Modular Approval Justification


Cover Letter(s)

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                                           Mikrotikls SIA
                             Brivibas gatve 214i, RIga, LV-1039, Latvia


To the certification reviewer:

We are hereby applying for [full] modular approval of the above-referenced FCC ID, based on
compliance with [all] of the criteria as detailed below.


 [Edmunds Zvegincevs]
[General Manager]

              Requirement per 15.212                                        reference
 (i)    The radio elements of the modular              Shielding is provided by a metal cover over the
        transmitter must have their own RF             circuitry.

 (ii)   The modular transmitter must have buffered     All modulation and data inputs are buffered by
        modulation/data inputs (if such inputs are     circuitry on the transmitter chip.

(iii)   The modular transmitter must have its own      Power supply regulation is provided by circuitry on
        power supply regulation.                       the transmitter chip.

(iv)    The modular transmitter must comply with       The antenna is fixed.
        the antenna and transmission system
        requirements of §§ 15.203, 15.204(b) and

 (v)    The modular transmitter must be tested in a    Testing was performed in a stand-alone
        stand-alone configuration, i.e., the module    configuration as shown in the test setup photos.
        must not be inside another device during
        testing for compliance with Part 15
(vi)    The modular transmitter must be equipped       The modular was labeled with its own FCC ID. The
        with either a permanently affixed label or     outside of device in to which the module is installed
        must be capable of electronically displaying   will labeled Contains TX FCC ID: TV7R11E4G,
        its FCC identification number. If the FCC      Please refer to User Manual.
        ID is not visible when the module is
        installed inside another device, then the
        outside of the device into which the module
        is installed must also display a label
        referring to the enclosed module.

                                            Mikrotikls SIA
                              Brivibas gatve 214i, RIga, LV-1039, Latvia

(vii)    The modular transmitter must comply with       The modular is comply with all applicable FCC
         any specific rules or operating requirements   rules.
         that ordinarily apply to a complete
         transmitter and the manufacturer must          Any modifications, not expressly approved by the
         provide adequate instructions along with the   manufacturer could void the authority to operate in
         module to explain any such requirements.       these regions.
         A copy of these instructions must be
         included in the application for equipment
(viii)   The modular transmitter must comply with       This module operates under Part 15 .24 and Part 27
         any applicable RF exposure requirements in     which is exempt from RF exposure evaluation
         its final configuration.                       owing to the very low operating power.

Document Created: 2018-09-17 10:25:16
Document Modified: 2018-09-17 10:25:16

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