Test report


Test Report

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 Report on the FCC and IC Testing of the
 Sphinx Electronics GmbH & Co. KG
 Cabinet lock with RFID interface Model:
 LockerLock LL 200
 In accordance with FCC 47 CFR Part 15C and
 Industry Canada RSS-210 and Industry Canada
 Prepared for:                  Sphinx Electronics GmbH & Co. KG
                                Tullastr. 3
                                79341 Kenzingen

 IC: 5103A-019

 Date: 2018-09-27
 Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01
RESPONSIBLE FOR                     NAME                                                                 DATE                                SIGNATURE

Project Management                  Matthias Stumpe                                                      2018-09-27

Authorised Signatory                Martin Steindl                                                       2018-09-27

Signatures in this approval box have checked this document in line with the requirements of TÜV SÜD Product Service document control rules.

The measurements shown in this report were made in accordance with the procedures described on test pages. All reported testing
was carried out on a sample equipment to demonstrate limited compliance with FCC 47 CFR Part 15C and Industry Canada RSS-
210 and Industry Canada RSS-GEN. The sample tested was found to comply with the requirements defined in the applied rules.
RESPONSIBLE FOR                     NAME                                                                 DATE                                SIGNATURE

Testing                             Matthias Stumpe                                                      2018-09-27

Laboratory Accreditation                   Laboratory recognition                    Industry Canada test site registration
DAkkS Reg. No. D-PL-11321-11-02            Registration No. BNetzA-CAB-16/21-15      3050A-2
A sample of this product was tested and found to be compliant with FCC 47 CFR Part 15C, Industry Canada RSS-210 and Industry
Canada RSS-GEN:2016, Issue 09 (08-2016) and Issue 04 (11-2014).

                                        DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT
                                        This non-binding report has been prepared by TÜV SÜD Product Service with all reasonable skill and care. The document is confidential to the
                                        potential Client and TÜV SÜD Product Service. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written approval of TÜV SÜD
                                        Product Service. © 2018 TÜV SÜD Product Service.
                                        Our BNetzA Accreditation does not cover opinions and interpretations and any expressed are outside the scope of our BNetzA Accreditation.
                                        Results of tests not covered by our BNetzA Accreditation Schedule are marked NBA (Not BNetzA Accredited).

 Trade Register Munich                         Managing Directors:                        Phone: +49 (0) 9421 55 22-0                    TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH
 HRB 85742                                     Dr. Peter Havel (CEO)                      Fax: +49 (0) 9421 55 22-99
 VAT ID No. DE129484267                        Dr. Jens Butenandt                         www.tuev-sued.de                               Äußere Frühlingstraße 45
 Information pursuant to Section 2(1)                                                                                                    94315 Straubing
 DL-InfoV (Germany) at                                                                                                                   Germany

    TÜV SÜD Product Service

Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

1.1         Report Modification Record...........................................................................................................2
1.2         Introduction....................................................................................................................................2
1.3         Brief Summary of Results .............................................................................................................3
1.4         Deviations from the Standard........................................................................................................4
1.5         EUT Modification Record ..............................................................................................................4
1.6         Test Location .................................................................................................................................4
2           Test Details ..................................................................................................................................5
2.1         20 dB Bandwidth ...........................................................................................................................5
2.2         Field Strength of any Emission .....................................................................................................8
2.3         Frequency Tolerance Under Temperature Variations.................................................................13
2.4         Restricted Band Edges ...............................................................................................................15
2.5         Exposure of Humans to RF Fields ..............................................................................................17
3           Photographs ..............................................................................................................................22
3.1         Equipment Under Test (EUT)......................................................................................................22
4           Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................26

      COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE                                                                                                               Page 1 of 28

Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

Report Summary

1.1       Report Modification Record

          Alterations and additions to this report will be issued to the holders of each copy in the form of a
          complete document.

             Issue          Description of Change                                               Date of Issue

             1              First Issue                                                         2018-09-27

                                                           Table 1

1.2       Introduction

           Applicant                                Sphinx Electronics GmbH & Co. KG
           Manufacturer                             Sphinx Electronics GmbH & Co. KG
           Model Number(s)                          LockerLock LL 200
           Serial Number(s)                         0140000179
           Hardware Version(s)                      SLS-30 V1.0
           Software Version(s)             RC1
           Number of Samples Tested                 1
           Test Specification/Issue/Date            FCC 47 CFR Part 15C, Industry Canada RSS-210 and
                                                    Industry Canada RSS-GEN:2016, Issue 09 (08-2016) and
                                                    Issue 04 (11-2014)
           Order Number                             926218
           Date                                     2018-09-28
           Date of Receipt of EUT                   2018-09-03
           Start of Test                            2018-09-14
           Finish of Test                           2018-09-17
           Name of Engineer(s)                      Matthias Stumpe, Alex Fink
           Related Document(s)                      ANSI C63.10 (2013)

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                          Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

1.3   Brief Summary                                                                                                                  of Results

      A brief summary of the tests carried out in accordance with FCC 47 CFR Part 15C and Industry Canada RSS-210 and Industry Canada RSS-GEN is
      shown below.

        Section      Specification Clause     Test Description                                      Result   Comments/Base Standard
        Configuration and Mode: Transmitting continuously - Reading of RFID Tag card
                     15.207, N/A and 8.8      AC Power Line Conducted Emissions                     N/A      Battery supply
        2.1          15.215 (c), N/A and      20 dB Bandwidth                                       Pass     ANSI C63.10 (2013)
        2.2          15.225 (a)(b)(c)(d),     Field Strength of any Emission                        Pass     ANSI C63.10 (2013)
                     B.1 to B.9, 6.4 and
        2.3          15.225 (e), B.1 to B.9   Frequency Tolerance Under Temperature Variations      Pass     ANSI C63.10 (2013)
                     and 6.11.
        2.4          15.205, 4.1 and 8.10     Restricted Band Edges                                 Pass     ANSI C63.10 (2013)
        2.5          15.107 and 6.1           Exposure of Humans to RF Fields                       Pass     ANSI C63.4: (2014)

                                                                                          Table 2

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

   1.4       Deviations from the Standard


   1.5       EUT Modification Record

             The table below details modifications made to the EUT during the test programme.
             The modifications incorporated during each test are recorded on the appropriate test pages.

                                                                                                                   Date Modification
                Modification State   Description of Modification still fitted to EUT      Modification Fitted By
                0                    As supplied by the customer                          Not Applicable           Not Applicable

                                                                        Table 3

   1.6       Test Location

             TÜV SÜD Product Service conducted the following tests at our Straubing Test Laboratory.

                Test Name                                                 Name of Engineer(s)
                Configuration and Mode: Transmitting continuously - Reading of RFID Tag card
                20 dB Bandwidth                                           Matthias Stumpe, Alex Fink
                Field Strength of any Emission                            Matthias Stumpe, Alex Fink
                Frequency Tolerance Under Temperature Variations          Matthias Stumpe, Alex Fink
                Restricted Band Edges                                     Matthias Stumpe, Alex Fink
                Exposure of Humans to RF Fields                           Matthias Stumpe, Alex Fink

                                                                        Table 4

             Office Address:

             Äußere Frühlingstraße 45
             94315 Straubing

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

   2         Test Details

   2.1       20 dB Bandwidth

   2.1.1     Specification Reference

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15C, Industry Canada RSS-210 and Industry Canada RSS-GEN, Clause 15.215
             (c), N/A and 6.6

   2.1.2     Equipment Under Test and Modification State

             LockerLock LL 200, S/N: 0140000179 - Modification State 0

   2.1.3     Date of Test


   2.1.4     Test Method

             The test was performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10, clause 6.9.1.

   2.1.5     Environmental Conditions

              Ambient Temperature         24.0 °C
              Relative Humidity           51.0 %

   2.1.6     Test Results

             Transmitting continuously - Reading of RFID Tag card

                Frequency (MHz)       20 dB Bandwidth (Hz)   99% Occupied     FLOWER (MHz)   FUPPER (MHz)
                                                             Bandwidth (Hz)
                13.56                 544.8                  1842.948718      13.560464471   13.560465016

                                                                Table 5

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

                                                   Figure 1 - 20 dB Bandwidth

                                              Figure 2 - 99% Occupied Bandwidth

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Limit Clause 15.215 (c)

             The 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the
             specific rule section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band
             designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated.

             Industry Canada RSS 210 and Industry Canada RSS GEN, Limit Clause

             None specified.

   2.1.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

             This test was carried out in Semi anechoic room - cabin no. 8.

               Instrument                Manufacturer             Type No      TE No   Period        Calibration Due

               EMI test receiver        Rohde & Schwarz GmbH      ESU8         19904   12            2018-12-31

               Loop antenna              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH     HFH2-Z2      18876   36            2019-07-31

                                                                Table 6

             TU - Traceability Unscheduled
             O/P Mon – Output Monitored using calibrated equipment
             N/A - Not Applicable

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

   2.2       Field Strength of any Emission

   2.2.1     Specification Reference

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15C, Industry Canada RSS-210 and Industry Canada RSS-GEN, Clause 15.225
             (a)(b)(c)(d), B.1 to B.9, 6.4 and 6.5.

   2.2.2     Equipment Under Test and Modification State

             LockerLock LL 200, S/N: 0140000179 - Modification State 0

   2.2.3     Date of Test


   2.2.4     Test Method

             The test was performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10, clause 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5.

             Measurements were made at a distance of 3 m. The limit lines shown on the plot were
             extrapolated from either 300 m or 30 m to the measurement distance of 3 m in accordance with
             ANSI C63.10 Clause

   2.2.5     Environmental Conditions

              Ambient Temperature         24.0 °C
              Relative Humidity           51.0 %

   2.2.6     Test Results

             Transmitting continuously - Reading of RFID Tag card, Carrier Results

                Frequency MHz         Quasi-Peak Level   Quasi-Peak Level   Quasi-Peak Level   Quasi-Peak Level
                                      (dBµV/m) at 3 m    (dBµV/m) at 30 m   (µV/m) at 3 m      (µV/m) at 30 m
                13.56                 53.88              13.9               494.3              4.94

                                        Table 7 - Emissions Results - 9 kHz to 30 MHz

             No other emissions were detected within 10 dB of the limit.

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

           Frequency    QuasiPeak                       CAverage               Limit       Margin          Meas.     Bandwidth      Pol   Azimuth       Corr.
              MHz        dBµV/m                             dBµV/m        dBµV/m              dB             ms           kHz                  deg      dB
           13.560000        52.71                                 ---       69.50            16.79         1000.0          9.000      H          -1.0   20.0
           13.560000           ---                             44.93         0.00             0.00         1000.0          9.000      H          -1.0   20.0

                                                                                                  Table 8







                                Level in dBµV/m









                                                       9k       20   30   50      100k      200   300    500    1M   2M   3M   5M   10M   20   30M

                                                                                                  Frequency in Hz

                                                   Preview Result 1-PK+                  FCC 15.209 mag (3 m)
                                                   Final_Result QPK                      Final_Result CAV

                                                                               Figure 3 - 9 kHz to 30 MHz

                                                                          Figure 4 – 13.56 MHz ± 1 MHz

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

       Frequency    QuasiPeak                      Average             Limit        Margin          Meas.               Bandwidth       Height   Pol    Azimuth      Corr.
         MHz          dBµV/m                       dBµV/m           dBµV/m              dB            ms                   kHz            cm                 deg     dB
      745.830000         38.57                          ---           46.00             7.43        1000.0                120.000        104.0    H         -132.0   23.7

                                                                                                Table 9








                                 Level in dBµV/m









                                                    30M              50     60     80   100M                      200      300    400    500     800   1G

                                                                                                  Frequency in Hz

                                                    Preview Result 1H-PK+                 Preview Result 1V-PK+                  FCC 15.209_3m
                                                    Final_Result QPK                      Final_Result AVG

                                                                                 Figure 5 - 30 MHz to 1 GHz

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Limit Clause 15.225 (a)(b)(c)(d)

             (a) The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553–13.567 MHz shall not exceed
             15,848 microvolts/meter at 30 m.

             (b) Within the bands 13.410–13.553 MHz and 13.567–13.710 MHz, the field strength of any
             emissions shall not exceed 334 microvolts/meter at 30 m.

             (c) Within the bands 13.110–13.410 MHz and 13.710–14.010 MHz the field strength of any
             emissions shall not exceed 106 microvolts/meter at 30 m.

             (d) The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110–14.010 MHz band shall not
             exceed the general radiated emission limits in § 15.209.

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Limit Clause 15.209

                Frequency (MHz)                        Field Strength (µV/m)    Measurement Distance (m)
                0.009 to 0.490                         2400/F (kHz)             300

                0.490 to 1.705                         24000/F (kHz)            30
                1705 to 30                             30                       30
                30 to 88                               100**                    3
                88 to 216                              150**                    3
                216 to 960                             200**                    3

                Above 960                              500                      5

                                           Table 10 - FCC Radiated Emission Limit

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

             Industry Canada RSS-210, Limit Clause B.6

             The field strength of any emission shall not exceed the following limits:

             (a) 15.848 mW/m (84 dBµV/m) at 30 m, within the band 13.553 – 13.567 MHz.

             (b) 334 µV/m (50.5 dBµV/m) at 30 m, withing the bands 13.410 – 13.553 MHz and 13.567 – 13.710

             (c) 106 µV/m (40.5 dBµV/m) at 30 m, within the bands 13.110 – 13.410 MHz and 13.710 – 14.010

             (d) RSS-GEN general field strength limits for frequencies outside the band 13.110 – 14.010 MHz.

             Industry Canada RSS-GEN, Limit Clause

                Frequency                  Electric Field Strength         Magnetic Field Strength (H-     Measurement Distance (m)
                                           (µV/m)                          Field) (µA/m)
                9 - 490 kHz                2.400/F (F in kHz)              2.400/377F (F in kHz)           300

                490 - 1.705 kHz            24.000/F (F in kHz)             24.000/377F (F in kHz)          30
                1.705 kHz - 30 MHz         30                              N/A                             30

                            Table 11 - Industry Canada Radiated Emission Limit - Less than 30 MHz

                Frequency (MHz)                                             Field Strength (µV/m at 3 m)

                30 - 88                                                     100
                88 - 216                                                    150
                216 - 960                                                   200
                > 960                                                       500

                            Table 12 - Industry Canada Radiated Emission Limit - 30 MHz to 1 GHz

   2.2.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

             This test was carried out in Semi anechoic room - cabin no. 8.

               Instrument                Manufacturer                   Type No              TE No       Period        Calibration Due

               EMI test receiver        Rohde & Schwarz GmbH            ESU8                 19904       12            2018-12-31

               Loop antenna              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH           HFH2-Z2              18876       36            2019-07-31

               VULB9163                  Schwarzbeck                    9163-408             19918       36            2019-07-31

                                                                     Table 13

             TU - Traceability Unscheduled
             O/P Mon – Output Monitored using calibrated equipment
             N/A - Not Applicable

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

   2.3       Frequency Tolerance Under Temperature Variations

   2.3.1     Specification Reference

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15C, Industry Canada RSS-210 and Industry Canada RSS-GEN, Clause 15.225
             (e), B.1 to B.9 and 6.11.

   2.3.2     Equipment Under Test and Modification State

             LockerLock LL 200, S/N: 0140000179 - Modification State 0

   2.3.3     Date of Test


   2.3.4     Test Method

             The test was performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10, clause 6.8.

   2.3.5     Environmental Conditions

              Ambient Temperature         25.0 °C
              Relative Humidity           44.0 %

   2.3.6     Test Results

             Transmitting continuously - Reading of RFID Tag card

                Temperature           Voltage          Measured Frequency   Frequency Deviation   Frequency Error
                                                       (MHz)                (%)                   (ppm)
                -20.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5605210           ± 0.0000000           ± 0.000

                -10.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5605640           + 0.0003171           + 3.171
                0.0 °C                6 V DC           13.5605640           + 0.0003171           + 3.171
                +10.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5605210           ± 0.0000000           ± 0.000

                +20.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5605210           ± 0.0000000           ± 0.000
                +30.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5604780           - 0.0003171           - 3.171

                +40.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5604340           - 0.0006416           - 6416

                +50.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5603910           - 0.0009587           - 9587

                              Table 14 - Frequency Tolerance Under Temperature Variation

                Temperature           Voltage          Measured Frequency   Frequency Deviation   Frequency Error
                                                       (MHz)                (%)                   (ppm)
                +20.0 °C              5.1 V DC         13.5604780           - 0.0003171           - 3.171
                +20.0 °C              6 V DC           13.5605210           ± 0.0000000           ± 0.000

                +20.0 °C              6.9 V DC         13.5604780           - 0.0003171           - 3.171

                                Table 15 - Frequency Tolerance Under Voltage Variation

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Limit Clause 15.225 (e)

             The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ± 0.01 % of the
             operating frequency.

             Industry Canada RSS-210, Limit Clause B.6

             Carrier frequency stability shall be maintained to ±0.01% (±100 ppm)
   2.3.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

             This test was carried out in non shielded room.

               Instrument                Manufacturer          Type No    TE No   Period        Calibration Due

               FSV40                     Rohde & Schwarz       101448     20219   12            2019-01-31

               PL-2J                     ESPEC                 15001626   18843   36            2020-03-31

                                                           Table 16

             TU - Traceability Unscheduled
             O/P Mon – Output Monitored using calibrated equipment
             N/A - Not Applicable

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

   2.4       Restricted Band Edges

   2.4.1     Specification Reference

             FCC 47 CFR Part 15C, Industry Canada RSS-210 and Industry Canada RSS-GEN, Clause 15.205,
             4.1 and 8.10

   2.4.2     Equipment Under Test and Modification State

             LockerLock LL 200, S/N: 0140000179 - Modification State 0

   2.4.3     Date of Test


   2.4.4     Test Method

             This test was performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10, clause 11.13.1.

             Plots for average measurements were taken in accordance with ANSI C63.10 clause

             Final average measurements were taken in accordance with ANSI C63.10 clause

   2.4.5     Environmental Conditions

              Ambient Temperature         24.0 °C
              Relative Humidity           51.0 %

   2.4.6     Test Results

             Transmitting continuously - Reading of RFID Tag card

             All emissions in are below §15.209 limit. Restricted Band Edges equipment is fulfilled.

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

             Industry Canada RSS-GEN, Limit Clause 8.9

                Frequency (MHz)                                    Field Strength (µV/m at 3 metres)
                30-88                                              100

                88-216                                             150

                216-960                                            200
                Above 960*                                         500

                                                             Table 17
             *Unless otherwise specified, for all frequencies greater than 1 GHz, the radiated emission limits for
             licence-exempt radio apparatus stated in applicable RSSs (including RSS-Gen) are based on
             measurements using a linear average detector function having a minimum resolution bandwidth of
             1 MHz. If an average limit is specified for the EUT, then the peak emission shall also be measured
             with instrumentation properly adjusted for such factors as pulse desensitization to ensure the peak
             emission is less than 20 dB above the average limit.

   2.4.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

             This test was carried out in Semi anechoic room - cabin no. 8.

               Instrument                Manufacturer           Type No              TE No    Period        Calibration Due

               EMI test receiver        Rohde & Schwarz GmbH    ESU8                 19904    12            2018-12-31

               Loop antenna              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH   HFH2-Z2              18876    36            2019-07-31

               VULB9163                  Schwarzbeck            9163-408             19918    36            2019-07-31

                                                            Table 18

             TU - Traceability Unscheduled
             O/P Mon – Output Monitored using calibrated equipment
             N/A - Not Applicable

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

   2.5       Exposure of Humans to RF Fields

   2.5.1     Specification Reference

             IC RSS-Gen Issue 4, section 3.2

   2.5.2     Guide

             IC RSS-102 Issue 5, section 2.5

   2.5.3     Equipment Under Test and Modification State

             LockerLock LL 200, S/N: 0140000179 - Modification State 0

   2.5.4     Date of Test


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   2.5.5       Test Results

                                                                                                             Declared by


                              Exposure of Humans to RF Fields

   The antenna is


           The conducted output power (CP in watts) is measured at the antenna connector:
                                            CP = ................ W
           The effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP in watts) is calculated using
                      the numerical antenna gain:            G = ................
                                     EIRP  G  CP  EIRP = ................ W
                      the field strength1 in V/m:           FS = ................ V/m

                                       ( FS  D) 2
                              EIRP                 EIRP = ................ W
                      Distance between the antennas
                                                             D = ................ m
                      in m:

       not detachable

           A field strength measurement has been performed with LockerLock LL 200 to
           determine the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP in watts) given by
                                                                 13.56 MHz

                                       ( FS  D) 2
                              EIRP                 EIRP = 73 nW
           Field strength in V/m:                           FS = 0.494 mV/m
           Distance between the two antennas in m:           D =3m

   Selection of output power

           The output power TP is the higher of the conducted or effective isotropic radiated
           power (e.i.r.p.):
                                                TP = 73 nW

   1 The conversion formula is valid only for properly matched antennas. In other cases the
   transmitter output power may have to be measured by a terminated measurement when applying
   the exemption clauses.
   If an open area test site is used for field strength measurement, the effect due to the metal ground
   reflecting plane should be subtracted from the maximum field strength value in order to reference it
   to free space, before calculating TP.

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

                                                                                         Declared by


                     Exposure of Humans to RF Fields (continued)

   Separation distance between the user and the transmitting device is

      less than or equal to 20 cm                      greater than 20 cm

   Transmitting device is

      in the vicinity of the human head                body-worn

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

   SAR evaluation

   SAR evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or
   bystander and the antenna and/or radiating element of the device is less than
   or equal to 20 cm, except when the device operates at or below the applicable
   output power level (adjusted for tune-up tolerance) for the specified
   separation distance defined in the table.
   For controlled use devices where the 8 W/kg for 1 gram of tissue applies, the
   exemption limits for routine evaluation in the table are multiplied by a factor of
   5. For limb-worn devices where the 10 gram value applies, the exemption
   limits for routine evaluation in the table are multiplied by a factor of 2.5. If the
   operating frequency of the device is between two frequencies located in the
   table, linear interpolation shall be applied for the applicable separation
   distance. For test separation distance less than 5 mm, the exemption limits for
   a separation distance of 5 mm can be applied to determine if a routine
   evaluation is required.
   For medical implants devices, the exemption limit for routine evaluation is set
   at 1 mW. The output power of a medical implants device is defined as the
   higher of the conducted or e.i.r.p to determine whether the device is exempt
   from the SAR evaluation.
   Frequency                          Exemption limits (mW)2 at separation distance of
                                                                                                         ≥50 mm
                  ≤5 mm

                              10 mm

                                          15 mm

                                                   20 mm

                                                            25 mm

                                                                     30 mm

                                                                              35 mm

                                                                                       40 mm

                                                                                                45 mm

       ≤300 3         71       101         132      162      193      223      254      284      315       345
          450         52          70          88    106      123      141      159      177      195       213
          835         17          30          42       55       67       80       92    105      117       130
         1900             7       10          18       34       60       99    153      225      316       431
         2450             4           7       15       30       52       83    123      173      235       309
         3500             2           6       16       32       55       86    124      170      225       290
         5800             1           6       15       27       41       56       71       85       97     106

   2 The excemption limit in the table are based on measurements and simulations on half-wave
   dipole antennas at separaton distances of 5 mm to 25 mm from a flat phantom, providing a SAR
   value of approximately 0.4 W/kg for 1 g of tissue. For low frequencies (300 MHz to 835 MHz), the
   exemption limits are derived from alinear fit. For high frequencies (1900 MHz and above), the
   exemption limits are derived from athird order polynomial fit.
   3 Transmitters operating between 3 kHz and 10 MHz, meeting the exemption from routine SAR
   evaluation, shall demonstrate compliance to the instantaneous limits in IC RSS-102, issue 5,
   section 4.

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   Document Number: TR-50001330-41675-01 | Issue: 01

       Carrier frequency:              f         = 13.56 MHz
       Distance:                       d         = 5 mm
       Transmitter output power:       TP        = 73 nW
       Limit:                          TPlimit   = 71 mW
      SAR evaluation is documented in test report no. …

   2.5.6         Test Location and Test Equipment Used

                 This test was carried out in a Semi anechoic room - cabin no. 8.

    Instrument                 Manufacturer            Type No              TE No   Period        Calibration Due

    EMI test receiver          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH    ESU8                 19904   12            2018-12-31

    Loop antenna               Rohde & Schwarz GmbH    HFH2-Z2              18876   36            2019-07-31

                                                                 Table 19

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   3         Photographs

   3.1       Equipment Under Test (EUT)

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   4         Measurement Uncertainty

             For a 95% confidence level, the measurement uncertainties for defined systems are:

                Radio Testing

                Test Name                                       kp                                  Note
                Occupied Bandwidth                              2.0            ±1.14 %              2

                RF-Frequency error                              1.96           ±1 · 10-7            7

                RF-Power, conducted carrier                     2              ±0.079 dB            2
                RF-Power uncertainty for given BER              1.96            +0.94 dB / -1.05    7
                RF power, conducted, spurious emissions         1.96           +1.4 dB / -1.6 dB    7

                RF power, radiated

                25 MHz – 4 GHz                                  1.96           +3.6 dB / -5.2 dB    8

                1 GHz – 18 GHz                                  1.96            +3.8 dB / -5.6 dB   8
                18 GHz – 26.5 GHz                               1.96           +3.4 dB / -4.5 dB    8
                40 GHz – 170 GHz                                1.96           +4.2 dB / -7.1 dB    8

                Spectral Power Density, conducted               2.0            ±0.53 dB             2
                Maximum frequency deviation

                300 Hz – 6 kHz                                  2              ±2,89 %              2
                6 kHz – 25 kHz                                  2              ±0.2 dB              2
                Maximum frequency deviation for FM              2              ±2,89 %              2
                Adjacent channel power 25 MHz – 1 GHz           2              ±2.31 %              2

                Temperature                                     2              ±0.39 K              4
                (Relative) Humidity                             2              ±2.28 %              2

                DC- and low frequency AC voltage
                DC voltage                                      2              ±0.01 %              2
                AC voltage up to 1 kHz                          2              ±1.2 %               2

                Time                                            2              ±0.6 %               2

                                                          Table 20

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                Radio Interference Emission Testing

                Test Name                                                 kp                 Note
                Conducted Voltage Emission

                9 kHz to 150 kHz (50/50µH AMN)                           2    ± 3.8 dB      1

                150 kHz to 30 MHz (50/50µH AMN)                          2    ± 3.4 dB      1

                100 kHz to 200 MHz (50/5µH AMN)                          2    ± 3.6 dB      1

                Discontinuous Conducted Emission

                9 kHz to 150 kHz (50/50µH AMN)                           2    ± 3.8 dB      1

                150 kHz to 30 MHz (50/50µH AMN)                          2    ± 3.4 dB      1

                Conducted Current Emission
                9 kHz to 200 MHz                                          2    ± 3.5 dB      1

                Magnetic Fieldstrength
                9 kHz to 30 MHz (with loop antenna)                       2    ± 3.9 dB      1
                9 kHz to 30 MHz (large-loop antenna 2 m)                  2    ± 3.5 dB      1

                Radiated Emission
                Test distance 1 m (ALSE)
                9 kHz to 150 kHz                                          2    ± 4.6 dB      1

                150 kHz to 30 MHz                                         2    ± 4.1 dB      1
                30 MHz to 200 MHz                                         2    ± 5.2 dB      1
                200 MHz to 2 GHz                                          2    ± 4.4 dB      1

                2 GHz to 3 GHz                                            2    ± 4.6 dB      1

                Test distance 3 m
                30 MHz to 300 MHz                                         2    ± 4.9 dB      1
                300 MHz to 1 GHz                                          2    ± 5.0 dB      1

                1 GHz to 6 GHz                                            2    ± 4.6 dB      1
                Test distance 10 m

                30 MHz to 300 MHz                                         2    ± 4.9 dB      1

                300 MHz to 1 GHz                                          2    ± 4.9 dB      1
                Radio Interference Power
                30 MHz to 300 MHz                                         2    ± 3.5 dB      1

                Harmonic Current Emissions                                                   4

                Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker                            4

                                                                    Table 21

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                Immunity Testing

                Test Name                                                  kp                       Note
                Electrostatic Discharges                                                            4

                Radiated RF-Field

                Pre-calibrated field level                                 2      +32.2 / -24.3 %   5
                Dynamic feedback field level                               2.05   +21.2 / -17.5 %   3
                Electrical Fast Transients (EFT) / Bursts                                           4
                Surges                                                                              4

                Conducted Disturbances, induced by RF-Fields

                via CDN                                                    2      +15.1 / -13.1 %   6
                via EM clamp                                               2      +42.6 / -29.9 %   6

                via current clamp                                          2      +43.9 / -30.5 %   6
                Power Frequency Magnetic Field                             2      +20.7 / -17.1 %   2
                Pulse Magnetic Field                                                                4

                Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations                            4
                Oscillatory Waves                                                                   4
                Conducted Low Frequency Disturbances
                Voltage setting                                            2      ± 0.9 %           2
                Frequency setting                                          2      ± 0.1 %           2
                Electrical Transient Transmission in Road Vehicles                                  4

                                                            Table 22
   Note 1:
   The expanded uncertainty reported according to CISPR 16-4-2:2003-11 is based on a standard uncertainty
   multiplied by a coverage factor of kp = 2, providing a level of confidence of p = 95.45%
   Note 2:
   The expanded uncertainty reported according to UKAS Lab 34 (Edition 1, 2002-08) is based on a standard
   uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of kp = 2, providing a level of confidence of p = 95.45%
   Note 3:
   The expanded uncertainty reported according to UKAS Lab 34 (Edition 1, 2002-08) is based on a standard
   uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of kp = 2.05, providing a level of confidence of p = 95.45%
   Note 4:
   It has been demonstrated that the used test equipment meets the specified requirements in the standard
   with at least a 95%confidence.
   Note 5:
   The expanded uncertainty reported according to IEC 61000-4-3 is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied
   by a coverage factor of kp = 2, providing a level of confidence of p = 95.45%
   Note 6:
   The expanded uncertainty reported according to IEC 61000-4-6 is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied
   by a coverage factor of kp = 2, providing a level of confidence of p = 95.45%
   Note 7:
   The expanded uncertainty reported according ETSI TR 100 028 V1.4.1 (all parts) to is based on a standard
   uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of kp = 1.96, providing a level of confidence of p = 95.45%
   Note 8:
   The expanded uncertainty reported according to ETSI TR 102 273 V1.2.1 (all parts) is based on a standard
   uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of kp = 1.96, providing a level of confidence of p = 95.45%

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Document Created: 2019-03-26 10:45:05
Document Modified: 2019-03-26 10:45:05

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