(AW-NB086) RFExp-Wireless


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                             Report No. 118059R-RFUSP42V01

          RF Exposure Evaluation declaration

       Product Name IEEE 802.11b/g/n WIFI/ BT Combo slim module
       Model No.            AW-NB086
       FCC ID               TLZ-NB086

       Applicant Azurewave Technologies. Inc.
       Address 8F.,No.94, Baozhong Rd.,Xiandian,Taipei,Taiwan 231

                          Date of Receipt         July 28, 2011

                          Date of Declaration Aug. 11, 2011

                          Report No.              118059R-RFUSP42V01

The declaration results relate only to the samples calculated.
The declaration shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government

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                                                                             Report No. 118059R-RFUSP42V01

1.      RF Exposure Evaluation

1.1.    Limits

        According to FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
        environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b)
        Frequency Range       Electric Field       Magnetic Field      Power Density        Average Time
        (MHz)                 Strength (V/m)       Strength (A/m)      (mW/cm )             (Minutes)
                                    (A) Limits for Occupational/ Control Exposures
              300-1500                   --                    --             F/300                  6
           1500-100,000                  --                    --                5                   6
                              (B) Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposures
              300-1500                   --                    --             F/1500                 6
           1500-100,000                  --                    --                1                   30
        F= Frequency in MHz

       Friis Formula
       Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4*pi*r2)

       Pd = power density in mW/cm2
       Pout = output power to antenna in mW
       G = gain of antenna in linear scale
       Pi = 3.1416
       R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

       Pd id the limit of MPE, 1 mW/cm2 . If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total power
       input to the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r where the MPE limit is

1.2.    Test Procedure

         Software provided by client enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at lowest, middle and
         highest channel individually.
         The temperature and related humidity: 18℃and 78% RH.

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                                                                          Report No. 118059R-RFUSP42V01

1.3.        Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

            Product        :    IEEE 802.11b/g/n WIFI/ BT Combo slim module
            Test Item      :    RF Exposure Evaluation
            Test Site      :    No.3 OATS

Antenna Gain
Antenna Gain: The maximum Gain measured in fully anechoic chamber is 3.59 dBi in logarithm scale.

Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance (3.59 dBi):
                                             Output Power to Antenna   Power Density at R = 20 cm
   Channel              Frequency (MHz)
                                                      (mW)                    (mW/cm2)
       1                    2412.00                  52.6017                   0.023918

       6                    2437.00                  54.5758                   0.024816

       11                   2462.00                  57.6766                   0.026226
Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance (3.59 dBi):
                                             Output Power to Antenna   Power Density at R = 20 cm
   Channel              Frequency (MHz)
                                                      (mW)                    (mW/cm2)
       1                    2412.00                 155.5966                   0.070751

       6                    2437.00                 184.5015                   0.083894

       11                   2462.00                 136.4583                   0.062048

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                                                                        Report No. 118059R-RFUSP42V01

Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance (3.59 dBi):
                                         Output Power to Antenna     Power Density at R = 20 cm
   Channel        Frequency (MHz)
                                                  (mW)                       (mW/cm2)
       1                  2412.00               142.8894                      0.064973

       6                  2437.00               153.4617                      0.069780

      11                  2462.00               124.7384                      0.056719

Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance (3.59 dBi):
                                         Output Power to Antenna     Power Density at R = 20 cm
   Channel        Frequency (MHz)
                                                  (mW)                       (mW/cm2)
       1                  2422.00               120.5036                      0.054794

       4                  2437.00               153.8155                      0.069941

       7                  2452.00               106.4143                      0.048387

The distance r (4th column) calculated from the Fries transmission formula is far shorter than 20 cm
separation requirement.

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Document Created: 2011-08-15 15:46:21
Document Modified: 2011-08-15 15:46:21

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