EMF report

FCC ID: TA8AKRY901451-1

RF Exposure Info

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GFTL-19:000931 Uen, Rev B, 2019-09-03

                                            Rapport utfärdad av ackrediterat provningslaboratorium
                                            Test report issued by an Accredited Testing Laboratory

           Ackred. Nr 1761
           ISO/IEC 17025

         EMF Test Report: Ericsson RD 2243 B14 (FCC)

 Document number:                           GFTL-19:000931 Uen, Rev B                   Date of report:   2019-09-03

 Testing laboratory:                        Ericsson EMF Research                       Company/Client: Denis Lalonde
                                                                                                          Ericsson Canada
                                            Ericsson AB                                                   349 Terry Fox Drive
                                            SE-164 80 Stockholm                                           Ottawa ON K2K 2V6
                                            Sweden                                                        Canada

 Tests performed by:                        Paramananda Joshi                           Dates of tests:   2019-08-30 (Rev A)
                                                                                                          2019-09-03 (Rev B)

 Manufacturer and market                    Ericsson RD 2243 B14
 name(s) of device:

 Testing has been performed                 FCC OET Bulletin 65
 in accordance with:

 Test results:                              Minimum separation distance for which the RF EMF exposure complies with the limits
                                            in FCC 47 CFR 1.1310 to be included in the Customer Product Information (CPI) for
                                            Ericsson RD 2243 B14.

 Additional information:                    Testing was conducted for mobile exposure conditions according to KDB447498 DO1.

 Signature:        Test Engineer                                                   Laboratory and Quality Manager

                   __________________                                              ___________________________
                   Paramananda Joshi                                               Christer Törnevik
                   Senior Researcher                                               Senior Expert – EMF and Health
                   paramananda.joshi@ericsson.com                                  christer.tornevik@ericsson.com
                   Tel: +46 10 711 00 06                                           Tel: +46 10 714 1235

© Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB.
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.

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1          Summary of EMF Test Report1

Equipment under test (EUT)
    Product name                                          Ericsson RD 2243 B14
    Product number                                        KRY 901 451/1
    Supported bands, Tx frequency range
                                                          B14 (700)                          758 – 768                          LTE FDD
    (MHz), and standards
    Exposure environment                                  General public/uncontrolled

The minimum (test) separation distance required for the equipment under test (EUT) to comply with the mobile
device exposure conditions and relevant limits applicable in the USA [1]-[3] is provided in the table below for
the general public (uncontrolled exposure).

RF exposure assessment results for general public (uncontrolled) exposure as obtained for RD 2243 B14 together with an
assumed output power tolerance of 2 dB using procedures applicable for the US market [3].
                                                 Nominal output
       Band                Standard              power from the             Test position
                                                                            Direction of
        B14                   LTE                   2 x 0.05 W                                          20 cm
                                                                           maximum gain

    This page contains a summary of the test results. The full report provides a complete description of all test details and results.

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2         General information

The test results reported in this document have been obtained by simple calculations according to plane-wave
equivalent conditions [3]. The purpose of the tests was to verify that the EUT is in compliance with the
appropriate RF exposure standards, recommendations and limits [1]–[3].

It should be noted that the test results presented in this test report are valid for the frequency range and for
the antenna properties specified in Table 1, in addition to the power level and the power tolerance specified in
Table 2. These data were supplied by the client and may affect the validity of the results.

Proposed EMF health and safety information for inclusion in the Customer Product Information (CPI) is
provided in Appendices A and B.

3         Equipment under test

Table 1 summarizes the technical data for the EUT.
Table 1      Technical data for the EUT.

 Product name                                       Ericsson RD 2243 B14

 Product tested                                     KRY 901 451/1

 Supported bands, Tx frequency range
                                                    B14 (700)                        758 – 768                        LTE FDD
 (MHz), and standards

 Dimensions, Thickness x Diameter (mm)              52 × 140

 Configuration(s) covered by this report            B14 (700)

 Antenna(s)                                         Two internal antenna branches                  Maximum antenna gain: 1.7 dBi

 Exposure environment                               General public/uncontrolled

In Table 2 nominal output power levels are given. The EUT related data in Table 1 and Table 2 were supplied
by the client.
Table 2      Nominal output power levels.
                               Nominal output          Power                  Transmission          Maximum
  Band       Standard
                               power2 [dBm]            tolerance [dB]           loss [dB]           output power3 [dBm]
  B14        LTE (FDD)         17                      2                              0             22

4         EMF exposure assessments

FCC procedures [3] specify exposure assessment methods to verify compliance with EMF exposure limits [1]
of mobile devices. A minimum test separation distance of at least 20 cm is required between the device and
nearby persons to apply mobile device exposure limits. The minimum test separation distance for which the
equipment is shown to comply with the exposure limits must be clearly provided in the operating and installation

The assessments were conducted for maximum power configurations, i.e., by assuming 100% utilization.
Effects of real RBS utilization (time-averaged) is reasonably foreseeable and will significantly reduce the time-
averaged power and the RF exposure. This factor was not considered in this assessment, which adds to the
conservativeness of the obtained compliance boundaries.

2 Nominal output power per port.
3 Conservative measure of the total maximum possible output power level delivered to the antennas including losses and power tolerances.

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4.1          Field strength calculations

Transmit signals from the two antenna ports have been assumed to be correlated. Based on the maximum
gain of the single antenna (๐บant = 1.7 dBi, see Table 1), the directional gain, ๐บ, may be taken as 4.7 dBi
according to [4] (๐บ = ๐บant + 10 log10 ๐‘, where ๐‘ is the number of simultaneously transmitting antennas). This
is most likely a very conservative assumption since the antennas are spatially separated and their maximum
gain occurs at different locations which add extra conservativeness of the results.

The total effective radiated power based on the maximum antenna gain of 4.7 dBi as described above and the
output power level of Table 2 is 0.3 W, which is less than the categorical exclusion limit for routine RF exposure
evaluation of 1.5 W 4 specified in the FCC CFR title 47, § 2.1091(c) [5]. As a consequence, the minimum test
separation distance may be estimated by simple calculations according to plane-wave equivalent conditions

    Power density may be conservatively estimated as

                                                                          ๐‘ƒtot ๐บ
                                                                 ๐‘†est =          ,
                                                                          4๐œ‹๐‘Ÿ 2


๐‘ƒtot : Total conducted power for the cellular bands5,

๐บ : Directional gain6,

๐‘Ÿ: Separation distance from antenna,

๐‘†est : Estimated power density.

For a minimum test separation distance of 20 cm (Table 3) the estimated power density is 0.94 W/m2. This
complies with the RF exposure evaluation conditions and the relevant exposure limit applicable in the USA [1]-
[3] (see Table 4) for the general public (uncontrolled exposure).

Table 3       RF exposure assessment results for general public (uncontrolled) exposure as obtained for RD 2243 B14 together
              with an assumed output power tolerance of 2 dB using procedures applicable for the US market [3].
                                            Nominal output
      Band             Standard             power from the       Test position
                                                                  Direction of
       B14                 LTE                 2 x 0.05 W                              20 cm
                                                                 maximum gain

Table 4       General public (uncontrolled) RF EMF exposure limits applicable in the US market [1],[2]. The lowest exposure limit
              value within the tested frequency band was used for the assessmet and is reported in the table.

                 Band                            ๐‘บ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฆ (W/m2)
               B14 (700)                              5.0

5         Conclusion
The results in Section 4 show that the plane-wave equivalent power density for the Ericsson RD 2243 B14,
estimated according to the requirements of FCC [3] is below the relevant MPE limits [1] at a separation distance
of at least 20 cm between the equipment and any nearby person.

  Valid for frequency ≤ 1500 MHz.
  This is equal to the maximum output power (in W) in Table 2.
  This is equal to linear value of ๐บ.

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6       References

[1]      FCC, Code of Federal Regulations CFR title 47, part 1.1310 “Radiofrequency radiation exposure
         limits”, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 2017.
[2]      FCC, OET Bulletin 65, “Evaluating compliance with FCC guidelines for human exposure to
         radiofrequency electromagentic fields”, 1997.
[3]      FCC KDB 447498 D01, “Mobile and Portable Devices RF exposure procedures and Equipment
         Authorization Policies”, 2015.
[4]      FCC KDB 662911 D01, “Emissions Testing of Transmitters with Multiple Outputs in the Same Band”,
[5]      FCC, Code of Federal Regulations CFR title 47, part 2.1091, “ Radiofrequency radiation exposure
         evaluation: mobile devices”, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 2017.

7       Revision History

 Rev.        Date              Description

 A           2019-09-02        First revision
 B           2019-09-03        Added estimated power density value.

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Appendix A. Information to be included in the CPI
Table A.1 lists the minimum separation distance for which the RF EMF exposure from RD 2243 B14 is below
the limits specified by the FCC as applicable in:
- USA (47 CFR 1.1310)
Table A.1: Minimum separation distance for general public/uncontrolled exposure applicable in USA and markets employing
           the FCC RF exposure limits (including 2 dB output power tolerance).
                                  Nominal output
   Band           Standard        power from the     Test position
                                                      Direction of
    B14             LTE             2 x 0.05 W                          20 cm
                                                     maximum gain

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Appendix B. Guidelines on how to install the product
The Ericsson RD 2243 B14 (KRY 901 451/1) shall be installed to make sure that the general public does not
have access to the applicable RF EMF compliance boundary. The compliance boundary dimensions were
determined for the product transmitting in free space.

Document Created: 2019-09-03 14:02:53
Document Modified: 2019-09-03 14:02:53

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