12. FCC SAR Test Report Appendix C. Calibration Certificate


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                                                    |nc。 a● b臼吊口⒖on、 ″                                                                     中田认可
                                                    g0●                   "h
                                                                               臼     ■                                                     田斥互认
                                                    mLimmm¨                                                                                汶准
                                                                                                                                           CAt丨 BRAT丨 0"
                 Add∶   No51Xucyuan Road,H缸 茁all            Dis廿 ict,Bc刂 iⅡ g,100191,China
                                                                                                                                           c"ns LO67o
                 Tel:+86…    10¨ 62304633¨   2512       Fax:+86ˉ 10… 62304633¨ 2504
                 Eˉ   m缸 cttl@chhatt1,com
                        l∶                             H伍 。∶
                                                           〃nη wch血 甜1,cn

          C丨   ont:           日T△      .                                                        Cort盯 icat●            18£ 0刂 :2

O丬 ect                                                DAE4-sN∶ 1390

Ca丨   ibrajon Procedurels)                      .FF氓                         . .     .
                                                             们 ~0。 ⒉ o忄
                                                      ca|ol·{:i{!|。 h   prooedv「 e for the丨 :|9ata.^ρ quisl{亡 ion=loctron丨 Cs
                                                      (DAE义 )._

Callbra刂 on date∶                                   May亻
                       cate documents the traceabi丨 丨
丁h丨 s ca"brau。 n cert″ 丨                            ty to nationa丨                            standaΓ ds, 、
                                                                                                          ″hiCh rea"ze the physica丨         units of
measurements(s丨 )The measurements and the uncertain刂                               es w丨 th   conndence probab丨 丨             ven on the fo|丨 oW丨 ng
pages and are part ofthe certifcate,                                                                              "y are g丨

A丨 丨        ons haVe been conducted 丨
    ca丨 ibrat丨                      n the c|osed |aboratory faci丨                                 ity∶   enVironment temperature(22± 3)° C and
hum丨 d丨 ty(70%

    bra刂 on
Ca丨 丨            Equipment used(M&T巨                 CH刂 Ca丨 for ca丨 ibrauon)

腩       aγ 跆 闹 a吐            |!D#                          叫     山      H吲     陌   刨 盯    C洫      de叫         sche山       刨 吲         涮    m

Process Ca丨 ibrator753                          8            27¨ Jun-亻 7(C丁 TL】 No.J"7X06850)                                 Uune¨
                                     "07"O亻                                                                                           "8

                                       Name                              Funct丨 on
Ca丨 ibrated by∶
                                        Yu zonOying                     sAR Test FnOinρ 。r

Reviewed by∶
                                        Lin H臼 o                                 三
                                                                        sAR Teo刂 刂ng丨 neer

App「 oved by∶
                                        Q丨    Dianyuan                  sAR Prolect L● ad0r

                                                                                                              ssued∶   l"ay12i20"8
Th丨 s   Ca"b「 ation certificate sha"not be reproduced exceptin fu"Without Written approva丨                          ofthe丨 abOFatory

        Certiflcato No∶ Z18¨ 60132                                           Page1of3

                                         n Coll0b臼
                                         丨                on"讧h
          ≡        rr=g。                                  .臼          ■
                                         …                 …

         Add∶   No51Xucyuan Road,Haidhn Di时          rict,Bc刂 hg,100191,Ch血 a
         Tc⒈   十86¨ 10¨ 62304633ˉ 2512       Fax∶ +86… 10Ⅲ 62304633… 2504
         Eˉ   m龃 :cttl@chiⅡ attl com           Http\蟪`ch血 attI,cⅡ
DA【              data acquisition e丨 ectronlcs
COnnector ang丨 e   inforrnation used in DAsY system to a"gn probe sensor X
                    to the robot coordinate system.

methods App】 ∶
             ed and lnterpretat∶ on of Parameters:
· DC1"9rrage Meas″ reme″ 】Ca丨 ibrat丨 on Factor assessed for use in DAsY
     systern by compaHson w丨 th a Ca"brated instrument traceab丨 e to nationa丨
     standards.丁 he f丨 gure g丨 ven corresρ onds to the fu"sca丨 e range ofthe
     vo丨 tmeter丨 n the respective range,

.    Co″ ″eε ror         丁he ang丨 e ofthe conneCtO「 is assessed rneasuring the
                         a″ 9re∶
     ang丨 e rnechanica"y by a too丨 inserted,Uncertainty is not required,

.    丁he report ρrovide on丨 y ca"bration resu丨 ts for DA【 ,it does not contain other
     ρerformance test resu丨 ts,

Certif1cate No∶ Z18¨ 60132                                     Page2of3

                                          |n od牡b臼 u氏m"油

                                          0 0             ● ~_旦     J
                                          …               …

         Add∶ No,51XucyuaⅡ Road)H缸 diaⅡ Distrht,Bc刂 iⅡ g,100191,Ch血 a
         Tcl∶   十86… 10¨ 62304633¨ 2512
                                    Fax∶ +86… lO… 62304633… 2504
         Eˉ m由  Ottl@chhatt1,∞
                 l∶                m          Http`蟪
                                                 ~ch缸 att1,cn

DC Vo!ta{∶ ;e"easurement
     A/D-Converter Reso丨        u刂 on   nomina丨
         HiOh Range∶           "LsB〓              6"uV,       fu"range〓      ¨     +300rnV
         LOw RanOe∶           "LsB〓            6"nV i
                                           fu丨 丨range〓        ¨"00¨¨+3mV
    DAsY measurement parameters∶ Auto zero丁 ime∶ 3sec;Measu"ng "ume∶
                                                                 ,¨  3sec

      Cal∶ bΓ a"on    Factors                       X                       Y                       z
      H∶ 臼h Ran臼 e                        40356亻 ±0"5%(k〓 2)        403471± 015%(k〓 2)       404347± 0"5%(k〓 2)

      LOW Ran臼 e                          3θ 8488±   07%(k〓 2)      3.98399± 0,7%(k〓 2)      39852"± 07%(k〓 2)

Connector AnOlo

     ConnectoΓ An臼 :● to be used in DAsY system                                                  705° ±亻°

CertiΠ cate No∶ Z18¨ 60I32                                    Page3of3


                                                   !n ColhL臼 曲 。n"iiJ}l
                                                  J0●                             臼       ■
                                                                                                                                                                         CAL丨 BRAT丨        0"
                 Add∶   No51Xucyuan Road,Haidian District,Bc刂              lng,100191,China                                                                              C"As LO570
                 Tc⒈ +86¨ 10ˉ 62304633¨ 2512               Fax∶ +86¨ 10¨ 62304633¨ 2504
                 Eˉ   ma⒒ cttl@chhattl com                 H抗 pWwwwchhatt!cn

         C丨   ient             日TL                                                             Cert∶ Fca协 Ho∶               田8.CO{3"

O丬 ect                                                 EX3D∨ 4● |sN∶ 7306

Cd∶ brauon P「      ocedum⑸
                                          FF~z亻 1m山 ~Oi
                                                       Cal∶ bΓ   auoh冖 rocedures for DOometHc.=珀 eld Probes

Ca丨    丨
       brauon   date∶                       May20,200臼                      ||●

Th丨 s   Ca"brauon Gert∶ ncate d° cuments the traceab∶ ty to natlona丨 standards】 whiCh rea"ze the phys∶
                                                                             !丨                                                                                    ca丨 un丨 ts         of
measurements(s丨 ).The measurements and the uncerta∶                                   n刂 es w丨 th   ConΠ dence probab"{y are g∶ ven on the fo"ow丨                                     ng
pages and are part ofthe cert丨 ncate.

A丨 !   ca"bra刂 ons      have been conduCted 丨
                                            n the c!osed 丨
                                                         aboratory                                       ty∶ enV丨 ronment temperature(22±
                                                                                                    fac∶ 丨
                                                                                                         丨                                                             3)∴   c and

Ca|丨   brauon Equ丨 pment used(M&TE cH刂                      Ca丨 foΓ   ca!lbrauon)

PHmary standards                                  !D#            Ga丨 Date(Ca!∶ brated by,Certifcate No)                           schedu丨                 ed Ca!∶         brauon
 Power Meter NRP2                      】O亻        0亻   9              27-Uun-】    7(CTTL,No.U】 7XOδ 857)                               Uun¨      18
 POwersensor NRP¨ Z91                      547                        27¨ Uun-亻7(CTTL,No.U17X05857)                                    Uun¨      18
 Powersensor NRP-Z91                   "O亻
                                       亻0亻 548                                 7(CTTL,No,U17X05857)
                                                                      27¨ Uun¨ 】                                                       Uun¨      18
 Reference10dBAttenuatoΓ               】8N50忒  OdB         -】         00-Feb¨ 亻 8(GTTL】 No U亻 8X0"亻 33)                                Feb-20
 ReferenCe20dBAttenuator               彳8N50拭-20dB                    09-Feb¨ 亻8(GTTL,No.d亻 8X0田 132)                                  Feb-20
 Reference Probe巨          X3DV4       sN384G                         25¨ Uan¨ 亻8(sPEAG氵 No.EX3-384G~Uan】 8)                           Uan¨ 10

 DA巨 4                                 sN777                          15¨   Dec¨ 亻7(sP【 AG】          No.DAE4¨ 777~Dec17)               Dec川 8

 secondary standards                   !D#                            Ca!Date(Ca!∶ brated by,Cert∶ fcate No)                      sChedu丨 ed Ga丨                       lbΓ at丨   on
 s∶    gna!GeneratoΓ MG3700A           G20亻 052GO5                    27¨ Uun¨    亻7(GTTL:No,d亻          7X05858)                   dun¨ 亻8

 Neh″ ork Ana!yzer E5071C              lllY40亻         亻OG73          亻4¨ Uan¨ 18(GTTL氵 No,U亻            8XO05G1)                   Uan¨ 亻9
                                     Name                                    Funct∶ on

Ca"brated by∶                        Yu Zongy∶ ng                            sAR Test EnOin0eF

Rev:eWed by∶                                                                                                                       ·
                                     廴in Hao                                sAR Test Enσ ineer                                                 丿
                                                                                                                                    i{丨 {{}∶ !¨ .ˉ        {〔 !`。


Approved by∶                              苷anyuan
                                     Q丨   :∶ )氵                             s∧ R Project Leader

                                                                                                              !ssued∶ l"ay3】 i20】         8
Th∶ s Ca丨 lbrauon cert丨    Πcate sha"not be reproduced exCept丨 n fu"vuth°                             ut wr丨 tten   appΓ ova丨 of the丨 aboΓ atory,

        Certiflcate NO∶ Z18¨ 60131                                          Page1of11

                                                n ColⅡ a咖
                                                丨            ●n屮 由h

                                                J0●                   臼   ■
                                                mL-umm~                         |
           Add∶ No,51Xucyuan Road,Haidian District,Bc刂 ing,100191,Ch1na
           Tcl∶十86¨ 10¨ 62304633¨ 2512   Fax∶ +86ˉ 10ˉ 62304633¨ 2504
           E¨ m缸 ⒈ctt1@c"nattl com       H⊥ ⒐〃www chinattl cn                                                                      |

C!ossaγ :                                                                                                   |
TsL                                                qu丨 d
                                Hssue s丨 mu丨 aung丨 丨                                                                |
NORMX,y】 z                          sensi· {!iv"y in free space
ConvF                             $ens"丨 v"y丨 n TsL`N⊙ RMX,y,z                                                             |
DCP                               d丨 ode Compression po丨 nt

踽     ;⒐   D      花 浠 社 告璀 括 羊:倌 ζ箩丨              耵 房 陈 :ters
                                                砦 丨                                    |
Po丨 arizat丨          on(0                     s
                  Φ rotat丨 on around probe a× 丨                                                             |
PdaHz甜 θ on                                   舳   h曲 e刮 ane n°  m抽      pmbe a川  s   H  measummm     ce"⑾  】丨
                  ⒊ 甘 牝 r思苦 品 :粜
GonnectorAng丨 e informat丨 on usedin DAsY system to a丨 ign p「 obe sensor X to the Γ obot Coord丨 nate system
Ca!ibra刂 on∶ s Perfo"η ●d AcCord:n臼 to the Fo"ow∶ n臼 shmdards:                                              |
                           “                                                                  ¨
a) 丨EEE std 1528-2013】 丨     EE【 ReCommended Pract丨 ce for Determin丨 ng the Peak spaua丨 ∧veraOed              |
  spec而 c Absorp"on Rate (sAR) in the Human Head from W丨 re丨 ess Commun丨 cau。 ns Devices∶
  Measurement Techn丨 ques” 】Uune2013
b)!EC G2209¨ 亻】 Measurement procedure for the assessment of sρ ec雨 c Absorpu° n Rate(sAR)fr° m
  hand… he丨 d and body-rnounted devices used nextto the ear(frequency range of300MHz to6GHz)” 】                                    |
    du丨   y20"o
c)丨   EC O2209-2,"ProCedure to determine the spec雨                  c Absorpt丨 on Rate(s∧ R)for w丨 re丨 ess commun丨 cauon
    dev丨 ces              used in c丨 ose     proxim"y to the human body lfrequency range of30MHz to6CHz)"氵 March               |
d)KDB8G50G4,“ sAR llleasurement Requ丨 rements for100MHzto G GHz”
methods App!∶ ed amd lnterpreht∶ om of Param● ters:
。 ArO卩 Mx,y,zf Assessed for E-f丨 e丨 d po丨 aHzat丨 on θ=0lf≤ θ00MHz丨 n TEM¨ ce丨 1f>亻 80OMHz∶ WaveOu丨 de).
       NORMx,y,z are on丨 y intermed丨 ate va|ues,i,e.,the uncertainties of NORMx】 ylz does not e仟 ect the
       E2¨                    d uncerta丨 nty丨 ns丨 de TsL(see be丨 ow   ConvF).

               {丨        e丨

●           〃”‘y,z〓 ⅣORMX,yz扌 freq凵 enqy respo″ se(see FΓ equency Response Chart).This
       ⅣOR宀 亻
                                          emented ln DAsY4softWare Vers丨 °ns丨 ater than4,2.The uncerta丨 nty ofthe
               is imp丨 s丨 nc丨 uded丨 n the stated uncerta丨 nty of ConvF,
● DCPX,yzr DCP are numeHca丨 丨       ineaHzation parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep
   (n° uncerta丨 nty requ丨 red),DCp d。 es not deρ end on frequenGy nor med丨 a,
● PAR∶ PAR丨 s the Peak to Average Rat丨 o that丨 s not ca"brated but deteΓ rnlned based on the signa丨
● Ax,y,石 Bx,y石 C托 y石 l/RX,y,zf∧ ,B,C are numeHca丨                   on parameters assessed based on the
   data of power sweep for spec亻 丨 c了 nodu丨 at丨 on s丨 gna!.The parameters do not deρ end on frequency nor
   media,∨ R is the丨 ηax丨 mum ca"brat丨 on range exρ ressed丨 n RMs vo丨 tage across the d丨 ode,
● Conl/F and Bo″ 刀d″y茁0cr Pa旧 merersr∧ ssessed in刊 at phantom us丨 nO E¨ Πe丨 d(or Temperature
   Transfer standard foΓ f≤ 800h用 Hz)and丨 ns丨 de Wavegu丨 de us丨 ng ana丨 yt丨 ca丨 Πe丨 dd丨 stHbutions based on
   power rneasurements forf)800MH',The same setups are used for assessment ofthe parameters
   app"ed for boundary comρ ensatlon(a丨 ρha:depth)of Which typica丨 uncerta丨 nty va丨 ued are g丨 ven,
   These ρarameters are used in DAsY4softWare to improve probe accuracy c丨 ose to the boundaγ
   The sens{丨 v丨 ty丨 n TsL corresponds to N⊙ RMX,y】 z★ conVF、″hereby the uncerta丨 nty coΓ responds to
   that O丨 ven for ConVF,A frequency dependent ConVF is used丨         n DAsY ve「 s丨 on4.4and h丨 Oher wh丨 ch
      ows extendinO the Va丨 id"y from± 50MH〓 to± 亻00MHz.
   a丨 丨

● sp力 errcar沁 °rropy旧 D dev′ a扌                         n aHe丨 d of丨 ow gradients rea丨 丨
                                                                                       zed usinO a nat
   phantorn exposed by a patch antenna.
                                    `on from oorropy,f丨
● se刀 sor O卩 oe打 The sensor offset corresponds to the ofFset of V丨 rtua丨 rneasurement centerfrom the
   probe t丨 ρ(on ρ  r° be ax丨 s).Not。 丨erance required.
● Co″ ″eCror"″ g`er丁 he ang丨 e丨 $assessed凵 sinO the informa"on Oa丨 ned by determininO the ArOn″ 灰
   (no uncerta丨 nty Γ equ丨 red).

CertiflGate No∶ Z18¨ 60131                                        Page2of11

             Ξ≡≡■■ˉ、尸 丨
                      nc。lht盯岫on                         w曲
                                       J■              ●      彐          ■
                                       mL-llm田                Ⅻ     w
        Add∶   No,51Xucyuan Road,Haidian District,Bc刂 hg,100191,ChiⅡ a
        Tcl∶   +86-10¨ 62304633-2512   Fax∶ +86¨ 10巧 2304633-2504
        E…   ma⒒ cttl@chhatt1,com        H仗   p∶   〃wwwchhatt1,cn

                         Pr● be【                                          X3DV4

                                                   sN∶                  730G

                                            Ca!ibrated∶             May29,20H8
                                 Ca丨 ibrated               for DAsY`EAsY systems
                                         (N。 te∶ non¨ compaub丨          ew"h DAsY2system!)

Certiflcate NO∶ Z18¨ 60131                                 Page3of11

                                      n Col牡 1HHη 0on岫

                                      J■          ●        臼         0
                                      mL-mom田             脚    w
         Add∶ No m Xueyuan Road,H缸 dan Dis廿 ict,Be刂 ing,100191,China
         Tc⒈ +86¨ lO¨ 62304633-2512 Fax∶ +86¨ 10¨ 62304633-2504
         E¨   m缸 ⒈cttl@c"natt】 ,com      H如 〃/wwwchinattl,c⒒

      DAsYr叵 As丫 -Para丨 meters of Probe:叵 X3DV4-sH:73● ●

Bas】 c Ca"bra!】 on                  Paramet● rs
                                       sensor X               sensor Y         sensor z           Unc(k〓 2)
 Norm(HW(Wm)2)A                        o.54                   o,49             o.5亻               ±10,O%
 DCP(mV尸                               98,2                   彳03.G            彳02.7

              ation Ca】 ∶                      Parameters

 U:D            Commu"∶ ca刂 on                                  B        C                      VR         Unc   L

                system"ame                                      dBWlJV                          mV         (k〓 2)

  ●             CW                         X      o.o           o.o      亻.o          o,00                 ±2.9%
                                           Y      o.o           o,o      1.o                    "74.5
                                           z      o.o           o.0      亻,o                    亻66.2

     The reported uncerta丨 nty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
     Measurement mu丨 tip丨 ied by the Coverage factor k〓 2】 、   ″hich for a norma丨 distHbution
     Corresponds to a coverage probabi丨 ⒒y of approxirnate丨 yθ 5%.

          炽     甚
           ∴:T苕 ⒊】   扌l胩 斗
                 思:⒒ 苷   near msponse ap丬
                              ::「                                                                          d豉 H硎     ⑴
and丨 s expressed forthe squaΓ e ofthe ne!d va丨 ue.
                                                                                             `ng mdanguπ

Certiflcate No∶   Z18-60131                              Page4of11

                                                    n Gol愚 臼盹
                                                    丨            刂on w扛h

                                                   J0●                   曰         彐
                                                   mL-ml△              m-W
                Add∶    No5I Xucyuan Road,H缸 dhn Do“ t1BC刂 iⅡ g.】 00I91,ChiⅡ a
                Tcl∶   +86¨   10¨ 62304633¨ 2512       FaX∶ +86¨ 10¨ 62304633¨ 2504
                Eˉ   m龃 :cttl@chhatt】 .com            HttpWwww,chhatt1,cn

       DAsYr叵 As丫 -Parameters of Probe:叵 X30V4-sN:73● ●

                              ned∶ n
Calibrati● n Parameter Dete"η ∶                                                Head丁 :ssue           si∶ mu!at∶ ng           media
            C            Re!at∶ ve           ConduCuv"y                                                                            D● pth
 f【                                                                  ConvF X        ConvF Y           ConvF z        A∶   phaG
      "H丬              P● rm肚 :V∶ ty F           (s′ m)F                                                                            (mm)          (k〓 2)

      750                     41,9                    0.89             10.OG            亻O.00           亻0,Oo          o.40         o,85           ±          %
      835                     4亻 .5                   o.90              9.88            9.88             9,88         O.17          亻.47          ±亻2.1%

      900                     41.5                    097               θ.85            θ,85             0,85         O,亻   4       1.7亻          ± 12.亻      %
   1750                       40,亻                    1.37              8,G4            8,G4             8,G4         o.30          o.94          ± 12】 %
    亻900                      40.o                    1.40              8.亻   8         8.亻   8          8.18         O.2G          1,01          ±           %
   2100                       3θ ,8                   】,49              8,32            8,32            8,32          O,30          o.82          ±亻2.1%
   2300                       39.5                    亻.G7              810             810              8,叩   o      o.50          O,70          ±
   2450                       30.2                    1,8O              7.80            7.80            7,80          O.55          0.74            "2,1%
                                                                                                                                                  ± 12.亻 %
   2000                       30,o                    1.90              750             750             7.50          o40           O.06          ±亻2.1%
   3500                       37.0                    2.0亻              7.27            7.27            7,27          0.48          1,"2          ±
   5200                       3G,o                    4,G6              5.70            5,70            5,70          040           亻.52           "3.3%
   5300                       35.9                    4.7G              5,35            5.35            5.35          o.40          138           ± 13.3%
   5GOo                       35.5                    5,07              4.04            4.94            494           o,40                        ±亻3.3%
   5800                       35.3                    5.27              5.05            5.05            5.05          o.40          ".25          ± 13.3%

G Frequency va!∶
                         d丨   ty above300MHz of± 亻00MHz on丨 y              app丨   esfor DAsY V44and h∶ gher(Page2)le|se"丨
                                                                                  丨                                                             s restr∶ cted     to

±50MHz The uncerta丨 nty丨 s the Rss of GonvF uncertalnty at ca"brau°                               n frequency and the uncertainty forthe丨            nd丨   cated
frequency band Frequency va丨                id丨   ty be丨   oW300MHz丨 s±                    50and70MHz for ConVF assessments at30,G4氵
                                                                 "0,25,40】                                                                                      "281
                                      ve|y Above5GHz frequency va丨 ld丨 ty can be extended to±
F"50and2201llHz  respect丨
   Atfrequency be丨
                          ow3GHz,the va丨            :d{y of刂
                                                                ssue paramoters(g and σ)can be re丨 axed to± 亻0%r"qu丨 d comρ ensa刂 on
formu丨 a丨 s appi∶ ed to rneasu「 ed sAR va丨 ues.At fΓ equencies                    aboVe3GHz】         the va丨 id"y   of ussue parameters(ε           and    σ)is
res"cted to± 6% The uncertainty丨 s the Rss ofthe ConvF uncertainty for丨 ndlcated target tlssue parameters
G Alpha`Depth are determined du"ng Ca"bration sP巨
                                                   AG Warrants thatthe remaining deviauon due t。 the boundary
efFect after compensa刂 on∶ sa丨 ways丨 ess than±                                          es be丨    ow3GHz and be丨 ow±          2o/o forthe f「    equencies
                                                                   "o/o for frequenc∶
beb″ een3-6GHz at any distance丨 argerthan halfthe                          ρ「
                                                                            obe tiρ diameteFfrom the boundary,

   Certif1oate No∶ Z18¨ 60131                                           Page5of11

               Add∶     No51Xucyuan Road,Haidian District,Be刂              ing,100191,China
                Tcl∶   +86¨    10¨ 62304633ˉ 2512    Fax∶ +86ˉ 10ˉ 62304633¨ 2504
               E¨   m茁   l∶   cttl@cHnatt1,com           H锐   p∶   〃ww⒒ chinatu   cn

         0AsYr叵 As丫 -Parameters of Probe:叵 X3DV4-sH:73● ●

Calibrat∶ ●n                  Parameter Dete"η ined in日 ody丁 issue s∶ :η u!ating Hed∶ a
                          Rela刂 ve             Conduct∶ v∶ ty                                                                   Depthc       Umct.
  f:"H刁 c                                                                ConvF X          ConVF丫       ConvF z      A!phac
                    Perm∶ tt"{yF                     (srm)F                                                                      (mm)        (k〓 2)

     750                       65.5                 090                   10.30             亻030         亻0.3O       o,40         o,80        ± 12.亻   %
     835                       552                  o.97                   θ.89             989          9.89        o.28         1.亻   5     ± 12.亻   %
     900                       55.o                 1,05                   0.88             0.88         9.88        o.23         1.20        ± 12,"%
    1750                       53.4                 1.40                   8,20             8,20         8.20        o.25         1,03        ± 12.1%
    亻θ00                       533                  亻.52                   7.9亻             7.0亻         7.9亻        o.亻   0      亻.20        ± 12,】   %
    2亻 00                      53.2                 1,G2                   8,35             8.35         8,35        o,29                     ±亻2.1%
    23OO                       529                  亻.8亻                   7.9"             79"          7.9"        0.57         ",OG
                                                                                                                                  0.79        ±亻2亻     %
    2450                       52.7                 1,95                   7.70             7.70         7,70        0,37         】,亻 4       ± 12.1%
    2G00                       52.5                 2.】   G                7.30             7,30         7.30        0.G亻         0.74        ±】2,1%
    3500                       51.3                 3.3亻                   G.79             G.79         G,79        o,48         1,亻   2     ± 13.3%
    5200                       49.o                 5.30                   5.30             530          5.30        o.4O         亻.82        ±亻33%
    5300                       489                  5.42                   5.05             5.05         5.05        o.55         亻.17       ± 亻3.3%
    5G00                       48.5                 577                    4,38             4.38         4,38        O,57         1.叩   8     ±亻3.3%
    5800                       48.2                 G.00                   4.50             450          4.50        o.50         亻.GO       ±

c Frequency va|id"y above300MHz of±
                                                          100MHz on丨 y app"esfor DAsY v44and h丨 gher(Page2)】                     e丨   se"丨 s restHcted to
±501llHz The unCertainty is the Rss of COnVF unCerta丨                         nty at ca!∶ bra刂 on   frequency and the uncerta丨 nty for the丨     nd丨 cated

frequency band.Frequency va"d丨                  ty be丨   ow300MHz丨 s±                   25,40150and70MHz for ConvF assessments at30:641128,
                                       ve丨 y   Above5GHz frequency va"d"y can be extended to±                     亻亻01llHz.
F Atf「       respec廿
    equency be|ow3GHz氵                    the va丨 id"y of刂     ssue parameters(ε and σ)can be re丨 axed to±             d compensa刂 on
formu丨 a丨 s aρ p丨 丨           to measured sAR va丨 ues,At frequenc丨 es above3GHz,the va丨 idity               "0%r|lqu丨
                                                                                                       of刂 ssue parameters(ε and σ)丨 s

restr丨 cted   to± 5%.The uncertainty is the Rss ofthe ConvF uncerta丨 nty for丨 nd丨 cated target刂 ssue parameters
       ha`Depth are determ丨 ned duHng ca"brat丨 on sPEAG Warrants thatthe rema丨 ning dev丨 at丨 on due to the boundary
effect after compensauon丨 sa丨 ways|ess than± 亻o/o for frequenc丨 es be丨 ow3GHz                             and be|ow±        2o/o forthe frequenc丨 es
between3¨ 6GHz at any dlstance丨 argerthan halfthe probe t丨 p dlameterfrom the boundary.

   CertiflGate No∶            Z18-60131                                    Page6of11

                 屈垂彐■■Ⅲ、f hc。 lh跏刂
                                     00●                彐      ■
         Add∶ No51Xucyuan Road,Haidian District,Be刂 ing,100191,China
         Tel∶+86Ⅱ lO¨ 62304633¨ 2512  Fax∶ +86¨ IOˉ 62304633¨ 2504
         E-m缸 ⒈cttl@chinattl com       Htt。   〃wwwc⒒ na"lcn

                                Fr● qu● ncy          Respons● ●f〓 ■
                                                                  F∶ ●d
                               (T叵 m■ Cell:∶ fH亻 ●〓XX,Wavegu∶ de:R22)





          担         {·   o
          {||丨   ||}==o,o

          扌         0·


          出 o.7
         上          0·   o

                                                 {000         1吕 00       2000         2500   30● o



                             Uncerhinty of Frequemcy ROsponse of叵 ¨e!d:± 7.4%(k〓 2)

Certif1Gate No∶ ZI8¨ 60131                           Page7of H

                                                 h Colhbom山 n"ii刂   }∶

                                                 J 0          ●          曰   ■
                   Add∶   No51Xucyuan Road,Haidian District,Bc刂   ing,100191,China
                   Te⒈ +86¨   10巧2304633¨ 2512               0¨ 62304633… 2504
                                                   Fax∶ +86¨ Ⅱ
                   Eˉ   m茁 ⒈cttl@chin舌 盹lcom      Http∶ 〃 ww⒒ chinatu cn

                                                v∶ ng Pattern(ol,● 〓
                                           Rec● ∶                   ●°

                           f〓 ●●●       HH〓 ,丁 叵                                     f〓 亻   HHΞ 口R22
                                                                                         B● ●
 ≡mυ rρ≡

                                         Umcerhinty of nⅨ ∶
                                                          a!!sotropy Assessmemt:± 亻
                                                                                  ⒓%(k〓 幻

Certif1cate No∶ Z18¨ 60131                                        Page8of11

                                                                                    h Col油 ho「aiunm岫

                                                                                    J        ■         ●                                       臼     ■
                                                                                    c· l-mDlo-w

        Add∶    No,51Xucyuan ROad,Haidan District,Bc巧                                                  ing,10019Ⅱ ,C"na
        Tel∶   +86ˉ       10¨ 62304633¨                                      2512       Fax∶ +86-10… 62304633ˉ 2504
        E¨   m缸 ⒈cttl@chinattI,com                                                      Hop∶ 〃ww⒒ chinatu cn

                                                                               Dyna丨 m∶ c Range f1sARhead}
                                                                                                               ,f〓 o● ●mH功
                                                                                                     (T巨 m Ce】 ∶

                              I Oj
               〓二石〓 m≡mΞ ∴≡

                                                                                                                                                                            扛                               :∶   ∶
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   丨     [∶

                                                                                                                                                             ■ |:丨 ∷ 丨                                           丨   |

                                                                                ˉ ˉ }|{卜 寸十十       十 }}— ˉ         ˉ
                                                                            扌升 -}… 十 十       |ˉ |ˉ             }-—                }十                                        |-|十                                     }ˉ       }

                                                                        |亻 :圭 圭抖::E:圭 ::圭 三
                                                                                        !甘  :j:::!:拄 !圭 挂
                                                                                                        !:::::!::圭                !三       !圭 !!j丨 :::∶                                                                   :!



                                                                                                       ·ˉˉi ··

                                                                                                                                                              i ˉ



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                                                                                                             一ˉˉi ··

                                                                                                                                                                                   一ˉ刂····亠ˉ····ˉ i一·ˉ··〓

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       一ˉ····丶亠i ·





                                                                                                                    亠ˉi ··



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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ··艹ˉˉi ··

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ˉˉ一丶‘·i ·ˉ

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 一·i ˉ·


                                                                               Uncerh∶ mty             of L∶ nea"ty                                       Assessment:± ●。
                                                                                                                                                                        θ%(k〓 幻
CertiⅡ cate No∶ Z18¨ 60131                                                                                                       Page9of11

                                                           h Colhb旧 旧〓山o"岫

                                                           00●                       臼      ■
         Add∶       No,51Xucyuan Road,H缸 dan DistHct,Bc玎 ing,100191)China
         Tc⒈ +86ˉ 10¨ 62304633¨ 2512                         Fax∶ +86¨ 10¨ 62304633¨ 2504
         ⒒ma⒒ cttl@chhatt1,com                                Htω Wwww,cllhatt!cn

                                       Convers∶ ●n Fact● r Ass● ssm● nt
        760"H〓 ,WCLs
       仁∶                                                   Rθ (H~ConvF)                             亻760mHΞ ,wGLs
                                                                                                    仁∶                                        R22(H~convF}



                之 吕 Φ <辶 已∝

                                                                                                      丶° <之 一旺 <ω




                                                \                                                                                        、
                                                            、          「
                                                                       ˉ         ˉ
                                                                                                                                   `          、

                                      0●v∶ at∶ on fr● m∶ sotr● py∶ nL∶ qu∶ d


                                       卫 名 △N






                                                             -10   → ~BO η o0   -040     → 20   0    020            0{0      000   0BO   10
                                                               "ty of spheHca】
                                                                                          sotropy Assessmemt:± 3.2%(κ 〓
                                                                                          ∶                            m

CertiⅡ cate No∶               Z18-60131                                         Page10of11

                                             日Collab旧 r〓 jon vu忙 h

                                             J00臼                            ■
                                             咖               咖

         Add∶    No,51Xucyuan Road,Haidian District,Bc刂          iⅡ   g,100191,China
         Tel∶   +86¨   10¨ 62304633¨ 2512        Fax∶ +86ˉ 10¨ 62304633¨ 2504
         Eˉ   mo⒈ cttl@chhattl com               H竹 pWww阢 山hatt】 cn

    DAsYr叵 AsY~Paralmeters● f Probe:叵 X3DV4-sH:73● ●

     other Probe Paramet● rs
     sonsor Arramgement                                                                       u!ar
                                                                                       T"am{∶ 】

     Connector A"臼 :●               (°
                                         )                                                         7
                                                                                                3● 。

     mecham∶ ca!surfac● Detecuon mode                                                    ●nab∶ ●d

     op刂 ca!surface Detect∶ on mode                                                       d∶   sab!e

     PΓobe       OVera"Lem臼 七h                                                            337「 mrn

     Probe日 ody            D∶ amet● r                                                      亻●mm

     Tip Len臼 th                                                                               ●mm

     丁ip D∶ ameter                                                                        2.6mm
     probe Tip to s● msor X Cal∶ bra刂 om Po∶ nt                                                】mm

     Probe T∶ p to sensor Y Ca"bra刂 on Po∶ nt                                                  1mm
     Probe T∶ p to semsorz Ca!ibra刂 om Po∶ nt
     Recommendod measurememt Dishnce from surface                                          4mm

Certif1G缸 e No∶ ZI8… 6013I                                       Page I1of11

                   Ξ■■口■ˉ、J h colhL盯 由°
                                            0口                   ●      臼       臼


                       No51XⅡ yuan
                                            mLl-mm uDOmmˉ
                                                                                      濑                                        技准
                                                                                                                               CA1!BRAT丨 0"
                 Ad击                     Road,H茁 d1a11Dot"ct,Bcohg.10019】 亠C"na
                 rcl∶ +g6~lO~62304‘ 33ˉ 臼a79      F⒊ c+86ˉ l0⒗ 23ll4633ˉ 2504                                                  C"As10570
                 Eomal!∶ cttl@china}11col● l    htrp∶ 〃  wwwchina"l cn

       C丨 ien七             日TL】 nc.                                                 Co"ifCate"o:

Oblect                                          D2450V2ˉ         sN∶ θ
Ca"bra刂 0n Procedure(s)                     FF~z11~003ˉ
                                                Ca丨 ibra刂 on    Procedvres for dipo丨eˇ a丨 idation   k∶ ts

Ca"bmtion date∶                             uune1{-20亻 8

This ca"brat丨 on CertiΠ     oate documen‘ the traoeab"ity to natlona丨 standards, wh丨 ch                     rea丨 ize】 he physica丨 units of
measu眙 ments(s◆ The measurements and the uncertain刂 es w{h oon币 denco probab"ity are Oiven on the fo"owing
pages and are part ofthe certi币 cate

                                           osod 丨
A" ca"brations have been oonductod in tho ¢丨    abo「 atory                           faC"ity∶ environment tempeFature(22± 3)℃         and
humldlty《 70%

Ca丨 ibra"on      Equipment used(M&TE°                ca丨   for ca"bratlon)

Pr!mary standa「 d{::}                丨D#                    Ca丨 Date(Ca"brated by,Certincate N° )               schedu丨 ed C创 ibra刂 on
 Power Meter NRVD                    {02083                  01-Nor17(CTTL,No U17XO875G)                               Oc⒈ 18
 Poworsensor NRV-Z5                  1θ 0542                 o"-NoV-η 7(CTTL.NoJ17XO875θ )                                Oc}18
 Reference Probe EX3DV4              sN7404                  12-sep-17(sPEAG,No巨 X3-74θ 4~sep17〉                          sep-1g
 DAE4                                sN1525                  o2-Oc⒈ 17(sPEAG,No DAE4-1525~Oct17)                          Octˉ 18

 socondary standards                 D#
                                     丨                       Ca丨   Date(Ca"brated by.Corti币 ca抬      No)          sChedu丨 od Ca"bration
 signa丨   Generator E4438C           MY4θ 071430 23-Uan-18(CTTL.NoU18XO05GO)                                              Uan-1θ
 Not"orkAna丨 yzer E507η        G     MY4θ 110θ 73 24-Jan-18(CTTL.NoU18XO05θ 1)                                            Jan-19

                                     Name                               Functlon
Ca"brated by∶
                                   zhao Uinq                        s∧ R习△β
                                                                          t EnⅡ neer
                                                                                                                    遂勿          .

Revlewod by∶                            n Hao
                                   L∶                                sAR Test Enq|neor

ApproVod by∶
                                   oi D∶ anyua"                      sAR proleCt1eader

                                                                                             ssued∶     Uune13,2018
This ca|ibration cert氵 ncato sha"not be reproducod exceptin fuH wlthout Written approˇ a丨                     0fthe|aboratory

    Certifcate No:Z18-60183                                         Page】 of8

                                          }冂   Coll臼 b旧汀:joⅡ   碥

                                          s0●                           臼      臼
         Add No5!Xucyuan Rrlad.Haldlan0otrt!,Bc刂               lllg亠   lOOi91.China
         △曳       10ˉ 62304633-2079       Fax∶ +g6~lO~‘ 23ll+633ˉ 2504
            "+86ˉcttl@clllilaiil∞ 】
         Eˉ m茁    I∶              il      http∶ 〃www clllnatt!cn

G】 ossary:
TsL                            七
                               】ssue simu丨 a七 ing!iquid
GonVF                          sens"iV"yin TsL`N0RMx,y,z
N`A                            not aρ ρ
                                       "cab!e or not measured

Ca"brat∶ on is PerfO「 mod  ACCordinO to the Fo"owin0sundards:
a)丨EEE std"528-20"3,“ !【 EE Recommended Practice for DetermininO the peak
  spa刂 a卜 AveraOed specmc Abs° rρ 刂on Ra七 e(sAR)in七 he Human Head from Wire丨 ess
  Communications Devices∶ Measuremen七 TeChniques” ;Uune20"3
b)!EC62200-",“ Measurement ρrocedure for assessmen七 of spec∶ flc absorption rate of human
  exρ osure七 o radlo frequency fie!ds from hand-he丨 d and body-moun七 ed wire丨 ess
  commun∶ ca{ion devices~Part"∶ DeVice used neXtto the ear(Frequency range of300MHzto
    CGHzl” ,刂 u丨 y1⒉ 01(3
c)丨  EC62209-2,“ ProCedure to measure】 he spec雨 c Absorp刂 °n Rate(sAR)F° r wire丨 ess
    communication devices used in c丨 ose ρroXim1】 y七 o】 he human body(frequency ranOe of
    30MHz】 o6GHzl∴ March20"o
d)KDB805GC4;sAR Measurement Requirements for"00MHzto6GHz

Additiona!Documontat∶ on:
e)DAsY4/5system Handbook

methods App】 ied amd】 nterpretatiom of Parameters:
· 陋◆as″ 虍me″ r CondjrJo″ sj Further deta"s are ava"ab|e from the Va丨                                 :da】 ion   Reρ   ort a】   he end
      of the certiica七 eA"fiOures sta七 ed in the certiflcate areˇ a"d at the frequency indicated
。     月″renna Paramere尸 s"〃 rrl TsL∫ The diρ o丨 e is mounted with the spacer七 o ρos∶ ti0n its feed
      ρ0int   eXaCt丨 y be丨 ow      the Center marking of】 he                f丨 at   phantom section,wlth the arms oriented
      para"e丨 七
              o the body axis
· Feed Po加 rrmpedance a″ d Re山 rn Losε j These parame】 ers are measured w{h the dipo丨 e
                                   ed ρhantom Theimρ edance sta七 ed is transformed from the
   p° slti° ned underthe llquld f丨 丨
   measuremen】 a】 the sMA connectorto七 he feed ρoint The Re】 urn Loss ensures丨 ow
   re刊 ected ρ  oWer No uncertainty requ∶ red
。 Erecrrrca`Deray one~way de丨 ay behveen the sMA connector and the antenna feed p° int
      No unoertain】 y required
· s月 R measlJmd`sAR measured at七 he stated antenna lnρ ut ρower
· s"R no″ ″a″ ze扌 sAR as measured丿 norma!ized】 o an∶ nρ u七 p° wer of"VV at七 he an】 enna
o s∧ R forrlomInd TsL parame抬 $j The measured TsL pa「 ame七 ers are used】 o ca丨 cu丨 ate the
   nomina丨 sAR resu忙

    The rep° rted uncerta∶ nty °f measuremen{ is sta七 ed as the standard uncertainty of
    Measuremen1 mu丨 tip"ed by the coveraOe fac七 or k〓 2, which for a norma! distribu七 ion
    Corresp° nds七 o a CoVeraqe probabi丨 lty of aρ proXimate丨 y95%

Cerlif1cate No∶    z】 8-6θ   183                          Page2of8

                                              n Coll● 咖       o口 岫

           奶                                00●                           臼
                                            mL-m呻                          咖
         Add∶   No51Xucyuan Road,Haidian Dis1rict亠 Bc刂 iⅡ g.100】              9!亠   China
         Tc⒈ +86-lO冖 62304633ˉ 2079           Fax∶ +86ˉ 10ˉ 62304633ˉ 2504
         Eˉ mal!cttl@cll1llat"∞     m      http//ww盯 山llldtt!cn

measurement Cond】 ons          t∶

  DAsY              as饴 r                        as not            0n          1

      DAsY Ve灬 !om                                                      DAsY52                                       52101 1476
      Extrapo∶ at:om                                      Advanced EXtrap° 丨

      Phamu,m                                                  eF|at
                                                           THρ 丨           Phantom5"C
      D‘ tamce D:po!θ     Cθ mterˉ      TsL                             10mm                                      w"h spaCer

      zoom scam Reso!utiom                                     d× .dy.dz〓          5mm
      Fm臼 uomcy                                               2450MHz± 1MHz

Head TsL parameters
   Tho仙                             and ca丨 ◆u丨 ations     Were
                                                                        Temporat"re                 Perm""ity             Comd"c1∶ v{y

             na!Head TsL paramoto”                                        220° C                         392              18o mho`m
      meaβ                              ame七 e"                         (220± 02)φ C                 404± 6%            185mhorm± 0%
             "red Head TsL paΓ
      Hoad Ts1tomperat"re chamge d"r∶                  llg tθ θt          ("0φ C

sAR resultV"th Head TsL
                          3 (1口
    sAR aˇ ora° od¨or" C陌       )° fH。 ad                    TsL                       Cond"on
      sAR measumd                                                                  250mW input power                  131mW`g
      sAR hrnomina|Head丨 sL parameters                                              nor丨 ma"zod   to"、 叮       52,"mW rg±                幻
      sAR averagod oˇ or"O Cmj ({Og)° fH° ad TsL                                       Cond"on
      sAR measumd                                                                  250mVVinput power                  617mW`g
      sAR for nomina丨 Hoad TsL parameters                                           norma丨   izod to{W         246mW幻      ±             2)
臼ody TsL parameters
  The               and                  ca|cu|auons w。 r°               ed

                                                                        Temperat"ro                 Pθ rm"lV]ty           Comduc刂 vlty
                  Body TsL    ρaramete灬                                   220φ C                         527                     mho/m
      "omima∶                                                                                                             "95丨
      m° agumu    B° dy TsL parametθ                                    220± 02)° C
                                                                        〈                            541± 0%            198mho/m± 6%
      Body TsL temperat"re chamO◆               d"`∶   ng tes1            <10φ C

sAR    resu】 !W∶ th      BodV丁 sL
                                        3 (1臼
     sAR臼 vera臼 eu     ov● Γ亻 ‘仞                )° fB° dy    TsL                       Cond"ion
      sAR measured                                                                 250mVVinρ ut     ρo″ er            127mVV`g
     sAR for nom|na丨 Body TsL pammeters                                             normo"zed to1VV            60ε   mW幻 ±               2)
                                         3 (1og)of B°
     sAR臼 Vemσ od ovor10 r″                                 dy TsL                     Cond"ion

     sAR moasu巾 d                                                                  250mW|nput       ρowe「             5θ 3mW`g

     sAR for nomina|Body TsL paramoiors                                             norma|ized to1W            ⒛ 7mW勹 ±1B7%lk〓 2)

Certif1cate No∶   Z18-60i83                                    Pagc3of8

                                                |"Col△ u"由 om w曲

                                                ε 0●                     臼   ■
              Add No m Xu哕 uan R。 狃 ,Haldlan Dist"u,gc刂 i⒒ g,100!91,Cll1na
                       0ˉ 62304633ˉ 2079
              TcI +86ˉ 】                 F乱 《 +86~10ˉ 62304633ˉ 2504
              Eˉ   m拥   cm@clllllaiil∞ lm       llttp//ww△   v ohinattl cn

 Append∶ X(Addi!】 ona】 assessmen饴 ou“ 爿de】 he sCope ofCNAs L057o)

 Antenna Paramoters v"th Head丁 sL

      mpedanco.tm冂 sformed to fe兮d ρoint
      丨                                                                                 630Ω +28slΩ

     Return Loss                                                                          -27θ dB

                      th Body TsL
 Antenna Parameters、 ″∶

      rnρ edanco.tranoformod to feed
      丨                                           ρoint                                4θ   θΩ+47勺 0

     Roturn Loss                                                                          -265dB

 Gemera!Antemna paramo】 ers and Desi臼 n

     E丨 ect"◆ a丨        De|av lone direction)                                             1022ns

 Afte「丨ong term use with100llV radiated ρower,on丨 yas丨 ight Warmin° ofthe dipo丨 e nearthe feedpoint can
 bo rneasured

 The dipo丨 e is made ofstandard semi"Oid coaXia|cab丨 e The center oonducto「 of tho抬 eding"ne is directly
 connected to the second arm ofthe dipo丨                  e The antenna is therefore short-cirouited for ElC-signa!s 0n some
 ofthe dipo丨        es.sma"end◆ aρ s
                                 are added to the dipo丨 e arms in orderto improve rnatchin0When丨 oaded
 aooordinO t0the ρosit丨 on as exp丨 ained氵 n the"Measurement Cond{ions"ρ araOraph The sAR data are not
         by this chang° The overa"dip° 丨
 affec】 od                             e丨 ength is stiH aCCordin0to th0standard
 No eX◆ essiVe force rnust be apρ            丨e arms.because!hey might bend ortho so丨 dered
 conneotlons nearthe饴 edpoint "ed

 Add∶ oma】 EUT Da七 a

     Manufacturod by                                                                         sPEAG

CeHiioato No:Z18-6θ 183                                         Pago4of8

                                              l冂   Col△ bom0on   v山 山
          ■ Γ咒                                三 ~彐 ⊥                    臼   彐
            1d∶ N◆ 51)0l叩 刂 aⅡ 【)od,H茁 die刂 ΛDist1ict,Boll1ng,1ll◆ 191、 China

        △ o!∶ +86ˉ lO-62304633ˉ 2079
                                        Fax∶ +86ˉ lOˉ 62304633ˉ 2504
        E-ma"∶ ottl@cll1nattl com             http〃 www china+"cn

DAsY5Va】 idatio1i Report山 r Πead TsL                                DatC÷ θ6112ll18
Test Laborato饣 :CTTL,Be刂 i△ g,ChiⅡ a
DUT:Dipole2450~Ⅰ ⅡL;” po:D2450V2;soHa△ D2450V2¨ sN:919
   Commu11icatio△ systcm∶ UID O,CW;Frequc11cy∶ 2450MHz;Duty Cy◆ lc∶ ⒈1
   Mediulll paralnetcrs uscd∶                f=2450MHz∶ σ=185s nl;ε r=4036∶ p=100θ        kg/m3
   Phant° m sec刂 o血 :Cc11tcr seo刂 on
DAsY5CoⅡ flgurat⒗ 丘                 :

                   Probc∶  ε臼 DⅤ 4-sN7464:CoⅡ vΠ 7” ,7⒆ ,7” )@2筠 0MH⒎ Cal山 rated∶
                   scⅡ sorˉ summe∶ 14mm(McchaⅡ lca1surfacc DetectioⅡ
                   E⒗ ctronics∶DAE4sll152乳 Calibrated∶ 10趁 /2017
                   PⅡalltom∶ MFP~Ⅴ 51C;Type∶ QDO00P51CA;scr1al∶ 1062
                   Mcasurcme“ sW∶ DAsY52,Ⅴ crsloⅡ 5210(1》 sEMCAD X Vcrs1on14611

        Dipolo Ca⒒ br臼 tioⅡ /Zoom scai1σ x7x乃 σx7x9l`Cube0:Mcas刂                  e1iicnt grH∶   dx=5111mj
        dy=5rlm,dz=5Π 刂⒒
        Re拍 rcncc Ⅴa1ue=1022Ⅴ m;P° wcr Dr1且                             =-005dB
        Peak sAR rCxtrapolatcd)=27θ 氓kg
        sAR(Iω =Ⅱ 3· 1W/k⒏ sARσ 0ω =6,I7W/kg
        Ma灶 muln valuc of sAR(mcasurcdl=220Nkg






                             o dB=22.O Wykg=I3,42dBVV勹 kg

Certifoate N° :z【      8ˉ   60i83                            Page5of8

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                                                 …                        咖

            Add|No51Xucyuai R° ad.H茁 dlan Dot"c(,B呐                        ing,100191亠 China
            Tc⒈ +86ˉ lO-62304633ˉ 2079               Fax∶ +86ˉ 10ˉ 62304633ˉ 2504
             m茁 I    ctd@t· hlll洫 !com                    hltp〃 www chinatt!cn

            !mpedance measurememt P∶ otfor Head TsL

                    Loq ma°
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Certif1oatc No∶ z【 8-6θ        183                                        Page6of8

                                          |n Coll臼 咖   o口 岫

                                          J0●                  臼         ■
            骅                             CALm△ mm¨
          Add|No5】 Xucyuall Road,Haldian District,Bc刂    ing.】 0O191亠   China
          Tc⒈   +86-10-62304633ˉ 2079     rax∶ +86ˉ 】0ˉ 62304633ˉ 2504

          Eˉ mall     cttl@cll】 n扯 △com     http//nγ⒒ chinattI cn

DAsY5Ⅴ a1idatioⅡ RopoH for Body TsL                             Date∶ θ6082018
               CTTL,Be刂 iⅡ g,Chi11a
Tcst Laboratory∶
DUT:Dipole24501旺 Ⅱz;Type:D2450V2;seria△ D2450V2~sN:9I9
  C0m血 咖 妃atioⅡ system∶ UID O,CⅣ 吒 FroqueⅡ cy∶ 2450MH⒎ DLltl Cyclc∶ 1                            1∶

  Medh1ii parame饴 rs uscd∶ f=245θ MHz,σ =1977s/血 j εf=5412;ρ =100θ k豇m3
   Phailtom seo刂 on∶ Right sccjo11

                        Probc∶   EX3DV4-sN7464;ConvΠ 8θ 9,8θ 9,80” @2450MHz;Cal1bratcd∶
                        scnso△ surface∶  14mm(MechaⅡ lcal surfacc Dctcct⒗ ω
                        Elcctronics∶ DAE4sⅡ 152凡 Calibrated∶ 10/2/2017
                        Ph钿 △om∶ MFP~V51C:Typc∶ QDθ 0θ P51CA;serlal∶ lO62
                        McasurcillcⅡ t sW∶ DAsY52j ⅤersioⅡ 5210(1);sEMCAD X Ⅴcrsion14611

         Dipo】 o Cal山 rathⅡ /Zoom s° all(7x7xD(7x7xD′ Cub°                      0∶   Mcasurcmc11t grid∶ dx=5111m,
         Re岛 reⅡ ce Ⅴaluc=8130Ⅴ /m;Powcr                   Dria=005dB
         Peak sAR● xtrapolatcd)=260Nkg
         sARl1ω =12· 71V/k⒏ sAR(10ω =5· 93W/kg
         Maxim蛔 value               of sAR(11iCasllrcd)=208WVkg

                -口    .37



                -17,田       :


                                o dB=20,8W/kg=13.18dBW/kg

C◆ rtif1catc No∶      Z18-60183                        Page7of8


               奶                            且       0●              臼    σ
                                            咖                  …
             Add No5i Xucyuan Road.Haidian0istri¢ t,Bc刂 ing,】 00191,China
             1o⒈ +86ˉ lOˉ 62304633-2099   F扒 :+86ˉ 10ˉ 62304633ˉ 2504
             Eonla】   ⒈cttl@chl11a|"com         h|(p|丨∫

             ∶                 measurement P丨           o】    for Body TsL

         Ξ0 00

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        -工   0 00

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        >△      2 4:00000 CH`    49 040   Φ 犭 7372 Q    3(

     Γ猢陶螂淄邸瑙螃龈箨鹚狎螂璐讳中净卿牌邸罅皤蛘璐蚶獬簿琊镄瑚岬·{伪睁 竿△讣0                                ·|△ 0●

Ccrtifl◆ ato    No:z18-60183                                  Pagc8of8

                                                      Dipole Internal Calibration Record

Asset No.:                         E-434            Model No.:                     D2450V2               Serial No.:                   919
Environmental                23.6℃,         54 %    Original Cal. Date:         June 11, 2018            Next Cal. Date:          June 11, 2021
                                                                     Standard List
                                                       IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Averaged Specific Absorpiton
           1                IEEE Std 1528-2013       Rate(SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communication Devices: Measurement Texhniques,
                                                                                                June 2013
                                                    Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used
           2                    IEC 62209-2
                                                         in close proximity to the human body(frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz), March 2010
           3                    KDB865664                                    SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz
                                                                Equipment Information
     Equipment:                Manufacturer:             Model No.:                  Serial No.:           Cal.Organization:       Cal. Date:
   Power Amplifier              Mini-Circuits             ZHL-42W+                   QA1333003                    NA              March 9, 2018
      DC Source                     lteck                  OT6154                     M00157                      NA             October 12, 2018
 P-series power meter             Agilent                  N1911A                   MY45100473                    NA             August 11, 2018
wideband power sensor              Agilent                 N1921A                   MY51100041                    NA             August 11, 2018
     power Meter                  Anritsu                  ML2495A                    1128009                     NA              Mar. 11, 2018
 Pulse Power Sensor               Anritsu                 MA 2411B                    1027500                     NA              Mar. 11, 2018
Dual directional coupler          Woken                 TS-PCC0M-05                  107090019                    NA              Mar. 11, 2018
 MXG Analog Signal
                                   Agilent                 N5181A                   MY49060710                    NA             August 11, 2018
ENA Network Analyzer               Agilent                 E5071C                   MY46102965                    NA             March 11, 2018
       Model No                                                                    For Head Tissue
                                    Item              Originak Cal. Result      Verified on 2018/12/24         Deviation              Result
                           Impedance, transformed
                                                          53Ω+2.85jΩ                51.5Ω+1.29jΩ                 <5Ω                  Pass
                           to feed point
                           Return Loss(dB)                   -27.9                     -24.962                  -10.5%                Pass
                           SAR Value for
                                                             13.1                       12.5                    -4.6%                 Pass
                           SAR Value for
                                                             6.17                       5.71                    -7.5%                 Pass
       D2450V2                                                                     For Body Tissue
                                    Item              Originak Cal. Result      Verified on 2018/12/24         Deviation              Result
                           Impedance, transformed
                                                         49.9Ω+4.74jΩ               50.2Ω+4.51jΩ                 <5Ω                  Pass
                           to feed point
                           Return Loss(dB)                   -26.5                       -25                    -5.7%                 Pass
                           SAR Value for
                                                             12.7                       13.1                     3.1%                 Pass
                           SAR Value for
                                                             5.93                       6.01                     1.3%                 Pass
                            Impedance Test-Head                                                            Return Loss-Head

                  Impedance Test-Body                Return Loss-Body

              Validation Report for Head TSL   Validation Report for Body TSL

Calibrator:                                       Approver:

Document Created: 2019-05-06 09:02:58
Document Modified: 2019-05-06 09:02:58

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