1811RSU003-U2-FCC UNII Test Report-Wi-Fi_Part2


Test Report

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                                                                 Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                     802.11ac-VHT40 6dB Bandwidth - Ant A / Ant A + B
           Channel 151 (5755MHz)                         Channel 159 (5795MHz)

                     802.11ac-VHT80 6dB Bandwidth - Ant A / Ant A + B
           Channel 155 (5775MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                                          Page Number: 43 of 265

                                                                       Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

7.4. Output Power Measurement

7.4.1.Test Limit

For the band 5.15 - 5.25 GHz, the maximum conducted output power over the frequency band of
operation shall not exceed 250 mW provided the maximum antenna gain does not exceed 6 dBi.

For the 5.25 - 5.35 GHz and 5.47 - 5.725 GHz bands, the maximum conducted output power over
the frequency bands of operation shall not exceed the lesser of 250 mW or 11 dBm + 10 log B,
where B is the 26 dB emission bandwidth in megahertz.

For the band 5.725 - 5.85 GHz, the maximum conducted output power over the frequency band of
operation shall not exceed 1 W (30dBm).
If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6dBi are used, the maximumconducted
output power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of theantenna exceeds

7.4.2.Test Procedure Used

KDB 789033 D02v02r01 - Section E) 3) b) Method PM-G

7.4.3.Test Setting

Average power measurements were perform only when the EUT was transmitting at its maximum
power control level using a broadband power meter with a pulse sensor. The power meter
implemented triggering and gating capabilities which were set up such that power measurements
were recorded only during the ON time of the transmitter.

7.4.4.Test Setup

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                                                                       Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

7.4.5.Test Result

  Power output test was verified over all data rates of each mode shown as below table, and then
  choose the maximum power output (grey marker) for final test of each channel.

  For Ant A / Ant A + B port:
 Test Mode       Bandwidth      Channel        Frequency         Data Rate/         Average Power
                                                 (MHz)              MCS                  (dBm)
                                                                   6Mbps                 20.42
  802.11a           20             36            5180              24Mbps                19.90
                                                                   54Mbps                19.32
                                                                   MCS0                  19.74
  802.11n           20             36            5180              MCS4                  19.29
                                                                   MCS8                  18.77
                                                                   MCS0                  17.03
  802.11n           40             38            5190              MCS4                  16.58
                                                                   MCS9                  16.09
                                                                   MCS0                  19.51
  802.11ac          20             36            5180              MCS4                  19.03
                                                                   MCS8                  18.61
                                                                   MCS0                  17.54
  802.11ac          40             38            5190              MCS4                  17.03
                                                                   MCS9                  16.62
                                                                   MCS0                  16.60
  802.11ac          80             42            5210              MCS4                  16.02
                                                                   MCS9                  15.58

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                                                                                Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                      AC1200 Wireless Dual Band PCI
Product                                                       Temperature              24°C
                      Express Adapter
Test Engineer         Snake Ni                                Relative Humidity        59%
Test Site             TR3                                     Test Date                2018/11/11

 Test Mode      Data Rate/ Channel   Freq.    Ant A     Ant B             Total        Average      Result
                  MCS       No.      (MHz)   Average   Average        Average        Power Limit
                                             Power     Power              Power         (dBm)
                                             (dBm)     (dBm)              (dBm)
Ant A
     11a         6Mbps       36      5180     20.42      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps       44      5220     20.38      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps       48      5240     20.27      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps       52      5260     20.41      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps       60      5300     19.92      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps       64      5320     19.99      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps      100      5500     19.24      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps      116      5580     20.13      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps      140      5700     20.05      --                --          ≤ 23.98      Pass
     11a         6Mbps      149      5745     20.43      --                --          ≤ 30.00      Pass
     11a         6Mbps      157      5785     20.45      --                --          ≤ 30.00      Pass
     11a         6Mbps      165      5825     20.22      --                --          ≤ 30.00      Pass
Ant A + B
  11n-HT20        MCS0       36      5180     19.74     19.81             22.79        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MSC0       40      5220     19.80     19.73             22.78        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MCS0       48      5240     18.95     18.86             21.92        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MSC0       52      5260     19.14     19.40             22.28        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MCS0       60      5300     19.41     19.23             22.33        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MSC0       64      5320     19.30     19.33             22.33        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MCS0      100      5500     18.89     18.46             21.69        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MSC0      116      5580     19.34     19.26             22.31        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MCS0      140      5700     19.28     19.30             22.30        ≤ 23.98      Pass
  11n-HT20        MCS0      149      5745     20.19     20.35             23.28        ≤ 30.00      Pass
  11n-HT20        MCS0      157      5785     20.25     19.74             23.01        ≤ 30.00      Pass
  11n-HT20        MCS0      165      5825     19.92     19.88             22.91        ≤ 30.00      Pass

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                                                                    Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

 Test Mode    Data Rate/ Channel   Freq.    Ant A     Ant B     Total      Average      Result
                 MCS      No.      (MHz)   Average   Average   Average    Power Limit
                                           Power     Power     Power        (dBm)
                                           (dBm)     (dBm)     (dBm)
Ant A + B
  11n-HT40       MCS0      38      5190     17.03     17.28     20.17       ≤ 23.98     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0      46      5230     20.25     20.23     23.25       ≤ 23.98     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0      54      5270     19.82     19.68     22.76       ≤ 23.98     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0      62      5310     20.19     20.22     23.22       ≤ 23.98     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0     102      5510     17.18     16.93     20.07       ≤ 23.98     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0     110      5550     20.22     20.08     23.16       ≤ 23.98     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0     134      5670     20.25     19.97     23.12       ≤ 23.98     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0     151      5755     20.26     20.32     23.30       ≤ 30.00     Pass
  11n-HT40       MCS0     159      5795     19.96     20.13     23.06       ≤ 30.00     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0      36      5180     19.51     18.70     22.13       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MSC0      40      5220     19.55     19.46     22.52       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0      48      5240     19.47     19.05     22.28       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MSC0      52      5260     19.45     18.82     22.16       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0      60      5300     19.21     18.98     22.11       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MSC0      64      5320     19.22     19.10     22.17       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0     100      5500     17.51     17.31     20.42       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MSC0     116      5580     18.72     19.36     22.06       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0     140      5700     19.75     19.23     22.51       ≤ 23.98     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0     149      5745     19.94     20.02     22.99       ≤ 30.00     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0     157      5785     19.95     19.87     22.92       ≤ 30.00     Pass
 11ac-VHT20      MCS0     165      5825     20.23     19.95     23.10       ≤ 30.00     Pass

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                                                                                         Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

  Test Mode    Data Rate/ Channel   Freq.      Ant A            Ant B               Total            Average    Result
                 MCS        No.     (MHz)     Average         Average              Average        Power Limit
                                              Power            Power               Power               (dBm)
                                               (dBm)           (dBm)               (dBm)
 Ant A + B
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       38      5190       17.54            17.26               20.41             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       46      5230       20.09            19.99               23.05             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       54      5270       20.20            19.89               23.06             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       62      5310       16.11            16.51               19.32             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       102     5510       16.35            16.53               19.45             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       110     5550       19.89            19.79               22.85             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       134     5670       20.15            20.24               23.21             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       151     5755       19.85            20.12               23.00             ≤ 30.00   Pass
 11ac-VHT40      MCS0       159     5795       20.28            20.22               23.26             ≤ 30.00   Pass
 11ac-VHT80      MCS0       42      5210       16.60            16.82               19.72             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT80      MCS0       58      5290       19.95            20.12               23.05             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT80      MCS0       106     5530       16.58            16.61               19.61             ≤ 23.98   Pass
 11ac-VHT80      MCS0       155     5775       19.91            20.02               22.98             ≤ 30.00   Pass
                                                (Ant A Average Power /10)      (Ant B Average Power /10)
Note : The Total Average Power (dBm) = 10*log {10                           + 10                       }.

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                                                                        Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

7.5. Transmit Power Control

7.5.1.Test Limit

The U-NII device is required to have the capability to operate at least 6 dB below the mean EIRP
value of 30 dBm.

7.5.2.Test Procedure Used

KDB 789033 D02v01- Section E)3)b) Method PM-G

7.5.3.Test Setting

Average power measurements were perform only when the EUT was transmitting at its maximum
power control level using a broadband power meter with a pulse sensor. The power meter

implemented triggering and gating capabilities which were set up such that power measurements
were recorded only during the ON time of the transmitter. The trace was averaged over 100 traces to
obtain the final measured average power.

7.5.4.Test Setup

7.5.5.Test Result

TPC mechanism is not required for systems with an e.i.r.p. of less than 500 mW, so the item is not

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                                                                         Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

7.6. Power Spectral Density Measurement

7.6.1.Test Limit

For the band 5.15-5.25 GHz, tthe maximum power spectral density shall not exceed 11 dBm in any 1
megahertz band.

For the 5.25-5.35 GHz and 5.47-5.725 GHz bands, the maximum power spectral density shall not
exceed 11 dBm in any 1 megahertz band.
For the band 5.725-5.85 GHz, the maximum power spectral density shall not exceed 30 dBm in any

500-kHz band.
If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6dBi are used, the peak power spectral
density shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of theantenna exceeds 6dBi.

7.6.2.Test Procedure Used

KDB 789033 D02v02r01 - SectionF

7.6.3.Test Setting

1. Analyzer was set to the center frequency of the UNII channel under investigation
2. Span was set to encompass the entire 26dB EBW of the signal.

3. RBW = 1MHz, if measurement bandwidth of Maximum PSD is specified in 500 kHz,
    RBW = 100 kHz
4. VBW = 3MHz
5. Number of sweep points ≥ 2 × (span / RBW)
6. Detector = power averaging (Average)
7. Sweep time = auto

8. Trigger = free run
9. Use the peak search function on the instrument to find the peak of the spectrum and record its

10. Add 10*log(1/x), where x is the duty cycle, to the measured power in order to compute the
    average power during the actual transmission times (because the measurement represents an
    average over both the on and off times of the transmission). For example, add 10*log(1/0.25) = 6

    dB if the duty cycle is 25 percent.
11. When the measurement bandwidth of Maximum PSD is specified in 500 kHz, add a constant
    factor 10*log(500kHz/100kHz) = 6.99 dB to the measured result.

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                   Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

7.6.4.Test Setup

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                                                                                       Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

 7.6.5.Test Result

                     AC1200 Wireless Dual Band PCI
 Product                                                          Temperature                  25°C
                     Express Adapter
 Test Engineer       Flag Yang                                    Relative Humidity            59%
 Test Site           TR3                                          Test Date                    2018/11/12

     Test Mode        Data       Channel   Freq.     Ant A     Ant B           Duty      Total     PSD Limit   Result
                      Rate/        No.     (MHz)     PSD        PSD            Cycle     PSD          (dBm/
                      MCS                           (dBm/      (dBm/           (%)      (dBm/         MHz)
                                                    MHz)       MHz)                      MHz)
 Ant A
         11a         6Mbps         36      5180      8.73         --           97.49        8.84     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps         44      5220      9.10         --           97.49        9.21     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps         48      5240      8.63         --           97.49        8.74     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps         52      5260      8.98         --           97.49        9.09     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps         60      5300      8.40         --           97.49        8.51     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps         64      5320      8.37         --           97.49        8.48     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps        100      5500      7.43         --           97.49        7.54     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps         116     5580      8.51         --           97.49        8.62     ≤ 11.00   Pass
         11a         6Mbps        140      5700      9.11         --           97.49        9.22     ≤ 11.00   Pass
 Ant A+B
     11n-HT20        MCS0          36      5180      7.47       7.50           93.36    10.79        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0          44      5220      7.58       7.45           93.36    10.82        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0          48      5240      7.33       7.48           93.36    10.71        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0          52      5260      7.32       7.50           93.36    10.72        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0          60      5300      7.49       7.46           93.36    10.78        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0          64      5320      7.66       7.45           93.36    10.86        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0         100      5500      7.13       6.57           93.36    10.17        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0          116     5580      7.43       7.67           93.36    10.86        ≤ 11.00   Pass
     11n-HT20        MCS0         140      5700      7.62       7.56           93.36    10.90        ≤ 11.00   Pass
Note 1: For 11a, Total PSD (dBm/ MHz) = Ant A PSD (dBm/ MHz) + 10*log (1/Duty Cycle).
                                                       (Ant A PSD/10)      (Ant B PSD/10)
Note 2: For 11n-HT20, Total PSD (dBm/ MHz) = 10*log {10                 + 10                } (dBm/ MHz) + 10*log
(1/Duty Cycle).

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                                                                                 Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

     Test Mode      Data Rate/ Channel    Freq.     Ant A   Ant B       Duty            Total     PSD Limit       Result
                       MCS       No.      (MHz)     PSD     PSD        Cycle            PSD          (dBm/
                                                   (dBm/    (dBm/        (%)         (dBm/           MHz)
                                                   MHz)     MHz)                     MHz)
 Ant A+B
     11n-HT40          MCS0      38       5190      2.03     2.29      90.15            5.62        ≤ 11.00       Pass
     11n-HT40          MCS0      46       5230      5.62     5.00      90.15            8.78        ≤ 11.00       Pass
     11n-HT40          MCS0      54       5270      5.78     5.01      90.15            8.87        ≤ 11.00       Pass
     11n-HT40          MCS0      62       5310      4.78     5.74      90.15            8.75        ≤ 11.00       Pass
     11n-HT40          MCS0     102       5510      2.34     2.07      90.15            5.67        ≤ 11.00       Pass
     11n-HT40          MCS0      110      5550      5.17     5.37      90.15            8.73        ≤ 11.00       Pass
     11n-HT40          MCS0     134       5670      5.45     5.20      90.15            8.79        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0      36       5180      7.61     7.49      92.42         10.90          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0      44       5220      7.57     7.35      92.42         10.81          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0      48       5240      7.61     7.35      92.42         10.83          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0      52       5260      7.62     7.48      92.42         10.90          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0      60       5300      7.43     7.40      92.42         10.77          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0      64       5320      7.48     7.57      92.42         10.88          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0     100       5500      6.10     5.37      92.42            9.10        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0      116      5580      7.31     7.67      92.42         10.85          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT20         MCS0     140       5700      7.31     7.53      92.42         10.78          ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT40         MCS0      38       5190      3.33     2.90      89.60            6.61        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT40         MCS0      46       5230      5.29     5.71      89.60            8.99        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT40         MCS0      54       5270      5.07     5.22      89.60            8.63        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT40         MCS0      62       5310      3.71     4.29      89.60            7.50        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT40         MCS0     102       5510      1.55     0.97      89.60            4.76        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT40         MCS0      110      5550      4.76     4.86      89.60            8.29        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT40         MCS0     134       5670      5.13     5.33      89.60            8.72        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT80         MCS0      42       5210      -0.11    0.17      79.23            4.05        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT80         MCS0      58       5290      2.45     2.95      79.23            6.73        ≤ 11.00       Pass
    11ac-VHT80         MCS0     106       5530      -1.29   -1.47      79.23            2.64        ≤ 11.00       Pass
                                                                       (Ant A PSD/10)          (Ant B PSD/10)
Note 1: When EUT duty cycle ≥ 98%, Total PSD (dBm/ MHz) = 10*log {10                    + 10                 } (dBm/
                                                                    (Ant A PSD/10)          (Ant B PSD/10)
Note 2: When EUT duty cycle < 98%, Total PSD (dBm/ MHz) = 10*log {10                    + 10                 } (dBm/ MHz)
+ 10*log (1/Duty Cycle).

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                                                                               Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                     AC1200 Wireless Dual Band PCI
 Product                                                        Temperature              25°C
                     Express Adapter
 Test Engineer       Flag Yang                                  Relative Humidity        59%
 Test Site           TR3                                        Test Date                2018/11/12

   Test Mode       Data    Channel Freq.     Ant A    Ant B     Duty Constant          Total           Limit       Result
                  Rate/      No.    (MHz)    PSD          PSD   Cycle   Factor         PSD            (dBm/
                   MCS                      (dBm/     (dBm/     (%)                   (dBm/       500kHz)
                                            100kHz) 100kHz)                         500kHz)

 Ant A
         11a      6Mbps      149     5745    0.18          --   97.49   6.99           7.28       ≤ 30.00              Pass
         11a      6Mbps      157     5785    0.21          --   97.49   6.99           7.31       ≤ 30.00              Pass
         11a      6Mbps      165     5825    0.40          --   97.49   6.99           7.50       ≤ 30.00              Pass
 Ant A+B
   11n-HT20       MCS0       149     5745    -0.25    -0.28     93.36   6.99          10.03       ≤ 30.00              Pass
   11n-HT20       MCS0       157     5785    -0.16    -0.31     93.36   6.99          10.06       ≤ 30.00              Pass
   11n-HT20       MCS0       165     5825    -0.16    -0.35     93.36   6.99          10.04       ≤ 30.00              Pass
   11n-HT40       MCS0       151     5755    -3.81    -3.62     90.15   6.99           6.74       ≤ 30.00              Pass
   11n-HT40       MCS0       159     5795    -3.91    -3.84     90.15   6.99           6.57       ≤ 30.00              Pass
  11ac-VHT20      MCS0       149     5745    -0.13    -0.04     92.42   6.99          10.26       ≤ 30.00              Pass
  11ac-VHT20      MCS0       157     5785    0.07     -0.07     92.42   6.99          10.34       ≤ 30.00              Pass
  11ac-VHT20      MCS0       165     5825    0.02     -0.21     92.42   6.99          10.25       ≤ 30.00              Pass
  11ac-VHT40      MCS0       151     5755    -3.30    -3.62     89.60   6.99           7.02       ≤ 30.00              Pass
  11ac-VHT40      MCS0       159     5795    -3.50    -3.85     89.60   6.99           6.80       ≤ 30.00              Pass
  11ac-VHT80      MCS0       155     5775    -5.49    -5.63     79.23   6.99           5.45       ≤ 30.00              Pass
                                                                              (Ant A PSD/10)      (Ant B PSD/10)
Note 1: When EUT duty cycle ≥ 98%, the total PSD (dBm/500KHz) = 10*log {10                     + 10                }
(dBm/100KHz) + Constant Factor.
                                                                              (Ant A PSD/10)          (Ant B PSD/10)
Note 2: When EUT duty cycle < 98%, the total PSD (dBm/500KHz) = 10*log {10                     + 10                }
(dBm/100KHz) + Constant Factor + 10*log (1/Duty Cycle).

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                                                                      Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band PCI
Product                                                 Temperature          25°C
                 Express Adapter
Test Engineer    Flag Yang                              Test Date            2018/11/12

                             802.11a Power Spectral Density - Ant A
            Channel 36 (5180MHz)                             Channel 44 (5220MHz)

            Channel 48 (5240MHz)                             Channel 52 (5260MHz)

            Channel 60 (5300MHz)                             Channel 64 (5320MHz)

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                                          Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

           Channel 100 (5500MHz)   Channel 116 (5580MHz)

           Channel 140 (5700MHz)   Channel 149 (5745MHz)

           Channel 157 (5785MHz)   Channel 165 (5825MHz)

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                                                                    Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                   802.11n-HT20 Power Spectral Density - Ant A / Ant A + B
            Channel 36 (5180MHz)                            Channel 44 (5220MHz)

            Channel 48 (5240MHz)                            Channel 52 (5260MHz)

            Channel 60 (5300MHz)                            Channel 64 (5320MHz)

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                                          Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

           Channel 100 (5500MHz)   Channel 116 (5580MHz)

           Channel 140 (5700MHz)   Channel 149 (5745MHz)

           Channel 157 (5785MHz)   Channel 165 (5825MHz)

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                                                                    Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                   802.11n-HT40 Power Spectral Density - Ant A / Ant A + B
            Channel 38 (5190MHz)                            Channel 46 (5230MHz)

            Channel 54 (5270MHz)                            Channel 62 (5310MHz)

           Channel 102 (5510MHz)                           Channel 110 (5550MHz)

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                                          Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

           Channel 134 (5670MHz)   Channel 151 (5755MHz)

           Channel 159 (5795MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                 Page Number: 60 of 265

                                                                   Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                  802.11ac-VHT20 Power Spectral Density - Ant A / Ant A + B
            Channel 36 (5180MHz)                           Channel 44 (5220MHz)

            Channel 48 (5240MHz)                           Channel 52 (5260MHz)

            Channel 60 (5300MHz)                           Channel 64 (5320MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                                          Page Number: 61 of 265

                                          Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

           Channel 100 (5500MHz)   Channel 116 (5580MHz)

           Channel 140 (5700MHz)   Channel 149 (5745MHz)

           Channel 157 (5785MHz)   Channel 165 (5825MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                 Page Number: 62 of 265

                                                                   Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                  802.11ac-VHT40 Power Spectral Density - Ant A / Ant A + B
            Channel 38 (5190MHz)                           Channel 46 (5230MHz)

            Channel 54 (5270MHz)                           Channel 62 (5310MHz)

           Channel 102 (5510MHz)                           Channel 110 (5550MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                                          Page Number: 63 of 265

                                          Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

           Channel 134 (5670MHz)   Channel 151 (5755MHz)

           Channel 159 (5795MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                 Page Number: 64 of 265

                                                                   Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                  802.11ac-VHT80 Power Spectral Density - Ant A / Ant A + B
            Channel 42 (5210MHz)                           Channel 58 (5290MHz)

           Channel 106 (5530MHz)                           Channel 155 (5775MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                                          Page Number: 65 of 265

                                                                    Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

                   802.11n-HT20 Power Spectral Density - Ant B / Ant A + B
            Channel 36 (5180MHz)                           Channel 44 (5220MHz)

            Channel 48 (5240MHz)                           Channel 52 (5260MHz)

            Channel 60 (5300MHz)                           Channel 64 (5320MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                                           Page Number: 66 of 265

                                          Report No.: 1811RSU003-U2

           Channel 100 (5500MHz)   Channel 116 (5580MHz)

           Channel 140 (5700MHz)   Channel 149 (5745MHz)

           Channel 157 (5785MHz)   Channel 165 (5825MHz)

FCC ID: TE7T4E                                 Page Number: 67 of 265

Document Created: 2018-12-19 15:29:53
Document Modified: 2018-12-19 15:29:53

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