Cover Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                            ROGERS LABS, INC.
                            4405 West 259th Terrace
                            Louisburg, KS 66053
                            Phone / Fax (913) 837-3214

March 15, 2017

Ti mco Engi neeri ng Inc.
849 NW St ate Road 45
Newberry, FL 32669

Federal Co mmuni cati ons Co mmi ssi on
Equi pment Appr oval Services
P.O. Box 35815
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-3315

Appli cant :     Mi kroti kls SI A
                 Per navas 46 Str.
                 Ri ga, Lat vi a LV-1009

Equi pment : FCC I D: TV7RB921-5SHPACT
FCC Rul es: 47CFR Part 15.407 NII Cl ass 2 per missibl e change

Gentle men

The for m731 and application have been electroni cally submitted and any attachment s will be up l oaded
to your site t o be used i n processi ng Cl ass 2 per missibl e change t o t his certified equi pment .

Change fromt he ori gi nal desi gn was provi ded t hrough fir mware (soft ware) change and t his equi pment
was not certified as SDR equi pment . The electroni cs re mai n i dentical to ori gi nal desi gn.

The desi gn was aut hori zed under 47 CFR 15.247 on 7/3/2017 for operati on i n t he 5745-5825 MHz band
as grant ed 7/3/2014. Co mpliance t o meet t he new 15.407 regul ati ons required power reducti on i n t he
5745-5825 MHz band. The change applicati on also addresses t he additi on of U-NII-1 frequency
operati on i n t he 5180-5240 MHz frequency band. While not explicitl y addressed i n t he report , t he
require ment of KDB926956 Q&A #6 c):, compli ance wit h t he new regul ations are de monstrat ed
incl udi ng: soft ware security, Band-edge measure ments, Band Power, hi gh and low channel e mi ssi ons,
Power Spectral Densit y and power reducti on when used wit h hi gh gai n ant ennas. There is no change
to t he ant ennas as previ ously aut hori zed.

Pl ease revi ew t he application and process it as Cl ass 2 per missi bl e change under ori gi nal FCC Identifier

File: RB921UAGS5SHPacTNMUS C2PC Sub mittal letter                                                 Page 1 of 2

 Page 2                                                                      March 15, 2017
Mi kroti kls SI A requests t hat t he mat erial in t he Schematics, Block Diagram, and Operational
Descriptions be wit hheld from public discl osure pursuant t o Secti ons 0.457 and 0.459 of t he
Co mmi ssi on’s Rul es foll owi ng grant of t he application.
Schematics                        RB921UAGS5SHPacTNMUS Conf Schem.pdf
Block diagram                     RB921UAGS5SHPacTNMUS Conf BlkDia.pdf
Operational Description           RB921UAGS5SHPacTNMUS Conf OpDes.pdf
Operational Description           RB921UAGS5SHPacTNMUS Conf OpDes KDB 594280.pdf

Shoul d you require any furt her i nfor mati on, pl ease cont act t he undersi gned.
Thank you for your consi derati on i n t his matter.

Si ncerel y,

Scot Rogers
Rogers Labs, Inc.
Encl osures

Document Created: 2017-03-15 15:30:22
Document Modified: 2017-03-15 15:30:22

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