Test Report_DSS-2

FCC ID: TFB-1004

Test Report

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Plots – EDR2 Time of Occupancy
               Single Hop Dwell Time                    Occurrences in 5 sec Window

                         Low Channel                          Low Channel

                         Mid Channel                           Mid Channel

                         High Channel                         High Channel

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                           Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)             Page 36 of 50        Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                 Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Plots – EDR3 Time of Occupancy
               Single Hop Dwell Time                    Occurrences in 5 sec Window

                         Low Channel                          Low Channel

                         Mid Channel                           Mid Channel

                         High Channel                         High Channel

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                           Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)             Page 37 of 50        Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                 Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

5.2    Radiated Emissions

                       The frequency spectrum is investigated for intentional and / or unintentional signals
                       emanating from the EUT by use of a standardized test site and measurement

                The antenna, cable, pre‐amp, and other necessary measurement system correction
                factors are loaded onto the EMI receiver / spectrum analyzer when the
 Description of
                measurements are performed allowing the data to be gathered and reported as
                corrected values.

                       The maximum emissions from the EUT are determined by turn‐table azimuth
                       rotation (360°) and scanning of the measurement antenna. Maximized levels are
                       noted at degree values of azimuth, measurement antenna height, and measurement
                       antenna polarity.

                       Measurement (dBµV) + Cable factor (dB) + Other (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) =
                       Corrected Reading (dBµV/m)

 Example               Margin (dB) = Limit (dBµV/m) ‐ Corrected Reading (dBµV/m)
 Calculations          Example at 4000 MHz:
                       Reading = 40 dBµV + 3.4 dB + 0.9 dB + 6.5 dB/m = 50.8 dBµV/m
                       Average Limit = 20 log (500) = 54 dBµV/m
                       Margin = 54 dBµV/m ‐ 50.8 dBµV/m = 3.2 dB

Block Diagram

                               Receiver /
                                                     Antenna                                      EUT

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                          Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                         Page 38 of 50           Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                                Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

5.2.1 Radiated – Restricted Band Edges

 Operator              Kimberly Bay

 QA                    Shane Dock

 Test Date             March 22, 2017 / May 7, 2017

 Location              3‐meter Semi‐Anechoic Chamber

 Temp. / R.H.          20°C/31%RH

 Requirement           FCC 15.247 (d) / RSS‐247 Section 5.5

 Method                ANSI C63.10 2013 Section 6.10.5

FCC 15.209 Limits:
               Frequency                           Average Limit                          Peak Limit
            Above 960 MHz                           54 dBµV/m                             74 dBµV/m

Test Parameters
                         2310‐2390 MHz
                         2483.5‐2500 MHz
 Distance                3 meters

 Test Chamber            Absorbers on floor, tilt‐gear used with antenna to maintain cone of radiation
                         Maximum power setting, GFSK, single channel mode & hopping mode, random data
                         FlexPIFA ‐ Highest Gain Antenna
                         Tested in three orientations with maximum results reported.

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                          Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                         Page 39 of 50           Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                                Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032


Table – Band Edges – Single Channel Mode
                           Peak        Peak                     Peak       Average          Avg.           Average   Average
  Band         Data                             Peak Limit
                        Frequency     Reading                  Margin     Frequency       Reading           Limit    Margin
  Edge         Rate                             (dBµV/m)
                          (MHz)      (dBµV/m)                   (dB)        (MHz)        (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)     (dB)
 Lower         GFSK        2387         57.1       74           16.9         2385           43.6             54       10.4
 Upper         GFSK        2497        58.3        74              15.7     2484             44.6             54       9.4

Table – Band Edges – Hopping Mode

                           Peak        Peak                     Peak       Average          Avg.           Average   Average
  Band         Data                             Peak Limit
                        Frequency     Reading                  Margin     Frequency       Reading           Limit    Margin
  Edge         Rate                             (dBµV/m)
                          (MHz)      (dBµV/m)                   (dB)        (MHz)        (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)     (dB)
 Lower         GFSK        2368         51.6       74           22.4         2390           39.6             54       14.4
 Upper         GFSK        2497        52.1        74              21.9     2497             39.7             54      14.3

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                            Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                        Page 40 of 50              Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                                  Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Plots – Radiated Band Edge – Single Channel Mode

                     Low Channel ‐ Peak                    Low Channel ‐ Average

                     High Channel ‐ Peak                   High Channel – Average

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                            Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                Page 41 of 50      Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                  Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Plots – Radiated Band Edge – Hopping Mode

                 LBE Hopping Mode ‐ Peak                    LBE Hopping Mode ‐ Average

                 UBE Hopping Mode ‐ Peak                    UBE Hopping Mode – Average

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                               Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                 Page 42 of 50        Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                     Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

5.2.2 Radiated – Spurious Emissions

 Operator              Shane Dock / Kimberly Bay

 QA                    Kimberly Bay / Shane Dock

 Test Date             March 2, 2017 / March 23, 2017

 Location              3‐meter Semi‐Anechoic Chamber

 Temp. / R.H.          21°C / 30% R.H. / 21°C / 28%RH

 Requirement           FCC 15.247 (d) / RSS‐247 Section 5.5

 Method                ANSI C63.10 2013 Sections 6.5 and 6.6

FCC 15.209 Limits:

                                     Quasi‐Peak Limit               Average Limit
     Frequency (MHz)                                                                        Peak Limit (dBµV/m)
                                       (dBµV/m)                      (dBµV/m)
               30‐88                       40                           N/A                             N/A
            88‐216                        43.5                          N/A                             N/A
           216‐960                         46                           N/A                             N/A
         Above 960                         N/A                           54                              74

Test Parameters

 Frequency             30 MHz – 25 GHz

 Distance              3 meters
                       Measurements below 1 GHz
                       EMI Receiver with QP detector, RBW = 120 kHz, VBW = 1.2 MHz
 Settings              Measurements above 1 GHz
                       Spectrum Analyzer with Average and Peak detectors, RBW = 1 MHz, VBW = 3 MHz
                       (unless otherwise noted)
                       Above 1 GHz: absorbers on floor and tilt‐gear used with antenna to maintain cone of
 Test Chamber
                       Maximum power setting, GFSK, single channel mode (H, M, L channels), random data
                       FlexPIFA ‐ Highest Gain Antenna
                       Tested in three orientation with maximum results reported.

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                             Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                         Page 43 of 50              Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                                   Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032


Table ‐ Bluetooth Spurious Emission Data 30‐1000 MHz
 Frequency       Height       Azimuth     QP Reading     QP Limit      Margin    Antenna            EUT
                                                                                                                 Channel     Notes
   (MHz)          (m)         (degree)    (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)       (dB)      Polarity      Orientation

  949.18         1.00           0.0          28.5          43.5        15.0     Horizontal       Vertical          Low         1

  947.08         1.00           0.0          28.4          43.5        15.1      Vertical        Vertical          Low         1

  196.64         1.00           0.0          28.0          43.5        15.5      Vertical        Vertical          Low         1

  198.74         1.00           0.0          28.0          43.5        15.5     Horizontal       Vertical          Low         1

    1) Noise floor measurement

Table ‐ Bluetooth Spurious Emission Data 1‐25 GHz
 Frequency      Height    Azimuth          Peak        Average      Average     Average        Antenna             EUT       Channel
   (MHz)         (m)      (degree)        Reading      Reading        Limit     Margin         Polarity        Orientation
                                         (dBµV/m)   (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)      (dB)

   4804         1.67          235         44.5          37.8          54         16.2        Horizontal           Side        Low

   4880         1.00          45          45.3          39.8          54         14.2        Horizontal           Side        Mid

   7320         1.85          50          51.8          46.4          54         7.6         Horizontal           Side        Mid

   4960         1.00          48.5        45.3          39.3          54         14.7        Horizontal           Side        High

   7440         1.76          62          51.9          46.4          54         7.6         Horizontal           Side        High

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                                      Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                                Page 44 of 50                Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                                            Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Plots – Radiated TX Spurious Emissions

           30‐200 MHz – Horizontal Antenna                        30‐200 MHz – Vertical Antenna

         200‐1000 MHz – Horizontal Antenna                       200‐1000 MHz – Vertical Antenna

                1‐2.31 GHz – H+V Antenna                     1‐2.31 GHz – H+V Antenna – Reduced VBW

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                       Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                  Page 45 of 50               Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                             Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Plots – Radiated TX Spurious Emissions, continued

                 2.5‐4 GHz – H+V Antenna                      2.5‐4 GHz – H+V Antenna – Reduced VBW

       Low Channel – 4‐18 GHz – Reduced VBW                   Mid Channel – 4‐18 GHz – Reduced VBW

      High Channel – 4‐18 GHz – Reduced VBW                         18‐25 GHz – Reduced VBW

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                       Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                   Page 46 of 50              Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                             Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

5.3    AC Mains Conducted Emissions

                       A line impedance stabilization network (LISN) or artificial mains network (AMN)
                       allows the emissions of the power supply conductors to be measured while isolating
                       the EUT from the supply mains.

                The AMN, cable, and other necessary measurement system correction factors are
 Description of
                loaded onto the EMI receiver when the measurements are performed. The data is
                gathered and reported as the corrected values.

                       Maximum emissions are determined with a peak max hold trace then measurements
                       at a selection of the highest points are made with quasi‐peak and average detectors.
                       Results are recorded and compared to limit for each line. (e.g. line and neutral)

 Example               Measurement (dBµV) + Cable factor (dB) + Other (dB) = Corrected Reading (dBµV)
 Calculations          Margin (dB) = Limit (dBµV) ‐ Corrected Reading (dBµV)

Block Diagram

                           EUT               AMN                   Cable                Receiver

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                         Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                        Page 47 of 50           Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                               Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

5.3.1 AC Mains Conducted Emissions

 Operator              Kimberly Bay

 QA                    Shane Dock

 Test Date             April 4, 2017

 Location              H+V Ground Plane

 Temp. / R.H.          21°C / 43% R.H.
 Requirement           FCC 15.207 / RSS‐Gen Section 8.8
 Method                ANSI C63.10 2013 Section 6.2

FCC 15.207 Limits:
  Frequency of Emission (MHz)                                      Conducted Limit (dBµV)
                                                   Quasi‐Peak                                 Average
                 0.15‐0.5                             66 to 56                              56 to 46
                   0.5‐5                                 56                                       46
               5‐30                                60                                             50
       Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

Test Parameters

 Frequency             150 kHz to 30 MHz

 Settings              RBW = 9 kHz, VBW = 90 kHz

 EUT                   Maximum power, GFSK, single channel mode, random data pattern
                       Tested with an off‐the‐shelf AC‐DC adapter at 3.3VDC
                       No change in emissions between channels and modulation types.


 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                            Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                        Page 48 of 50              Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                                  Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Table – Bluetooth Conducted AC Emissions Data

                                        Quasi‐Peak                              Average
                              Q‐Peak      Q‐Peak                   Average        Average           Average
 Frequency                                             Peak
                   Line       Reading      Limit                   Reading         Limit            Margin
   (MHz)                                              Margin
                              (dBµV)      (dBµV)                   (dBµV)         (dBµV)              (dB)
   0.159            1           42.5       65.5        23.0         32.6             55.5            23.0
   0.186            1           40.8       64.2        23.4         31.2             54.2            23.1
   0.222            1           39.6       62.7        23.1         29.9             52.7            22.8
   0.348            2           30.0       59.0        29.0         21.9             49.0            27.1
   0.276            2           30.1       60.9        30.9         22.9             50.9            28.1
   0.483            2           26.5       56.3        29.8         18.6             46.3            27.6

Plots – Bluetooth Conducted AC Emissions

                              Line 1                                               Line 2

 Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                           Name: Sterling‐LWB5
 Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                        Page 49 of 50             Model: Sterling‐LWB5
 Job: C‐2602                                                                 Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Version              Date           Notes                                       Person
  V0                5/1/17          Initial Draft Release                       KB
    V1              5/9/17          Final                                       KB

                                              END OF REPORT

Company: Laird Technologies, Inc.                                    Name: Sterling‐LWB5
Report: TR 315356 B (FHSS)                           Page 50 of 50   Model: Sterling‐LWB5
Job: C‐2602                                                          Serial: 00009, 00015, 00019, 00032

Document Created: 2017-05-16 16:09:30
Document Modified: 2017-05-16 16:09:30

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