operational description


Operational Description

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                 System Description

1.System Structure Diagram

                      Diagram1:    System Structure diagram

 The system consists of radio frequency module, Baseband module, power module,
 data interface and LED display interface. Under the control of Baseband module,
 radio frequency module transmits the modulated carrier signal with varying
 frequency and power. The antenna transmits the signal to a certain area within
 which the tags receive the signal and then feedback its signal. After going into
 radio frequency module the feedback signal will be demodulated to form Baseband
 Baseband module performs decoding the tag signal and communicating with PC,
 and power module provides all the direct voltage .

 2、Radio Frequency Structure Diagram

                                             End            Front
                       Comparator                                      Detector
                                          Amplifier       Amplifier


         Module         Phase                                          Six ports
                                            Front            End
                        Lock                                            coupling
                                          Amplifier       Amplifier
                       Looper                                            Network

                             ASK Signal
                                              Power Control

                       Diagram2       radio frequency module diagram
   The radio frequency module consists of transmitting and receiving parts controlled
by Baseband circuit. The Phase Lock Looper generates carrier with frequency range
from 902MHz~928MHz, which could be amplified by the Front Amplifier and End
Amplifier and then emitted by the antenna that returns tag’s signal via six ports
coupling network to the detector, where the signal are detected and amplified to
output to the Baseband circuit.
 3、Baseband Structure Diagram

                                 FPGA                      MCU
                                APA075                   MCF5272

                                LED                     interface         PC or
                             Interface                     +I/O         Switcher

                        Diagram 3         Baseband module diagram

 4、Radio Frequency Module
     The radio frequency module consists of transmitting and receiving part.


    Transmitting Part
     The transmitting part is as below according to the RF signal flow.
     Temperature-compensated oscillator(12.8MHz) →PLL915A phase lock looper
→ RF2302 power front-amplifier → end-amplifier(power adjustable) → microwave
switcher。(Maximum output power: 30dBm).
     Receiving part
  The receiving part is as below according to the returned(feedback) signal flow.
     six-ports coupling network→ front difference amplifier → end amplifier →
comparator output. (Output double-channel digital signal).

 5、Baseband Module
     The Baseband module consists of coding/decoding and control parts, which
respectively are FPGA(APA075) and IP2022 MCU.
     The coding/decoding part employs built-in-FLASH FPGA modeled APA075
produced by Actal Company. The device performs coding/decoding for tag and
controlling the transmitting circuit.
     The control part employs IP2022 produced by Ubicom Company. With
19200bps serial interface and 10Mbps Ethernet network interface, IP2022 performs
order analyzing, data uploading, and data storage, etc.


Document Created: 2005-10-19 10:52:15
Document Modified: 2005-10-19 10:52:15

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