Report radiation

FCC ID: TSF107730

RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                                                               esting and Certification
                                                                                                                                                nd Telecommunications

                                                                                                                                  Nemko Comlab AS

                                                                                                                                 Office address: Gasevikveien 8, Kjeller
                                                                                                                                 Postal address: P.O.Box 96, N—2027 Kjeller
                                                                                                                                 Telephone: +47 64 84 57 00
                                                                                                                                 Facsimile: +47 64 84 57 05
PageS                                .       16                                                                                   Enterprise no: NO 984 592 418 MVA

                                         Test report                             : 5747474

                                         Item tested                             : WorldPro 1000

                                           Type of equipment : Mobile Earth Station 1,5 — 1,6 GHz

                                         Client                                  : Nera SatCom AS

Tested according to:

Part of
Federal Regulations TITLE 47 Volume 1 Tellecommunication CHAPTER I FCC PART 1
Subpart | Sec. 1.1310 Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits

Date of issue : 21.12.2005

Authorised by : .. /                                        f       4                                              ( 7,%
                                                                                                                               Egil Hauger
                                         Geir Antonsen
                                            Verificator                                                                      Test engineer

The results detailed in this test report are only valid for the particular sample/s tested with configuration as implemented during testing.

This test report can only be reproduced or published in full.
Reproduction or publishing of parts of this test report requires the prior written approval of Comlab.

                                                                                                                                          Test report no. 57474/4
                                                                                                                                                     page 2 of 16


1      GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................3
    1.1       TEST LABORATORY......................................................................................................................................3
    1.2       CLIENT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................3
    1.3       MANUFACTURER INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................3
2      TEST INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................4
    2.1    TEST ITEM ...................................................................................................................................................4
    2.2    TEST ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................................................4
      2.2.1    Normal Test Conditions .....................................................................................................................4
    2.3    TEST PERIOD ..............................................................................................................................................4
    2.4    STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................................4
    2.5    TEST ENGINEERS ........................................................................................................................................4
    2.6    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................................4
      2.6.1    Test Methods .....................................................................................................................................4
      2.6.2    Test Equipment..................................................................................................................................4
3      TEST REPORT SUMMARY.............................................................................................................................5
    3.1       ABBREVIATIONS...........................................................................................................................................5
    3.2       ELECTRIC FIELD STRENGTH EXPOSURE.........................................................................................................5
4      MEASUREMENT RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................6
    4.1       ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERN .....................................................................................................................6
    4.2       FIELD STRENGTH EXPOSURE ........................................................................................................................6
5      TEST EQUIPMENT AND ANCILLARIES USED FOR TESTS .......................................................................8

6      PHOTO OF EUT AND TEST SET-UP .............................................................................................................9

7      ANTENNA PATTERN, DUTY CYCLE...........................................................................................................13

                                                                                       Test report no. 57474/4
                                                                                                  page 3 of 16

1.1      Test Laboratory
Name :                  Comlab
Address :               Gåsevikveien 8,
                        P.O. Box 96, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway
Telephone :             +47 64 84 57 00
Telefax :               +47 64 84 57 05
Managing Director:      Jon I. Tidemann

Nemko Comlab is granted accreditation by Norwegian Accreditation under the registration TEST 031

1.2      Client Information
Name :                  Nera Satcom AS
Address :               Bergerveien 12, 1375 Billingstad

Telephone :             +47 67 24 47 00
Fax :                   +47 67 24 44 45

Name :                  Roy Uggerug
1.3      Manufacturer Information
Name :                  Nera Satcom AS.

                                                                                         Test report no. 57474/4
                                                                                                    page 4 of 16

2.1   Test Item
Name :                      BGAN
Model/version :             WordlPro 1000
Hardware identity:          0305080036
AC adapter:                 AMPLUS 0055
The tested equipment is Mobile Earth Station for Satellite Personal Communication Network in the 1,6 GHz
band with integrated Bluetooth module in indoor unit (IDU).
See photo on fig 1.

2.2   Test Environment

2.2.1 Normal Test Conditions
                     Temperature:            20,5 - 20,6 oC
                     Relative humidity:      38,2 – 39,2 %
                     Normal test voltage:    240,0 – 240,6 V AC
                     Main frequency:         50 Hz

2.3   Test Period
                  Test item received date:           19.12.2005
                  Test period:                       19.12.2005

2.4   Standards and Regulations
Federal Regulations TITLE 47 Volume 1 Telecommunication CHAPTER I FCC PART 1 Subpart I Sec. 1.1310
Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.

2.5   Test Engineers
         Egil Hauger

2.6   Additional information

2.6.1 Test Methods
         Described in relevant standards.
2.6.2 Test Equipment
         List of used test equipment, see Clause 5.

                                                                                               Test report no. 57474/4
                                                                                                          page 5 of 16

3.1   Abbreviations
P     Passed, the equipment fulfils the requirement
F     Failed, the equipment does not fulfil the requirement
NA    Not applicable, the requirement is not applicable
NT    Not tested, the test is not performed even though the requirement is relevant

3.2   Electric Field strength exposure

Standard                    Parameter                     Distance                    Result
Table 1                     Electric Field Strength       0.25 m                      P

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                                                                                                        page 6 of 16


4.1   Antenna radiation pattern

Test site and test method.

The radiation pattern was performed in a semi-anechoic chamber with size 9x9x19 m with absorbers on walls
and ceiling, see fig 1 and 2. The distance between EUT and receive antenna was 3 m.

The EUT antenna has circular polarization and the antenna pattern was therefore measured both for horizontal
and vertical polarized E-field in the middle of the transmitter frequency band 1643.5 MHz.

The radiation patterns are given on fig 5 and 6. From the diagram we can see that maximum field is at antenna

The field strength is therefore measured at the antenna boresight, see fig 4.

Test Equipment Used: 1, 4

4.2   Field strength exposure
Because of the circular polarization of the transmitting antenna the E-field measurements are performed with
linear antenna in 0 and 90 degree position to the EUT, horizontal and vertical, see fig 4.

The total E-field is now given as power sum of the two measurements: Etot = (Ev2 + Eh2)½
The TDMA structure of the transmitter when measuring E-field is given on fig 7 and 8, this gives as duty cycle of
98.1 %.
Measuring the E-field is done by using RMS reading power meter with integrating time 100 ms.
During test the transmitter was set to give maximum transmitting power.
The field is measured in the distance range from 25 cm to 100 cm from EUT.

Test results:
Distance cm            E-field V/m
25                     52.6
35                     40.0
45                     32.2
55                     26.6
65                     22.7
75                     20.1
85                     17.7
100                    15.7
                Table 1

                                                                                           Test report no. 57474/4
                                                                                                      page 7 of 16

                                 Field Intensity BGAN





              0          20          40           60           80         100          120
                                            Distance cm

                                                    Graph 1
Test equipment used: 2, 3
Measurement uncertainty: ± 1,5 dB

The test antenna is EMCO 3115 with max opening of 0.245 m, this gives a far field distance from the test
antenna of:

d > 2 x 0.2452 /λ = 0.657 m

Using the field of 1 m test distance the EIRP from EUT is

EIRP = (15.72x12)/30 = 8.2 watt

The exposure limits according to Table 1 in Sec 1.1310 is 1.0 mW/cm2. This is equivalent to 61.3 V/m for plane

From table 1 we can see that at a distance of 25 cm the field intensity is < 1.0 mW/cm2, (0.73 mW/cm2)

If we calculate the distance using 61.3 V/m as parameter we have:

d =(30½x 8.2½)/61.3 = 0.255 m.

                                                                                             Test report no. 57474/4
                                                                                                        page 8 of 16

To facilitate inclusion on each page of the test equipment used for ralated tests, each item of test equipment
and ancillaries are identified (numbered by the Test Laboratory.

No   Instrument/Ancillary     Type        Manufacturer     Ref. No.
 1   Spectrum analyzer        FSEK        R&S              LR 1337
 2   Power meter              NRVD        R&S              LR 1347
 3   Antenna                  3115        EMCO             LR 1226
 4   Antenna                  3161-01     EMCO             LR 1178

                                      Test report no. 57474/4
                                                 page 9 of 16


                          Fig 1 EUT

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Fig 2 Test set-up for antenna radiation pattern.

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Fig 3 EUT

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Fig 4 Test set-up when measuring electric field strength

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                 Fig 5 Antenna pattern Vertical polarization

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Fig 6 Antenna pattern Horizontal polarization

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Fig 7 Duty cycle

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Fig 8 Duty cycle

Document Created: 2005-12-22 12:05:22
Document Modified: 2005-12-22 12:05:22

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