Cover Letter(s)

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   °             Compex Systems Pre Ltd
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           August 1152010

           FCC ID : TK4—WLMsdA2cESD
           Dear Sir
           1 hereby have entrusted the following person to be a proxy regarding applicaton for
           Tspe Certification:
           Compliance Centification Services Inc.
           Address: No.10 WeiyeRd. Innovation park, Eco&Tec, DevelopmentZone, Kunshan
           City Jiangs, PR.0.C
           Name: Sp
           Job Title: Manager
           1 am therefore responsible for the contents of the application.
           Brand Name and Model Name ofthe specified radio equipment: Compex /
           FCC ID: TK4—WLMS4A26ESD

           Product Name: WIRELES—A 26dBm NETWORK MINI PCI ApaPrek wirH Esp

          FCC grantee contact person information.
          Name/Title: Yaw ThiamTong / R&D Manager
          Applicant: Compex. Systems Pre Lid
          Address: 135 Joo Seng Road, Pm Industirle Building, #08—01 Singapore 368363
          Tel: +55 6286 2086
          Fax: +65 62809947
          Email: t3 @compex.comse

Document Created: 2010-09-08 15:02:53
Document Modified: 2010-09-08 15:02:53

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