Test Report

FCC ID: TS5-6055M-ET300

Test Report

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                                 Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                                 Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                                 FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

                                              Name            CELLTECH LABS INC.
Test Lab Information
                                            Address           21-364 Lougheed Road, Kelowna B.C. V1X 7R8 Canada

Test Lab Accreditation                        A2LA            ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (A2LA Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01)

                                              Name            Sendum Wireless Corporation
Applicant Information
                                            Address           4500 Beedie Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5J 5L2 Canada

                                               FCC            47 CFR Part 2                          47 CFR Part 22 Subpart H                     47 CFR Part 24 Subpart E
                                               ANSI           TIA/EIA-603-C-2004

Application Type(s)                            FCC            Class II Permissive Change (Original TCB Grant Date: July 13, 2009)

Description of Change(s)                       FCC            See applicant’s Description of Change letter for detailed description of changes

Device Identifier(s)                         FCC ID:          TS5-6055M-ET300

Test Sample Receipt Date                   April 28, 2011

Date(s) of Measurements                    May 02-03, 2011

Device Under Test (DUT)                    Ankle-worn Offender Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT

DUT Model                                  ET300

DUT Serial No.                             None (Identical Prototype)

DUT Hardware Revision No.                  R2.0

DUT Firmware Revision No.                  R1.43.11

                                            850 Band          824.70 - 848.31 MHz (CDMA 1xRTT)
Transmitter Freq. Range(s)
                                           1900 Band          1851.25 - 1908.75 MHz (CDMA 1xRTT)

Mode of Operation Tested                   “Bits Hold” (alternative Up/Down Bits)

Manuf. Duty Cycle Spec.                    < 5 secs every 1 minute (Maximum)

Antenna Type(s) Tested                     Internal

Power Source(s) Tested                     Panasonic CGR18650CG Lithium-ion Battery (3.7V, 2150mAh)

Co-located Transmitter(s)                  none

Co-located Antenna(s)                      315 MHz Beacon (Receive only), 1574 MHz GPS (Receive only)

Manufacturer’s Rated Power                 24 dBm (+/- 0.5 dB) Conducted (850 MHz Band)                              23.5 dBm (+/- 0.5 dB) Conducted (1900 MHz Band)
This wireless device has demonstrated compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement report and was tested in accordance
with the measurement procedures specified in FCC 47 CFR Rule Parts 2, 22H, 24E and ANSI TIA/EIA-603-C-2004.
I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.
The results and statements contained in this report pertain only to the device(s) evaluated.
This test report shall not be reproduced partially, or in full, without the prior written approval of Celltech Labs Inc.

Test Report Approved By                                                               Sean Johnston                          Lab Manager                         Celltech Labs Inc.

       Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
       DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
       2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 1 of 18

                            Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                            Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                            FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.0 SCOPE.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Normative References ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 5
4.0 FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATIONS ........................................................................................................... 6
5.0 GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................ 6
5.1 Applicant Information ..................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 DUT Description ............................................................................................................................................ 6
5.3 Rule Part(s) & Classification(s) ...................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Mode(s) of Operation Tested ......................................................................................................................... 7
6.0 PASS/FAIL CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix A       - Effective Radiated Power / Effective Isotropic Radiated Power Measurement ........................... 8
Appendix B       - Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurement ............................................................................13
END OF DOCUMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Figure A.6-1 - Setup Drawing............................................................................................................................... 9
Figure B.6-1 - Setup Drawing............................................................................................................................. 14

Photograph A.8-1 – DUT Position A................................................................................................................... 10
Photograph A.8-2 – DUT Position B................................................................................................................... 10
Photograph A.8-3 – DUT Position C................................................................................................................... 10

  Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
  DUT Type:        Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                        Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
  2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 2 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

                                                                    TEST SUMMARY

Appendix            Test Description                  Procedure Reference                 FCC Limit Reference                IC Limit Reference                  Result

               Effective Radiated Power                 ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C                         §22.913                              n/a                        Pass
                    Effective Isotropic
                                                        ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C                       §24.232(c)                             n/a                        Pass
                     Radiated Power

                                                                                                 §22.917(a)                             n/a
                  Radiated Transmitter
    B                                                   ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C                                                                                         Pass
                  Spurious Emissions
                                                                                                 §24.238(a)                             n/a

                                                                      REVISION LOG
            Revision                                 Description                             Implemented By                          Implementation Date

                1.0                                 Initial Release                             Jon Hughes                                May 26, 2011

 Test Report Prepared By                          Preparation Date                             QA Review By                                Review Date

         Sean Johnston                               May 18, 2011                                Jon Hughes                               May 25, 2011

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 3 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

This report outlines the measurements made and results collected during electromagnetic emissions testing of the Sendum
Wireless Corporation Model: ET300 Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet FCC ID: TS5-6055M-ET300 incorporating a Dual-Band CDMA
1xRTT transceiver with the Class II Permissive Change(s) described. The measurement results were applied against the
applicable EMC requirements and limits outlined in the technical rules and regulations set forth in the Federal Communication’s
Commission Code of Federal Regulations Title 47 Parts 2, 22 Subpart H and 24 Subpart E.

    2.1 Normative References
ANSI/ISO 17025:2005                           General Requirements for competence of testing and calibration laboratories

IEEE/ANSI C63.4:2003                          Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic
                                              Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

IEEE/ANSI C95.1:2005                          American National Standard Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
                                              Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C:2004                       Land Mobile FM or PM Communication Equipment Measurement and Performance Standards

CFR Title 47 Part 2                           Code of Federal Regulations
                                              Title 47: Telecommunication
                                              Part 2:   Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters;
                                                        General Rules and Regulations

CFR Title 47 Part 22                          Code of Federal Regulations
                                              Title 47: Telecommunication
                                              Part 22: Public Mobile Services

CFR Title 47 Part 24                          Code of Federal Regulations
                                              Title 47: Telecommunication
                                              Part 24: Personal Communication Services

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 4 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

AV                                            Average
CDMA                                          Code Division Multiple Access
CFR                                           Code of Federal Regulations
dB                                            decibel
dBm                                           dB referenced to 1 mW
dBuV                                          dB referenced to 1 uV
DUT                                           Device Under Test
dBc                                           dB down from carrier
EBW                                           Emission Bandwidth
EDGE                                          Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
EIRP                                          Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
EMC                                           Electromagnetic Compatibility
ERP                                           Effective Radiated Power
EV-DO                                         Evolution - Data Optimized
FCC                                           Federal Communications Commission
FHSS                                          Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
GSM                                           Global Systems for Mobile Communication
GMRS                                          General Mobile Radio Service
GPRS                                          General Packet Radio Service
HP                                            Hewlett Packard
HPF                                           High Pass Filter
Hpol                                          Horizontal Polarization
HSDPA                                         High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSUPA                                         High Speed Uplink Packet Access
Hz                                            Hertz
IC                                            Industry Canada
kHz                                           kilohertz
LNA                                           Low Noise Amplifier
m                                             meter
MHz                                           Megahertz
Mbps                                          megabits per second
na                                            not applicable
n/a                                           not available
PK                                            Peak
PPSD                                          Peak Power Spectral Density
QP                                            Quasi-peak
RBW                                           Resolution Bandwidth
R&S                                           Rohde & Schwarz
RSS                                           Radio Standard Specification
SA                                            Spectrum Analyzer
UMTS                                          Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
VBW                                           Video Bandwidth
Vpol                                          Vertical Polarization
WCDMA                                         Wide CDMA

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 5 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

The facilities used in collecting the test results outlined in this report are located at 21-364 Lougheed Road, Kelowna, British
Columbia, Canada V1X 7R8. The radiated emissions site conforms to the requirements set forth in ANSI C63.4 and is listed with
the FCC as an accredited test facility.

    5.1 Applicant Information

 Company Name                          SENDUM WIRELESS CORPORATION

 Address                               4500 Beedie Street

                                       Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 5L2


    5.2 DUT Description

 Device Description                    Ankle-worn Offender Tracking Bracelet

 Device Model                         ET300

 Internal Transmitter                 Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT

 Power Source Tested                  Panasonic CGR18650CG Lithium-ion Battery (3.7V, 2150mAh)

 Antenna Tested                       Internal

    5.3 Rule Part(s) & Classification(s)

 Rule Part(s) Applied                    FCC         47 CFR §2; §22(H), §24(E)

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 6 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

    5.4 Mode(s) of Operation Tested

          5.4.1 Dual-Band CDMA/EV-DO
Measurements were made with the DUT set to the low, mid and high channel in each band and in 3 orthogonal DUT positions.
      Cellular CDMA/EV-DO

Transmitter Frequency Range                 824.70 - 848.31 MHz

Transmitter Test Channels                   Ch. 1013 (824.70 MHz) - Low                 Ch. 384 (836.52 MHz) - Mid              Ch. 777 (848.31 MHz) - High

                                            Set by communications test set for “all ups”
Software Power Gain Settings
                                            RC3 (SO55)


Transmitter Frequency Range                 1851.25 - 1908.75 MHz

Transmitter Test Channels                   Ch. 25 (1851.25 MHz) - Low                Ch. 600 (1880.00 MHz) - Mid               Ch. 1175 (1908.75 MHz) - High

                                            Set by communications test set for “all ups”
Software Power Gain Settings
                                            RC3 (SO55)

Unless otherwise noted in the Appendices, the pass/fail criteria is the limit set forth in the reference standards. The DUT is
considered to have passed the requirements if the data collected during the described measurement procedure is not greater
than the specified limits as defined. The pass/fail statements made in this report only apply to the unit tested.

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 7 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

                Appendix A              - Effective Radiated Power / Effective Isotropic Radiated Power Measurement


Normative Reference Standard                    FCC CFR 47 §22.913 (a)(2), FCC CFR 47 §24.232 (c)

      Procedure Reference                       ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C


A.2.1 FCC CFR 47
  FCC CFR 47               (a)(2) Maximum ERP. ………. The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary transmitters must not exceed 7
 §22.913 (a)(2)            Watts.
 FCC CFR 47                (c) Mobile/portable stations are limited to 2 watts e.i.r.p. peak power and the equipment must employ means
  §24.232 (c)              to limit the power to the minimum necessary for successful communications.

            Temperature                         15 +/- 5 ºC
              Humidity                          40 +/- 10 %
      Barometric Pressure                       101 +/- 3 kPa

 ASSET NUMBER                 MANUFACTURER                     MODEL                                  DESCRIPTION                                      CAL DUE

      00072                        EMCO                         2075                                    Mini-mast                                          n/a
      00073                        EMCO                         2080                                   Turn Table                                          n/a
      00071                        EMCO                         2090                           Multi-Device Controller                                     n/a
      00015                           HP                      E4408B                              Spectrum Analyzer                                   03May12
      00050                        Chase                    CBL-6111A                                Bilog Antenna                                    03May13
      00034                          ETS                        3115                         Double Ridged Guide Horn                                 29Apr13
      00035                          ETS                        3115                         Double Ridged Guide Horn                                 29Apr13
      00051                           HP                       8566B                      Spectrum Analyzer RF Section                                03May12
      00049                           HP                      85650A                             Quasi-peak Adapter                                   06May12
      00047                           HP                      85685A                                RF Preselector                                    05May12
      00006                         R&S                       SMR 20                   Signal Generator (10MHz-40GHz)                                 30Apr12
      00114                 Amplifier Research                DC7154                    Directional Coupler (0.8-4.2 GHz)                                  n/a
      00078                     Pasternack                  PE2214-20                     Directional Coupler (1-18 GHz)                                   n/a
      00106                 Amplifier Research                 5S1G4                Power Amplifier (5W, 800MHz-4.2GHz)                                    n/a
      00041                 Amplifier Research              10W1000C                       Power Amplifier (0.5 - 1 GHz)                                   n/a
      00007                     Gigatronics                    8652A                                  Power Meter                                     04May12
      00014                     Gigatronics                   80701A                                 Power Sensor                                     04May12
      80012                        Anritsu                   MT8820A                     Radio Communications Test Set                                24Sep12

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 8 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C                 Report Rev. No.:       Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01


                           For the field strength measurements, the measurement equipment was connected as shown in B.6. A
                           number of antennas were used to cover the applicable frequency range tested. The ranges in which each
                           antenna was used are as follows. For the final substitutions, the DUT was replaced with the appropriate
  MEASUREMENT              antenna and fed from a CW signal source sufficient to replicate the received field strength of the emission
   EQUIPMENT               being investigated.
                                                   Frequency Range                                           RX Antenna                        TX Antenna
                                                   30 MHz – 0.8GHz                                                Bilog                              Dipole
                                                   0.8 GHz - 18 GHz                                        ETS 3115 Horn                     ETS 3115 Horn
                            For measuring the radiated field strength of the fundamental, the spectrum analyzer was set to the
                            following settings:

  MEASUREMENT                                                                   RBW                               VBW
                                           Mode                                                                                                     Detector
EQUIPMENT SETTINGS                                                               MHz                              MHz
                                         Cellular                                  1                                3                                Peak
                                           PCS                                     1                                3                                Peak


                                                               Figure A.6-1 - Setup Drawing

                                                                                                                  3 meters
            Analyzer                                                                                                                          DUT

                                                                                              1 - 4 meters


Measurements were made for the low, mid and high channels for both the cellular and PCS bands at maximum power level as
described in Section 5.4.

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 9 of 18

                          Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                          Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                          FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01


               Photograph A.8-1 – DUT Position A                                                       Photograph A.8-2 – DUT Position B

               Photograph A.8-3 – DUT Position C

 Applicant:       Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:      Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 10 of 18

                          Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:          Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                          Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                          FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:           Class II Perm. Change          Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

     A. Test Results Cont…
     A.1.1 Carrier Levels
     A.1.1.1     PCS Band Carrier Levels - CDMA 1xRTT
                                      Ant       DUT                       Substitution signal     TX Antenna        Cable
       Channel #     Frequency        Pol      Position        FS          generator level           Gain           Loss            Measured ERP
                          (MHz)      (V/H)     (A/B/C)     (dBuV/m)              (dBm)                (dBi)          (dB)        (dBm)             (Watts)

          1013            824.70       H          A           123.9               19.2                 3.8           0.7          20.2             0.105
           384            836.52       H          A           122.1               22.0                 3.6           0.7          22.8             0.191
           777            848.31       H          A           121.9               19.8                 4.0           0.7          21.0             0.126

     A. Test Results Cont…
     A.1.1 Carrier Levels
     A.1.1.1     PCS Band Carrier Levels - CDMA 1xRTT
                                      Ant       DUT                       Substitution signal     TX Antenna       Cable
       Channel #     Frequency        Pol      Position        FS          generator level           Gain          Loss             Measured EIRP
                          (MHz)      (V/H)     (A/B/C)     (dBuV/m)             (dBm)                 (dBi)         (dB)         (dBm)             (Watts)

            25        1851.25          H          A           123                18.4                  8.5           1.1          25.8             0.380
           600        1880.00          H          A          122.6               18.5                  8.5           1.1          25.9             0.389
          1175        1908.75          H          A           122                17.9                  8.5           1.3          25.1             0.324

   All 3 orthogonal DUT positions investigated. Worst case DUT Position A summarized in table.
   ERP Level = Substitute Level + Antenna Gain -2.15
   EIRP Level = Substitute Level + Antenna Gain
   Margin (dB) = Limit – Level

Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300                Model:            ET300
DUT Type:        Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:       850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 11 of 18

                          Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                          Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                          FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01


In reference to the results outlined in A.1, the DUT passes the requirements as stated in the reference standards.

I attest to the accuracy of the data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me and are correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements.

          Sean Johnston
          Lab Manager
          Celltech Labs Inc.

          May 2, 2011

Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 12 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

                                       Appendix B              - Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurement

Normative Reference Standard                    FCC CFR 47 §22.917(a), FCC CFR 47 §24.238(a)

      Procedure Reference                       ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C


B.2.1 FCC CFR 47
  FCC CFR 47               (a) Out of band emissions. The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency
§22.917 & §24.238          ranges must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

            Temperature                         25 +/- 5 ºC
              Humidity                          40 +/- 10 %
      Barometric Pressure                       101 +/- 3 kPa

                    MANUFACTURER                         MODEL                                       DESCRIPTION                                      CAL DUE

   00072                   EMCO                           2075                                        Mini-mast                                           n/a
   00073                   EMCO                           2080                                        Turn Table                                          n/a
   00071                   EMCO                           2090                                Multi-Device Controller                                     n/a
   00015                     HP                         E4408B                                  Spectrum Analyzer                                    03May12
   00050                   Chase                     CBL-6111A                                     Bilog Antenna                                     03May13
   00034                     ETS                          3115                             Double Ridged Guide Horn                                  29Apr13
   00035                     ETS                          3115                             Double Ridged Guide Horn                                  29Apr13
   00051                     HP                          8566B                          Spectrum Analyzer RF Section                                 03May12
   00049                     HP                         85650A                                 Quasi-peak Adapter                                    06May12
   00047                     HP                         85685A                                     RF Preselector                                    05May12
   00048                    Gore                         65474                                   Microwave Cable                                          n/a
   00115                    Miteq               J54-00102600-35-5A                                        LNA                                            n/a*
   00006                    R&S                         SMR 20                        Signal Generator (10MHz-40GHz)                                 30Apr12
   00114          Amplifier Research                    DC7154                         Directional Coupler (0.8-4.2 GHz)                                  n/a
   00078              Pasternack                      PE2214-20                         Directional Coupler (1-18 GHz)                                    n/a
   00106          Amplifier Research                     5S1G4                     Power Amplifier (5W, 800MHz-4.2GHz)                                    n/a
   00041          Amplifier Research                  10W1000C                           Power Amplifier (0.5 - 1 GHz)                                    n/a
   00043          Microwave Circuits                  H02G18G1                                    High Pass Filter                                       n/a*
   00044          Microwave Circuits                  H1G318G1                                    High Pass Filter                                       n/a*
   00007              Gigatronics                        8652A                                      Power Meter                                      04May12
   00014              Gigatronics                       80701A                                     Power Sensor                                      04May12
   80012                   Anritsu                     MT8820A                         Radio Communications Test Set                                 24Sep12

          * verified before use

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 13 of 18

                           Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                           Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                           FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

                           For the field strength measurements, the measurement equipment was connected as shown in C.6. A
                           number of antennas were used to cover the applicable frequency range tested. The ranges in which each
  MEASUREMENT              antenna was used are shown below. For the final substitutions, the DUT was replaced with the
   EQUIPMENT               appropriate antenna and fed from a CW signal source sufficient to replicate the received field strength of
   CONNECTIONS             the emission being investigated.
                                                   Frequency Range                                           RX Antenna                        TX Antenna
                                                   0.8 GHz - 18 GHz                                        ETS 3115 Horn                     ETS 3115 Horn
                            For the spurious out-of-band emissions, the spectrum analyzer was set to the following settings:

                                           Mode                                 RBW                               VBW
  MEASUREMENT                                                                    kHz                               kHz
EQUIPMENT SETTINGS                  Cellular < 1 GHz                             100                               300                               Peak*
                                    Cellular > 1 GHz                            1000                              3000                               Peak*
                                           PCS                                  1000                              3000                               Peak*

                                                               Figure B.6-1 - Setup Drawing

                                                                                                             1 or 3 meters

                                  LNA                 HPF
     Spectrum                                                                                                                                 DUT

                                                                                              1 – 4 meters


Measurements were made for the low, mid and high channels transmitting in the cellular and PCS bands at maximum power
level as described in Section 5.4.

 Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
 2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 14 of 18

                                   Report Serial No.:       042811TS5-T1098-E24C              Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                                   Evaluation Dates:             May 02-03, 2011             Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                                   FCC Rule Part(s):          47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E          Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change            Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

B.8.1 Spurious Emissions
B.8.1.1 Cellular Band Spurious Emissions - CDMA 1xRTT
  Channel #

                               Ant      DUT                       Substitution signal      TX Antenna       Cable
              Frequency        Pol     Position          FS        generator level            Gain          Loss      ERP Level       Limit      Margin
                  (MHz)       (V/H)     (A/B/C)     (dBuV/m)             (dBm)                 (dBi)         (dB)       (dBM)        (dBm)        (dB)

                  1649.40      V           A       n/f                                          8.8           2.3                      -13
                  2474.10      V           A       n/f                                         9.75           3.0                      -13
                  3298.80      V           A       n/f                                          9.5           3.7                      -13
                  4123.50      V           A       n/f                                         10.4           4.0                      -13

                  4948.20      V           A       n/f                                         10.8           4.3                      -13
                  1649.40      H           A             68.3             -37.5                 8.8           2.3        -31.0         -13        18.0
                  2474.10      H           A             52.5             -52.3                9.75           3.0        -45.6         -13        32.6
                  3298.80      H           A       n/f                                          9.5           3.7                      -13
                  4123.50      H           A             52.8             -52.3                10.4           4.0        -45.9         -13        32.9
                  4948.20      H           A             59.6             -46.4                10.8           4.3        -39.9         -13        26.9
                  1673.04      V           A       n/f                                          8.8           2.3                      -13
                  2509.56      V           A       n/f                                         9.75           3.0                      -13
                  3346.08      V           A       n/f                                          9.5           3.7                      -13
                  4182.6       V           A       n/f                                         10.4           4.0                      -13
                  5019.12      V           A       n/f                                         10.8           4.3                      -13

                  1673.04      H           A             57.7             -48.6                 8.8           2.3        -42.1         -13        29.1
                  2509.56      H           A       n/f                                         9.75           3.0                      -13
                  3346.08      H           A             52.3             -52.4                 9.5           3.7        -46.6         -13        33.6
                  4182.6       H           A             58.8             -45.3                10.4           4.0        -38.9         -13        25.9
                  5019.12      H           A             62.1             -43.5                10.8           4.3        -37.0         -13        24.0
                  1696.62      V           A       n/f                                          8.8           2.3                      -13
                  2544.93      V           A       n/f                                         9.75           3.0                      -13
                  3393.24      V           A       n/f                                          9.5           3.7                      -13
                  4241.55      V           A       n/f                                         10.4           4.0                      -13
                  5089.86      V           A       n/f                                         10.8           4.3                      -13

                  1696.62      H           A             65.2             -40.5                 8.8           2.3        -34.0         -13        21.0
                  2544.93      H           A       n/f                                         9.75           3.0                      -13
                  3393.24      H           A             60.5             -40.1                 9.5           3.7        -34.3         -13        21.3
                  4241.55      H           A             62.6             -43.2                10.4           4.0        -36.8         -13        23.8
                  5089.86      H           A             69.2             -32.5                10.8           4.3        -26.0         -13        13.0

              •     NF (Noise Floor)

                    The emissions reported above represent the highest emissions or noise floor measured within the frequency
                    band of 30MHz and the 10 harmonic of the carrier. All other emissions were at the noise floor and not

 Applicant:                 Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:              ET300
 DUT Type:                  Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                       Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
2011 Celltech Labs Inc.               This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.        Page 15 of 18

                          Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                          Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                          FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

B.8.1.2 PCS Band Spurious Emissions - CDMA 1xRTT
          No emissions detected.

 Applicant:       Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
 DUT Type:      Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 16 of 18

                          Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                          Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                          FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

In reference to the results shown in B.8, the DUT passes the requirements as stated in the reference standards as follows:
1. FCC 22.917 (a) Out of band emissions. The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges
must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB or –13dB
2. FCC 24.238 (a): Out of band emissions. The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges
must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB or –13dB

I attest to the accuracy of the data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me and are correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements.

          Sean Johnston
          Lab Manager
          Celltech Labs Inc.

          May 3, 2011

Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 17 of 18

                          Report Serial No.:     042811TS5-T1098-E24C               Report Rev. No.:         Rev. 1.0 (Initial Release)
                          Evaluation Dates:           May 02-03, 2011              Report Issue Date:              May 26, 2011
                          FCC Rule Part(s):       47 CFR §2, §22H, §24E            Application Type:          Class II Perm. Change           Test Lab Certificate No. 2470.01

                                                                  END OF DOCUMENT

Applicant:        Sendum Wireless Corporation                   FCC ID:           TS5-6055M-ET300               Model:             ET300
DUT Type:       Ankle-worn Tracking Bracelet with Dual-Band CDMA 1xRTT                         Freq. Bands:        850 Cellular / 1900 PCS
2011 Celltech Labs Inc.     This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.       Page 18 of 18

Document Created: 2011-05-26 08:26:46
Document Modified: 2011-05-26 08:26:46

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