RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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    Mikrotik                        Model: RouterBOARD LHG-5nD                        Test Number:                                                     160414a
    MPE Calculator                  MPE uses EIRP for calculation. EIRP is based on TX power added to the antenna gain in dBi.
                                    dBi = dB gain compared to an isotropic radiator.
                                    S = power density in mW/cm^2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Antenna Gain (dBi)                 27
                                                                            Output Power                                                               dBd + 2.17 = dBi                                                     dBi to dBd                2.2
    Tx Frequency (MHz)                                       5785         Maximum (Watts)                                                    0.001                                                                  Antenna Gain (dBd)              24.83

    Cable Loss (dB)                                            0.0                      (dBm)                                                    0.0                                                         Antenna minus cable (dBi)              27.00

                                         Calculated ERP (mw) 304.089                                                                                   EIRP = Po(dBM) + Gain (dB)
                                         Calculated EIRP (mw) 501.187                                                                                                                                              Radiated (EIRP) dBm         27.000
                                                                       Power density (S)                                                               ERP = EIRP - 2.17 dB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Radiated (ERP) dBm          24.830
                                                                            ------- = mW/cm^2
                                                                             4 p r^2

                                                                       EIRP (mW), r (cm)
                                      Occupational Limit                                             FCC radio frequency radiation exposure limits per 1.1310
                                5             mW/cm2                   Frequency (MHz)                   Occupational Limit (mW/cm2 )                              Public Limit (mW/cm2 )
                              50            W/m2                           300-1,500                                f/300                                                  f/1500
                                      General Public Limit                1,500-10,000                                 5                                                      1
                                1             mW/cm2
                              10               W/m2

                                      Occupational Limit                                             IC radio frequency radiation exposure limits per RSS-102
                     0.6455ƒ0.5                W/m2                    Frequency (MHz)                     Occupational Limit (W/m2 )                                Public Limit (W/m2 )
                      49.09621              W/m2                           100-6,000                                0.6455ƒ0.5
                                      General Public Limit                6,000-15,000                                  50
                0.02619ƒ0.6834                 W/m2                          48-300                                                                                         1.291
                      9.75649                  W/m2                        300-6,000                                                                                   0.02619ƒ0.6834
                                                                          6,000-15,000                                   50                                                 10

              EIRP                                S                              S                                   Distance                                             Distance                                   Distance            Distance
             milliwatts                      mW/cm2                          W/m2                                       cm                                                 meter                                      inches              Feet
             501.187                         0.00492                        0.04924                                   90.00                                                 0.90                                      35.43               2.95
             501.187                         0.00623                        0.06232                                   80.00                                                 0.80                                      31.50               2.62
             501.187                         0.00814                        0.08139                                   70.00                                                 0.70                                      27.56               2.30
             501.187                         0.01108                        0.11079                                   60.00                                                 0.60                                      23.62               1.97
             501.187                         0.01595                        0.15953                                   50.00                                                 0.50                                      19.69               1.64
             501.187                         0.02493                        0.24927                                   40.00                                                 0.40                                      15.75               1.31
             501.187                         0.04431                        0.44315                                   30.00                                                 0.30                                      11.81               0.98
             501.187                         0.09971                        0.99708                                   20.00                                                 0.20                                       7.87               0.66
             501.187                         0.23600                        2.35995                                   13.00                                                 0.13                                       5.12               0.43
             501.187                         0.62318                        6.23175                                    8.00                                                 0.08                                       3.15               0.26
             501.187                         1.00487                       10.04868                                    6.30                                                0.063                                       2.48               0.21
             501.187                         1.31845                       13.18453                                    5.50                                                0.055                                       2.17               0.18
             501.187                         1.59533                       15.95329                                    5.00                                                0.050                                       1.97               0.16
             501.187                         2.49270                       24.92701                                    4.00                                                0.040                                       1.57               0.13
             501.187                         4.43147                       44.31468                                    3.00                                                0.030                                       1.18               0.10
             501.187                         9.97080                       99.70803                                    2.00                                                0.020                                       0.79               0.07
             501.187                         39.88321                      398.83213                                   1.00                                                0.010                                       0.39               0.03

                                                                                                     Occupational Limit minimum Distance
                                                                       Frequency (MHz)                                                                      Public Limit minimum distance (meters)
                                                                 47CFR 1.1310                                        0.03                           0.06
                                 The calculation demonstrates compliance with RF exposure requirements when the a seperation distance of 20cm or great is maintained.
                               RSS-102 Exclusion calcualtion
    2.5.2 Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation – RF Exposure Evaluation
    RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander and the device’s radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:
    • below 20 MHz6 and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 1 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
    • at or above 20 MHz and below 48 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 22.48/ƒ0.5W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;
    • at or above 48 MHz and below 300 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 0.6 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
    • at or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 1.31 x 10-2 ƒ0.6834 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;
    • at or above 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 5 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance).
    In these cases, the information contained in the RF exposure technical brief may be limited to information that demonstrates how the e.i.r.p. was derived.

                              (1.31 x 10-2)* ƒ^0.6834 W                           f=                                       5785
                                            Calculation Requirement for exclusion =                               4.880107784 W
                                                            e.i.r.p Power of EUT =                                         0.501 W
    The e.i.r.p of the EUT was calculated summing the output power of the two transmitter chains and adding antenna gain to provide effective isotropic radiator power.
    The eirp was calculated with the transmitter output power and isotropic gain of the antenna.
                               The calculation demonstrates compliance with RF exposure requirements when the a seperation distance of 20cm or great is maintained.

Rogers Labs, Inc.                                                                    Mikrotikls SIA                                                                                  S/N: 66750503D06F/548
4405 W. 259th Terrace                                                                Model: RouterBOARD LHG-5nD                                                                      FCC ID#: TV7LHG5ND
Louisburg, KS 66053                                                                  Test #: 160414                                                                                  IC: 7442A-LHG5ND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214                                                            Test to: 47CFR, 15.407, RSS-247                                                                 Date: June 30, 2016
Revision 1                                                                           File: RBLHG5nD RFExp 1                                                                                   Page 1 of 1

Document Created: 2016-06-30 14:18:03
Document Modified: 2016-06-30 14:18:03

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