User Manual


Users Manual

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Multimedia system

iPod® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.

Bluetooth ® Wireless Technology
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Blue-
tooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by HYUNDAI is under license. Other
trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

A Bluetooth® Wireless Technology enabled cell phone is required to use Blue-
tooth® Wireless Technology.

This device can be operated in at least one Member State without infringing
applicable requirements on the use of radio spectrum


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                         MEDIA                PRESET   SETUP

Multimedia system

Feature of Your Audio                  (4).  / 
                                       When pressed quickly
Head Unit                              • Radio mode: Searches broadcast
                                       • Media mode: Changes the track,
                                          file or title. (except AUX)
                                       When pressed and held
                                       • Radio mode: Frequency is con-
                                          trolled by 1 step quickly. When the
                                          button is released after pressing
                                          and holding, searches broadcast
                                       • Media mode: Rewinds or fast-for-
                                          wards the song. (except AUX)

 The actual features in the vehicle
  may differ from the illustration.

(1). POWER/VOL knob
• Turns power On/Off by pressing
   the knob.
• Sets volume by turning the knob

                                       (5). TUNE knob
(2). RADIO
                                       Displays menus for the current mode.
• Plays Radio(FM/AM) mode.
                                       • Radio mode: Changes frequency
• Each time the button is pressed,        by turning the knob left/right.
   the mode is changed.
                                          When pressed and held in preset
                                          screen, saves frequencies(chan-
(3). MEDIA                                nels).
• Plays USB(iPod®), AUX mode.          • Media mode: Searches songs
• Each time the button is pressed,        (files) by turning the knob left/right.
   the mode is changed.                When pressed and held


(6). PRESET                     Steering wheel remote control
• Radio mode: Moves to preset

(7). SETUP
• Moves to Setup screen.

(8). BACK
• Moves to previous screen.

(9). USB
• USB Port.

(10). AUX
• AUX Terminal.


                                        (Bluetooth equipped model)

                                 The actual features in the vehicle
                                  may differ from the illustration.

                                (1). MODE
                                • Each time this is pressed, the
                                    mode is changed sequentially.
                                • If the media is not connected, the
                                    corresponding modes will be dis-
                                • Press and hold to turn the Audio
                                    system on/off*.
                                • When power is off, press button to
                                    turn power back on*.
                                * if equipped

                                (2). VOLUME
                                • Adjust the volume.


Multimedia system

(3). SEEK/TRACK                          (5). CALL (if equipped)
• When pressed quickly                   • When pressed quickly
    - Radio mode: Searches broad-           - If not in Bluetooth® Handsfree
       cast frequencies saved to Pre-          mode or receiving a phone call.
       sets.                                   First press: Automatically dis-
    - Media mode: Changes track, file          play the most recently Dialed
       or title. (except AUX)                  Call number.
• When pressed and held (more                  Second press: The most recent-
    than 1.0 seconds)                          ly Dialed Call number is dialed.
    - Radio mode: Frequency is con-         - Press in the incoming call
       trolled by 1 step quickly. When         screen, answers the call.
       the button is released after         - Press in Bluetooth® Handsfree
       pressing and holding, searches          mode to switch to the waiting
       broadcast frequencies.                  call.
    - Media mode: Rewinds or             • When pressed and held (more
       fast-forwards the song. (except      than 1.0 seconds)
       BT Audio*, AUX)
                                            - If not in Bluetooth® Handsfree
* if equipped                                  mode or receiving a phone call,
                                               the most recently Dialed Call
(4). MUTE                                      number is dialed.
• Mutes the audio volume.                   - When pressed in Bluetooth®
                                               Handsfree mode to switch the
• When a call is active, mic volume            call to your cell phone.
   is muted. (Bluetooth® equipped
   model)                                   - When pressed in cell phone
                                               mode to switch to Bluetooth®
                                               Handsfree mode.
                                            - If Bluetooth® is not connected,
                                               displays Bluetooth® Pair/Con-
                                               nection screen.

                                         (6). END (if equipped)
                                         • When pressed during a call, ends
                                            the phone call.
                                         • When pressed in the incoming call
                                            screen, rejects the call.


    WARNING                                WARNING
• Do not stare at the screen while     Driving while distracted can result
  driving. Staring at the screen for   in a loss of vehicle control that
  prolonged periods of time could      may lead to an accident, severe
  lead to traffic accidents.           personal injury, and death. The
• Do not disassemble, assemble,        driver’s primary responsibility is in
  or modify the audio system.          the safe and legal operation of a
  Such acts could result in acci-      vehicle, and use of any handheld
  dents, fire, or electric shock.      devices, other equipment, or vehi-
                                       cle systems which take the driv-
• Using the phone while driving        er’s eyes, attention and focus away
  may lead to a lack of attention of   from the safe operation of a vehi-
  traffic conditions and increase      cle or which are not permissible by
  the likelihood of accidents. Use     law should never be used during
  the phone feature after parking      operation of the vehicle.
  the vehicle.
• Exercise caution not to spill wa-
  ter or introduce foreign objects      NOTICE
  into the device. Such acts could
  lead to smoke, fire, or product
                                       • Operating the device while driv-
                                         ing could lead to accidents due
  malfunction.                           to a lack of attention to external
• Please refrain from use if the         surroundings. First park the ve-
  screen is blank or no sound can        hicle before operating the device.
  be heard as these signs may in-      • Adjust the volume to levels that
  dicate product malfunction.            allow the driver to hear sounds
  Continued use in such condi-           from outside of the vehicle. Driv-
  tions could lead to accidents          ing in a state where external
  (fires, electric shock) or product     sounds cannot be heard may
  malfunctions.                          lead to accidents.
• Do not touch the antenna during      • Pay attention to the volume set-
  thunder or lightning because           ting when turning the device on.
  such an act may cause electric         A sudden output of extreme vol-
  shock.                                 ume upon turning the device on
• Do not stop or park in park-           could lead to hearing impair-
  ing-restricted areas to operate        ment. (Adjust the volume to a
  the product. Such acts could           suitable level before turning off
  lead to traffic accidents.             the device.)
• Use the system with the vehicle      • Turn on the car engine before
  engine turned on. Prolonged            using this device. Do not operate
  use with the ignition turned on        the audio system for long peri-
  only could result in battery dis-      ods of time only with the ignition
  charge.                                turned on as such operations
                                         may lead to battery discharge.


Multimedia system

• Do not subject the device to se-    Radio
  vere shock or impact. Direct
  pressure onto the front side of
  the monitor may cause damage        Radio Mode
  to the LCD.                         Change Mode: [RADIO] button
• When cleaning the device, make      Each time the button is pressed,
  sure to turn off the device and     change radio band.
  use a dry and smooth cloth.
  Never use tough materials,
                                      Search Frequency: [ / ] button
  chemical cloths, or solvents (al-
  cohol, benzene, thinners, etc.).    • Searches the previous/next broad-
  As such materials may damage          cast frequencies.
  the device panel or cause color/    • Pressing the button: Searches
  quality deterioration.                broadcast frequencies.
• Do not place beverages close to     • Frequency is controlled by 1 step
  the audio system. Spilling bev-       quickly. When the button is re-
  erages may lead to system mal-        leased after pressing and holding,
  function.                             searches broadcast frequencies.
• In case of product malfunction,
  please contact your place of pur-   Change Frequency: TUNE knob
  chase or After Service center.
                                      Changes frequency by turning the
• Placing the audio system within     knob left/right. You can seek avail-
  an electromagnetic environment      able frequencies manually.
  may result in noise interference.
• Prevent caustic solutions such
  as perfume and cosmetic oil         Saved Frequency: Preset screen
  from contacting the dashboard       • After pressing [PRESET] button,
  because they may cause dam-           pressing the TUNE knob: Plays the
  age or discoloration.                 frequency in preset screen.
                                      • After pressing [PRESET] button,
                                        pressing and holding the TUNE
                                        knob: Saves the currently playing
                                        frequency to the selected button
                                        and sound a BEEP.



FM/AM Mode                               Media

                                         Using MP3
                                         Supported audio formats

Displays Menu Popup when pressing
the TUNE knob.

• Save radio broadcasts to the pre-
  set list.
• If no frequencies are received,
  then the most recently received         NOTICE
  frequency will be broadcast.           File formats that do not comply
                                         with the above formats may not be     4
Scan                                     properly recognized or play with-
The broadcast frequency increases        out properly displaying file names
and previews each broadcast for 5        or other information.
seconds each. After scanning all fre-
quencies, returns and plays the cur-     Range of supported file types
rent broadcast frequency.                1. Bitrate range (Kbps)

Sound settings
Moves to Sound settings.


Multimedia system

2. Bit Per Sample range (bit)            NOTICE
                                        Using the scroll feature allows you
                                        to see the entire name of files with
                                        names that are too long to be dis-
                                        played at once.(if equipped)

3. Sampling frequency (Hz)
                                        Language Support
                                        (Unicode Support)
                                        • Korean: 2,604 characters
                                        • English: 94 characters
                                        • Common Chinese characters: 4,888
• For MP3/WMA compression files         • Special symbols: 986 characters
  and WAV file, differences in sound
  quality will occur depending on the
  bitrate. (Higher sound quality can     NOTICE
  be experienced with higher bi-
                                        Japanese/Simplified Chinese char-
                                        acters are not supported.
• This device only recognizes files
  with MP3/WMA/WAV extensions.
  Other file extensions may not be          CAUTION
  properly recognized.
                                        Using the USB Device
                                        • Connect the USB device after
4. Maximum number of recognized           turning on the engine. The USB
   folders and files                      device may become damaged if it
• Folder: 1,000 folders for USB           is already connected when the ig-
• File: 5,000 files for USB               nition is turned on. The USB de-
• There are no limitations to the         vice may not operate properly if
   number of recognized folder lev-       the car ignition is turned on or off
   els.                                   with the USB device connected.
                                        • Be careful for static electricity
                                          when connecting/disconnecting
5. Text Display (Based on Unicode)        USB devices.
• Filenames: Maximum 40 English         • Encoded MP3 Players will not be
   characters                             recognized when connected as
• Foldernames: Maximum 40 En-             an external device.
   glish characters                     • When connecting an external
                                          USB device, the vehicle’s audio
                                          system may not recognize the
                                          USB depending on what firm-
                                          ware is used by USB device or
                                          what files are on the USB.


• Only products formatted with         • The audio system may not rec-
  byte/sectors under 64Kbyte will        ognize the USB device if sepa-
  be recognized.                         rately purchased USB hubs and
• This device recognizes USB de-         extension cables are being
  vices formatted in FAT 12/16/32        used. Connect the USB device
  file formats. This device does         directly with the USB port of the
  not recognize files in NTFS file       vehicle.
  format.                              • When using mass storage USB
• Some USB devices may not be            devices with separate logical
  supported due to compatibility         drives, only files saved to the
  issues.                                root drive can be played.
• Avoid contact between the USB        • Files may not properly operate if
  connector and bodily parts or          application programs are in-
  foreign objects.                       stalled on the USBs.
• Repeated       connecting/discon-    • The audio system may not oper-
  necting of USB devices within          ate normally if MP3 Players, cel-
  short periods of time may result       lular phones, digital cameras, or
  in product malfunction.                other electronic devices (USB
                                         devices not recognized as por-
• A strange noise may occur when
  disconnecting the USB.
                                         table disk drives) are connected    4
                                         with the audio system.
• Make sure to connect/discon-         • Charging through the USB may
  nect external USB devices with         not work for some mobile devices.
  the audio power turned off.
                                       • The device may not support nor-
• The amount of time required to         mal operation when using an
  recognize the USB device may           atypical USB memory device
  differ depending on the type,          (miniature, keychain, etc.). For
  size or file formats stored on the     best results, use a typical USB
  USB. Such differences in time          device that has a metal case.
  are not indications of malfunc-
  tions.                               • The device may not support nor-
                                         mal operation when using for-
• The vehicle audio system only          mats such as HDD Type, CF, or
  supports USB devices designed          SD Memory.
  to play music files.
                                       • The device will not support files
• USB images and videos are not          locked by DRM (Digital Rights
  supported.                             Management.).
• Do not use the USB I/F to charge     • USB memory sticks used by
  batteries or USB accessories           connecting an Adaptor (SD Type
  that generate heat. Doing so           or CF Type) may not be properly
  may lead to worsened perfor-           recognized.
  mance or damage to the audio


Multimedia system

• The device may not operate            • When the vehicle ignition is set
  properly when using USB HDDs            to ACC or ON, connecting the
  or USBs subject to connection           iPod® through the iPod® cable
  failures caused by vehicle vibra-       will charge the iPod® through
  tions. (e.g. i-stick type)              the car audio system.
• Avoid use of USB                      • When connecting with the iPod®
  memory         products                 cable, make sure to fully insert
  that can also be used                   the jack to prevent communica-
  as key chains or mo-                    tion interference.
  bile phone accesso-                   • When the Equalizer features of
  ries. Use of such products may          an external device, such as the
  cause damage to the USB jack.           iPod®, and the audio system are
• Connecting an MP3 device or             both active, Equalizer effects
  phone through various chan-             could overlap and cause sound
  nels, such as AUX/BT or Audio/          deterioration and distortion.
  USB mode may result in pop              Whenever possible, turn off the
  noises or abnormal operation.           Equalizer feature within the ex-
• Use USB 2.0 devices for better          ternal device when it is connect-
  compatibility. Maximum device           ed to the audio system.
  size supported is 32 GB.              • Noise may occur when an iPod®
                                          or AUX device is connected.
                                          When such devices are not be-
       CAUTION                            ing used, disconnect the device
Using the iPod®                           for storage.
• iPod® is a registered trademark       • When the iPod® or AUX device
  of Apple Inc.                           power is connected to the power
                                          jack, playing the external device
• In order to use the iPod® with          may result in noise. In such cas-
  your vehicle’s audio system,            es, disconnect the power con-
  you must use a dedicated iPod®          nection before use.
  cable. (the cable that is supplied
  when purchasing iPod®/iPhone®         • Skipping or improper operation
  products)                               may occur depending on the
                                          characteristics of your iPod®/iP-
• If the iPod® is connected to the        hone® device.
  vehicle while it is playing, a high
  pitch sound could occur for ap-       • If your iPhone® is connected to
  proximately 1-2 seconds imme-           both the Bluetooth® and USB,
  diately after connecting. If pos-       the sound may not be properly
  sible, connect the iPod® to the         played. In your iPhone®, select
  vehicle with the iPod® stopped/         the Dock connector or Blue-
  paused.                                 tooth® to change the sound out-
                                          put (source).


• iPod® mode cannot be operated          CAUTION
  when the iPod® cannot be recog-
  nized due to the playing of ver-    Using Bluetooth® (BT) Audio
  sions that do not support com-      (if equipped)
  munication protocols, cases of      • Bluetooth® Audio Mode can be
  iPod® abnormalities and defects.       used only when a Bluetooth®
• For fifth generation iPod® Nano        phone has been connected.
  devices, the iPod® may not be       • Bluetooth® Audio Mode will not
  recognized when the battery lev-       be available when connecting
  el is low. Please charge the           mobile phones that do not sup-
  iPod® for use.                         port this feature.
• The search/play orders shown        • If a Bluetooth® Phone is being
  within the iPod® device may dif-       used to play music and receives
  fer from the orders shown within       an incoming or outgoing phone
  the audio system.                      call, then the music will stop.
• If the iPod® malfunctions due to    • Moving the Track up/down while
  an iPod® device defect, reset the      playing Bluetooth® audio mode
  iPod® and try again. (To learn         may result in pop noises with
  more, refer to your iPod® manual)
• Some iPod®s may not sync with
                                         some mobile phones.               4
                                      • Bluetooth® streaming audio may
  the System depending on the            not be supported in some mo-
  version. If the Media is removed       bile phones.
  before the Media is recognized,
  then the system may not proper-     • When returning to Bluetooth®
  ly restore the previously operat-      Audio mode after ending a call,
  ed mode. (iPad® charging is not        the mode may not automatically
  supported.)                            restart in some mobile phones.
• Use an iPod® cable shorter than     • Receiving an incoming call or
  1 meter in length such as the          making an outgoing call while
  one originally supplied with a         playing Bluetooth® Audio may
  new iPod®, longer cables may           result in audio interference.
  lead to the audio system not rec-
  ognizing the iPod®.


Multimedia system

Media Mode                                    CAUTION
Change Mode: [MEDIA] button
• Each time the button is pressed,        AUX don’t support         Rewind/
    change media mode.                    Fast-forward feature.
• If media device(USB, AUX) is con-
    nected, then it will automatically    Search Song: TUNE knob
    operate. Once it is disconnected,     • Turning the TUNE knob: Searches
    the previous mode will be restored.     for songs(files).
• The Audio/BT Audio*/AUX volume          • Pressing the TUNE knob: Plays
    can also be controlled.                 selected song(file).
* if equipped
Change Song/File: [ / ] button
                                          • AUX don’t support playlist fea-
[] button                                  ture.
• Pressing the button: Plays the cur-     • When you connect an Apple de-
   rent song from the beginning.            vice, playback does not start au-
• If the [] button is pressed again        tomatically.
   within 2 seconds, the previous         • In iPod® Mode, song (file) lists
   song is played.                          are not supported if music is
• Pressing and holding the button:          played using the Music applica-
   Rewinds the song.                        tion after connecting the iPod®.
[] button
• Pressing the button: Plays the next
• Pressing and holding the button:
   Fast-forwards the song.


                               5MR4003EE                               5MR4004EE

USB                                        iPod®

Displays Menu Popup when pressing          Displays Menu Popup when pressing
the TUNE knob.                             the TUNE knob.

List                                       List
Moves to the list screen.                  Moves to the list screen.

Folder                                     Repeat
Moves to the folder list screen.           Repeats the current song. Press it
                                           again to turn off.
Repeats the current song. Press it         Shuffle
again to turn off.                         Plays all songs within the currently
                                           playing category in random order.       4
                                           Press it again to turn off.
Repeat Folder
Repeats songs within the current
folder. Press it again to turn off.        Information
                                           Displays information of the current
Shuffle Folder
Randomly plays songs within the cur-
rent folder. Press it again to turn off.   Sound settings
                                           Moves to Sound settings.
Randomly plays all songs. Press it
again to turn off.

Displays information of the current

Sound settings
Moves to Sound settings.


Multimedia system
                            5MR4005EE                              5MR4006EE

Bluetooth® (BT) Audio                   AUX
(if equipped)

                                        Displays Menu Popup when pressing
                                        the TUNE knob.
Displays Menu Popup when pressing
the TUNE knob.
                                        Sound settings
                                        Moves to Sound settings.
Play / Pause
Sound settings
Moves to Sound settings.                • AUX mode can be used only
                                          when an external audio player
                                          has been connected.
                                        • If only a cable is connected to
 NOTICE                                  the AUX without an external de-
• Depending on the connected              vice, the mode will be changed
  Bluetooth device, mobile phone,         to AUX, but noise may occur.
  or the music player you are us-         When an external device is not
  ing, playback controls may differ.      being used, remove the connec-
• Depending on the music player           tor jack.
  you are using, streaming may          • When the external device power
  not be supported.                       is connected to the power jack,
• Audio may not automatically             playing the external device may
  start playing in some Bluetooth®        output noise. In such cases, dis-
  devices. If the music in the Blue-      connect the power connection
  tooth® device is not played after       before use.
  changing to audio streaming
  mode, press the TUNE knob.
  Check if the music is playing in
  the Bluetooth® device after
  changing to audio streaming
• Audio streaming may not be
  supported for some Blue-
• If Bluetooth® device is discon-
  nected, BT Audio is ended.
• Bluetooth® connection is re-
  quired to use BT Audio. Refer to
  the Bluetooth® manual for more

Phone (if equipped)                       WARNING
                                      Distracted Driving
 NOTICE                              • Focus on the road while driving.
Using Bluetooth® (BT) Phone             The driver’s primary responsi-
What is Bluetooth® Wireless Tech-       bility is in the safe and legal op-
nology?                                 eration of the vehicle. Drivers
• Bluetooth® refers to a short-dis-     should not use any hand held
  tance wireless networking tech-       devices or other equipment or
  nology which uses a 2.45GHz           vehicle systems that distract the
  frequency to connect various          driver during vehicle operation.
  devices within a certain dis-       • Do not stare at the multimedia
  tance.                                screen for long periods of time
• Supported within PCs, external        while driving. Staring at the
  devices, Bluetooth® phones,           screen for prolonged periods of
  PDAs, various electronic devic-       time can lead to traffic accidents
  es, and automotive environ-           and can result in personal inju-
  ments, Bluetooth® to be trans-        ries.
  mitted at high speeds without       • Pairing Bluetooth® devices and
  having to use a connector cable.      use of other Bluetooth® features      4
• Bluetooth® Handsfree refers to a      are not supported when the ve-
  device which allows the user to       hicle is in motion. For safety,
  conveniently make phone calls         please first park your vehicle.
  with Bluetooth® devices through
  the Multimedia system.
• The Bluetooth® Handsfree fea-
  ture may not be supported in
  some Bluetooth® devices. For
  Bluetooth® supporting devices
  details and compatibility, visit


Multimedia system

       CAUTION                        • If a Bluetooth® device becomes
                                         disconnected due to being out
For Safe Driving                         of communication range, turn-
• Bluetooth® is a feature that en-       ing the device OFF, or a Blue-
  ables drivers to make handsfree        tooth® communication error,
  calls. Connecting the head unit        corresponding Bluetooth® de-
  with a Bluetooth® phone allows         vices are automatically searched
  the user to conveniently make          and reconnected.
  calls, receive calls, and manage    • If you do not want automatic
  the phonebook. Before using            connection with your Bluetooth®
  Bluetooth®, carefully read the         device, turn the Bluetooth® fea-
  contents of this user’s manual.        ture off in the Bluetooth® device.
• Excessive use or operations         • Only one Bluetooth® device can
  while driving may lead to negli-       be connected at a time.
  gent driving practices and be       • Bluetooth® connection may be-
  the cause of accidents. Do not         come intermittently disconnect-
  operate the device excessively         ed in some Bluetooth® devices.
  while driving.                         Follow these steps to try again.
• Viewing the screen for pro-         1. Turn the Bluetooth® function
  longed periods of time is dan-         within the Bluetooth® device
  gerous and may lead to acci-           OFF/ON and try again.
  dents. When driving, view the       2. Turn the Bluetooth® device pow-
  screen only for short periods of       er OFF/ON and try again.
                                      3. Completely remove the Blue-
                                         tooth® device battery, reboot,
       CAUTION                           and then again.
For Connecting a Bluetooth® Phone     4. Reboot the Multimedia System
                                         and try again.
• Before connecting the head unit
  with the Bluetooth® device, check   5. Delete all paired devices from
  to see that the mobile device          both of Bluetooth® device and
  supports Bluetooth® features.          Head Unit sides and then try
• Even if the mobile device sup-
  ports Bluetooth®, the device will
  not be found during device
  searches if the device has been
  set to hidden state or the Blue-
  tooth® power is turned off. Dis-
  able the hidden state or turn on
  the Bluetooth® power prior to
  searching/connecting with the
  head unit.


    CAUTION                              • In some Bluetooth® devices,
                                           starting the ignition while talking
Upon Using Bluetooth® Phone                through Bluetooth® enabled
• If the Bluetooth® device is not          handsfree call will result in the
  connected, it is not possible to         call becoming disconnected due
  enter Phone mode. After con-             to car handsfree call transfer.
  necting your Bluetooth® device           If you use your phone outside
  to your car, use the Bluetooth®          the vehicle, turn off the Blue-
  features.                                tooth® feature in your phone.
• You will not be able to use the        • If Connection Priority is set
  handsfree feature when your              upon vehicle ignition (IGN/ACC
  phone is outside of the cellular         ON), the Bluetooth® device will
  service area (e.g. in a tunnel, in a     be automatically connected.
  underground, in a mountainous            Even if you are outside, the
  area, etc.).                             Bluetooth® device will be auto-
• If the cellular phone signal is          matically connected once you
  poor or the vehicles interior            are in the vicinity of the vehicle.
  noise is too loud, it may be diffi-      If you do not want to automati-
  cult to hear the other person’s
  voice during a call.
                                           cally connect your Bluetooth®
                                           device, turn off the Bluetooth®
• Do not place the Bluetooth® de-          feature in your Bluetooth® de-
  vice near or inside metallic ob-         vice.
  jects, otherwise communica-            • The handsfree call volume and
  tions with Bluetooth® system or          quality may differ depending on
  cellular service stations can be         the Bluetooth® device.
• Placing the audio system within
  an electromagnetic environment          NOTICE
  may result in noise interference.      Bluetooth® specifications
• Some Bluetooth® devices may            • Aerial power: Max 3 mW
  cause interference noise or mal-       • Frequency range: 2400 to 2483.5
  function to audio system.                MHz
  In this case, store the device in a    • Bluetooth patch RAM software
  different location may resolve           version: 1
  the condition.
                                         • Bluetooth Power Class 2: -6 to 4
• While a device is connected              dBm
  through Bluetooth®, your device
  may discharge quicker than
  usual for additional Blue-
  tooth®-related operations.


Multimedia system

Bluetooth® Connection                     NOTICE
Before you can use the Bluetooth®        • Up to 5 Bluetooth® devices can
feature, you must first pair/connect       be paired.
your Bluetooth® device to your car.
                                         • The default passkey is 0000.
                                         • During a Bluetooth® device con-
Pairing a new device                       nection, another device cannot
Press the [SETUP] button  Select          be paired.
[Phone]  Select [Add new device].       • The vehicle name above is an
                                           example. Check the actual infor-
                                           mation on the product.
                                         • Pairing and connecting a Blue-
                                           tooth® enabled Bluetooth® de-
In your Bluetooth® device,                 vice will work only when the
1. Pair your car after your Bluetooth®     Bluetooth® option within your
   device detects the Bluetooth® de-       Bluetooth® device has been
   vice.                                   turned on. (Methods of turning
2. Enter the passkey(0000) or accept       on the Bluetooth® enabled fea-
   the authorization popup.                ture may differ depending on the
                                           Bluetooth® device.)
3. Connect Bluetooth®.
                                         • After pairing is complete, a con-
                                           tacts download request is sent
                                           to the Bluetooth® device. Some
                                           Bluetooth® devices may require
                                           confirmation upon receiving a
                                           download request. Ensure your
                                           Bluetooth® device accepts the
                                           connection. Refer to your
                                           phone’s user manual for addi-
                                           tional information regarding
                                           phone pairing and connections.



                                      Accept/Reject Call
                                      If there is an incoming call, a popup
                                      message will appear.

                                      • To answer the incoming call, select
                                        [Accept] on the screen or press the
                                        [CALL] or [MODE] button on the
 NOTICE                                steering wheel remote control.
• Only supported contacts format
                                      • To reject the call, select [Reject] on
  can be downloaded and dis-
                                        the screen or press the [END] but-
  played from the Bluetooth de-
                                        ton or TUNE knob on the steering
  vice, contacts from some appli-
                                        wheel remote control.
  cations will not be included.
• Even if the Bluetooth® device is
  disconnected, the downloaded         NOTICE
  data will remain.                   In some Bluetooth® devices, the
• Downloaded phone numbers            caller’s number may not be dis-            4
  may be lost depending on the        played, and the Reject feature may
  condition of the head unit. Keep    not be supported.
  your important data in a safe
                                      Using the Menu During a Phone
• The download will not be avail-     Call
  able if the contacts download
  function is turned off on your      When making a call, you can use the
  Bluetooth® device.                  following menu items.
• Phone contact names should be
  saved in English or they may not
  be displayed correctly.
• The time of download may differ     Displays Menu Popup when pressing
  depending on the Bluetooth® de-
  vices.                              the TUNE knob.
• Some devices require a device
  authentication for downloading
  your contacts. If download fails,
  check your phone screen and
  confirm the download if neces-


Multimedia system

 NOTICE                                Setup
• If the caller’s number is listed in
  Contacts, the caller’s name will      Display
  be displayed. Otherwise, only         Press the [SETUP] button  Select
  the number will be displayed. In      [Display].
  some Bluetooth® devices, the
                                        • Scroll text(Text Scroll)*: If MP3 file
  phone number may not be dis-
                                            name is too long to display, the file
                                            name is scrolled from right to left.
• In some Bluetooth® devices, the
                                            - Title name on USB/iPod®
  Use Private feature may not be
                                            - Focused File/Folder name on
• In some Bluetooth® devices, the
                                              play list.
  Switch feature may not be sup-
  ported.                               * if equipped
• The phone number may not be
  properly displayed in some            Sound
  Bluetooth® devices.                   Press the [SETUP] button  Select
• During a phone call on a Blue-        [Sound].
  tooth® Handsfree, you cannot          • Balance: Selects the sound posi-
  access other modes, such as             tion.
  Radio and Setup.
                                        • Tone(Equaliser): Selects the sound
• Depending on handset types,             tone.
  the in-call volume the other par-
  ty hears may differ. If the other
  party hears your voice too low        Phone (if equipped)
  or too loud, adjust the mic vol-      Add new device
                                        Press the [SETUP] button  Select
                                        [Phone]  Select [Add new device].
                                        • The following steps are the same
                                          as those described in the section
                                          [Pairing a new device] on the previ-
                                          ous page.

                                        Connect/Disconnect device
                                        Press the [SETUP] button  Select
                                        [Phone]  Select [Paired devices].
                                        • Displays the paired Bluetooth® de-
                                          vice list. From the paired device
                                          list, select the device you want to
                                          connect or disconnect.


 NOTICE                               Delete devices
• Displays the icons when Blue-        Press the [SETUP] button  Select
  tooth® device is connected.          [Phone]  Select [Delete devices].
      : An icon appears when you       • Displays the paired Bluetooth® de-
  makek a Bluetooth® Audio con-          vice list. When selecting from the
  nection.                               list, the device is deleted.
      : An icon appears when you
  makek a Bluetooth® Handsfree          NOTICE
  connection.                          • When you delete a paired de-
• Only one Bluetooth® device can         vice, the Call history and Con-
  be connected at a time.                tacts stored in the head unit are
• Bluetooth® Handsfree and Blue-         also deleted.
  tooth® Audio functions are sup-      • To re-use a deleted device, you
  ported. Handsfree and audio-           must pair the device again.
  supported devices, such as a
  Bluetooth® smartphone or au-
  dio, will function normally.         Connection priority
                                       Press the [SETUP] button  Select
• If the system is not stable due to
  a vehicle-Bluetooth® device          [Phone]  Select [Connection priority].    4
  communication error, delete the      • Select the device to want to set the
  paired device on each device           connection priority of paired devices.
  and pair/connect the Blue-           • If “Not selected(None)” is chosen,
  tooth®device again.                    the Bluetooth® system will try to
                                         connect to the last connected de-
                                         vice, then to all paired devices.


Multimedia system

 NOTICE                                    Language
• When the engine is running, the           Press the [SETUP] button  Select
  selected Bluetooth® device is             [Language].
  automatically connected. If you           Changes the display language.
  fail to connect the selected de-
  vice, the previously-connected
  device is automatically connect-          Display Off
  ed, and if it also fails, then it tries   Press the [SETUP] button  Select
  to connect all paired devices se-         [Display Off].
  quentially.                               Audio operation is maintained and
• Depending on auto connection              only the screen will be turned Off.
  priority, connection to a device          In the Screen Off state, press any
  may take time.                            but-ton to turn the Screen On again.
• If a Bluetooth® device becomes
  disconnected due to being out
  of communication range, turn-
  ing the device OFF, or a Blue-
  tooth® communication error,
  corresponding Bluetooth® de-
  vices are automatically searched
  and reconnected.
• Even if you are outside, the Blue-
  tooth® device will be automati-
  cally connected once you are in
  the vicinity of the vehicle. If you
  do not want to automatically
  connect your Bluetooth® device,
  turn off the Bluetooth® feature in
  your Bluetooth® device.
• In some Bluetooth® devices,
  starting the ignition while talking
  through Bluetooth® enabled
  handsfree call will result in the
  call becoming disconnected due
  to car handsfree call transfer. If
  you use your phone outside the
  vehicle, turn off the Bluetooth®
  feature in your phone.



This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer
could void your authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and
your body.
This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC.

Document Created: 2019-02-01 13:13:29
Document Modified: 2019-02-01 13:13:29

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC