Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                    Phone (800) 470-2287
                         Dedicated to towing safety              TM

                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
Congratulations on the purchase of your new BrakeBuddy®! The BrakeBuddy® was designed and built as an
auxiliary braking system to operate in conjunction with the existing braking system in your towed vehicle.
Use of the BrakeBuddy® in a manner inconsistent with these instructions may result in damage to your
vehicle, serious injury or death. You must read and understand these instructions prior to the use of this

 If you have any questions after reading these instructions, please call BrakeBuddy® customer service at 1 800-470-2287.

  Break Away Initial Installation................................................................................... Page               2
  Setup......................................................................................................................... Page   4
  Alert System.............................................................................................................. Page       6
  Operation Instructions............................................................................................... Page            7
  Removal Instructions................................................................................................. Page            7
  Troubleshooting........................................................................................................ Page          8
  Warranty.................................................................................................................... Page     9

Remove the BrakeBuddy® and components from the shipping carton. The complete system consists of:
      Main BrakeBuddy® Unit
      Clevis Assembly
      Handle and Knob
      Remote Alert System
      Break-Away System

   Air Cylinder Arm          12 Volt DC Cord

                                   Control Panel
                                                         Break-Away Contents
                                                         (A) 1, 1/16” coiled break-                                                     B
                                                             away cable with one large
 Clevis                                                      and one small clip on the
                                                             ends                                               H
                                                         (B) 1 junction box with wiring
                                           Handle            harness
                                                         (C) 1 strap clamp
                                                         (D) 2 hex socket head                                                                   C
                                                             capscrews                                              E                            E
                                                         (E) 2 flat washers                                             F                   F
                                                         (F) 2 lock washers                              J              D                        D
                                                         (G) 2 sheet metal screws
                                                         (H) 2 grommets                                                     G
                   Remote Alert                          (I) 5 nylon ties
                    Transmitter                                                                   A
                                                         (J) 1 loose velcro patch

           Main Unit Components                                                                    Breakaway System Components

      311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14             © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                                                             Pg. 1

                                                                                              Phone (800) 470-2287
                       Dedicated to towing safety       TM

                          BREAK-AWAY INSTALLATION
The Break-Away is an important part of the
BrakeBuddy system and is required
by law in most states. Do not operate                                                                          J
your BrakeBuddy without a properly                                               FIG. 2
functioning Break-Away.

Installing Junction Box                                                                                            B
 1. Find a convenient, sturdy place on the
    front of your towed vehicle to mount
    the junction box (B). This should be
    installed on the driver’s side of the
    vehicle if possible.
2. Clean the mounting surface and
   attach the velcro patch (J) (Fig. 2).
3. Attach the junction box (B) to the
   velcro patch (J) so the pin with the
   ring faces forward and the wiring
   harness feeds back into the engine
   compartment.                                                                                       FIG. 3

4. Place the mounting bracket (C) over
   the junction box (B) and mark the hole
   locations to be drilled and tapped.

 5. Remove bracket (C) and junction box (B). Drill
    marked holes with a1/8” metal drill bit.                 FIG. 4
NOTE: For thin sheet metal or plastic, it may be
necessary to reinforce the plastic or thin metal to
ensure the bracket will not separate from the vehicle
when the break-away pin is pulled. If you are going
to drill through thicker metal, use hex socket head
capscrews (D). You will need to drill a hole using a
#25 drill bit and tap the hole using a 10-24 tap.                                         K
6. Replace the junction box (B) and attach the
   bracket (C) using hex socket head capscrews
   (D) or sheet metal screws (G) provided (Fig. 3).                               M              H
7. Locate a place in the firewall that will allow the
   wiring harness to be fed through into the drivers’
   side compartment of the towed vehicle. Use of
   an existing hole would be most convenient.

8. If there is no existing hole, drill a 15/32”
   diameter hole through the firewall (Fig. 4 /
   K). Be careful not to drill into any functional
   components of the vehicle.

9. Starting from the junction box (Fig. 4 / B),                   B
   route the black electrical wire up to the firewall

      311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14        © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                                     Pg. 2

                                                                                      Phone (800) 470-2287
                       Dedicated to towing safety       TM

                          BREAK-AWAY INSTALLATION
   keeping it away from hot or moving engine
                                                                        FIG. 5
   components. Secure using the nylon ties (I)                                       FIG. 6
   provided (Fig. 4 / M).

10. Feed the black wire through the hole in the
    firewall and into the passenger compartment
    (Fig. 5).

11. Place the split rubber grommet provided (H)
    over the black electrical wire (Fig. 6) and
    slide it into the 15/32” hole and fasten it into
    place (Fig. 7).
NOTE: Failure to properly install the 15/32”
rubber grommet may result in harmful fumes                    FIG. 7
entering the vehicle, or damage to the wires.

Using the Break-Away System
After attaching your towed vehicle to your coach
and all hook-ups are complete, you will need to
attach the break-away cable (A) from the junction
box (B) to the motorhome. On the motorhome
end attach to a permanent location. The
frame of the vehicle is recommended.                                             O
DO NOT attach or wrap the cable around the
tow bar, hitch or bumper.                                FIG. 8

1. Attach the small clip on the cable (A) to the                       Q
   loop on the pull pin of the junction box (Fig.
   8 / O), and then attach the large clip to the
   motorhome (Fig. 8 / P). The coiled break-
   away cable fits all applications and needs no

2. Setup the BrakeBuddy in your towed vehicle
   and plug the junction box wire harness into
   the receptacles on top of the BrakeBuddy (Fig.
   9 / Q).

3. Before the start of every trip, pull the break-
   away pin to test that the break-away system
   activates the Brake Buddy.
                                                                  FIG. 9

4. When the use of the towed vehicle is needed,
                                                                                              FIG. 10
   simply unhook the small clip from the loop
   on the pull pin of the junction box (B).
   Unplug the junction box wire harness from
   the BrakeBuddy and coil the wire under the
   dashboard or under your floor mat (Fig. 10).

      311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14        © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                          Pg. 3

                                                                                                                   Phone (800) 470-2287
                      Dedicated to towing safety        TM

                                                              FIG. 1
1. Press the “Drain” button (A) to ensure there is no air
   pressure inside the unit (Figure 1).                                                                                         FIG. 2

2. Attach the lock nut and clevis assembly to the air
   cylinder (Fig. 2).                                           Alert System

3. Attach handle assembly to main unit (Fig. 3) with
   adjustment knob.

4. Adjust the driver’s seat to the far back position (Fig.
   3). Place the BrakeBuddy® on the floorboard.
                                                                                                      FIG. 3            install handle
                                                                                          A                             assembly
5. With the notched end of the clevis facing up, attach
   the clevis to the top of the towed vehicle’s brake                          Drain

   pedal (Fig. 4). Angle the brake pedal clevis so the
   upper portion of the clevis grabs the top of the
   towed vehicle’s brake pedal. Pull down on the lower
   portion of the clevis to extend the clevis under the bottom
   of the towed vehicle’s brake pedal. Pull back very firmly on                                                           Move seat back.
   the red tab (B) until it locks into place securely. If attached
   correctly the clevis should be locked securely around the
   vehicle’s brake pedal.

6. Move the BrakeBuddy® forward until the Air Cylinder Arm is
   fully retracted (Fig. 5). Make sure the vehicle’s brake pedal is
   not being pressed.

7. Adjust the driver’s seat forward until it is less than a quarter
   inch away from the BrakeBuddy’s® handle or loosely touching
   the handle (Fig. 6). Again, make sure the vehicle’s brake pedal
   is not being pressed.

8. Power the BrakeBuddy® by plugging the unit into a 12-volt
   receptacle in the towed vehicle (Fig. 8). When powered, the air
   compressor will fill the air tank in under 1 minute. While the air                       FIG. 5                 FIG. 6
   compressor is filling, the red sensitivity lights will descend from                 Move BrakeBuddy® forward.   Move seat forward.
   7 to 1. If a 12-volt power supply is not available in the towed
   position (or the 12-volt power remains off in the ignition off
   position), a 12-volt Battery Direct Kit is available (part number
   39305). At a minimum, a 15-amp 12-volt power supply is
   required to operate the BrakeBuddy®.

9. When the air compressor is completely filled, the red sensitivity
   lights will display 1 through 5. This is signaling you to press the
   Test button five times to (a) make sure the unit is performing
   and adjusted properly; and (b) to remove the vacuum stored
   in the towed vehicle’s brake vacuum reservoir, also known as
   relieving vacuum.
      311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14       © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                                                            Pg. 4

                                                                                                                Phone (800) 470-2287
                      Dedicated to towing safety        TM


10. Press the Test button on the top BrakeBuddy® panel. The Test                                                Plug into 12v
                                                                                FIG. 7                          accessory
    button (Fig. 9 / C) will activate the arm one time. Use this time to                                        receptacle.
    confirm that the unit is in the correct floor position.

11. If needed adjust the BrakeBuddy® handle (Fig. 8). Loosen the
    adjustment knob on the back center portion of the BrakeBuddy®
    and adjust the height of the handle so it contacts the seat at the
    lowest position possible without sliding under the seat. (NOTE: the
    lower on the seat, the firmer the support). Tighten the adjustment
    knob to secure handle. Repeat step 7 until the seat is in the
    correct position.

12. After pressing the Test button the red sensitivity light will descend
    from 5 to 4. When the seat is in the correct position press the Test                                                        Adjust handle
    button four more times to completely relieve the brake vacuum.          FIG. 8                                              up or down to fit
                                                                                                                                seat at lowest
    (Make sure the BrakeBuddy® arm is pumping the brake when you                                                                point.
    activate the Test button.) Each time the test button is pressed the
    red sensitivity light will decrease by an increment of one.

    After pressing the test button five times the sensitivity lights will
    change to green indicating that the BrakeBuddy® has relieved the
    vacuum of For
 WARNING:      the towed   vehicle’s
                    vehicles equippedbrakes.
                                          with electric power assist
 brakes, call BrakeBuddy® for further instructions 1-800-470-
13. If needed, make final seat adjustments. You may continue to press
 2287. (Electric power assist brakes are common on hybrid
    the Test button as many times as ®needed to confirm that the
 vehicles; please    call BrakeBuddy if you have questions).
    BrakeBuddy® unit is placed in the correct position.                              FIG. 9

 Do not tow yourLook
  IMPORTANT:     vehicle until
                     at the    the sensitivity
                            brake              lights
                                   lights at the  rearare green.
                                                       of the towed                      Break-Away
  vehicle to make sure they are not on. If the brake lights are
  on, the BrakeBuddy® is too close to the brake pedal.

If for some reason the BrakeBuddy® does not fit your vehicle properly,                   Alert System

please call technical service at 1-800-470-2287.
NOTE: A rubber floor mat under the BrakeBuddy® will not allow the                                Test

system to function properly and may result in damage. Please be
sure a carpet floor mat is being used.


 WARNING: Any time the towed vehicle’s engine has been
 started you must push the Test button 5 times after shutting
 the towed vehicle’s engine off. This removes the vacuum out of
 the vehicle’s brake system. Failure to drain the towed vehicle’s
 brake vacuum will result in excessive tire wear.

      311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14       © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                                                            Pg. 5

                                                                                                                                          Phone (800) 470-2287
                                Dedicated to towing safety                               TM

                                 ALERT SYSTEM INSTALLATION
  The Alert System is a wireless monitor that illuminates on your motorhome’s dashboard when the BrakeBuddy is activated
  telling you that the BrakeBuddy is working properly. This system consists of two parts, the Transmitter and the Receiver.

                                                                                              The Alert System Receiver (Fig. 10 / A) plugs into a 12-volt
                                                                                              outlet on the dash of the motorhome. When the BrakeBuddy® is
                                                                                              activated in the towed vehicle, the Receiver will illuminate.
                                                             A                                The receiver will continually flash red if the towed vehicle’s
                                                                                              battery drops below 10 volts. Also, the BrakeBuddy® main
                                                                                              unit Sensitivity Settings #7, will flash red in a low battery
                                                                                              circumstance. At this time you need to stop and restart your
                                                                                              towed vehicle to recharge the battery. Remember, always
                                                                                              relieve the brake vacuum after shutting the towed vehicle’s
                                                                                              engine off.
   FIG. 10
                                                                                              If the towed vehicle breaks away from the motorhome the
                                                                                              receiver gives an audible signal and flashes red. The audible
                                                                                              will sound until the break-away pin is reinserted.

   FIG. 11                                                                                                          The Transmitter (Fig. 11 / B) plugs
                                                                                   C                                into the top of the BrakeBuddy® and
                                                                                                                    sends a signal to the Receiver when
                                                                                                                    the BrakeBuddy® is activated. Plug the
                                                                                                                    transmitter into the connections on the

  B                                                                                                                 BrakeBuddy® marked “Alert System”
                                                                                                                    (Fig. 2). The antenna should point
                                                                   Alert System

                                                                                                                    toward the motorhome.

Test Procedure
Perform each time before use.

Before you begin towing, a simple test should be performed to assure your Alert System is operating properly. Have someone
push the red test button on the BrakeBuddy® (Fig. 3 / C) and hold it for ten seconds while you are in your parked motorhome
looking at the Receiver. The Receiver should illuminate for the full ten seconds without blinking. Do not do this while the
motorhome is moving! The Alert Receiver will illuminate: (1) when the test button is pressed; (2) when the BrakeBuddy
activates as a result of forward inertia (i.e., the braking of the motorhome) ; or (3) if the Break-Away pin is pulled.

In the unlikely circumstance that the receiver is plugged into a 12-volt outlet within 5 feet of the main unit, the Receiver will not
confirm braking activity. The BrakeBuddy® Classic will continue to operate the braking function, but the receiver will not glow red
to confirm braking.

NOTE: An optional transmitter extension cord is available if the signal is not reaching the receiver. Call BrakeBuddy® customer
service, 1-800-470-2287.

FCC/ID Notice: This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation. Unauthorized modification to device could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

        311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14                             © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                                                                Pg. 6

                                                                                                       Phone (800) 470-2287
                      Dedicated to towing safety      TM

                          OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS

1. Adjust the air regulator knob to match the weight of your              FIG. 12
   towed vehicle (Figure 12). The braking pressure, or how hard                                  Break-Away
   your towed vehicle will brake in tow, is adjusted by the air
   regulator on top of the BrakeBuddy®. To find the correct
   pressure setting for your vehicle, please refer to the Vehicle
   Weight Formula Chart below. To adjust the setting, pull up on
   the air regulator knob, turn knob until the pressure gauge reads                              Alert System

   the correct setting specified by the Vehicle Weight Formula
   Chart, and push the knob down to lock it in place. Press the red button
   in the Digital Display to choose your preferred mode of weight 		                                     Test
   measurement of kilograms or Psi.
When the BrakeBuddy® engages, the towed vehicle should give
a slight and smooth tug on the motorhome. Note: Larger
motorhomes may not feel a tug when towing smaller vehicles.          Digital
As mentioned previously, the wireless Alert System also confirms whenDisplay
how long the BrakeBuddy® is activating.

2. Adjust the Sensitivity Button. The Sensitivity Button on the
   top of the BrakeBuddy® determines how hard you must apply               Air
   the brakes in the motorhome before the BrakeBuddy will engage           Knob

   the brakes in your towed vehicle. The sensitivity of the
   BrakeBuddy® is adjusted by holding down the Sensitivity Button
   (Figure 10). The more lights that are illuminated, the easier the
   BrakeBuddy will activate. Each time the BrakeBuddy® is
   installed, the sensitivity will return to the last setting used on
   your previous trip.                                                         VEHICLE WEIGHT FORMULA
NOTE: Your RV must be moving faster than 15 mph for the                        Settings are made by adjusting the air
BrakeBuddy to engage the brakes in the towed vehicle.                          regulator knob. Lift up and turn the knob
                                                                               clockwise to increase pressure and
REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS                                                           counter-clockwise to decrease pressure.
                                                                                                                                 With Tow
To remove the BrakeBuddy from your towed vehicle, unplug the                     Pounds          Kilograms               Psi.     Dolly
unit, push the drain button to relieve the air pressure in the                 1,500 – 2,000       680 – 907             25          35
system, adjust seat back and remove the BrakeBuddy.
                                                                               2,000 – 2,500       907 – 1,134           35          45
CAUTION: Failure to drain your BrakeBuddy ’ s air system and
unplug it from the car’s power source before handling may                      2,500 – 3,000     1,134 – 1,361           40          50
cause damage to your vehicle, serious injury or death.                         3,000 – 3,500     1,361 – 1,588           45          55
                                                                               3,500 – 4,000     1,588 – 1,814           50          60
                                                                               4,000 – 4,500     1,814 – 2,041           55          65
                                                                                               1999+ Jeep Gr. Cherokee

                                                                               4,500 – 5,000     2,041 – 2,268 65                    75
                                                                               5,000 +           2,268 +		 75                        85

                                                                               NOTE: 1999 and newer Jeep Grand
                                                                               Cherokees should be set at 55 psi.

     311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14       © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                                                          Pg. 7

                                                                                                   Phone (800) 470-2287
                     Dedicated to towing safety         TM


Problem:        The air compressor will not come on after I plug in the BrakeBuddy.
Solution:       Check the air gauge for pressure in the tank. If the tank is already 			
			             pressurized, the compressor is designed to not come on until the 			
			             tank’s pressure is reduced by BrakeBuddy activation. Make sure 			
			             there is power to the 12-volt receptacle and the fuse for the 12-volt 			
			             plug is functioning. If both are functioning, the green indicator light 			
			             on the 12-volt plug will be lit when it is plugged in. To remove the 			
			             fuse on the BrakeBuddy’s power cord, unscrew the finger nut on the 			
			             end of the plug. Replace fuse with a 15-amp fuse.

Problem:        The BrakeBuddy will not apply the brakes in the towed vehicle.
Solution:       Make sure the air regulator is properly adjusted for the weight
			             of the towed vehicle. Also check the sensitivity setting.
			             Remember, your RV must be moving at least 15 mph for the 				
			             BrakeBuddy to activate.

Problem:        The BrakeBuddy applies the brakes too hard in my towed vehicle.
Solution:       Push the test button five times before towing to relieve the vacuum
			             in the towed vehicle’s brake booster. Or adjust the air regulator knob
			             to reduce the air pressure.

Problem:        The BrakeBuddy applies the brake as soon as I plug it in.
Solution:       Check that the break-away system is properly connected and the 			
			             pin is plugged into the junction box.

Problem:        The compressor pumps up and then keeps on pumping slowly.
Solution:       There may not be enough current to the BrakeBuddy. You may 			
			             have a weak battery or you may need a “12-volt Battery Direct Kit”
			             (part number 39305). At a minimum, a 15-amp 12-volt cigarette lighter or 		
			             auxiliary power plug is required to operate the BrakeBuddy.

Problem:        I have to apply the brakes in my motorhome very hard for the Brake 		
			             Buddy to come on.
Solution:       Increase the sensitivity of the BrakeBuddy by pressing the
			             sensitivity button.

Problem:        The BrakeBuddy turns my brake lights on even though I am not 			
			             applying the brakes in my motorhome.
Solution:       The BrakeBuddy may be too close to the brake pedal thereby
			             activating the brake lights. See steps 6 - 12 of the setup

Problem:        The compressor will not start.
Solution:       BrakeBuddy is designed with an automatic shut-off on the compressor
			             when voltage drops to 9.5 volts.

Problem:        The seventh sensitivity light is flashing red.
Solution:       If your towed vehicle’s battery is significantly low the seventh light on the
			             sensitivity setting will warn you by flashing red. The Brakebuddy System		
			             will not operate if the towed vehicle’s battery in considerably low.

Problem:        I’m experiencing frequent battery drain on my towed vehicle.
Solution:       Battery drain can depend on your braking style and vehicle type. We recommend
                recharging the car battery once every three days to maintain optimum battery
                condition. Another solution is to install the Towed Vehicle Battery Maintainer
                (#39332). This accessory item continuously maintains the towed vehicle’s battery
                charge. Contact your local dealer or BrakeBuddy to order.

     311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14        © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                                      Pg. 8

                                                                                Phone (800) 470-2287
                      Dedicated to towing safety       TM

Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation thanks you for purchasing BrakeBuddy.
A 3-year limited warranty and a 30-day money back guarantee apply to your
BrakeBuddy and BrakeBuddy accessories. An additional 2-year extended
warranty is also available (part number 39307). Call BrakeBuddy customer
service at 1-800-470-2287. We wish you safe and happy travels.


We are confident our product will perform well and therefore warrant
to you, as the original retail purchaser, for a period of three years from
the date of original purchase, that your new product will be free of
mechanical and electrical defects in material and workmanship.

During the warranty period, we will repair or replace your new
product (at our option) without cost to you, which will be your
exclusive remedy under this warranty. Please do not return this
product to the place of purchase. Doing so may delay the
processing of your claim and our repair of your product. Return your
product postage prepaid, with proof of purchase. Please call BrakeBuddy
customer service for shipping instructions.

Our warranty for your product will not cover damage resulting
from neglect or misuse of the product, use of improper voltage
or current, use contrary to operating instructions, or disassembly,
repair, or alteration by any person other than an authorized
service station. Any implied warranty of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose of your product is limited to the
duration of this written warranty. We shall not be liable for any
incidental or consequential damages for breach of any expressed
or implied warranty on your product.

Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied
warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply
to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you
may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.

      311-0288-062 Rev. D 6/14       © 2008 Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation                   Pg. 9

Document Created: 2014-06-06 15:48:57
Document Modified: 2014-06-06 15:48:57

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