Difference Declaration Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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FKA Distrributing Co., LLC
Address: 3000 N. Ponntiac Trail, Commerce
                                 C        Township,
                                          T         M
                                                    Michigan, 4
                                                              48390, Unitted States
Email: Maark.Straight@
Tel: 24886633001Extennsion:1390
Fax: 24886633000

                                Prroduct Siimilarityy Declarration

Dear Sir/M

We, FKA Distributing
           D          g Co., LLC,, hereby decclare that wee have a prooduct named as JAM Live   L Free
 (FCC ID: TG3-HXEP    P909, Modeel: HX-EP909) was tested by BAC        CL, which hhas left earbud and righht
earbud. Wee would likee to declaree that the lefft and right earbuds aree identical inn the RF cirrcuit &
Bluetooth chip,
           c    but arre different only
                                   o    in MIC C function and
                                                            a filter eleements. Theese differen nces will nott
affect the RF.
           R The dettails are as below:

Left earbudd with MIC    C function annd has somee filter elem
                                                             ments, Rightt Earbud without MIC function, annd
then without filter elem  ments. The connectionn will be inteerfered by another
                                                                        a                     hen calling, the
                                                                                signnal wave wh
filter is useed to filter clutter
                          c       wavee.

We confirmm that all innformation above
                                  a                                                            uences. Please
                                        is truue, and we’lll be responssible for all the consequ
contact mee if you havee any questiion.


Mark Straigght
Senior Projeect Engineerr

Document Created: 2019-06-21 03:41:32
Document Modified: 2019-06-21 03:41:32

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