Cover Letter(s)

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        Compex Wireless—AG Network Mini PCI Adapter
       Modular               roval Request Letter
                           September21, 2005
Dow Appicaien Examinec,
its 2 4G85GH: Wreloss Mini PCI Cart, FCC ID: TXA0WLMSAAG, would lke
1o have your athoteaton as a Inited modularapproval spectic to te moble
device such as Access Pon, The reguirements of Puble Notce OA0O—1407
have been mat and shown on thefalowng sttements
1. "The mddar vransmiter musthave ts own RF shildng: The radporton
    o ts macule has been sieided. iease see oxhiiion Exomal Photo.
2. "The modiarransritermust have butfernd modulatonidatanputs."The
    EUThas buttred daa nouts
3. "The madtar vansmtter must have is oun power supply regulaton." The
   ctips corvater and RFTF convater utich wil infuence the foauency ra—
   dartonhave to be 120¥ DC powered. The minize! inteface provdes
   3.3VDC, so tharoare reguator in ront o hese chips
4. "The modular ransmitr must comply wih th antorna requremonts of
     secton 15203 and 15204(C)" The EUT meets ho FCC antenna rqure—
     ments. The spurous enisson, unique antema connactor and phote of an.
     1ennas areshown in t test report
5 "The modular ransmiter must bo tosted in a stanalone confuratin® The
    EUT was toted in a standaloro confiuraton via a PCMCL to min—PCI
    Please see secton Photograghs of Test Conlguraton in the estrepar. the
    EU was slugged in ts extender
6. "The meeiuar vansmiter must be laboled with ts oin FGC 1D numbor."
    Please see exhibtionLabel Sample fothe FCC D ofthi module

7. "The modariransmiter mustcomply wih any specte mde or cperatng
     reauirements applcable to he transmiter and the manutacturer mist pro—
     vide adequate instracions along wit the mocile to oxplan any such ro—
     ‘The EUT is complant wh al appicable FCC ries. Dotanstuetns fr
     maintaring complance ar gvanin the Users Manval
8. The modar vansmitr mustcomply wih any applcable RF oxposcre
    reaviremonts." The EUT is cormlant wialapnicaniRF nxposue
    reauiremonts. RF Exposure is addresse in the RF oxposure axhiion.
    Prease contact me i you have ary lrter quastons, Thanks foryouraton—

Best Regarts,
Mr. Yau‘Tham Terg
8O Manager
Gompox Syoteme Pro Lad

Document Created: 2005-10-05 13:11:30
Document Modified: 2005-10-05 13:11:30

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