TCB Q and A


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Lucy Tsai
From:                  Country Huang []
Sent:                  Wednesday, October 27, 2010 10:26 AM
To:                    Lucy Tsai
Cc:                    Cathy Wang
Subject:               RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.: AN10T0844,

Dear Lucy:

Q3] For test position 4, there is a max cube warning with a double spot in the
corresponding SAR plot. If this is correct, please explain what is happening.

Please refer below information of explained and analysis
(1) Retest SAR refer original testing position and condition
    Result: We still find double spot
(2) We assume double spot happening from phantom effect so we change the measurement setup
condition - Close phantom-->1mm and 5mm
    Result: We still find double spot-Please refer below SAR plot.

(3) We using the OTA testing for check antenna pattern-
   Result: We fined antenna pattern's radiation to both sides of antenna -Please refer 3D antenna
        So the antenna radiated cause SAR 's double spot



Have a nice day @_#
Best regards,
Country Huang

Neutron Engineering Inc.
中國東莞市大朗鎮石廈金沙崗一路 3 號(常虎高速公路莞樟路出口處)
No.3,Jinshagang 1st Road,ShiXia,Dalang Town,DongGuan,China.
電話: 86-769-83183000 EXT:526
傳真: 86-769-83196000
手機: 13829297083(大陸) 0920146865(台灣)
实验室品质政策: 独立 客观 公正 专业

"Lucy Tsai"
                              To "Cathy Wang" <>
                             cc "Country Huang" <>
2010/10/21 23:17
                         Subject RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.:
                                 AN10T0844, Notice#1


Hi, Cathy,

How about the Q#3?

Besides, I am sorry that we can’t provide you a pre-grant because once we upload them to FCC website, we
need to wait for FCC’s review again and may then be able to issue the grant after getting their confirmation.

Best Regards,
Lucy Tsai/UL CCS

From: Cathy Wang []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:24 AM
To: Lucy Tsai
Cc: Country Huang
Subject: RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.: AN10T0844, Notice#1
Importance: High

Dear Lucy,

Good day ^_^

Attached please find the updated SAR test report and test setup photos and the attestation letter.

Can you manage a previous grant to us? Million thanks!

The evaluation testings are undergoing, will let you know if any updates!

1. Page 8 of SAR report, add "This device has two antennas, but the antenna 2 described by the client
permanently disabled"
2. Details refer to ANNEX H in SAR test setup photos.

Best regards,

Neutron Engineering Inc.
中國東莞市大朗鎮石廈金沙崗一路 3 號(常虎高速公路莞樟路出口處)
No.3,Jinshagang 1st Road,ShiXia,Dalang Town,DongGuan,China.
電話: 86-769-83183000 EXT:119
傳真: 86-769-83196000
实验室品质政策: 独立 客观 公正 专业


2010/10/16 03:43

                                        To "Cathy Wang" <>
                                       cc "Country Huang" <>, "Steven Lu"
                                  Subject RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.:
                                          AN10T0844, Notice#1

Hi, Cathy,

Finally we have FCC’s response regarding this project and here some issues need your further address before
upload to FCC website.

1] An attestation letter is needed to identify the specific antenna port permanently disabled for this specific
product. It will also need to be identified and mentioned in the SAR report.

2] For the reported SAR data, please confirm that positions BACK, RIGHT and TOP refer to test positions 1, 3
and 4. Also, please include channel numbers in the SAR data table.

3] For test position 4, there is a max cube warning with a double spot in the corresponding SAR plot. If this is
correct, please explain what is happening.

Best Regards,
Lucy Tsai/UL CCS

From: Cathy Wang []
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:03 PM
To: Lucy Tsai
Cc: Country Huang; Steven Lu
Subject: RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.: AN10T0844, Notice#1

Dear Lucy,

Good day

It is confirmed by customer that the module installed in this e-book reader only supported with an antenna to act as 1x1
SISO. Another antenna port will be disabled by firmware.


Have a nice day @_#
Best regards,

Neutron Engineering Inc.
中國東莞市大朗鎮石廈金沙崗一路 3 號(常虎高速公路莞樟路出口處)
No.3,Jinshagang 1st Road,ShiXia,Dalang Town,DongGuan,China.
電話: 86-769-83183000 EXT:119
傳真: 86-769-83196000
实验室品质政策: 独立 客观 公正 专业

"Lucy Tsai"

2010-09-24 01:02

                                 To "Cathy Wang" <>
                            Subject RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.:
                                    AN10T0844, Notice#1


Hi, Cathy,

Here are the question came out from FCC, please address.

With regard to the antenna(s), the original module was a mobile grant with two antenna connectors. Later, it
was put into a tablet with an extra antenna connection. We want to be clear what is installed in this
device. Please provide more information regarding the antenna(s) installed in this device. Do multiple
antennas transmit? Is there diversity only? Thank you.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Lucy Tsai/UL CCS

From: Cathy Wang []
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 1:23 AM
To: Lucy Tsai
Subject: RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.: AN10T0844, Notice#1

Dear Lucy,

Good day

I forward the revised documents to you via email because I cannot surf on your website, something wrong with
Thanks for your understanding~

Have a nice day @_#
Best regards,


2010-09-13 16:07

                        To "Lucy Tsai" <>
                       cc "Country Huang" <>,
                   Subject RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.: AN10T0844,



Dear Lucy,

Good day

Q#1: Please check page 46 of RF test report again. There should have some typo. Please do the necessary
NEI: it's type error,sorry!
Q#2: Please go over SAR report and update the version of KDB 447498 D01 to KDB 447498 D01 Mobile Portable
RF Exposure v04.
NEI: updated
Q#3: Please specify the host information to the SAR report.
NEI: added on page 8 of SAR report!
Q#4: Please indicate the antenna distance from antenna to the bottom cover.
NEI: added to the antenna distance.
[attachment "7.SAR test reports.pdf" deleted by Cathy Wang/IA/BTL] [attachment "9.RF Test report.pdf" deleted
by Cathy Wang/IA/BTL] [attachment "13.Antenna distance.pdf" deleted by Cathy Wang/IA/BTL]

Have a nice day @_#
Best regards,

"Lucy Tsai"

2010-09-13 12:51


                                     To "Cathy Wang" <>
                                    cc "Country Huang" <>, <>
                                Subject RE: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.:
                                        AN10T0844, Notice#1

Hi, Cathy,

It looks ok and yes, please combine it to SAR report.

Best Regards,
Lucy Tsai/UL CCS

From: Cathy Wang []
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 8:49 PM
To: Lucy Tsai
Cc: Country Huang; Lucy Tsai;
Subject: Re: AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.: AN10T0844, Notice#1
Importance: High

Dear Lucy,

Good day

烦请帮忙看下附件的天线到 EUT 底部的距离,是否 OK?
是否需要将此放入 SAR 报告里?谢谢啦

Q#4: Please indicate the antenna distance from antenna to the bottom cover.

Have a nice day @_#
Best regards,

Neutron Engineering Inc.
中國東莞市大朗鎮石廈金沙崗一路 3 號(常虎高速公路莞樟路出口處)
No.3,Jinshagang 1st Road,ShiXia,Dalang Town,DongGuan,China.
電話: 86-769-83183000 EXT:119
傳真: 86-769-83196000
实验室品质政策: 独立 客观 公正 专业

"Lucy Tsai"

2010-09-12 22:57

                                   To <>, "Cathy Wang" <>
                                   cc "Country Huang" <>, "Lucy Tsai"
                              Subject AzureWave Technologies, Inc, FCC ID: TLZ-NU706, Assessment NO.:
                                      AN10T0844, Notice#1


Hi, Cathy,

Please address following issues.
Q#1: Please check page 46 of RF test report again. There should have some typo. Please do the necessary
Q#2: Please go over SAR report and update the version of KDB 447498 D01 to KDB 447498 D01 Mobile Portable
RF Exposure v04.
Q#3: Please specify the host information to the SAR report.
Q#4: Please indicate the antenna distance from antenna to the bottom cover.

FYI: Per KDB 447498 D01 to KDB 447498 D01 Mobile Portable RF Exposure v04 Section 2)c), when SAR value is
greater than 1.2W/kg, a pre-PBA is required before issuing the grant.
So, once above are addressed, we need to submit a PBA to FCC for getting the confirmation. And please be
noted that the schedule of PBA may depend on FCC internal schedule that it is difficult for TCB to control.

Best Regards,
Lucy Tsai/UL CCS

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Document Created: 2010-10-28 10:15:15
Document Modified: 2010-10-28 10:15:15

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