12. FCC SAR Test Report


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                       FCC SAR Test Report
                                 FCC ID: TE7T2UV3

           Project No.       :   1809C116
           Equipment         :   AC600 Mini Wireless USB Adapter
           Model Name        :   Archer T2U
           Applicant         :   TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd.
           Address           :   Building 24(floors1,3,4,5) and 28(floors1-4) Central
                                 Science and Technology Park, Shennan Rd, Nanshan,
                                 Shenzhen, China

           Date of Receipt   :   Mar. 12, 2019
           Date of Test      :   May 15, 2019 ~ May 17, 2019
           Issued Date       :   May 23, 2019
           Tested by         :   BTL Inc.

            PREPARED BY              :                   (Rot Liang)

            APPROVED BY              :                  (Herbort Liu)

                  BTL                            INC.
        No.3, Jinshagang 1st Road, Shixia, Dalang Town, Dongguan,
                           Guangdong, China.
           TEL: +86-769-8318-3000     FAX: +86-769-8319-6000

Report No.: BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116                                                 Page 1 of 34
                                                                              Report Version: R00

 BTL represents to the client that testing is done in accordance with standard procedures as applicable and
 that test instruments used has been calibrated with standards traceable to international standard(s) and/or
 national standard(s).
 BTL's reports apply only to the specific samples tested under conditions. It is manufacture’s responsibility to
 ensure that additional production units of this model are manufactured with the identical electrical and
 mechanical components. BTL shall have no liability for any declarations, inferences or generalizations
 drawn by the client or others from BTL issued reports.
 The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NIST,
 A2LA, or any agency of the U.S. Government.
 This report is the confidential property of the client. As a mutual protection to the clients, the public and
 ourselves, the test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without our written approval.
 BTL’s laboratory quality assurance procedures are in compliance with the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements, and
 accredited by the conformity assessment authorities listed in this test report.
 BTL is not responsible for the sampling stage, so the results only apply to the sample as received.
 The information, data and test plan are provided by manufacturer which may affect the validity of results, so
 it is manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that the apparatus meets the essential requirements of applied
 standards and in all the possible configurations as representative of its intended use.
 For the use of the authority's logo is limited unless the Test Standard(s)/Scope(s)/Item(s) mentioned in this
 test report is (are) included in the conformity assessment authorities acceptance respective.
 Please note that the measurement uncertainty is provided for informational purpose only and are not use in
 determining the Pass/Fail results.

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                             Table of Contents                    Page

   1 . GENERAL SUMMARY                                                  6
   2 . RF EMISSIONS MEASUREMENT                                         7
      2.1 TEST FACILITY                                                 7
      2.2 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY                                       7
   3 . GENERAL INFORMATION                                              8
      3.1 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE                                       8
      3.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT                                    9
      3.3 LABORATORY ENVIRONMENT                                        9
      3.4 MAIN TEST INSTRUMENTS                                        10
   4 . SAR MEASUREMENTS SYSTEM CONFIGURATION                           11
      4.1 SAR MEASUREMENT SET-UP                                       11
         4.1.1 TEST SETUP LAYOUT                                       11
      4.2 DASY5 E-FIELD PROBE SYSTEM                                   12
         4.2.1 PROBE SPECIFICATION                                     12
         4.2.2 E-FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION                               13
         4.2.3 OTHER TEST EQUIPMENT                                    14
         4.2.4 SCANNING PROCEDURE                                      15
         4.2.5 DATA STORAGE AND EVALUATION                             16
         4.2.6 SPATIAL PEAK SAR EVALUATION                             17
         4.2.7 DATA EVALUATION BY SEMCAD                               18
   5 . SYSTEM VERIFICATION PROCEDURE                                   20
      5.1 TISSUE VERIFICATION                                          20
      5.2 SYSTEM CHECK                                                 21
      5.3 SYSTEM CHECK PROCEDURE                                       21
      6.1 SAR MEASUREMENT VARIABILITY                                  22
   7 . OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS DURING TEST                              23
      7.1 WIFI TEST CONFIGURATION                                      23
         7.1.1 WLAN2.4G SAR TEST REQUIREMENTS                          23
         7.1.2 WLAN5G SAR TEST REQUIREMENTS                            24
         7.1.4 INITIAL TEST CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE                    25
      7.2 TEST POSITION                                                25
         7.2.1 BODY TEST CONFIGURATION                                 25
   8 . TEST RESULT                                                     26
      8.1 CONDUCTED POWER RESULTS                                      26

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                             Table of Contents                   Page

         8.1.1 CONDUCTED POWER MEASUREMENTS OF WIFI 2.4G              26
         8.1.2 CONDUCTED POWER MEASUREMENTS OF WIFI 5G                27
      8.2 SAR TEST RESULTS                                            30
         8.2.1 WWAN SAR MEASUREMENT RESULT                            31
      8.3 MULTIPLE TRANSMITTER EVALUATION                             32
   APPENDIX                                                          33
   1. TEST LAYOUT                                                    33

 Appendix A. SAR Plots of System Verification
 Appendix B. SAR Plots of SAR Measurement
 Appendix C. Calibration Certificate
 Appendix D. Photographs of the Test Set-Up

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                                                           Report Version: R00

                               REPORT ISSUED HISTORY

         Report Version                    Description         Issued Date
             R00                          Original Issue       May 23, 2019

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                                                           Report Version: R00


 Equipment                AC600 Mini Wireless USB Adapter
 Brand Name               tp-link
 Model Name               Archer T2U
 Manufacturer             TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd.
                          Building 24(floors1,3,4,5) and 28(floors1-4) Central Science and
                          Technology Park, Shennan Rd, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
 Standard(s)              ANSI Std C95.1:1992 Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to
                          Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz – 300 GHz.( IEEE Std
                          IEEE Std 1528:2013 Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak
                          Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from
                          Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques
                          KDB447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
                          KDB447498 D02 SAR Procedures for Dongle Xmtr v02
                          KDB248227 D01 802. 11 Wi-Fi SAR v02r02
                          KDB865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz v01r04
                          KDB865664 D02 SAR Reporting v01r02
                          KDB690783 D01 SAR Listings on Grants v01r03

The above equipment has been tested and found compliance with the requirement of the relative
standards by BTL Inc.
The test data, data evaluation, and equipment configuration contained in our test report (Ref No.
BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116) were obtained utilizing the test procedures, test instruments, test sites
that has been accredited by the Authority of A2LA according to the ISO/IEC 17025 quality assessment
standard and technical standard(s).

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The test facilities used to collect the test data in this report is SAR room at the location of
No.3,Jinshagang 1st Road, ShiXia, Dalang Town,Dong Guan, China.523792

Note: Per KDB865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz, when the highest measured
1-g SAR within a frequency band is < 1.5 W/kg, the extensive SAR measurement uncertainty
analysis described in IEEE Std 1528-2013 is not required in SAR reports submitted for equipment
approval. The equivalent ratio (1.5/1.6) is applied to extremity and occupational exposure

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   Equipment                                  Highest Body
     Class                                    SAR-1g(W/kg)
      DTS            2.4G WLAN                    0.88
                     5.2G WLAN                      /
                     5.3G WLAN                    0.85
                     5.6G WLAN                    1.15
                     5.8G WLAN                    1.02
       Note: The highest reported SAR for body is 1.15W/kg.

1) The device is in compliance with Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) for general population uncontrolled
exposure limits according to the FCC rule §2.1093, the ANSI C95.1:1992/IEEE C95.1:1991, the NCRP
Report Number 86 for uncontrolled environment, and had been tested in accordance with the
measurement methods and procedures specified in IEEE Std 1528-2013 .

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        Equipment          AC600 Mini Wireless USB Adapter
       Model Name          Archer T2U
       Test Sample         Engineering Sample No.: D190302468
        Modulation         WiFi(DSSS/OFDM)
                                  Band                             TX (MHz)
                               2.4G WIFI                         2400-2483.5
  Operation Frequency                                             5150-5250
       Range(s)                                                   5250-5350
                                 5G WIFI
                           1-6-11 (2.4G WIFI 802.11b)
                           1-2-6-10-11 (2.4G WIFI 802.11g/n HT20, VHT20)
                           3-4-6-8-9 (2.4G WIFI 802.11n HT40)
                           3-4-5-6-7-8-9 (2.4G WIFI VHT40)
                                  Band         5.2G WIFI 5.3G WIFI      5.6G WIFI    5.8G WIFI
      Test Channels
      (low-mid-high)        802.11a/n HT20                                          149-153-157-
                                              36-40-44-48 52-56-60-64 112-116-132-
                               /ac VHT20                                              161-165
                             802.11n HT40/                             102-110-118-
                                                 38-46       54-62                    151-159
                                ac VHT40                                 126-134
                            802.11ac VHT80        42          58         106-122        155
                                  Band                           Ant Gain(dBi)
      Antenna Gain             2.4G WIFI                             1.96
                                 5G WIFI                             2.95

Note: Vht mode is an extension of n mode, it is only differ in rate.


Temperature                             Min. = 18ºC, Max. = 25ºC
Relative humidity                       Min. = 30%, Max. = 70%
Ground system resistance              < 0.5Ω
Ambient noise is checked and found very low and in compliance with requirement of standards.
Reflection of surrounding objects is minimized and in compliance with requirement of standards.

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Item           Equipment              Manufacturer        Model        Serial No.     Cal. Date     Cal. Interval
 1     Data Acquisition Electronics      Speag            DAE4           1405       Feb. 26, 2019      1 Year
 2     Data Acquisition Electronics      Speag            DAE3            536       Oct. 15, 2018      1 Year
 3            E-field Probe              Speag           EX3DV4          7396       May 29, 2018       1 Year
 4            E-field Probe              Speag           ES3DV3          3162       Apr. 12, 2019      1 Year
 5      System Validation Dipole         Speag           D2450V2          919       Jun. 11, 2018     3 Years
 6      System Validation Dipole         Speag          D5GHzV2          1160       Jun. 20, 2018     3 Years
                                                         Twin Sam
 7         Twin Sam Phantom              Speag                           1896           N/A             N/A
                                                       Phantom V5.0
 8           Power Amplifier          Mini-Circuits     ZHL-42W+      QA1333003     Feb. 25, 2019      1 Year
 9           Power Amplifier          Mini-Circuits      ZVE-8G+      520701341     Feb. 25, 2019      1 Year
10             DC Source                  lteck          OT6154        M00157       Oct. 12, 2018      1 Year
11       ENA Network Analyzer           Agilent          E5071C       MY46102965    Mar. 10, 2019      1 Year
           MXG Analog Signal
12                                      Agilent          N5181A       MY49060710    Aug. 11, 2018      1 Year
13          Signal Generator            Agilent          E4438C       MY4907131     Mar. 10, 2019      1 Year
14        P-series power meter          Agilent          N1911A       MY45100473    Aug. 11, 2018      1 Year
15      Wideband power sensor           Agilent          N1921A       MY51100041    Aug. 11, 2018      1 Year
16        Peak Power Analyzer           Keysight          8990B       MY51000506    Nov. 26, 2018      1 Year
17      Wideband Power Sensor           Keysight         N1923A       MY58310004    Nov. 26, 2018      1 Year
18      Dielectric Assessment Kit        Speag           DAK-3.5         1226           N/A             N/A
19       Dual directional coupler       Woken          TS-PCC0M-05    107090019     Mar. 10, 2019      1 Year
20               Coupler                Woken         0110A05601O-10 COM5BNW1A2 Mar. 10, 2019          1 Year
21         Digital Themometer             LKM           DTM3000          3519       Jul. 19, 2018      1 Year
22         Thermohygrometer             Parkoo            JR609           N/A       Aug. 23, 2018      1 Year

 1. “N/A” denotes no model name, serial No. or calibration specified.
 1) Per KDB865664 D01 requirements for dipole calibration, the test laboratory has adopted three-year
 extended calibration interval. Each measured dipole is expected to evaluate with the following criteria
 at least on annual interval in Appendix C.
 a) There is no physical damage on the dipole;
 b) System check with specific dipole is within 10% of calibrated value;
 c) The most recent return-loss result , measured at least annually, deviates by no more than 20% from
 the previous measurement;
 d) The most recent measurement of the real or imaginary parts of the impedance, measured at least
 annually is within 5Ωfrom the previous measurement.

 2) Network analyzer probe calibration against air, distilled water and a short block performed before
 measuring liquid parameters.

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The DASY5 system for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:
1. A standard high precision 6-axis robot (Stäubli RX family) with controller and software. An arm
    extension for accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
2. A dosimetric probe, i.e. an isotropic E-field probe optimized and calibrated for usage in tissue
    simulating liquid. The probe is equipped with an optical surface detector system.
3. A data acquisition electronic (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal
    multiplexing, AD-conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision
    detection, etc. The unit is battery powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal
    is optically transmitted to the EOC.
4. A unit to operate the optical surface detector which is connected to the EOC.
5. The Electro-Optical Coupler (EOC) performs the conversion from the optical into a digital
    electric signal of the DAE. The EOC is connected to the DASY5 measurement server.
6. TheDASY5 measurement server, which performs all real-time data evaluation for field
    measurements and surface detection, controls robot movements and handles safety
    operation. A computer operating Windows.
7. DASY5 software and SEMCAD data evaluation software.
8. Remote control with teach panel and additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning
    lamps, etc.
9. The generic twin phantom enabling the testing of left-hand and right-hand usage.
10. The device holder for handheld mobile phones.
11. Tissue simulating liquid mixed according to the given recipes.
12. System validation dipoles allowing to validate the proper functioning of the system.


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The SAR measurements were conducted with the dosimetric probe EX3DV4 and ES3DV3
(manufactured by SPEAG), designed in the classical triangular configuration and optimized for
dosimetrice valuation.

 Construction   Symmetrical design with triangular core Interleaved sensors Built-in
                shielding against static charges PEEK enclosure material (resistant to
                organic solvents, e.g., DGBE)
 Calibration        ISO/IEC 17025 calibration service available

 Frequency          10 MHz to 6 GHz
                    Linearity: ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 6 GHz)
 Directivity        ± 0.3 dB in HSL (rotation around probe axis)
                    ± 0.5 dB in tissue material (rotation normal to probe axis)
 Dynamic Range      10 µW/g to > 100 mW/g
                    Linearity:± 0.2dB
 Dimensions         Overall length: 330 mm (Tip: 20 mm)
                    Tip diameter: 2.5 mm (Body: 12 mm) Distance from probe tip to dipole
                    centers: 1.0 mm

 Construction       Symmetrical design with triangular core Interleaved sensors Built-in
                    shielding against static charges PEEK enclosure material (resistant to
                    organic solvents, e.g., DGBE)
 Calibration        ISO/IEC 17025 calibration service available
 Frequency          10 MHz to 4 GHz
                    Linearity: ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 4 GHz)
 Directivity        ± 0.3 dB in HSL (rotation around probe axis)
                    ± 0.5 dB in tissue material (rotation normal to probe axis)
 Dynamic Range      5 µW/g to > 100 mW/g
                    Linearity:± 0.2dB
 Dimensions         Overall length: 330 mm (Tip: 20 mm)
                    Tip diameter: 4 mm (Body: 12 mm) Distance from probe tip to dipole
                    centers: 1.0 mm

                                           E-field Probe

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 %.The spherical isotropy was evaluatedandfoundtobebetterthan±0.25dB.The sensitivity
 parameters (NormX, NormY, NormZ), the diode compression parameter (DCP) and the
 conversion factor(ConvF) of the probe are tested.
 The free space E-field from amplified probe outputs is determined in a test chamber. This is
 performed in a TEM cell for frequencies bellow 1 GHz, and in a wave guide above 1 GHz for free
 space. For the free space calibration, the probe is placed in the volumetric center of the cavity
 and at the proper orientation with the field. The probe is then rotated 360 degrees.
 E-field temperature correlation calibration is performed in a flat phantom filled with the appropriate
 simulated brain tissue. The measured free space E-field in the medium correlates to temperature
 rise in a dielectric medium. For temperature correlation calibration a RF transparent
 thermistor-based temperature probe is used in conjunction with the E-field probe.

     Where: ∆t=Exposure time(30 seconds),
            C =Heat capacity of tissue (brain or muscle),
            ∆T=Temperature increase due to RF exposure.

      Where: σ=Simulated tissue conductivity,
             ρ=Tissue density (kg/m3).

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4.2.3 OTHER TEST EQUIPMENT Device Holder for Transmitters
Construction: Simple but effective and easy-to-use extension for Mounting Device that facilitates
the testing of larger devices(e.g., laptops, cameras, etc.) It is lightweight and fits easily on the upper
part of the Mounting Device in place of the phone positioner. The extension is fully compatible with
the Twin SAM, ELI4and SAM v6.0Phantoms.
Material: POM, Acrylic glass, Foam Phantom
 Model                Twin SAM
 Construction         The shell corresponds to the
                      specifications of the Specific
                      Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM)
                      phantom defined in IEEE 1528 and IEC
                      62209-1. It enables the dosimetric
                      evaluation of left and right hand phone
                      usage as well as body mounted usage at
                      the flat phantom region. A cover
                      prevents evaporation of the liquid.
                      Reference markings on the phantom
                      allow the complete setup of all
                      predefined phantom positions and
                      measurement grids by teaching three
                      points with the robot.
 Shell Thickness      2 ± 0.2 mm
 Filling Volume       Approx. 25 liters
                      Length:1000mm; Width: 500mm
                      Height: adjustable feet
 Aailable             Special

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The DASY5 installation includes predefined files with recommended procedures for measurements
and validation. They are read-only document files and destined as fully defined but unmeasured
masks. All test positions (head or body-worn) are tested with the same configuration of test steps
differing only in the grid definition for the different test positions.
The “reference” and “drift” measurements are located at the beginning and end of the batch process.
They measure the field drift at one single point in the liquid over the complete procedure. The
indicated drift is mainly the variation of the DUT’s output power and should vary max. ± 5 %.
The “surface check” measurement tests the optical surface detection system of the DASY5 system
by repeatedly detecting the surface with the optical and mechanical surface detector and comparing
the results. The output gives the detecting heights of both systems, the difference between the two
systems and the standard deviation of the detection repeatability. Air bubbles or refraction in the
liquid due to separation of the sugar-water mixture gives poor repeatability (above ± 0.1mm). To
prevent wrong results tests are only executed when the liquid is free of air bubbles. The difference
between the optical surface detection and the actual surface depends on the probe and is specified
with each probe. (It does not depend on the surface reflectivity or the probe angle to the surface
within ± 30°.)
   Area Scan
The “area scan” measures the SAR above the DUT or verification dipole on a parallel plane to the
surface. It is used to locate the approximate location of the peak SAR with 2D spline interpolation.
The robot performs a stepped movement along one grid axis while the local electrical field strength
is measured by the probe. The probe is touching the surface of the SAM during acquisition of
measurement values. The standard scan uses large grid spacing for faster measurement. Standard
grid spacing for head measurements is 15 mm in x- and y- dimension(≤2GHz), 12 mm inx- and y-
dimension(2-4 GHz) and 10mm in x- and y- dimension(4-6GHz). If a finer resolution is needed, the
grid spacing can be reduced. Grid spacing and orientation have no influence on the SAR result. For
special applications where the standard scan method does not find the peak SAR within the grid,
e.g. mobile phones with flip cover, the grid can be adapted in orientation.
   Zoom Scan
A “zoom scan” measures the field in a volume around the 2D peak SAR value acquired in the
previous “coarse” scan. This is a fine grid with maximum scan spatial resolution:Δxzoom, Δyzoom≤
2GHz -≤8mm, 2-4GHz -≤5 mm and 4-6 GHz-≤4mm; Δzzoom≤3GHz -≤5 mm, 3-4 GHz-≤4mm
and 4-6GHz-≤2mm where the robot additionally moves the probe along the z-axis away from the
bottom of the Phantom. DASY is also able to perform repeated zoom scans if more than 1 peak is
found during area scan. In this document, the evaluated peak 1g and 10g averaged SAR values are
shown in the 2D-graphics in Appendix B. Test results relevant for the specified standard (see
chapter 1.4.)are shown in table form form in chapter 7.2.
A Z-axis scan measures the total SAR value at the x-and y-position of the maximum SAR value
found during the cube scan. The probe is moved away in z-direction from the bottom of the SAM
phantom in 2 mm steps. This measurement shows the continuity of the liquid and can - depending in
the field strength – also show the liquid depth.

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 The DASY5 software stores the acquired data from the data acquisition electronics as raw data (in
 microvolt readings from the probe sensors), together with all necessary software parameters for
 the data evaluation (probe calibration data, liquid parameters and device frequency and
 modulation data) in measurement files with the extension “DAE”. The software evaluates the
 desired unit and format for output each time the data is visualized or exported. This allows
 verification of the complete software setup even after the measurement and allows correction of
 incorrect parameter settings. For example, if a measurement has been performed with a wrong
 crest factor parameter in the device setup, the parameter can be corrected afterwards and the
 data can be re-evaluated.
 The measured data can be visualized or exported in different units or formats, depending on the
 selected probe type ([V/m], [A/m], [°C], [mW/g], [mW/cm²], [dBrel], etc.). Some of these units are
 not available in certain situations or show meaningless results, e.g., a SAR output in a lossless
 media will always be zero. Raw data can also be exported to perform the evaluation with other
 software packages.

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3TL                                                                                                              é@
sumr                                                                                                                   A    m,!,

 The following table summarizes the area scan and zoom scan resolutions per FCC KDB
                     Maximun Area     Maximun Zoom            Maximun Zoom Scan spatial resolution         Minimum
       Frequency            Scan        Scan sp;tlal        Uniform Grid           Graded Grad             zoom scan
                       resolution        resolution          Aezson(D)     Aeisenl1)*    AZzecn{n21)"       volume
                     (BXaren B¥aes)   |_(AX7com: AYzoom )         ten        Ter            *                uy.z)
        <2GHz           <    15mm          <8mm               $                         515Azzeon(h—1)      >30mm
        2—3GHz               2mm                                                           $‘6zz..,(n—1)        mm
        3—4GHz               2mm                                                           5"AZzcen(D—1)        mm
        4—5GHz               Omm                                                           5"AZzzen(D—1)        mm
        5—60Hz               Omm                                                           5"Azzeen(n1)       22mm

 The spatial peak SAR — value for 1 and 10 g is evaluated after the Cube measurements have been
  done. The basis of the evaluation are the SAR values measured at the points of the fine cube grid
  consisting of 5 x 5 x 7 points( with 8mm horizontal resolution) or 7 x 7 x 7 points( with 5mm
 horizontal resolution) or 8 x 8 x 7 points( with 4mm horizontal resolution). The algorithm thatfinds
 the maximal averaged volume is separated into three different stages.

  m      The data between the dipole center of the probe and the surface of the phantom are
         extrapolated. This data cannot be measured since the center of the dipole is 2.7 mm away from
         the tip of the probe and the distance between the surface and the lowest measuring point is
         about 1 mm (see probe calibration sheet). The extrapolated data from a cubs measurement can
         be visualized by selecting "Graph Evaluated".

  m      The maximum interpolated value is searched with a straight—forward algorithm. Around this
         maximum the SAR — values averaged over the spatial volumes (1g or 10 g) are computed using
         the 3d—spline interpolation algorithm. If the volume cannot be evaluated (i.e., if a part of the grid
         was cut off by the boundary of the measurement area) the evaluation will be started on the
         comners of the bottom plane of the cube.

  m      All neighboring volumes are evaluated until no neighboring volume with a higher average value
         is found.
 The extrapolation is based on a least square algorithm [W. Gander, Computer mathematic,
  p.168—180]. Through the points in the first 3 cm along the z—axis, polynomials of order four are
  calculated. These polynomials are then used to evaluate the points between the surface and the
  probetip. The points, calculated from the surface, have a distance of 1 mm from each other.
 The interpolation of the points is done with a 3d—Spline. The 3d—Spline is composed of three
 one—dimensional splines with the "Not a knot"—condition [W. Gander, Computer mathematic,
 p.141—150] (x, y and 2 —direction) [Numerical Recipes in C, Second Edition, p.123ff ].

  Volume Averaging

  At First the size of the cube is calculated. Then the volume is integrated with the trapezcidal
  algorithm. 8000 points (20x20x20) are interpolated to calculate the average.

  Advanced Extrapolation

  DASY5 uses the advanced extrapolation option which is able to compensate boundary effects on
  E—field probes.

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 The SEMCAD software automatically executes the following procedures to calculate the field units
 from the microvolt readings at the probe connector. The parameters used in the evaluation are
 stored in the configuration modules of the software:

       Probe parameters:     Sensitivity                    Normi, ai0, ai1,ai2

                             Conversion factor              ConvFi

                             Diode compression point        Dcpi

       Device                Frequency                      f
                             Crest factor                   cf

       Media parameters: Conductivity


 These parameters must be set correctly in the software. They can be found in the component
 documents or they can be imported into the software from the configuration files issued for the
 DASY5 components. In the direct measuring mode of the multimeter option, the parameters of the
 actual system setup are used. In the scan visualization and export modes, the parameters stored in
 the corresponding document files are used.

 The first step of the evaluation is a linearization of the filtered input signal to account for the
 compression characteristics of the detector diode. The compensation depends on the input signal,
 the diode type and the DC-transmission factor from the diode to the evaluation electronics.

 If the exciting field is pulsed, the crest factor of the signal must be known to correctly compensate
 for peak power. The formula for each channel can be given as:

                       Vi= Ui+ Ui2· cf/ dcpi

     With    Vi= compensated signal of channel i       (i = x,y,z )
             Ui= input signal of channel i             ( i = x, y,z )

             cf=crest factor of exciting field         (DASY parameter)
             dcpi=diode compression point              (DASY parameter)

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 From the compensated input signals the primary field data for each channel can
 be evaluated:
         E-field probes:   Ei= ( Vi/ Normi·ConvF)1/2

         H-field probes: Hi=   ( Vi)1/2· ( ai0+ ai1f+ ai2f2)/ f

     With    Vi= compensated signal of channel i                  (i = x,y,z )
             Normi= sensor sensitivity of channel i               ( i = x, y,z )
                        [mV/(V/m) ]for E-field Probes
             ConvF = sensitivity enhancement in solution
             aij=sensor sensitivity factors for H-field probes
             f=carrier frequency [GHz]
             Ei=electric field strength of channel i in V/m
             Hi= magnetic field strength of channel i in A/m

 The RSS value of the field components gives the total field strength (Hermitian magnitude):

                           Etot= (EX2+ EY2+EZ2)1/2

 The primary field data are used to calculate the derived field units.

                        SAR= (Etot)2 ·σ/ (ρ·1000)

     With    SAR=local specific absorption rate in mW/g
             Etot=total field strength in V/m
                  =conductivity in[mho/m]or[Siemens/m]
                  =equivalent tissue density in g/cm

 Note that the density is normally set to 1(or1.06), to account for actual brain density rather than the
 density of the simulation liquid. The power flow density is calculated assuming the excitation field to
 be a free space field.

            Ppwe= Etot2/3770orPpwe= Htot2· 37.7

     With    Ppwe= equivalent power density of a plane wave in mW/cm2
             Etot=total field strength in V/m
             Htot=total magnetic field strength in A/m

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The simulating liquids should be checked at the beginning of a series of SAR measurements to
determine of the dielectic parameter are within the tolerances of the specified target values. The
measured conductivity and relative permittivity should be within ± 5% of the target values.
The following materials are used for producing the tissue-equivalent materials.

    Tissue                                                                                  Triton                     Glycol
                 Bactericide        DGBE        HEC          NaCl         Sucrose                        Water
     Type                                                                                   X-100                      Mono-
  Body 2450           -              31.4         -          0.1               -              -           68.5               -
   Body 5G            -                -          -            -               -            10.7          78.6          10.7
Salt: 99+% Pure Sodium Chloride; Sugar: 98+% Pure Sucrose; Water: De-ionized, 16M + resistivity
HEC: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose; DGBE: 99+% Di(ethylene glycol) butyl
Triton X-100(ultra pure): Polyethylene glycol mono [4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]ether

                                                        Tissue Verification
                          Liquid                                    Targeted       Targeted        Deviation     Deviation
 Tissue   Frequency                Conductivity Permittivity
                          Temp.                                    Conductivity Permittivity Conductivity Permittivity               Date
 Type        (MHz)                     (σ)            (εr)
                           (℃)                                         (σ)           (εr)            (σ) (%)      (εr) (%)

 Body        2450         22.5       1.997        51.664              1.95          52.7             2.41         -1.97          May 17, 2019
 Body        5300         22.4       5.564        47.528              5.42          48.9             2.66         -2.81          May 15, 2019
 Body        5600         22.4       5.982        46.911              5.77          48.5             3.67         -3.28          May 15, 2019
 Body        5800         22.4       6.258        46.530              6.00          48.2             4.30         -3.46          May 15, 2019

1)The dielectric parameters of the tissue-equivalent liquid should be measured under similar
ambient conditions and within 2 °C of the conditions expected during the SAR evaluation to satisfy
protocol requirements.
2)KDB 865664 was ensured to be applied for probe calibration frequencies greater than or equal to
50MHz of the EUT frequencies.
3)The above measured tissue parameters were used in the DASY software to perform interpolation
via the DASY software to determine actual dielectric parameters at the test frequencies. The SAR
test plots may slightly differ from the table above since the DASY rounds to three significant digits.

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The system check is performed for verifying the accuracy of the complete measurement system and
performance of the software. The system check is performed with tissue equivalent material according
to IEE Std 1528 (described above). The following table shows system check results for all frequency
bands and tissue liquids used during the tests.

                                           Targeted   Measured    normalized
  System                     Frequency                                         Deviation    Dipole
                 Date                      SAR-1g      SAR-1g      SAR-1g
   Check                        (MHz)                                            (%)         S/N
                                            (W/kg)      (W/kg)      (W/kg)
   Body      May 17, 2019       2450        50.80       13.20       52.80        3.94        919
   Body      May 15, 2019       5300        72.30        7.15       71.50        -1.11       1160
   Body      May 15, 2019       5600        77.70        8.07       80.70        3.86        1160
   Body      May 15, 2019       5800        76.60        7.74       77.40        1.04        1160

The system check is performed by using a system check dipole which is positioned parallel to the
planar part of the SAM phantom at the reference point. The distance of the dipole to the SAM
phantom is determined by a plexiglass spacer. The dipole is connected to the signal source
consisting of signal generator and amplifier via a directional coupler, N-connector cable and adaption
to SMA. It is fed with a power of 250 mW(below 3GHz) or 100mW(3-6GHz). To adjust this power a
power meter is used.
The power sensor is connected to the cable before the system check to measure the power at this
point and do adjustments at the signal generator. At the outputs of the directional coupler both return
loss as well as forward power are controlled during the system check to make sure that emitted
power at the dipole is kept constant. This can also be checked by the power drift measurement after
the test. System check results have to be equal or near the values determined during dipole
calibration (target
SAR in table above) with the relevant liquids and test system(±10 %).

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Per KDB865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz, SAR measurement variability must be
assessed for each frequency band, which is determined by the SAR probe calibration point and
tissue-equivalent medium used for the device measurements. The additional measurements are
repeated after the completion of all measurements requiring the same head or body
tissue-equivalent medium in a frequency band. The test device should be returned to ambient
conditions (normal room temperature) with the battery fully charged before it is re-mounted on the
device holder for the repeated measurement(s) to minimize any unexpected variations in the
repeated results.

1) Repeated measurement is not required when the original highest measured SAR is < 0.80 W/kg;
steps 2) through 4) do not apply.
2) When the original highest measured SAR is ≥ 0.80 W/kg, repeat that measurement once.
3) Perform a second repeated measurement only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the
original and first repeated measurements is > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurement is
≥ 1.45 W/kg (~ 10% from the 1-g SAR limit).
4) Perform a third repeated measurement only if the original, first or second repeated measurement
is ≥ 1.5 W/kg and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and second repeated
measurements is > 1.20.

The same procedures should be adapted for measurements according to extremity and
occupational exposure limits by applying a factor of 2.5 for extremity exposure and a factor of 5 for
occupational exposure to the corresponding SAR thresholds.

The detailed repeated measurement results are shown in Section 8.2.

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For WLAN SAR testing, WLAN engineering testing software installed on the DUT can provide
continuous transmitting RF signal.

                                               802.11n          802.11n
     Mode         802.11b       802.11g                                      VHT20          VHT40
                                                HT20             HT40
 Duty cycle                                              100%
Crest factor                                              1

                                802.11n        802.11n          802.11ac    802.11ac       802.11ac
     Mode         802.11a
                                  HT20          HT40            VHT20        VHT40          VHT80
 Duty cycle                                              100%
 Crest factor                                             1

For WiFi SAR testing, a communication link is set up with the test mode software for WiFi mode test.
During the test, at the each test frequency channel, the EUT is operated at the RF continuous
emission mode. The RF signal utilized in SAR measurement has 100% duty cycle and its crest
factor is 1. The test procedures in KDB 248227 D01 are applied.


802.11b DSSS SAR Test Requirements
SAR is measured for 2.4 GHz 802.11b DSSS using either a fixed test position or, when applicable,
the initial test position procedure. SAR test reduction is determined according to the following:
1) When the reported SAR of the highest measured maximum output power channel for the exposure
  configuration is ≤ 0.8 W/kg, no further SAR testing is required for 802.11b DSSS in that exposure
2) When the reported SAR is > 0.8 W/kg, SAR is required for that exposure configuration using the
  next highest measured output power channel. When any reported SAR is > 1.2 W/kg, SAR is
  required for the third channel; i.e., all channels require testing.

2.4 GHz 802.11g/n OFDM SAR Test Exclusion Requirements
When SAR measurement is required for 2.4 GHz 802.11g/n OFDM configurations, the measurement
and test reduction procedures for OFDM are applied. SAR is not required for the following 2.4 GHz
OFDM conditions.
1) When KDB Publication 447498 SAR test exclusion applies to the OFDM configuration.
2) When the highest reported SAR for DSSS is adjusted by the ratio of OFDM to DSSS specified
  maximum output power and the adjusted SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg.

SAR Test Requirements for OFDM configurations
When SAR measurement is required for 2.4 GHz 802.11g/n OFDM configurations, each stand alone.
And frequency aggregated band is considered separately for SAR test reduction. In applying the initial
test configuration and subsequent test configuration procedures, the 802.11 transmission configuration
with the highest specified maximum output power and the channel within a test configuration with the
highest measured maximum output power should be clearly distinguished to apply the procedures.

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 U-NII-1 and U-NII-2A Band
For devices that operate in both U-NII-1 and U-NII-2A bands, when the same maximum output power
is specified for both bands, begin SAR measurement in U-NII-2A band by applying the OFDM SAR
requirements. If the highest reported SAR for a test configuration is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, SAR is not required for
U-NII-1 band for that configuration (802.11 mode and exposure condition); otherwise, both bands are
tested independently for SAR. When different maximum output power is specified for the bands, begin
SAR measurement in the band with higher specified maximum output power. The highest reported
SAR for the tested configuration is adjusted by the ratio of lower to higher specified maximum output
power for the two bands. When the adjusted SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, SAR is not required for the band with
lower maximum output power in that test configuration; otherwise, both bands are tested
independently for SAR.

 U-NII-2C, U-NII-3 Bands
The frequency range covered by these bands is 380 MHz (5.47 – 5.85 GHz), which requires a
minimum of at least two SAR probe calibration frequency points to support SAR measurements.
When Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) restriction applies, the channels at 5.60 – 5.65
GHz in U-NII-2C band must be disabled with acceptable mechanisms and documented in the
equipment certification.
Unless band gap channels are permanently disabled, they must be considered for SAR testing.
To maintain SAR measurement accuracy and to facilitate test reduction, the channels in U-NII-2C
band above 5.65 GHz may be grouped with the 5.8 GHz channels in U-NII-3 or §15.247 band to
enable two SAR probe calibration frequency points to cover the bands, including the band gap
channels.11 When band gap channels are supported and the bands are not aggregated for SAR
testing, band gap channels must be considered independently in each band according to the normally
required OFDM SAR measurement and probe calibration frequency points requirements.

For the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, when the same maximum output power was specified for multiple
OFDM transmission mode configurations in a frequency band or aggregated band, SAR is measured
using the configuration with the largest channel bandwidth, lowest order modulation and lowest data
rate. When the maximum output power of a channel is the same for equivalent OFDM
configurations(for example 802.11a,802.11n and 802.11ac,or 802.11g and 802.11n,with the same
channel bandwidth, modulation, and data rate, etc.),the lower order 802.11 mode(i.e.802.11a then
802.11n and 802.11ac,or 802.11g then 802.11n) is used for SAR measurement. When the maximum
output power are the same for multiple test channels, either according to the default or additional
power measurement requirements, SAR is measured using the channel closest to the middle of the
frequency band or aggregated band. When there are multiple channels with the same maximum
output power, SAR is measured using the higher number channel.

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For OFDM, in both 2.4G and 5GHz bands, an initial test configuration is determined for each
frequency band and aggregated band, according to the transmission mode with the highest maximum
output power specified for SAR measurements. When the same maximum output power is specified
for multiple OFDM transmission mode configurations in a frequency band or aggregated band, SAR is
measured using the configuration(s) with the largest channel bandwidth, lowest order modulation,
and lowest data rate. If the average RF output powers of the highest identical transmission modes are
within 0.25 dB of each other, mid channel of the transmission mode with highest average RF output
powers is the initial test channel. Otherwise, the channel of the transmission mode with the highest
average RF output power will be the initial test configuration.
When the reported SAR is ≤ 0.8 W/kg, no additional measurements on other test channels are
required. Otherwise, SAR is evaluated using the subsequent highest average RF output channel until
the reported SAR result is ≤1.2 W/kg or all channels are measured. When there are multiple untested
channels having the same subsequent highest average RF output power, the channel with higher
frequency from the lowest 802.11 mode is considered for SAR measurement.



Test all USB orientations [see figure below: (A) Horizontal-Up, (B) Horizontal-Down, (C) Vertical-Front,
and (D) Vertical-Back and Tip with a device-to-phantom separation distance of 5 mm.

               Fig 7.2.1 USB Connector Orientations Implemented on Laptop Computers

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                            Frequency     Data Rate      Max.         Average
    Mode         Channel
                               (MHz)       (Mbps)      Tune up      Power(dBm)
                    1          2412                      18.00          17.98
   802.11b          6          2437           1          18.00          17.98
                    11         2462                      18.00          17.91
                    1          2412                      17.50          17.24
                    2          2417                      18.00          17.86
   802.11g          6          2437           6          18.00          17.89
                    10         2457                      18.00          17.86
                    11         2462                      17.00          16.87
                    1          2412                      17.00          16.79
                    2          2417                      18.00          17.89
802.11n HT20        6          2437         MCS0         18.00          17.97
                    10         2457                      18.00          17.89
                    11         2462                      18.00          16.76
                    3          2422                      15.50          15.39
                    4          2427                      17.00          16.76
802.11n HT40        6          2437         MCS0         17.00          16.81
                    8          2447                      17.00          16.42
                    9          2452                      16.00          15.84
                    1          2412                      16.00          15.97
                    2          2417                      18.00          17.89
    VHT20           6          2437                      18.00          17.94
                    10         2457                      18.00          17.64
                    11         2462                      17.00          16.82
                    3          2422                      16.00          15.53
                    4          2427                      16.00          15.77
                    5          2432                      17.00          16.71
    VHT40           6          2437                      17.00          16.87
                    7          2442                      17.00          16.68
                    8          2447                      16.00          15.64
                    9          2452                      16.00          15.59

1) The Average conducted power of WiFi is measured with RMS detector.
2) Per KDB248227 D01, for WiFi 2.4GHz, the highest measured maximum output power Channel for
   DSSS modes(802.11b) was selected for SAR measurement. SAR for OFDM modes(2.4GHz
   802.11g/n) was not required When the highest reported SAR for DSSS is adjusted by the ratio of
   OFDM modes(802.11g/n) to DSSS modes(802.11b) specified maximum output power and the
   adjusted SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg.
3) The tested channel results are marks in bold.

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                                     Frequency   Data Rate    Max.      Average
Band        Mode         Channel
                                       (MHz)      (Mbps)     Tune-up   Power(dBm)
                           36          5180                   18.00      17.69
                           40          5200                   18.00      17.88
           802.11a                                  6
                           44          5220                   18.00      17.83
                           48          5240                   18.00      17.89
                           36          5180                   18.00      17.95
                           40          5200                   18.00      17.83
         802.11n HT20                             MCS0
                           44          5220                   18.00      17.81
                           48          5240                   18.00      17.87
 5.2G                      38          5190                   18.00      17.65
         802.11n HT40                             MCS0
                           46          5230                   18.00      17.81
                           36          5180                   18.00      17.92
                           40          5200                   18.00      17.62
        802.11ac VHT20                            MCS0
                           44          5220                   18.00      17.61
                           48          5240                   18.00      17.68
                           38          5190                   18.00      17.87
        802.11ac VHT40                            MCS0
                           46          5230                   18.00      17.94
        802.11ac VHT80     42          5210       MCS0        18.00      17.65

                                     Frequency   Data Rate    Max.      Average
Band        Mode         Channel
                                       (MHz)      (Mbps)     Tune-up   Power(dBm)
                           52          5260                   18.00      17.74
                           56          5280                   18.00      17.59
           802.11a                                  6
                           60          5300                   18.00      17.62
                           64          5320                   18.00      17.83
                           52          5260                   18.00      17.62
                           56          5280                   18.00      17.63
         802.11n HT20                             MCS0
                           60          5300                   18.00      17.75
                           64          5320                   18.00      17.78
 5.3G                      54          5270                   18.00      17.83
         802.11n HT40                             MCS0
                           62          5310                   18.00      17.81
                           52          5260                   18.00      17.72
                           56          5280                   18.00      17.65
        802.11ac VHT20                            MCS0
                           60          5300                   18.00      17.69
                           64          5320                   18.00      17.91
                           54          5270                   18.00      17.96
        802.11ac VHT40                            MCS0
                           62          5310                   18.00      17.89
        802.11ac VHT80     58          5290       MCS0        18.00      17.79

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                                     Frequency   Data Rate    Max.      Average
Band        Mode         Channel
                                       (MHz)      (Mbps)     Tune-up   Power(dBm)
                           100         5500                   16.50      15.87
                           104         5520                   16.50      16.09
                           108         5540                   16.50      16.08
                           112         5560                   16.50      16.02
           802.11a                                  6
                           116         5580                   16.50      16.17
                           132         5660                   16.50      16.13
                           136         5680                   16.50      16.17
                           140         5700                   16.50      16.26
                           100         5500                   16.50      16.04
                           104         5520                   16.50      16.14
                           108         5540                   16.50      16.27
                           112         5560                   16.50      16.17
         802.11n HT20                             MCS0
                           116         5580                   16.50      16.26
                           132         5660                   16.50      16.23
                           136         5680                   16.50      16.33
                           140         5700                   16.50      16.18
                           102         5510                   16.50      16.18
                           110         5550                   16.50      16.24
         802.11n HT40      118         5590       MCS0        16.50      16.16
                           126         5630                   16.50      16.04
                           134         5670                   16.50      16.08
                           100         5500                   16.50      16.15
                           104         5520                   16.50      16.26
                           108         5540                   16.50      16.23
                           112         5560                   16.50      16.27
        802.11ac VHT20                            MCS0
                           116         5580                   16.50      16.24
                           132         5660                   16.50      16.16
                           136         5680                   16.50      16.31
                           140         5700                   16.50      16.22
                           102         5510                   16.50      15.86
                           110         5550                   16.50      16.12
        802.11ac VHT40     118         5590       MCS0        16.50      16.01
                           126         5630                   16.50      15.98
                           134         5670                   16.50      16.19
                           106         5530                   16.50      16.38
        802.11ac VHT80                            MCS0
                           122         5610                   16.00      15.74

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                                      Frequency     Data Rate     Max.        Average
Band         Mode          Channel
                                        (MHz)        (Mbps)      Tune-up    Power(dBm)
                             149         5745                     16.50        16.13
                             153         5765                     16.50        16.16
            802.11a          157         5785           6         16.50        16.12
                             161         5805                     16.50        15.86
                             165         5825                     16.50        16.06
                             149         5745                     16.50        15.87
                             153         5765                     16.50        15.73
         802.11n HT20        157         5785         MCS0        16.50        15.92
                             161         5805                     16.50        16.01
                             165         5825                     16.50        15.89
                             151         5755                     16.50        16.14
         802.11n HT40                                 MCS0
                             159         5795                     16.50        16.04
                             149         5745                     16.50        16.05
                             153         5765                     16.50        16.07
        802.11ac VHT20       157         5785         MCS0        16.50        16.11
                             161         5805                     16.50        16.10
                             165         5825                     16.50        16.15
                             151         5755                     16.50        16.08
        802.11ac VHT40                                MCS0
                             159         5795                     16.50        15.98
        802.11ac VHT80       155         5775         MCS0        16.50        16.24

1) The Average conducted power of WiFi is measured with RMS detector.
2) Stand-alone SAR
   According to the output power measurement result we can draw the conclusion that: Stand-alone
   SAR are required for 5G WiFi, because the output power(EIRP Power) of 5G WiFi transmitter is ≥
3) The tested channel results are marks in bold.

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General Notes:
1) Per KDB447498 D01, all measurement SAR results are scaled to the maximum tune-up
tolerance limit to demonstrate compliant.
2) Per KDB447498 D01, testing of other required channels within the operating mode of a frequency
band is not required when the reported 1-g or 10-g SAR for the mid-band or highest output power
channel is: ≤ 0.8 W/kg or 2.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≤
100 MHz. When the maximum output power variation across the required test channels is > ½ dB,
instead of the middle channel, the highest output power channel must be used.
3) Per KDB865664 D01,for each frequency band, repeated SAR measurement is required only
when the measured SAR is ≥ 0.8W/kg; if the deviation among the repeated measurement is ≤
20%,and the measured SAR < 1.45W/kg, only one repeated measurement is required.
4) Per KDB941225 D06, the DUT Dimension is bigger than 9 cm x 5 cm, so 10mm is chosen as the
test separation distance for Hotspot mode. When the antenna-to-edge distance is greater than
2.5cm, such position does not need to be tested.
5) Per KDB648474 D04, SAR is evaluated without a headset connected to the device. When the
standalone reported body-worn SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, no additional SAR evaluations using a headset
are required.
6) Per KDB865664 D02, SAR plot is only required for the highest measured SAR in each exposure
configuration, wireless mode and frequency band combination; Plots are also required when the
measured SAR is > 1.5 W/kg, or > 7.0 W/kg for occupational exposure. The published RF exposure
KDB procedures may require additional plots; for example, to support SAR to peak location
separation ratio test exclusion and/or volume scan post-processing.

WLAN Notes:
1. For exposure conditions with multiple test positions, such as handset operating next to the ear,
   devices with hotspot mode, procedures for initial test position can be applied. Using the
   transmission mode determined by the DSSS procedure or initial test configuration, area scans
   are measured for all positions in an exposure condition. The test position with the highest
   extrapolated(peak) SAR is used as the initial test position. When the reported SAR of the initial
   test position is ≤ 0.4 W/kg, further SAR measurement is not required for the other (remaining)
   test positions. Otherwise, SAR is evaluated at the subsequent highest peak SAR position until
   the reported SAR result is ≤ 0.8 W/kg or all test positions are measured.
2. Justification for test configurations for WLAN per KDB Publication 248227 for 2.4GHz WIFI
   single transmission chain operations, the highest measured maximum output power Channel for
   DSSS was selected for SAR measurement. SAR for OFDM modes(2.4GHz 802.11g/n) was not
   required due to the maximum allowed powers and the highest reported DSSS SAR. See
   Section7.1.4 for more information.
3. Justification for test configurations for WLAN per KDB Publication 248227 for 5GHz WIFI single
   transmission chain operations, the initial test configuration was selected according to the
   transmission mode with the highest maximum allowed power. Other transmission modes were
   not investigated since the highest reported SAR for initial test configuration adjusted by the ratio
   of maximum output powers is less than1.2W/kg. See Section 7.1.4 for more information.

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                                                 Separation      Maximum Conducted Power SAR        SAR
 Test                               Test                    Data                                          Reported
          Band       Channel                      Distance       Tune-up   Power    Drift  1g       10g
 No.                              Position                  Rate                                           1g SAR
                                                    (cm)          (dBm)    (dBm)    (dB) (W/kg)    (W/kg)

 T01     802.11b        6       Horizontal-Up       0.5    1       18      17.98    0.11   0.396   0.210   0.398
 T02     802.11b        6      Horizontal-Down      0.5    1       18      17.98   -0.02   0.643   0.298   0.646
 T03     802.11b        6       Vertical-Front      0.5    1       18      17.98    0.03   0.281   0.136   0.282
 T04     802.11b        6       Vertical-Back       0.5    1       18      17.98    0.09   0.562   0.261   0.565
 T05     802.11b        6          Tip Side         0.5    1       18      17.98    0.05   0.047   0.026   0.047
 T06     802.11b        1      Horizontal-Down      0.5    1       18      17.98    0.01   0.878   0.417   0.882
 T07     802.11b       11      Horizontal-Down      0.5    1       18      17.91   -0.07   0.800   0.359   0.817
 T09    802.11ac80    58        Horizontal-Up       0.5   VHT0     18      17.79    0.02   0.389   0.129   0.408
 T10    802.11ac80    58       Horizontal-Down      0.5   VHT0     18      17.79    0.05   0.813   0.226   0.853
 T11    802.11ac80    58        Vertical-Front      0.5   VHT0     18      17.79   -0.07   0.255   0.114   0.268
 T12    802.11ac80    58        Vertical-Back       0.5   VHT0     18      17.79   -0.03   0.379   0.151   0.398
 T13    802.11ac80    58           Tip Side         0.5   VHT0     18      17.79    0.08   0.363   0.134   0.381
 T15    802.11ac80    106       Horizontal-Up       0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.38   -0.04   0.463   0.155   0.476
 T16    802.11ac80    106      Horizontal-Down      0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.38    0.02   1.020   0.296   1.049
 T17    802.11ac80    106       Vertical-Front      0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.38   -0.08   0.294   0.129   0.302
 T18    802.11ac80    106       Vertical-Back       0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.38    0.01   0.504   0.190   0.518
 T19    802.11ac80    106          Tip Side         0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.38    0.02   0.373   0.138   0.383
 T20    802.11ac80    122      Horizontal-Down      0.5   VHT0     16      15.74    0.05   1.080   0.303   1.147
 T22    802.11ac80    155       Horizontal-Up       0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.24    0.05   0.188   0.070   0.200
 T23    802.11ac80    155      Horizontal-Down      0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.24   -0.09   0.962   0.275   1.021
 T24    802.11ac80    155       Vertical-Front      0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.24    0.09   0.211   0.099   0.224
 T25    802.11ac80    155       Vertical-Back       0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.24    0.05   0.301   0.111   0.320
 T26    802.11ac80    155          Tip Side         0.5   VHT0    16.5     16.24    0.03   0.273   0.094   0.290

Note: The value with boldface is the maximum SAR Value of each test band.

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                                                                                           Report Version: R00


The following tables list information which is relevant for the decision if a simultaneous transmit
evaluation is necessary according to FCC KDB 447498D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06.

The location of the antennas inside the EUT is shown as below picture:

Note: The EUT only has one antenna and does not have synchronous transmission function.

Report No.: BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116                                                    Page 32 of 34
                                                                                  Report Version: R00

 1. Test Layout

                            Specific Absorption Rate Test Layout

                      Liquid depth in the flat Phantom (≥15cm depth)

                  MSL_2450MHz_15.4cm                   MSL_5GHz_16.2cm

Report No.: BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116                                           Page 33 of 34
                                                                         Report Version: R00

Appendix A. SAR Plots of System Verification

(Pls See BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116_Appendix A.)

Appendix B.      SAR Plots of SAR Measurement
(Pls See BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116_Appendix B.)

Appendix C. Calibration Certificate
(Pls See BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116_Appendix C.)

Appendix D. Photographs of the Test Set-Up
(Pls See BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116_Appendix D.)

                                     End of Test Report

Report No.: BTL-FCC SAR-1-1809C116                            Page 34 of 34
                                                          Report Version: R00

Document Created: 2019-05-31 21:08:43
Document Modified: 2019-05-31 21:08:43

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