purposes
                                                              and decode the full set of EPC Generation 2 Class 1
The switch sensors, motion sensor, and pulsed                 mandatory commands, in North American, European and
comparator are all in the AO domain, and available when       Asian radio frequency bands (860-960MHz). The RFID
awake or asleep; the SMU ADC is in the 1.3V domain and        interface can be used to read from and write to NVM. It
available only when awake. The sensor elements share          supports one or two external antennas.
the eight sensor interface pins.
                                                              To use the RFID EPC transceiver, G2M5477 developers
When asleep, the sensor interface can be used to detect       must purchase a software development kit from G2 Micro-
events such as a switch opening or closing, motion, or an     systems.
analog voltage moving outside a preset window. When
awake, the SMU can digitize analog signals (e.g. audio)
and make high-precision analog measurements.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                    10                                Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                  G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Functional Description

4.7       Serial Interfaces                                     • Full-duplex synchronous serial data transfer
                                                                • Variable length of transfer word up to 128 bits
The G2M5477 has four serial interfaces:                         • MSB first data transfer
• A standard User UART.                                         • Rx and Tx on rising or falling edge of serial clock indepen-
• A high-speed DMA UART (also referred to as the Debug            dently
  UART in G2C547 documentation)                                 • SPI clock speed configurable from 86kHz to 44MHz
• A SPI master                                                  Note that the 3.3V supply powers the SPI I/O pins. The
• An SDIO client including a SPI-slave                          cautions in Section 6.1 regarding external drive to the
                                                                GPIO pins apply to the SPI pins.
4.7.1      User UART                                            To use the SPI master interface to control external SPI-
                                                                slave devices, G2M5477 developers must purchase a
The User UART interface can support 2 and 4-line UART           software development kit from G2 Microsystems.
protocols. The G2M5477 logic levels do not match those
of the RS232 standard, so external-level translators are
required to meet the RS-232 UART standard. Hardware             4.7.4       SDIO Client
support is included for RTS, CTS, SRX, and STX                  An SDIO client interface supporting SD-SPI, SD-1 and
functions.                                                      SD-4 modes provides a high speed data interface to the
The UART interface supports baud rates of 2400, 4800,           G2M5477, operating at up to 100Mbit/s. The SDIO client
9600, 19200, 38400, 115200 & 230400 bit/s.                      supports a single function - “Function 1” - a memory
A note for developers interfacing with Icon: the User UART      interface. The interface is overlaid on GPIO-4 through
is the only serial interface supported by Icon version 0.1.0.   GPIO-9. A FIFO provides buffering between an external
The Icon-supported configuration for the UART is 2-wire         device and G2M5477 system RAM.
115200 bit/s, 8-N-1. Refer to the Icon Programmer's             To use the SDIO interface to communicate with an
Reference Manual, [1], for further information.                 external microprocessor, G2M5477 developers must
                                                                purchase a software development kit from G2 Micro-
4.7.2      DMA UART
The DMA_UART_TX and DMA_UART_RX pins provide a
high-speed DMA UART interface to the G2M5477 and a              4.8        Power Supplies
debug interface to the G2C547 CPU.
                                                                The G2M5477 is designed to operate from a wide range
The high-speed DMA UART interface will be available for         of batteries including alkaline, lithium manganese dioxide,
use in a future release of the Icon software.                   lithium-thionyl chloride, nickel-metal hydride, nickel-
G2M5477 developers typically do not connect the DMA             cadmium and lithium iron disulphide (Energizer Lithium
UART Interface in the final product. Rather, this interface     AA-size 1.5V:
is the primary debug interface during development. The          The AO domain is powered continuously by on-board
DMA UART interface is described in greater detail in the        linear regulation of the battery voltage, which must remain
G2C547 Programmer’s Reference Manual, [3], where it is          in the range 2.0 V to 3.7 V.
referred to as the CPU Debug interface.

                                                                4.8.1       3.3V Voltage Regulation
4.7.3      SPI Master
                                                                The 3.3V voltage regulation topology depends on the
The SPI master interface is used principally to access on       battery chemistry and arrangement used to power the
board flash memory. It can also be used to drive additional     G2M5477. A battery that provides less than 3.0 V over its
SPI devices. The dedicated SPI chip-select output is            lifetime requires the module boost regulator to be enabled
connected only to the on-board flash memory and is              by      shorting      the    3V3_REG_CTRL_IN          and
controlled directly from hardware. A secondary hardware         3V3_REG_CTRL_OUT pins, as shown in the circuit of
controlled SPI chip select output can be mapped to any          Figure 4-2.
one of the module GPIO pins. Further SPI devices can be
supported by using GPIO pins as chip-selects under              Warning: The boost regulator must not be operated
software control.                                               above 3.3 V. Figure 4-2 is not suitable for a battery with
                                                                output voltage greater than 3.3 V
The SPI interface features:

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                     11                                   Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                      G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Functional Description

A battery that supplies a voltage greater than 3.0V over its                Figure 4-3: Power Supply for Battery 3.0 V to 3.7 V
lifetime can drive the module directly, as in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-2: Power Supply for Battery 2.0 V to 3.3 V
                                                                                     VDD_BATT (20)

                                   VDD_BATT (20)

          1 uH                                                                                                                  Battery
                                                                                                                              3.0 to 3.7V
                                                           Battery                  VDD_3V3_IN (21)
                                                         2.0 to 3.3V

                                   VDD_3V3_IN (21)                                                     3V3_REG_CTRL_IN (18)

           SL12          20 uF
            Boost Regulator
                                                                                                       3V3_REG_CTRL_OUT (17)

                                  3V3_REG_CTRL_IN (18)                                       Inside    Outside
                                                                                            G2M5477   G2M5477
                                           Short to                                          Module    Module
             Siliconix                   enable Boost
            Si2312DS                      Regulator

                                  3V3_REG_CTRL_OUT (17)

                                                                            4.8.2     Use with Supercapacitors
                   Module         Module
                                                                            The G2M5477 can be powered by a lithium coin cell. Coin
                                                                            cells are unable to provide the high currents required
                                                                            when the module is awake, so a suitable supercapacitor
                                                                            must be used to provide these currents. Some superca-
                                                                            pacitors use two lower-voltage supercapacitors in series.
                                                                            The G2M5477 provides a SUPERCAP_BALANCE pin to
                                                                            share the balance across these capacitors. This pin
                                                                            divides the supply voltage to avoid damaging stresses to
                                                                            the supercapacitor. The pin consumes a lower quiescent
                                                                            current than would be consumed by a pair of resistors.
                                                                            The Icon software imposes a power requirement that
                                                                            cannot be met by a lithium coin cell and supercapacitor.
                                                                            To use a lithium coin cell and supercapacitor power
                                                                            supply, G2M5477 developers must purchase a software
                                                                            development kit from G2 Microsystems and develop a
                                                                            custom application that does not exceed the power limita-
                                                                            tions of the supply.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                                   12                                 Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                                  G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Interface, Connections and Mechanical

5          Interface, Connections and Mechanical
The following sections discuss pin groupings, pin types, and pin descriptions. Connections with G2C547 pins are
provided for G2M5477 developers only.

5.1          Pin Types
Table 5-1 introduces the types of pins of the G2M5477.
There are several kinds of pins:
• The pins of the general-purpose inputs and outputs GPIO[0..14], the SPI bus interface (SPI_MOSI etc.), and the DMA UART
  (referred to as the “digital” pins).
• RESET_L (referenced to VDD_BATT).
• FORCE_AWAKE (a control input to the AO domain).
• The sensor interface pins (SENSOR_IF[0..7] and the RFID antenna pins
• RF connector.
• Power
Table 5-1: Pin Types
           Type       Description                                                                                                     Reset

           Gnd        Ground.

             I        Digital input with ~83K pull-down. 3.3V tolerant                                                                Pull-down

            I/O       Digital input/output (bidirectional) 8mA drive, ~83K pull-down. 3.3V tolerant                                   Pull-down

        I/O-24        Digital input/output (bidirectional) 24mA drive, no pull-down. 3.3V tolerant                                    Z

            O         Digital output, 8mA drive, ~83K pull-down. 3.3V tolerant                                                        Pull-down

            T         Digital output, 8mA drive, no pull-down. 3.3V tolerant                                                          Z
            P         Power. Power pins are used to supply power and to control the power supply configuration

           A-1v2      Analog. 1.2V tolerant.

           A-3v3      Analog, 3.3V tolerant

            RF        RF input and output. Impedance 50 Ohms

            C         Control input. 3.3V tolerant

5.2          G2M5477 Module Pins
Table 5-2: G2M5477 Module Pins
Pin   Name                Function                                Type, Voltage                              Icon    G2C547 Pin Connection
44-                       Ground                                  Gnd, 0V                                    Power     GND_SLUG

35    NC                                       -                                       -                           -              -

34    SENSOR_0            Sensor interface. Icon supports         A-1v2, 1.2V max                            Yes       SENSOR_IF0
                          SENSOR_0 for wake-on-serial

33    SENSOR_POWER        Voltage output from module for pow- A-3v3, 1.2-3.3V                                Noc       POWER_SENSORS
                          ering external sensors
32    SENSOR_3            Sensor interface                        A-1v2, 1.2V max                            Noa       SENSOR_IF3

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                            13                                            Document Version 0.14a
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Interface, Connections and Mechanical

Table 5-2: G2M5477 Module Pins
Pin   Name            Function                             Type, Voltage                             Icon    G2C547 Pin Connection

31    SENSOR_2        Sensor interface                     A-1v2, 1.2V max                           Noa       SENSOR_IF2
30    SENSOR_1        Sensor interface                     A-1v2, 1.2V max                           No        SENSOR_IF1
29    GPIO_4          GPIO                                 I/O-24, 3.3V                              No        GPIO_4

28    GPIO_5          GPIO                                 I/O-24, 3.3V                              Nob       GPIO_5

27    GPIO_6          GPIO                                 I/O-24, 3.3V                              Nob       GPIO_6
26    GPIO_7          GPIO                                 I/O-24, 3.3V                              No        GPIO_7

25    GPIO_8          GPIO                                 I/O-24, 3.3V                              Nob       GPIO_8

24    GPIO_9          GPIO                                 I/O, 3.3V                                 Nob       GPIO_9
23    DMA_UART_RX     DMA Serial UART RX                   I, 3.3V                                   No        CPU_DEBUG_RX

22    DMA_UART_TX     DMA Serial UART TX                   T, 3.3V                                   Noc       CPU_DEBUG_TX

21    VDD_3V3_IN      3.3V power                           P                                           Power   VDD_3V3_RING
                                                           Do not connect when boost regulator is in
                                                           Input, 3.0-3.7V when boost regulator is not
20    VDD_BATT        Battery input                        P                                          Power    VDD_BATT_DIRTY
                      voltage                              2.0-3.3V when boost regulator is in use.
                                                           3.0-3.7V when boost regulator is not used.

19    GND             Ground                               Gnd, 0V                                   Power                -

18    3V3_REG_CTRL_   3V3 boost regulator switch control   C, Connect to 3V3_REG_CTRL_OUT to Power                        -
      IN              input                                enable boost regulator
                                                           Connect to GND to disable boost regulator

17    3V3_REG_CTRL_   3V3 boost regulator switch control   A-1v2, Connect to 3V3_REG_CTRL_IN to Power          SREG_3V3_CTRL
      OUT             output                               enable boost regulator
                                                           Leave unconnected to disable boost regu-

16    SPI_MISO        SPI master data in                   I, 3V3                                    Noc       SPI_MISO
15    SPI_SCLK        SPI clock                            O, 3V3                                    No        SPI_SCLK
14    SPI_MOSI        SPI master data out                  O, 3V3                                    No        SPI_MOSI

13    USER_UART_TX    User UART Tx (GPIO_10)               I/O, 3.3V                                 Yes       GPIO_10

12    USER_UART_RX    User UART Rx (GPIO_11)               I/O, 3.3V                                 Yes       GPIO_11

11    GPIO_12         GPIO                                 I/O, 3.3V                                 Nob       GPIO_12

10    GPIO_13         GPIO                                 I/O, 3.3V                                 Nob       GPIO_13
9     FORCE_AWAKE     Force the CPU to wake                C, 3.3V                                   No        FORCE_AWAKE
8     SUPERCAP_       Balance the centre pin voltage on    A-3v3, 3.3V                               No        SUPERCAP_
      BALANCE         stacked supercaps                                                                        BALANCE

7     EPC_ANT_B       EPC port B                           A-1v2, 1.2V max                           Noc       RFID_ANT_B
6     EPC_ANT_A       EPC port A                           A-1v2, 1.2V max                           No        RFID_ANT_A

5     RESET_L         Module reset. Active low             C, 3.3V                                   Yes       POWERONRESET_L
4     SENSOR_7        Sensor interface                     A-1v2, 1.2V max                           No        SENSOR_IF7
3     SENSOR_5        Sensor interface                     A-1v2, 1.2V max                           No        SENSOR_IF5
2     SENSOR_4        Sensor interface                     A-1v2, 1.2V max                           No        SENSOR_IF4

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                       14                                      Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                           G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Interface, Connections and Mechanical

Table 5-2: G2M5477 Module Pins
Pin      Name                   Function                            Type, Voltage                        Icon    G2C547 Pin Connection

1        SENSOR_6               Sensor interface                    A-1v2, 1.2V max                      Noa     SENSOR_IF6

H1       EXTERNAL               U.FL connector                      RF                                   Yes

A1       INTERNAL               SMT PCB-style Antenna:                                                   Yes
         ANTENNA                antenova Rufa Right: 3030A5887-01

        a. Connect to signal ground directly
        b. Connect to signal ground via a 10k pulldown resistor
        c. Leave disconnected

5.3            Pin Grouping                                                  z      Sensors: to external sensors for measuring analog
                                                                                    parameters (e.g. temperature, humidity, shock),
The interfaces to the G2M5477 consist of:                                           and sensing security seals, motion and other
    z     Power Supply Generation: The G2M5477 supports
          a wide range of battery types and 2 power supply                   z      GPIO: to general-purpose digital devices. GPIO
          configurations.                                                           can also control switches, or provide a user UART
                                                                                    and SDIO.
    z     SPI master: connected to the on-board flash mem-
          ory, the SPI master interface can be used to control               z      RFID Antennas: up to two ~900MHz antenna for
          additional SPI-slave devices.                                             emulating EPCglobal Generation-2 RFID tags.
    z     Debug: reset, control, and DMA UART for high-                      z      RF: to external antennas, Wi-Fi Tx/Rx and ISO
          speed serial and software debug.                                          24730-2 Tx.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                                15                                   Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                                 G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Interface, Connections and Mechanical

Figure 5-1: Pin Logical Grouping
                                                     Power Supply Generation                          Power Outputs



                                                                                                                                              SPI_MISO   16
             35   NC                                                                                                                          SPI_MOSI   14      SPI Master
 connected                                                                                                                                    SPI_SCLK   15

                  External Antenna Connector
                                                                                                                                              RESET_L    5       Reset
 2.4 GHz
                  Internal Antenna                                                                                                                               Debug/
                                                                                                                                          FORCE_AWAKE    9
                  (SMT PCB-Style Antenna)                                                                                                                        High-
                                                                                                                                          DMA_UART_TX    22      speed
                                                                   GPIO[11]/USER_UART_RX                                                  DMA_UART_RX    23      Serial

             6    EPC_ANTENNA_A
                                               GPIO[4] / SD_CMD

                                               GPIO[9] / SD_CLK

             7    EPC_ANTENNA_B
                                               GPIO[5] / SD_D0
                                               GPIO[6] / SD_D1
                                               GPIO[7] / SD_D2
                                               GPIO[8] / SD_D3


                                                                                                                                                  GND    19,





                                                GPIO/SDIO                        GPIO                                     Sensors

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                                                   16                                               Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                                                                G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Interface, Connections and Mechanical

5.4      Physical Dimensions
Figure 5-2: Physical Dimensions



                                              P IN 1

              P IN 1 ID E N TIFIE R


                                      d1       B                e                       d




                                                        C om m on D im en sio ns
                                                       (U nits of m easure = m m )
                                           S YM BO L     M IN            NO M   M AX        NO T E
                                               A                          1.2
                                              A1                         2.25
                                               B                           1
                                               C                          0.2
                                              C1                          0.4
                                               D                          37
                                              D1        28.05            28.1   28.15
                                               E                          20
                                              E1        18.65            18.7   18.5
                                               d                           2
                                              d1                          2.5
                                               e                           2

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                   17                                           Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                            G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Electrical Specifications

6        Electrical Specifications

6.1         Absolute Maximum Ratings
Table 6-1: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter                                       Min.      Typ.       Max.       Units   Test Conditions/Comments

Vbatt                                           2.0                      3.7        V

Rfmax – Maximum RF input                                      10                dBm     To U.FL connector.

VHBM – ESD tolerance, human body model                        2                  kV
Input voltage for pins types:                   -0.3               See note         V   Note: The voltage should not exceed 3.7V, and
Analog 3V3                                                                              should be no more than 0.3V greater than the volt-
Power 3V3                                                                               age on the VDD_3V3_IN pin. Note that this voltage
O, T, I, I/O, I/O-24                                                                    changes depending on the state of the module.
                                                                                        Refer to Section 4.8, Power Supplies for a discus-
                                                                                        sion of power supply operation.

Input voltage for analog pin type:                                 See note         V   TBD
Analog 1V2
Input voltage for analog pin type:               0                        0         V   This pad is an RF input or output, and is a DC short
RF                                                                                      to ground. No voltage should be placed on it.

Input voltage on control pins                   -0.3                     3.7        V

Warning: I/O voltages must adhere to Table 6-1 to avoid damage and to Table 6-4 or Table 6.5 as appropriate for correct

6.2         Recommended Operating Conditions
Table 6-2: Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter                                Min.          Typ.        Max.        Units    Test Conditions/Comments

Vbatt – Battery voltage (1)              2.0                       3.3          V       Using power supply configuration of Figure 4-2.
Vbatt – Battery voltage (2)              3.0                       3.7          V       Using power supply configuration of Figure 4-3.

Operating temperature                    -30                       +85          C       Applies to all specifications unless otherwise

6.3         Package Thermal Specifications
Table 6-3: Thermal Specifications
Parameter                                       Min.      Typ.       Max.       Units   Test Conditions/Comments

Package + enclosure thermal resistance                        20                 °C/W

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                          18                                    Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                            G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Electrical Specifications

6.4            Digital Pin Parameters
Table 6-4: Digital Input, Output, Input/Output or Tristate Pin Parameters
Parameter                                              Min.          Typ.     Max.    Units   Test Conditions/Comments

IOH – DC pin current output - high                      8                              mA     Output voltage = VDD_3V3_IN – 0.4V.
Digital I/O 8mA drive                                                                         VDD_3V3_IN = 3.0V to 3.7V.
IOL – DC pin current output - low                       8                              mA     Output voltage = 0.4V.
Digital I/O 8mA drive                                                                         VDD_3V3_IN = 3.0V to 3.7V.

IOH – DC pin high current output - high                24                              mA     Output voltage = VDD_3V3_IN – 0.4V.
Digital I/O 24mA drive                                                                        VDD_3V3_IN = 3.0V to 3.7V.

IOL – DC pin high current output - low                 24                              mA     Output voltage = 0.4V.
Digital I/O 24mA drive                                                                        VDD_3V3_IN = 3.0V to 3.7V.

VIH – DC pin input logic level - high                                          2.3      V     VDD_3V3_IN = 3V3

VIL – DC pin input logic level - low                   1.0                              V     VDD_3V3_IN = 3V3

RGPIO– Pull-down resistance on GPIO 8mA pins                         83              k Ohms

ICR – Maximum crowbar current on current loop                         2                uA     Input voltage 0-1.2V
sensor inputs

Timing skew on pins GPIO[0..14]                                                        ns

6.5            Control Signal Parameters
Table 6-5: Control Signal Parameters
Parameter                                      Min.           Typ.          Max.     Units    Test Conditions/Comments

treset                                         160                                    us      Min pulse width for reset assertion

tforce_awake                                   31                                     us      Min pulse width for force_awake assertion
Vil (RESET_L)                                           0.3 Vdd_batt

Vih (RESET_L)                                           0.5 Vdd_batt

Vil (FORCE_AWAKE)                              0.15                          0.5       V
Vih (FORCE_AWAKE)                              0.6                           1.0

6.6            Power Consumption

6.6.1          Asleep
Table 6-6: Power Consumption when ASLEEP (Vbatt=2.75V)
Parameter                                       Min.          Typ.          Max.     Units    Test Conditions/Comments

Current consumption when asleep; room                           4                     uA      Temperature < 30°C.
temperature.                                                                                  RFID and magnetic receiver disabled. 32kHz crys-
                                                                                              tal oscillator disabled, all digital pins pulled to

Current consumption when asleep; full tem-                                            uA      Temperature < 85°C.
perature range.                                                                               RFID and magnetic receiver disabled.

Supply current for magnetic receiver                          190                     uA      When enabled. Note the magnetic receiver is
                                                                                              intended to operate with a 1% duty cycle.

Time for magnetic receiver to wake and check                   5.4                    ms
if signal is present

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                                  19                                  Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                                  G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Electrical Specifications

Table 6-6: Power Consumption when ASLEEP (Vbatt=2.75V)
Parameter                                    Min.   Typ.        Max.    Units     Test Conditions/Comments

RFID incremental supply current per RFID             2                   uA       No reader present, when in ‘listen’ state.

RFID incremental supply current                     50                   uA       Reader present, RFID receiver in ‘on’ state.

Sampled comparator supply current                    4                   uA       When enabled.

32768Hz crystal oscillator supply current            1                   uA       When enabled.

6.6.2         Awake
Table 6-7: Power Consumption when AWAKE (Vbatt=3.3V)
Parameter                                    Min.   Typ.        Max.    Units     Test Conditions/Comments

Program load                                         70                  mW       Does not include power to flash memory.

Program execution                                    65                  mW
Doze                                                 50                  mW

Wait for Rx                                          90                  mW

Rx Wi-Fi with CCK/DSSS (1,2,5.5,11 Mbit/s)          125                  mW       Averaged over packet of 1023 bytes.

Rx Wi-Fi with OFDM (6, 9... 54 Mbit/s)              130                  mW

Tx Wi-Fi at +18 dBm                                 700                  mW       1, 2, 5.5, or 11 Mbit/s.

Tx ISO24730-2 DSSS at +18 dBm                       700                  mW

6.6.3         Wakeup Timing and Energy Considerations
Table 6-8: Wakeup Timing and Energy Consumption
Parameter                                    Min.   Typ.        Max.    Units     Test Conditions/Comments
Time from wakeup event to program load                                   ms       Min without boost regulator, and “Fast Boot” mode
start                                                                             Max with boost regulator, and no “Fast Boot”
Energy consumed from wakeup event to pro-                                mJ       This includes booting eCos.
gram load start

Time to load program from flash                     0.25               ms/Kbyte   SPI clock = 44MHz.

6.7           Sensor Interface
See the G2C547 Datasheet, [5], for details of the sensor interface.

6.8           External Power Supplies
SENSOR_POWER corresponds to G2C547 POWER_SENSORS. See the G2C547 Datasheet, [5], for details.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                       20                                  Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                       G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

RF Performance

7        RF Performance
The G2M5477 is pre-calibrated. No user calibration is required.

7.1         2.4 GHz Radio

7.1.1        2.4 GHz Synthesizer
Table 7-1: Synthesizer Parametric Specifications
Parameter                                                     Value      Test Conditions/Comments

Channels supported                                             1-14

ISO-24730 center frequency                              2441.75 MHz

7.1.2        Wi-Fi Receiver
Table 7-2: Wi-Fi Receiver Performance Specifications
Parameter                                       Min.   Typ.           Max.     Units                      Condition

Receive sensitivity for 10% packet error rate          -70                     dBm     54 Mbit/s
for 1000 byte packet, measured using a
cabled connection to port H1                           -72                     dBm     48Mbit/s
                                                       -77                     dBm     36 Mbit/s

                                                       -79                     dBm     24 Mbit/s

                                                       -82                     dBm     18Mbit/s
                                                       -82                     dBm     12Mbit/s

                                                       -87                     dBm     9Mbit/s

                                                       -89                     dBm     6Mbit/s

                                                       -84                     dBm     11Mbit/s

                                                       -87                     dBm     5.5Mbit/s

                                                       -89                     dBm     2Mbit/s
                                                       -90                     dBm     1Mbit/s

RSSI resolution                                        0.25                     dB

RSSI variation over temperature and battery             3                       dB
voltage 2V0 - 3V7

Maximum input level for 10% PER                        -20                     dBm     802.11b/g specification

Input return loss                                      -12                      dB     Differential input from 2400 to 2500 MHz.

7.1.3        Wi-Fi Transmitter
Table 7-3: Wi-Fi Transmitter Performance Specifications
Parameter                                       Min.   Typ.           Max.     Units                      Condition

Tx Power                                               +18                     dBm

Tx EVM                                                 -28                      dB

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                          21                                   Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                           G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Firmware Features

8        Firmware Features
The G2C547 firmware provides the infrastructure           The G2M5477 module comes pre-installed with the Icon
required by an application program for a low-power        application, which provides a serial interface for
                                                          networking functions. For more details see Chapter 9,
802.11b/g device.
                                                          Application Information.
API features include:
  z   an embedded operating system (eCos)                 Icon developers may fulfill all application requirements
                                                          using Icon commands. G2M5477 developers requiring
    z   a TCP/IP stack (LWIP)                             lower level access to the firmware functions should refer
    z   start-up code                                     to G2C547 Programmer’s Reference Manual (PRM), [3],
                                                          and G2C547 Application Programming Interface (API)
    z   an application loader                             Reference [4].
    z   interrupt handling
    z   power saving features
    z   device drivers

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                 22                              Document Version 0.14a
                                                                             G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Application Information

9      Application Information
The G2M5477 Module comes pre-installed with Icon, an      Icon also provides access to the module high level event
application that provides a command line interface to     interface, via the eCos operating system. This makes it
module functions.                                         unnecessary to perform low-level polling to determine
Icon uses the UART interface for communication with the   when to respond to module state changes.
host controller.                                          For more details, see Icon Programmer’s Reference
Icon provides commands to handle wireless networking      Manual (PRM), [1].
procedures, including authentication and association,
security and encryption and data transfer using UDP and
TCP protocols.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008               23                                Document Version 0.14a
                                                                             G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet


10      Qualification
This section is to contain information on:                 z   ESD resilience
  z   testing and quality assurance                      Certification information is separate.
  z   Operational temperature range qualification        More detail will be provided in a later revision of this

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                24                              Document Version 0.14a
                                                                            G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Design Guidelines

11      Design Guidelines
This section is to provide guidelines for incorporating the     z   Reflowing
G2M5477 module in a customer-designed device. It
                                                                z   How the internal antenna is affected by a nearby
covers issues such as:
                                                                    ground plane
  z   Pads
                                                              More detail will be provided in a later revision of this
  z   Layout                                                  document.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                   25                                Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                 G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Development Kit

12     Development Kit
The G2M5477 Module Development Kit (MDK) provides a         For more information refer to Getting Started with the
hardware and software platform for testing and developing   G2M5477 MDK, [6].
G2M5477 applications.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                 26                               Document Version 0.14a
                                                                              G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet


13     References
Throughout this data sheet, references to other         13.3     MDK Users
documents are listed. The following documents provide
additional material:                                    6. Getting Started with the G2M5477 MDK
                                                           G2 Microsystems 2008
                                                        7. G2M5477 Users Guide
13.1     Icon Developers                                   G2 Microsystems 2008
1. Icon Programmer’s Reference Manual (PRM)
   G2 Microsystems 2008                                 13.4     Standards and Excellence
2. Icon API Reference
   G2 Microsystems 2008                                 8. EPCglobal - Class 1 Generation 2 UHF RFID Protocol
                                                            Version 1.09 -
13.2     G2M5477 Developers                             9. IEEE Std 802.11 - 2007 -
3. G2C547 Programmer’s Reference Manual (PRM) -   
   G2 Microsystems 2008                                 10. SPARC V8 Architecture Manual -
4. G2C547 Application Programming Interface (API) 
   Reference - G2 Microsystems 2008
5. G2C547 Datasheet - G2 Microsystems 2008

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008             27                               Document Version 0.14a
                                                                          G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

 *       oo



14       Compliance

14.1      FCC Compliance                                       14.1.3       Markings
                                                               To satisfy FCC exterior labeling requirements, the
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
                                                               following text must be placed on the exterior of the end
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a        Contains Module FCC ID: U3O-G2M5477
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not             Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning
installed and used in accordance with the instructions,        may be used.
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation.
                                                               14.1.4       FCC Warning

14.1.1     Troubleshooting
                                                               Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio     could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment
or television reception, which can be determined by            under FCC Rules.
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
                                                               Radio Frequency Exposure
                                                               Table 14-1: Radio Frequency Exposure
  z    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                                               Property (Units of Measurement)                   Value
  z    Increase the separation between the equipment
       and receiver.                                           Antenna Gain (dBi)                                2.0

  z    Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit dif-    Numeric Gain (numeric)                            1.58
       ferent from that to which the receiver is connected.    Max Allowable Peak Power (dBm)                    +23.76
  z    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV           Max Allowable Peak Power (mW)                     237.7
       technician.                                             Calculated Safe Distance at 1   mW/cm2 (cm)       5.5
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.            Minimum Separation Distance                       20a

                                                               a. Note: for mobile or fixed location transmitters the minimum sepa-
14.1.2     Conditions                                          ration distance is 20cm, even if calculations indicate the MPE dis-
                                                               tance to be less,
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
  z    This device may not cause harmful interference          This equipment has been evaluated in accordance with
                                                               the FCC bulletin 56 “Hazards of radio frequency and
  z    This device must accept any interference received,      electromagnetic fields” and bulletin 65 “Human exposure
       including interference that may cause undesired         to radio frequency and electromagnetic fields”.
                                                               A distance greater than or equal to 20 cm from the
                                                               device should be maintained for safe operation in an
                                                               uncontrolled environment.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                    29                                      Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                        G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Revision History and Glossary

15        Revision History and Glossary
Table 15-1: Document Revision History
Version           Date                     Description

0.01              October 2008             First draft

0.02-0.10         November 2008            Corrections and additions

0.11              December 2008            Release

0.12              December 2008            Corrections


                                                                        Table 15-2: Acronyms and Abbreviations (Cont.)
Table 15-2: Acronyms and Abbreviations                                  Term      Definition

Term        Definition                                                  PMU       Power management unit. A section of the G2M5477 that
                                                                                  controls which parts of the module are active at any
ADC         Analog-to-digital converter                                           time.
AES         Advanced encryption standard                                QFN       Quad-flat no-lead package
AGC         Automatic gain control                                      RSSI      Received signal strength indication. Measurement of
AO          Always on                                                             signal strength used by wireless systems to estimate
                                                                                  the location of the clients.
API         Application programming interface
                                                                        RTLS      Real-time locating systems
DAC         Digital to Analog Converter.
                                                                        Rx        Receive
DCF         Distributed Coordination Function - see 802.11 specifi-
                                                                        SHA       Secure hash algorithm
                                                                        SMU       Sampled measurement unit
DSSS        Direct sequence spread spectrum

EPC         Electronic product code                                     SoC       System on a chip
                                                                        SPI       Serial peripheral interface. A standard serial interface
FET         Field effect transistor
                                                                                  used for DRAMs and other components.
FSK         Frequency shift keying
                                                                        TCO       Total Cost of Ownership
GPIO        General-purpose input/output
                                                                        TCP/IP    TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol)
IEEE        The 802.11b/g standard for wireless local area networks               is the basic communication language or protocol of the
802.11b/g   (WLANs) - often called Wi-Fi - is part of the 802.11                  Internet.
            series of WLAN standards from the Institute of Electrical
                                                                        Tx        Transmit
            and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 802.11b/g is back-
            ward compatible with 802.11.                                WLAN      Wireless local area network
            The G2M5477 implements the IEEE 802.11b/g transmit
            and receive functions.                                      WMM       Wireless Multi-Media. “WMM” is a registered trademark
                                                                                  of the Multimedia Alliance, of which G2 is a member.
MAC         Medium access controller. Part of the 802.11 trans-                   The Wireless Multimedia Alliance generates specifica-
            ceiver.                                                               tions and practices which, if followed, lead to greater
                                                                                  satisfaction with IEEE 802.11-compliant items.
MDS         Minimum detectable signal
                                                                        Wi-Fi     Wireless fidelity. A registered trademark of the Wi-Fi alli-
MRM         Mobile resource management
                                                                                  ance for certain types of wireless local area networks
NRE         Non-Recurring Engineering costs                                       (WLAN) that use specifications conforming to IEEE
NVM         Always On Memory

OOK         On-off keying
PCB         Printed circuit board

PHY         Physical layer processor. Part of the 802.11 transceiver.

G2 Microsystems Inc., Copyright 2008                              30                                 Document Version 0.14a
                                                                                             G2M5477 Preliminary Data Sheet

Document Created: 2009-02-24 11:29:40
Document Modified: 2009-02-24 11:29:40

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