RF Test Report


Test Report

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Report No.: Q190509S004-FCC-R
Supersede Report No.: N/A
Applicant          Remote Solution Co., Ltd.
Model No.          RC82B
Serial No.         RC82XBB
Test Standard      FCC Part 15.247, ANSI C63.10: 2013
Test Date          May 14 to May 22, 2019
Issue Date         May 23, 2019
Test Result            Pass      Fail
Equipment complied with the specification
Equipment did not comply with the specification

        Aaron Liang                     David Huang
       Test Engineer                    Checked By

                      This test report may be reproduced in full only
    Test result presented in this test report is applicable to the tested sample only

                                         Issued by:
                   Zone A, Floor 1, Building 2 Wan Ye Long Technology Park
        South Side of Zhoushi Road, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China 518108
                 Phone: +86 0755 2601 4629801 Email: China@siemic.com.cn

                                          Test Report No.     Q190509S004-FCC-R
                                          Page                2 of 34

                             Laboratories Introduction

SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one
of the leading independent testing and certification facilities providing customers with one-stop
shop services for Compliance Testing and Global Certifications.

In addition to testing and certification, SIEMIC provides initial design reviews and compliance
management throughout a project. Our extensive experience with China, Asia Pacific, North
America, European, and International compliance requirements, assures the fastest, most cost
effective way to attain regulatory compliance for the global markets.

                       Accreditations for Conformity Assessment
            Country/Region                                              Scope
                   USA                              EMC, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                 Canada                             EMC, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                  Taiwan                             EMC, RF, Telecom, SAR, Safety
               Hong Kong                                RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                 Australia                           EMC, RF, Telecom, SAR, Safety
                  Korea                          EMI, EMS, RF, SAR, Telecom, Safety
                  Japan                              EMI, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                Singapore                                   EMC, RF, SAR, Telecom
                  Europe                             EMC, RF, SAR, Telecom, Safety

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1.     REPORT REVISION HISTORY.............................................................................................................................5

2.     CUSTOMER INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................5

3.     TEST SITE INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................5

4.     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) INFORMATION .........................................................................................6

5.     TEST SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................7

6.     MEASUREMENTS, EXAMINATION AND DERIVED RESULTS .....................................................................8

6.1 ANTENNA REQUIREMENT.....................................................................................................................................8

6.2 DTS (6 DB) CHANNEL BANDWIDTH ....................................................................................................................9

6.3 MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER ............................................................................................................................... 12

6.4 POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY ............................................................................................................................. 14


6.6 AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ................................................................................................... 19

6.7 RADIATED EMISSIONS & RESTRICTED BAND .............................................................................................. 21

ANNEX A. TEST INSTRUMENT ................................................................................................................................. 29

ANNEX B. TEST SETUP AND SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT ................................................................................ 30

ANNEX C. USER MANUAL / BLOCK DIAGRAM / SCHEMATICS / PARTLIST .................................................. 33

ANNEX D. DECLARATION OF SIMILARITY ............................................................................................................. 34

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1. Report Revision History

          Report No.             Report Version               Description              Issue Date
    Q190509S004-FCC-R                 NONE                       Original             May 23, 2019

2. Customer information

Applicant Name          Remote Solution Co.,   Ltd.
Applicant Add           92, Chogokri, Nammyun, Kimchon City,     Kyungbuk, South Korea -740-871
Manufacturer            Remote Solution Co.,   Ltd.
Manufacturer Add        92, Chogokri, Nammyun, Kimchon City,     Kyungbuk, South Korea -740-871

3. Test site information

 Lab performing tests       SIEMIC (Shenzhen-China) LABORATORIES
                            Zone A, Floor 1, Building 2 Wan Ye Long Technology Park
 Lab Address                South Side of Zhoushi Road, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China
 FCC Test Site No.          535293
 IC Test Site No.           4842E-1
 Test Software              Radiated Emission Program-To Shenzhen v2.0

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 4. Equipment under Test (EUT) Information
Description of EUT:             FUNAI,KITCHEN TV REMOTE

Main Model:                     RC82B

Serial Model:                   RC82XBB (X stands for A`Z,BB stands for 00`99)

Date EUT received:              May 10, 2019

Test Date(s):                   May 14 to May 22, 2019

Equipment Category:             DTS

Antenna Gain:                   3.29dBi

Antenna Type:                   Dielectric Chip Antenna

Type of Modulation:             BLE: GFSK

RF Operating Frequency (ies):   BLE: 2402-2480 MHz

Max. Output Power:              2.43dBm

Number of Channels:             BLE: 40CH

Port:                           Please refer to user’s manual

Trade Name :                    N/A

Input Power:                    Battery:
                                Spec: : DC 1.5V,1200mAh

FCC ID:                         TX4-RC82

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 5. Test Summary

The product was tested in accordance with the following specifications.
All testing has been performed according to below product classification:

       FCC Rules                                    Description of Test                     Result
 §15.203                      Antenna Requirement                                         Compliance
 §15.247 (a)(2)               DTS (6 dB) CHANNEL BANDWIDTH                                Compliance
 §15.247(b)(3)                Conducted Maximum Output Power                              Compliance
 §15.247(e)                   Power Spectral Density                                      Compliance
                              Band-Edge & Unwanted Emissions into Restricted
 §15.247(d)                                                                               Compliance
                              Frequency Bands
 §15.207 (a),                 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions                                  N/A
 §15.205, §15.209,            Radiated Emissions & Unwanted Emissions
 §15.247(d)                   into Restricted Frequency Bands

Measurement Uncertainty

            Test Item                                  Description                      Uncertainty
 Band-Edge       &   Unwanted
 Emissions into Restricted
 Frequency      Bands       and   Confidence level of approximately 95% (in the case
 Radiated       Emissions    &     where distributions are normal), with a coverage    +5.6dB/-4.5dB
 Unwanted Emissions                  factor of 2 (for EUTs < 0.5m X 0.5m X 0.5m)
  into Restricted Frequency
                 -                                             -                             -

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 6. Measurements, Examination And Derived Results

6.1 Antenna Requirement

Applicable Standard

According to § 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna
or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to
comply with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna
can be replaced by the user, but the user of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.
The structure and application of the EUT were analyzed to determine compliance with section §15.203 of the
rules. §15.203 state that the subject device must meet the following criteria:
a. Antenna must be permanently attached to the unit.
b. Antenna must use a unique type of connector to attach to the EUT.
Unit must be professionally installed, and installer shall be responsible for verifying that the correct antenna
is employed with the unit.
And according to FCC 47 CFR section 15.247 (b), if the transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than
6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna
exceeds 6 dBi.

Antenna Connector Construction
The EUT has 1 antenna:
A permanently attached Dielectric Chip antenna for BLE, the gain is 3.29dBi for BLE.

The antenna meets up with the ANTENNA REQUIREMENT.

Result: Compliance.

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6.2 DTS (6 dB) Channel Bandwidth

Temperature                                                  24oC
Relative Humidity                                            55%
Atmospheric Pressure                                         1017mbar
Test date :                                                  May 13, 2019
Tested By :                                                  Aaron Liang

Spec                   Item       Requirement                                                 Applicable
§ 15.247(a)(2)         a)         6dB BW≥ 500kHz;

RSS Gen(4.6.1)         b)         99% BW: For FCC reference only; required by IC.

   Test Setup
                                             Spectrum Analyzer                      EUT

                       558074 D01 DTS MEAS Guidance v05r02, 8.1 DTS bandwidth
                      6dB Emission bandwidth measurement procedure
                            -     Set RBW = 100 kHz.
                            -     Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 RBW.
                            -     Detector = Peak.
                            -     Trace mode = max hold.
Test Procedure
                            -     Sweep = auto couple.
                            -     Allow the trace to stabilize.
                                Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the
                                frequencies associated with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and
                                lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum
                                level measured in the fundamental emission.
      Result                Pass                 Fail

Test Data       Yes                            N/A

Test Plot       Yes (See below)                N/A

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6dB Bandwidth measurement result
Test Data
                                                                               99% Occupied Bandwidth
     CH            Frequency (MHz)        6dB Bandwidth (kHz)
    Low                  2402                          732                               1.1358
     Mid                 2440                          712                               1.0843
    High                 2480                          676                               1.1286

Test Plots

           6dB Bandwidth - Low CH 2402                                  6dB Bandwidth - Mid CH 2440

          6dB Bandwidth - High CH 2480                              99% Bandwidth - Low CH 2402

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99% Bandwidth - Mid CH 2440                            99% Bandwidth - High CH 2480

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6.3 Maximum Output Power

Temperature                                                     24oC
Relative Humidity                                               55%
Atmospheric Pressure                                            1017mbar
Test date :                                                     May 13, 2019
Tested By :                                                     Aaron Liang


Spec                Item      Requirement                                                  Applicable
                    a)        FHSS in 2400-2483.5MHz with ≥ 75 channels: ≤ 1 Watt

                    b)        FHSS in 5725-5850MHz: ≤ 1 Watt

                    c)        For all other FHSS in the 2400-2483.5MHz band: ≤ 0.125
                    d)        FHSS in 902-928MHz with ≥ 50 channels: ≤ 1 Watt
                    e)        FHSS in 902-928MHz with ≥ 25 & <50 channels: ≤ 0.25
                    f)        DTS in 902-928MHz, 2400-2483.5MHz: ≤ 1 Watt

Test Setup

                                          Spectrum Analyzer                       EUT

                    558074 D01 DTS MEAS Guidance v05r02, 9.1.2 Integrated band power method
                    Maximum output power measurement procedure
                    a) Set the RBW ≥ DTS bandwidth.
                    b) Set VBW ≥ 3 × RBW.
Test                c) Set span ≥ 3 x RBW

Procedure           d) Sweep time = auto couple.
                    e) Detector = peak.
                    f) Trace mode = max hold.
                    g) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
                    h) Use peak marker function to determine the peak amplitude level.


Result                   Pass                  Fail

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Test Data         Yes                        N/A

Test Plot         Yes (See below)            N/A

Output Power measurement result
Test Data

                                     Frequency                 Conducted            Limit
      Type               CH                                                                     Result
                                        (MHz)                  Power (dBm)          (dBm)
                         Low             2402                      -0.87             30          Pass
                         Mid             2440                      -0.86             30          Pass
                        High             2480                      -1.09             30          Pass

Test Plots

            PK Output power - Low CH 2402                             PK Output power - Mid CH 2440

            PK Output power - High CH 2480

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6.4 Power Spectral Density

Temperature                                                 24oC
Relative Humidity                                           55%
Atmospheric Pressure                                        1017mbar
Test date :                                                 May 13, 2019
Tested By :                                                 Aaron Liang

Spec                Item     Requirement                                                        Applicable
                             The power spectral density conducted from the
                             intentional radiator to the antenna shall not be greater
§15.247(e)            a)
                             than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time
                             interval of continuous transmission.

Test Setup

                                        Spectrum Analyzer                       EUT

                    558074 D01 DTS MEAS Guidance v05r02, 10.2 power spectral density method
                    power spectral density measurement procedure
                        -   a) Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
                        -   b) Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
                        -   c) Set the RBW to: 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz.
                        -   d) Set the VBW ≥ 3 × RBW.
                        -   e) Detector = peak.
                        -   f) Sweep time = auto couple.
                        -   g) Trace mode = max hold.
                        -   h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
                        -   i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within
                            the RBW.
                        -   j) If measured value exceeds limit, reduce RBW (no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.

Result                 Pass                  Fail

Test Data       Yes                          N/A

Test Plot       Yes (See below)              N/A

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Power Spectral Density measurement result
Test Data

                                   Freq        Reading        Factor      Result     Limit
       Type              CH                                                                  Result
                                   (MHz)                                   (dBm)    (dBm)
                                                  (dBm)        (dB)
                         Low       2402           -3.198       -5.23      -8.428      8      Pass
        PSD              Mid       2440           -3.092       -5.23      -8.322      8      Pass
                         High      2480           -3.252       -5.23      -8.482      8      Pass

Note: factor=10log(3/10)=-5.23

Test Plots

               PSD - Low CH 2402                                        PSD - Mid CH 2440

              PSD - High CH 2480

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6.5 Band-Edge & Unwanted Emissions into Restricted Frequency Bands

Temperature                                               25oC
Relative Humidity                                         55%
Atmospheric Pressure                                      1013mbar
Test date :                                               May 17, 2019
Tested By :                                               Aaron Liang


Spec                Item    Requirement                                                         Applicable
                            In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in
                            which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated intentional
                            radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is
                            produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB
§15.247(d)           a)     below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that
                            contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
                            either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement,
                            provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the
                            peak conducted power limits.

Test Setup

                    Radiated Method Only
                       -   1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal
                           calibrator or a known signal from an external generator.
                       -   2. Position the EUT without connection to measurement instrument. Put it on the
                           Rotated table and turn on the EUT and make it operate in transmitting mode. Then
                           set it to Low Channel and High Channel within its operating range, and make sure
                           the instrument is operated in its linear range.

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                  -   3. First, set both RBW and VBW of spectrum analyzer to 100 kHz with a
                      convenient frequency span including 100kHz bandwidth from band edge, check
                      the emission of EUT, if pass then set Spectrum Analyzer as below:
                      a. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum
                      analyzer is 120 kHz for Quasiy Peak detection at frequency below 1GHz.
                      b. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and video
                      bandwidth is 3MHz with Peak detection for Peak measurement at frequency above
                      c. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and the
                      video bandwidth is 10Hz with Peak detection for Average Measurement as below
                      at frequency above 1GHz.
                  -   4. Measure the highest amplitude appearing on spectral display and set it as a
                      reference level. Plot the graph with marking the highest point and edge frequency.
                  -   5. Repeat above procedures until all measured frequencies were complete.


Result            Pass                Fail

Test Data   Yes                       N/A

Test Plot   Yes (See below)           N/A

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Test Plots
Band Edge measurement result

             Band Edge, Left Side (Peak)
                                                                          Band Edge, Right Side (Peak)
 Note: F1 is frequency 2390MHz; F2 is frequency
                                                                     Note: F1 is frequency 2483.5MHz

                                                             Note: (no need if PK value less than the AV limit)

              Band Edge, Left Side-AV                                      Band Edge, Right Side-AV

Note: Both Horizontal and vertical polarities were investigated.

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6.6 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions

Temperature                                               --
Relative Humidity                                         --
Atmospheric Pressure                                      --
Test date :                                               --
Tested By :                                               --


Spec              Item    Requirement                                                             Applicable
                          For Low-power radio-frequency devices that is designed to be
                          connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency
                          voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any
                          frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz, shall
47CFR§15.                 not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50
    207,                  [mu] H/50 ohms line impedance stabilization network (LISN). The
  RSS210                  lower limit applies at the boundary between the frequencies ranges.
                            Frequency ranges                            Limit (dBµV)
                                  (MHz)                        QP                       Average
                                0.15 ~ 0.5                66 – 56                       56 – 46
                                  0.5 ~ 5                      56                         46
                                  5 ~ 30                       60                         50

Test Setup

                  1. The EUT and supporting equipment were set up in accordance with the requirements of
                     the standard on top of a 1.5m x 1m x 0.8m high, non-metallic table.
 Procedure        2. The power supply for the EUT was fed through a 50W/50mH EUT LISN, connected to
                     filtered mains.
                  3. The RF OUT of the EUT LISN was connected to the EMI test receiver via a low-loss

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                  coaxial cable.
            4. All other supporting equipment were powered separately from another main supply.
            5. The EUT was switched on and allowed to warm up to its normal operating condition.
            6. A scan was made on the NEUTRAL line (for AC mains) or Earth line (for DC power)
                  over the required frequency range using an EMI test receiver.
            7. High peaks, relative to the limit line, The EMI test receiver was then tuned to the
                  selected frequencies and the necessary measurements made with a receiver bandwidth
                  setting of 10 kHz.
            8. Step 7 was then repeated for the LIVE line (for AC mains) or DC line (for DC power).

  Remark    The EUT was powered by battery.

   Result      Pass                    Fail                     N/A

Test Data   Yes                          N/A

Test Plot   Yes (See below)              N/A

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6.7 Radiated Emissions & Restricted Band

Temperature                                              26oC
Relative Humidity                                        56%
Atmospheric Pressure                                     1023mbar
Test date :                                              May 22, 2019
Tested By :                                              Aaron Liang


Spec              Item   Requirement                                                             Applicable
                         Except higher limit as specified elsewhere in other section, the
                         emissions from the low-power radio-frequency devices shall not
                         exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table and
                         the level of any unwanted emissions shall not exceed the level of
                         the fundamental emission. The tighter limit applies at the band
                              Frequency range (MHz)                    Field Strength (µV/m)
                                    0.009~0.490                            2400/F(KHz)
                                    0.490~1.705                            24000/F(KHz)
                                     1.705~30.0                                 30
                                      30 – 88                                  100
47CFR§15.                            88 – 216                                  150
  247(d),                             216 960                                  200

  RSS210                             Above 960                                 500

   (A8.5)                For non-restricted band, In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the
                         frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
                         modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency
                         power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least
                         20 dB or 30dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the
                         band that contains the highest level of the desired power,
                         determined by the measurement method on output power to be
                         used. Attenuation below the general limits specified in § 15.209(a)
                         is not required
                                 20 dB down                   30 dB down
                         or restricted band, emission must also comply with the radiated
                         emission limits specified in 15.209

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Test Setup

             1.   The EUT was switched on and allowed to warm up to its normal operating condition.
             2.   The test was carried out at the selected frequency points obtained from the EUT
                  characterization. Maximization of the emissions, was carried out by rotating the EUT,
                  changing the antenna polarization, and adjusting the antenna height in the following
                  a.        Vertical or horizontal polarization (whichever gave the higher emission level
                            over a full rotation of the EUT) was chosen.
                  b.        The EUT was then rotated to the direction that gave the maximum
                  c.        Finally, the antenna height was adjusted to the height that gave the maximum
             3.   The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is
                  120 kHz for Quasiy Peak detection at frequency below 1GHz.
             4.   The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and video
                  bandwidth is 3MHz with Peak detection for Peak measurement at frequency above

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                        The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and the video
                        bandwidth is 10Hz with Peak detection for Average Measurement as below at
                        frequency above 1GHz.
              5.         Steps 2 and 3 were repeated for the next frequency point, until all selected frequency
                         points were measured.


   Result          Pass                   Fail

Test Data      Yes                         N/A

 Test Plot     Yes (See below)            N/A

Test Result:

Test Mode:         Transmitting Mode

Frequency range: 9KHz - 30MHz
  Freq.       Detection          Factor          Reading            Result         Limit@3m        Margin
  (MHz)         value            (dB/m)          (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)          (dBuV/m)         (dB)
    --             --               --               --                   --           --            >20
    --             --               --               --                   --           --            >20
The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the
permissible value has no need to be reported.
Distance extrapolation factor =40 log (specific distance/test distance)(dB);
Limit line = specific limits(dBuv) + distance extrapolation factor.

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Test Mode:            Transmitting Mode

30MHz -1GHz

      Test Data
                                      Horizontal Polarity Plot @3m
No.   P/L   Frequency    Reading   Ant_F    PA_G     Cab_L       Result       Limit     Margin   Height   Degree

              (MHz)     (dBuV/m)   (dB/m)   (dB)      (dB)      (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    (cm)      ( º)

1     H     33.2112      26.41     18.04    22.26     0.15       22.34        40.00     -17.66   100       81

2     H     99.8777      29.87     8.69     22.32     0.82       17.06        43.50     -26.44   200       222

3     H     159.7844     27.84     11.02    22.27     1.32       17.91        43.50     -25.59   100       111

4     H     246.8149     25.23     11.84    22.30     1.61       16.38        46.00     -29.62   100       205

5     H     558.7302     24.98     19.58    21.67     2.28       25.17        46.00     -20.83   100       26

6     H     890.7278     25.35     23.49    20.91     2.64       30.57        46.00     -15.43   100       81

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30MHz -1GHz

      Test Data
                                        Vertical Polarity Plot @3m
No.   P/L   Frequency   Reading    Ant_F    PA_G     Cab_L       Result       Limit     Margin   Height   Degree

              (MHz)     (dBuV/m)   (dB/m)   (dB)      (dB)      (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    (cm)      ( º)

1     V     30.2111      29.86     19.96    22.28     0.13       27.67        40.00     -12.33   200       159

2     V     99.8777      29.30     8.69     22.32     0.82       16.49        43.50     -27.01   100       288

3     V     166.0680     29.37     11.09    22.26     1.36       19.56        43.50     -23.94   100       301

4     V     337.2155     27.07     14.44    22.19     1.82       21.14        46.00     -24.86   100       222

5     V     790.6188     28.56     22.11    21.17     2.54       32.04        46.00     -13.96   100       207

6     V     962.1623     27.70     23.70    20.76     2.71       33.35        54.00     -20.65   200       159

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Above 1GHz

Test Mode:       Transmitting Mode

                                         Low Channel (2402 MHz)

                 EMISSION                               ANTENNA            TABLE      RAW
       FREQ.                   LIMIT      MARGIN                                               CORRECTION
NO.                LEVEL                                     HEIGHT        ANGLE      VALUE
        (MHz)                 (dBuV/m)      (dB)                                               FACTOR (dB/m)
                  (dBuV/m)                                    (m)          (Degree)   (dBuV)
  1    2390.00    62.73PK        74        -11.27             1.5H            4       76.38       -13.65
  2    2390.00    38.69AV        54        -15.31             1.5H           89       52.34       -13.65
  3   *2402.00    92.26PK                                     1.5H           128      106.23      -13.97
  4   *2402.00    90.02AV                                     1.5H           250      103.99      -13.97
  5    4804.00    55.24PK        74        -18.76             1.5H           360      58.99        -3.75
  6    4804.00    38.05AV        54        -15.95             1.5H           116       41.8        -3.75
  7   #7206.00    52.65PK        74        -21.35             1.5H           197      53.23        -0.58
  8   #7206.00    37.84AV        54        -16.16             1.5H           289      38.42        -0.58

                 EMISSION                               ANTENNA            TABLE      RAW
       FREQ.                   LIMIT      MARGIN                                               CORRECTION
NO.                LEVEL                                     HEIGHT        ANGLE      VALUE
        (MHz)                 (dBuV/m)      (dB)                                               FACTOR (dB/m)
                  (dBuV/m)                                    (m)          (Degree)   (dBuV)
  1    2390.00    58.62PK        74        -15.38             1.5V           78       72.27       -13.65
  2    2390.00    37.01AV        54        -16.99             1.5V           108      50.66       -13.65
  3   *2402.00    89.25PK                                     1.5V           261      103.22      -13.97
  4   *2402.00    87.36AV                                     1.5V           356      101.33      -13.97
  5    4804.00    54.21PK        74        -19.79             1.5V           329      57.96        -3.75
  6    4804.00    38.01AV        54        -15.99             1.5V            4       41.76        -3.75
  7   #7206.00    52.20PK        74         -21.8             1.5V           54       52.78        -0.58
  8   #7206.00    37.55AV        54        -16.45             1.5V           294      38.13        -0.58
       1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
       2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
       3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
     4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.
     5. " * ": Fundamental frequency.
     6. " # ": The radiated frequency is out of the restricted band.

                                            Test Report No.     Q190509S004-FCC-R
                                            Page                27 of 34

                                         Middle Channel (2440 MHz)

                       ANTENNA POLARITY & test distance: HORIZONTAL at 3 m

                 EMISSION                                                  TABLE      RAW      CORRECTION
       FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN        ANTENNA
NO.               LEVEL                                                    ANGLE      VALUE     FACTOR
       (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)       (dB)      HEIGHT (m)
                 (dBuV/m)                                                  (Degree)   (dBuV)     (dB/m)
 1    *2440.00   92.11PK                                      1.5H           140      105.13     -13.02
 2    *2440.00   90.26AV                                      1.5H           192      103.28     -13.02
 3    4880.00    57.91PK         74         -16.09            1.5H           277      61.87       -3.96
 4    4880.00    38.56AV         54         -15.44            1.5H           209      42.52       -3.96
 5    7320.00    51.24PK         74         -22.76            1.5H           173       52         -0.76
 6    7320.00    38.01AV         54         -15.99            1.5H           48       38.77       -0.76

                            ANTENNA POLARITY & test distance: Vertical at 3 m

                 EMISSION                                                  TABLE      RAW      CORRECTION
       FREQ.                    LIMIT      MARGIN        ANTENNA
NO.               LEVEL                                                    ANGLE      VALUE     FACTOR
       (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)       (dB)      HEIGHT (m)
                 (dBuV/m)                                                  (Degree)   (dBuV)     (dB/m)
 1    *2440.00    91.16PK                                     1.5V           143      104.18     -13.02
 2    *2440.00    89.87AV                                     1.5V           106      102.89     -13.02
 3     4880.00    57.13PK        74         -16.87            1.5V           297      61.09       -3.96
 4     4880.00    37.52AV        54         -16.48            1.5V           21       41.48       -3.96
 5     7320.00    51.35PK        74         -22.65            1.5V           350      52.11       -0.76
 6     7320.00    38.21AV        54         -15.79            1.5V           212      38.97       -0.76
       1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
       2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
       3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
     4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.
     5. " * ": Fundamental frequency.

                                            Test Report No.         Q190509S004-FCC-R
                                            Page                    28 of 34

                                         High Channel (2480 MHz)

                 EMISSION                              ANTENNA                 TABLE    RAW
       FREQ.                    LIMIT     MARGIN                                                  CORRECTION
NO.               LEVEL                                  HEIGHT                ANGLE    VALUE
       (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)                                                 FACTOR (dB/m)
                 (dBuV/m)                                     (m)          (Degree)     (dBuV)
 1    *2480.00   70.11PK         74        -3.89              1.5H              186     83.76        -13.65
 2    *2480.00   45.40AV         54         -8.6              1.5H              331     59.05        -13.65
 3    2483.50    92.59PK                                      1.5H              332     106.56       -13.97
 4    2483.50    91.73AV                                      1.5H              83      105.7        -13.97
 5    4960.00    56.24PK         74        -17.76             1.5H              28      59.99        -3.75
 6    4960.00    37.48AV         54        -16.52             1.5H              225     41.23        -3.75
 7    7440.00    51.24PK         74        -22.76             1.5H              23      51.82        -0.58
 8    7440.00    38.16AV         54        -15.84             1.5H              149     38.74        -0.58

                            ANTENNA POLARITY & test distance: Vertical at 3 m

                 EMISSION                              ANTENNA                 TABLE    RAW
       FREQ.                    LIMIT     MARGIN                                                 CORRECTION
NO.               LEVEL                                  HEIGHT                ANGLE    VALUE
       (MHz)                  (dBuV/m)      (dB)                                                 FACTOR (dB/m)
                 (dBuV/m)                                     (m)          (Degree)     (dBuV)
 1    *2480.00   62.36PK         74        -11.64             1.5V              103     76.01        -13.65
 2    *2480.00   43.12AV         54        -10.88             1.5V              222     56.77        -13.65
 3    2483.50    90.36PK                                      1.5V              145     104.33       -13.97
 4    2483.50    89.12AV                                      1.5V              208     103.09       -13.97
 5    4960.00    56.65PK         74        -17.35             1.5V              274      60.4        -3.75
 6    4960.00    38.21AV         54        -15.79             1.5V              151     41.96        -3.75
 7    7440.00    52.32PK         74        -21.68             1.5V              148      52.9        -0.58
 8    7440.00    38.05AV         54        -15.95             1.5V              176     38.63        -0.58
       1. Emission level (dBuV/m) = Raw Value (dBuV) + Correction Factor (dB/m).
       2. Correction Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB).
       3. The emission levels of other frequencies were less than 20dB margin against the limit.
     4. Margin value = Emission level – Limit value.
     5. " * ": Fundamental frequency.

                                     Test Report No.     Q190509S004-FCC-R
                                     Page                29 of 34


          Instrument                Model                 Serial #            Cal Date     Cal Due

AC Line Conducted Emissions
      EMI test receiver           ESCS30                8471241027           01/04/2019   01/03/2020
   Artificial Mains Network         8127                 8127713             01/04/2019   01/03/2020
             ISN                  ISN T800                34373              01/04/2019   01/03/2020

Radiated Emissions
      EMI test receiver             ESL6                                     01/04/2019   01/03/2020
       Active Antenna              AL-130                 121031             02/07/2019   02/06/2020
 3m Semi-anechoic Chamber        9m*6m*6m                   N/A              10/18/2018   10/17/2019
       Signal Amplifier            8447E                  443008             01/24/2019   01/23/2020
    MXA signal analyzer            N9020A              MY49100060            01/04/2019   01/03/2020
        Horn Antenna              HAH-118                 71259              01/25/2019   01/24/2020
        Horn Antenna              HAH-118                 71283              02/01/2019   01/31/2020
         AMPLIFIER               EM01G26G                 60613              01/24/2019   01/23/2020
         AMPLIFIER               Emc012645                980077             01/04/2019   01/03/2020
Bilog Antenna (30MHz~6GHz)          JB6                  A110712             02/07/2019   02/06/2020
RF Conducted
      DC Power Supply              E3640A              MY40004013            01/04/2019   01/03/2020
    MXA Signal Analyzer            N9020A              MY49100060            01/04/2019   01/03/2020
MXG Vector Signal Generator        N5182A              MY50140530            01/04/2019   01/03/2020
   Series Signal Generator         E4421B              US40051152            05/11/2019   05/10/2020
       RF control unit          JS0806-0806-2           188060112            04/24/2019   04/23/2020
       RF control unit          JS0806-0806-2           188060112            04/24/2019   04/23/2020
 Wireless Connectivity Tester     CMW270                                     04/24/2019   04/23/2020
 Wireless Connectivity Tester     CMW270                                     04/24/2019   04/23/2020
         Weinschel                 1580-1                 TL177              01/04/2019   01/03/2020
 Universal Radio Communica        CMU200                  121393             02/10/2019   02/09/2020

    5                                Test Report No.    Q1905098004—FCC—R
 S l E M l C
    A Bureau Veritas Group Company   Page               30 of 34


Block Configuration Diagram for Radiated Emissions ( Below 1GHz ) .

                                                                            80cm above
                                                                            ground plane


    5                                Test Report No.       Q1905098004—FCC—R
 S l E M l C
    A Bureau Veritas Group Company   Page                  31 of 34

Block Configuration Diagram for Radiated Emissions ( Above 1GHz ) .



                                                                                         Test Table :
                                                                                       L e _ _J= ——~——~—~ 1

                                                                                   Po 0 0 CC|
                                                                                   |_ 150cm above :
                                                                                   i    ground plane          i
                                                                                   L.e._lele.eeese css se es s


                                                                _d=3meter      _


                                             Test Report No.    Q190509S004-FCC-R
                                             Page               32 of 34


The following is a description of supporting equipment and details of cables used with the EUT.

Supporting Equipment:

         Manufacturer                                               Model                  Serial No

            Lenovo                       Laptop                       E40                     N/A

            TELINK                  Burning EVK                TLSR8266BR56                 TELINK

Supporting Cable:

    Cable type           Shield Type                                 Length              Serial No

    USB Cable             Un-shielding              No                 0.5m                 N/A

                             Test Report No.   Q190509S004-FCC-R
                             Page              33 of 34

Annex C. User Manual / Block Diagram / Schematics / Partlist

Please see the attachment

                       Test Report No.   Q190509S004-FCC-R
                       Page              34 of 34


Document Created: 2019-06-07 05:18:49
Document Modified: 2019-06-07 05:18:49

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