User manual 1


Users Manual

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                                           CO N T EN T S
      Owner Details .................................................................................... 4
FEATURES ................................................................................................. 4
MT603G ADDITIONAL FEATURES ........................................................... 4
GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................... 5
REGISTRATION AND TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP .................................. 6
      EPIRB Purchase or Transfer Advice .................................................... 6
      Transferring Ownership ..................................................................... 6
PREVENTING ACCIDENTAL ACTIVATION ................................................ 7
INSTALLATION .......................................................................................... 7
BRACKET RELEASE AND STOWAGE ........................................................ 8
IN AN EMERGENCY .................................................................................. 9
      Using the Beacon as a Last Resort ..................................................... 9
      Activation ........................................................................................... 9
DEPLOYING THE EPIRB .......................................................................... 10
TURNING THE EPIRB OFF ...................................................................... 11
IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL ACTIVATION ....................................... 11
BATTERIES AND MAINTENANCE ........................................................... 12
SAFETY SEAL ........................................................................................... 13
TESTING THE EPIRB ............................................................................... 13
      Test Indicator LEDs ........................................................................... 13
      General Self Test .............................................................................. 13
      GENERAL SELF TEST TABLE ............................................................ 14
      GPS Satellite Acquisition Test .......................................................... 15
      GPS SATELLITE ACQUISITION TEST TABLE .................................... 16
UNACCOMPANIED TRANSPORTATION ................................................. 17
DISPOSAL ................................................................................................ 18
ABOUT THE COSPAS-SARSAT SYSTEM .................................................. 18
SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................... 19
NATIONAL AUTHORITY REGISTRATION DETAILS ................................. 21
      Australia........................................................................................... 21
      New Zealand..................................................................................... 21

               To ensure the MT603G is fully functional,
             or prior to an extended journey as described
                       on page 13 of this manual.

MT603G                                INSTRUCTION MANUAL                                                     3


Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Phone:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Beacon UIN/15-HEX ID:
Congratulations on purchasing your new Accusat™ MT603G series
The Accusat™ MT603G is the most advanced 406 MHz digital
satellite beacon available today. GME have developed and approved
internationally, a new family of affordable high performance 406 MHz

    A CAUTIONARY NOTE: The satellite EPIRB is the most significant
    advance in search and rescue technology in many years. However,
    it is not a substitute for a marine radio. Mariners should not
    be over-reliant on any single system. Wise, safe mariners plan
    carefully, ensure that shore contacts know their sail plan, carry a
    marine radio and the correct range of other safety equipment and
    operate their craft sensibly to suit conditions at sea.

• Compact, lightweight, easy-to-mount design.
• Integrated 66 channel GPS receiver with top mounted Quad helix
     antenna for better than 100 metre accuracy.
• 	 121.5 MHz VHF homing beacon to assist in guiding rescuers to your
     precise location.
• Zero warm-up digital technology.
• Automatically activated on immersion in water (when removed
     from bracket) or can be manually activated if required.
• Ultra high performance solid state strobe.
• Quick and easy test facility with audio/visual indication.
• COSPAS-SARSAT CLASS 2 (C/S T.001). Internationally approved,
     worldwide operation.
• Meets or exceeds the applicable requirements of:
     AS/NZ 4280.1 and C/S T.001/007 standards.
• Includes quick release mounting bracket.
• Antenna deploys automatically when the unit is removed from the
• 6 year battery life.
• 6 year warranty.

4                                  INSTRUCTION MANUAL                                                       MT603G

                     GENERAL DESCRIPTION
The Accusat™ MT603G Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
(EPIRB) is designed to be used when the safety of your craft and crew
is endangered and you have no other means of communication. The
EPIRB can save your life and the lives of others on board by leading
an air/sea rescue to your precise location. In the past, extensive and
lengthy searches have been carried out for missing craft, sometimes to
no avail.
Your GME EPIRB is a self contained 406 MHz radio transmitter that emits
an internationally recognised distress signal on a frequency monitored
by the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system. The MT603G EPIRB contains
a unique identity code which can be cross referenced to a database of
registered 406 MHz beacons, allowing the beacon’s owner and vessel to
be immediately identified in the event of an emergency. The MT603G
can be manually activated by the operator in an emergency situation
and will also automatically activate when out of the bracket if deployed
in water. Additionally, each unit includes an ultra high performance
solid state strobe and 121.5MHz VHF homing beacon to assist in guiding
rescuers to your precise location.
The MT603G features an integrated 66 channel GPS receiver which
automatically acquires a position and relays the latitude and longitude
of the beacon along with the personal identifier and emergency signal.

                            GPS Antenna



                Test LEDs

  MT603FG         Lanyard

                 AND IMMINENT DANGER
MT603G                  INSTRUCTION MANUAL                             5

Registration of 406 MHz satellite EPIRBs with the EPIRB registration
section of the national authority is mandatory because of the global
alerting nature of the COSPAS-SARSAT system. The information
provided for registration is used only for search and rescue purposes.
If your EPIRB is activated in an emergency, it will transmit its unique
identifying code that will give the authorities immediate access to your
details when the beacon is detected.
In Australia the preferred method of registration is online at: http:// Alternatively, fill in the owner registration
form upon completion of the sale and mail, fax or email the registration
form to the relevant national authority. Registration forms are also
available online and if the beacon is to enter service immediately,
complete the registration form and submit to the relevant national
authority electronically for immediate registration.
(Registration details are on page 21 of this manual).

NOTE: Registration of your EPIRB cannot be done by GME.

If the beacon is being transferred to a new owner, it is the responsibility
of the current owner to inform the national authority of the new
owners name and address by email, fax, letter or phone.

The new owner of the beacon is required to provide the national
authority with the information shown on the registration form.

This obligation transfers to all subsequent owners.

Failure to register your beacon may result in a fine and could result in
unnecessary delays in the rescue process and possible loss of life.

6                     INSTRUCTION MANUAL                          MT603G

The signal from an EPIRB is regarded by authorities as an indication of
distress and is given an appropriate response. It is the responsibility of
every owner of an EPIRB to ensure that it is not activated unintentionally
or in situations that do not justify its use.
Most cases of accidental transmission are the result of poor or
inappropriate storage or failure to totally disable an old model EPIRB
before disposal.
The need to treat EPIRBs responsibly cannot be too highly emphasized.
The MT603G beacon will not activate unless the ON button is being held
continuously in the ‘pressed’ state. Once the beacon has been activated,
it will not commence transmitting until approximately 50 seconds after
activation, providing a safety period of audible and visual warning. If
you hear the beacon beeping while it is being carried or stowed, you
may still be able to deactivate it during this time period without actually
transmitting a distress signal. If in doubt, report the incident to your local
authorities just in case.
To minimize the possibility of accidental activation, EPIRB owners are
urged to pay careful attention to the following points:
1. Always stow the EPIRB in the mounting bracket with the switch cover
    closed. The switch cover is designed specifically to prevent accidental
    activation. The yellow collar with this model’s bracket contains special
    features which inhibit automatic water activation of the EPIRB whilst
    in the bracket. If transporting the EPIRB out of the bracket, ensure it
    remains dry at all times including avoiding contact with wet clothing
2. Avoid stowing the EPIRB where it may lie in water or be in contact
   with moisture.
3. Do not allow children to interfere with the EPIRB.
4. Educate others on board your vessel regarding the consequences of
   beacon activation.

The MT603G can be mounted upright or horizontally against a panel or
bulkhead. When selecting a location, consider the following:
• Select a location that is readily accessible in an emergency.
• Ensure the unit is protected against the environment. Avoid locations
   where it will be subject to water spray or continuous sunlight.
• Avoid mounting the EPIRB where it will be subjected to continuous
   direct sunlight. This could cause the beacon’s internal temperature to
   exceed the maximum storage temperature of +70°C. Long term stowage
   under these conditions could result in reduced battery life, poor
   performance or degradation of the plastics due to excessive UV light.
• Mount the unit in a location where it will be safe from physical damage.

MT603G                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL                              7

• The specifications section contains the ’Compass Safe Distance’ for
   your particular model EPIRB. This is the minimum distance that must
   be maintained between an inactive stowed beacon and any magnetic
   navigational device.
• Confirm the selected location allows
   sufficient clearance to remove the
   beacon from the bracket when
   required. Hold the mounting bracket
   in place (with the EPIRB removed) and
   mark the location of the mounting       Mounting               Mounting
   holes. Screw the bracket to the panel    holes                  holes

   or bulkhead using the stainless steel
   screws supplied.

NOTE: The locations of the mounting
holes for the mounting bracket are
identical to those used on the earlier
MT400 series EPIRBs.
Once the bracket is fixed in place, fit the emergency beacon to the

To remove the EPIRB
1. Release metal strap by pulling clasp forward.
2. With one hand, press down on the tab at the base of the bracket.
3. Grasp the EPIRB with the other hand and pull it outwards and 		
4. The antenna will release automatically and spring to the upright

To Stow the EPIRB
1. Hold the EPIRB upright with the antenna towards the front.
2. Insert the EPIRB, antenna first, upwards into the bracket.
8                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL                         MT603G

3. Press the tip of the antenna against the bottom of the three ridges in
    the antenna slot and slide the EPIRB upwards into the orange collar of
    the bracket so that the antenna folds over.
4.Push the EPIRB base firmly into the bracket until the release lever clicks
5. Connect strap.

                           IN AN EMERGENCY
The EPIRB should only be used where grave and imminent danger
threatens your craft and assistance is required.
If an emergency occurs, you should first try to use your radio to summon
assistance. If contact is made, it may not be necessary to use the beacon.
Notify the ‘Emergency Facility’ that you have a beacon and that you will
turn it on upon their instructions.
If dire emergency threatens life and you have been unable to make radio
contact or have lost radio contact, use the beacon. The distress signal
transmitted by your beacon identifies you as a craft in distress and will
initiate an air/sea search and rescue.
                                                                     Lift switch
MANUAL ACTIVATION                                                       cover
1. Remove the beacon from the bracket.
2. Lift the switch cover (marked ‘LIFT’).
3. Slide the ‘ON’ slider switch fully
forward in the direction of the arrows.
The unit will initially beep once and
the strobe will flash, then after seven
seconds the flashing strobe and beeps
will continue every 3 seconds to
indicate the beacon is operating.                                             ‘ON‘
4. Close the cover to secure the slider
switch in the ‘ON’ position.

1. Remove the beacon from the bracket.
2. Deploy the beacon in water if sea conditions permit. The unit will
initially beep once and the strobe will flash, then after seven seconds
the flashing strobe and beeps will continue every 3 seconds to indicate
the beacon is operating.

 NOTE: The EPIRB has been designed to maintain continuity of
 operation even when the unit’s sensors leave the water for 3 to 4
 seconds at a time. Uninterrupted operation is however always best
 guaranteed by also manually activating the unit.

MT603G                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL                              9

The MT603G will begin acquiring GPS satellites. When a position is
obtained, a musical chime will be heard and the green LED will flash
rapidly for a few seconds. The green LED will then flash in sync with the
strobe light to confirm a valid GPS position is being used.
The beacon’s first transmission will occur approximately 50 seconds after
activation (with or without a valid GPS position).
                   Deployment on water                         Deployment on raft

                             DEPLOYING THE EPIRB
Unwind the cord and secure the EPIRB to prevent loss. When activated,
the MT603G will transmit the strongest signal to the satellites when:
• It is floating in water.
• It is well clear of surrounding and
   overhanging objects.
• The antenna is vertical.
In extreme sea conditions, you should not
float the EPIRB free of the vessel or the
life raft if there is the possibility of loss
or damage to the EPIRB. However, it is
recommended that the EPIRB should ideally
                                                              Deployment on deck
be operated clear of any cover or canopy.
By observing the following
guidelines satisfactory operation
should still be achieved when
operating the EPIRB out of water.
• T he EPIRB signal will not pass
   through metal but will pass
   through fibreglass, wood or fabric
   with some loss when wet.
• T he body of the EPIRB can be
   attached to metal fittings, but
  the antenna must be vertical and clear of the metal. You must not
  attach it to the vessel using the lanyard.
• If the cabin is metallic (such as steel or aluminium), the EPIRB should be
   mounted outside on a clear space with the antenna vertical and clear of
   surrounding objects.

                    Deployment on raft                Deployment on water

10                       INSTRUCTION MANUAL                        MT603G

WARNING: Switching a beacon on and off interferes with the satellites’
ability to determine your location. Once activated in an emergency, allow
the beacon to operate without interruption until your rescue.

RF EXPOSURE WARNING: The EPIRB emits low levels of radio frequency
radiation. Avoid handling the antenna once activated.

NOTE: Once battery capacity is depleted, normal 406 MHz transmissions
will cease along with the strobe and audible beeps. However, special
circuitry within the EPIRB will direct any remaining battery capacity
towards extended operation of the 121.5 MHz homing transmitter
and the green LED will flash every 10 seconds. If after a long period of
deployment your beacon appears to cease functioning – leave the beacon
switched on – as it is likely that the homing signal is still being transmitted.

                       TURNING THE EPIRB OFF
After you have been rescued, it is important that you turn the EPIRB off
as soon as possible. If you leave the EPIRB running when it is no longer
needed it may make it difficult for the satellites to detect other beacons
that may be transmitting in the area.
1. Remove beacon from the water
2. Lift the switch cover (marked ‘LIFT’).
3. Slide the yellow slider switch fully towards the ‘OFF’ position
4. Close the cover to secure the slider switch
5. To cancel water activation, dry the beacon or re-stow in the bracket. It
   may take a number of seconds for the EPIRB to de-activate.
6. Check that both the strobe light and the ‘beep’ have stopped

If you suspect that an EPIRB has been activated inadvertently, you MUST
turn it off and report it immediately to your National Authority‘s Rescue
Co-ordination Centre to prevent an unnecessary search.
If at sea, call your local VHF coast station or Rescue Co-ordination Centre.
In international waters contact a Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre
or Coast Radio Station (CRS) by any available means.
When reporting you should include the following:
1. Your EPIRB’s 15 character Unique Identifier Number (UIN) which is
    marked on the unit body.
2. Date, time and duration of activation
3. Cause of activation
4. Location at time of activation
Search and Rescue authorities will not penalize an EPIRB owner or
operator in cases of genuine accidental activation. Contact numbers for
various authorities are provided on page 21 of this manual.
   MT603G                     INSTRUCTION MANUAL                              11

                     BATTERIES AND MAINTENANCE
The MT603G is fitted with the very latest in high capacity lithium battery
technology. These batteries are able to operate within a temperature
range of -20°C to +55°C.
The full operational capability of your beacon may not be available if the
batteries fitted have exceeded their replacement date, as shown on the
body of the unit. Prior to reaching this date, make arrangements to have
your EPIRB returned for service.
If the red LED lights when the TEST button is pressed and the EPIRB fails to
start, the battery voltage has been depleted.

     NOTE: The replacement of batteries due to expiry or usage is not
     covered by the product‘s warranty. EPIRB maintenance operations,
     including battery replacement, require that the beacon be returned
     to a manufacturer approved service facility. Although the MT603G
     is otherwise maintenance free, routinely following these few simple
     steps will help ensure that your beacon will be operationally ready
     if called upon.

1. Test the EPIRB at the recommended interval.
   (refer to ‘Testing the EPIRB’ below)
2. Confirm the SAFETY SEAL has not been broken.
3. Check that the batteries have not passed their replacement date.
4. Inspect the MT603G and bracket for damage or deterioration.
5. Keep the unit clean by wiping over with a damp cloth (warm water and
  mild detergent are suitable) – while the unit is in the bracket - then dry.
6. Verify that the unit releases correctly from the bracket and is securely
    retained when returned to it.
If there is any doubt as to the EPIRB’s serviceability, immediately contact
your authorised dealer or service centre for advice.

     NOTE: Some installations may be covered by state, national or
     international carriage requirements. Such legislation may impose
     additional inspection and maintenance requirements beyond those
     listed above. Contact the relevant authority for further information.

     CAUTION: Do not dismantle the EPIRB. It contains no user-serviceable
     parts. Any changes and modifications not expressly approved by
     manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

12                     INSTRUCTION MANUAL                         MT603G

                                SAFETY SEAL
The safety seal which covers the tab behind the ‘ON’ slider is designed to
tear if the unit is switched on. A safety seal that is not broken, serves to
indicate that the beacon has never been manually activated.
NEVER remove or break the seal unless deploying the EPIRB in an
If the beacon has been activated for any length of time, the batteries can
no longer be guaranteed to have the capacity to operate for the minimum
48 hour period and therefore must be replaced.

                           TESTING THE EPIRB
It is recommended that you test it at regular
monthly intervals or prior to an extended
journey. (Up to 12 times per year).

During the test the unit will beep. Red
and green LEDs on the side of the unit
will indicate the
test status.

                     Test indicator LEDs


 NOTE 1: The ‘General’ Self Test function does not test GPS acquisition.
 The ‘GPS Satellite Acquisition Test‘ is done separately. Refer to pages

 NOTE 2: To minimise interference to the COSPAS/ SARSAT system,
 testing should be performed during the first 5 minutes of the hour.

IMPORTANT: Do not over test.
Testing consumes a small amount
of battery power. If both red and
green LEDs flash rapidly at the start                                ‘Test’
of the test cycle it means the beacon                                button
has been tested well beyond its
recommended number of periodic
self tests. If this happens you can still
continue to perform
self tests, but you          Test indicator
should limit testing to
the recommended monthly
intervals or just prior to an
extended journey.

MT603G                     INSTRUCTION MANUAL                          13

You may test the EPIRB using the following procedure
1. Ensuring the unit is dry, remove the EPIRB from the bracket.
    (Refer to page 7).
2. Keep the antenna well clear of metallic objects during testing.
3. Lift the yellow cover marked ‘LIFT’.
4. Hold the EPIRB in position so the two test indicator LEDs are clearly
5.	Briefly press and release the yellow TEST button (do not hold the
    test button longer than 2 seconds). The EPIRB will beep once and
    simultaneously the strobe will flash once indicating that the self test
    has commenced.
6. A single GREEN LED flash without an audio beep indicated the self test
   is in progress, checking the internal system, 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz
   radio transmitter and GPS functionality.

                   G EN ER A L S EL F T E S T TA B L E
     LEDS                 DESCRIPTION                         MESSAGE
                     Short GREEN flash at the     EPIRB is undergoing a General
                     beginning of test.           Self test.

                     RED and GREEN LEDs flash     EPIRB is undergoing a General
                     simultaneously with beeps.   Self test; however, the EPIRB has
                                                  detected that an excessive number
                                                  of self tests have been preformed.
                                                  You should limit further self tests
                                                  to the recommended intervals in
                                                  order to conserve battery power.

                     4 GREEN or RED flashes       Test results – each flash indicates
                     with beeps                   the result of a specific test.
                     (the number of flashes and
                                                  • A GREEN flash and a HIGH beep
                     beeps are model specific).
        or                                         indicates a test has passed.

                                                  • A RED flash and a LOW beep
                                                   indicates a test has failed.

                     Long GREEN flash or long     Test Summary
                     RED flash (no beeps).
                                                  • Long GREEN flash indicates the
                                                    EPIRB has passed all tests and
                                                    is OK to use.
      or                                          • Long RED flash indicates the
                                                    EPIRB has failed one or more
                                                    tests and may require servicing.
                                                    Contact GME for advice.

14                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL                                MT603G

7. As the four step test progresses, each test result will be indicated by
   either a GREEN or RED flash accompanied by a high or low audio beep.
   GREEN + High beep, indicating a successful test
   RED + Low beep, indicating a failed test

NOTE : If the second LED flash is green, this is an indication that a
121MHz carrier has been emitted and successfully detected by the test
routine. If the third LED flash is green, this is an indication that a 406MHz
carrier has been emitted and successfully detected by the test routine.

8. At the conclusion of these four individual tests, a summary of results
   will be indicated by either: A long GREEN flash indicating the MT603G
   has successfully passed all tests or a long RED flash indicating a failure
   of one or more of the tests.
If the EPIRB repeatedly fails the testing process you should contact the
GME service department for advice.
    nce testing is completed, close the switch cover and press firmly into
9. O
   place until it clicks.
10. Return the EPIRB into the bracket.

The general self-test procedure is more than sufficient to perform a
comprehensive check of your beacon without consuming too much
battery capacity. The general self-test also includes a general GPS check to
ensure the GPS circuitry is functioning.
However, on occasions, and no more regularly than once per year, you
may wish to also perform a full GPS satellite acquisition check which
includes the operation of the special GPS antenna. This test consumes
much more power than a standard self-test, so before you begin, choose
an outside test location with good visibility of the open sky above. A
fast satellite acquisition means a shorter test and less wasted
power consumption.

 NOTE: Once the GPS test has started, you can terminate the test at
 any time by briefly pressing the ‘TEST’ button.

1. E nsuring the unit is dry, remove the EPIRB from the bracket.
    (Refer to page 8).
2. Ensure you are outside with good visibility of the open sky above.
3. Keep the antenna well clear of metallic objects during testing.
4. Lift the yellow cover marked ‘LIFT’.
5. Press and hold the yellow ‘Test’ button until the green LED flashes,
    then release the button within 2 seconds.
6. The beacon will now attempt to acquire a GPS position. During this
    time the green LED will flash at one second intervals accompanied by
    double beeps.
MT603G                   INSTRUCTION MANUAL                             15

The time taken to acquire a position will vary depending on the number
and location of satellites present in your location. Under normal
conditions, acquisition should take around 30 to 40 seconds, however it
is possible for it to take several minutes. Note that distress signals are not
radiated as part of this test.
     a. If a GPS position is successfully acquired, the beacon will emit a 3
         tone musical ‘chime’ and the green LED will flash 8 times. It will then
         send a brief ‘TEST’ transmission containing the GPS coordinates. The
         ‘TEST’ transmission is safe and will not trigger a search.
     b. If a GPS position cannot be acquired within 2 minutes, the beacon
         will emit 8 beeps and the red LED will flash 8 times. This may indicate
         a fault with the EPIRB’s GPS receiver system and you should contact
         GME service department for advice.

                   (in order of appearance)
          LEDS                  DESCRIPTION                  MESSAGE

                            GREEN LED flashes       EPIRB is undergoing a
                            once per second         GPS test.
                            with double beep.


                            Both RED and            EPIRB is undergoing a
                            GREEN LEDs double       GPS test HOWEVER there
                            flash with double       are less than 4 GPS tests
                            beeps.                  remaining.
                                                    You should limit further
                                                    GPS tests to the
                                                    recommended intervals.


                            One long Red LED        The GPS test count has
                            flash with low beep.    expired. No further GPS
                                                    tests can be performed*.

                            8 GREEN flashes         GPS test PASSED.
                            and a musical
                                                    A GPS positional fix was

                            8 Red flashes and 8     GPS test FAILED.
                            low beeps.
                                                    No GPS positional fix was
                                                    acquired. Please contact
                                                    GME for advice.

16                      INSTRUCTION MANUAL                          MT603G

7.	Once GPS testing is completed, close the switch cover and press firmly
    into place until it clicks.
8. Return the beacon to its bracket.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT over-test. GPS testing consumes additional
battery power. To conserve the battery the EPIRB will only allow a total
of 12 GPS tests during its lifetime.
• If the available GPS test count is approaching the limit, both red and
    green LEDs will give a double flash accompanied by a double beep
    during the GPS acquisition period.
• 	If the available GPS test count expires, any further attempts to
    perform a GPS test will result a single red LED flash accompanied by
    a low beep and the test will not start. As long as the GPS is tested at
    the recommended average of once per year, the test count should
    not expire during the lifetime of the beacon.

*IMPORTANT: Although in this situation the EPIRB has reached the limit of
the available number of GPS tests, the GPS circuitry will still be powered
if the EPIRB is used in an emergency. Alternatively, the EPIRB can be
returned to GME for battery replacement (not covered under warranty)
and the GPS test counter will be reset.

The MT603G EPIRB contains Lithium batteries. Some transportation
or courier companies may have special requirements for transporting
devices containing Lithium Batteries. We recommend you retain the
original packaging in which you received your EPIRB for transportation.
If returning your MT603G to your dealer or GME branch office for repair
or scheduled battery replacement, you should inform the transportation
company beforehand that your beacon contains Lithium batteries.
DO NOT send your MT603G beacon through the postal system.

MT603G                   INSTRUCTION MANUAL                            17

Special precautions must be taken when finally disposing of your beacon
at the end of its useful life. Legislation may determine the specific
requirements which apply to you. In the first instance contact your
National Authority for advice. See page 21.
The following information may also be helpful:
• To permanently disable the beacon, remove the 4 screws retaining the
   cover, open unit, unplug battery lead, then reseal.
• L ithium batteries are generally not considered to be hazardous waste
   when fully discharged. Qualified personnel may be able to slowly and
   safely discharge the
   cells for you.
DO NOT short circuit the cells or battery. DO NOT incinerate.

The COSPAS-SARSAT system is a complete global search and rescue
service using geostationary and polar orbiting satellites. Many countries
provide ground facilities known as Local User Terminals (LUTs).
Polar orbiting satellites provide complete, although non-continuous,
coverage of the earth (due to the fact that these satellites can only view
a portion of the earth at any given time) and can accurately resolve an
active beacon’s location. Additionally, geostationary satellites can give an
immediate alerting function in many regions of
the world.

The basic COSPAS-SARSAT concept is illustrated in the figure above.

 18                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL                         MT603G

                          S PEC IFI C AT I O N S*
      Activated:	UHF (406) and VHF (homer) complete with high
                     intensity strobe and audible activation alert.
General Self Test: 	Comprehensive internal diagnostics with visual and
                     audible operator feedback. UHF test message (inverted
                     synchronisation compatible with portable beacon
   GPS Self Test: GPS acquisition test with visual and audible operator
		 feedback UHF test message containing GPS

         Activation: Water or Manually by operator
      Bracket Type: Manual release
           Duration: 48 hours minimum
Transmission Delay: 	121.5 and 406 MHz distress signals commence ~
                      50 seconds after activation.
               UHF: 406.040 MHz, 5 W ± 2 dB, PSK (digital)
             Strobe: 20 flashes/minute at greater than 0.75 cd effective
   COSPAS-SARSAT: Certified to C/S T.001 (Class 2) requirements
UHF-Protocol/Data: 	Serial number*, Radio call sign or MMSI
  Repetition Period: 50 s mean, digitally generated randomization
                VHF: 121.5 MHz, 25 mw. Min PERP@25°C

 Replacement Period:    Prior to expiry date marked on case
Replacement Method:     Service centre, or factory only (non-user replaceable)
          Chemistry:    LiSO2 (2.4 g Lithium per cell)
       Configuration:   2 ‘D’ type cells

 NOTE: Batteries are not user replaceable. After emergency activation or
 upon reaching the marked expiry date, the EPIRB must be returned to
 GME or it’s authorised service centre for battery replacement.

MT603G                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL                               19

                               S PEC IFI C AT I O N S*

Operating Temperature: -20°C to +55°C
Storage Temperature: -30°C to +70°C
             Weight: 648 g (including bracket)
Compass Safe Distance: 0.7 m from magnetic navigational device
         Dimensions: 	260 mm (H) x 102 mm (W) x 83 mm (D) max (stowed in
           Materials: UV stabilized plastic chassis
        Performance: AS/NZ 4280.1

               GPS:	 Internal 66 channel high performance receiver with
                      quadrifilar helix antenna.
Retention Lanyard: Buoyant type approximately 5.5 metres long
         Reflector: SOLAS retro-reflective tape encircling unit above
Solid-state Strobe: High reliability solid state design exceeds IMO 		
          Antenna: Flexible self straightening stainless steel design
           Bracket: 	Quick release mechanism (manual)
                      Retained by four (4) vessel fixing points.

*Standard factory setting, subject to National requirements.
Distributor-reprogrammable via optical data interface.

Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

20                        INSTRUCTION MANUAL                         MT603G



24 hour emergency contact
Within Australia: 000
International: +61 2 6230 6811


Beacon Registration Section,
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
GPO Box 2181, Canberra ACT 2601.
Freecall 1 800 406 406 local only.
+61 2 6279 5766 business hours only.
Fax: 1800 406 329 local only.
Online registration:
Local or international calls from a mobile attract connection charges.


24 hour emergency contact
Within NZ: 0508 472 269
International: +64 4577 8030

406 Beacons
Rescue Co-ordination Centre
New Zealand
PO Box: 30050, Lower Hutt 5040
Tel: +64 4577 8042
Fax: +64 4577 8041
Online registration:

MT603G                  INSTRUCTION MANUAL                          21

                S TA N DA RD CO M MUNI C AT I O N S
          CO N T R AC T WA RR A N T Y AG A I N S T D EFEC T S
This warranty against defects is given by Standard Communications Pty
Ltd ACN 000 346 814 (We, us, our or GME). Our contact details are set out
in clause 2.7. This warranty statement only applies to products purchased
in Australia. Please contact your local GME distributor for products sold
outside of Australia. Local distributor details at
1. Consumer guarantees
1.1 Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the
     Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund
     for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably
     foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods
     repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and
     the failure does not amount to a major failure.
1.2 To the extent we are able; we exclude all other conditions, warranties
     and obligations which would otherwise be implied.
2. Warranty against defects
2. 1 This warranty is in addition to and does not limit, exclude or restrict
      your rights under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Australia)
      or any other mandatory protection laws that may apply.
2.2 We warrant our goods to be free from defects in materials and
     workmanship for the warranty period (see warranty table) from the
     date of original sale (or another period we agree to in writing). Subject
     to our obligations under clause 1.2, we will at our option, either repair
     or replace goods which we are satisfied are defective. We warrant any
     replacement parts for the remainder of the period of warranty for the
     goods into which they are incorporated.
2.3 To the extent permitted by law, our sole liability for breach of a
     condition, warranty or other obligation implied by law is limited
     (a) In the case of goods we supply, to any one of the following as we
          decide -
		           (i) The replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent
		           (ii) The repair of the goods;
		           (iii) The cost of repairing the goods or of acquiring equivalent
     (b) In the case of services we supply, to any one of the following as we
		           (i) The supplying of the services again;
		           (ii) The cost of having the services supplied again.
2.4 For repairs outside the warranty period, we warrant our repairs to
     be free from defects in materials and workmanship for three months
     from the date of the original repair. We agree to re-repair or replace
22                     INSTRUCTION MANUAL                           MT603G

   (at our option) any materials or workmanship which we are satisfied
   are defective.
2.5 We warrant that we will perform services with reasonable care and
     skill and agree to investigate any complaint regarding our services
     made in good faith. If we are satisfied that the complaint is justified,
     and as our sole liability to you under this warranty (to the extent
     permitted at law), we agree to supply those services again at no extra
     charge to you.
2.6 To make a warranty claim you must before the end of the applicable
     warranty period (see warranty table), at your own cost, return the
     goods you allege are defective, provide written details of the defect,
     and give us an original or copy of the sales invoice or some other
     evidence showing details of the transaction.
2.7 Send your claim to:
     Standard Communications Pty Ltd.
     PO Box 96 Winston Hills, NSW 2153, Australia.
     Tel: (02) 8867 6000 Fax: (02) 8867 6199
2.8 If we determine that your goods are defective, we will pay for the cost
     of returning the repaired or replaced goods to you, and reimburse you
     for your reasonable expenses of sending your warranty claim to us.
3. What this warranty does not cover
3.1 This warranty will not apply in relation to:
   (a) Goods modified or altered in any way;
   (b) Defects and damage caused by use with non Standard
        Communications products;
   (c) Repairs performed other than by our authorised representative;
   (d) Defects or damage resulting from misuse, accident, impact or
   (e) Goods improperly installed or used in a manner contrary to the
        relevant instruction manual; or
   (f) Goods where the serial number has been removed or made illegal.
4. Warranty period
4.1 We provide the following warranty on GME and Kingray products.
     No repair or replacement during the warranty period will renew or
     extend the warranty period past the period from original date of

 EPIRBs                     6 years

MT603G                   INSTRUCTION MANUAL                             23

                 Standard Communications Pty Ltd trading as GME
                17 Gibbon Road, Winston Hills, NSW 253, Australia.
Part Number: 310697 Drawing Number: 48806-3
24                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL                  MT603G

Document Created: 2018-10-18 14:56:13
Document Modified: 2018-10-18 14:56:13

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