RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                                  Model: RBMQS                                       Test Number: 190618
MPE Calculator              RF Exposure uses EIRP for calculation. EIRP is based on TX power added to the antenna gain in dBi.
                            dBi = dB gain compared to an isotropic radiator.
                            S = power density in mW/cm^2
                      Transmitter maximum Output power operating at 100% (Watts)              0.0565                                                        Antenna Gain (dBi)        1
                                                                                                                                                        Antenna Gain (Numeric)      1.26
                                                                          Calcualtion power
Tx Frequency (MHz)                                        2437                                                    0.06                dBd + 2.17 = dBi              dBi to dBd       2.2
                                                                                                                                                         Antenna Gain (dBd)         -1.17
Cable Loss (dB)                                             0.0 Adjusted Power (dBm)                          17.52                                 Antenna minus cable (dBi)        1.00

                                       Calculated ERP (mw) 43.152                                                                               EIRP = Po(dBM) + Gain (dB)
                                       Calculated EIRP (mw) 71.121                                                                                     Radiated (EIRP) dBm    18.520
                                                                                                                                                         ERP = EIRP - 2.17 dB
Power density (S) mW/cm2 = -------                                                                                                                      Radiated (ERP) dBm    16.350
                           4 p r^2

  r (cm) EIRP (mW)

                                   Occupational Limit                            FCC radio frequency radiation exposure limits per 1.1310
                         5.0              mW/cm2                     Frequency (MHz)             Occupational Limit (mW/cm2 )   Public Limit (mW/cm2 )
                       50.0              W/m                                30-300                             1                          0.2
                                   General Public Limit                    300-1,500                        f/300                       f/1500
                           1              mW/cm                          1,500-10,000                        5.00                          1
                       10.0                W/m

                                   Occupational Limit
                          0.5                    2
                0.6455ƒ                    W/m                                    IC radio frequency radiation exposure limits per RSS-102
                     31.9                W/m2                        Frequency (MHz)              Occupational Limit (W/m2 )     Public Limit (W/m2 )
                                   General Public Limit                   100-6,000                        0.6455ƒ
             0.02619ƒ0.6834                W/m2                          6,000-15,000                          50
                        5.4                W/m2                            48-300                                                       1.291
                                                                           300-6,000                                                0.02619ƒ
                                                                         6,000-15,000                             50                     10

f = Transmit Frequecny (MHz)                                                                                                                f (MHz) =                    2437
PT = Power Input to Antenna (mW)                                                                                                           PT (mW) =                  56.4937
Duty cycle (percentage of operation)                                                                                                              %=                       50
PA = Adjusted Power due to Duty cycle or Cable Loss (mW)                                                                                   PA (mW) =                    56.49
GN = Numeric Gain of the Antenna                                                                                                        GN (numeric) =                   1.26
S20 = Power Density of device at 20cm (W/m2 )                                                  S20 =(PAGN)/(4πR20 )2                         S20 (W/m2 ) =               0.14
SL = Power Density Limit (W/m2 )                                                                                                              SL (W/m2 )=               5.404
RC = Minimum distance to the Radiating Element for Compliance (cm)                             RC=√(P AGN/4πS )
                                                                                                             L                                  RC (cm) =                  3.2
SC = Power Density of the device at the Compliance Distance RC (W/m2 )                         SC=(PAGN)/(4πRC)2                             SC (W/m2 ) =                5.40
R20 = 20cm                                                                                                                                         R20=                    20

                                For Complaince with Canada General Population Limits, User Manual must indicate a minimum seperation distance of                           3.2 cm

Rogers Labs, Inc.                                             Mikrotikls SIA       S/N: 84AD08CAE425, 84AD08300865
4405 W. 259th Terrace                                         Model: RBMQS                     FCC ID: TV7MQS
Louisburg, KS 66053                                           Test: 190618                     IC: 7442A-MQS
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214                                     Test to: 47CFR 15.247, RSS-247   Date: September 8, 2019
Revision 1                                                    File: RBMQS RFExp                Page 1 of 1

Document Created: 2019-09-08 14:12:44
Document Modified: 2019-09-08 14:12:44

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