Test Report


Test Report

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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

                Class 2 Permissive Change
                 Engineering Test Report

                             Model: R11e-2HPnD
                                2412-2462 MHz
                                 47CFR 15.247
                          Digital Transmission System
                          FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
                           IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND

                             Mikrotikls SIA
                                    Brivibas gatve 214i
                                   Riga Latvia LV-1039

                             Test Report Number: 180515A
                               FCC Designation: US5305
                           IC Test Site Registration: 3041A-1

Authorized Signatory:
                           Scot D. Rogers

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 1 of 21

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

                            ROGERS LABS, INC.
                            4405 West 259th Terrace
                            Louisburg, KS 66053
                            Phone / Fax (913) 837-3214

                          Class 2 Permissive Change
                          Engineering Test Report For
                  47 CFR, PART 15C - Intentional Radiators Paragraph 15.247
                            License Exempt Intentional Radiator

                                    Mikrotikls SIA
                                          Brivibas gatve 214i
                                         Riga Latvia LV-1039

                                    Model: R11e-2HPnD

                               Digital Transmission System
                                   Frequency Range 2412-2462 MHz
                                      FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
                                       IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND

Test Date: May 15, 2018

Certifying Engineer:
                           Scot D. Rogers
                           Rogers Labs, Inc.
                           4405 West 259th Terrace
                           Louisburg, KS 66053
                           Telephone/Facsimile: (913) 837-3214

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.
This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or
endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 2 of 21

 NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Table Of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. 3

REVISIONS..................................................................................................................... 4

FORWARD ..................................................................................................................... 5

OPINION / INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ............................................................... 5

CHANGE TO EQUIPMENT FROM ORIGINAL DESIGN ................................................ 5

EQUIPMENT TESTED .................................................................................................... 6

        Equipment Function ............................................................................................................................................6

        Equipment Configuration....................................................................................................................................7

APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION ........................................................................... 8

APPLICABLE STANDARDS & TEST PROCEDURES .................................................. 9

EQUIPMENT TESTING PROCEDURES ........................................................................ 9

        Radiated Emission Test Procedure .....................................................................................................................9

           Diagram 1 Test arrangement for radiated emissions ......................................................................................... 10

           Diagram 2 Test arrangement for radiated emissions tested on Open Area Test Site (OATS) ........................... 11

TEST SITE LOCATIONS .............................................................................................. 11

LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................ 12

UNITS OF MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................... 13

ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS................................................................................ 13

STATEMENT OF MODIFICATIONS AND DEVIATIONS ............................................. 13

INTENTIONAL RADIATORS ........................................................................................ 13

        Antenna Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 13

        General Radiated Emissions Procedure ........................................................................................................... 14

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 3 of 21

 NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

           Table 1 General Radiated Emissions Data ........................................................................................................ 15

        Summary of Results for General Radiated Emissions .................................................................................... 16

ANNEX .......................................................................................................................... 17

        Annex A Measurement Uncertainty Calculations ........................................................................................... 18

        Annex B Rogers Labs Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................... 19

        Annex C Rogers Qualifications ......................................................................................................................... 20

        Annex D Rogers Labs Certificate of Accreditation ......................................................................................... 21

Revision 1 Issued July 17, 2018

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 4 of 21

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0


The following information is submitted as documentation of compliance with regulations
supporting Class 2 Permissible Change of Authorized Equipment. This product was authorized
under Digital transmission system equipment per 47 CFR Paragraph 15.247, Industry Canada
RSS-247 Issue 2 and RSS-GEN, operating in the 2412 – 2462 MHz frequency band. The
module was originally Granted with restrictions for co-located with other transmitters. This
Class 2 Permissible Change request supports processing as limited modular authorization for use
in the configuration documented in this filing. Supporting operation as a co-located module
configuration as documented in this filing.
               Name of Applicant:   Mikrotikls SIA
                                    Brivibas gatve 214i
                                    Riga Latvia LV-1039
               Model: R11e-2HPnD
               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND              IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Opinion / Interpretation of Results

                            Tests Performed                       Results

    Radiated Emissions                                           Complies

Change to Equipment from Original Design
This request addresses use of the module in the co-located configuration documented in this
report. The information contained in this report addresses use as a limited modular configuration
with a co-located transmitter operating in the 5 GHz frequency band. No modifications in the
transmitter circuitry were required. The transmitter remains electrically identical and functionally
equivalent to the original equipment authorization.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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 NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Equipment Tested

Equipment                       Model                              FCC ID:

EUT                             R11e-2HPnD                         TV7R11E2HPND

Support Enclosure               RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN             TV7R11E2HPND

AC Adapter                      WT-2402500                         N/A

Dell Studio XPS                 921LBN1                            N/A

Support interface Board         RB 3011UiAS-2HnD                   N/A

Test results in this report relate only to the items tested.

Equipment Function

The EUT is a 2412-2462 MHz 2x2 MIMO Digital Transmission System module used to
transmit data in applications offering broadband wireless connectivity. The design provides
MMCX antenna connection ports for use with the Omni directional antenna. The equipment
provides a wireless link for exchanging data information from one point to another. For testing
purposes, the R11e-2HPnD transceiver was placed in the manufacturer provided enclosure
containing a 5 GHz MIMO transceiver system. This test configuration was configured to
communicate to a laptop computer through Ethernet network interface for communications and
control. This configuration offered operational control of the system and communications over
the network interface between the EUT and supporting computer system. For testing purposes,
the test system received power from the AC Adapter and Power Over Ethernet (POE)
supporting system. Radiated emission testing was performed to confirm any intermodulation
products remained complaint with the regulations and requirements.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Equipment Configuration

        Configuration #1 Powered from AC/DC Adapter

                                                    Network Cable
                                                                        Laptop Computer
                            R11e-2HPnD                                       (CPU)

                                                                        CPU AC Power
                                        AC/DC Adapter

                                                                         Utility Power

       Configuration #2 POE

                                                                        Laptop Computer
                            R11e-2HPnD                  Network Cable        (CPU)

                                                                        CPU AC Power


                                                                         Utility Power
                                        AC/DC Adapter

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Application for Certification
(1)            Manufacturer:          Mikrotikls SIA
                                      Brivibas gatve 214i
                                      Riga Latvia LV-1039
(2)            Identification:        Model: R11e-2HPnD
               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
(3)            Instruction Book:
               Refer to Exhibit for Instruction Manual.
(4)            Description of Circuit Functions:
               Refer to Exhibit of Operational Description.
(5)            Block Diagram with Frequencies:
               Refer to Exhibit of Operational Description.
(6)            Report of Measurements:
               Report of measurements follows in this Report.
(7)            Photographs: Construction, Component Placement, etc.:
               Refer to Exhibit for photographs of equipment.
(8)            List of Peripheral Equipment Necessary for operation. The module operates from power
               received from the supporting motherboard and interface. During testing, the module was
               incorporated in the RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN enclosure provided the support interface
               and connection to a CPU through network cable.
(9)            Transition Provisions of CFR47 15.37 are not requested.
(10)           Not Applicable. The unit is not a scanning receiver.
(11)           Not Applicable. The EUT does not operate in the 59 – 64 GHz frequency band.
(12)           The equipment is not software defined and this section is not applicable.
(13)           Applications for certification of U-NII devices in the 5.15-5.35 GHz and the 5.47-5.85
               GHz bands must include a high-level operational description of the security procedures
               that control the radio frequency operating parameters and ensure that unauthorized
               modifications cannot be made. This requirement is not applicable to his DTS device.
(14)           Contain at least one drawing or photograph showing the test set-up for each of the
               required types of tests applicable to the device for which certification is requested. These
               drawings or photographs must show enough detail to confirm other information
               contained in the test report. Any photographs used must be focused originals without
               glare or dark spots and must clearly show the test configuration used. This information is
               provided in this report and Test Setup Exhibits provided with the application filing.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Applicable Standards & Test Procedures

In accordance with the Federal Communications Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 (47CFR)
dated May 15, 2018: Part 2, Subpart J, Paragraphs 2.1043, applicable parts of paragraph 15C,
KDB 178919 D01 Permissive Change Policy v06, Industry Canada RSS-247 Issue 2, and
RSS-GEN Issue 5 operation in the 2400 – 2483.5 MHz Frequency band. Test procedures used
are the established Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions as described in ANSI

Equipment Testing Procedures

Radiated Emission Test Procedure
The EUT was placed on a rotating 0.9 x 1.2-meter platform, elevated as required above the
ground plane at a distance of 3 meters from the FSM antenna. Radiated emissions testing was
performed as required in the regulations and specified in ANSI C63.10-2013. EMI energy was
maximized by equipment placement permitting orientation in three orthogonal axes, raising and
lowering the FSM antenna, changing the antenna polarization, and by rotating the turntable.
Each emission was maximized before data was taken and recorded. The frequency spectrum
from 9 kHz to 25,000 MHz was searched for emissions during preliminary investigation. Refer
to diagrams one and two showing typical test setup. Refer to photographs in the test setup
exhibits for specific EUT placement during testing.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

1—A LISN is optional for radiated measurements between 30 MHz and 1000 MHz but not
allowed for measurements below 30 MHz and above 1000 MHz (see 6.3.1). If used, then connect
EUT to one LISN. Unused LISN measuring port connectors shall be terminated in 50 Ω loads.
The LISN may be placed on top of, or immediately beneath, the reference ground plane (see
6.2.2 and
1.1—LISN spaced at least 80 cm from the nearest part of the EUT chassis.
2—Antenna can be integral or detachable, depending on the EUT (see 6.3.1).
3—Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded back
and forth in the center forming a bundle 30 cm to 40 cm long (see 6.3.1).
4—For emission measurements at or below 1 GHz, the table height shall be 80 cm. For emission
measurements above 1 GHz, the table height shall be 1.5 m for measurements, except as
otherwise specified (see 6.3.1 and
Diagram 1 Test arrangement for radiated emissions

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 10 of 21

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0


                               0.8 – 1.5 m

                        Radiated Emissions (9 kHz-30 MHz)
             RBW                     Video. BW               Detector Function
            9 kHz                      30 kHz                 Peak / Average
                        Radiated Emissions (30-1000 MHz)
             RBW                     Video. BW               Detector Function
           120 kHz                    300 kHz                Peak / Quasi Peak
                       Radiated Emissions (Above 1000 MHz)
             RBW                     Video BW                Detector Function
           100 kHz                    100 kHz                       Peak
            1 MHz                      1 MHz                  Peak / Average
Diagram 2 Test arrangement for radiated emissions tested on Open Area Test Site (OATS)
Test Site Locations
Antenna Port Conducted           Antenna Port conducted emissions testing performed in a shielded
                          screen room located at Rogers Labs, Inc., 4405 West 259th Terrace,
                          Louisburg, KS

Radiated EMI              The radiated emissions tests were performed at the 3 meters, Open Area
                          Test Site (OATS) located at Rogers Labs, Inc., 4405 West 259th Terrace,
                          Louisburg, KS

Site Registration         FCC Site Designation US5305, Industry Canada Registration: 3041A-1

NVLAP Accreditation              Lab code 200087-0

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

List of Test Equipment
Equipment      Manufacturer        Model (SN)                Band        Cal Date(m/d/y) Due
☐ LISN         FCC        FCC-LISN-50-2-10(1PA) (160611) .15-30MHz         5/2/2018     5/2/2019
☐ LISN         Compliance Design FCC-LISN-2.Mod.cd,          .15-30MHz     10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☒ Cable        Huber & Suhner Inc. Sucoflex102ea(L10M)(303073)9kHz-40 GHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☒ Cable        Huber & Suhner Inc. Sucoflex102ea(1.5M)(303069)9kHz-40 GHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☐ Cable        Huber & Suhner Inc. Sucoflex102ea(1.5M)(303071)9kHz-40 GHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☐ Cable        Belden              RG-58 (L1-CAT3-11509) 9kHz-30 MHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☐ Cable        Belden              RG-58 (L2-CAT3-11509) 9kHz-30 MHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☐ Antenna      ARA                 BCD-235-B (169)           20-350MHz     10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☐ Antenna      EMCO                3147 (40582)              200-1000MHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☒ Antenna      ETS-Lindgren        3117 (200389)             1-18 GHz      5/2/2018     5/2/2020
☐ Antenna      Com Power           AH-118 (10110)            1-18 GHz      10/24/2017 10/24/2019
☒ Antenna      Com Power           AH-840 (101046)           18-40 GHz     5/15/2017 5/15/2019
☒ Antenna      Com Power           AL-130 (121055)           .001-30 MHz   10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☒ Antenna      Sunol               JB-6 (A100709)            30-1000 MHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☒ Analyzer     Rohde & Schwarz ESU40 (100108)                20Hz-40GHz    5/2/2018     5/2/2019
☐ Analyzer     Rohde & Schwarz ESW44 (101534)                20Hz-44GHz    12/22/2017 12/22/2018
☐ Analyzer     Rohde & Schwarz FS-Z60, 90, 140, and 220      40GHz-220GHz 12/22/2017 12/22/2019
☐ Analyzer     HP                  8591EM (3628A00871)       9kHz-1.8GHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Analyzer     HP                  8562A (3051A05950)        9kHz-125GHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Analyzer     HP External Mixers11571, 11970                25GHz-110GHz 5/2/2018      5/2/2019
☒ Amplifier Com-Power              PA-010 (171003)           100Hz-30MHz 10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☒ Amplifier Com-Power              CPPA-102 (01254)          1-1000 MHz    10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☒ Amplifier Com-Power              PAM-118A (551014)         0.5-18 GHz    10/24/2017 10/24/2018
☐ Power Meter Agilent              N1911A with N1921A        0.05-40 GHz   5/2/2018     5/2/2019
☐ Generator Rohde & Schwarz SMB100A6 (100150)                20Hz-6 GHz    5/2/2018     5/2/2019
☐ Generator Rohde & Schwarz SMBV100A6 (260771)               20Hz-6 GHz    5/2/2018     5/2/2019
☐ RF Filter    Micro-Tronics       BRC50722 (009).9G notch 30-1800 MHz 5/2/2018         5/2/2019
☐ RF Filter    Micro-Tronics       HPM50114 (017)1.5G HPF 30-18000 MHz 5/2/2018         5/2/2019
☐ RF Filter    Micro-Tronics       HPM50117 (063) 3G HPF 30-18000 MHz 5/2/2018          5/2/2019
☐ RF Filter    Micro-Tronics       HPM50105 (059) 6G HPF 30-18000 MHz 5/2/2018          5/2/2019
☐ RF Filter    Micro-Tronics       BRM50702 (172) 2G notch 30-1800 MHz 5/2/2018         5/2/2019
☐ RF Filter    Micro-Tronics       BRC50703 (G102) 5G notch 30-1800 MHz 5/2/2018        5/2/2019
☐ RF Filter    Micro-Tronics       BRC50705 (024) 5G notch 30-1800 MHz 5/2/2018         5/2/2019
☐ Attenuator Mini-Circuits         VAT-3W2+ (1735)           30-6000 MHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Attenuator Mini-Circuits         VAT-3W2+ (1436)           30-6000 MHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Attenuator Mini-Circuits         VAT-3W2+ (14362)          30-6000 MHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Attenuator Mini-Circuits         VAT-3W2+ (1445)           30-6000 MHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Attenuator Mini-Circuits         VAT-3W2+ (14452)          30-6000 MHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Attenuator Mini-Circuits         VAT-6W2+ (1438)           30-6000 MHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☐ Attenuator Mini-Circuits         VAT-6W2+ (1736)           30-6000 MHz 5/2/2018       5/2/2019
☒ Weather station Davis            6312 (A70927D44N)                       10/24/2017 10/24/2018
Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 12 of 21

 NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Units of Measurements
Conducted EMI                     Data is in dBµV; dB referenced to one microvolt
Radiated EMI                      Data is in dBµV/m; dB/m referenced to one microvolt per meter
Sample Calculation:
                           RFS = Radiated Field Strength, FSM = Field Strength Measured
                           A.F. = Receive antenna factor, Gain = amplification gains and/or cable losses
                           RFS (dBµV/m @ 3m) = FSM (dBµV) + A.F. (dB) - Gain (dB)
Environmental Conditions

                Ambient Temperature              23.6° C

                Relative Humidity                39%

                Atmospheric Pressure             1012.8 mb

Statement of Modifications and Deviations

No modifications to the EUT were required during investigation for the equipment to
demonstrate compliance with the 47CFR, Part 2.1043, Part 15C, Industry Canada RSS-247 Issue
2, and RSS-GEN Issue 5 emission requirements. There were no deviations to the specifications.

Intentional Radiators

The following information is submitted in support of demonstration of compliance with the
requirements of 47CFR Parts 2 and 15C, Class 2 permissible change, Industry Canada RSS-247
Issue 2 and RSS-GEN Issue 5.

Antenna Requirements

The EUT incorporates integral antenna system and production units offer no provision for
connection to alternate antenna system. The antenna connection point complies with the unique
antenna connection requirements. The unique antenna connection requirements are fulfilled.
There are no deviations or exceptions to the specification.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

General Radiated Emissions Procedure
The EUT was arranged in a typical equipment configuration and operated through available
modes during testing. Preliminary testing was performed in a screen room with the EUT
positioned 1 meter from the FSM. Radiated emissions measurements were performed to identify
the frequencies, which produced the highest emissions. Each radiated emission was then
maximized at the OATS location before final radiated measurements were performed. Final data
was taken with the EUT located at the OATS at a distance of 3 meters between the EUT and the
receiving antenna. The frequency spectrum from 9 kHz to 25,000 MHz was searched for general
radiated emissions. Measured emission levels were maximized by EUT placement on the table,
rotating the turntable through 360 degrees, varying the antenna height between 1 and 4 meters
above the ground plane and changing antenna position between horizontal and vertical
polarization. Antennas used were Loop from 9 kHz to 30 MHz, Broadband Biconical from 30 to
200 MHz, Biconilog from 30 to 1000 MHz, Log Periodic from 200 MHz to 1 GHz and or double
Ridge or pyramidal horns and mixers above 1 GHz, notch filters and appropriate amplifiers and
external mixers were utilized.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Table 1 General Radiated Emissions Data
   Frequency              Horizontal   Horizontal   Horizontal    Vertical    Vertical     Vertical   Limit @ 3m
    in MHz                  Peak       Quasi-Peak    Average       Peak      Quasi-Peak    Average
                          (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)

        50.4                35.8         32.0         N/A          40.0        35.0         N/A         40.0

        53.9                31.4         28.2         N/A          41.7        36.2         N/A         40.0

        55.3                32.0         25.7         N/A          42.2        36.9         N/A         40.0

        73.9                36.3         33.1         N/A          34.6        30.4         N/A         40.0

       110.8                29.2         22.1         N/A          33.6        28.8         N/A         43.5

       115.6                26.9         19.0         N/A          32.9        28.3         N/A         43.5

       137.4                29.2         23.7         N/A          31.9        24.8         N/A         43.5

       216.2                35.0         29.3         N/A          29.8        24.0         N/A         43.5

       222.9                47.2         37.8         N/A          39.8        30.4         N/A         46.0

       230.9                35.7         26.8         N/A          31.2        23.5         N/A         46.0

       250.0                34.1         31.5         N/A          32.1        29.2         N/A         46.0

       275.0                35.5         32.4         N/A          29.8        26.1         N/A         46.0

       350.0                35.1         32.0         N/A          28.3        24.9         N/A         46.0

       500.0                38.5         35.5         N/A          40.2        37.6         N/A         46.0

       687.5                46.6         44.9         N/A          44.6        43.8         N/A         46.0

       750.0                52.3         45.9         N/A          51.8        45.2         N/A         46.0
Other emissions present had amplitudes at least 20 dB below the limit. Peak and Quasi-Peak
amplitude emissions are recorded for frequency range below 1000 MHz. Peak and Average
amplitude emissions are recorded for frequency range above 1000 MHz.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 15 of 21

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Summary of Results for General Radiated Emissions
The EUT demonstrated compliance with the radiated emissions requirements of CFR47 Part 15C
paragraph 15.209, RSS-247 and RSS-GEN Intentional Radiators. The EUT demonstrated a
minimum margin of -0.1 dB below the requirements. Other emissions were present with
amplitudes at least 20 dB below the Limits.

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0


                          •   Annex A Measurement Uncertainty Calculations

                          •   Annex B Rogers Labs Test Equipment List

                          •   Annex C Rogers Qualifications

                          •   Annex D Certificate of Accreditation

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 17 of 21

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Annex A Measurement Uncertainty Calculations

Measurement uncertainty calculations were made for the laboratory. Result of measurement
uncertainty calculations are recorded below for AC line conducted and radiated emission

 Measurement Uncertainty                                       U(E)              U(lab)

 3 Meter Horizontal 30-200 MHz Measurements                   2.08               4.16

 3 Meter Vertical 30-200 MHz Measurements                     2.16               4.33

 3 Meter Vertical Measurements 200-1000 MHz                   2.99               5.97

 10 Meter Horizontal Measurements 30-200 MHz                  2.07               4.15

 10 Meter Vertical Measurements 30-200 MHz                    2.06               4.13

 10 Meter Horizontal Measurements 200-1000 MHz                2.32               4.64

 10 Meter Vertical Measurements 200-1000 MHz                  2.33               4.66

 3 Meter Measurements 1-6 GHz                                 2.57               5.14

 3 Meter Measurements 6-18 GHz                                2.58               5.16

 AC Line Conducted                                            1.72               3.43

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 18 of 21

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Annex B Rogers Labs Test Equipment List

List of Test Equipment                                    Calibration   Date (m/d/y)   Due
Antenna: Schwarzbeck Model: BBA 9106/VHBB 9124 (9124-627)               5/2/2018       5/2/2019
Antenna: Schwarzbeck Model: VULP 9118 A (VULP 9118 A-534)               5/2/2018       5/2/2019
Antenna: EMCO 6509                                                      10/24/2016     10/24/2018
Antenna: EMCO 3143 (9607-1277) 20-1200 MHz                              5/2/2018       5/2/2019
Antenna: EMCO Dipole Set 3121C                                          2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Antenna: C.D. B-101                                                     2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Antenna: Solar 9229-1 & 9230-1                                          2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Cable: Belden 8268 (L3)                                                 10/24/2017     10/24/2018
Cable: Time Microwave: 4M-750HF290-750                                  10/24/2017     10/24/2018
Frequency Counter: Leader LDC-825 (8060153                              5/2/2018       5/2/2019
Oscilloscope Scope: Tektronix 2230                                      2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Wattmeter: Bird 43 with Load Bird 8085                                  2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Power Supplies: Sorensen SRL 20-25, SRL 40-25, DCR 150, DCR 140         2/23/2018      2/23/2019
R.F. Generator: SMB100A6 s/n 100623                                     5/2/2018       5/2/2019
R.F. Generator: SBMBV100A s/n: 260771                                   5/2/2018       5/2/2019
R.F. Generators: HP 606A, HP 8614A, HP 8640B                            2/23/2018      2/23/2019
R.F. Power Amp 65W Model: 470-A-1010                                    2/23/2018      2/23/2019
R.F. Power Amp 50W M185- 10-501                                         2/23/2018      2/23/2019
R.F. Power Amp A.R. Model: 10W 1010M7                                   2/23/2018      2/23/2019
R.F. Power Amp EIN Model: A301                                          2/23/2018      2/23/2019
LISN: Compliance Eng. Model 240/20                                      5/2/2018       15/50/19
LISN: Fischer Custom Communications Model: FCC-LISN-50-16-2-08          5/2/2018       5/2/2019
Audio Oscillator: H.P. 201CD                                            2/23/2018      2/23/2019
ESD Test Set 2010i                                                      2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Oscilloscope Scope: Tektronix MDO 4104                                  2/23/2018      2/23/2019
EMC Transient Generator HVT TR 3000                                     2/23/2018      2/23/2019
AC Power Source (Ametech, California Instruments)                       2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Fast Transient Burst Generator Model: EFT/B-101                         2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Field Intensity Meter: EFM-018                                          2/23/2018      2/23/2019
KEYTEK Ecat Surge Generator                                             2/23/2018      2/23/2019
ESD Simulator: MZ-15                                                    2/23/2018      2/23/2019
Shielded Room not required

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 19 of 21

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Annex C Rogers Qualifications

Scot D. Rogers, Engineer

Rogers Labs, Inc.

Mr. Rogers has approximately 27 years’ experience in the field of electronics. Engineering
experience includes six years in the automated controls industry and remaining years working
with the design, development and testing of radio communications and electronic equipment.

Positions Held

               Systems Engineer:      A/C Controls Mfg. Co., Inc. 6 Years

               Electrical Engineer:   Rogers Consulting Labs, Inc. 5 Years

               Electrical Engineer:   Rogers Labs, Inc. Current

Educational Background

1)             Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University.

2)             Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration Kansas State University.

3)             Several Specialized Training courses and seminars pertaining to Microprocessors and
               Software programming.

Scot D. Rogers

Rogers Labs, Inc.           Mikrotikls SIA                   S/N: 4CC6049BC5FA/424
4405 W. 259th Terrace       Models: R11e-2HPnD               FCC ID: TV7R11E2HPND
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 180515A                  IC: 7442A-R11E2HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214 Test to: CFR47 15C                 Date: July 17, 2018
Revision 1           File: Mikrotik R11e 2HPnD C2PC TstRpt 180515A Page 20 of 21


                            United States Department of Commerce
                        National Institute of Standards and Technology

    Certificate of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005

                                          NVLAP LAB CODE: 200087—0

                                                Rogers Labs, Inc.
                                                     Louisburg, KS

              is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for specific services,
                                          listed on the Scope of Accreditation, for:

                  Electromagnetic Compatibility & Telecommunications
            This laboratory is accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
         This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality
                        management system (refer to joint ISO—ILAC—IAF Communique dated January 2009).


         2018—02—21 through 2019—03—31
                  Effective Dates                                           For the National Vflruntéty_I:bbflramqficcredflamnProgram

Document Created: 2018-07-17 21:16:43
Document Modified: 2018-07-17 21:16:43

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