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FCC ID: TA8AKRD901192-1

Test Report

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Section 8                   Testing data
Test name                   FCC Part 2.1049 and RSS-Gen, 6.7 Occupied bandwidth
Specification               FCC Part 2, RSS-Gen, Issue 5

8.4.4       Test data

                                             Table 8.4-1: Occupied bandwidth results for single carrier operation

Remarks                                            Frequency, MHz                          99% OBW, MHz                  26 dB BW, MHz
5 MHz, QPSK, low channel                               1932.5                                   4.87                           4.49
5 MHz, 16QAM, low channel                              1932.5                                   4.85                           4.50
5 MHz, 64QAM, low channel                              1932.5                                   4.89                           4.50
5 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                             1932.5                                   4.85                           4.51
5 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                               1962.5                                   4.85                           4.50
5 MHz, QPSK, high channel                              1992.5                                   4.83                           4.50
10 MHz, QPSK, low channel                              1935.0                                   9.66                           8.95
10 MHz, 16QAM, low channel                             1935.0                                   9.51                           8.97
10 MHz, 64QAM, low channel                             1935.0                                   9.60                           8.98
10 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                            1935.0                                   9.49                           8.96
10 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                              1962.5                                   9.61                           8.99
10 MHz, QPSK, high channel                             1990.0                                   9.63                           8.96
15 MHz, QPSK, low channel                              1937.5                                  14.32                          13.42
15 MHz, 16QAM, low channel                             1937.5                                  14.26                          13.46
15 MHz, 64QAM, low channel                             1937.5                                  14.27                          13.44
15 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                            1937.5                                  14.37                          13.44
15 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                              1962.5                                  14.44                          13.44
15 MHz, QPSK, high channel                             1987.5                                  14.26                          13.42
20 MHz, QPSK, low channel                              1940.0                                  19.08                          17.91
20 MHz, 16QAM, low channel                             1940.0                                  18.91                          17.87
20 MHz, 64QAM, low channel                             1940.0                                  19.15                          17.87
20 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                            1940.0                                  19.05                          17.86
20 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                              1962.5                                  18.96                          17.88
20 MHz, QPSK, high channel                             1985.0                                  19.31                          17.89

                                         Table 8.4-2: Occupied bandwidth results for single carrier operation with IoT

Remarks                                            Frequency, MHz                          99% OBW, MHz                  26 dB BW, MHz
QPSK, 5 MHz, IB IoT on the bottom                      1932.5                                   4.76                           4.49
QPSK, 5 MHz, IB IoT in the middle                      1962.5                                   4.78                           4.49
QPSK, 5 MHz, IB IoT on the top                         1992.5                                   4.75                           4.49
QPSK, 10 MHz, GB IoT on the bottom                     1935.0                                   9.65                           9.21
QPSK, 10 MHz, 2 × GB IoT in the middle                 1962.5                                   9.80                           9.40
QPSK, 10 MHz, GB IoT on the top                        1990.0                                   9.70                           9.17
QPSK, 15 MHz, GB IoT on the bottom                     1937.5                                  14.37                          13.71
QPSK, 15 MHz, 2 × GB IoT in the middle                 1962.5                                  14.56                          14.01
QPSK, 15 MHz, GB IoT on the top                        1987.5                                  14.50                          13.72
QPSK, 20 MHz, GB IoT on the bottom                     1940.0                                  19.26                          18.22
QPSK, 20 MHz, 2 × GB IoT in the middle                 1962.5                                  19.33                          18.50
QPSK, 20 MHz, GB IoT on the top                        1985.0                                  19.20                          18.21

Report reference ID: 371364-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                           Page 58 of 63

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                FCC Part 2.1049 and RSS-Gen, 6.7 Occupied bandwidth
Specification            FCC Part 2, RSS-Gen, Issue 5

 Figure 8.4-1: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier 5 MHz   Figure 8.4-2: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier 10 MHz

Figure 8.4-3: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier 15 MHz   Figure 8.4-4: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier 20 MHz

Report reference ID: 371364-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 59 of 63

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                FCC Part 2.1049 and RSS-Gen, 6.7 Occupied bandwidth
Specification            FCC Part 2, RSS-Gen, Issue 5

Figure 8.4-5: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier with IoT   Figure 8.4-6: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier with IoT
                                 5 MHz                                                                        10 MHz

Figure 8.4-7: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier with IoT   Figure 8.4-8: Occupied bandwidth sample plot, QPSK, single carrier with IoT
                                15 MHz                                                                        20 MHz

Report reference ID: 371364-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                 Page 60 of 63

 Section 8                 Testing data
 Test name                 RSS-133, 6.6 Receiver Spurious Emissions
 Specification             RSS-133, Issue 6

8.5     RSS-133, 6.6 Receiver Spurious Emissions

8.5.1      Definitions and limits

 RSS-133, Section 6.6:
 Receiver spurious emissions shall comply with the limits specified in RSS-Gen.

 RSS-Gen, Section 7.4:
 If the receiver has a detachable antenna of known impedance, an antenna-conducted spurious emissions measurement is permitted as an alternative to
 radiated measurement. However, the radiated method of section 7.3 is preferred.

 The antenna-conducted test shall be performed with the antenna disconnected and with the receiver antenna port connected to a measuring i nstrument
 having equal input impedance to that specified for the antenna. The RF cable connecting the receiver under test to the measuring instrument shall also
 have the same impedance to that specified for the receiver’s antenna.

 The spurious emissions from the receiver at any discrete frequency, measured at the antenna port by the antenna-conducted method, shall not exceed 2
 nW in the frequency range 30–1000 MHz and 5 nW above 1 GHz.

8.5.2      Test summary

Test date                March 29, 2019
Test engineer            Andrey Adelberg

8.5.3      Observations, settings and special notes

 The spectrum was searched from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic.
 All measurements were performed using an average (RMS) detector.

8.5.4      Test data

            Figure 8.5-1: Receiver spurious emissions below 1 GHz                         Figure 8.5-2: Receiver spurious emissions above 1 GHz

 Report reference ID: 371364-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                 Page 61 of 63

 Section 9              Section 9. Block diagrams of test set-ups

Section 9.         Block diagrams of test set-ups

9.1     Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies below 1 GHz

                                                     Radio absorbing material




                                         EUT                          antenna

                                       table                                                                   1m
                           0.8 m

                                                                    Metal ground
                                    Turn table


9.2     Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies above 1 GHz

                                                      Radio absorbing material




                            1.5 m

                                                                                                                    Metal ground plane

                                      Turn table


                                                                                                  RF pre-amp

 Report reference ID: 371364-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                   Page 62 of 63

 Section 9              Section 9. Block diagrams of test set-ups

9.3     Conducted emissions set-up

                                Environmental test chamber


                                         DC power supply


 Report reference ID: 371364-1TRFWL-R1                                                      Page 63 of 63

Document Created: 2019-04-10 13:19:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 13:19:34

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