Test Report SAR


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                                                        TEST REPORT
                                                 Test Report No.: 1-6814/18-01-04


                   Testing Laboratory                                                             Applicant
 CTC advanced GmbH                                                            Gigaset Communications GmbH
 Untertuerkheimer Strasse 6 – 10                                              Frankenstr. 2
 66117 Saarbruecken/Germany                                                   46395 Bocholt/GERMANY
 Phone:    + 49 681 5 98 - 0
 Fax:      + 49 681 5 98 - 9075                                               Phone:     +49 2871 91-0
 Internet: http://www.ctcadvanced.com
 e-mail:   mail@ctcadvanced.com                                               Contact:   Uwe Alt
                                                                              e-mail:    uwe.alt@gigaset.com
 Accredited Test Laboratory:                                                  Phone:     +49 287 191-2857
 The testing laboratory (area of testing) is accredited                       Fax:       +49 287 191-62857
 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) by the
 Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)
 The accreditation is valid for the scope of testing                          Gigaset Communications GmbH
 procedures as stated in the accreditation certificate with                   Frankenstr. 2
 the registration number: D-PL-12076-01-03                                    46395 Bocholt/GERMANY

                                                               Test Standards
                            Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate
 IEEE 1528-2013
                            (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques
                            Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency
 RSS-102 Issue 5
 For further applied test standards please refer to section 3 of this test report.

                                                            Test Item
Kind of test item:                                        DECT Handset
Device type:                                              portable device
Model name:                                               Gigaset W570H
S/N serial number:                                        8.1
FCC-ID:                                                   TVU-W570H
IC:                                                       8023A-W570H
Product Marketing Name (PMN):                             Gigaset W570A
Hardware Version Identification No. (HVIN):               Gigaset W570H
Hardware status:                                          S30852-Q2757-R301
Software status:                                          -/-
Frequency:                                                DECT UPCS 1925MHz (see technical details)
                                                          Widex 10.6MHz / FSK / single carrier
                                                          (measurements in CTC Advanced report 1-6814/18-01-16)
Antenna:                                                  integrated antenna
Battery option:                                           2 x 1.5 V AAA batteries
Test sample status:                                       identical prototype
Exposure category:                                        general population / uncontrolled environment
This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwriting signature. For verification of the electronic
signatures, the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.

Test Report authorised:                                                    Test performed:
                             cn=Alexander Hnatovskiy, o=CTC                                         cn=Marco Scigliano, o=CTC advanced
                             advanced GmbH, ou=HNA-161129,                                          GmbH, ou=SCI-161125,
                             email=Alexander.Hnatovskiy@ctcadvanc                                   email=marco.scigliano@ctcadvanced.com,
                             ed.com, c=DE                                                           c=DE
                             2019.01.25 12:54:43 +01'00'                                            2019.01.25 10:54:39 +01'00'

Alexander Hnatovskiy                                                       Marco Scigliano
Lab Manager                                                                Testing Manager
Radio Communications & EMC                                                 Radio Communications & EMC

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                                                  Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

1     Table of contents
1   Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................2
2   General information ..................................................................................................................................3
    2.1       Notes and disclaimer .....................................................................................................................3
    2.2       Application details .........................................................................................................................3
    2.3       Statement of compliance ...............................................................................................................3
    2.4       Technical details ............................................................................................................................4
3   Test standards/ procedures references ..................................................................................................5
    3.1       RF exposure limits .........................................................................................................................6
4   Summary of Measurement Results .........................................................................................................7
5   Test Environment ......................................................................................................................................7
6   Test Set-up .................................................................................................................................................8
    6.1     Measurement system .....................................................................................................................8
          6.1.1  System Description ................................................................................................................8
          6.1.2  Test environment ...................................................................................................................9
          6.1.3  Probe description ...................................................................................................................9
          6.1.4  Phantom description ............................................................................................................10
          6.1.5  Device holder description ....................................................................................................11
          6.1.6  Scanning procedure ............................................................................................................12
          6.1.7  Spatial Peak SAR Evaluation ..............................................................................................13
          6.1.8  Data Storage and Evaluation...............................................................................................14
          6.1.9  Tissue simulating liquids: dielectric properties ....................................................................16
          6.1.10 Tissue simulating liquids: parameters .................................................................................16
          6.1.11 Measurement uncertainty evaluation for SAR test ..............................................................17
          6.1.12 Measurement uncertainty evaluation for System Check .....................................................20
          6.1.13 System check ......................................................................................................................21
          6.1.14 System check procedure .....................................................................................................22
          6.1.15 System validation ................................................................................................................23
7   Detailed Test Results ..............................................................................................................................23
    7.1     Conducted power measurements UPCS 1925 MHz ..................................................................23
    7.2     SAR test results ............................................................................................................................24
          7.2.1   General description of test procedures ...............................................................................24
          7.2.2   Results overview .................................................................................................................24
8   Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests .....................................................................................25
9   Observations ...........................................................................................................................................25
Annex A:         System performance check .....................................................................................................26
Annex B:         DASY5 measurement results...................................................................................................28
    Annex B.1: Liquid depth .........................................................................................................................30
Annex C:         Photo documentation ...............................................................................................................31
Annex D:         Calibration parameters .............................................................................................................31
Annex E:         RSS-102 Annex A and B ...........................................................................................................31
Annex F:         Document History .....................................................................................................................32
Annex G:         Further Information ..................................................................................................................32

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                                     Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

2     General information

2.1   Notes and disclaimer
The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in this test report. CTC advanced
GmbH does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalisations drawn from the test results with
regard to other specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test
report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report
requires the prior written approval of CTC advanced GmbH.
This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwriting signature. For verification of the electronic
signatures, the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.
The testing service provided by CTC advanced GmbH has been rendered under the current "General Terms
and Conditions for CTC advanced GmbH".
CTC advanced GmbH will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from false, inaccurate, inappropriate
or incomplete product information provided by the customer.
Under no circumstances does the CTC advanced GmbH test report include any endorsement or warranty
regarding the functionality, quality or performance of any other product or service provided.
Under no circumstances does the CTC advanced GmbH test report include or imply any product or service
warranties from CTC advanced GmbH, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for purpose, or non-infringement, all of which are expressly disclaimed by CTC advanced GmbH.
All rights and remedies regarding vendor’s products and services for which CTC advanced GmbH has
prepared this test report shall be provided by the party offering such products or services and not by CTC
advanced GmbH.
In no case this test report can be considered as a Letter of Approval.

2.2   Application details
Date of receipt of order:                 2018-09-26
Date of receipt of test item:             2018-12-21
Start of test:                            2019-01-08
End of test:                              2019-01-08

2.3   Statement of compliance
The SAR values found for the Gigaset W570H DECT Handset are below the maximum recommended levels
of 1.6 W/Kg as averaged over any 1 g tissue according to the FCC rule §2.1093, the ANSI/IEEE C 95.1:1992,
the NCRP Report Number 86 for uncontrolled environment, according to the Health Canada’s Safety Code 6
and the Industry Canada Radio Standards Specification RSS-102 for General Population/Uncontrolled

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2.4   Technical details

 Technology:                               DECT (UPCS)
 Frequency band:                           1925 MHz
 Lowest transmit/receive frequency/MHz:    1921.536 MHz
 Highest transmit/receive frequency/MHz:   1928.448 MHz
 Kind of modulation:                       GFSK
 Number of channels:                       5 RF Channels, 5x12 = 60 TDMA Duplex Channels
 Test channel low:                         0 / 1928.448 MHz
 Test channel middle:                      2 / 1924.992 MHz
 Test channel high:                        4 / 1921.536 MHz
 Maximum number of timeslots:              24
 Maximum number of active timeslots:       1 (full slot – 416.7µs; long slot – 694.4µs)
 RF Power (max) full slot:                 Conducted: 18.6 dBm, 72.4 mW
 Averaged output power (long slot):        7.0 mW (5.0 dBm)

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3    Test standards/ procedures references
 Test Standard        Version         Test Standard Description

 IEEE 1528-2013       2013-06         Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-
                                      Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human
                                      Head from Wireless Communications Devices:
                                      Measurement Techniques
 RSS-102 Issue 5      2015-03         Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommuni-
                                      cation Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)
 Canada’s Safety      2015-06         Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromag-
 Code No. 6                           netic Fields in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz
 IEEE Std. C95-3      2002            IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement of
                                      Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields – RF and
 IEEE Std. C95-1      2005            IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human
                                      Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3
                                      kHz to 300 GHz.

 IEC 62209-2          2010            Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held
                                      and bodymounted wireless communication devices.
                                      Human models, instrumentation, and procedures.
                                      Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR)
                                      for wireless communication devices used in close
                                      proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz
                                      to 6 GHz)

 KDB 865664D01v01      August 7,      FCC OET SAR measurement requirements 100 MHz to 6 GHz
 KDB 865664D02v01      October 23,    RF Exposure Compliance Reporting and Documentation
                       2015           Considerations
 KDB 447498D01v06      October 23,    Mobile and Portable Devices RF Exposure Procedures and
                       2015           Equipment Authorization Policies
 KDB 648474D04v01      October 23,    SAR Evaluation Considerations for Wireless Handsets

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3.1      RF exposure limits
         Human Exposure                   Uncontrolled Environment         Controlled Environment
                                            General Population                  Occupational
         Spatial Peak SAR*
                                                  1.60 mW/g                      8.00 mW/g
         (Brain and Trunk)
       Spatial Average SAR**
                                                  0.08 mW/g                      0.40 mW/g
           (Whole Body)
        Spatial Peak SAR***
                                                  4.00 mW/g                     20.00 mW/g
Table 1: RF exposure limits

The limit applied in this test report is shown in bold letters

*          The Spatial Peak value of the SAR averaged over any 1 gram of tissue (defined as a tissue volume
           in the shape of a cube) and over the appropriate averaging time

**         The Spatial Average value of the SAR averaged over the whole body.

***        The Spatial Peak value of the SAR averaged over any 10 grams of tissue (defined as a tissue
           volume in the shape of a cube) and over the appropriate averaging time.

Uncontrolled Environments are defined as locations where there is the exposure of individuals who have no
knowledge or control of their exposure.

Controlled Environments are defined as locations where there is exposure that may be incurred by persons
who are aware of the potential for exposure, (i.e. as a result of employment or occupation).

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4     Summary of Measurement Results

               No deviations from the technical specifications ascertained
               Deviations from the technical specifications ascertained

                                     Maximum SAR value (W/kg)

                                                       reported                     limit

 head for 1g                                            0.083                        1.6

 body worn 0 mm distance for 1g                         0.112                        1.6

 extremity 0 mm distance for 10g                        0.066                        4.0

5     Test Environment
 Ambient temperature:                   20 – 24 °C
 Tissue Simulating liquid:              20 – 24 °C

 Relative humidity content:             40 – 50 %
 Air pressure:                          not relevant for this kind of testing
 Power supply:                          230 V / 50 Hz

Exact temperature values for each test are shown in the table(s) under 7.1 and/or on the measurement plots.

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6         Test Set-up
6.1       Measurement system
6.1.1 System Description

          The DASY system for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:

          A standard high precision 6-axis robot (Stäubli RX/TX family) with controller and software. An arm
           extension for accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).

          A dosimetric probe, i.e. an isotropic E-field probe optimized and calibrated for usage in tissue
           simulating liquid.

          A data acquisition electronic (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing, AD-
           conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is
           battery powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the
          The Electro-Optical Coupler (EOC) performs the conversion from the optical into a digital electric
           signal of the DAE. The EOC is connected to the DASY measurement server.
          The DASY measurement server, which performs all real-time data evaluation for field measurements
           and surface detection, controls robot movements and handles safety operation. A computer operating
           Windows 7.
          DASY software and SEMCAD data evaluation software.
          Remote control with teach panel and additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning lamps, etc.
          The generic twin phantom enabling the testing of left-hand and right-hand usage.
          The triple flat and eli phantom for the testing of handheld and body-mounted wireless devices.
          The device holder for handheld mobile phones and mounting device adaptor for laptops
          Tissue simulating liquid mixed according to the given recipes.
          System check dipoles allowing to validate the proper functioning of the system.

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6.1.2 Test environment

The DASY measurement system is placed in a laboratory room within an environment which avoids influence
on SAR measurements by ambient electromagnetic fields and any reflection from the environment. The
pictures at the beginning of the photo documentation show a complete view of the test environment. The
system allows the measurement of SAR values larger than 0.005 mW/g.

6.1.3 Probe description

               Isotropic E-Field Probe ES3DV3 for Dosimetric Measurements
                         Technical data according to manufacturer information
Construction                              Symmetrical design with triangular core
                                          Interleaved sensors
                                          Built-in shielding against static charges
                                          PEEK enclosure material (resistant to organic solvents,
                                          e.g., butyl diglycol)
Calibration                               Calibration certificate in Appendix D
Frequency                                 10 MHz to 3 GHz (dosimetry); Linearity: ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 3
Directivity                               ± 0.2 dB in HSL (rotation around probe axis)
                                          ± 0.3 dB in HSL (rotation normal to probe axis)
Dynamic range                             5 µW/g to > 100 mW/g; Linearity: ± 0.2 dB
Dimensions                                Overall length: 330 mm
                                          Tip length: 20 mm
                                          Body diameter: 12 mm
                                          Tip diameter: 3.9 mm
                                          Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 2.0 mm
Application                               General dosimetry up to 3 GHz
                                          Compliance tests of mobile phones
                                          Fast automatic scanning in arbitrary phantoms (ES3DV3)
               Isotropic E-Field Probe EX3DV4 for Dosimetric Measurements
                         Technical data according to manufacturer information
Construction                              Symmetrical design with triangular core
                                          Interleaved sensors
                                          Built-in shielding against static charges
                                          PEEK enclosure material (resistant to organic solvents, e.g.,
Calibration                               ISO/IEC 17025 calibration service available.
Frequency                                 10 MHz to >6 GHz (dosimetry); Linearity: ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to
                                          6 GHz)
Directivity                               ± 0.3 dB in HSL (rotation around probe axis)
                                          ± 0.5 dB in tissue material (rotation normal to probe axis)
Dynamic range                             10 µW/g to > 100 mW/g; Linearity: ± 0.2 dB (noise: typically<1
Dimensions                                Overall length: 337 mm (Tip: 20mm)
                                          Tip length: 2.5 mm (Body: 12mm)
                                          Typical distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 1mm
Application                               High precision dosimetric measurements in any exposure
                                          scenario (e.g., very strong gradient fields). Only probe which
                                          enables compliance testing for frequencies up to 6 GHz with
                                          precision of better 30%.

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6.1.4 Phantom description

The used SAM Phantom meets the requirements specified in FCC KDB865664 D01 for Specific Absorption
Rate (SAR) measurements.
The phantom consists of a fibreglass shell integrated in a wooden table. It allows left-hand and right-hand head
as well as body-worn measurements with a maximum liquid depth of 18 cm in head position and 22 cm in
planar position (body measurements). The thickness of the Phantom shell is 2 mm +/- 0.1 mm.

                                                                  ear reference point right hand side

                                                                  ear reference point left hand side

                                                                 reference point flat position

                                               Triple Modular Phantom consists of three identical
                                               modules which can be installed and removed
                                               separately without emptying the liquid. It includes three
                                               reference points for phantom installation. Covers
                                               prevent evaporation of the liquid. Phantom material is
                                               resistant to DGBE based tissue simulating liquids.

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6.1.5 Device holder description

The DASY device holder has two scales for device rotation (with respect to the body axis) and the device
inclination (with respect to the line between the ear openings). The plane between the ear openings and the
mouth tip has a rotation angle of 65°. The bottom plate contains three pair of bolts for locking the device
holder. The device holder positions are adjusted to the standard measurement positions in the three
sections. This device holder is used for standard mobile phones or PDA’s only. If necessary an additional
support of polystyrene material is used.

                              Larger DUT’s (e.g. notebooks) cannot be tested using this device holder.
                              Instead a support of bigger polystyrene cubes and thin polystyrene plates is
                              used to position the DUT in all relevant positions to find and measure spots with
                              maximum SAR values.
                              Therefore those devices are normally only tested at the flat part of the SAM.

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6.1.6 Scanning procedure
      The DASY installation includes predefined files with recommended procedures for measurements and
       system check. They are read-only document files and destined as fully defined but unmeasured
       masks. All test positions (head or body-worn) are tested with the same configuration of test steps
       differing only in the grid definition for the different test positions.
      The „reference“ and „drift“ measurements are located at the beginning and end of the batch process.
       They measure the field drift at one single point in the liquid over the complete procedure. The indicated
       drift is mainly the variation of the DUT’s output power and should vary max. +/- 5 %.
      The highest integrated SAR value is the main concern in compliance test applications. These values
       can mostly be found at the inner surface of the phantom and cannot be measured directly due to the
       sensor offset in the probe. To extrapolate the surface values, the measurement distances to the
       surface must be known accurately. A distance error of 0.5mm could produce SAR errors of 6% at 1800
       MHz. Using predefined locations for measurements is not accurate enough. Any shift of the phantom
       (e.g., slight deformations after filling it with liquid) would produce high uncertainties. For an automatic
       and accurate detection of the phantom surface, the DASY5 system uses the mechanical surface
       detection. The detection is always at touch, but the probe will move backward from the surface the
       indicated distance before starting the measurement.
      The „area scan“ measures the SAR above the DUT or verification dipole on a parallel plane to the
       surface. It is used to locate the approximate location of the peak SAR with 2D spline interpolation. The
       robot performs a stepped movement along one grid axis while the local electrical field strength is
       measured by the probe. The probe is touching the surface of the SAM during acquisition of
       measurement values. The scan uses different grid spacings for different frequency measurements.
       Standard grid spacing for head measurements in frequency ranges ≤ 2GHz is 15 mm in x- and y-
       dimension. For higher frequencies a finer resolution is needed, thus for the grid spacing is reduced
       according the following table:
         Area scan grid spacing for different frequency ranges
         Frequency range        Grid spacing
         ≤ 2 GHz                ≤ 15 mm
         2 – 4 GHz              ≤ 12 mm
         4 – 6 GHz              ≤ 10 mm
       Grid spacing and orientation have no influence on the SAR result. For special applications where the
       standard scan method does not find the peak SAR within the grid, e.g. mobile phones with flip cover,
       the grid can be adapted in orientation. Results of this coarse scan are shown in annex B.
      A „zoom scan” measures the field in a volume around the 2D peak SAR value acquired in the previous
       „coarse“ scan. It uses a fine meshed grid where the robot moves the probe in steps along all the 3
       axis (x, y and z-axis) starting at the bottom of the Phantom. The grid spacing for the cube measurement
       is varied according to the measured frequency range, the dimensions are given in the following table:
                     Zoom scan grid spacing and volume for different frequency ranges
         Frequency range Grid spacing for x, y axis Grid spacing for z axis Minimum zoom scan volume
         ≤ 2 GHz         ≤ 8 mm                     ≤ 5 mm                  ≥ 30 mm
         2 – 3 GHz       ≤ 5 mm*                    ≤ 5 mm                  ≥ 28 mm
         3 – 4 GHz       ≤ 5 mm*                    ≤ 4 mm                  ≥ 28 mm
         4 – 5 GHz       ≤ 4 mm*                    ≤ 3 mm                  ≥ 25 mm
         5 – 6 GHz       ≤ 4 mm*                    ≤ 2 mm                  ≥ 22 mm
       * When zoom scan is required and the reported SAR from the area scan based 1-g SAR estimation procedures
       of KDB Publication 447498 is ≤ 1.4 W/kg, ≤ 8 mm, ≤ 7 mm and ≤ 5 mm zoom scan resolution may be applied,
       respectively, for 2 GHz to 3 GHz, 3 GHz to 4 GHz and 4 GHz to 6 GHz.
       DASY is also able to perform repeated zoom scans if more than 1 peak is found during area scan. In
       this document, the evaluated peak 1g and 10g averaged SAR values are shown in the 2D-graphics in
       annex B. Test results relevant for the specified standard (see section 3) are shown in table form in
       section 7.

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6.1.7 Spatial Peak SAR Evaluation

The spatial peak SAR - value for 1 and 10 g is evaluated after the Cube measurements have been done. The
basis of the evaluation are the SAR values measured at the points of the fine cube grid consisting of all points
in the three directions x, y and z. The algorithm that finds the maximal averaged volume is separated into three
different stages.

       The data between the dipole center of the probe and the surface of the phantom are extrapolated.
        This data cannot be measured since the center of the dipole is 1 to 2.7 mm away from the tip of the
        probe and the distance between the surface and the lowest measuring point is about 1 mm (see probe
        calibration sheet). The extrapolated data from a cube measurement can be visualized by selecting
        ‘Graph Evaluated’.

       The maximum interpolated value is searched with a straight-forward algorithm. Around this maximum
        the SAR - values averaged over the spatial volumes (1g or 10 g) are computed using the 3d-spline
        interpolation algorithm. If the volume cannot be evaluated (i.e., if a part of the grid was cut off by the
        boundary of the measurement area) the evaluation will be started on the corners of the bottom plane
        of the cube.

       All neighbouring volumes are evaluated until no neighbouring volume with a higher average value is

The extrapolation is based on a least square algorithm [W. Gander, Computermathematik, p.168-180].
Through the points in the first 3 cm along the z-axis, polynomials of order four are calculated. These
polynomials are then used to evaluate the points between the surface and the probe tip. The points, calculated
from the surface, have a distance of 1 mm from each other.

The interpolation of the points is done with a 3d-Spline. The 3d-Spline is composed of three one-dimensional
splines with the "Not a knot"-condition [W. Gander, Computermathematik, p.141-150] (x, y and z -direction)
[Numerical Recipes in C, Second Edition, p.123ff ].

Volume Averaging
At First the size of the cube is calculated. Then the volume is integrated with the trapezoidal algorithm. 8000
points (20x20x20) are interpolated to calculate the average.

Advanced Extrapolation
DASY uses the advanced extrapolation option which is able to compensate boundary effects on E-field probes.

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6.1.8 Data Storage and Evaluation

Data Storage

The DASY software stores the acquired data from the data acquisition electronics as raw data (in microvolt
readings from the probe sensors), together with all necessary software parameters for the data evaluation
(probe calibration data, liquid parameters and device frequency and modulation data) in measurement files
with the extension ".DA4", “.DA5x”. The software evaluates the desired unit and format for output each time
the data is visualized or exported. This allows verification of the complete software setup even after the
measurement and allows correction of incorrect parameter settings. For example, if a measurement has been
performed with a wrong crest factor parameter in the device setup, the parameter can be corrected afterwards
and the data can be re-evaluated.

The measured data can be visualized or exported in different units or formats, depending on the selected
probe type ([V/m], [A/m], [°C], [mW/g], [mW/cm²], [dBrel], etc.). Some of these units are not available in certain
situations or show meaningless results, e.g., a SAR output in a lossless media will always be zero. Raw data
can also be exported to perform the evaluation with other software packages.

Data Evaluation by SEMCAD
The SEMCAD software automatically executes the following procedures to calculate the field units from the
microvolt readings at the probe connector. The parameters used in the evaluation are stored in the
configuration modules of the software:

Probe parameters:        - Sensitivity                             Normi, ai0, ai1, ai2
                         - Conversion factor                       ConvFi
                         - Diode compression point                 Dcpi
Device parameters:       - Frequency                               f
                         - Crest factor                            cf
Media parameters:        - Conductivity                            
                         - Density                                 

These parameters must be set correctly in the software. They can be found in the component documents or
they can be imported into the software from the configuration files issued for the DASY components. In the
direct measuring mode of the multimeter option, the parameters of the actual system setup are used. In the
scan visualization and export modes, the parameters stored in the corresponding document files are used.

The first step of the evaluation is a linearization of the filtered input signal to account for the compression
characteristics of the detector diode. The compensation depends on the input signal, the diode type and the
DC-transmission factor from the diode to the evaluation electronics.

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If the exciting field is pulsed, the crest factor of the signal must be known to correctly compensate for peak
power. The formula for each channel can be given as:

                                          Vi = Ui + Ui2 cf/dcpi   

with      Vi      = compensated signal of channel i           (i = x, y, z)
          Ui      = input signal of channel i                 (i = x, y, z)
          cf      = crest factor of exciting field            (DASY parameter)
          dcpi    = diode compression point                   (DASY parameter)
From the compensated input signals the primary field data for each channel can be

E-field probes:                  Ei = (Vi / Normi ConvF)1/2

H-field probes:                  Hi = (Vi)1/2 (ai0 + ai1f + ai2f2)/f

with      Vi             = compensated signal of channel i                  (i = x, y, z)
          Normi          = sensor sensitivity of channel i                  (i = x, y, z)
                           [mV/(V/m)2] for E-field Probes
          ConvF          = sensitivity enhancement in solution
          aij            = sensor sensitivity factors for H-field probes
          f              = carrier frequency [GHz]
          Ei             = electric field strength of channel i in V/m
          Hi             = magnetic field strength of channel i in A/m

The RSS value of the field components gives the total field strength (Hermitian magnitude):

                                        Etot = (Ex2 + EY2 + Ez2)1/2
The primary field data are used to calculate the derived field units.

                                     SAR = (Etot2 ) / ( 1000)
                                                                     

with      SAR            = local specific absorption rate in mW/g
          Etot           = total field strength in V/m
                        = conductivity in [mho/m] or [Siemens/m]
                        = equivalent tissue density in g/cm 3

Note that the density is normally set to 1 (or 1.06), to account for actual brain density rather than the density
of the simulation liquid.The power flow density is calculated assuming the excitation field to be a free space

                 Ppwe = Etot2 / 3770                         or            Ppwe = Htot2 37.7

with      Ppwe = equivalent power density of a plane wave in mW/cm 2
          Etot = total electric field strength in V/m
          Htot = total magnetic field strength in A/m

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                                    Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

6.1.9 Tissue simulating liquids: dielectric properties
The following materials are used for producing the tissue-equivalent materials.

(Liquids used for tests described in section 7. are marked with     ):

                                                     Frequency (MHz)
(% of weight)
  frequency        450        750        835       900           1450     1750     1900        2450       5000
    Water        38.56      41.1       41.45     40.92      54.37        55.35    55.19       54.7    64 - 78
  Salt (NaCl)     3.95       1.4        1.45      1.48       0.63         0.38     0.19        0.0     2-3
    Sugar        56.32      57.0        56.0      56.5        0.0          0.0      0.0        0.0      0.0
     HEC          0.98       0.2         1.0       1.0        0.0          0.0      0.0        0.0      0.0
  Bactericide     0.19       0.2         0.1       0.1        0.1          0.1      0.1        0.1      0.0
  Tween 20         0.0       0.0         0.0       0.0      44.90        44.17    44.52       45.2      0.0
  Emulsifiers      0.0       0.0         0.0       0.0        0.0          0.0      0.0        0.0     9 - 15
  Mineral Oil      0.0       0.0         0.0       0.0        0.0          0.0      0.0        0.0    11 - 18

Table 2: Head tissue dielectric properties

MBBL600-6000V6 Body Tissue Simulating Liquid, manufactured by SPEAG:
 Ingredients                     (% by weight)
 Water                           60-80%
 Esters, Emulsifiers, Inhibitors 20-40%
 Sodium salt                     0-1.5%

Table 3: Body tissue dielectric properties

 Salt: 99+% Pure Sodium Chloride                  Water: De-ionized, 16M+ resistivity
 Sugar: 98+% Pure Sucrose                         HEC: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
Tween 20: Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate

6.1.10 Tissue simulating liquids: parameters

                   Target head tissue                Measurement head tissue
 Liquid    Freq.                                                                              Measurement
  HSL     (MHz) Permittivity Conductivity Permittivity Dev.                           Dev.       date
                               (S/m)                     %      ε''     (S/m)          %
 1900      1900   40.00         1.40         39.1      -2.3% 12.73       1.35        -3.9%     2019-01-08
           1922   40.00         1.40         39.0      -2.5% 12.77       1.37        -2.5%
           1925   40.00         1.40         39.0      -2.5% 12.77       1.37        -2.3%
           1929   40.00         1.40         39.0      -2.5% 12.78       1.37        -2.1%
Table 4: Parameter of the head tissue simulating liquid

               Target body tissue               Measurement body tissue
 Liquid Freq.                                                                                Measurement
  MSL (MHz) Permittivity Conductivity Permittivity Dev.                             Dev.        date
                           (S/m)                     %     ε''    (S/m)               %
 1900 1900    53.30         1.52         51.7      -2.9% 15.05     1.59             4.6%     2019-01-08
        1922  53.30         1.52         51.8      -2.8% 14.98     1.60             5.4%
        1925  53.30         1.52         51.8      -2.8% 14.97     1.60             5.5%
        1929  53.30         1.52         51.8      -2.8% 14.97     1.61             5.7%
Table 5: Parameter of the body tissue simulating liquid
Note: The dielectric properties have been measured using the contact probe method at 22°C.

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6.1.11 Measurement uncertainty evaluation for SAR test

                               DASY5 Uncertainty Budget
        According to IEEE 1528/2003 and IEC 62209-1 for the 300 MHz - 3 GHz range
                          Uncertainty Value            Divisor c i        ci      Standard Uncertainty v 2 or
         Source of                         Probability                                                  i
        uncertainty             ±%        Distribution         (1g)     (10g)   ± %, (1g)   ± %, (10g)     vef f
Measurement System
Probe calibration               ± 6.0 %         Normal          1      1       1    ± 6.0 % ± 6.0      %    ∞
Axial isotropy                  ± 4.7 % Rectangular           √ 3     0.7     0.7   ± 1.9 % ± 1.9      %    ∞
Hemispherical isotropy          ± 9.6 % Rectangular           √ 3     0.7     0.7   ± 3.9 % ± 3.9      %    ∞
Boundary effects                ± 1.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 0.6 % ± 0.6      %    ∞
Probe linearity                 ± 4.7 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 2.7 % ± 2.7      %    ∞
System detection limits         ± 1.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 0.6 % ± 0.6      %    ∞
Readout electronics             ± 0.3 %         Normal          1      1       1    ± 0.3 % ± 0.3      %    ∞
Response time                   ± 0.8 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 0.5 % ± 0.5      %    ∞
Integration time                ± 2.6 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 1.5 % ± 1.5      %    ∞
RF ambient noise                ± 3.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7      %    ∞
RF ambient reflections          ± 3.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7      %    ∞
Probe positioner                ± 0.4 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 0.2 % ± 0.2      %    ∞
Probe positioning               ± 2.9 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7      %    ∞
Max.SAR evaluation              ± 1.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 0.6 % ± 0.6      %    ∞
Test Sample Related
Device positioning              ± 2.9 %         Normal          1      1       1    ± 2.9 % ± 2.9      %   145
Device holder uncertainty       ± 3.6 %         Normal          1      1       1    ± 3.6 % ± 3.6      %    5
Power drift                     ± 5.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 2.9 % ± 2.9      %    ∞
Phantom and Set-up
Phantom uncertainty             ± 4.0 % Rectangular           √ 3      1       1    ± 2.3 % ± 2.3      %    ∞
Liquid conductivity (target)    ± 5.7 % Rectangular           √ 3 0.64 0.43 ± 2.1 % ± 1.4              %    ∞
Liquid conductivity (meas.) ± 5.7 % Rectangular               √ 3 0.64 0.43 ± 2.1 % ± 1.4              %    ∞
Liquid permittivity (target)    ± 5.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     0.6 0.49 ± 1.7 % ± 1.4           %    ∞
Liquid permittivity (meas.)     ± 5.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     0.6 0.49 ± 1.7 % ± 1.4           %    ∞
Combined Std.                                                                       ± 11.2 % ± 10.8    %   387
Expanded Std.                                                                       ± 22.3 % ± 21.7    %
Table 6: Measurement uncertainties
Worst-Case uncertainty budget for DASY5 assessed according to IEEE 1528/2003.
The budget is valid for 2G and 3G communication signals and frequency range 300MHz - 3 GHz.
For these conditions it represents a worst-case analysis. For specific tests and configurations, the
uncertainty could be considerable smaller.

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                                 Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

               Relative DASY5 Uncertainty Budget for SAR Tests
         According to IEEE 1528/2013 and IEC62209/2011 for the 0.3 - 3GHz range
                          Uncertainty Value            Divisor c i       ci     Standard Uncertainty v 2 or
                                           Probability                                                i
     Error Description
                                ±%        Distribution         (1g)    (10g)   ± %, (1g)   ± %, (10g)    vef f
 Measurement System
 Probe calibration             ± 6.0 %          Normal          1     1       1    ± 6.0 % ± 6.0     %    ∞
 Axial isotropy                ± 4.7 % Rectangular            √ 3    0.7     0.7   ± 1.9 % ± 1.9     %    ∞
 Hemispherical isotropy        ± 9.6 % Rectangular            √ 3    0.7     0.7   ± 3.9 % ± 3.9     %    ∞
 Boundary effects              ± 1.0 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 0.6 % ± 0.6     %    ∞
 Probe linearity               ± 4.7 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 2.7 % ± 2.7     %    ∞
 System detection limits       ± 1.0 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 0.6 % ± 0.6     %    ∞
 Modulation Response           ± 2.4 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 1.4 % ± 1.4     %    ∞
 Readout electronics           ± 0.3 %          Normal          1     1       1    ± 0.3 % ± 0.3     %    ∞
 Response time                 ± 0.8 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 0.5 % ± 0.5     %    ∞
 Integration time              ± 2.6 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 1.5 % ± 1.5     %    ∞
 RF ambient noise              ± 3.0 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7     %    ∞
 RF ambient reflections        ± 3.0 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7     %    ∞
 Probe positioner              ± 0.4 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 0.2 % ± 0.2     %    ∞
 Probe positioning             ± 2.9 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7     %    ∞
 Max. SAR evaluation           ± 2.0 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 1.2 % ± 1.2     %    ∞
 Test Sample Related
 Device positioning            ± 2.9 %          Normal          1     1       1    ± 2.9 % ± 2.9     %   145
 Device holder uncertainty     ± 3.6 %          Normal          1     1       1    ± 3.6 % ± 3.6     %    5
 Power drift                   ± 5.0 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 2.9 % ± 2.9     %    ∞
 Phantom and Set-up
 Phantom uncertainty           ± 6.1 % Rectangular            √ 3     1       1    ± 3.5 % ± 3.5     %    ∞
 SAR correction                ± 1.9 % Rectangular            √ 3     1     0.84 ± 1.1 % ± 0.9       %    ∞
 Liquid conductivity (meas.) ± 5.7 % Rectangular              √ 3 0.78 0.71 ± 2.6 % ± 2.3            %    ∞
 Liquid permittivity (meas.)   ± 5.0 % Rectangular            √ 3 0.26 0.26 ± 0.8 % ± 0.8            %    ∞
 Temp. Unc. - Conductivity     ± 3.4 % Rectangular            √ 3 0.78 0.71 ± 1.5 % ± 1.4            %    ∞
 Temp. Unc. - Permittivity     ± 0.4 % Rectangular            √ 3 0.23 0.26 ± 0.1 % ± 0.1            %    ∞
 Combined Uncertainty                                                              ± 11.4 % ± 11.3   %   330
 Expanded Std.
                                                                                   ± 22.8 % ± 22.7   %
Table 7: Measurement uncertainties
Worst-Case uncertainty budget for DASY5 assessed according to IEEE 1528/2013
and IEC 62209-1/2011 standards. The budget is valid for the frequency range 300MHz -3 GHz and
represents a worst-case analysis. For specific tests and configurations, the uncertainty could be
considerable smaller.

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                                Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

                              DASY5 Uncertainty Budget
               According to IEC 62209-2/2010 for the 300 MHz - 6 GHz range
                                                    Divisor c i    ci    Standard Uncertainty 2
         Source of         Uncertainty Probability                                           vi or
        uncertainty           Value    Distribution         (1g) (10g) ± %, (1g) ± %, (10g) vef f
Measurement System
Probe calibration                ± 6.6 %         Normal          1     1     1    ± 6.6 % ± 6.6 %     ∞
Axial isotropy                   ± 4.7 % Rectangular           √ 3   0.7    0.7   ± 1.9 % ± 1.9 %     ∞
Hemispherical isotropy           ± 9.6 % Rectangular           √ 3   0.7    0.7   ± 3.9 % ± 3.9 %     ∞
Boundary effects                 ± 2.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 1.2 % ± 1.2 %     ∞
Probe linearity                  ± 4.7 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 2.7 % ± 2.7 %     ∞
System detection limits          ± 1.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 0.6 % ± 0.6 %     ∞
Modulation Response              ± 2.4 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 1.4 % ± 1.4 %     ∞
Readout electronics              ± 0.3 %         Normal          1     1     1    ± 0.3 % ± 0.3 %     ∞
Response time                    ± 0.8 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 0.5 % ± 0.5 %     ∞
Integration time                 ± 2.6 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 1.5 % ± 1.5 %     ∞
RF ambient noise                 ± 3.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7 %     ∞
RF ambient reflections           ± 3.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 1.7 % ± 1.7 %     ∞
Probe positioner                 ± 0.8 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 0.5 % ± 0.5 %     ∞
Probe positioning                ± 6.7 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 3.9 % ± 3.9 %     ∞
Post-processing                  ± 4.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 2.3 % ± 2.3 %     ∞
Test Sample Related
Device positioning               ± 2.9 %         Normal          1     1     1    ± 2.9 % ± 2.9 % 145
Device holder uncertainty        ± 3.6 %         Normal          1     1     1    ± 3.6 % ± 3.6 %     5
Power drift                      ± 5.0 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 2.9 % ± 2.9 %     ∞
Phantom and Set-up
Phantom uncertainty              ± 7.9 % Rectangular           √ 3     1     1    ± 4.6 % ± 4.6 %     ∞
SAR correction                   ± 1.9 % Rectangular           √ 3     1   0.84 ± 1.1 % ± 0.9 %       ∞
Liquid conductivity (meas.) ± 5.7 % Rectangular                √ 3 0.78 0.71 ± 2.6 % ± 2.3 %          ∞
Liquid permittivity (meas.)      ± 5.0 % Rectangular           √ 3 0.26 0.26 ± 0.8 % ± 0.8 %          ∞
Temp. Unc. - Conductivity        ± 3.4 % Rectangular           √ 3 0.78 0.71 ± 1.5 % ± 1.4 %          ∞
Temp. Unc. - Permittivity        ± 0.4 % Rectangular           √ 3 0.23 0.26 ± 0.1 % ± 0.1 %          ∞
Combined Uncertainty                                                              ± 12.8 % ± 12.7 % 330
Expanded Std.
                                                                                  ± 25.5 % ± 25.4 %
Table 8: Measurement uncertainties.
Worst-Case uncertainty budget for DASY5 assessed according to according to IEC 62209-2/2010 standard.
The budget is valid for the frequency range 300MHz - 6 GHz and represents a worst-case analysis. For
specific tests and configurations, the uncertainty could be considerable smaller.

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6.1.12 Measurement uncertainty evaluation for System Check

            Uncertainty of a System Performance Check with DASY5 System
                                for the 0.3 - 3 GHz range
         Source of            Uncertainty Probability Divisor ci     ci Standard Uncertainty vi2 or
        uncertainty             Value     Distribution        (1g) (10g) ± %, (1g) ± %, (10g) veff
Measurement System
Probe calibration              ±   6.0   %     Normal            1    1      1     ±   6.0   %   ±   6.0   %   ∞
Axial isotropy                 ±   4.7   %   Rectangular    √    3   0.7    0.7    ±   1.9   %   ±   1.9   %   ∞
Hemispherical isotropy         ±   0.0   %   Rectangular    √    3   0.7    0.7    ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Boundary effects               ±   1.0   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   0.6   %   ±   0.6   %   ∞
Probe linearity                ±   4.7   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   2.7   %   ±   2.7   %   ∞
System detection limits        ±   1.0   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   0.6   %   ±   0.6   %   ∞
Readout electronics            ±   0.3   %     Normal            1    1      1     ±   0.3   %   ±   0.3   %   ∞
Response time                  ±   0.0   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
Integration time               ±   0.0   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %   ∞
RF ambient conditions          ±   3.0   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   1.7   %   ±   1.7   %   ∞
Probe positioner               ±   0.4   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   0.2   %   ±   0.2   %   ∞
Probe positioning              ±   2.9   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   1.7   %   ±   1.7   %   ∞
Max. SAR evaluation            ±   1.0   %   Rectangular    √    3    1      1     ±   0.6   %   ±   0.6   %   ∞
Test Sample Related
Dev. of experimental dipole    ± 0.0 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 0.0 % ± 0.0 %             ∞
Source to liquid distance      ± 2.0 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 1.2 % ± 1.2 %             ∞
Power drift                    ± 3.4 % Rectangular          √ 3       1      1     ± 2.0 % ± 2.0 %             ∞
Phantom and Set-up
Phantom uncertainty            ±   4.0   %   Rectangular    √ 3       1      1     ±   2.3   %   ±   2.3   %    ∞
SAR correction                 ±   1.9   %   Rectangular    √ 3       1     0.84   ±   1.1   %   ±   0.9   %    ∞
Liquid conductivity (meas.)    ±   5.0   %     Normal         1      0.78   0.71   ±   3.9   %   ±   3.6   %    ∞
Liquid permittivity (meas.)    ±   5.0   %     Normal         1      0.26   0.26   ±   1.3   %   ±   1.3   %    ∞
Temp. unc. - Conductivity      ±   1.7   %   Rectangular    √ 3      0.78   0.71   ±   0.8   %   ±   0.7   %    ∞
Temp. unc. - Permittivity      ±   0.3   %   Rectangular    √ 3      0.23   0.26   ±   0.0   %   ±   0.0   %    ∞
Combined Uncertainty                                                               ±   9.1   %   ±   8.9   %   330
Expanded Std.
                                                                                   ± 18.2 % ± 17.9 %
Table 9: Measurement uncertainties of the System Check with DASY5 (0.3-3GHz)

Note: Worst case probe calibration uncertainty has been applied for all probes used during the

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   6.1.13 System check
   The system check is performed for verifying the accuracy of the complete measurement system and
   performance of the software. The system check is performed with tissue equivalent material according to IEEE
   1528. The following table shows system check results for all frequency bands and tissue liquids used during
   the tests (plot(s) see annex A).
                             System performence check (1000 mW)
                                 Target    Target
  System                                           Measured       Measured
                                 SAR1g    SAR10g            SAR1g          SAR10g Measured
 validation  Probe   Frequency                      SAR1g /       SAR10g /
                                 /mW/g     /mW/g             dev.            dev.    date
     Kit                                             mW/g          mW/g
                               (+/- 10%) (+/- 10%)
 D1900V2    EX3DV4 1900 MHz
                                  39.20     20.70    36.90  -5.9%  19.10    -7.7% 2019-01-08
S/N: 5d009 S/N: 3944    head
 D1900V2    EX3DV4 1900 MHz
                                  40.70     21.50    39.60  -2.7%  20.60    -4.2% 2019-01-08
S/N: 5d009 S/N: 3944    body
   Table 10: Results system check

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6.1.14 System check procedure
The system check is performed by using a validation dipole which is positioned parallel to the planar part of
the SAM phantom at the reference point. The distance of the dipole to the SAM phantom is determined by a
plexiglass spacer. The dipole is connected to the signal source consisting of signal generator and amplifier via
a directional coupler, N-connector cable and adaption to SMA. It is fed with a power of 1000 mW for frequencies
below 2 GHz or 100 mW for frequencies above 2 GHz. To adjust this power a power meter is used. The power
sensor is connected to the cable before the system check to measure the power at this point and do
adjustments at the signal generator. At the outputs of the directional coupler both return loss as well as forward
power are controlled during the validation to make sure that emitted power at the dipole is kept constant. This
can also be checked by the power drift measurement after the test (result on plot).
System check results have to be equal or near the values determined during dipole calibration (target SAR in
table above) with the relevant liquids and test system.

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6.1.15 System validation
The system validation is performed in a similar way as a system check. It needs to be performed once a SAR
measurement system has been established and allows an evaluation of the system accuracy with all
components used together with the specified system. It has to be repeated at least once a year or when new
system components are used (DAE, probe, phantom, dipole, liquid type).
In addition to the procedure used during system check a system validation also includes checks of probe
isotropy, probe modulation factor and RF signal.

The following table lists the system validations relevant for this test report:

                                        Probe     Calibrated
 Frequency      DASY       Dipole                            DAE unit           head         body
                                        Type /      signal
   (MHz)         SW       Type /SN                           Type / SN        validation   validation
                                         SN        type(s)
                          D1900V2      EX3DV4                        DAE3/
    1900       V52.8.7                                CW                     2018-06-19    2018-06-19
                           / 5d009      / 3944                        477

7   Detailed Test Results
7.1 Conducted power measurements UPCS 1925 MHz

              Maximum conducted output power (dBm)
                  Frequency                                            Pav g long
   Channel                            Ppeak        Pav g full slot
                    (MHz)                                                slot
       4          1921.536             18.6             4.8               7.0
       2          1924.992             18.6             4.8               7.0
       0          1928.448             18.5             4.7               6.9
Table 11: Test results conducted power measurement UPCS 1925 MHz

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7.2 SAR test results
7.2.1 General description of test procedures

       Test positions as described in the tables above are in accordance with the specified test standard.
       According to IEEE 1528 the SAR test shall be performed at middle channel. Testing of top and bottom
        channel is optional.
       According to KDB 447498 D01 testing of other required channels within the operating mode of a
        frequency band is not required when the reported 1-g or 10-g SAR for the mid-band or highest
        output power channel is:
         ≤ 0.8 W/kg or 2.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≤ 100 MHz
         ≤ 0.6 W/kg or 1.5 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is between 100
           MHz and 200 MHz
         ≤ 0.4 W/kg or 1.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≥ 200 MHz
       IEEE 1528-2013 requires the middle channel to be tested first. This generally applies to wireless
        devices that are designed to operate in technologies with tight tolerances for maximum output power
        variations across channels in the band. When the maximum output power variation across the required
        test channels is > ½ dB, instead of the middle channel, the highest output power channel must be

7.2.2 Results overview

                  measured / extrapolated SAR numbers - Head - UPCS 1925 MHz
        Freq. time                    cond. Ppeak (dBm)    SAR1g (W/kg)SAR10g (W/kg) power liquid
Ch.                    Position                                                        drift
       (MHz) slots                                                                            (°C)
                                   declared* measured meas. extrap. meas. extrap. (dB)
 2 1925.0 long          left cheek    20.5      18.6     0.037 0.057 0.022 0.034 0.12 22.4
 2 1925.0 long left tilted 15°        20.5      18.6     0.035 0.054 0.020 0.031 0.07 22.4
 4 1921.5 long         right cheek    20.5      18.6     0.054 0.083 0.031 0.048 0.01 22.4
 2 1925.0 long         right cheek    20.5      18.6     0.042 0.065 0.024 0.037 0.02 22.4
 0 1928.4 long         right cheek    20.5      18.5     0.051 0.081 0.029 0.046 0.02 22.4
 2 1925.0 full         right cheek    20.5      18.6     0.026 0.040 0.015 0.022 -0.05 22.4
 2 1925.0 long right tilted 15°       20.5      18.6     0.038 0.059 0.022 0.034 0.11 22.4
Table 12: Test results head SAR (see max. SAR plot in Annex B: DASY5 measurement results, page 28)

                   measured / extrapolated SAR numbers - Body worn - UPCS 1925 MHz
       Freq.     slot             cond. Ppeak (dBm)  SAR1g (W/kg) SAR10g (W/kg) power liquid dist.
 Ch.                    Position                                                   drift
      (MHz) config.                                                                        (°C) (mm)
                                 declared* measured meas. extrap. meas. extrap. (dB)
   4 1921.5 long         front     20.5        18.6 0.072 0.111 0.043 0.066 -0.06 21.5            0
   2 1925.0 long         front     20.5        18.6 0.072 0.112 0.043 0.066 -0.09 21.5            0
   0 1928.4 long         front     20.5        18.5 0.065 0.103 0.039 0.062 0.00 21.5             0
   2 1925.0      full    front     20.5        18.6 0.036 0.056 0.021 0.033 -0.01 21.5            0
   2 1925.0 long         rear      20.5        18.6 0.060 0.092 0.030 0.047 -0.03 21.5            0
Table 13: Test results body worn SAR (see max. SAR plot in Annex B: DASY5 measurement results)
* - maximum possible output power declared by manufacturer.

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                                       Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

8      Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests
To simplify the identification of the test equipment and/or ancillaries which were used, the reporting of the
relevant test cases only refer to the test item number as specified in the table below.
           Equipment                Type        Manufacturer       Serial No.     Last Calibration
 Dosimetric E-Field Probe        EX3DV4 Schmid & Partner 3944                  May 18, 2018          12
                                            Engineering AG
 1900 MHz System Validation D1900V2 Schmid & Partner 5d009                     May 10, 2017          36
 Dipole                                     Engineering AG
 Data acquisition electronics DAE3V1 Schmid & Partner 477                      May 18, 2018          12
                                            Engineering AG
 Software                        DASY52 Schmid & Partner ---                   N/A                   --
                                 52.8.7     Engineering AG
 Triple Modular Flat Phantom QD 000 Schmid & Partner 1154                      N/A                   --
 V5.1                            P51 C      Engineering AG
 SAM Twin Phantom V5.0           QD 000 Schmid & Partner 1813                  N/A                   --
                                 P40 C      Engineering AG
 Phantom ELI 4.0                 QDOVA0 Schmid & Partner 1046                  N/A                   --
                                 01BA       Engineering AG
 Universal Radio                 CMU 200 Rohde & Schwarz 106826                December 17, 2018 24
 Communication Tester
 Network Analyser                8753ES Agilent                 US39174436 December 14, 2017 24
 300 kHz to 6 GHz                           Technologies)*
 Dielectric Probe Kit            85070C Hewlett Packard         US99360146 N/A                       12
 Signal Generator                8665A      Hewlett Packard     2833A00112 December 14, 2017 24
 Amplifier                       25S1G4 Amplifier               20452          N/A                   --
                                 (25 Watt) Reasearch
 Power Meter                     NRP        Rohde & Schwarz 101367             December 11, 2018 24
 Power Meter Sensor              NRP Z22 Rohde & Schwarz 100227                December 11, 2018 12
 Power Meter Sensor              NRP Z22 Rohde & Schwarz 100234                December 11, 2018 12
 Directional Coupler             778D       Hewlett Packard     19171          December 10, 2017 12
)* : Network analyzer probe calibration against air, distilled water and a shorting block performed before measuring liquid

9      Observations
No observations exceeding those reported with the single test cases have been made.

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                                  Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

Annex A: System performance check
                                                                     Date/Time: 08.01.2019 14:31:45
SystemPerformanceCheck-D1900 HSL 2019-01-08
DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: 5d009
Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Communication System Band: D1900 (1900.0 MHz); Frequency:
1900 MHz; Communication System PAR: 0 dB; PMF: 1
Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.345 S/m; εr = 39.075; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5
DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3944; ConvF(8.5, 8.5, 8.5); Calibrated: 18.05.2018;
- Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), z = 1.0, 31.0
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn477; Calibrated: 18.05.2018
- Phantom: SAM front; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP-1041
- DASY52 52.8.7(1137); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7164)

HSL1900/d=10mm, Pin=100 mW, dist=3mm/Area Scan (41x41x1): Interpolated
grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 4.70 W/kg

HSL1900/d=10mm, Pin=100 mW, dist=3mm/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 58.302 V/m; Power Drift = 0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 6.93 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 3.69 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.91 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 4.64 W/kg

              0 dB = 4.64 W/kg = 6.67 dBW/kg
Additional information:
ambient temperature: 23.8°C; liquid temperature: 22.4°C

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                                  Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

                                                                     Date/Time: 08.01.2019 14:53:01
SystemPerformanceCheck-D1900 MSL 2019-01-08
DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: 5d009
Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Communication System Band: D1900 (1900.0 MHz); Frequency:
1900 MHz; Communication System PAR: 0 dB; PMF: 1
Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.591 S/m; εr = 51.745; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Center Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5
DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3944; ConvF(8.08, 8.08, 8.08); Calibrated: 18.05.2018;
- Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), z = 1.0, 26.0
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn477; Calibrated: 18.05.2018
- Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1154
- DASY52 52.8.7(1137); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7164)

HSL1900/d=10mm, Pin=100 mW, dist=3mm/Area Scan (41x41x1): Interpolated
grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 5.04 W/kg

HSL1900/d=10mm, Pin=100 mW, dist=3mm/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 56.169 V/m; Power Drift = -0.04 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 7.12 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 3.96 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.06 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.01 W/kg

              0 dB = 5.01 W/kg = 7.00 dBW/kg
Additional information:
ambient temperature: 23.8°C; liquid temperature: 21.1°C

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                                  Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

Annex B: DASY5 measurement results
SAR plots for the highest measured SAR in each exposure configuration, wireless mode and frequency
band combination according to FCC KDB 865664 D02
                                                                        Date/Time: 08.01.2019 12:16:06
IEEE1528 - UPCS head
DUT: Gigaset; Type: W570H; Serial: 8.1
Communication System: UID 0, DECT Long Slot (0); Communication System Band: UPCS 1925; Frequency:
1921.54 MHz; Communication System PAR: 11.58 dB
Medium parameters used: f = 1922 MHz; σ = 1.365 S/m; εr = 39.023; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Right Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5
DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3944; ConvF(8.5, 8.5, 8.5); Calibrated: 18.05.2018;
- Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection (Locations From Previous Scan Used)), Sensor-
Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), z = 1.0, 26.0
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn477; Calibrated: 18.05.2018
- Phantom: SAM front; Type: QD000P40CC; Serial: TP-1041
- DASY52 52.8.7(1137); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7164)

Right-Hand-Side HSL/Touch Position - Low/Area Scan (61x111x1): Interpolated
grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.0696 W/kg

Right-Hand-Side HSL/Touch Position - Low/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 6.920 V/m; Power Drift = 0.01 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.0950 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.054 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.031 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.0633 W/kg

                 0 dB = 0.0633 W/kg = -11.99 dBW/kg
Additional information:
ambient temperature: 23.8°C; liquid temperature: 22.4°C

© CTC advanced GmbH                           Page 28 of 32

                                  Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

                                                                     Date/Time: 08.01.2019 16:17:27
DUT: Gigaset; Type: W570H; Serial: 8.1
Communication System: UID 0, DECT Long Slot (0); Communication System Band: UPCS 1925; Frequency:
1924.99 MHz; Communication System PAR: 11.58 dB
Medium parameters used: f = 1925 MHz; σ = 1.603 S/m; εr = 51.809; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Center Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5
DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3944; ConvF(8.08, 8.08, 8.08); Calibrated: 18.05.2018;
- Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection (Locations From Previous Scan Used)), Sensor-
Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), z = 1.0, 26.0
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn477; Calibrated: 18.05.2018
- Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1154
- DASY52 52.8.7(1137); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7164)

MSL body worn/Front position - Middle/Area Scan (61x131x1): Interpolated grid:
dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.103 W/kg

MSL body worn/Front position - Middle/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 7.231 V/m; Power Drift = -0.09 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.123 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.072 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.043 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.0842 W/kg

                0 dB = 0.0842 W/kg = -10.75 dBW/kg
Additional information:
position or distance of DUT to the phantom: 0 mm
ambient temperature: 23.8°C; liquid temperature: 21.5°C

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                             Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

Annex B.1: Liquid depth
                      Photo 1: Liquid depth 1900MHz head simulating liquid

                      Photo 2: Liquid depth 1900 MHz body simulating liquid

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                                  Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

Annex C: Photo documentation

Photo documentation is described in the additional document:

Appendix to test report no. 1-6814/18-01-04 Photo documentation

Annex D: Calibration parameters

Calibration parameters are described in the additional document:

Appendix to test report no. 1-6814/18-01-04
Calibration data, Phantom certificate
and detail information of the DASY5 System

Annex E:       RSS-102 Annex A and B

ICRF documents are described in the additional document:

Appendix to test report no. 1-6814/18-01-04_ICRF
RF Technical Brief Cover Sheet acc. To RSS-102 Annex A and
Declaration of RX Exposure Compliance Annex B

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                                   Test report no.: 1-6814/18-01-04

Annex F:          Document History

Version         Applied Changes                                       Date of Release

                Initial Release                                       2019-01-18

Annex G: Further Information

 BW         -      Bandwidth
 DECT       -      Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
 DUT        -      Device under Test
 EUT        -      Equipment under Test
 FCC        -      Federal Communication Commission
 FCC ID     -      Company Identifier at FCC
 HW         -      Hardware
 IC         -      Industry Canada
 Inv. No.   -      Inventory number
 N/A        -      not applicable
 SAR        -      Specific Absorption Rate
 S/N        -      Serial Number
 SW         -      Software
 UPCS       -      Unlicensed Personal Communications Services

© CTC advanced GmbH                            Page 32 of 32

Document Created: 2019-01-25 12:54:43
Document Modified: 2019-01-25 12:54:43

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